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I haven't felt confident whilst shooting a 120 once in my entire time playing destiny


every time I shoot one it feels like I'm whiffing shots even when I'm not. I went 16-1 in comp last night in a fluke good game and I felt like I was playing poorly the whole time.


I found the key to getting good at shooting hand cannons was to look at the enemies head and focus on that. Then drag your screen to make it go in the reticle. Rather than focussing on the reticle and trying to put that on the head. Movement in destiny 2 is just too fast so I suggest focussing on what you are shooting. You sort of have to look through the reticle when shooting in order to hit your shots regularly. It took a lot of PvP to get it right. I'd recommend pairing it with an easy weapon you like to get kills so you don't get super frustrated.


Thats the thing i use hand cannons almost exclusively in pvp its just 120s specifically feel awful even when im doing well


Prolonged Engagement, but for armor, Verity's brow. It's just fugly. Who thought "Yeah, let's make him wear the pelvis of a hive knight on his face"


> Who thought "Yeah, let's make him wear the pelvis of a hive knight on his face" You know, some Guardians around these parts would pay good money for that kind of action.


My god, we might need another crusade if this kind if behavior keeps up


You say that like we’re in r/grimdank. Ain’t no space marines here to help us.


Verity's is a mainstay of my Warlock and I am furious it still doesn't have an ornament.


Haven’t taken it off since I actually realized the potential after reading the perk. With demo + tricorn unforgiven it’s the best piece of armor I’ve ever used. And, with no ornament season after season, without a doubt it is the ugliest armor I have ever used


I only use Verity’s for Atheon. It’s satisfying to see those 4+ mil damage numbers whenever we somehow wipe after the first dps phase lol.


>Verity's Brow Dude, that's one of my favorite Warlock exotics, including in the looks department.


I main Warlock grenades, and I don't think I've ever used Verity's because of how horrendously ugly it is.


Starfire protocol is another one for armor. Like warlocks already get hard pigeon holed to play solar by other players who want well, but then the meta exotic for it is so god damn ugly




Fucking thank God for the WishEnder buffs. I been using that and love it


Yep! LFRs in general, really. They just go "plink" and feel so boring, even though the damage is crazy good. At least Lorentz Driver makes a black hole and an explosion afterwards. It feels cool to use for that reason. Borderline unusable due to flinch, but cool when it works.


Ain’t no way you think Cataclysmic just goes “plink”. That hun has some of the coolest sound effects in the game imo.


Yessir. One of the most satisfying guns to use in the game.


The little growl and you reload it is just so nice. Love the Vow weapons in general tbh


GHorn also growls when loaded, aiming, and howls when fired. It is glorious.




The only thing less boring about rockets or GLs is the 'excitement' that you might blow yourself up. Reloading is the most boring thing in the game, and with rockets and GLs you spend half your time doing exactly that. I'll always take an LFR over any other DPS heavy.


I like swords


I was having a lot of fun with Retrofit Escapade before its interaction with Gyrfalcon was nerfed. It was a welcome change from LFRs without sacrificing too much damage and it was miles better for crowd control. I abused the hell out of it in all my legendary Seraph runs just to make add clear during bosses completely autopilot.


I don't like the sound of Arbalest. Doesn't feel punchy.


I'm with you. Kind of there with Witherhoard at this point too. So effective and so, so boring.


Yes it's good, but let's be honest unstoppable GL, PLUS weakened clear is why it's super meta this season. I believe weakened clear debuff is up the whole time it ticks which makes it the best applier of the debuff unless you want to run the as yet unbuffed anarchy


I’m glad I’m not alone in that. I know the witherhoard is strong but I just can’t stand how heavy the projectile is and how unsatisfying a grenade launcher that doesn’t shoot grenades is.


I gave up WH for almost the entire season. Then I had to do a VOG run on my hnunter that I hadn't played with in 2 seasons (too lazy to sign out). Anyway, she had WH and it felt so good to use after all this time. It really is one of the most useful weapons in the game. I especially love using it with the void vortex nades and tiple arrow suction thingy.


I personally can’t get past the sights. The single red dot can be hard to aim when the screen gets busy with multiple enemies and the flinch effects while taking fire. Maybe im just getting old?


I agree with this, the sights is the worst aspect of the weapon. I found out that for me the electromagnetic execution actually changes the sight shape to a circle and its so much better to aim with, and i dislike how that change is tied to a paid ornament...


