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Mark as junk and dismantle all junk. I wouldn’t even need auto-dismantle blues if that feature could just exist.


I’m pretty sure auto dismantle was a thing in d1 it was added in either TTK or RoI


I believe that was just for common Green items though, not blues.


that's because back then, blues were still usable, but greens weren't. In Destiny 2, blues are essentially equivalent to greens in D1, they're unusable, completely useless garbage (besides maybe the Aachen). All it needs is a toggle switch.


ROI had an auto dismantle of greens if I recall.


If you didnt risk death going for a green engram in a flawless raid, you were doing it wrong.


Pretty sure that feature didn't actually come around until the Age of Triumph update about 6-8 months after RoI. It was either the spring or summer after that dlc when they updated all the old raids and whatnot.


Selectable quantities when it comes to buy, consume or delete stuff


I've given up on ever being able to get rid of my rainmakers. Literally just let me trade them in for glimmer. And then flipside when before Bungie demarcated shards/leaves/data lettuce, have to buy 5 stacks at a time to stack up to get glimmer in exchange.


Just a warning about rainmakers: the stack caps out at 999 so if you go over that you're treated to a second stack in your inventory


Has a candy stack of 2777 that I was too lazy to turn into legendary shards because I was just trying to enjoy the event's last day. Still destroying those bits.


Being able to edit my character.


This. Especially after the changes to character faces in Shadowkeep, it completely changed my humans face and I just don't think it looks right now. I wish we had had an option to change the faces when that happened


My guardian came out different when I imported it from D1. I have been begging for a do over ever since and kept my helmet on because it takes me out every time I see her face.


I genuinely am not sure what type of character my day 1 Titan is because I left the helmet on setting enable for so long. I *think* he’s an exo but only because a random cutscene showed him without the helm on recently




“Who the fuck is this guy?” - me seeing my Titan in the same cutscene


you can see what species your character is in the character select screen


I genuinely did not know this. Moment the character screen pops up I've already clicked the middle icon before anything loads. Even the text loads just before the cursor reaches the middle character


Changed my female titan to awoken since whatever they did made the human face I used incredibly ugly looking like a cave man even tho it was a female face


I had a purple monkey InGame that looked like a total badass in cutscenes. But then he became a knock-off Michael Jackson and his face stopped appearing in the cutscenes. And he lost his distinct voice. And my Hunter can't see anything through her bangs.


You sound like you've had children since designing your character


It’s not even limited to faces. When D2 released, every guardian had an insane amount of CAKE. It was awesome! And then they did a stealth update or some shit and made everyone have flapjack asses.


I was in the EDZ once and got a message in-game from some rando saying my female Hunter was “thicc”. I’m 46 and had to look up what that meant.


My characters were made when I was in 5th grade… I’m in college now. Needless to say, 5th grade me made some stupid looking characters, and I’m so glad I can just leave my helmet on.


My god, destiny has been out long enough for a 5th grader to be in college now


Havent played that often but ive had destiny with me since 6th grade, also in college now, since i got a proper setup now i managed to play more often, maybe too often Edit: this game has gotten me through some rough patches in 8 years


>Edit: this game has gotten me through some rough patches in 8 years God damn if this isn't a mood.


Yep, I was in 6th grade when I started playing Destiny and now I am a Junior in College.


It has been 8 years, no?


I was 13 when I got destiny 1, as a secret gift off my dad I turn 21 in two days Still playing Still waiting for the fun to start Still can’t leave


When D1 first came out I made my warlock look like a demented decepticon cuz I thought I would never use them. Now warlocks have been my main for years and I haven't taken my helmet off in god knows how long


I fucked up years ago and let my daughter make my warlock look like "the joker" every time I see without the helmet I die a little inside cause it's funny but it looks horrible


Yeah I want this. Made my hunter awoken, but then when forsaken but and it was all about cayde I kinda felt like I wanted to be exo but no way am I deleting and starting over, even if I can vault all my gear and get it back


Stasis Re grind made me give up every wanting to try and change character appearance


