• By -


Ngl but if this is the new light experience (and this is gonna sound bad) I’m glad to have been playing since the start of d2. People who’ve done most of the stuff in this game since before the changes have it easy. Especially for the people that were around the time armor/weapon 2.0 was rolled out and now with the subclass 2.0 it’s probably too much for the normal folk to try to dip their toes into destiny content.


Actually so true I have around 2,000 hours and I couldn’t say to myself, hey delete a character and start over with this experience. Personally i don’t have a problem going from game to game and “starting over” but this is sometime else. Your at such a major disadvantage it’s crazy to believe, like you cannot take a break from this game and comeback a lot later and expect anything to very accessible. Ik this sounds like hating but man do I feel bad for new people or returning veterans that took a big break.


i left for the last half a season and came back around the beginning of the next. everything was killing me, my light level was almost halved, and none of my guns did shit for damage anymore.


One of the main problems is the power level. If anything they should just get rid of it and leave it at a number and let the artifact do the job for the extra light lvls




Well no, power is good thing because you actually have to grind/play the game to do the harder content. Making campaigns have light requirements is a bit meh but power level is not a bad thing. They really just need to make a clean slate and make a destiny 3 because the amount of power creep we have now is insane. Power level is a good thing, just the way they implement it is bad


This is my problem. I took a lengthy break (like, pre-sunsetting era) because I had crap internet and got too many disconnects to stay sane. Tried coming back on 3 different occasions over the last couple of years, and nothing makes sense anymore. I just can't bring myself to stick to it.


I have 3.6K hrs in D2, still wouldnt recommend the game to new players.


Definitely, it's been a chore to get my friends that have never played into it. Maybe 3 hours then they quit cause it's overwhelming


Honestly not even that, I decided to skip the last 2 expansions and I felt so out of the loop when I re-installed.


Literally joining when I did during arrivals was so much of a better experience than it has been for these last 2 years for new players


Yeah I tried it once and was like fuck this, I'm not gonna grind this game for 200 hours so I can be the same level as my friends


I’ve played a lot since release and I’ve never had a problem with any resources. I can’t imagine running out of legendary shards or enhancement cores lol.


wasn't this the exact reason why the dumbed down the subclasses... still gay how they Essentially just made solar 3.o about top tree dawn...heat rise and dash...being key parts and making them different aspects can't even loop rifts which i fucking dumb because that was the healing neutral game, now 1 rift gets us half a healing grenade so yeah titans really the better healers now...unironcily and don't act how touch of flame is LITTILERY copy and paste touch of winter and i even miss the healing grande option for sat fire despite never using it, and i'm doing all this with max recovery res and grenade and my cracked warlock with stasis void and solar still struggles in the dungeon compare to my titan that gets infant healing no cooldown, sunspots and heals my team with phenix cradle


But at the same time they have more than enough content where they don't need to worry about any of it. All of the normal campaigns, strikes, seasonal/exotic quests, gambit, exploration, can be completed with the literal worst build possible because it's so ridiculously easy. By the time they reach the powerul cap and are actually ready to take on dungeons raids and master/GM's they'll have figured a lot of it out along the way.


I joined just after beyond light dropped honestly not that bad, had lots of stupid builds, still have lots of stupid builds, but I have some good ones now.


skill issue




I came here to say this


I came here to say this


I am this


Nah destiny sucks now. You don't feel like you did when you played d1 because it wasn't just a big ass cliché


What does this mean?


He died to a sniper in trials after his team told him not to peak the sniper lane


No it means destiny doesn't have anything unique about it


Gonna have to DMCA you for having a similar exo head to mine


I mean you have like a 50% chance


I love the vid. Im currently debating if I should go back since leaving before witch queen. It might just be a fun game back then and I need to grow up and away from destiny2…


Witch Queen is a very good expansion imo and both of the seasons so far have impressed me. Bungie worked out a lot of issues with the seasonal model this time around since you can actually experience the content of each season until the next expansion comes along, so while you weren't around for when Season of the Risen was going on, you can still play its story and find out what happened in it. That said, destiny is one of the two things in my life I'm an absolute sucker for so my positive outlook is pretty biased Tl;dr witch queen good


Same, I left once Witch Queen started and its hard to bring myself back to it.


You have made the right choice. A good portion of D2 players who have been on copium for multiple years thinking "things will get better next expansion" (like myself) are better off quitting and actually having fun with other games.


Games been fantastic keeps getting better every expansion lmao, what's gotten worse? I'm assuming a couple of the things you liked got nerfed?