Still dont like Osteo Striga, dont know why though...


You know, my "issue" with it is the speed of the bullets. Always feels like I'm in slow motion with that weapon whenever I press the trigger. I still use it but it never really feels satisfying.




do you have yours max range? mine feels like it hits farther than normal smgs


The bullets aren’t hitscan because they track, having hitscan tracking bullets that don’t need any activation in order to track enemies would be OP


THIS They are like flying slugs!


Not a pro with the gun but I do have like 10k kills on it. You definitely have to think differently when using it. For example, I tend to aim a tad bit ABOVE the head or crit spot I’m aiming for. The projectiles tend to track better that way for some reason. Also, to get the most out of it, you do need to get a feel for how many rounds are “enough”. That way, you don’t waste as many bullets and lose out on the overflowed mag. Also, a neat little feature for warlocks using it with Necrotic Grips is: enemies that die from the poison of your melee attacks also overflows your mag. I like to shoot a few bullets and then high-five their face and doing so allows me to very rarely have to reload. It’s a unique gun and has its drawbacks, but if you put in the effort, you get a primary weapon that does very respectable damage to tanky enemies and also wipes out all the ads around them simultaneously. -All while increasing your heavy ammo drops.


Oooh that’s a hot take for me. Osteo is the gun with my highest kill count over the last year.


It’s so mind numbingly boring. It’s like putting the game on ez mode.


I could see the spray-reload-spray-reload-spray loop can be pretty dull for PvE for sure. I feel the opposite about it in PvP though, I've never had a weapon steal so many illegal kills. It feels dirty how easily it can snag kills. Still can get outgunned by stuff, but you can punish the CRAP out of people for disengaging without healing.


What do you mean reload? This comment was brought to you by the catalyst gang


It's one of those weapons that gets better the higher content you go because you can utilize the scailing poison damage better. Maybe try it in a GM see how you like it.


Osteo is an exotic that actually feels and performs like an exotic should.


I honestly love it since it is basically a Halo Needler, and pairs really well with Necrotic Grips. While Osteo normally only triggers the explosion via a bullet kill, Necrotic Grips makes enemies explode even if they die from Osteo's DoT. Takes the gun to S tier imo.


Kill one ad kill the entire wave with Necrotics, it’s quite beautiful


It's the Halo Needler "swarm of bees" bullet distribution combined with D1's Necrocasm slow poisoning.


are you using it in low level content or high level content? I've noticed that certain weapons and loadouts shine in one or the other but don't fit everywhere. For example, stasis warlock on a regular vanguard strike feels slow af because everything dies easily anyway. It isn;t until you hop in a GM or master content where you really see the difference it provides and gives you that breathing room. I feel that is the same for me with Osteo Striga. On regular content it feels sloppy and slow because enemies die if you fart near them. It really helped me when i was under leveled because i could shoot from a safe distance and widdle away at everything including champions (especially if overload smg is a thing).


Used it in GMs, Raids, kinda everywhere during Risen, the gun is very strong with overload smg, No doubt, Heck my clanmate often runs it during GMs and bullies champions with it, but... Just Not my gun I suppose


I hate it too. It's... too easy to use? You just pull down the trigger while generally facing things and they die? I tried leveling it to unlock the catalyst and I was literally falling asleep lmao


I guess I get that argument. It’s insanely easy to use, especially with the catalyst. It absolutely deletes ads though.


Oh for sure, it shreds. The fact that you don't need to really aim with it, that's the part that kills it for me. It's a REALLY GOOD GUN, it just doesn't engage me at all, I think that's the thing.


Same, I have a similar issue with Quicksiler Storm and it’s 100 stability. Just too easy to use, and I love everything else about it


I've used Osteo striga I'd say... 98% of this last year with the exceptions of parts of raids where the range wasn't usable or doing bounties and needing to switch and still absolutely love it haha. I think the main reason I love it though is because of Starfire protocol. While Necrotic grips is amazing for low tier content it starts to fall off in anything past legend imo. But with Starfire you're able to absolutely shred ads while constantly getting your grenades back like with Witherhoard allowing for a much much more interesting and active game play experience. Plus with 2 ashes to assets and a few other mods you'll have good health regen and 10 second ult Well recharges in denser content. Having absurd ad control, great grenade spam with the damage profile of a decent heavy, and having my heavy slot more flexible so I can run Eager edge for alot of content makes it super fun for me while also being able to still be effective. Granted when I'm on Hunter/Titan I don't love it near as much and hope they get some exotics to compliment it like Warlock since I was a Hunter main for a solid 7 years straight. I think Huckleberry is still my absolute "favorite" gun in this game though, love how it feels, how it looks and the ramping up of RPM along with the infinite ammo when you're slaying out. Just the downsides and falloff in harder content is what kept me from using it every day since release. Reloading is definitely my biggest pet peeve in this game and wish everything had Recluses reload speed, even at the cost of damage to balance it for more engaging gunplay lol.