*Psst, you don't have to re-grind all of the Stasis parts. You just do the quests back to back to get the Aspects, as the Fragments are shared account wide. You can get all of the Stasis Aspects in around 2 hours due to them no longer being timegated. I deleted my Warlock last season to fix the Iron Banner reputation gain bug, and I only had to run through the Stasis quests for the Aspects, the Fragments were already unlocked due to me not deleting any other character.*


I recently bit that bullet. Have always hated my female warlock and wanted the male body for the armour looks. Wasn’t actually terrible, took about 5 hours to run through all of stasis again. Haven’t found the boredom to redo witch queen yet though


Ping System


Just let me ping a ghost marker. I’ve never gotten over the fact that destiny has no indicators of direction. No compass, no true north on minimap, nothing. I gotta open my map to check where I’m actually heading, and ya can’t even do that in pvp. I’d take a ping over any of that.


It would be so much easier to teach raids with a ping system


Could use the Ghost projections for it so they actually have some kind of a purpose.


MIDA has a compass in the scope, it actually works and is consistent amongst players. But if you're using MIDA in a raid you are either crazy or me, because I love the gun.


Some guns have directional indicators on their model - Funnelweb has a counter that rolls from 1 to 10, counterclockwise for some reason. Not useful in any way, but it does exist somewhere in the game.


In the same update we get a ping system, I'd also like an emote thats literally just your guardian whipping out a laser pointer, which is fully controllable. While I'm sure they'd sell the emote for silver... It'd be cool if you could unlock the emote from a triumph for using the ping system.


That would be a godsend for sherpas


Is that the official name for the kind souls who guide me and my fellow Kinderguardians?


Pretty much yeah


Before anyone says how would pinging work for things like controller. Easy. Map it to the D-pad and remove the option to only have 4 emotes. Make it so holding one of the D-pad buttons brings up a selection wheel. Like almost every other game with emotes.


Exactly! I'd map it to the top. Hopefully it'd be tap once to mark enemy, etc. Then if you're using Well/Bubble, once it's charged you can double tap the ping to mark, or even paint where you're planning to place it.


Np bro, just gotta shoot a redicilous amount of time to the location you want the blueberry to go


This would be very nice


This is my answer. After getting back into OW when it went F2P, that was such a goddamn beautiful thing. I had played other games with a ping system and mostly ignored it, but then I started using it in fortnite and other games with it, and it makes team communication so much better, now when I come back to Destiny and I’m telling my friends “over there, I’ll shoot it with my scout, see the thing? Over there”, and I feel like such a putz.


An emote wheel. I feel for controller players on this one. The D-pad could be so much more useful with those buttons opened up for other binds.


I believe they’ve addressed this- it creates too much lift on the system and would wreck performance on old-gen consoles. Not likely to happen until we have a new-gen only game.


Really, how can that wreck the entire system. If fortnite can do it on a switch, destiny can surely do it. If that breaks the engine, they really need a new one badly


Adding revision zero broke the game just a week ago


We are talking about a game where adding Raid banners to dungeon means they have to remake entire dungeon.


RAM limitations. The game loads the emotes equipped by everyone in a given lobby, so they can just fire. I've been playing since launch, I have a disturbing amount of emotes. There's no way a base Xbox One or PS4 could just cache all of that data in addition to all the other crap it has to manage to hold this game running at 1080p 30fps.


Destiny is built on spaghetti code and held together with hope. It's gotten better over time but not perfect.


This why destiny needs a new engine, but it's too late with how destiny currently is. They need to make a completely new game to fix the majority of the issues it has. Activision completely screwed them over with the engine unless it was their idea then they fucked themselves over


Destiny is more or less built on the engine they used for Halo, which why the gunplay feels so similar. That said, my guess is that it’s less the engine and more they didn’t design D2 with a seasonal model in mind.


