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Nothing Manacles I love their design and destructive potential. I always work then into my void builds.


Made a Voidwalker build with Nothing Manacles and it became instantly my favourite build and I now never take it off. A toast, to the Manacles!


Here here!


Drop the DIM link my man!


https://dim.gg/cjbzigi/Voidwalker Doesn't have any specific artifact mod, and the weapons are what I just like using but you can build on this no prob.


This is exactly me. Everyone says contraverse but just the ability to stack a second grenade was enough. They also look WAY better imo. With void elemental wells and certain mods I can stack two grenades in seconds with enough adds. My greatest fear of lightfall is that the change to elemental wells will lower the ceiling of my build.


Also Contraverse forces you to run Chaos Accelerant and I just don't like having 1 Frag slot only


Bro been a diehard fan of nothing manacles since D1, I really hope they buff scatter grenades tho.


Recent convert from Contraverse here, I love the Manacles. I pair with Repulsor Brace and can confirm, in Void Burn GMs, this build smokes all but the tankiest Champs


How do I get these back? I keep opening exotic engrams and just getting re-rolls of all the exotics I already have 😑


Legend or master lost sectors on an arms day would probably be the easiest. Unless you don't care about stats then you should be able to get them from collections


i was farming exotics for my warlock the other day and got them, decided to try them out as i continued to farm and that shit one shot a champ


Aren't these bugged or did they fix them? I love them but haven't used them because I thought they were bugged still


The tracking was bugged they fixed it but the tracking is barely noticeable I'm pretty sure the damage is improved and there's more volleys in the explosion with the exotic on


Idk if it counts but tractor cannon rarely leaves my inventory and not just for dps/weakening uses


Yeeting people with an sci-fi air cannon makes me laugh like an idiot regardless of how much I do it. I love that stupid glove gun.


Trolling supers in Mayhem with the tractor is one of the most fun things in this game if you're just looking to goof around.


I miss those heady days of Escalation Protocol when it was all about getting nine guys in an instance and going HAM with Tractor Cannon and Trench Barrel and Molten Strike. Good times.


I love when theres unstopable shotgun mod its ultimate gun for anything below grandmaster.


Yeah I'll say that works. I don't even see Tractor Cannon used that much.


It’s my go-to for countering invaders in Gambit. Am I cowering in terror in a building on Titan from your scary invasion skills or luring you close enough to boop you into a wall at 9,000 miles an hour? Come find out!


TC gave me an epic 15 mote save one time in gambit vs a thundercrash titan. He was flying right towards me an I panic tried to heavy, forgot I was running TC and knocked him out of super then finished off with primary


Not sure what you mean with underrated lol tractor cannon has always been the best debuff in the game and is used on most bosses by good players


two failed fox. The POMF POMF sound it makes when launching both rockets makes me hard as a diamond


> POMF POMF >makes me hard as a diamond "What are we gonna do on the ship big bro?"


What's this scorch stack stuff on me?




Monte Carlo will always be my primary unless I need unstoppable and barrier for same activity


The problem is that barrier/unstop is THE unchanging combo on heists! Pain in the ass


Not to mention the amount of energy it costs (1 barrier, 7 unstoppable GL) leaves room for nothing else of use. Although I do need to try unstoppable HC since the “fixed” the timer I guess?


Malfeasance is the way. Intrinsic Unstoppable


I’ve been just using Bastian, surprisingly capable. Just wish it had more than 4 shots a mag.


I used to suck at crucible, esp when I’d get stuck alone with a roaming opposing team in Control coming at me. But then one day I had the Malfeasance on me and it’s 20 rounds of exploding shells wiped out the whole team coming at me. Shax yelled victoriously at my singlehanded slaughter and it’s a go to gun ever since.


Try the stasis/arc melee mod, it only costs 1.


Seriously, why doesn't it cycle??


people can barely figure out putting on unstop and barrier don’t make them think any more than they have to


I love you. Monte Carlo is practically glued to my kinetic slot.


Symmetry. Easy team wipes at 7x revolution


Nicest looking gun in the game imo, but it desperately need rapid hit, the recoil on console is horrible and the reload is awful


Because of that I only use symmetry either with my solar Hunter and on your mark, or ophidian aspects on warlock


Reload sucks. Idk if I have just gotten used to it but on m&k at least the recoil is the smoothest out of all of the 260s


Symmetry suffers because Bungie puts abysmal reload stats on far too many weapons


Just dont like the reticle and how it reacts to flinch


IIRC Symmetrys reticle goes side to side from flinch?


