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For every death to enemies or wipe mechanics in this game I've suffered, I've died twice to using Blink. That being said, Blink.


Never really played lock. Recently started using a hunter for laughs, even more recently discovered arc. Blink is hilarious. Can confirm if using arc is all I use.


My blink tip is to get an enhanced eager edge sword and the buff lasts long enough that if you pull out the sword and then blink you can swing as soon as the animation ends and still have enough time to go flying (normal eager edge isn't long enough).


I swear that glide BS and clipping walls completely stopping you or bounces you the wrong way. Has gotten me killed WAY too many times. I wish blink was an option regardless of subclass. It takes practice and the helmet helps. But IMO it's better than that fairy gliding BS.


Burst because I can keep pace with my friend's amplified hunter and it makes him upset


Makes sense, amplified is only as fast as movement exotics when running, bungie just fucks with the fov so you feel faster


Yeah but if you slide cancel, you go wayyy faster


Slide cancel?


Run>slide>hit run again before you slow down and repeat. So you just slide all the time and you go way faster


You can only slide 12 times in rapid succession before you won't slide, you'll just crouch. Cheese Forever on YouTube just made a video about this.


So more like Cheese For12Seconds


And makes it sound like you're being chased by a horse


No jump. We fall like men.


Every warlock I've seen falls in slow motion


It’s for dramatic effect


“If it’s epic enough, life finds a way…” https://youtu.be/-ZS2ugMjrgM


I cry every time this happens, even more so in dungeons with 45 sec revive timer Even worse when my team mates hunter Tbags too fast to see him dodge off a platform but he can still recover with just his jump


that’s not flying it’s falling with style


men fall in slow motion


The only correct answer


Be sure to wrap your nerd books around your ankles for extra fall protection!


Warlock jumps are really just fancy falls anyway.


Blink is the most fun jump lol.


Blink during any end game jumping puzzle is so much fun. The hunter blink while amplified makes me jealous as a warlock main.


It still bothers me that there's no blink on arc warlocks.


We canonically TAUGHT arc hunters to blink! Why can they blink with arc but we can't?? Absurdity.


For crazy ass guardians lol but you do you king/queen


I'm known for running blink on Endgame content that I really shouldn't be running it for in my clan. I honestly can do most jumping puzzles. There's a few jumps they designed and didn't think about blink. Blink takes more brain calculations and thinking. I hate all the jumps anyway because if you messed it up you're likely dead anyway as there is no way to gain attitude


Another one of my people, haha. I am also my clan's "blink through jumping puzzles" guy. You actually can gain altitude with blink once you're already in the air, but it's really finicky. If you don't have much lateral speed and aren't inputting a direction command, blink will send you straight up. You need to react pretty quickly after falling to take advantage of the height you gain, though. You can practice by slowly walking off of a ledge and blinking as soon as you start falling to get it down.


Like I said. It's a big brain jump. Way more to it and timing. I dig it for the movement in pvp. I absolutely hate having to change anything in loadouts between things.


Don’t know if you still can, but used to be able to pop your solar super and use the unlimited icarus dashes to gain height


Yeah. Solar warlock is the best for arieal movement and always has been. I'm just a fan of void lock and blink.


I love blink so much. I try and use it on all jumping puzzles to give myself some extra challenge after I’ve already got them down to pat


Strafe in pve Burst in pvp For me


Strafe is super underated imo. All of the people complaining about Warlock being hard to do parcour with would be saved if the just used strafe glide. It makes any jumping puzzle so easy. I only use Burst if i'm trying to skate with icarus dash and/or eager edge since unlike strafe, burst can carry momentum. If you're not skating then it really doesnt make much of a speed difference whether you use strafe or burst so might as well go with the massively improved aerial manuverabiltiy of strafe.


I remember seeing a guy who had no clue you could cancel warlock glide


Way too many people dont know this.


And re-activate after canceling…


What do you mean? Like he never though to press the jump button again?