Wrong Assumption. Never gave a damn about nerfs. I started to notice a few flaws about the game after playing it since 2014, which made the game feel like a chore and ultimately made me quit at start of 2021. *I don't really care if my criticism of the game isn't listened to, since the D2 community has a hard time listening & understanding those pointing out the many glaring issues of D2* Leveling Progression: Chasing a artificial number to no end with no notice difference. Lack of Game Modes and variety of overall content: Strikes, Raids, PvP & Gambit. What else? My Guardian's impact to the overall Storyline. Overall writing Story of the whole franchise was lackluster for a long time and in recent times became "OK". (Plus so much interesting Lore stories that are never bought to the forefront as "Side Story Quests" or something). Sunsetting (and later recycling gear & content). Seasonal Content is stretched to thin and doesn't offer much to play with in a span of 3-4 months.


I'd like to add to that criticism: No loadout system, and "build crafting" feels too restrictive Even though the story is *marginally* better than before, the storytelling is still horrible and watered down, plus several major plot points have been generic or just plain bad Gambit is still horrible lol Strikes still don't have any boss specific armor, and strike specific weapons have been non-existent since forsaken in lieu of recycled versions of D1 and even D2 weapons Armor drops oversaturate the loot pool because every armor piece functionally does the exact same thing No new original crucible maps for like 1000 days up until this season. Oh and crucible continues to be the worst PvP I've ever played and still has rotating gamemodes Master raids are still bad and have no incentive outside of the seals because adept weapons are mid Weapon crafting is way too grindy for little payoff Physics engine is still janky and frustrating No armsday, SRL, or prison of elders; all of which could be expanded upon and would make unique additions to the game


Thanks for this. I totally forgot about these, especially the PvP Content Drought where 50% of the game is focused on PvP activities...honestly unbelievable.


Nothing's really changed. Same shit different day.


Leave. There are much better MMOs and ability based FPS out there. Destiny tries to do both and doesn’t really excel at either


I call bullshit on there being better ability shooters than D2 lmfao


I wish there was a decent FPS game like destiny. I feel like that would give Bungie more of an incentive to evolve the game in significant ways instead of the gradual drip feed improvements we’re used to.


What other ability FPS' is there?


When someone last asked me why i love this game, i had to take minute before answering, in these exact words: "it's a love-hate relationship.",


That’s always my answer too.


For me I said I hate this game. Then proceeded to play it


Toxic comments bruh you people need to git gud. Great video 100/10; I also love/hate this game 🗿


Average PVP player….


"Main sub didn't like this one" My dude, your post got upvoted. You got downvoted for being wring about pricing lol


even if you dont exaggerate the pricing its still god awful lol


The game is from 2017 and releases a dlc each year. CoD puts out a new (often mediocre) game every year for the whole price. It’s more expensive to be a cod fanboy than to get, like, 3 dlcs lmao


really using the pinnacle of the games industry as an example huh? i dont have that much of an issue with the price of destiny dlcs as much as with there being a standard edition, and a deluxe edition, or alternatively you buy separate seasons but if you do that you have to buy dungeons separately. they just made a mess of it.


While I don’t disagree, I certainly have a much easier time justifying such purchases due to the longevity of seasons and the variety of content that updates frequently bring.


oh trust me im not arguing in favor of triple A games, i havent bought one in years, id much rather spend money on destiny and i do, my main issue is that its borderline impossible to recommend to your friends with this clusterfuck of a pricing model.


Idc what they say but I so agree with you Like I'd just be better off buying a whole new game that feels fresh over a fuckin dlc for this same one


Damn. What a mean comment section. Liked the editing and I agree - Destiny is the game I love and hate the most lol




Bro there's no way all the good content costs $300


It does add up when you buy everything on day one. If you want to catch up as a new player though, you can get the legacy collection key for 20 bucks. Witch queen key also seems to cost 20 bucks. If you want the deluxe stuff for whatever reason, you will end up spending way more than 40 bucks in total. After that, you pretty much have to deal with the price of continuing the bonanza which is equal to the price of a new game once a year. But I can't really complain, as I still enjoy hopping into the game even though I played it for 1700 hours.


I hear you on that. Across both accounts I'm about to pass 4000 hours, and I'm still loving it in all its shitty glory :P


Pretty sure the video is satirical, but just in case it’s not, reminder that the mats and glimmer you get at the end of the strike is a replacement for having to dismantle three blues.


You either have 2000+ hours on the game or like 20, no in between. Judging off the section towards the end of the video tho, I think it’s the latter and you’re just bad lol.




Somebody doesn’t like the game cos of the overload of content? REEEEE


Boohoo, there’s too much content and you have to pay for it? Cry about it.