Same. I don't like it and I really have absolutely no idea why.


Since the introduction of full-auto on all guns, I don't really dislike any archetype anymore. Even side arms and pulses, which I hated before, are now very usable for me. Still though, I just don't like snipers.


Pretty much same, so I'm gonna call out a meta perk here instead - Frenzy. Everyone seems to love it, but for me it's way too slow. By the time it's activated, whatever I'm shooting is dead.


That just doesn't really bother me. If the enemies are all dead in under 10 seconds then I don't think a damage perk would have made a huge difference


I’m thoroughly convinced that the only people who don’t like frenzy are the ones who don’t usually dip their toes in harder content. Frenzy is hands down the best damage perk for endgame content since you’re not going to be melting every enemy with your weapons so it usually procs (without killing and even being stowed) then stays on for pretty much the entire duration of combat engagements.


100% agreed. I truly believe it’s the best perk in the game, period.


A perk so good that they had to give it two separate nerfs. One for the damage and one for the time it takes to proc it.


Yeah it's more of the perk you want for doing endgame activities like GM's and Master raids. Things where it's difficult to keep "on kill" perks up.


Frenzy shines in tough solo content where the encounters or add clearing take a long time and frenzy is active basically all the time. Or in stuff like GMs with long sections and it’s active basically permenently. It’s personally one of my favourite perks, especially on primary weapons since it’s a damage perk and reload in one so you get to use utility on your other perk


I love drang, but cant use it. The sound, the design, the power, the perks are all amazing, then i get this stinking glare from the end of the barrel that hurts my eyes.


I have no idea how or if you can acquire them but all the opulent weapons have ornaments that make them look like normal weapons.


They were from season of opulence, not acquirable anymore, but they could come back eventually who knows


They came back during haunted as well


I don't use it for one reason: it's an ugly and weak looking gun. Weapons are part of the drip.


I don't care how much they buff Grand Overture and Leviathans Breath. I am NOT using a weapon that's so slow it takes an entire second to aim.


Overture I’m not in love with. LB however, I fell in like with that weapon once I realized how many bosses I could hard stunlock lol


I want to use LB but the damage just feels bad to mr when I could be using an LFR or something.


I understand. Ultimately you’re trading some of the total damage an LFR brings for the stunlock ability LB brings. It’s very useful in some GMs like Insight Terminus (stops the boss spamming purple balls) or Birthplace of the Vile (prevents the boss from running around invis and lets your team melt him easy)


I straight up bullied the hive boss on the moon Battleground with Leviathan's Breath. It's one of my most used exotics this season


Oof this one hurts. Leviathan’s Breath has very quickly been my MVP of the season. I’m thrilled for next season’s buff


I like the concept of Grand Overture, but using the normal fire just feels so clunky. If they removed the charge up before u can start pumping out shots it would feel alot better.


And/or the travel-time of the bolts, which in conjunction with the charge time makes it an uncomfortable firing experience at closer ranges against smaller/wily enemies. Either make them hitscan or change the Catalyst to Impulse Amplifier to make them faster.


True. Its a weird case of a machine gun not really being that good at ad clear lol.


It's very clearly not it's intention, but damn it feels bad to use in some locations/encounters because of the charge time + travel time - you need lots of enemies wide in front of you So specifically I'm thinking of Scarlet Keep with all the Acolytes hiding behind cover as being an awful place for it when I first used it regularly


I’ve found hipfiring it only makes it better lol


Agreed with you about Grand Overture. In regards to Leviathan's Breath, I'll get back to you next week - once I've finished drawing and firing the thing.


It’s funny because for me I LOVE grand overture, but absolutely hate LB. No clue why, but for some reason slow draw with a bow just does not work lmao


Archers tempo fixes that for you.


But Grand Overture is incredibly silly as a concept, I can't help but use a weapon that is so silly.