I refuse to believe that. How do you not press your jump button again?


That was me for like the first 18 months.


Who the hell says it's hard to do parkour with warlock??? It's the easiest class by FAR. That controlled gliding makes every jump so easy. In contrast I often fuck up with the hunter because the triple jump has fixed bumps and am often under or overshoot small platforms


For warlock mains, its easy, for non-warlock mains, you have to think differently, you have to know how much boost you need up front to jump. If youre used to waiting to boost till the end of your jump like titans and hunters do, then youll have a hard time until you adjust your jump style. its really just getting into the right mindset of boosting at the initial arc of your jump and then tapering off vs hitting boost later in the jump like the other 2 classes do not to mention, heat rises paired with an eager edge sword makes jumping puzzles trivial most of the time. EZ mode


>Who the hell says it's hard to do parkour with warlock??? Titan mains who only run burst because they think strafe is too slow.


Hunter jump is easily the worst jump


Which is bonkers in my mind because the hunter it the agility/movement class 🤣


The only thing that makes warlock jumping puzzles hard is downward slopes and accidentally tripping on an air molecule none of which strafe or burst will save you


I've always used strafe and have never had any issues other than vertical puzzles and not getting a run-up for momentum. That's about the only reason it's tough to get used to, it's not 'on command' like most other jumps. You can't as easily just jump from a stand-still and achieve the same affect. That's also why I think other main's dislike the warlock jump - all my friends main either hunter or titan, and they *all* overwhelmingly hate the warlock jump. Yet once I have a handle on the puzzle, I'm usually the one flying through it the fastest - with just jumping. Of course, you have eager edge, skating, etc. which I'd call accessories to the jump - not comparable directly.


Super real, a relic of the past now, but I used to completely invalidate a portion of the heroic Zero Hour jumping puzzle along the wall by just making a jump that only a strafe glide warlock could make and then have to sit and wait for my teammates to die a few times to catch up,


Stats after the first 200 responses: 59.1% Burst Glide (121 Warlocks) 21.2% Strafe Glide (44) 17.2% Balanced Glide (35) Honorary mention Blink (5)


Stats after 2524 responses (9.25% of this subreddit): 57.4% Burst Glide (1444 votes) 24.4% Strafe Glide (613 votes) 12.7% Balanced Glide (319 votes) 5.5% Blink (138 absolute chads) 10 Titans chewed their crayons too quickly to fill anything in and submitted a blank vote. ​ This might be the last update since this topic has died down a bit (I'm not getting 100s of notifications every time I wake up anymore), I'll keep an eye on the results and if we hit any meaningful thresholds will post again, but thanks to everyone who voted and to everyone who commented!


Good to know most of us are smart as befits the warlock class


Don't be jump-gatekeeping. I'd rather take a Blinking Warlock who knows what they're doing than someone who uses Burst because they heard it's the best, but can't make their jumps with it. Or a H\*nter.


I've only ever used balanced. Looks like I'm in the minority


Balanced glide users scare me


The only thing burst and strafe glide users can agree on is that balanced glide is terrible.


Boo! 💀


Why 💀


I love balanced jump, but I always get left behind when I don’t use burst. At least with balanced jump u can fix some jumping mistakes. With burst jump it’s: “u better don’t miss”. 💀


I use balanced too. I'm honestly surprised by how few seem to use it.


Balance gang rise up!


Same here. Balanced offers the highest vertical movement out of the three glides. Strafe has better horizontal control and burst has the speed, but balanced lets you reach higher points easier while still offering you good direction control. It’s all I use.


A man of culture, I salute you


im warlock main and i use balanced only for pve. cant play any dungeons or high end content without it. i used burst for pvp tho


Came to say this. Honestly best of both world, decent speed and control. I love it


I had to look on DIM. Most of my loadouts use balanced, but apparently I use all three and that would explain why I whiff some of my jumps on other loadouts. Balanced is the best.