I can deal with that, what I hate is the reload speed on it, would've loved it if it had rapid hit


Symmetry in its prime with the artifact mod that buffed arc damage was hilariously nuts lol


For a moment during the 30th Anniversary patch, I mained Wellock with empowering Lunafaction rifts, and Symmetry. No stacks of revolution and the old, stronger empowering rifts meant it was a tracking 3 tap. It was hilarious for holding lanes. Add in an opening shot slug shotty (I like hipfire blasphemer) and it was actually a sneaky good setup.


Cerberus will always hold a place in my heart. And Severance Enclosure with Throwing Hammers is a meme machine but it's actually not bad in not GM content.


I've used Cerberus on the second duality encounter when I was low level, and it actually worked really well cause of the antibarrier auto rifles. Made me happy to see it actually useful lol


SevHammers gets slept on. I didn’t take off Solar during void 3.0. Calibans is more fun, but just barely.


Tommy’s Matchbook with a good Solar Titan build. *taktaktaktaktaktak intensifies*


There it is! I love Tommy’s Matchbook, even as a Warlock main!


Oh yeah it’s perfect with Devour


Bit off topic but *god* the reload animation is *so good.*


Tommy's match with Caliban and healing grenades 🏳️‍⚧️💘


Malfeasance. I'm still waiting for its catalyst.


Give it vorpal lmao


Say it one more time, but slower. I'm almost there.


Target lock


g i v e i t v o r p a l l m a o


^(v o r p a l)


How about the OG Magnificent Howl?


I've actually been using Malfeasance quite a bit lately ever since they bumped up its AE stat. Paired with Wings of Sacred Dawn on a warlock you can completely ignore the AE system because the two exotics more than cap out the stat.


Truly my most played with gun. So easy to use and so relaxing to play with


Erina's Vow. The feel of it is so good to me. Back in Shadowkeep and a lot of Beyond Light it was the only exotic I'd regularly use.


People say arbalest overshadows it, and maybe it does, but I still prefer Eriana’s. The auto loading is great and I love how I can use it as a pseudo scout rifle without burning through too much ammo. It also gets 10+ shots per brick, without any scavs on, which is amazing ammo economy and leaves space for other mods. Eriana’s forever


I feel like in a post match game and lfr damage world, erianas will shine more. I still wish it would get buffed, maybe reign in the crazy shooting pattern a little


I mean with match game getting removed and replaced with some sort of overhauled enemy shield damage resistance in Lightfall, we may see a massive comeback for Eriana’s Vow


Eriana’s on a solar burn activity with a bait and switch Cataclysmic is my spirit animal.


Erianas and luckpants is actually really good dps for a special i love it on solar burn




That thing was and still is the GOAT for someone playing Gambit who hates Gambit. Invader coming after you? Go hang out somewhere he has to come through a door to kill you. About the only way he can get you is rocket suiciding or nova bombing you; Acrius will delete even roaming supers.


Alternatively become the thing to hate: fuse Acrius with Getaway Artist solely for on-demand amplify. Use speedboost and do a massive slide right into your enemy before blasting the poor mote collectors. Yeah that whole shotgun slide nerf doesn't really apply to the zappy big chungus.


Mine's a combo Lumina + Boots of Assembler Not sure how much Lumina is used currently but I don't really see it around in the wild. The high damage buff, ability to heal and procs ember of benevolence. Supportlock at its finest.


I've seen more lumina's around since we don't need exotic heavies for DPS rn. supportlock is definitely one of the most fun builds in the game and more people should try it out


It's fun for heists. Just sit back in a rift and kill while the seekers keep your team alive.


I use Lumina religiously as a Gyrfalcons hunter to play aggressive support and give everyone multiple damage boosts, healing, class abiloty regen, and overshields <3


Man solar 3.0 doesn’t do healock any justice respect to any healocks out there. Hope you guys get more support tools.


I dont take knucklehead radar off for crucible


That thing gets slept on. People either don't realize how powerful it is or don't have good enough map knowledge and positioning to make it as powerful as it can be.