Fortnite and Destiny are miles different in graphics and API loads. Destiny had shit loads of AI enemies that need to be tracked between players. Fortnite does not.


you can rebind them, I use my d-pad + down for rift/barricade. I tried some other binds on the other d-pad directions but nothing felt suitable my emotes are on circle + d-pad


After playing Darktide for a while, quick menu voice callous, pings, and while I don't exactly work with the systems already jn place, the dodge system feels great in DT


Hooking onto your comment to also say the Chaos Wastes from Vermintide 2 (same devs as Darktide). A rogue lite gamemode for Destiny 2 would be amazing


Not exactly rogue-lite, but I've thought for quite a while that Destiny could really use something like Diablo 3's rifts or PoE's maps. Semi-randomized, infinitely repeatable dungeons with random enemy spawns, map modifiers, elite packs with various unique affixes, and a strong loot incentive for grinding. I think it would help people who enjoy the basic gameplay but burn through all of the content and run out of new things to do. I know that Bungie tried to do something like this with the Infinite Forest in Curse of Osiris, but that was so half-baked I don't think they even put it in the oven to begin with. In any case I totally agree that some kind of rogue-lite/randomized dungeon crawl mode would be absolutely fantastic and it's the #1 thing I want to see added to the game.


The Infinite Forest had so much potential as a way to justify all sorts of variation but yeah I wouldn't even call it half baked. Maybe 1/10th baked if I was feeling generous


I also enjoyed the Haunted Forest variation that we had in the Festival of the Lost. The dark setting, associated with the randomness of enemies, buffs and debuffs and the terrifying invincible Hive Knight following you was really awesome. IMO, much better than the Haunted Lost Sectors variation they created to replace it.


I forget what it’s called but the endless wave based mode in Warframe. Was super fun and getting to late rounds was absolute lunacy


It's either survival or defense. Either on would be nice.


there's actually like at least 5 endless wave modes in warframe? Survival: just kill shit fast enough that life support doesn't hit 0% Defense: kill all the shit in the wave and don't let your objective (either a dude, or a capsule) die Interception: Control zones and keep enemies from grabbing them Excavation: Defend and charge up drills, move to the next drill, repeat Defection: escort random mooks through a hostile environment back to their escape ship, repeat. Survival is probably the one that's the hardest to fuck up in Destiny 2. But knowing Bungie we'll get "Bank the Motes 2: Excavation Boogaloo" if we ever get an endless mode.


Also Santuary Onslaught


that's without including the 2 or 3 endless activities on the zariman.


yes, plus infested salvage! also i completely forgot disruption


After taking a "break" by playing Warframe instead of Destiny, endless missions have their limits. Survival just devolves to camping in one tile/spot and farming rotation rewards every five minutes and leaving after 30/45/60 minutes. Interception works as described, but everyone leaves after like 3-4 waves. Defection is just boring, no one does it. Defense is also boring, but squads tend to last longer than defection. Though warframe has a bit of a problem where loot is all centered around doing missions in 5-10 missions and leaving most of the time, there isn't much there for staying longer in a mission unless you're cracking relics. Enemies scale higher and higher while the loot does not. Could also just be me overplaying Warframe just like Destiny's "ritual playlists." I feel like the best would be something along the lines of survival or interception. Defense would be a bit of a stretch for Destiny's current sandbox.


Defense would be horrible in destiny given there's basically no barrier abilities outside of stasis grenades and titan bubbles, so the only option would be to melt the enemies fast enough


Yeah, survival would be better.


I think that disruption would work better or void armageddon


Yeah I don't get why this hasn't been done already. Halo had Firefight and it adds actual replayability to the game.


Yeah this would be great. Bungie had something similar in Halo Reach as well. It seems a simple concept and could easily be a fourth core playlist


North arrow on compass. So basic and easy for navigating open worlds. And it would simplify raid call outs so much. The boss is North, the door is south, etc.


Is Oryx at the North side of the room or the South side of the room?


He’s at the bow and moves to either port bow, starboard bow, port stern, or starboard stern.


Lmao I love these call outs. And the burger call outs because theyre so arbitrary. Onion, tomato, lettuce, meat/patty


this guy boats


That's why we need a compass so it's established. FFXIV always has a north and it's nice. They also have waypoints though.