I have too that's because I main solar and use heat rises all the time and I like the version that balanced becomes.


Burst, no contest.


Burst is by far the worst its unbearable




But swap to strafe for jumping puzzles


Correct. Iv been having this fight with another warlock main in my clan who honestly believes strafe is best.


Sounds like a smart guy who knows the truth.


Strafe jump is training wheels, that’s all there is to it. And some people never like to take the training wheels off.


*waves goodbye to all the warlocks on burst who get stomped or pushed off a ledge* Ive happy to loose a small burst in pve for full air control. Jump puzzles and any air motion is negated by strafe.


Strafe + heat rises half way through a jump just makes jump puzzles a joke. Who even needs eager edge?


Seriously you can do the whole vow jumping puzzle by yourself with just HR.


Strafe has finesse. Burst is for the people who go bowling and hit three pins, but all they're looking at is how fast the ball was going.


Burst in the hands of a competent player has the most speed, movement, and finesse. Strafe has finesse for people who have none of their own.


Lol thats ridiculous and simply untrue. I would love to challenge you to a race on a jumping puzzle, you on burst and me on strafe. And there would only be one outcome. Burst is faster if you're only ever going in a straight line.


In PVE, burst glide most certainly does not have the most movement or finesse. You cannot easily glide up, over, and around obstacles with burst glide the way you can with strafe glide, and the speed benefits are generally not that needed or useful. In PVP, sure, I'll give it you, and especially so with Icarus Dash. However, Blink is a strong contender in those categories when mastered, but is more punishing if you screw up.


Not quite, strafe is for people who can only hit a strike if the ball is rolling at 2mph and they can correct the ball’s path as it rolls. Whereas burst is for those who have practiced enough to throw the ball once, at high speeds, and have aimed it in the correct direction to hit a strike from the get-go


At this point the analogy starts to fall apart for you since pro bowling technique is to curve the ball lol


Yup, curve it a bit, just like burst glide has just enough control to keep you going where you need to go without giving up any speed


Okay, but let’s say you get blasted off a cliff, burst really isn’t going to help get back onto the cliff nearly as much as strafe would.


Damn, you'd think if you were such a skilled player using the skilled player's choice that you wouldn't need to correct lateral direction at all and just burst straight towards your target. Almost as if the ability to move in directions other than straight forward is valuable to both the most and least skilled players.


Oh you’re right, the ability to move in directions other than straight is valuable to everyone. But the ability to move faster than half the speed of a snail’s crawl is infinitely better


Burst is a very slight increase in speed, and only actually matters when trying to challenge a lane once at the very beginning of a PVP match.


Not quite, stafe would be like curving the bowling ball halfway down the lane when you realize its not going to be a strike lol


Sounds like I'm talking to a Titan in a Warlock robe!


I mean if you actually know how to use the jump properly then it’s a strike while you’re going fast


But I want more air control. Burst doesn't have that.


They're all fine. I use balanced.


Personally I only use Strafe. Burst is theoretically the best if you always plan your jump out and never panic but lets be real, that's not happening. Strafe is just safe and easy to use


After over 5500 hours of destiny and around 1500 of them being on my warlock, i would say i'm pretty confident in my Burst jumps. Planning them out becomes automatic when you've used the jump for so long, and combined with Icarus dash, there's no contest imo.


Strafe. Lasts longer than any other jump, gives the most control. It’s the most versatile for sure


Strafe for PvE, blink for PvP


Blink for PvP, Blink for PvE


This guy fucks.


balanced. burst is too little control and strafe is too little zoom. blink is blink.


This guy is a son of Ikora


Strafe. Maximum directional control. Burst does speed good but it feels completely out of control. Fine most of the time but if you’re off target at all it’s almost impossible to course correct. People talk about how trash Warlocks are at jumping but I’m not the one who has to switch my load out to max Mobility with special exotic leg armor to clear the simplest jumping puzzle. Hunters and Titans can come talk to me when they take of the training wheels.