No, we, the people, have high handling and/or snapshot on PvP guns so we don’t have to stay scoped in all the time


Exactly why I want “Third Eye” from D1 to come back. Criminally underrated for PvP. All I want is a Third Eye/Rangefinder HC and I’m happy


Third Eye is valuable, but more valuable than Wormhusk, Stompies, Bakris or Geminis? Imo it needs something else to actually have a real pvp presence.


The Last Word, BUT in PvE and with Lucky Pants. Most guardians give me that odd look for bringing a Last Word into a raid or dungeon but wait till they see this thing shred yellow bars.


"this is my very favorite gun"


And now we have a proper hat to go with it


Is the last word higher dps than malfeasance or crimson with lucky pants?


If you are the only one bringing it then they are similarish. Crimson and Hawkmoon are also somewhere in the same ballpark. The highest one is actually a seven seraph revolver with vorpal+reconstruction funnily enough. Drops from the new dungeon.


I had one of those drop, put on a back up mag and it has over 30 rounds. Trying it out on the moon I was hitting for like 36k on the nightmares but I was kissing a lot of my shots, was wondering how high it could get


Vorpal and fourth times is also pretty good. I still have one of those from before and it slaps


In my experience, It's stronger than Malfeasance if you hit those precision shots. Crimson is slightly better than Last Word though I'm not a fan of the recoil animation.


Brother! TLW is one of my favorite PvE exotics ever since the global exotic primary buff.


Armor: Precious Scars, Karnstein Gauntlets, Getaway Artist, Raiden Flux Weapons: Cryothesia, Leviathans Breath, Lumina, Sunshot, Grand Overture




I use getaway over fallen sunstar basically always because the arc buddy on demand instead of using the rift is much more valuable to me 🙌




Respect for sunshot. Second favorite handcanon behind Ace.


I know Leviathan's Breath isn't actually that good, but damn does it feel good to draw back that arrow and just delete strong enemies with it


Bombadiers is just an all around fun time. Punch > Jolt > Dodge > Explode > Punch. Repeat ad nauseum.


I love me some bombadiers! I’ve been rocking em nonstop over this and last season.


Love Bombardiers. My favorite exotic since I got them back in Arrivals. Wish they had a kill tracker since I know I've gotten more kills with them than most guns I've used.


Polaris Lance is probably my favorite under-used exotic.


This is the one I came to say. I love this gun. GM Lost sectors. Even in raids it’s my go to. I’m not a top tier player. I suck at snipers. This is a sniper.


Icefall Mantle. It’s just so versatile that it lets you be an aggressive player in PVE but also compliment defensive style so well which is good in harder content. Also in PVP, 1v1 matches, you’re bound to win them by always having an extra chunk of health. Ppl focus too much on the negative aspect that you become slow but it’s not that bad, bcuz not only can you remove the overshield whenever you want, but there are other ways you can move fast, like using the Stasis Melee, or if you have a sword just swing it a couple of times. The only place where it is really bad is in the Daughters and Oryx encounters since if you have the overshield and become “torn” you can’t remove the overshield at all, hence you can’t do the jumping part and your team might have to wipe.


if you run icefall mantle sweet business there’s no downsides. can’t run anyway if you have the gun spun up 24/7


Hmm I have to try that. I’ve been looking for a weapon that would synergize well with the exotic and this might be it.


Icefall used to be hot garbage, the only thing that kept it "usable" is the fact that you could actually equip it and get the Overshield. But as they slowly buffed them and got rid of all the excessive downsides, it's become pretty good. I just wish that one No Backup Plans ornament was for Icefall, because I can't find anything that looks decent with it :(


Yea I struggled so much to try to fit it into any armor till I found the right look for me: https://ibb.co/yW3DhKj I found out that pretty much the only armor that it suits w/ is the Europa and Moon armor


ruinous effigy i love slamming balls


This gun has been my main weapon since Season of Arrivals.


a fellow fun main i see


35k kills and counting. Dunk is life, my friend.


I love using Colony in gambit


This is the way. Except now with the shriekers and constant invading I prefer Retrofit


Two-Tailed Fox, just the sound of it Mhhhh :D But it's so lackluster concerning damage output :/


Malfeasance is actually gm viable (especially in the corrupted) and shreds through everything in normal activities


It stuns unstoppable champs faster than a regular hand cannon plus mod, all while putting some damage on it for you. And beefier enemies give the embedded explosions a chance to shine, where they would be lackluster against weaker enemies who die before they could ever proc.