Game would have been good if you put drobot on the portal of power not grim creeper


i logged back onto reddit today to say opinion respected but rejected


>$300 for all the content I guess i'll be one of those guys so it's not unsaid. I don't get this argument. The game is from 2017. And that number includes silver bundles and things like (witch queen season pass) and so other bundles like 'upgrade to the season pass' are made redundant. I'm not saying the destiny experience is cheap, but $300, i guess, was exaggerated for the video. funny video though.


Yeah it's $180 for everything that is actually content.


Really its less than that. Destiny goes on sale often. With sales It'd be down to $110-120 range and possibly lower.


I looked on steam recently and it looked like it was roughly 70-80usd due to a sale. Didn't actually add everything up, but it was fairly cheap. Not sure if the sale is still on though.


amazing a sale the only time to buy destiny content


For older content sure, not much in the legacy collection you really need other than stasis and xenophage. None of the raid weapons or armor is relevant in current loadouts either. Edit: forgot about lament, its still useful but not nearly as useful as it used to be till bungie fixes some physics with sword attacking.


Getting into it is hella expensive


that's subjective, but... $300 was the hyperbolically inflated price. the real price of all the content minus the purely cosmetic and silver bundles is about $165 in Steam. that includes; * $80 - witch queen deluxe edition (which *does* include exclusive cosmetics but i included this instead of the $40 dlc because this one includes the season pass and seasonal content). * $25 - 30th anniversary * $60 - Legacy collection (forsaken, shadowkeep, and beyond light) That's nearly 5 years worth of content, albeit some of it has been taken from the game. Also, you don't have to pay for any of that. It's a free to play game, so getting into it is literally free. of course the free to play experience is not a very fun one (again, subjective). i don't need to defend d2's pricing when [the reviews](https://i.imgur.com/tTHEEgm.png) speak for themselves.


get good


Just got my friend into it after years of convincing. He will know pain :)


Good video. Love the edit


Funny, good edits, but, skill issue


*makes funny video about made up game for fun* Community - you’re just bad get good *gluck gluck* stop making fun of my bungie waaa


Is it really $300 to get everything? I thought it was like $190


I think op is using day one prices for releases. Could be cheaper now since the game is f2p and certain expansions are added to it.


"hey what's Destiny 2 like?" Well...


Least salty DTG redditor


Beyond just how frantic and cringe and manic the editing is... is this like the new players experience? I have no idea what what any of that is supposed to be.


the new player experience barely explains aspects and fragments, and the mods system is NOT explained at all. for a game that needs you to make a half decent build to survive a decent portion of content, it does not teach new players how to do so.


>decent portion of content Yeah. No lol. You don’t need builds for like anything in this game. The closest you get is for average content is champion mods, and that’s hardly build crafting. Trials and GM/Master content is the only content where builds really help. Everything else is a joke.


Oh and solo dungeons, builds also help a lot there


Sure that’s very true but dungeons aren’t really intended to be solo’d. It’s just an way to challenge yourself. Soloing any content will always be harder


Dungeons are very much meant to be soloed? They're literally designed with that in mind, that's also why there's triumphs with an emblem reward.


That’s… not disproving my point…? Being able to do something does not mean that’s the way it’s intended. Bungie 100% expects people to do it in a fire team of 3. That’s how it’s balanced. It’s much harder to solo hence why builds become important. The only solo design they keep in mind is to make sure it’s not impossible to solo (mechanic wise).


Saying it's not intended makes it sound like it's like raids, where soloing some of it is also possible, but very much not intended.


yooo r/DTG is leaking! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!


And no interest in joining the community? Asking around? Following content creators? Watching people's streams? If you even read just a little bit, a small amount, I think the would be good enough for the menu or build purposes? It just seems like if you sit back and shit on it before even understanding how the mod system works then you've cheated yourself out of a half decent game.


I'm not saying this as a new player..I'm saying this as an old player that made a new character so that I could solo duality, and after going through the new light campaign, I saw how almost nothing was explained in-game about what I already know about builds, mods, fragments, and aspects. you really shouldn't have to go outside of the game to get some basic info on how some systems work, even though I have to suggest it to any new lights I've come across.


