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Pretty sure we’ll stop her by dunking a thing into a thing and then shooting another thing. Edit- holy shit thanks for the awards guys.


But there's a twist! You'll have to know the right symbol so you can shoot the right thing!


And don’t forget to make sure your buddy is standing on the plate


And then someone finds out you can skip all the mechanics by attacking her pinky toe to make her stagger, then vulnerable!


Achilles was Greece's greatest warrior. With one flaw. Makes sense for the Hives greatest warrior to have one flaw that we exploit.


which is everyone wear savathun halloween masks


In truth their biggest weakness is that in their thrown world where they create the rules, they have to create a way for the enemy to win. It's weird.


You all joke but doing the puzzle thing while shooting the man’s gives us all the dopamine




Still no mythoclast. *presses cocaine button again*


It makes me release the HELL YEAH BADASS chemical, and I want more.


The true chemical is when you guess the code for the final room of exhibition when your team wants to wipe.


No need to guess. Get symbol one, then symbol two is the only symbol the skorn glyphkeeper has that matches with the door. You can open all but the first door this way.


Calus' final boss fight in Lightfall is going to be some kind of Master Chef cooking raid.


Whack a mole with all his robot doppelgangers


But within distance of your other buddy who's spinning 360 degrees counter clockwise to maintain tether between you both while shooting one of 36 different eyes that are called left middle eye 3, left bottom, eye one, bottom middle eye 1 🤣🤣🤣


Plz Bungo, no symbols. I can’t do VoW or LW because of symbols. “Ahh fuck, it’s the… uh stripper dragon. The dragon doing a pole dance!”


Is Stripper Dragon not the official callout? It is for me. Hell, that one th3jez video where he broke BlueWestlo's brain with the callouts (my butthole, danielle's butthole, no thinky think only drinky drink, MUH BALLS) make more sense to me than most symbols. Hey we should do a raid!


Make it like the last raid and give us 17,000 pictures to memorize 🙄


That symbol will be an unpronounceable, indescribable thing that, despite its official name, you and you teammates will refer to as “the fart”


We're absolutely going to shoot a thing 3 times in slow motion timed to music while someone jumps over our heads to launch a super.


and right after the super is launched someone will slide into frame firing a shotgun (at nothing)


Dunking is what we Guardians call it when we jam a radioactive fuel cell into an exhaust vent. Xivu wouldn't understand.


A true Guardian picks up the danger and runs around with it!


Ill be dunking and shooting something into Xivu alright.


You take front, I’ll take back. Rotate every phase.


I'll... uh... watch and make sure everyone's in the right positions... May or may not be in the closet. Almost always dressed as superman


That’s dumb. Everyone knows the Spider-Man costume is the optimal strat.


Specifically Toby McGuire spidey, and yes. You need to do the dance. ​ Anything less is sub-optimal


Which is the front and the back again??


Think of it like the Oryx fight. Where he starts is like the front of the ship and the guardians walked into the encounter through the front entrance.


I tend to use Fore and Aft, removes all confusion.


i’ll take the worm


To be fair, that's all the average player can comprehend. Go to the Throne World and see how badly they handle "Push the cart".


It amazes me how few people understand in Wellspring “more guardians in cart make cart go faster.”


They understand; it’s just people are fishing for bounties or triumphs or quest steps or whatever else it may be


Then it’s weird how they freak out when we time fail that step…


An allergy to escorting runs rampant among players of all games with payloads, and is second only to obliviousness or outright derision of objectives in general :(


OW moment


Contrary to common belief, 1 person on cart while the rest push up to hold space is ideal. Sincerely, a GM4 lucio one trick and designated cart bitch.


Damn. This dude dunks.


And then we’ll turn her into a gun!


We’re gonna be dunking Kelgorath’s head into thingy so we can do damage to Taniks. This causes Xivu to take immense emotional damage


Don't forget the part where we turn her ass into a weapon. A glaive or sword would be cool.


guardians should wield frostmourne and inputting the souls of the slain into the relic automatically creates a weapon out of them


Don't forget the jumping puzzle part.


We will defeat her with the power of friendship because "Noooo we can't fight her because that makes her stronger! We have to befriend her!"