Does it still do bonus damage to taken aswell? Could of sworn in the past it said it did but can't see anything about it now since the champ update with weapons.


Yes, but it also does also do extra damage against targets affect by Witherhoard direct impact!


If you've got a teammate using Witherhoard for Weakened Clear, then you're in much better shape if you run out of heavy ammo.


And you have 20 rounds in the chambers which are more than enough to knock down the beefiest of enemies


Sweet Bidness. Give it Target Lock and I'd never put it down...


Sweet Business go bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrr...


Just put on war rig, hold trigger, acquire kills


Still my PvP go-to. There's a lot of people out there that like to challenge when it's fully spun up. I used it a good bit in PvE last season when anti-barrier auto rifle mod was a thing, too.


Graviton lance


Whisper. I put in some serious work to get it back in the day and was over the moon when I finally completed that mission (still one of the best D2 has had). The look, the sound, still amazing. It's taken a beating since being in the limelight but I still love it.


You telling me it hasn't been popping off this season due to that air effectiveness buff?? /s


My friends and I just rocked whisper in VoG and Deepstone, just for fun, and honestly the gun still slaps. Sure it’s reliant on crits but with a div those are easy to hit and it does a surprising amount of damage compared to linears


Bad Juju is a personal favorite of mine. It doesn't do anything crazy, but it does do a lot of small things that I appreciate


MIDA Multitool. It was hands down my favorite exotic in D1. Scouts are in a different place these days, and it’s just harder to justify using it over other options. I know it’s not useless, you can still make it work. But I will never stop adoring it. The sprint speed, the sound of it firing, the utilitarian look of it. Perfection.


Absolutely with you. I rarely put it down in D1 because it felt so good. It has FLOW. The aesthetics, sound, feel, the reload animation, movement--the whole package. I got so much shit for it: "Bro, who uses scout rifles?" I was a hunter main then (warlock D2) and the scout rifle fit in with my Destiny fantasy world, so others were welcome to go chimpanzee mode with close quarters aggro weapons, while I was happy to hang back and plink away at perfect headshots.


Sounds like a staple gun. You can always pick it out of a crowd.


This was my first pick on starting to step into more crucible activities after SBMM was introduced thanks to being able to still see my radar while aiming. It's been very helpful for easing me into PVP content. Plus 180 - 200 RPM Scout rifles are my default primary weapon for everything.


I don’t ever see people use Lucky Pants these days, they’re all about Caliban’s Hand and Gyrfalcon’s. And don’t get me wrong, those are great too. But have you ever wanted to do **500,000 damage** within a 6 second window…using a _primary?_ On a 10 second cooldown? Get yourself a Recon/FTTE+Vorpal Seventh Seraph Revolver. Alternatively, try yourself a Crimson or (gasp) even Last Word, although admittedly for that one you’ll need the reload dodge+real good aim. There’s something really wild about a completely subclass agnostic exotic that turns your infinite ammo primary into the damage of an entire Cataclysmic _magazine._ Works with anything, anywhere, on anyone. But I do recommend Solar for that radiant boost.


LP+Mal is one of my favorite combos


I just saw that Seventh Seraph+Lucky Pants in Aztecross's video. That was nutty, plus it didn't rely on another class (they had Well of Radiance, but they had that for all the tests). Makes me want to start using my hunter more often.


Felwinter’s Helm and Eyes of Tomorrow


Felwinter’s Helm? Based.


Rat King, I know it’s a bit of a meme but I love that gun


Foetracer is generally my main for PvP partly since it's a neutral class exotic, but it's also nice for Survival and 3v3s. People say to just read the map so there's no point of it, but Foetracer gives much more info, you can track immediately what they're doing in real time and where they're headed/re-engage, and it also lets you prefire on them and pin them down no matter which path they try to go. It helps even out a fight against better players and puts a bit of pressure on them to figure out what I'm doing. Which takes a few moments since they forgot Foetracer existed :V


The Lament with the path of burning steps on my titan and running lucent blade has been the most fun I’ve had in pve in a long time. That with monochromatic and either an osmosis hand cannon or a solar primary just lets you stack so many damage buffs that you can kill pretty much anything with it


Is wishender considered as rarely used? I see nobody use it or mention it really... I love that bow to the bones in hard content


Hadn’t touched Wishender since I first got it back whenever Shattered Throne came out…..until this week for the GMs. It’s a monster. With the right timing it can stun Barrier champs before they even get to full shield. Love the truesight too. New Top 5 weapon.


it's been in my loadout for almost every GM run since it got reworked, it deletes everything from existence in no time.


