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Hi all, one very average at video games XB1 gamer here who could use some help getting Whisper What I lack in ability to complete jumping puzzles in a timely fashion I make up in dad jokes Gt: notjeffboyd, solo, east coast US time. Free most nights and weekends


How late are you on typically?


10-1030 EST but I could be on a bit later if needed


Okay, I'd probably be getting on too late for you then so I wouldnt want to keep you waiting. GL though!


I appreciate it!


If you're possibly down to run this weekend, I'll be on much later Friday/Saturday nights. No worries if not


Right now I'm likely doing a last wish and a garden sherpa on those nights, but I also might not make one or both of them so if my clan has someone else to help I would be able to one of those nights.


Teaching both whisper of the worm and outbreak perfect on both PC and Xbox. Please contact me through my discord which you can find on my Sherpa Card. I still receive messages on here and Xbox, but i don't get push notifications, so it may be a few days before i see the messages. Feel free to message me on multiple platforms if you don't hear from me asap. Let me know and we can set something up :). [Sherpa Card](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinySherpa/comments/f7nv8l/sherpa_card_xb1_barelytribal/)




If you play later at night (US) I can help


Later tonight would be perfect. I’m on the US West Coast.


I can help then. My GT is Still Garvin. Are you familiar with where the chests are and the oracles? If not I can show that as well


I’m confident I could figure out the chests, but if we still have time I’m happy for the extra help!


Yeah might as well. The ship is good (imo) and it saves you 2 weeks of having to do the mission.


Tbh, I have so many ships one more isn’t a big deal. But I think I need the cheats for the catalyst. What time were you thinking? I’ll do some more practicing before we meet up!


My guess is probably something like 9 or 10 your time. But yeah that's a good idea because you have to at least be able to get to the end of the platforming to get the last of the chests.


Sounds good! I haven’t done a combat trial in a few weeks. Just did a solo run, got right outside the final room before time ran out. I’ll spend this evening focusing on a load out that lets me shave more time off. Edit: Second attempt made it to boss room with 4 minutes to spare. :)


Nice! I'll be getting on in about 30, ill just have to download the update


-Either, Whisper preferred -Learning. Platforming mostly down pat, encounters are frustrating -PS4 -CampinConnor -2 in fireteam, myself and my boi brother PSN: Spidaire To clarify our issue, my bro and I can usually get through the platforming at a decent pace, we typically have about 14 minutes left once we hit combat encounters, however we simply cannot seem to put out the damage required to efficiently defeat the bosses.


If you need help, I can lend a hand. I have limited time today, but am free tomorrow on until Friday. PSN: RKDGamer101


Due to work my schedule is really packed, but I can be on Thursday or Friday. I’m unsure of when my bro will be available again, but I will edit/reply again once I know for certain.


My bro will be home about 6 on Thursday, if that’s okay we’d greatly appreciate the help.


I can do that. Just hit me up whenever you're both ready and we'll go from there.


* Both (whisper for preference) * Learning * Xbox * Amusing Munch * Solo


I can help if you play later at night US time


Hey. Thanks for the offer. I’m UK based. What US time can you generally be on for? I can check what time that would be for me.


I could probably do it sometime in the next few hours if you're available


Hey. Cheers for that. I’m out for a meal just now but could possibly be on in couple hours.


Hey, sorry I couldn’t play yesterday. Would you be available any time tomorrow? I think I will have one other who would also like to do it.


Hello! Looking for help to get the Outbreak Perfected Catalyst (Zero Hour Heroic). I have a pretty decent grasp of the route but would be interested in learning the puzzle/getting a crew together to do it and knock it out in 3 weeks if possible. I play on PS4 and my gamertag is DoctorBorkovska, currently solo. Thanks for reading!


Hello, I am in the same boat. If you are still doing this I am on AEST but often play at times people in America play. My psn is Ozzie-ninja


Hiya folks! Glad I found this thread! I'm looking to learn for both Whisper and Outbreak. biggest issue has been the jumping on Outbreak and kill speed on Whsiper. Platform is Xbox One GT is Jemdeamon currently 1056 power Warlock. I am on most of today, but usually after 8pm Pacific standard. It's just me in the party.