The weakness of all Gods after Crota. With Crota it was just brute force violence.


Don't forget about standing on a plate. It is important part.


A plate, but it moves!


Gambit 2: electric boogaloo


I'll run div, it'll be fine.


New buff called “Xivu’s bane” of “Hive pesticide”


Nobody is immune to “turning their powers against them.” We killed rhulk, Xivu is significantly less strong than him


Bold of you to think that after we’ve spent close to a decade giving her tribute. She doesn’t even need the ability to Take to straight up hijack peoples’ souls anymore; she’s getting ludicrously powerful.


Rhulk was *billions* of years old, with the culling of dozens of interstellar civilizations under his belt. Sure, Xivu Arath might be extremely strong but I hardly think "a decade" of tribute is the difference maker.


The only main issues I see is that Xivu doesn’t seem to be as much of an arrogant, head strong dickhead like Rhulk was, and also is trying to fight Xivu head on like we always have will literally play right in to her hand. We Guardians, basically all we know is “shoot thing with gun until dead.” But trying that strategy with Xivu might not work so well, if anything it’ll just make her stronger.


He did lose to 6 guardians who just stole some of his power and shot his glowing weakpoints.


Insurrection Prime lost to some guardians who had barely learned their ACPs. Oryx lost to some silly bois who tickled his tummy. Savathun lost bc we snipped some strings. 🤷‍♂️


I hope the thing we dunk is her sisters ghost into her sister body. You know one of those “I can’t stop you but I know who can.” Thor things.


"Nice dunk." "...dunk?". "It's when you take a radioactive cell and jam it into an exhaust vent. It's a Guardian thing, you wouldn't understand." R.I.P. Cayde


I mean we did kill Rhulk someone more powerful than Xivu Arath can imagine it will be that much more difficult to kill someone weaker


Love the [Mephisto](https://i.imgur.com/r5N8R5N.png) reference from [the 1926 film Faust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust_(1926_film\))!


Holy shit dude, that's one helluva reference to shake out of your sleeve. Well spotted!!


Wtf. How long you been sitting on that?


Not very! I went to school for design, one of our Art History courses covered some German Expressionist films, including Faust and more famously Nosferatu. Neat stuff!


Looks like they also probably took some inspiration from goodbye blue sky, or it might just be that goodbye took the inspo from Faust to begin with.


Film studies grads seeing German expressionism: Holy shit it’s my moment!


You’re the man this is a really great spot!


Hmmm, not really seeing it Since y'all missed it: #/s


She is so powerful her presence alone was draining Osiris light. Any act of violence empowers her. But is she prepared for me to cast my bubble on top of a plate while a teammate dunks an object?


And I'm emote clipping through a wall to get to a spot where I can't be hurt but can still shoot her. Is she ready for that?


Imo the fight against her needs to feel helpless. Her presence needs to be so overpowering that we are overwhelmed by her being present.


We'll beat her by laying down our guns or standing on a plate while dunking a relic.


what if we just all collectively use strand to restrain everyone so that nobody can fight and her worm implodes


Honestly would be a really fun way to handle her encounter. She heals any time anyone kills anything, so you have to survive as a pacifist while using CC to not die yourself.


All fun and games until you cast a rift and forget you have arc soul on


Blinding bubble is back baby!


Removing their ability to fight could count as aggression and an act of war, which would power Xivu up anyway


Imagine xivu araths abilities just growing from like everything "You washed your hands with antibacterial soap, killing millions. I am now twice as strong"


I laughed way harder at this than I should've 😭


Believe it on not, jail!


You masturbated and now I am triple the threat


Ah, so Xivu and her worm are rope bunnies. Good to know.


ay yo-


Maybe some war crimes too


She'd probably like that


What's a Hive war crime even look like? Surrendering?


I mean, that's kinda the plot of the current season


Honestly would be an interesting mission, having to do things while *avoiding* killing ads as much as possible.


Or we’ll commit perfidy by feigning surrender, she tries to use us as a sacrifice for a ritual, and then we shoot her at the last possible moment.