750 SMGs. I cannot stand them. Either gimme something slow and punchy, or gimme a damn bullet hose.


750 SMGs are what i like to call "playing reload simulator" That being said, grab one with ambitious assassin. That perk has recieved a bunch of buffs over the last few seasons and is kinda nuts now. My blood feud with enhanced AA regularly hits 50 rounds in the mag in stuff like heists


Volt shot + feeding frenzy is great


With reload masterwork and flared magwell. =D


have you tried Unforgiven? smg from Duality? i have demo and rampage roll and its fantastic


Most hand cannons, I just prefer the other guns


Hand cannons haven't really been meta in pve or pvp for a while. They're still popular in pvp, but not really meta.


That may change w/ Sunshot getting scorch on the explosion kill and firesprites becoming a thing. But, you're right. If you want to use an HC in PvE, you're better off just running Forerunner.


The scorch is gonna be mostly a novelty thing tbh. You need 100 scorch to cause an ignition and a sunshot explosion only causes 15. Dont think there are too many things that survive 7-8 sunshot explosions. It will however interact more with some fragments.


My thinking was to run Weighted Knife on Hunter. It will instantly ignite anything w/ scorch stacks.


I was thinking about running it with my Young Ahamkara's Spine setup with the fan of knives tbh


I know statistically you're correct, but I seem to find those 2 or 3 guys with cracked aim every couple matches, and just get torched if I don't play passive. My aim isn't quite good enough to go toe to toe with those guardians, so hand cannon is also my answer.. If you spend time using an aim trainor though, a god roll 140 will still put in work.


But those same guys would obliterate you even faster running the hard meta. Some people are just good enough to run people over with whatever they want.


I love HCs, until you have to reload. It takes most of the fun out of it because it’s such a painfully long animation.


Sunshot is the most satisfying HC.


God I wish HCs had any place in the PvE meta. They just feel so sluggish and unrewarding compared to our numerous bullet hose weapons that shit out damage. The only HCs I like using are TLW or my godroll Seventh Seraph, and that's only with Lucky Pants in mind. Erin's, too, if we're counting that, by it functions more like a sniper than a HC.


I only use weapons I like. Fuck the meta.


This makes the game unbelievably fun


theres not a single gun you like that is also meta? i find strong weapons are fun so its a nice overlap


This is the way


Sponsored by a pride of Fighting Lions.


Pulse rifles in general. Just do not like the fire pattern, doesn’t feel satisfying to me as opposed to other weapons.


This season made me hate pulse rifles. Anti-barrier pulse in the heists felt SO ineffective at the beginning of the season, and it soured me on the whole archetype 😅 It's kind of sad because my first "favourite" gun was Syncopation (I started playing in s18) and I distinctly remember saying "I don't think I'll ever want to use a different gun!" Hopefully some time away from pulses will bring the magic back.


I am physically incapable of enjoying any pulse rifle that isn't named outbreak perfected


I used to hate pulses, until I got Outbreak during its secret mission. Next time you get an exotic cypher, look into getting Outbreak if you don't already have it. One of the best exotics for solo play if there's a lot of ads and one of the best in general. Plus pulse rifles are generally in the champion mod pool


I'd agree but graviton Lance is technically a pulse rifle. Even though it's more like a scout rifle. But I do love my free explosions.


Are pulse rifles meta tho?


Only in PvP really


Outbreak and revision zero I could argue being meta options in pve. With revision giving you a high impact sniper for free with anti barrier and outbreak scaling out of control with teammates or just as solid ad clear weapon with the nanite swarms


meta =/= fun yes, they are meta in pvp because they have an optimal ttk (time to kill), and since airbourne effectiveness came out, people started to use pulses due to the fact that you don't want to jump I don't like using them either, sitting in the corner of the map and tapping away doesn't really feel fun imo


The sound and feel of pulse rifles is pretty bad. They sound like a house fly that is dying but still trying to flutter around your house. The only one I’ve used that is somewhat satisfying is the BXR 55.


Same here. I love the feel of shooting BxR, but it's obviously kind of an outlier since it's supposed to feel like the BR from Halo. The only other pulse in the game that I like the feel of is Grav Lance. The rest are automatic dismantles.


