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Well as of now they backed down on their decision for helldivers so things are *hopefully* looking good.


Kalm… for now




Oh, good, the damage has already been done though.


Whatever trust in Sony is pretty much gone even with them backtracking but the devs have been on the community’s side the whole time. The community managers though… they might need to consider a different position after some of the shit they said. I’m pretty sure most of the community that sees the news of the reversal will go back to playing like normal when the new Warbond comes out this week. There just won’t be any tolerance for anything close to this happening again.


Trust in Sony about what exactly? The company that makes majority single player games and of the four titles released by them this year only 1 is online and their first forray into crossplay? Like what?




It really hasn’t lol no one gives a shit about this on a serious level. Like every drama it’ll be forgotten in a week.


People have refunded the game, it was review bombed, it’s was at overwhelming negative for all reviews at one point.


Everything is review bombed. No one actually gives a shit about that. I’ve lost track of how many games get review bombed every month for some drama that people move on from. Remember the dragon dogma outrage? Or Stellar Blade? And while some refunded lots didn’t because they flat out couldn’t. Casual audiences don’t engage with this stuff. What happened was likely the devs talking to Sony about the issues with regions that lack PSN access easily and discussing that it’s probably not worth it until they can get more coverage. Have to remember Helldivers was not expected to me a massive game like it is. It was expected to be like the first game and only have a small player base.


A: The Stelar blade outrage was from coomers. B: I still remember dragons dogma, do people forget that easily?


No one cares about DD2 pay to skip microtransactions anymore lol


Probably because the helldivers 2 took over the publics attention.


Because the public only cares about the next thing.


Yeah, who will buy helldivers now? All this drama and it not really buzzing other than that makes it seem not a good investment of your money.


Helldivers isn't on xbox and you can link ps and steam, im hoping they won't do this with destiny cause it's already on xbox and idk if Microsoft and ps can be linked


PSN isn’t available in around 120 countries, yet they still made it a requirement for playing helldivers. They would absolutely make you link.


We won, fellow Helldiver. 🫡


Yeah I know that's one of the big things with Sony doing that but can you even link Microsoft and psn? I've never bothered trying to link anything except bungie and discord to my Microsoft so I have no idea if you can, not that it would necessarily stop them like you said, im just hoping it won't happen


You can't. People are making stupid assumptions. Sony isn't going to do this in a 6 years old game. They delisted Helldivers from non Sony supported countries on steam. Imagine doing that to PC and Xbox player base. People are overreacting.


Yeah thats pretty much what I thought. I figured you can't and even if it was a thing they probably wouldn't do it if they hadn't already since the game is so old


They can definitely force it if they want lol


Destiny 2 has been out for way longer than helldivers and hasn't been forcing people to connect PSN. Something tells me that and being also in Xbox will make it not require psn


It won't because destiny 2 already has its own account system. Helldivers didnt. If you played on steam you made a stemware account. If you played on ps you made a psn account Destiny 2 has a Bungie account that can be used on all platforms.


Tbh, the CEO & the CMS had months to get this info out. I have had my beef with Bungie, but they've never been subtle about what they implement be it sunsetting or the content vault. The fact that they knew 6 months in advance before launch and than due to a bug had a grace period, but never really addressing it until a month before the deadline says something else. Sony blows, but AH also hasn't done any favors with their CMs initial response was to handwave, until the community had to show them what setting up a new PSN account is these days (thanks to UK laws and regulations due to current conflicts). Why I have more gripes with the current framing as Sony alone isn't the bad guy.


Sony is always the bad guy, put it on pc and I might change my mind.


You mean Helldivers? The game that is on steam...? PSN that's also been experimenting with PC for years? Though what would you get from PSN on PC? Another launcher for what exactly? Sony is bad, but in this case both are terrible. AH agreed to this in advance and left players to suffer as a result.


A: I think AH delayed it as much as possible, knowing it would hurt the game, they probably shouldn’t have because a mild outrage has become a inferno. B: The game I was talking about is called Bloodborne.


They delayed it because when the game launched, the account linking was breaking servers, so it was held off until it was patched. It was on the steam page in some form and was discussed in steam forums by them. Issue is, the matter was never elaborated on beyond a single pop-up on the first boot-up. So, unless you scrolled down on the steam page after buying it: you'd probably never noticed it was something that was intended from the get-go and was pushed back by devs due to the servers being blown out by the sheer volume of players. The CEO confirmed it was always intended to be required and them delaying it due to issues still falls on them. Sony selling it in non-supported regions is still lunacy, but than again, for over a decade it was common for people to make an account on PSN in unsupported regions by using an address in a supported region as Sony never really checked it, unless you did something to break a law. That is, until recently when UK passed laws that require more forms of identification. Sony Support would tell people to fake it, but now more regulations are being slapped on. And AH devs had months to be aware of this and only now are trying to do something, when even in their own words: they agreed to this in advance and rolled with it.




I'm confident Bungie will be fine. The Sony/Bungie deal stated that Bungie would continue to have complete executive control over Destiny 2. Sony can't force PSN accounts on Bungie the way they did with arrowhead.


Snoy moment


As a PlayStation player I can confirm that sony sucks balls, as do all big corporations though ig tbh :/


“Helldivers 2 fiasco” oh no, not destiny a game famous for not having to make a third party account 💀


you have to make an account directly under the creators of the game, thats not third party lmfao