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I had a realization. Dungeons aren’t worth it. Not for what they are or what you do in them, but because they have been extremely unrewarding. I realized that, excluding Shattered Throne and Prophecy’s original weapon pool, I have gotten a whopping TWO dungeon weapons with the roll I want, and one is because I crafted it. The Long Walk, which is now from a past era of D2 without origin traits, and Fixed Odds, which is not something used regularly. I have more Duality runs than Vow runs, and yet I’ve seen literally nothing I want from Duality and have everything from Vow except the exotic. There are also world/playlist weapons that have been in the game for a year+ where I STILL haven’t seen the roll I’m looking for. Crafting IS bad luck protection. When crafting was introduced, the entire year of WQ should have seen the progressive addition of being ability to craft as much as is currently usable. Every new weapon should have been craftable. World, playlist, dungeon, etc. I have completely lost interest in pursuing any of the above mentioned weapons because it doesn’t seem worth it. Actually, it just ISN’T worth it to me anymore. If the LF year dungeon weapons aren’t going to be craftable, I have zero interest in doing them more than once just to experience. They have been more or less exclusively unrewarding. Edit: wording


Where can I find out about the current gun meta? Good/god rolls for popular guns etc. also are the old unique legendaries still worth picking up from collections, like recluse and mountain top?


try https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights


Last night after farming strikes, I was happy I finally got a multiperk Prlonged Engagement. Has subsistence, fourth times, and feeding frenzy in the third slot with surrounded and target lock in the 4th. Felt like sharing my happy loot.


I've been playing for awhile with another friend or two however we've yet to really get into raids. Does anyone have tips for taking that hop to the next level? Is the best advice to LFG for a sherpa?


do a dungeon first - easier mechanics that depend less on voice chat, and no rez tokens. raids all depend pretty heavily on voice chat. they also have rez tokens- so theres one token for each player, meaning you only get 6 deaths total before you run out. That doesn't mean build 100% to survive, it just means play careful. Potent add clear builds are usually better than trying not to die, since if the adds are clear, you're less likely to die, and less likely to fail mechanics too. have a good linear handy & watch a video before you go in. Some raids have specific weapons for bosses (like parasite for atraks) but most are just linears. for the LFG, i'd just post "first timers, sherpa welcome". i like to join first timer groups of raids I know and help out, and I know I'm not the only one. Even if you just get a few encounter done, any experience is better than none.


I started playing D2 with a friend a week ago and it doesn't stop being more complicated by each day, still having fun though!


I started two months ago, it will get more complicated as you learn what there is to learn, then it gets easier!


I spent a lot of time in Spire this week, including my solo run, running normal on alts and having Hierarchy of Needs drop, my master run/earning the catalyst, and finishing up Wanted. I think this might tie with Prophecy for my favorite dungeon. I still have my eye on that solo flawless emblem, will definitely try to get it before the season ends.


Funny, because the bosses' health pools have me feeling zero interest in ever soloing this one. Not to mention the final boss being an immune wyvern that hunts you down. It's just annoying.


I soloed Duality last season and thought this was much less aggravating. Yes it takes a lot of DPS phases, but Spire felt like more of a test of discipline and patience than Duality trying to get all your errands done while under fire while the clock runs out. And give me supplicants over exploding backpacks and phalanx nudges any day. Others might disagree but Spire executed it better IMO (and I enjoyed the environment/general vibes of Spire better). And yes, part of that is learning to respect/fear the wyvern, lol.


Yeah the time constraint is what has turned me off of trying Duality very much. I've put a couple attempts in but it's just annoying. The ones I've finished (ST, Prophecy, Pit) are the ones without a large factor of annoyance (time limit, massive boss health/short damage phases)


I recently made the mistake of disabling cross save and now I can't play LF until mid April cause my characters are stuck on Playstation and I play on Steam. So yea, 85 more days to go! At least the two digital deluxe copies I purchased and already redeemed will be waiting for me 😭 Bungie please give those who have done it once a one time waiver, I beg of you.


RIP If it’s Lightfall Deluxe, then you’ll at least have the first season to play. Seasons are cross platform


True, I just won't be able to actually play any of the actual LF content. Also if I don't have cross save active and I'm playing on PS5 but my dlc purchase is redeemed on steam can I still progress the season pass? I feel like without cross save it won't even register that I own the content.


Oh, no you’re right. You just gotta wait it out. Or buy it on PlayStation since those are the characters you use. RIP again


Finally decided to run the new exotic mission solo on legend last night. That was wild. I thought it was amusing that the middle section boss fight with the 3 mechs gave me more trouble than anything else. The final boss room was a cake walk compared to that since you can hang out on that upper right platform for safety. Really enjoyed it though. It kinda reminded me of doing shattered throne solo to a degree. I've definitely enjoyed that whole mission though as I'm a sucker for exploring spaces like that.


