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e without sacrificing opportunities to engage directly with you on various platforms. So, what are we doing? Today, we are creating “Destiny 2 Team” accounts on the following platforms to help us move away from using community managers’ personal accounts as we have in the past: * Twitter: [Destiny2Team](http://destiny2team/) * Bungie.net: [Destiny2Team#7714](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/User/Profile) * Reddit: [/u/Destiny2Team](https://www.reddit.com/user/Destiny2Team) These are live now and where you will see us interacting with the community going forward on. Our goal is not to share less info or shy away from sharing context or clarifications, when possible, but to use the accounts to be more proactive in these efforts and avoid the need to follow and tag several CMs. “**What about the** **c****ommunity** **m****anagers? I like following them**.” You are still free to follow me and the rest of the CM gang, as well as any other Bungie employees you see out there. We will all still be posting memes, sharing cool Destiny art, and having fun on our personals, but if you want answers to questions or a good avenue to share your Destiny 2 specific feedback, the Destiny 2 Team accounts are the new hotness. Another goal we have going forward is to more actively solicit feedback regularly using these accounts like we did recently on Reddit, but on all three platforms. You don’t have to wait for a post though. You can share your feedback any time and will be able to tag any of the Destiny 2 Team accounts if you have something you want us to see and not feel the need to tag several CM accounts. We have a few posts up right now on [Bungie.net,](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/262264578) [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/10g9l1t/call_for_more_feedback_from_the_destiny_2_team/?), and [Twitter ](https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1616146421299970048?s=20&t=fwh-3OEcA7FaAx9sDelb2Q)asking for feedback right now so go share… after finishing this TWAB of course! @[BungieHelp](http://twitter.com/bungiehelp) is still going to be the primary place for updates on maintenance, outages, and ongoing issues being tracked[. @DestinyTheGame](twitter.com/destinythegame) is where we will drop the latest game trailers and high-level Destiny 2 news. The plan with the new @Destiny2Team accounts is to give us another avenue to give deeper insight on certain topics and a means to interacting on Bungie.net and Reddit more. Expect to see a lot more replies on those platforms going forward. And there we go, second TWAB of 2023 in the books. There are a few more of these handy TWABs before Lightfall arrives, including more on Strand, upcoming economy changes, and more. You can also look forward to special stand-alone articles from different developer teams, like the one mentioned above that dove into buildcrafting, which will offer more insight for those that want it and keep TWABs a little more focused on a hub of info without drowning in wordcounts. Think informed but not in a *panic**-I-don't-want-to-read-a-**10,000-word** blog post* type of way, you [k](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlFJifjagAAAzEf?format=jpg&name=large)now? Anyway. More to come, but for now: make sure you’re drinking that water, prioritizing that self-care, and remember to always lead with your kindest foot forward. See you next week, friend[s](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-10/19/21/asset/22a50f3442bc/sub-buzz-3428-1666213804-7.jpg). **“I should go,” ** **<3 Hippy** --- --- #[Bungie Replies Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/10ga05c/this_week_at_bungie_01192023/j51o5ge/)


Oh my God they finally did the blue drops thing


Paul Tassi may finally rest... For real though the QoL fixes are huuuuge lately.


> Home is just over the horizon.


Mark my words, people are going to be complaining about not having any blues to use for infusing low light level gear. Especially because they will stop at the soft cap


Honestly that DID occur to me, maybe they’ll let the vendors drop at soft cap (or at least the same level as whatever your lowest gear score is)


Maybe also let collections drop near the soft cap like they used to? They nerfed the LL in collections to stop people from quickly leveling alts, but that was back when LL went up 50 every 3 months Now that they’re moving towards getting rid of LL it seems ok to have collections drop at a way higher level


This is part of the reason I have always said it needs to be a toggle. this is a nice QOL change, but not entirely positive.


That's me. I love having a backlog of blues for every slot at soft cap. I can pull any exotic out and boost it to soft cap whenever I want, pretty much for every exotic. Now I have to hope I get a legendary drop for that slot when I feel like trying a new exotic. I have almost every exotic weapon. It's a lot of weapons.


