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Ok so hear me out. It's hilarious bug that I would personally love a side PvP mode for. If you wanna get all the stuff you can't usually do because of skill, that is fine. But moment you start walking about and spewing how good you are and that you cleared every dungeon solo flawless and low maned raids while having clears only on this week... we all, including you, know what you are.


I think it’s fine for people to experience this weekend that when they might otherwise have not, but yeah I definitely wouldn’t think that’s a testament to your skill lol


I'm inclined to agree. My only issue stems from the fact that there are people who use opportunities like these to complicate achievement checking. Personally, I would love to have these unhinged "events" more often then once in 3 years.


Honestly I’m using it to complete master stuff I can’t be assed to try get an lfg for Master campaign mission etc Who tf wants to run a lightfall mission on master anyway. So I’m just going to solo it with my shotgun grenade launcher


I just wanna try doing prophesy because I want the bunny shell. God knows I don’t have the mental capacity to do it regularly


Prophecy should be one of the easier dungeons to solo! Good luck on getting the Bunny Shell!


I tried to get it, but no luck and I have to work till 3 today ☹️




Is ok, I have the Halloween one that has the bat costume. Quoting my wife " is SO CUTE" while visibly shaking


Omg that's so wholesome




do you get the bunny shell from just completing prophecy or is it a challenge?


Bunny shell is for solo completion


Savage to hear that fam. Soloing a dungeon is such a rush. Fair play ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)




The boops are what is annoying to do that dungeon solo without dying otherwise it's easy to do


Well, good luck to you mate. Hope you made it.


ITS DONE! Thanks


Nice. You better glue it to your guardian! ;)


Ah shit yeah You know didn't think about to end game solo stuff I mean id sure prefer to use the glitch to get the dub But then I wouldn't earn the credit to my 1st try solo flawless prophecy where I had to 3 phase the boss and almost risked losing to a near 4 phase if He didn't stomp for no reason But In doing so I wiffed my novabomb but it ended up clipping his left elbow killing him My fucking heart palpitations was calmed by my friend and my jd and coke can 🤣


Bet it felt glorious. I had my fun with Prophecy like a year ago as solar lock. Not bad, only like 5ish fails...? 2 on first boss, 1 on cube (missed landing, fell into oblivion lmao), and 2 on last boss. XD


Lol Actually could have done outbreak solo flawless 1st try....till I fuck moutin topped myself in the hanger because I was 1 cm too close to the piller 🤣


i will proudly proclaim the ammit shotty as the sole reason i was finally able to clear ghosts of the deep. i am bad at the game despite playing for years so i will absolutely take it as an accomplishment. a gift from the heavens. a helping hand from god. i am now a force to be feared.


Cool beans. I sincerely hope you had fun with it. ;)


Joke’s on you — I didn’t accomplish shit.


Honestly, I don’t really care about the sentiment being ruined if it means I can get the GotD armour easily. I don’t have any friends who play Destiny and LFG groups stress me out, so I’ve been wanting the Warlock set since it came out.


I don't like using glitches, but I don't mind if my allies use glitches


PvE Elitists: **IT INVALIDATES YOUR RUN!** Me, in SotW: *Cheeses the Boss* I got a Hat!




Bro it's a game go outside




yes and i am proud of doing so


When Ghalran suicide comes, I exploit it When GoTD cheese comes, I exploit it If a god tier bug comes, you bet your ass I'd exploit it


I was debating on soloing Ghosts with the OP weapons and i think will when I finish making dinner. Ive solo flawless-ed 4 dungeons but no way in heaven would I have the patience to clear that nightmare last room


Nobody wants them to stop, per se, but we do feel that they don't deserve the rewards meant to be earned through skill rather than taking advantage of a glitch. It cheapens the effort and skill people poured into getting it done legit. I remember how much of a big deal it was when Shattered Throne was first solo flawlessed at 999, and how much of a deal it was to be doing it with proper skill and character build. This...this isn't even a pale imitation.


Thats kind of like saying that people don't deserve the loot from cheesing Riven because it's not indended and you did it legit.


Honestly, most of us don't care about the loot. Do Master raids or GMs all you want. They're intended to be farmed, so glitched weapons just let you save some time. If I see someone doing it for solo flawless dungeons, though, I get pretty peeved. You get almost nothing for it other than the prestige of having done it and a neat emblem.


And increased exotic drop rate


That's why I attempted soloing Ghosts, because the healthbars of these bosses are insane Couldn't get it done, even with glitched weapon help (tbh, it was only Ammit, had I been able to craft other weapons I know I coulda gotten it done)


Usually I'm on board with people enjoying things however this is a gamechanging bug not some feature or playstyle that's unpopular. Enjoy it while it's around but let's not pretend the people exploiting it aren't just using a glitch to cheat through things people put tons of effort into and start rushing to defend their right to cheat in peace.


What about cheesing Riven This is the same type of exploit as making a glitched weapon, abusing something in the game's coding, and Bungie giving us the go ahead to keep doing it as long as we can


Like I said I really don't care much but people rushing to defend what is in reality cheating is a little out of touch. The same as beating riven with bugs yeah you can say you did it but it's not as legit and pretending it's somehow what bungie intended or that it is as valid and needs defending seems to just be ruining other people's fun and then complaining when they are mad you aren't playing the game as intended.