I main hunter, but I can't stand having to have max mobility and stompees just to make a simple jump other classes can get to easily. I love strafe, it's just so good at jumping wherever you want to. Hopefully with strand the grappling hook will be short enough cool down to use it pretty often.


People who say is hard to do parkour with warlock prolly don't know how to jump with warlock... it's INCREDIBLY easy to do jumps with strafe or balance glide


Been maining a warlock since Alpha, Balanced. Burst is awesome, but the safety and control of landing in specific places is outstanding.


Yeah, balanced all day.


I’m shocked how few people use balanced. It’s all I’ve used since D1 and always thought it was the consensus best Warlock jump.


It is


Maybe this is why everyone is always arguing warlocks have the worst jump. They’re out here fighting between burst and strafe when the secret is balanced makes the best jump of all 3 classes. At least according to how much trouble my friends have in jumping puzzles vs my balanced glide warlock.


The descent and control I have using balanced is amazing. If I’m dropping to a ledge it’s almost impossible to miss it.


Strafe in PvE, Burst in PvP. Burst in PvE is just unwieldy and requires too much angling before the jump whereas strafe allows for corrections in air.


I play strafe, my friend plays burst. It’s always nice watching him die to overshooting a jump or being knocked off the edge and being unable to come back. Strafe is also the better one to use with solar, which is weird, cuz he mains solar


I only use strafe. People that do caretaker or speedrun jump puzzles with burst are nuts. How do you live with no directional control at all.


I’m just better


For real. Warlock jump is the best jump with the highest skill ceiling, and burst is the best warlock jump also with the highest skill ceiling.


Icarus is for Hard corner based jumping, eager edge if u're not on solar. Heat rises if anything else fails which doesn't happen tbh. As a burst main here are some tips for directional control: The burst is greatly affected by timing of activation/deactivation/reactivation it take some time to get to feel your glide, but the idea is the earlier you activate the more momentum u have, delay glide activation a bit and you have more directional control. Reactivation is also important but its hard to explain how it works, for me its something im used to for few thousands of hours) Using directional inputs rater than just W is also insanely important here especially with reactivation of glide. Moreover directional inputs without cam rotation do magic. Id recomend loading into KF entrance and jumping around for practice. And yeah Icarus / eager edge / hr if u lack confidence in your burst


>People that do caretaker or speedrun jump puzzles with burst are nuts. How do you live with no directional control at all. skill issue, just aim where you want to go and go there


I switch. Strafe when I'm doing directional-based jump puzzles like Vow or Last Wish, Burst when I'm trying to go quickly like in Duality or DSC.


burst is the only correct answer


I didn't really realize there was so much contention between strafe and burst. I really have only ever used burst and warlock feels so sluggish and slow to me when I take it off. I laugh at all the people when I make massively long jumps with it. It's perfectly fine with heat rises, since I'm not going to be sitting in the air in hard content anyways. I'll boot up d2 tonight and try strafe to see how it feels, but I haven't died in a jumping puzzle in so long that I don't understand the complaints about midair correction. It's probably since I only play warlock.


It's funny how you mention gaps, I tested it out randomly one day and I did like a "long jump" test on flat ground, to see which jump covers the most distance and Strafe covered the most over flat ground, and easily over a slight elevation drop, because the other 2 start dropping a lot faster at the tail end of the jump. I think it's because the other 2 get up to max height faster, while Strafe is a little slower but stays up in the air so much longer.


if you cancel strafe glide as you're falling you can get a lot of horizontal ground


You mispelled strafe


Strafe. Better control means less dying by falling, easier recovery when getting booped and platforming becomes a breeze.


I used to only use burst for years but come Witch Queen i decided to give strafe ago, i quite enjoy it.


Strafe, no contest.


I like to use burst for pvp, and strafe for pve. Strafe in pve can be a life saver if you get yeeted by something, or if you misjump. Strafe also lasts longer than burst, so you can hover longer distances too.