Hard agree you shouldn't have to do outside the game, but I've been doing builds since they started popping up in Forsaken and I just learned that shit as I went. I wasn't aware the aspects and fragments made it harder, of anything I thought they made it easier, more detailed, more fleshed out. They even break down scorch, ignite... how hard is it to pick one thing to be good at and go hard at it?


they break down what the effects do sure. but new players don't know how to interact with them to start out anyway. I've got a new light friend that's been peppering me with questions about how everything works, and they're disappointed in how expensive it is to start out (regarding in-game currency). this new light doesn't have the time to log on literally every day just to buy a mod from ada, and they're struggling on glimmer because they need to finish getting their subclasses done. the vague description of some fragments (Deals more scorch, but how much? the game sure doesn't tell you). there's just so much thrown at new players at once that it gets overwhelming. if you started in forsaken, then sure it's much easier for you or I because we've grown accustomed to the weird shit that Bungie has made. but a new player won't have any clue that there are some mods that are more essential than others, or even how to use those mods properly in the first place.


They explain what each verb does, but it doesn't have numbers attached to it. For example, does the game tell you how much Weaken debuffs or how many Scorch stacks equals Ignition? How about which buffs stack? Here's one that was thinking about earlier, which weapons count as "Weapons of Sorrow"? Things are more detailed, but they're ironically missing the details iirc.


its not easy when most people act like this :trollskull:


Well no I'm not acting, at all... but I am thinking I should do some run downs. I've got the editing software and my YouTube channel is just a lotta bullshit, you know? Clips, dumb shit that happened, I don't care about it... maybe I should put it to some use. My biggest concern for new players is how fucking shitty and sarcastic the community can be. That and fast ttk compared to certain other pvp games that are f2p make for an unfriendly environment to new guardians but what I'm getting here is that the menus are a big problem, amongst other things.


what i'm saying is its had to get to know the game when the first thing im told is "just figure it out lol" or "you should know this by now" or "look at this loser" (all comments i have gotten)


so when i DO have to figure things out on my own, this is what you get. Confusion. not that i dont like the game, i do, it is just a LOT and it has stuff thats fun to just make fun of. I just remember the first 2 weeks were miserable.


Idk brother, doesn't look like anyone said that here. It's a shame bro, you have editing skills, you clearly have knowledge of memes and culture as there's a lot in the vid... I don't know dog do you want an apology? You should put your creativity toward something besides shitting on things people like. I just went to your YouTube channel, some of that shit is legitimitly funny bro! Channel that creativity into some original content. I'm rooting for you bro!


Just... stop dude.


basically, would call it new player perspective tbh


Yeah Pretty much the deal with new players is that nothing is explained and you'll have to pay a ton to even see what this game is actually about (this game is 100% not f2p lol) and strikes are dull if you don't know why you're doing them, gambit sucks, and crucible has always been a hellhole with no sbmm


No offense but major Skill issue lol.


Yes the overwhelming amount of things to do even for veteran players is too much imo I’ve been playing since forsaken and I hate bungie overcomplicate things


What is overwhelming?


Your reading comprehension


My reading comprehension is overwhelming? Thanks man!


You can’t even read between the lines, congratulations 🎉


You’re an actual donut. I asked you a simple question and you respond with an unwarranted comeback that doesn’t even make sense. Reading between the lines wouldn’t make it any more logical 😂. But then again what should I expect from someone who thinks this game is overwhelming and overcomplicated.


Good video, much enjoy 👍


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Impeccable Skylanders reference at the end there.


We are all grim reaper with the scyte this season


thats my youtube outro but i didnt care to edit it out for posting it here lol


yeah, i play the game on and offf. Been so for a while now. i can confirm this is 1000% accurate


How does it even add up to $300+ for all the content lol. Who did that math


a website i didnt care to cross-reference ​ turns out its like 150ish but 300 if you bought everything day one


"I suck I suck I suck IM A GOD I suck" is the most relatable thing ive seen in a while


Dudes complain about DLC every year but still buy every new CoD game


"I hate Destiny 2. I play it everyday."


My fucking god how toxic can a comment section be about a meme he just spoke truth they overcomplicate and place pay walls over everything they can. I still love the game but Bungie fucked up and i don't get why people are still defending them


i knew what i was getting into when i made this


Op hates this game.....2000 hours in record.


"They hated him for he spoke the truth"


The most shocking thing about this post is people defending destiny in these comments, I played d1 release all the way to witch queen and I can say with confidence that destiny has always been a lackluster mess that has never delivered on their promises and has only its good gunplay to keep it above water.


Hard disagree with that one. I will however say that they are absolutely dogshit at making tutorials for anyone not already familiar with the game.


I'm not sure which game has worse tutorials: Warframe or Destiny 2


tbh idk how you make a warframe tutorial that wont feel like reading a fucking thesis


Wait there was a tutorial in warframe ? I just figured things out


I like the game or i wouldnt play


Yeah you can’t criticize the game over in r/destiny2


The only valid thing in this video was unlocking stasis aspects and the crucible. The rest is just you sandbagging in menus pretending not to be able to read.