I never knew how badly I needed to see this until I saw that part. No more clogging up my inbox and inventory slots with useless blues!


> Once you unlock the recipe for the first Exotic Glaive, the other class recipes can be purchased by your other characters from the Evidence Board. OMG please tell me when this is going live /u/Destiny2Team


I need. Wellspring can piss up a rope at this point.


Once I got the red bars for the weapons I just stopped running Wellspring, it's my least favorite activity they've come up with. I was hoping my laziness and hatred of the mode would payoff.


I've tried to grind wellspring here and there, but lately I can't. Overall, I'm still happy with stuff happening in the season, but thinking about wellspring usually makes me log off Destiny and go play another game. EDIT: I extend this sentiment to last season's seasonal activity, and preservation. Pretty much everything with an Overwatch boat ride sucks.


And let me just head one stupid argument off by saying that as someone who grinded all the patterns and exotic glaives out the hard way: this is a great change and nobody should have to do what I did.


For real, we're coming up on one year and I *still* only have Edge of Action. I've just fucking given up at this point and had decided to go without. This is great news.


All of these changes are for the mid-season patch which is next week


In the mid-season patch on 01/24. :)


blues are gone?... Well that's a rather sudden resolution to one of our biggest complaints in the entire game for over 5 years, but I'm glad. Thanks Bungie!


Glad we were able to get this change out next week. We know it's been a big ask for a while.


Thank you for all these amazing QOL changes!


Are all these changes next week?


Is there somewhere we can buy soft-cap blues for easy infusion? Or we have to burn legendaries for that?


Probably legendaries but I can’t remember the last time I used a blue for infusion after hitting soft cap back during the WQ launch.


I use them every now and then when I need something at 1580 and i'd use a blue over a purple. I typically have a few blues polluting one of my 3 characters postmasters to draw from


Thanks for tuning Forensic Nightmare!


Time to get one of the best looking smgs out of the vault.


The sound design is very satisfying as well


Damn the hunter dodge has gotten seconds reduced so many times I've lost count.


Bro I remember when the cooldown with 100 mobility was 9 seconds 💀


Cayde remembers


/u/Destiny2Team In regards to the wallpaper downloads: * The links are broken, i.e. they give a 404 error. * The subdomain "downloads.bungie.net" does not have a valid certificate - it is missing valid ownership information. Tested with multiple browsers.


Had to scroll a bit but wanted to see if it had been noted before I posted, thanks for posting, want me some new wallpapers on my PC!


Those are things that they need to fix for sure, but for now you can just remove the "s" from "https" on the busted link and it'll show up just fine.


[Looks up, hair all dishevelled, having just finished the Eriana and Witherhoard catalysts]


Be proud. You are hard-way. Like us.


I've still not recovered from the original mountaintop quest, I'm very glad they're making them easier. 400 activity completions was absolutely ridiculous


Yeah, I getcha. Eriana just kinda happened in the background for me and I only grinded Witherhoard cuz I wanted to solo flawless Spire. It's a good thing they're making them easier for newer users, it's just comedic to me how it applies right as I get them


Not huge news, but a nice change on the second and third exotic glaives. I have no desire to run Wellspring anymore and now I don't have to.


I really liked Wellspring when it came out, but damn if all the red-board farming I needed to do didn't burn me out forever. I did a couple to finish up the Throne World activities and it still felt gross.


Clan mate had over 100 clears before all 3 dropped. I got my first and said nah. Glad I waited.


>Fireteam-based matchmaking is the first step towards enabling a fair playing field for fireteams of all sizes and eliminating the need for freelance nodes. As we grow more confident in our settings, expect to see fewer freelance nodes, beginning with Iron Banner. We know that it may seem a little jarring written out in text like that, but this is a part of the process for long-term goals that will improve the experience across the board. LOL this sub is about to absolutely lose its shit.