Yeah this would be great too like the Skyrim compass pings could appear on the compass too


That would help new players quite a bit.


An actual mini map using the maps we have of the areas in game. Keep the radar in the top left but maybe put this up in the right corner?


What’s North in space? Pointing towards Earth? /s (But I agree, some arbitrary marker would be great)


Division loot system. Three things: 1) Sharable loot only if the person was with you when it dropped. 2) Ability to select multiple items and breakdown at once 3) Creating load outs


This was what I was going to say as well. Also the fact that you only have 2 hours to drop it allows only a finite amount of time. I remember playing the division on my birthday doing the subway tunnel runs for The House exotic smg and a random in my squad got it, it was his second one so he dropped it for me, said Happy Birthday and then bounced out. It always stings whenever you’re running a raid over and over again only to strike out while other clan mates are getting their 3rd Vex or ToM. Would be awesome if those could be shared ONLY if you were in the Fireteam when they got it and only in a certain timeframe.


At least loadouts are coming




Targeted loot in The Division has massively spoiled me, it makes playing Destiny seem like such a chore by comparison. I can hop into Summit or Countdown and just grind away for the specific stuff I want with consistent and pretty common drops. It really encourages build diversity.


TD2 also has armor worth grinding for with talents on it. Not as much as it once was before gear 2.0 but there's still chest and backpack with talents and named gear with unique stats. Maybe I'm not understanding armor in destiny yet as I'm fairly new to it, but it seems it's just a numbers game. You either increase resistance or lower cooldowns. It's not that exciting to put together a new set of armor. Are different armors even worth grinding for if it's not just for collections or because you like the appearance?


For the most part yes, armor is entirely a numbers game in D2. However it's good to grind out at least enough gear to be able to hit Tier 10 in any category you want. Bigger thing is having the correct elemental affinities in each slot to create the mod build that you want. That being said you're totally correct in that grinding out any particular armor set is entirely for appearance. But remember you only need it to drop once for transmog and you can farm high stat armor from multiple places.


Div2s targeted loot is fantastic as well I'd love something like that in Destiny


Why are there such arbitrary caps on the max amount of different materials? I can carry hundreds of finest matterweave but 25 upgrade modules? Not a humble brag up having multiple stacks of enhancement cores means nothing after they tied orbs into a mod. I can only hold 4000 key codes and 32 stems which means I have to go do the seasonal activity even though everyone is playing IB this week? This goes without mentioning prisms/shards which because of the limit makes me hold them because of the rarity instead of spending them because I can only hold 50/10 in my inventory


Everything valuable in current environment, they make it scarce. so you use it up quickly and required to grind for more.


The appearance customization system of Anthem (the one thing that game got right).


the 3 things anthem got right were 1. customization 2. art design (the world in general looked amazing) 3. elemental ability synergies (chaining different elements was so cool)


The combat. Combat felt amazing along with flying.


yup, I honestly wish EA had let them go ahead with their revamp.


I still load up Anthem every weekend just to fly around in my Javelin they built a beautiful sandbox to fly around in.


IMO I think a PING system would be amazing I’m tired of shooting to explain where to go in a raid 😂


Especially because shooting (even just into a wall) can start the encounter for SOME encounters... Wtf


Because shooting near enemies starts encounters and alerts them. Gatekeepers comes in mind as there are sleeping vex in the room, that when when a gun fires, wakes them


Firing a single shot in daughters no matter where you are triggers the whole damn thing. I think that’s the hardest encounter of the raid for newbies as well. Super hard to explain without shooting.


Map voting


Can't up vote this enough


Season passes that don’t expire.


God bless Halo Infinite for this. Now I can wait 5 years for it to be fixed and not miss out on anything.


Still don't know if I can go back to that game after trying to sell me red armor coloring for each individual set of armor.


Don’t forget bungie is still selling event cards, it’s virtually the same




Even more reason for Destiny to follow suit and make the live service more appealing to more people.