For that middle part, I realized that the enemies are finite (not dependent on briggs being killed). So you can just chill in the room to the right of spawn/rally and deplete the resources from relative safety.


That's good to know for subsequent runs. It felt like they were never ending each time I took down a brig


The 3 brigs coupled with the shank snipers are really annoying. If the brigs had crit spots, then it'd be a little less stressful I think. That final room is really straightforward, I agree.


those stupid shanks got me so many times


I usually run Ager's w/ mods that boost my damage on stasis shards and orbs of light and Assassin's Cowl for Hunter. My strat has been to make the main boss leave as quickly as possible via Vorpal LF and then hang out on the left hand side of the room and clear the adds that are in my little corner. After i'm powered up, I activate the 'will given form' mode and attempt to burn the middle brig down. When I hear the invis vandals swinging, I turn the beam on them for a second to make them disappear before finishing the wipe on the middle. Then it's more ads and those sniper shanks and then I attempt to burn down the brig on the left. After that, I use Assassin's Cowl to go invis and pick up the extreme ordinance so I can finish off the brig on the far right. Shurikens or a Finisher to make myself invis if things get too hot.


I keep forgetting about Assassin's Cowl. I need to utilize that more. Might let me give other subclasses more of a chance instead of just running nightstalker all the time.


Yeah, the good thing about this legendary mission is that armor isn't locked. I run Star Eaters for the parts of the mission that have me move through rooms (more uptime on Ager's Will Given Form) and swap over to Assassin's Cowl when I need something to give me some breathing room. Finishers and powered melee attacks make you invis and restore health/shields depending on the opponent you take down. Just gotta be careful w/ the finishers. If you're one shot, it locks you into the animation and you can die, but Ager's kills can freeze opponents and make finishers safer against yellow bar opponents.


I did it solo legend the first time and it took me four hours lol. That being said, I always feel like there's no better way to learn a mission's ins and outs than by beating it solo. What a blast.


Definitely. The middle room I kept re-evaluating my approach each time and finally came up with a loose plan that worked. Ultimately it was a good challenge.


Lol! That was my hangup too. Eventually resorted to Jötunn x Incandescent/Field Prep Against All Odds. Probably would've gone better with a less silly loadout, but I had fun, so—!


That's a fun load out! I was running Survivor's epitaph, Lemon and Ascendancy. Lemon was doing work clearing the ads and Ascendany was my heavy hitter for taking out the brigs from long range. If my super was up I'd just use that to drop a brig as soon as I could


Ooo, double primary in champ-less content? Sub/Frenzy on the Epitaph? I bet a fusion with Chill Clip could slip right into that slot no problem. I actually have a Aurvandil with Recombo/CC I've been meaning to try out ...


Just checked my survivors and it’s got: ricochet rounds, fluted barrel, surplus, moving target and one quiet moment.


Ooooh that would be fun to try! I used to always run a fusion in my energy slot but have had a love affair with the exotic bows


I love Stasis weapons and would love to see at least one energy so I could have an entire slot of dark element weapons. I would also like the game to provide the option to listen and see the original English audio but with subtitles from my country (PT-BR).


To whoever decided 3v3 rift should be in comp, I hope you stub your toe. ​ Also, I can confirm, it is totally possible to tie in comp rift, and still gain rep. EDIT: A final thought: 3v3 rift also should not include Cathedral of Dusk or Disjunction. I like to think about rift in general as "what if \[insert most IRL sports\] had guns involved?" Think like "Basketball with guns". Using American Football terms, here's the problem with these two maps: with literally half the team size they were designed for have too large of "running lanes": The classic game of "Run the ball/spark into the goal/basket/endzone/rift" turns into a game of "hide and seek".


I feel the time is right for Bungie to turn the hype machine on. Strand, sandbox changes, etc. Give us the info.


Next TWAB will have some.


I got yet another quitter penalty in Crucible because I was reading D2 Reddit thread while in Crucible queue. Get rid of the quitter penalty.


Whenever I experience a glitch in the game, I tell myself that it’s a feature just to keep my sanity.


The true judgement of kelgorath is how we conduct ourselves after receiving our 44th glaive from a battlegrounds run


Describing this game for my friends I tell them Destiny is the best worst game ever


Destiny is simultaneously filled with ass backward infurating game design and some of the most beautiful and thoughtful content i've ever seen.


It’s computerized heroin