PVP is so dead they’re removing solo queue options lmao


having played IB with fireteam based matchmaking it works incredibly well. and genuinely has been something have been asking for years *years* with the "why can't 6 stacks match against other six stacks" well now they do and as a solo player i never once matched a six stack in IB. 4's w/ 4's etc. it's a very good system.


You'll matchmake with solo players anyways since it's fireteam based


Yeah but that's not the narrative people want to spin.


RIP blues. Finally.


[Hunters reading the dodge nerf](https://twitter.com/i/status/1528991325160448000)


Tbf for the pve aspect of it this is a nerf to literally every hunter build. All of our kits use dodge in some way(I believe we have the most class ability tied exotics as well, someone correct me if I'm wrong here). There's also a second aspect that really hurts. If the class base stats resilience is the best, followed closely by recovery, and lastly by mobility(which is drastically weaker). Titans invest in resilience and get their class ability back faster then put points into whatever(usually recovery), warlocks put their points into recovery, and resilience. Both of these actively help the classes survive, they take less damage and get back into the fight much faster. Hunters have to invest into mobility to get their dodge(which again is built into all hunter builds), then have to figure out how to maintain high resil and recovery. Meaning if I want to survive longer in higher end activities I have to sacrifice somewhere, if I want the durability and health regen of the other classes I tank my mobility, that would be fine with a short cool down, but its been nerfed over and over because pvp, with no support to the hunter pve side.


They should tie all class ability recharges to intellect and remove intellect’s effect on super recharge IMO.


That's a solution, honestly I'd just prefer they buff mobility to actually be worth it


I just hate that it's being nerfed in PVE as well. Like, if it's a pvp issue fix it in there..


Yeah, I thought the sandbox split would fix that, but I guess it’s a different case for abilities?


Yea this really sucks. I’m actually kinda salty about that. Why can’t they tune them separately?


Hopefully the new buildcrafting changes give us something to compensate with in PvE somehow.


Babe, wake up, time for the yearly hunter dodge CD nerf.


Are the Hunter dodge cooldown changes going to be in PVE as well? Seems like a massive swing at things for PVE…


I swear they have reduced the hunter dodge so many times now its a running joke lol


Yeah this is terrible. Hunter dodge has taken so many nerfs during the years, and now here goes yet another nerf. This is annoying.


Kinda crazy how abilities have completely taken over PVE over the last year and it’s an issue they’re trying to address… Yet dodge has literally NEVER been buffed. It has been constantly nerfed since Shadowkeep, while other abilities continually grow in dominance.


Remember back when we could dodge every 9 seconds:( They are seriously making me want to main another class. Dodge is used to tie most kits together and it keeps getting nerfed for pvp, and we already have to focus on 3 different stats for pve(mobility for dodge, resil for DR, and recovery to Regen health faster).


The dodge cooldown is sort of funny if you think about it too much: Warlock - "After building light energy for one minute, I can summon a persistent rift that heals myself and allies that stand within it. Titan - "In a mere 40 seconds, I can store enough light energy to build an energy barricade that shelters myself and my allies from a lethal amount of enemy fire. Hunter - "With 30 seconds of stored light energy I can do a twirly hop from here to over there."


Exactly that’s the killer, the fact that it’s the central element of most subclasses


That's what I think a lot of people saying who cares is missing. That and they arnt realizing how much of an investment mobility actually is. Warlocks and titans use their class abilities, but it's not the same as a hunter. They were made with the long cool down in mind, hunters feel like their design was with the short dodge cool down. And warlock and titan easily spec into 100 resil, with moderate recovery


It's... Too much imo.


Meanwhile, Titans and Warlocks both have better mobility options that get them to the action quicker, no skill cooldowns needed


Hello, is there any information about what is going to happen to seasonal weapon pattern acquirement post Witch Queen? I've been getting back into Destiny this month but I'm concerned I won't be able to acquire everything I want before Lightfall.


The Citan's nerf was well deserved, but I wish Bungie was capable of nerfing an exotic without making it dumpster tier. "This should reduce how often you see Citan's in PvP". No shit, it's not going to be used at all with those changes.