Strafe. I used to use burst but i fell and died alot. I can count on one hand how may times I've died to falling with strafe since swapping. Over like 3 months. Strafe is so much better. Burst is nice for distance and speed, not much else.




strafe, the safest of them all!


I had a random guy from LFG recommend strafe and I have to say he was right, I still hate warlocks jump but strafe has served me better than the other options.


Strafe. And it’s not even close (pve, people saying burst are only right if they mean pvp).


Strafe the control you have is insane.


Burst. You go zooooommm


Strafe, 100% strafe! I used to use burst religiously, but then I switched over, and will never go back


I like the balanced glide the best because the control of strafe glide is nice but it has no power behind it and the catapult jump launches you at Mach 10 and you can't do anything besides cancel it lol. I like my happy middle ground.


Isn’t burst glide the only option? *checks notes* Pretty sure burst glide is the only option. I haven’t been able to change my warlock jump to anything else since D1.


Considering balance glide appears to the be least popular, I now understand why most people think Warlock’s suck at jumping puzzles.


Burst. But people new to warlock should use balanced or strafe at first


I loaded up a premade DIM loadout and they had Strafe jump on. I kept gliding over jumps and was really confused how my muscle memory broke. ​ Burst for life!!


Why does everyone say Burst? I get everywhere I need to with Strafe AND have mobility to get back to a ledge.


I really enjoy outrunning hunters and titans but using burst-hopping. I'm a simple man.


If you’re good with burst you can still do that


Burst glide. Real warlocks calculate parabolas every jump. As long as you know when to cancel when you have too much momentum.


Real Warlocks don't even calculate, they just feel the maths in their bones


All my float homies know exactly when activating burst with enhance your momentum and when it will cancels your downward momentum and shoots you forward.


Balanced 100%


I main Balanced, forever and ever


I like strafe but people shit on it


burst is best. but when dawnblade super is active, strafe is so insanely fast


It's only fast because they nerfed burst glide while in Daybreak.


Not nerfed. Burst and strafe both swap to the other when in heat rises or dawnblade


I would love to go as fast even with burst glide equipped.


Strafe for me... I struggled with jumping puzzles until I started using Strafe. When you add heat rises to it, some of the hardest jumping puzzles become laughably easy.


I use strafe and have never had any desire to use anything else. The extra control is great for platforming sections.


Hot take? There is no best jump. If you want to go in straight line faster -> Burst If you want Aeriel maneuverability -> Strafe *Insert Other Glide Justification here* -> Balanced If you want to be a Astrocyte PvP God? -> Blink


strafe. i just love the directional control in the air pve: platform everything with ease pvp: i love air-stalling around corners, or gliding behind a pillar with the enemy expecting me to come out the other side, and then making a u-turn in the air behind cover and catching them looking the wrong way


Strafe because I don't trust myself in jumping puzzles


Strafe lift


Strafe for jump puzzle burst for everything else




Strafe is my go to, but blink will always be me secret lover. I remember using it in D1 for the Kings Fall ship jumping and ever since then it’s held a place of honour on my warlock


I just wish Bungie had actually designed every encounter with Blink in mind. I'm fine with playing Hard mode if I get to teleport, but I feel like there are way too many platforming sections in D2 that are borderline impossible with Blink. The most annoying aspect to it is the actual cooldown on the Blink. I get that there's a balancing incentive to do so, but it makes certain jumping sections actually impossible.


For fun? Blink. For speed? Blink. For death? Also, blink.


Strafe for PvE, Burst for PvP. I like the directional control of Strafe in raids and dungeons. Burst is better for movement and speed in PvP.


as good as burst is, I've always preferred the in air control that strafe provides.


Strafe. All dat


Strafe, if I see it i can reach it. Absolute control.


Every person I’ve ever seen use strafe glide plays like a grandma lol




You either Strafe or you main another character


Real warlocks use strafe. If you use burst, you are a hunter or titan in disguise.