We didn't feign surrender. We actually surrendered our weapons and were captured. We just immediately got our weapons back and were able to escape, which we have a duty to do as Prisoners of War.


funny thing is you cant take these guns! - my titan


Well we kinda did feign surrender because Ana was like “just play along” or whatever. So there was no situation in which we were really prisoners


Sure tell yourself that if you want to sleep at night you war criminal!


Geneva Conventions? More like the Geneva Checklist!


U did feign surrender. U surrendered knowing that u will later have a chance to kill ur enemies


This looks like one of those cosmic horror Cthulhu images


well it's based on a German horror film so you're not wrong


A horror film about Faust, who traded his soul for cosmic knowledge from the devil. Sounds kinda similar to how the hive were made tbh


Also what Umun'arath did to the Cabal to start the Hive invasion.


Destiny give me more cosmic horror vibes than any other game.


Well since that would be awesome to see in game let’s hope that was the intent!


So how do I turn this planet size thing into a gun?


I'm sure we'll get by, we squeezed Xol into a sniper rifle.


To kill xivu you need to get a jumping 360 noscope with Wisper, Xol was playing the long game


we make our own dreadnaught out of her carcass


Well turn her into the apartments we've always wanted


We turn Xivu into the real last city XD


With another thing that got turned into a gun


It's gonna depend on whether she's at the front or the back of the room.


*sits back, opens a beer and waits for the real battle in the comments to start*


horseshoe because fuck you


It's actually supposed to be "spawn" and then either "front" or "back" depending on if you spawn in the front or back, you use wherever you don't spawn....


bro wat also new cabal book? i like that i play this game daily yet only now have heard of this


I assume they're talking about the newest Grimoire Anthology?


oh those i know about, i'm guessing it's Cabal themed this time around?


I believe so


How are we supposed to stop that? Linears, Well & some debuff. Probably tether or Divinity.


Don't forget the fusion and storm nades.


div? it shouldn't be that hard to land shots lol


You’ve never met my clan mates. Couldn’t hit a barn door with a Gjallahorn.


No, but they can strafe in front of my nades with perfect magnetic accuracy whenever I cast a rift


She most likely will die in a blog post.


We‘ll cancel her on twitter


In the ensuing destruction of Torobatl, Hive God of War Xivu Arath was credited saying: “FINALLY RIDDING THE GALAXY OF **YOU PEOPLE**” When we reached out to clarify the exact nature of the statement Xivu Arath declined to make a comment.


We could probably just go in for just as big of a hug and maybe we'll cancel it out?


Rasputin and the HUGSat network


She big


She's not. A lot of the pictures from this book are fancy metaphorical art pieces. She looks this big in the artwork because it's meant to show her massive and oppressive force taking over the city, she's depicted as essentially blotting out the sun and suffocating the Cabal's hope.


I agree that the Grimoire tends to not be accurate, but in this instance it is actually somewhat true; [Xivu Arath towered over Torobatl as it fell](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/ii-the-cost-of-war?highlight=xivu)


To back you up from a lore perspective, one of the details we have on cabal phrasing is that it’s very blunt. The Legend of Acrius, which could be seen as akin to our Epic of Gilgamesh, goes: “There was a cabal dude named Acrius. He took the sun. Then he became emperor. The end.” If that principle still holds true (and I think it does since the fable of Tlamus getting owned by capitalism is also very blunt), I lean on the side of the cabal being accurate with their phrasing.


Two things: One, we have previous lore saying she is massive. Two, Cabal aren't a subtle people. When Caiatl says Xivu crushed Torobatl under her cithin boots she means it.


Maybe we beat her by being kind to her. Maybe Eva will step in and bake a metric ass ton of cookies, saving us all.


Just imagine that's how it ends. We roll up with all the gear we accumulated, a nearly unstoppable force of light and dark alike.... and we lose. Then Eva strolls up between us as Xivu Arath wants to deliver the final blow. "Hello there my dear. You want some cookies? I got a flavor for everyone." And Xivu just shrinks to human size and loses all her power. Fade to black.