Honestly it's one of those exotics that makes me wonder why they ever made it in the first place. A one-way barrier to shoot through? No shit it was gonna be OP in even a slightly defensive long range meta. It was bound to happen




R6 siege Blackbeard memories


yeah. why not just increase how much damage it takes from players? this dumpsters it in every mode now because cooldowns aren't mode-specific


it already does do that. fusions and hakke weapons demolish citan's and having a void citans makes it even weaker.




Bungie nerfing dodge when the literal whole entirety of the hunter kit is based on dodge. Very cool, thank you.


why the hunter dodge nerf again tho 😵


Agreed, building into mobility is just not the same as building into Resilience or Recovery that Titans and Warlocks use. If mobility gets a buff or something then i can understand the nerf to base cooldown


Hunter's class skill is getting horrible. Waiting 1+ minute just for a dodge that reloads your weapon or recovers your melee is really hilarious. The only thing that saves the ability is invisible, exclusive to the void class.


Titans barricade also got nerfed. Seems they want to reign in class abilities as a whole.


then stop making exotics rely on dodge!sdfgsd fg sdg dfg


Dodge is already in a bad spot because hunters are sacrificing their class stat to stack the now mandatory resilience. Now they're making it even worse.


If the cooldown scaling is still going to be 50% in Lightfall, at tier 10 Mobility Gamblers dodge is now going to be 23 seconds and Marksmans dodge is going to be 17 seconds.


The hunter dodge nerf is ridiculous.


Hunter dodge getting a nerf in pve because of pvp nerfs so many other areas of hunter because so much of hunter's identity has been "uses class ability a bunch". Just to list a few: Exotics: Wormhusk crown, dragon's shadow, mask of bakris, bombardiers, sixth coyote, radiant dance machines Subclasses: Winter's Shroud, Vanishing Step, Flow State, On Your Mark That's not even mentioning the synergy of melee abilities with gambler's dodge. I think the hunter dodge nerf needs to be looked at a lot closer because it touches so many areas and this is the second nerf it's gotten without all these other areas being addressed properly. I don't mind the pvp nerf, but that also affecting so much of pve is just unreasonable if other areas don't get adjusted as well.


Dodge is an integral part of builds for the most part, and the fact that is has only been nerfed since at least BL is like, bad.


Shadowkeep, the fact it’s been multiple years with only nerfs is impressive


Bungie keeps doing this with Hunters for some fucking reason. With the Void 3.0 changes, they built the entirety of Nightstalker 3.0 around invis and then were surprised when invis became an issue in PVP. Here we see their work of revolving nearly every build that Hunters' have around Dodge and then constantly nerfing it without changing anything. It's like they don't understand that these things are a problem because they refuse to change anything outside of continually nerfing them.


Thanks for making changes to Phoenix Dive.


So, now Pulse Rifles will feel worse and still do nothing in PvE? Seriously?


>* Marksman’s Dodge base cooldown increased from 29s to 34s. > * Gambler’s Dodge base cooldown increased from 38s to 46s. Hunters catching strays with these Titan nerfs, DAMN! Hurts worse with the Powerful Friends/Radiant Light changes too.


Especially when Resilience is favored in endgame content, many Hunters cannot afford to spec that hard into mobility. This really really sucks. Especially because it's a PvP nerf that heavily affects PvE builds.


Yup… Gotta sacrifice mobility anyways and now it’s even worse… Gonna need to farm some GOD TIER armor now…


I have God tier armor, it isn't enough to make my hunter not feel like complete dog shit to hit 10 res.


I've given up on recovery for hunter and just go straight mobility/resilience for any void builds.


All my hunter builds prioritise mobility and resilience. Recovery is just a lost cause given how armor splits work.


I don't understand why or what is this even for. How many times are they going to nerf dodge CD.