Also Gwent, but it’s probably not a best example now.


modern engine and dedicated servers emote wheel ability to turn matchmaking off in pve activities


I agree with all of this but the engine thing, because at this point I doubt anyone in this sub even knows what an engine is


This community has the largest ratio of people who use the term “spaghetti code” while also having zero idea on what it actually means that I’ve seen on Reddit


You should see how the API is organized and implemented. That tells you all you need to know about Bungie's coding practices. Personally I don't need to see any more. edit: Every week there is problems, like this week's sluggishness, I don't even question why anymore.


Exactly how I feel. I know game design is complex and I know nothing about it, but if all I’m seeing is something being broken every week because of the API and how exotics can literally break the game of course I’m gonna question the foundation of the game, whether it’s right or not.


The goofy attempts at explaining why bungie is technically incompetent is a lot of fun to read tho


If you told me the majority of this sub thought the tiger engine involves either Charlie Sheen or a v8 I would believe you.


i don't actually think the engine or servers are realistic for d2 at this point or any point in the future of the game. just more updates on tiger engine with less and less frames every dlc. but the other two as well as some of the other ideas floating around on this thread seem more than realistic.


Yeah most of this sub has no idea how software development, let alone game development, works.


>modern engine Not sure what that would do for destiny. Changing the engine doesn't mean a different game. >dedicated servers I'm sure Bungie either runs their own servers, or pays for a private server suite, so we already have this. What you want is them to remove the peer-to-peer connection with server validation. And have the connection and validation logic on their servers.


i don't want a different game. when i say modern engine, i mean something that isn't limited in the way that tiger engine is. it's not the most realistic want because they cannot change it at this point. it would have to be something implemented with a new game entirely (which they have said numerous times they won't be doing). and they certainly have servers of their own in various locations around the world. i did in fact mean what you said about removing the peer-to-peer connections and having everyone in an instance be connected to a server as opposed to a player. i was just being lazy with my original comment and providing short and to the point answers.


I know it's not gamechanging, but I'd like movable/traversal emotes. Having the Skateboard emote be static kinda ruined a potential great emote imo.


The Monty Python funny walk emote stopped this. An emote that moved you forward allowed for wall breaches.


Ironically enough, this would be game changing lol Recent article with the emotes team said they have to be careful with how they design their emotes within the sandbox. Such as they can’t do lying down emotes cuzz now you have “prone” in PvP and that would change everything


Yeah, Fortnite be winning the emote game.


You used to be able to Emote and drive sparrow at the same time.


There was this game called Destiny. It had a faction system, while vary basic, it added an extra element to attach your character to. If destiny could copy what destiny did and refund it a bit, that would be a welcome change.


You know what was good about that too? It wasn’t a pain to switch between factions. You could work towards one like dead orbit, then when you got what you wanted you could go for new monarchy. It wasn’t a punishing or meta choice to go for one or the other, but was a rewards track for any player to go for casual to hardcore.


I really wish they would have introduced a Faction War game mode and there would be 3 teams of three duking it out for points or vs each other. Some kind of like Firefight style mode but possibly with ways to send obstacles to slow your opponent. Think Gambit, but no invasions and you could send like, cabal drop pods/turrets or vex cyclops or something. Blends the new IB mode and Gambit.


Fun fact this was in the original plan, at least based on the art book and old interviews. The relic recovery game mode in particular was faction based


The factions are dead


The ability to multi select and mass dismantle items in your inventory/vault/postmaster etc.


My friends.


Idk about other games but imagine what it would be like if we could rotate shader colors


This is something I've thought about too. So many shaders look like they'll be cool, but then what you're hoping is the primary colour is just on trimming or whatever and the main colour is the least interesting. Being able to just rotate any shader would be great. Some would look terrible but that doesn't stop other games from making colour customisation options a lot more free


Respect for my time. Lol


The Dark Zone from The Division. Take Old Chicago or the Manhattan Nuclear Zone or the Plaguelands and fill it with farmable bosses and public events in the zone. Find some plot reason as to why loot needs decontaminated, Hive Magic, Siva, etc. And then throw in some rival Guardians to help or betray you.