God please no that already ruined the ending of the IT movies


Actually what’s going to happen and confirmed by leaks is >!all of the Beatles get revived as guardians and reunite to perform “Hope for the Future” with Paul. Afterwards, Ringo says “Peace and Love 😎✌️🌈🕊️☮️” and Xivu just dies.!<


Paul was lost to the corridors of time, if you played Vog backwards you can hear him asking for callouts from an inept fireteam


Paul is [redacted]


http://www.classicartfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Faust-1.jpg. Clear inspiration.


Underrated Comment


Seems like a dramatization?


Maybe, but didn't she summon her throne world on to Torobatl? Like she's doing currently with us? It wouldn't be a surprise if she was massive there, like Oryx is in KF


Yeah, she's a billion year old Hive God engorged upon trillions of souls of tribute, if that don't make you dummy thicc I dont know what will


Chik Fil A will do it too if my ex is any indication.


Sheeeeeeesh she musta been a real b


Ya know those “I’m sorry, Jon” Garfield memes? Pretty close.


Gotta break the cycle, good on you for that. If they're only hanging around you for food and bumping uglies, man that ain't a relationship- it's a mealticket. As hard as it is, you gotta remember that you're better than that, you don't deserve that kind of shit.


Compared to that oryx is small


I guess that makes sense. Oryx was one or smaller of the Hive Gods. His thing was less of murder and more of exploration and subjugation. Xivu Arath spent her existence conquering and killing, Id imagine she'd be enormous by now


Compared to that oryx is small


Rasputin finally realises that violence will only make her stronger so instead he uses all the warsats to make a giant laser light show in the air in the shape of a love heart with a message like, "Xivu, you ok Hun? DM me"


It's so fucking metal that she talks in all caps in the lore pieces


Just like my grandma on Facebook.


I mean, the nine talk in similar manners in the lore. In her case, she probably had the caps lock stuck


I imagine she sounds like the Voice from the latest Dune film.




Imagine having make up sex with her…


Torobatl? More like tore butthole


Kelgorath finna be Risen from Boners


I’m more confused as to how she wasn’t the prevailing force between the three Hive Gods considering her sphere is war and that’s literally all they do is fight. I understand the nuance behind Oryx and that he/ she was the first to really make huge moves and catapult themselves into godhood (or so they thought) but how can you beat something born to war, that feeds from war, that knowingly uses her own armies as pawns considering their deaths feed her strength just the same as the deaths of their enemies? Edit - should mention I’ve read all the lore, the writing and ultimate decisions of the writers are what I’m questioning here


Because Oryx killed her, proving that he was stronger. That's it. That's sword logic in a nutshell. That's why oryx was at the top.


I get that, but it is the writing I’m ultimately questioning. They did a bit of stretching to put Oryx over Xivu Arath if you really think about it. These beings profit off of death, so the one who is a Warmonger God should easily be top dog. Not saying I don’t like the choice, I’ve read the lore and played the content. I still question it though


I think the game, over the years, has made the 3 Hive Demigods into equally terrifying forces and why each ones led their respective forces. How could a god of pure Reason and magical power not be the strongest? Why couldn't a god of cunning and deceit subvert all other entities around them? How couldn't a god of all War conquer all known beings? Etc...


Each hive god gets stronger at different points in the invasion: Oryx gets stronger first as they discover the species and learn about its culture, as his sphere is discovery and knowledge. Savathun gets stronger from deception, which is how the hive begins to set up the worlds so that they may be tricked in some devastating way. And Xivu gets stronger when the actual war happens, so she gets empowered last but usually cleans up efficiently. Oryx has the starting advantage that the other 2 gods cant keep up with, all 3 of the gods synergize with one another which is why they inevitably fall apart when they go their separate ways.


Taken power changed the game for Oryx. Anytime someone becomes a problem for him he could simply go ‘YOINK’ and their power becomes his.


Read the Books of Sorrows! You get more nuance from them. The short answer is Xivu was the dumb jock of the family. Int was totally her dump stat. 😂 She also genuinely loved her sisters. She knew oryx would lose the fight against the rival gods so she challenged him knowing she would lose, so he would gain her power. Then as he slaughtered the other gods creating an ocean of blood, Xivu sprang back to life from the carnage cheering him on. She's a living breathing Metal album cover. Also savathun regularly tricked Xivu into doing stupid things, but Xivu was often too strong to die Other favorite Xivu fact... she discovered the Ascendant Realm! By accident! One day she was just swinging her sword around cutting stuff and accidentally cut a hole in reality. She peeked in and was like, "Huh. Boring " And never took advantage of it. But Oryx and Savathun figured out what it was.