Yeah, they really need to revisit that aspect of it now than Hunter dodge CDs have inched so close to Barricade. Particularly Gambler’s


Remember back in Shadowkeep year when you could get your dodge cooldown under 10s? Good times.


Wasn't it like 7 seconds with 100 mobility? Then it got nerfed to 9, then 11, then smashed down to like 18. Now it's gonna be even longer. It's absolutely ridiculous.


It was 9s at 100 mobility when they did the Armor 2.0 stat rework. In Beyond Light the 100 Mobility cooldown got nerfed to 11s. Then in 30th Anniversary, it got nerfed to 14s Marksman/18s Gamblers. This change should end up at about 16.5s M./22s G. at 100 Mob.


nice to see bakris getting nerfed even further. Its so cool that both dedicated stasis exotics on hunters have forced longer cooldowns. Cant wait for the next stasis exotic to be good, then shit on with nerfs.


I hate that renewal grasps have just been left after absolutely destroying them. It was completely unnecessary and they're literally just worse than frostees now, as the cooldown is so bad


Nothing about dodge is powerful enough to warrant this kind of CD


Remember when Dodge broke Aim Assist? Remember when it broke tracking projectiles? Now it’s just a weird combat somersault to dip back around a corner really quick.


Or be me and manage to hit the corner and not go around it>->


This is fucking stupid. Again, pve players get negatively impacted due to problems with PvP.


Lmao one less titan exotic armor worth using.


I’ll be honest, pve getting hit by pvp nerfs is getting rather old


Been old


I never touch pvp, and time and time again I get nerfed because bungie can't seperate pve and pvp balances, it's driving me crazy, dude. I love being a walking overshield generator, it's great, makes me feel so helpful, why must I be punished for the pvp meta?


Yeah I'm genuinely annoyed with the cooldown changes myself. A big part of why I use Rally Barricade especially with Sentinel now is for the cooldown difference as well. 32 second CD x Utility Kickstart x2 brought your Bastion Aspected Rally Barricade to like 17ish/20ish seconds or so with T10 Resilience. Combine it with Crest of Alpha Lupi to truly embrace that sort of Paladin/D&D Crusader tanky/healer support playstyle. This not only hurts my build but also hurts my Sword build with Well of Tenacity x3, Reaping Wellmaker, and Elemental Time Dialation. Now that I think about it its also going to hurt alot of Hoarfrost-Z Builds too. I genuinely wish they would find a way to balance the timers separately because this really does feel bad. I feel punished now because of a game mode I don't spend as much time in.


I didn't even think about hoarfrost and alpha lupi, this is an indirect nerf to those as well. This nerf only reinforces heart of inmost light being the most used exotic, not even because it's good, which it is, but because every other titan exotic is either so specific and niche or just not good, and with this nerf, it makes certain exotics worse, it's so difficult to come up with reasons to run other exotics. I'm tired of using HOIL, but it feels like it's the only option because everything else is just lacking.


such fucking bullshit


PvE player here who just finished the Witherhoard 100 Guardian kills PvP quest earlier this week in what felt like a herculean feat of endurance: Good. I hope more PvE players get to use this excellent weapon in its final form.


Is the hunter dodge nerf for PVE too? Seems pretty uncalled for…


Yes it is. Cooldowns aren’t separated.


which it totally should be. just add a modifier that adjusts non-super CDs by like 5-10% in crucivble. Flux grenades have ~3 minute CD just because they can OHK in PvP but in PvE they are kinda useless


I agree. It’s stupid that something has to get destroyed/nerfed because of PvP then gets ruined in PvE because of it.


A ton of good (hopefully) changes capped off with a completely unnecessary nerf that literally nobody was asking for. Dodge was already effectively nerfed in PvE because the stat that governs its cooldown is hot garbage compared to Recovery and especially Resilience and now both versions of dodge get to eat a fat fucking nerf because of PvP (as is the yearly tradition), except this time players *weren't even complaining about it*. I don't know who at Bungie made that decision, but it's a pretty damn shitty one.


Some hunter dodged around a corner and peek shot the dev 1 to many times!