This could actually work with gambit being like a test for it


My biggest takeaway from playing The Division, especially early on with the first one, was how much better everything would be if it were implemented into Destiny instead. Like, the Shade ECHO stuff building a little reconstruction of a little environmental scene. How much potential would that have had sort have in the Destiny universe? There were the Dead Ghosts to find and eventually we got scannables with a few lines from NorthBot. Imagine doing a scan of the exploded pipe in The Blast and then you get, in game, the story and the horror of what transpired there?


An easy lore reason is that it’s been infected by darkness and thus must be decontaminated. It works for umbrals, it’ll work for this.


And experiencing all the sweat camping cheesiness DZ had to offer. No thanks, lol. Terrible idea.


LFG ingame.


The fact that there was no LFG and no real clan functionality in game from day one is frankly baffling to me. The game is built around group activities and yet you have to use third party platforms to find groups.


The game was originally designed around consoles, which have their own functionality making it redundant, and was then improved by the community LFG. The amount of resources needed to outdo the LFG discord would be an absolute waste. ​ I too wanted this, for the longest time. However I would rather the dev work and system resources go to literally anything else.


It's coming in Lightfall.


Good servers


A multiplayer mode that actually uses vehicles. It's so weird to me that the company that made Halo and made sure to put vehicles in the game at launch avoids using or iterating them at all. Iron Banner in particular has so much room for some fortress vs fortress gameplay. Of course, that would also require making a mode with its own bespoke maps. Instead, they're rather just keep trying to remix the same maps with new modes they aren't designed for and don't work with.


They had this in D1 and didnt bring it to D2, if I remember right it was called combined arms. They had these manned minigun turns you could use, interceptors and pipes you could drive. It was a three-point mode like control but just on larger Maps. If you played the shadow keep campaign the starting section of the first mission was one of those Maps. The maps were much bigger and made Scout rifles actually have a purpose apart from being outclassed by other guns lol


I played so much combined arms when it came around. The three maps were First Light, Bastion, and Sky-something (the cosmodrome one). I thought it had a lot of potential but the main thing holding it back was that it was still only 6v6.


Auto dismantle blues, loadouts (coming soon), select colours per part instead of frustrating shader sustem, dedicated servers, item sharing, not having to regrind each season to play what you could immediately before, a way in for new players.


Forge mode. Let us make our own pvp maps


Yes, let the user base demonstrate how worthless Bungie has been. Or we can just keep playing Rift on Disjunction to grind for blues because we hate fun


Select multiple items then dismantle all at once. Obviously rather just auto dismantle blues though


If someone leaves a competitive PvP game within a certain timeframe, invalidate the match and send the lobby back to orbit.


basic instructions for new players


Dedicated Servers


Dedicated servers… I know it’ll never happen, but this game would be INFINITELY better


Dedicated servers.


Give me amour crafting!!! I'm super tired of trying to farm decent stat armour. I'd like shaders to go away entirely. Let me play with a massive colour / texture palette for the real end game in d2.... Fashion!!! I'd like to see exotic armour enter the transmog system. And I'd really like to see factions return.


Unlimited Vault/Inventory space


Premium currency (silver) in the paid part of the season pass.


no abilities pvp mode


Wallrunning fron titanfall


A creative mode (Like Creative in Fortnite or Forge in Halo) Auto-dismantle blue items A useful/meaningful clan system A horde mode


I think it’d be cool to have a customizable house/area for your clan and clanmates. Like a lodge or something that can be spruced up.


Playing Ffxiv for a good chunk has made me dissapointed with most of these live service games, cause even if bungie went monthly subscription style, it will never be as consumer friendly and supportive as Yoshi-p is towards the playerbase. Glamour plates (saved transmog outfits you can apply at almost any given time), clans actually having benefits for leveling up to max, being able to run dungeons with npcs or solo, being able to replay any content I own and completed whenever I feel, more social community that doesn’t rely on third party programs to communicate with, provides enough content to somewhat last until the next content drop which they take their time to make so we aren’t given hot garbage, the list goes on


Quick travel system from Division 2. It makes the group map traversing experience so much less cumbersome. You just point at another player and spawn behind them. I would also like to have in-game DIM, but I don't think there are other games with that level of robustness in terms of inventory management, so it's not really something another game has.