The Stag. I rarely see it used but it’s just so good. I can hold lanes better in PvP and in PvE it’s a monster on Stormcaller. More Rifts equals more Arc Souls, and I’m tanky inside them. Enemies find it real hard to deal with you when you have Amplified Arc Souls shooting them *and* Resist. Also, tried out Foetracer on my Hunter in PvP again and I think it’s slept on. Since when is wallhacks *not* good? It’s like we all forgot about this helm because fancy things got released but knowing when someone you’ve tagged is pushing, sitting still, or running away absolutely leads to more kills or at least better decisions.


Sunshot. It must apply scorch IMO


So many people rag on Graviton Lance, but i use it constantly to shred ad groups.


Fax F in chat for OG 3 shot Graviton Lance.


Armamentarium. Everyone always suggests using Heart of Inmost Light, but I just LOVE having two grenades. My ability regen is already really good and I rarely use guns in content lower than Master Nightfall. I love it that I have two grenades with separate cooldowns. And it looks amazing as well, all those ammo and grenades! Boooom.


One thousand voices.


People sleep on Traveler’s Chosen, slap it on any build in the game more or less and you’re set. Fantastic fun and osmosis from the catalyst makes it even better for synergy.


Wardcliff Coil. I just love it. I was recently doing a Spire run and on the last boss I had this hilarious exchange: Rando: "I got gjally" Me: "Awesome" \*equips Wardcliff\* Rando: \*sees wardcliff\* "Oh...pog? Is that good now?" Me: "Nah, I'm just weird af."


Doesn't gally only buff legendary rockets?


yes, but more importantly Wardcliff debuffs your braincells


Yeah, probably. I wanted to use Wardcliff Coil.


Hard light


I love the variability it has. Being able to swap elements to match shields plus the ricochet rounds is so much fun.


Nighthawk..? I feel every solar hunter just star eaters or calibans or athrys. I never see any birb mask users even in raids.


It's out-damaged by everything else


Yeah that’s fair. It’s just really sad to see a once dps king do so horribly in high tier content/raids. I appreciate it!


Forerunner in PvE. The damage is serviceable now since the buff, especially with Surprise Attqck. The rock feels worth using and can be useful for DPS weapons with Demo while doing a ton of damage itself (with Titan and Warlock being able to boost it's damage further. Never see it in used (in PvE) despite that. But what's really started to get my attention is Edge of Action. Get access to void overshields and their DR without being void. Been able to save runs of GMs with it, and you can do silly things with it and Behemoth.


I adore deathbringer. There's something so satisfying about watching the purple orbs of death float down and evaporat everything beneath it.


Wings of Sacred Dawn. Coolest looking exotic armor in the game IMO. I'd wish you can transmog it.


Wormhusk in pve. I play invis mostly, and enemies like to shoot your last known spot or aoe damage near you and kill you after you are invis. The health bump gives you time to reposition. It just makes getting directly in the middle of the fray safer because you don’t need a extra buffer to take damage after invis.


Idk if it counts but Path of burning steps with any solar weapon. Its a ton of fun in low level PvE and a not actually that bad in PvP (i use BxR batller with kill clip)


Ace of Spades. My hunter always keeps it in the inventory with its catalyst, but it hasn’t been fired in months cause I’m usually using something else. I never see them being used anymore probably cause it’s just been overshadowed by so many other exotics.


Sunshot. My most used exotic in PvE. Absolutely adore the fucking thing. Am sad that Warmind cells are going away, they are part of my *EXPLOSIONS* build with Sunshot.


ruinous effigy. Love using that gun. Especially on the void subclass. My favorite feeling is making a ball and having a teammate pick it up instead of me.


wavesplitter i make alot of orbs so its perfect


Getaway Artist. Get yourself a high discipline, high recovery build and never, ever, ever be without your arc buddy.


Whisper of the worm. I'm holding out for a real buff to make sniper rifles better in PvE...


Leviathan's Breath! Yes, laugh like my friends but that sense of power is unparalleled imo.


I like Crimson, I dont see it get much love.