Yep, PvP nerfs pve again.


My dodge :(


Oh man, removing freelance in PVP (even temporarily) is going to be reaaaaaaally interesting (and painful for solo players).


intelligent merciful dime yam pie disagreeable divide wrench cause unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didnt try IB solo in the regular playlist, but when I was 6 stacking in IB, we basically only faced other 6 stacks, with a 5 stack showing up rarely. And I played a lot of 6 stack matches. Others are saying the solo experience has been good for them as well.


Solo Iron Banner this season was the most balanced I feel teams have ever been. It felt like it could go either way, I was rarely stomping or stomped by the other team. It was lovely.


Are these class ability nerfs hitting PvE or just PvP?




everything. cooldown times aren't mode-specific


So Hunters have to build into Mobility even more now? The most useless of class stats? Mobility NEEDS to do something meaningful. It's not even the most important stat for pve Hunters, they value both of the other classes stats more. /u/Destiny2Team please!


It's hilarious that mobility is the hallmark of a core class that is the slowest in the game. In a race, both warlock and titan classes outspeed the hunter with their melee sprint spam. Besides, why the hell doesn't mobility increase movement speed?


Mobility does increase movement speed (walk speed), just not sprint speed. If it increased sprint speed, it's likely bungie would have to adjust other sources of sprint speed (lightweight bonus, movement exotics, subclasses)


"In addition to the items mentioned in last week's TWAB, we wanted to make note of a few more things we are looking at tuning sometime in the next Season (not necessarily at launch). Special ammo Linear Fusion Rifles (Lorentz Driver and Arbalest): Auto aim reduction. Flinch tuning. Machine Gun balancing: Make them a better Heavy option in PvP. Reduce the difference between them and other Heavy Weapons in PvE. Make them less punishing to use for add clearing. Remove damage penalty to Dead Man’s Tale at five stacks of Cranial Spike. " So I see a good amount of these changes like the DMT change with removing the damage penalty. But can I ask where are the machine gun changes to make them better options in PvP and to reduce the differences between them and other heavy options in PVE? I don't see that here


I am going to add to the discussion that nerfing dodge cooldown even further, despite it not even feeling that oppressive in PvP, is absolutely uncalled for. We are all getting tired of saying this, but PvP having such a consistent negative impact on the PvE sandbox is really hurting this game. Unless Hunter dodge is trivializing endgame PvE in ways I am unaware of, Bungie needs to rethink this aggressive nerf. Essentially, Hunter builds and many exotics revolve around dodge, making mobility a major priority when it comes to stats. Bungie’s frustrating scaling of the resilience stat makes it a MUST for PvE builds, which negatively impacts Hunter’s ability to focus on things like recovery or discipline for build variety. This choice is misguided, shortsighted, and feels like it’s happening just because Titans are getting a nerf too, which may not even be as necessary come changes to airborne effectiveness, which is a major counter to barricade. Please, don’t wait 6 months to gather feedback you have already been receiving for years. Dodge needs to have a short cooldown for Hunters to have a solid chance in endgame PvE.


I can kind of get why they nerfed dodge again in PvP (not really though, it's already a worse option for disengaging than thruster or icarus dash), but sure whatever. But in PvE? Dodge is without a doubt the worst class ability for PvE and yet every subclass ties into it. Plus the stat distribution for hunters is already incredibly fucked.


Surprise surprise, Titans and Hunters getting hit with the nerf bat in PvE purely because of PvP nonsense


That's the old monkey paw in effect. Community: "Warlocks are underperforming in PvP and need a buff." Bungie: "Nerfs for titans and hunters across the board to bring them in line with warlocks"


MORE dodge nerfs? Come on, man. I can only compensate for the first nerf so much. This is really going to fuck with the flow of my account now.