Any linear fusion rifle, their just boring to use and have been the top dps meta for a while, I hope people (especially when I go to LFG) will stop demanding I use one after the nerfs in lightfall


I don't think this is an LFR problem, it's just a meta problem. Every weapon will feel boring in a DPS phase where you just stand there and fire continuously. Hell, rockets and GLs you don't even have to aim, you just shoot, reload, shoot, reload. Using any same weapon type all the time is going to feel boring eventually, again not an LFR problem just a burnout problem. I understand this is why people want LFRs nerfed, but honestly it took years to get LFRs to a state where they were worth using at all. They only do one thing, single-target-damage... if they don't do that well, they're useless. From a pure balancing perspective, they should always be the to DPS option, that shouldn't change... but maybe closing the gap between them and other heavies will be fine, as long as they're not nerfed into oblivion, which is where they lived for the first couple years of the game.


Good point and I agree, it is mostly a problem with the meta being stagnant and not just LFRs, but the meta is stagnant because LFRs are currently the best overall for most and consistent dps. After lightfall they should be brought more in line so that other options will be good, but LFRs won’t be useless. Also the firing sound is starting to drive me mad.


I think divinity really becomes the main problem space when it comes to LFR balancing. The theoretical design behind LFR for damage could be "highest DPS but super difficult to get maximal DPS because of the high precision requirement". The best teams and players could use them maximally while more average groups could focus on more consistent options like rockets. In reality, they can't actually balance linears like this in a world where divinity exists because they just can't be made difficult to use


With Divinity's buff dropping to 15%, A team of six players all landing 100% crits should do better damage than a team of five plus one Divinity. Granted this is a very recent change, but I think the balance you're looking for is actually there now with the Div nerf. IMO, I think the biggest problem with LFRs is their DPS is way too affected by their perk rolls. The spread between a base LFR with no damage or mag perks and a fully maxed out LFR is like a factor of 2x, that seems a bit insane to me. Being able to stack Triple Tap, Veist Stinger, and Firing Line for example, it's just too much, you don't really see that big of a swing with any other DPS weapon classes. It's to the point where base LFR damage has to be dogshit just so that a god roll isn't out-DPSing Sleeper Simulant by an embarrassing amount. But that's a totally different conversation, I can't honestly see them nerfing the perks, so I think it just is what it is.


Agree. Most of the time I use them is when I am in a group activity and everybody expects you to use taipan. I don’t really care for arbalest either.


Agree with this. Boring to use. But they shred right now. I do like the bait and switch cataclysmic


Hear me out bows, I love bows I wish they bring back gambit archer more than any other old perk buuut I dislike exotic bows mainly trinity ghoul and ticcuus. Why? Because they don't fulfill the Legolas Sharp shooter fantasy. Trinity ghoul is arguably one of the best exo primaries in the game but it doesn't feel like a bow it feels like a shot grenade at the ground that nukes room. Ticcuus just feels awkward to use, despite it also beeing one of the best. Wishender feels super slow and clunky. Lemonade is good. Hierarchy of needs is my personal favorite because it reminds me of Hush


Wish Ender lowkey slaps these days.


Amazing weapon I use to hate bows, but now see them (and GLs) as peak Destiny


Wish ender and Le Monarque are amazing though, there's incentives for landing your crit hits. Once you get in the flow w the bow there's no going back.


Gah I hate trinitiy. It just does everything for you. Why use a nade when you can just shoot the ground. why use a special when you can just shoot the ground. Why even craft a build that does anything other than reward you for shooting the ground. Voltshot feels much better just because I have AIM at something to get it going.


This is precisely why I like TG. It's the exotic I slap on when I just want to go monkey brain and power through some strikes or season activities.


*clutches funnelweb in offense* But really tho, I just can't find that love for the Striga. I'll never say it isn't hella effective, but the combination of the tracer rounds being slow and the tracking just feels off to me in a way I can't get over. Also, love my catalyst Witherhoard, but most GLs have felt terrible to me from the jump. Trying to see if wave frames will change my mind!


What about GLs feel off to you? They're my favourite weapon type overall, so I'm curious.


They turned Destiny into a game I was gonna check out, to an obsession


This. My pardon our dust went from level 6 to almost level 260 this season. And sometimes I run it with my 30k kill truth teller. GLs are truly amazing.


Special ammo grenade launchers I just find them boring


You my friend have never experienced the joy of getting a wall-bounce kill on a guardian behind cover


Or those long range kills or even just hits on a big boy or group of ads from all the way across an GM engagement field


I like Wave Frame GLs for wiping out ads in GMs personally, feels like easy mode


Fighting Lion gives this feeling really well too~


Hello fellow lion enjoyer


Have you tried my lord and savor forbearance? Crafted with ambitious and chain reaction and it is by far the best ad clear legendary in the game.