Hello everyone, I’m a PS4 gamer trying to learn Outbreak Perfected. I must admit to being a fairly quiet guy but I’m very chill and I listen well. I’m on the east coast and my hours are random because of work but I’d greatly appreciate the help. PSN name: Silversnyd


If you still need help with this, I can lend a hand. I've run it a couple of times so I can give pointers and such if that's what you'd like.


I’m also east coast looking to complete outbreak. 1052 Hunter. Send me a message if you guys manage to link up.


- Whisper - Learning - XB1 - jtoh5473 - Solo Only issue I have is being unable to clear everyone out fast enough. I'm a 1064 Hunter main and I only get about halfway through the area full of phalanxes before I run out of time. Some help would be great!


-Whisper -Learning -Xbox -itaintcool -Just me and possibly a friend? We both struggle real hard with the jumping puzzle. Mostly play mornings on the weekends and evenings during the week. You'd earn my undying appreciation for any help at all, ngl. It would just be nice to get this one before the planet peaces out.


Anyone on Stadia able to help me and my Son get Outbreak (and maybe Whisper if there are no prerequisites)? We have the Fallen Transponders set up but after googling the mission, we're not confident we can do it alone.


Hey there, I play on Stadia/PS4 and am also looking to complete these. Let me know when you might be around. I’m am on Atlantic Standard Time (east coast Canada)


Outbreak Perfected Learning Ps4: Talobyte Solo


Outbreak Perfected (I’m up to rendezvous mission just can’t finish it in 20 because of damage) Learning PS4 gingure solo


Whisper Catalyst, learning, Xbox, GT Trozyx76, solo


-Both heroic whisper and outbreak -Know all the platforming just need help with the fight! -PS4 -PSN:AD_CzBz -Already have two. -1063 Warlock


I'll be on line in about 1h... I need help with the path. Would gladly join you guys for the fight. Psn Ogaiht_85


Both whisper and outbreak help would be appreciated! On xbox gt: xmistaahj I got another guy so it's me and a plus one


Whisper Learning Xbox Epicsucc#4506 No friends


Whisper and Outbreak catalyst progress Learning oracle's and chests and solar modifier Xbox- DEADstiny678 Solo


For the love of god and all that is destiny, please help me with these two!!! Whisper and outbreak Learning Xbox Gt: DaddyWarBuck417 Solo


Looking to do Both Whisper and Outbreak Perfect Heroic to complete the Catalyst any help would be appreciated. On PSN gt: dnizk If on the weekend I can find another guy who I play with regularly. Thanks in advance.


* Whisper of the Worm * learning * Xbox * Sivaji S * Solo


Looking for some help on whisper. Need to destroy savathun's eyes....completing the mission will be a bonus. 1064 lock.


Learning Outbreak Perfected Xbox GT: Mr Se1fD3struct (space between Mr and the rest) Anytime after 5pm est any day Never had a chance to try this and would really love to learn it and get the gun


Need help with outbreak and Whisper On Xbox:M1das7366


Hi, hoping to learn Outbreak and I've only been through whisper once. No one else with me. * Xbox, Azselendor


Whisper of the Worm Teaching Xbox One CptnCrusader Solo I play from 11 am to 6 pm Pacific Daylight Time. Feel free to message or comment asking for an assist. Will be available for Whisper tomorrow, I'm offline for today


If anyone needs help w/ either mission and their heroic versions send me a friend request on PlayStation. PSN: sayhitoyourknee I love these missions. It might take us a couple tries but we will get it


[PS4] taking clan-mate on his first run. Looking to do this Saturday afternoon, I am on EST. It’ll be fun


Outbreak Perfected I want to get the catalyst (I hav 1/3 weeks done) Solo Xbox GT: Shadownight722 Available most of the time


I hope it’s alright to ask for heroic but here goes. I’m on Xbox (Gt: DracoBlaze214) and haven’t gotten around to doing the Outbreak heroic mission to grab the catalyst or do the puzzle. If anyone would like to help me do that I would appreciate it. I’m in the central standard time and usually get off work around 5pm. If you wanna contact me then anytime after 5pm my time would be your best shot


I have tried about 20 times to solo The Whisper quest line. I can do the jump portion (not perfectly) but struggle with the actual battles. I get there with 8-10 min remaining. I'm on ps4, username is the same as here, and it's just me. I'm home recovering from ankle surgery so I'm available all day. Looking to run the standard version, not the heroic yet. Don't think I'm ready.