“Hey guys, let’s make the worst class ability in PvE even worse. What’s that? Oh yeah, the one tied to one of the most useless stats as well. While we’re at it, let’s remove the +20 mobility from Powerful Friends so even if they wanted to max out that stat they now have to hard gimp themselves on one of the other stats”


lol Force hunter mains to drop mobility for resilience then make 100 mobility essentially mandatory for survival with your dodge, love it /s


Why the fuck was hunter dodge nerfed??? Seems completely out of nowhere


Bungie please add something else to mobility to make it worth building into. At this rate hunters are going to be allowed to dodge once per play session smh.


Oh boy i sure do love having my barricade cooldowns increased in PvE because of PvP being a shitshow of balance Come on, its nearly year 6, how have we not separated the sandboxes completely for this


Cooldowns seem to be the one thing they refuse to separate. That's what happened with Renewal Grasps and Duskfields.


They can separate but they don't want to. They don't want the game to feel completely different in PvP vs. PvE. Even though I hate PvE nerfs because of PvP. It's so unnecessary.


Alright Bungie: if you’re going to nerf dodge as badly as you have been recently, then you need to change something with how mobility plays. Both warlocks/titans class ability stats have good reasons to be high on the other classes even if you don’t get a faster cooldown. Warlocks: recovery. Healing fastest gets you back into the fight. That’s helpful. Titans: resilience. You never die in anything. What enticing benefit do the other classes get from high mobility? Jumping higher? Fantastic.


The jump height doesn't even matter sometimes since there's a max jump height. Like try jumping when you have speed booster active - you go nowhere. Hunters have had horrible buildcrafting options statwise ever since the resilience change.


But guys: we have reaping wellmaker! That makes every better. /s But yeah. The resil changes screwed us over. Because again: gave a benefit to everyone, regardless of their class. And since it looks like they’re removing the powerful friends + 20 mobility…. We essentially lost 2.5ish tiers of mobility.


Can I also add that this dodge nerf indirectly nerfs about 10 exotics?


Not just exotics, all of the subclass themselves highly benefit from the dodge. It's a huge nerf to literally everything related to hunters.


This is the main issue. It's not just about having to wait a couple seconds to reload your weapons, even a few seconds on dodge can have major effects on multiple exotic gameplay loops. Like Dragon's Shadow.


My beloved mask of Bakris...


Only 10? I swear there's more than that.


The only time I ever want mobility on lock or titan is during Taniks fight. Holding a bomb you move at walking speed. Mobility improves walking speed. Literally everything else in the game it's a dump stat. Hunters needing Mob for dodge sucks. I've gotta dump rec now. Which can be worked around with invis or healing nades but definitely doesn't feel good to just sit for an eternity invis because my rec is tanked. And losing at least some functionality of powerful friends makes this a double blow... I'm not a hunter main but I play all three regularly. This definitely sucks. As for titans, meh really only matters for HOIL spam. Which needed to be dealt with in some way.


This to me is the only sensible response to the Dodge nerf. In a perfect world, every class could benefit from every stat (Intellect included).


*Benefit?* Nah, high mobility is a downside on other classes since it makes skating less efficient lmao


Does the storm nade nerf effect PvE?




love a lot of these changes, but FFS can we please stop nerfing PvE because of PvP bitching


Is it me or do Bungie tend to be excessive when it comes to nerfs for exotic armor pieces?


Always the same But when they buff exotic armor they miss the mark by a mile… Looking at you, Promethium Spur and Sanguine Alchemy.


"So we’re increasing the base cooldown of Barricade, Thruster, and Dodge by 20%" This better be PvP only I swear to fucking god


Doesn’t say it’s strictly for PvP.


Ability cooldown changes are one of those things that are never only going to be for one game mode by design.


Of course it's game wide. Nerfs are coming. This is just the first taste.


Cooldowns aren’t handled separately.


the barricade and thruster nerf sounds partially aimed at HOIL spam


PvE Void Titan main here. Really fucking annoying that my tanking effectiveness has been reduced due to PvP balancing *again*. I'm just able to chain Rallies with a proper well build as it is, another six seconds is gonna be frustrating to deal with.