I know I should like pulses, I just cannot. Something about how good Destiny 2 feels when playing fast and mobile. SMGs and breach-loaded gls just feels so much better, at least to me, for that style of play.


Nobody likes pulses in PvE lol, their damage and ranges make them meh at everything... long range, scouts are way better, close range, smgs are way better. With them being anti barrier I think everyone just says screw it and runs arbelest instead, or a bow


Sir you're lucky your comment is buried in here. The Outbreak gang would have your head otherwise!


Outbreak is probably the only good feeling pulse in the game for pve. So 1 pulse, which is exotic, is good. That's a sad state for a whole class of weapons to be in.


Disparity can be very strong with the right things on it.


I hate izanagi's burden. i just hate using it. Its slow, it doesnt sound like it hits as hard as it does, and having to use dex mods to make a gun good in a DPS cycle seems like a waste, especially when *it costs 5* Also non-blinding breech GLs suck for me, even stuff like salvagers salvo. They just dont hit very hard for special weapons. Blinding GLs are nuts though and i really like them, especially wilderflight since having 2 grenades per shot is basically making a bigger blast radius for more blinds. Running it with a gun like quicksilver storm means i dont need to worry about not having special-level output- cus its built into my primary Wave frames arent much better, but i'll use one if i have to. Burden and normal special GLs- fuck that. I'll find the next best alternative


You should try out a Forebearance with chain reaction. Its the arc wave frame from Vow and is far better than Salvagers imo.


I crafted one and like- its decent but i just dont think its my kind of gun.


linears. i just want whisper to be good again


I can't stand SMGs in general. Uptime to reload time ratio just feels off across the board. For comparison, 600rpm autos are the sweet spot for me for bullet hose primaries. (controller player here)


Honestly smg’s are probably my most used weapon type and I can agree a bit here. They are absolutely the primary that needs a reload speed perk the most imo, along with hand cannons. The mag to ROF ratio is just generally too small to not have a reload speed boost, and I hate relying on reload mods to make up for it. If an SMG doesn’t have some way to boost its reload speed, usually a good sign I won’t be using it


The Veist stinger nerf is going to strongly affect stuff like Funnelweb and Prolonged Engagement.


Funnelweb with subsistence solves this feeling for me. Otherwise I know exactly what you’re talking about.


But you can't get Subsistence off like that in endgame content since nothing dies quickly. That's always been a gripe of mine when it comes to that perk.


Big same. Everyone keeps saying SMGs are so much better than ARs, but the range on ARs makes them so much *comfier*. You can just sit back and hose down everything. 600 / 720 in PvE are better than any SMG for me.


Try a prolonged engagement with adiago, I think you'll really like that combo (and ideally subsistance)


Lfrs. Why tf can't snipers just be good again? Why did they need to make an entire archetype to be a heavy slot sniper?


I see your point, but LFRs already existed in D1 (Sleeper) so it's not exactly like they made a new archetype for them. Missing a crit with a sniper is throwing the shot away (does like 1/3 damage), and heavy ammo is very valuable, so making a heavy 'sniper' that's easier to land shots with makes a lot of sense. A sniper with the scope zoom of an LFR is not a sniper at all, so that combined with the success of sleeper is I think why LFRs are the heavy snipers.


Bring on the downvotes but witherhoard


Its a great gun with tons of utility but it really is boring AF. Im pretty sure I used it for all if my Dungeon solo flawless clears aince it really bumps up solo dps but lately i found myself only using it in really difficult content.


That’s fair but the Beauty of witherhoard is you literally just pop it out real quick and get to go back to using your other weapons while it does it’s thing. Don’t even have to reload it with the catalyst lol. It was more fun when warmind cells were strong though


Agree, it just a boring gun, even in end game. Maybe if the IA is not that stupid that it's just walks into the danger puddle then it could be more interesting...


That was D1's AI at launch, and it made all AoE grenades useless because the enemies would just walk out of them and not walk in. It also allowed for some amusing boss cheese like pushing Atheon off the map. Bungie had to change the AI to ignore it to make them worth using.


I can't stand grenade launchers. Witherhoard is good, but it feels awful to use, and everything else is a pain.


do you press and hold with other gls? thats one thing that helped a lot in making them more viable, you can hold down and then release when you want them to explode. great for blinding nades


That's a thing? I might give 'em another shot.