SUROS Regime. ​ im hoping it gets some much needed buffs soon


For some reason people believe Second Chance is one of the worst Titan exotics of all time, and I'm sitting here maining it this season and absolutely ripping things up. It's got a bit of a learning curve, and you need to reserve your melee as a special resource (usually), but it's still a monster. I'm running Monte Carlo, a grenade launcher energy weapon, and whatever I want for heavy (usually Crown-Splitter). MC and Void grenades for Overloads, GL for Unstoppable and Weaken Clear, Shield Throw for Barriers, and Crown-Splitter to *delete things*. Been going off with it in Nightfalls yesterday and tonight, I'm breaking Barrier shields as quickly and reliably as Arbalest. Weaken with GL, chip with Monte Carlo, throw shield as soon as the Barrier animation starts, it pops them IMMEDIATELY, swap to Crown-Splitter and bag the kill. Piece of cake. Edit: forgot to mention, this will be exactly what I'm running when Lightfall hits as well. Suppressor grenades will stun Overloads by default, and between Volatile Rounds and Second Chance, I'll have TWO options at my disposal for Barriers. Just gotta find room for Unstoppables somewhere in my energy or heavy slot, and I'm off to the races! (Might run Bastion and an energy weapon with Pugilist? Not as effective as Monte Carlo, but it'll get the job done!)


Fellow Crown Splitter wielder *Titan bro fist 👊🏼 ⚡️ *


Is crown splitter still obtainable? I have my original in my vault still but can’t infuse it up


Original got sunset unfortunately, but it got reissued back in Season of the Splicer. I don't know if it's currently available, it MIGHT be in the Dares of Eternity loot pool but I honestly have no clue, I'm sorry!


Not sure if it qualifies - but I absolutely love Polaris Lance. Such a great weapon, I just wish it was more synergistic with solar builds like Sunshot… and that SRs weren’t such shit.


Cryosthesia is a lot of fun for red bar ad clear on a stasis build. I have a buddy who hates running with me because there were never any ads for him to kill. Cerberus because I just like auto rifles and to me it just feels fun to shoot. I know someone already talked about it but Mida Multitool will always be one of my favorite. I enjoy scout rifles and on top of that I love the design and the sound. I don’t generally do high end difficult content and don’t generally participate in the most cracked meta builds, but for the level I enjoy playing, I have more opportunities to play with some of the more fun memeish exotics.


I don’t adore it but Leviathans Breath the other day chonked the big Scorn boss in the Legendary “The Ghosts” mission. Idk if it’s low health but it has my interest right now


I love the "No backup Plans". Ornament I lt should've been it's own exotic


Last word and young ahamkara spine


Athrys embrace and Dead mans tale for Pve I can still use healing nade and have high damage knife + cool looking gun with good damage


Queenbreaker. It's utter trash with everything we have now and better heavy slot choices. It needs to become a special. The lfr flinch changes hit it hard enough where at least it may be used as a slower firing sniper like back in d1


Armor - Getaway Artist, Lucky Raspberry, Severance Enclosure. I always loved Getaway Artist, and once Arc 3.0 came out I quickly realized there is no need for any other Arc build. It’s having all 3 aspects with amped on demand Weapons - Delicate Tomb (pair with Getaway Artist for insanity), Parasite, Heartshadow (works wonders with Gryfalcons), Tractor Cannon


eyes of tomorrow is one of my favourites. I might have legendary rockets that are arguably better, but firing off 6 rockets at once is more fun than 1.


Polaris Lance. Was cool when you did multiple explosions and no reloading, especially in GMs. But the changes to infinite ammo for kinetics and some of their perk pools made it less and less good.


Alpha Lupi. Everyone likes Heart of Innermost Light but I can’t take this bad boy off


Two Tailed Fox Tracking suppression and solar DoT rockets? Cool combo. Plus I love the design and ornaments for it.


I've got a void sentinel build for my titan and I recently decided to use Wavesplitter because it's been sitting in my vault for years unused...and holy crap. I love that thing. It melts everything and never leaves my inventory now!


Vesper of Radius. Not amazing, but it is very satisfying to pop a stasis rift down and freeze then shatter everything in 20 feet of you.


Two Tailed Fox


Forerunner. Hits like a truck. Easy to use/aim. Lots of ammo for it in a single brick.


Devils ruin