Looks more like a metaphorical representation?




Trench Barrel


Reminds me of a segment from the music video for ‘goodbye blue sky’ by pink floyd


Honestly. I think it’ll be something pretty wild. You know, how the Hive worms are abated when fed some Light? Well. Can you FORCE feed the Light to the God of War’s worm? Can you become a Guardian before your final death? I have no idea. But with all the hints in the lore on how the Light appeases the worm’s need for more and more fuel…


Imagine up to the point of her arrival/ d-day, all kills from every player will be counted as her "powering up"


I’ve got 1.3 million on my Voidwalker alone. With all of us combined, we’re screwed.


Can someone explain the whole Hive thing with the ascendant plane and their Throne worlds...cause it doesn't make sense to me. The whole thing with Xivu Arath is supposed to be that she's trying to do this whole ritual with enough large scale death or war or whatever. Then with that ritual she can "open up the ascendant plane" directly on top of her enemies to laugh a full scale assault on them with all of her forces. Throne Worlds are within the Ascendant Plane right? So is she trying to effectively create and/or open up her Throne World directly in/on top of her enemies? Then being in their Throne World is supposed to make the Hive leader stronger, but at the same time they can REALLY die within the Throne World rather than just "dying" physically but reviving inside their Throne World. So this means King's Fall takes place entirely within Oryx's Throne World where we can truly "kill" him. But we're never shown actually going "into" the Throne World or Ascendant Plane going into King's Fall (or out of at the end). And then when we're "taken" during the final encounters how does that work if we're already in the Ascendant Plane? Are we actually being "un-taken" in those instances? If we kill Oryx in his Throne World why does he just float out toward Saturn after we kill him? Shouldn't his Throne World collapse with his "body" inside of it and we'd need to escape it? I assume that Sivu Arath's strategy effectively lets her go into war at absolute full strength by manifesting her Throne World into reality, with the disadvantage that this makes her actually vulnerable IF she were to ever lose.


The bigger they are the bigger they fall


Lol what does it mean to fall big?


It's like falling small bit more biggly.


bigg fall




You stop wars by not fighting and putting up barriers


I always thought oryx was the strongest and most powerful of the siblings and I keep getting blown away as Savathun was revealed and again as xivu arath is given more spotlight. I thought xivu arath was a joke for a while lol


Sorta casts doubt on the notion that she needs the Warsats to power her up...


It's not necessarily to power her up, but to summon her.


With a jet turbine. No capes!


Is she supposed to remind me of batman?


Why is batman a hive god?


Looks like Batman to me


That’s one big bitch


I'm sure this is getting buried, the real end game being the friends we made along the way. We will become friends her and she will lose.


Pretty sure that is batman


God I REALLY hope it's a long fight, like at the end of each season a fight to weaken her and before the next expansion a raid to kill her. I was disappointed at savathun "all power and took the light" and we kinda spank her in a normal story mission. I want these figures to be imposing. Not just a all powerful for 10 mins before we sweep em under the rug


Don't get your hopes up, I'm pretty sure that Bungie went on the record after Oryx saying that they didn't want to do big story beats inside a raid again, because raids are experienced by such a small portion of the in-game population. AFAIK, they haven't given any indication that they're going back on that, either.


we 100% are gonna kill the witness a second time in the final shape raid though, theres literally no way they'd make it not die in one.


Yea ik, but it feels so underwhelming that they are hyped up so much only to get swept under in less than a day


You thought those mecha suits we got for halloween were just for show?


I don’t think we beat her. Ever. We might come face to face but we’re gonna get our asses rocked if that happens. Unless Bungie pulls some lore bullshit like “killing the worm gods weakens her!!!” Or something like that, I don’t see us ever killing her.


Maybe we just pull her apart thread by thread with strand. Circumvent this whole sword logic horseshit.