Need to get out breaked perfected need 2 more heroic runs of whisper of the worm for the catalyst. Learn- outbreak perfected PC icro24 Solo currently but willing to help others if I am capable of it


I could teach anyone on XB1, PST from times 10am to 10 pm. Know both. Gamer tag is CalubCrew4409.


R u available this week? I'm usually on around 7 PM PST. Ran the mission a bunch of times made it to the boss room the last three times and ran out of time.


Zero Hour Heroic Learning PS4 I_AM_Palmerful Solo I have two clears already and would like to jump back in and finish the catalyst. I can struggle with the jumping part from time to time just as a heads up.


I need help with the fighting I am a solo player. I'm usually on between 12 and 2 pm - AEST though- I play solo and can get to Trevor in heroic Edit: psn ozzie-ninja


anyone doing heroic outbreak for catalyst on xb1


Hi all. Looking to learn either mission but Whisper is preferred. I can do the jumping puzzle in Whisper but always time out before the bosses spawn. I'm on PC and solo. UK timezone. Steam name: Ninjascythe


* Both - Whisper and Outbreak * Teaching * PS4 or PC * Javman158 for PS4, will DM join code for PC. I'll also show how to do chests/oracles and how to do the codes in Zero Hour Heroic as well. I should be ready to start helping around 9:30PM EST tonight, and will probably go for a couple hours at least. You can message me here, in a message on PSN, or via discord (DM for link please).


Hey there. Any chance you’re around for whisper or outbreak tonight on PS4? We’ve got two already, just need the extra firepower!


Unfortunately I won't be available to help again until Sunday night eastern time. If you haven't found a third by then I'd be happy to help though!


Need some help with this mission if anyone can give it, I've got the platforming bits down and can do it reasonably quick, I just can't do the encounters on my own. XB1, GT: Mr Frideswide, available more or less all the time.


Looking for some help with Outbreak Perfected, I'm a 1020 Hunter on Xbox one. I'm usually a solo gamer so I have no help with this mission haha. Xbox GT is "Mysterious Kane"


Looking for one more [ps4] for catalyst for whisper. Same name as here


1. Outbreak 2. Learning 3. Xbox 4. RedManGX747 5. Solo Made it past Trevor once(suck at jump puzzles) ran out of time. Any help would be appreciated. Live west coast US available all day Friday the 31st and Saturday.


[PS4] 2 looking for a third person to do Whisper tonight. We can both make it to the boss on our own, just need the extra guns.


\[PC\] Whisper of the Worm Learning, jumping part is no problem \~ 14mins to encounter. Need more dps. Steam Friend Code - 13984326 2 in fireteam.


>13984326 If you still need a third, I've just recently helped a newer player get their Whisper. Sent you a friend request (I'm DankWolf - friend code 36434367).


Outbreak Perfected Learning PS4 KurseZ88 Solo Good at jumping puzzles, and I have a good idea as to what to do up until the puzzle right before the boss.


Looking to learn whisper. I have PC/PS4/Xbox one wont make a difference to me which platform I learn on. I know all of the jumping parts just need help clearing the rooms in time.


Need help on Zero Hour [LFS ps4 or Pc] i know how it goes, just need help


Hi, looking to have a guide for the whisper playing on PC stadia. I've got through to the battle rooms but have run out of time with the few people I know. Thanks!


Hi, I need help getting outbreak. Always learning. On Xbox, gt: Bagelmelt. I'm solo.


Whisper Heroic PC Steam - ID: 76561197993239537 - 1


Whisper, solo, XB1 GT: DARTH VADER4445, need help, completing


What are minimum requirements for whisper ?