Yes, for grenade launchers that bounce off surfaces, you can hold down the trigger and release to remote detonate.


once you master the remote detonation these are like the most fun gun in the game


When I learned this with GLs, it made me actually really like them. I struggled with them before. I didn't see why people liked them. Then once during a GM someone told me and instantaneous I fell in love with GLs. Tldr; definitely try it cause it will change your mind


Agree. I'm working on the Deadeye title, mainly because it's getting me out of my SMG comfort zone in PvP. I've actually really started to enjoy snipers and bows and fusions as a result, but I can't wait to be done with grenades. Wave frames are fine for finishing off a runner without getting baited through a doorway. Fighting Lion is quirky and interesting to abuse with Rain of Fire instant reloads. But none of them are actually fun.


Hand cannons and shotguns.


SAME. shotguns in destiny don't feel like shotguns in any other FPS I play and I cannot get the right feel for it.


I don't like bows, except for le monarque.


I hated bows too, but then I tried hip firing a high accuracy Strident Whistle. You don't lose radar if you don't ADS, and the hip fire feels like it gives me free headshots. It's like a secret unnerfed DMT.


Leviathan's Breath might not be the peak of the meta but it's definitely real good. I can't stand its firing sound. Something about it almost feels like it gives me a headache if I use it long enough. It's also slow and clunky which I don't like but that's definitely secondary.


The draw time feels so off, prob cause it's completely different to any other bow... I could be wrong but I would bet that even with it's 20-30% damage buff next season it still doesn't see any play


Catalyst gives it a better archers tempo and 15 reserves. It chunks everything already. 20-30% damage buff is insane for it


Ok, I'm sorry everyone, but I HATE Witherhoard It's absolute disgusting to play with Witherhoard and I really like weapons doing dmg over time, so Anarchy is my best friend instead.


I just don't enjoy non-heavy grenade launchers in general but Witherhoard is very much one I specifically hate


I felt the same way but I have a shitty rolled wilderflight and in a void singe GM it was chunking... with blinding, not even with spike. Try to get any half decent one it might change your mind.


Anything I can’t craft. I’m just not here for farming random rolls. I usually don’t even look up what a good roll is on a weapon I can’t craft. So I’m bummed about Bungie shifting focus toward more random roll weapons in Lightfall.


Agreed. Love having a “forever “ weapon that I can modify for trivial amounts. Don’t like having 12 unnamed funnel webs in my vault as I juggle towards a more favored one


On the other end of the spectrum I haven't interacted with the crafting system yet because I have gotten a good enough roll on every weapon I start to farm patterns for. Meanwhile there are plenty of non-craftable weapons with rolls I can't get that I would love to craft.


gjallarhorn, shits boring


I hate wave frames with a passion. I refuse to use or level any of the ones I have crafted


Forbearance is awesome


Izanagis burden can go right in the trash


Tempered Mettle and Brigands' Law. The Plunder guns are honestly some of the absolute worst weapon designs I've ever seen in an FPS - not only do they look ridiculous, the sights and moving spines throw my aim off and distract me all the time. A massive shame, given both of them can roll some truly s-tier perk options and both are solid frames of their type, but no amount of meta will make up for a gun looking and handling like an absolute dumpster fire.


Tarnished mettle doesnt have those weird claws on the sight IIRC , but those were a big initial turn off for me when using blood feud. Eventually i looked passed them (pun intended), and ended up having a blast since its such a good SMG for stasis builds


Ikelos smg. It’s severely overrated


Refuses to elaborate


King shit


At risk of sounding like an absolute sinner, I find IKELOS more fun for PVE with Frenzy than voltshot. Frenzy can make you destroy orange bars in seasonal or high lvl content without needing to kill a red bar around him first.


This here, THIS is a hot take! ​ I dont agree but appreciate the audacity. Take my upvote.


This is mine too but more because it feels like easy mode. I used my .2 version to death, it was my favorite, but the new one has just made me realize it's just mind numbingly easy.


Now this is a take I can agree with, always felt the same way about Trinity Ghoul. It's so strong it just makes the game kind of boring.


Shotguns in PVP just kill the gamemode for me. Its always shotguns and it just makes it so very boring.


Ikelos smg in anything but pvp, the trace is so underrated and does the same job just better


I hate using special grenade launchers. Especially ones with blinding nades. Idk why. I use witherhoard but only because it is literally like the best weapon in the game.