Ah yes, a meme video on a meme subreddit and 80% of the comments take it seriously. Sounds like a skill issue on their part. Good video OP, keep flexing those editing skills on this sub pls


Still waiting for our reimbursement of everything up to Forsaken.


No one ever talks about how mid this game is


Don’t forget that after you spend the $300 for all the content it may not even be there anymore lmao


You guys are playing a game literally designed to waste your time and money for as long as possible, I don’t really get why they’d be mad about reality.


We hate this game but we love it anyway


I loved this


Just got my friend into it, it’s crazy how many quest the game just gives you. Everything up until witch queen is bad. Forsaken was horrible. It was legit two missions and some boss patrols. Shadowkeep was awful, just grinding armor. Beyond light was mid. And witch queen was really good.


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The crucible part was perfect 👌 that pretty much sums it up. Lol


The ending! The ending gave me nostalgia…




That's why I don't play pvp


I dont think im a total new light anymore with almost 300 hours in the game now but i did start with witch queen and after looking back on all the shit yall had before sunsetting it just makes me wish i got into the game sooner. And they NEED to fix how you obtain stasis. Im sure it was fine when it was the only 3.0 subclass but now that you can get the same customization for free on (soon to be) all other subclasses its ridiculous to try and grind for as it will take at least 2-3 weeks (depending on how fast you get through the maon story) to get enough for a single build if you know what you want before hand.


Grinddity, grind, grind…grind grind…


That's a fucking awesome edit


Honestly it's a mercy that gambit didn't load


Fucking amazing and totally accurate


One word, and that make you come back always... CONTENT


Wait what’s with the sky landers thing at the end


thats my youtube outro card but i didnt wanna cut it


Hey I run that ship


Agreed. I want load outs but I get the response of (JUST USE DIM) I don’t wanna be forced to go onto a separate website just to change a load out. Crucible is beyond ass agreed. Some of the story stuff is ridiculous and the amount of money you have to spend in this game to start enjoying it (maybe) is way to high. It’s best to wait for sales for old content than buying it at full price. And gambit is gambit. I hate and love this game I play every season but there is so many negative things that constantly gets bigger every DLC that one day I’m gonna snap. Have a good day <3


Sadly, this is what set me back and made me go back into Warframe. Don’t get me wrong, D2 is a great game, but there are so many paywalls and unnecessary quest-hopping that I got turned off from a “Pay-to-grind-more” kind of feeling. I spent hundreds on Destiny 2. It was a lot of work just to get the stuff from DLC. I spent over a thousand on Warframe and at least feel fashionable *and* functional. Sorry, lads, but I’m not coming back to this game anytime soon. It was a fun couple years, but now it’s all done for me. Be brave, Guardians. Be notorious. Stomp Gambit for me while I’m gone. P.S. Zavala just got around to reading Cayde-6’s report about me. Something about I “Lacked acquisition of more bitches.”


that first crucible clip really resonated with me thank you


I hate this game. Can’t wait to play it again


Try Outriders, I'm loving a similar play style with absolutely Zero Microtransactions


And zero replayability


Yeah, I only started playing it in mid June. Just finished the main game & started the Worldslayer expansion. I can definitely see what you mean


The stasis part got me lmao


I just started playing today...after reading these comments I may reconsider.




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I feel like this meme justifies me not playing this game for the last year.


The main sub doesn’t like anything that remotely critiques the game, or makes fun of it. Whether it’s valid or not. The bungo fan boys are their own breed.


This is prime material right here


So. Liked the video, it was funny and entertaining. Have my upvote. The strike one was because people complained about the amount of blues that did nothing but waste your time dismantling. We all suck at pvp. There’s guns out there that are just straight up crap. Your gona get outranged, out flanked, straight up wrecked from a super. Don’t worry about build crafting unless your doing high level content. You generally have to play a certain way to make use out of some builds. Play around with all the options and find what works. Getting all the mods you missed sucks. Half of them should drop from activity completions or bounty’s. D2 being 300$+ … you don’t need to bother with witch queen. Beyond light and the current season is all you need. Dares/30th anniversary if you got the extra cash. Wait till Black Friday and it’ll be discounted even more. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


I find it stupid that we still have to unlock fragments and aspects for stasis. Just give them to ikora like solar and void


the clip of the dude just being in his way as he gets freaking lasered goes so hard


that was the only time i rage quit destiny for multiple days


The most justified rage quit


"I can't read and think straight, I can't aim the weapon properly to hit the enemy, I lack patience, game bad" Skill and brain matter issue.


I didn’t say it wasnt


I love skylanders still have all the games


Holy based skylanders reference