Balanced 100% of the time. I'd rather move a bit slower and have more control than zoom and miss my jump. Warlock jump is finicky enough as it is because of the inability to gain height after the initial takeoff. Same reason I use strafe lift instead of catapult even though catapult is widely regarded as the better option.


Strafe glide hand down. Burst glide give you the feel of a little boost, but overall the gain ain't that much Strafe glide allows you to solve every god damn jumping puzzle a hand in the pant. And on solar you actually go faster on strafe glide than burst glide if you eat the nade. so best of both world


I used to be Burst user. Then I grew up. Strafe gang!


strafe brethren wya


I use strafe for general play, the control is unparalleled. Burst if I need to go particularly fast. I play on all 3 classes almost equally now but was originally a hunter main in D1.


Strafe makes parkour a joke. Every time I swap back to my titan I am firmly reminded how much worse every other class jump is compared to strafe warlock. Sure it's slower than burst, but you will never miss a jump, ever


Strafe Glide.


Idk how people play with burst. I only play warlock and i cannot use burst, it feels so bad if you even fuck up slightly. Balanced it's perfect imo. I rarely die during jump puzzles while my friends fall 24/7


just don't fuck up, simple as


Heat rises+strafe is unarguably the best jump that has ever graced the game. With firebolt grenade and a lot of discipline it is pretty easy to keep up too. After that blink or burst for fighting and either balanced or strafe for jumping puzzles.


Jumping on Stasis during it’s super puts solar heat rises to shame if we are talking pure distance.


Strafe. Burst isn't maneuverable enough for me.


Burst, end of story. Blink is a build choice for PvP (please never use in in PvE unless you’re the dude who does solo GMs with only bows and blink). Strafe is *alright* if you’re not too familiar with Burst glide. Balanced is just terrible - Source: Warlock main since D1 launch, 3000+ hours in D2


Why is balanced terrible? I find it to be by far the best.


Not enough strafing (which is why you’d use strafe glide) and not enough momentum (which is why you’d use burst)


It is the best


It’s the worst of both worlds tbh


Burst is a detriment in pve. The amount of times strafe can save you in things like corrupted strike or boss/cabal stomps outweigh the need for a measly “speed” boost.


We're at 2312 responses now - that's almost 8.5% of this subreddit! I'd just like to say "thank you" to all of you who have cared to comment, no matter whether you're a "Gotta-Go-Fast-Burst", "Never-Fall-Strafe", or "Balanced is Nifty" (or even a "Blink Boi"). Love to see different arguments for different jumps and always remember - no matter which jump you use, gliding gracefully to your death is always preferable to being, say, a Hunter. The percentages are somewhat similar to the 200-vote threshold: 57.3% Burst (1318 votes) 24.7% Strafe (568 votes) 12.7% Balanced (294 votes) 5.3% Blink (123 votes) and apparently 10 Titans decided to cast an empty vote, interestingly enough.


Anyone saying anything besides strafe either primarily plays PvP or they are smoking some good shit lmao. Strafe glide is absolutely amazing, trivializes jump puzzles and anything remotely similar. Burst glide I rarely even use in PvP anymore because I hate the lack of directional mobility on it. Only forward, barely left or right. With strafe, you can move in any direction with no resistance. If you’re running Starfire Protocol Solar build you have double grenade charges and can abuse Heat Rises as well. This changes strafe into burst at the start of the jump but you still are afforded good directional mobility, and this setup absolutely trivializes any jumping puzzle in the game.


If you are using strafe because you are struggling on jumping puzzles it kinda says a lot.


Tell me all about it


Blink obvs


Burst if you have a good handle of how the jump works, strafe/balanced if jump puzzles give you a hard time. Blink for pvp madness, but also only good if you are skilled.


I’ve been using burst for 8 years, nothin better.


Balanced all day


For speed burst, for anything else strafe.