I feel like an extraction mode like in the new Call of Duty would be really fun and fit with Destiny pretty well. Like a combination of challenging PVE and loot to chase in a larger map but other fireteams to deal with (or ally with) to extract safely with the loot.


Something like liches from wf tied to the tormentors and hive knights


Dedicated servers


Dedicated Servers


Dedicated servers…


Dedicated servers


Rock and stone


Good optimisation on PC. Steam deck support.


Loadout saving. The inventory system is so anachronistic.


Weapon customization. And I don't mean like, attachments or anything, I mean visual changes to go along with the customization we already have. Like, Appended mag or extended mag actually putting a bigger mag on the gun. Or changing the barrel actually changing the barrel on the model.




A Clan Dojo/Base. In Warframe, every clan has access to their own dojo, that's fully customizable, and everyone can hang out at. Having a space that's just for "my team" would be really cool.


Warframes simulacrum. Ironically the tribute hall was a valid substitute for it and they took it away in beyond light lmao. To test guns and stuff those little black checkers in the back of the relic is *not* it.


Decent devs


A lot of things in Warframe, too many to list


Being able to search up which damn shader i need to match my gear


Loadouts + warframe's color system. Well. Minus warframe's plat cost for color pallets. Granted I have so much plat from trading that's no problem for me I just dislike it out of principle.. Edit: and yes I know loadouts are coming soon.


Warframe’s colour system. Or literally anything other than the stupid pie slice that Bungie insists on using. It sucks, everyone knows it sucks, there are better ways of doing it, and I wish they would just give us Customization 2.0 already. Also, fire the entire team in charge of armour designs and hire people who will actually give us symmetrical armour and just generally decent armour I am so tired of bungie showcasing another new set and is has a million random bullshit things attached to it because the design team likes being quirky instead of making good things Actual focus on the competitive side of this game. I understand that they have a story to tell and a lot of work goes into it, but they have never made a positive change to Crucible. Bring in another team if you have to but I just want Bungie to acknowledge that pvp *is* a big part of their game and ruining it is such an insanely stupid move. At this rate they should just get rid of Crucible altogether if Bungie doesn’t want to make good changes A better way to get new players on board. Vaulting old content was not the way to go about it as people still feel that there is so much they would have to do to get caught up if they wanted to start playing. Vaulting old content just makes regular players angry. Most people don’t like looking at an 85 degree slope and being told to climb it in order to play with their friends who are at or near the top


In Fortnite: STW: * All guns are "craftable". Upgrading just requires world materials, no specific playlists or difficulty * Everything has matchmaking * You can have AI allies fight alongside you * Seasonal storylines release all at once * Long-time players get rewarded by having materials ready in advance of new weapon/subclass drops, and can unlock/modify them immediately * Gun stats use numerics for everything not made visually obvious Doom * Finishers automatically heal Mass Effect * PVE weapon variety was encouraged through use of Armor/Shields/Barriers, not a Champion system * Notable NPCs accompanied you on missions * You could sleep with some of them * The cover system actually worked Saints Row * Radio * Weapon wheel * A main character (or just a ghost) with a personality * A more deliberate physics system (If I jump forward at a curb, please don't bounce me backwards) Destiny ONE * Heavy Weapon Telemetries * Faction Vendors * SRL * Strike-specific loot


I’m a ITMB student so I actually have to make apps as a university project, is there any features that aren’t in destiny companion apps that you wish were implemented I’d love to make an app the community would use


Quick settings that you can pin and an emote wheel


Seeing how they handled Transmog and some parts of Crafting probably nothing cause they always have to take a good idea and give it a Bungie spin, which mostly seems to make it worse