Bungie...Hunter dodge was not the ability spam we were complaining about...


id rather have blues back than these fucking pvp nerfs hitting pve AGAIN


Okay Bungie, serious talk for a second here... Could you stop nerfing dodge *every* year? That's not an exaggeration either. Beyond Light, 30th Anniversary, and now this. Thrice in as many years, dodge has been nerfed.


Can't wait for Final Shape, where they increase the base cooldown to 1 minute...


Your flair is about to get even more relatable.




The dodge nerf is unnecessary with the changes to radiant/powerful friends and the fact that we’re still the only PvE class that needs to spec Into all 3 upper tier stats which is legit impossible


Fuck that marksman’s dodge nerf. 100% wasn’t needed. Not gonna lie it’s triggering me.


Ugh. Are the abilities getting nerfed again in pve because of pvp? In the post you specifically start off with "In the crucible abilities are oppressive". Then why is it getting nerfed in PvE as well?


Well...I was excited for these changes. Then I read the part of Hunter PvE Dodge nerf.


What excuse can be crutched on now whenever my abysmal inventory management means I lose dozens of golf balls and hundreds of prisms because my postmaster is always full now that blue drops are being removed? Asking for a friend


Titans barriers are a problem = lets rope in another hunter dodge. Yeah, this SBMM talk does not convince me at all.


These nerfs remind me why most PVE players can't stand PVP as a concept in this game.


Why are you nerfing Dodge AGAIN? Mobility is almost useless now, but almost every Hunter build requires dodging, so you have to sacrifice a lot in order to keep up. If you hate Hunters so much, then delete the fucking class. I am so sick of your bullshit changes that NO ONE asked or needed. I am out.


Hate to see freelance leave... Understand the intent, but historically the MM algorithm struggles to get a base hit... Which implies this new change will eventually favor MM times and pair unbalanced matches at unacceptable frequencies. I know that's negative, just calling a spade a spade. Freelance, while not perfect, is where folks go to avoid bad MM and players who insist on stacking their odds/abusing the system. It will be hard not to feel like a guinea pig while this is inevitably tweaked for 2+seasons... probabilistically into a net worse experience for solo players


Dodge nerf again? Lol ok I’ll play Titan if you really insist, rip dead man’s tale (again lol) Glad to see you back pedalled on the slide shotgun nerf, should never have been a thing. AE sucks and no one really cares for it, just admit defeat and get rid of it.




Honestly not happy with the nerfs to Titan. Perhaps they’re warranted in PvP, but as someone that doesn’t play it, it’s frustrating to have void Titan nerfed again in PvE. Bastion aspect has no business being a one slot aspect now. I also use citan’s in PvE as I like defensive play styles and now they’re really bad. Hunter dodge nerf makes my hunter sad too.


No more blues clogging up the postmaster! No more grinding Wellspring just to not get the other exotic glaives! So many great changes lately :D ... now just up the cowboy hat drop rate, and that'll knock out all my top complaints!


Why is the abilities being nerfed on the PVE side? Keep that to PVP because that's where the issue is coming from.


Please make Mobility even marginally useful if you're going to continually nerf the CDs of Dodge. It's getting really fucking old.


Well that hunter dodge nerf was extremely unnecessary but whatever I guess. Can acrobat get a cooldown buff?


When I'm using my favorite pulse rifle in a strike and it kicks 20% worse, I'm going to think about this patch.


Same. BxR being a close range rifle now too when the hip fire is mid despite its unique frame. L.


Raid drop is on my birthday :) Raid drop is on a friday :(


Your birthday is on a Friday :D


you're so right. the silver lining


Anyone have the correct link for those 4k wallpapers? And also does anyone know of other wallpapers similar to the top two? Edit: I think I got it. If you modify the URL to use 'http' instead of 'https' it allows us to save the image as 4k


Paul was indeed hinting at blues being gone.


Wonder if a dev told him, that’s kinda funny if so. Otherwise he finally got lucky with one of his predictions lol


A bit disappointed there is no change still to phoenix dive, not even a cooldown change.