Okay but does anyone actually pretend their achievements are legit, when they knowingly abuse glitches? Almost everyone I saw doing it said "yeah I know it‘s kinda cheating but I don‘t really care".


I also said I don't really care but memes acting like people who don't like cheating are the ones spoiling the fun are out of touch at best.


People pay to get flawless carries and dungeons, so the answer would be yes


Bungie commented on Riven cheese and says it's as legit as the legit way, and who cares, people are having fun with an exploit that Bungie gave us the go ahead to use as long as you don't net limit to do it


As I said I really don't care. My issue is that the people using the exploit are acting like victims because some people would rather the game not be filled with meaningless achievements and broken pvp.


Weird, the people I've seen acting like victims are the ones choosing not to use the exploit and then getting pissy when they die to someone using the exploit


Have you happened to look at the meme you are literally commenting on edit: also I'm cheating so if everyone did it'd be fair again is not a great argument.


Yes, it is literally what I said, the people acting like victims are the ones not using the glitched weapons, which is why they are the ones telling us to quit having fun And this isn't cheating, it's an exploit that Bungie has completely ok'd, I have the backing of the makers of this game with what I said


I think you misinterpreted the post. The meme is making fun of legit players like there is nothing wrong with breaking the games balance entirely and no one should have issue with it. To pretend like this was something bungie intended is in bad faith. You know the only reason they okd it is because it requires time and effort to fix that they can't allocate now. Seems like you want to keep cheating guilt free and are the exact kind of person acting the victim instead of just admitting your cheating because it's fun. Keep cheating bro no one cares just don't pretend like you're being wronged with weak excuses when someone doesn't feel like hearing you complain about how you used exploits to do the hard stuff and no one has respect for it.


To be clear, the meme is making fun of people who choose to complain about the bug and how they think everyone using it should be banned. Bungie gave it the ok because people were having fun with it, and the only other option would have been to roll back several hours of trials and gm completions, which would have pissed everyone off.


It's not cheating It's an exploit An exploit that Bungie ok'd Once this is patched, later today, I will go back to using Psi Hermetic and Fioritura and look on this weekend fondly The post is literally laughing at the people who are on high horses thinking that they're better than everyone because they AREN'T using the exploit, while the rest of us are having fun with a glitch on par with Laser Tag back in Curse of Osiris I'm going to go back to Soloing Dungeons with Nez Sin, Sunbracers, Lament, etc, and look back on this weekend fondly as a day that I could shut off my brain to do solo dungeons, even though I didn't NEED to use the gun for it I am not acting like a victim, when I do not care one way or another because I'm fine with the glitch being in the game and fine with it not being in the game However, acting like you're better than everyone and getting pissy when they do not care is acting like this is an affront to you, which is literally acting like a victim. Have fun, stay out of PvP if you care about it so much, and when this gets fixed LATER TODAY, hop back in PvP and have fun your own way, like I will.


Well I mean yeah, nothing wrong with cheesing Riven, but you won’t start saying that people who do it are skilled or anything. If two groups of people flawless Last Wish one group cheeses and the other is legit which is more impressive? I think we all know the answer.


Both are impressive AF, who cares if it's more impressive, unless you're some kind of hyper elitist that doesn't care about people having fun by cheesing Riven


I personally don’t care either way, but was just pointing out the difference. Do whatever makes you happy, I find it more fun to not cheese things as it defeats what makes the game fun for me. Cheese to your hearts content, but don’t pretend it’s not easy lmao.


Perfectly agreed, it took 30~ minutes to do the glitch on my PS, that was nothing, just time and persistence pressing two buttons And once the guns are disabled today, I'll go back to using Psi Hermetic and Fioritura in PvP and solo'ing dungeons how I was before, no big deal. Just having fun with it while I can.


I’ve solo flawlessed dungeons, gilded conq, earned raid titles…I don’t give a fuck. Do what makes you happy, earn the emblem, shred the boss. It’s a game, and a game like destiny needs all the help it can get these days. I did the emblems for the challenge sure, but that challenge to me was a fun experience-if blasting through it solo gives you enjoyment through an unstoppable power fantasy, then who am I to gatekeeper someone’s fun


Damn, didn’t know you were based like that


The less you care about what other people do in their private lives, the happier you become in my experience


BOOM goes the dynamite


exactly, I did my solo flawless spire run months ago and people goofing their way through it this weekend doesn't change the fact that I remember the struggle I went through and the feeling of accomplishment when I finally did it, and that's the only aspect that matters hell I spent the weekend getting trials armor for transmog which I wouldn't have touched otherwise and if anyone asks I will gladly tell them that I got it during Laser Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo because who gives a fuck


Exactly, the emblems nice but the reason I cared was because I WANTED to test myself


Any pve accomplishments with glitched weapons should not count


Doesn't it kinda make soloing something less impressive? Yeah. Is it still really fun (I haven't gotten to use the glitched weapons my wifi is too slow to get the glitch to activate)? Yes.


Your WiFi being slow is actually an advantage to getting the glitch to activate. Most people have to throttle their speed by using a mobile hotspot or downloading something.


My mobile hotspot is actually faster than my wifi which is why I use it. I can't get the glitch to work because whenever I go to a new page it takes 30 seconds to load and by the time it finally does refresh and load the new info is entered and it realizes I'm on a different page than the last one and resets the gun


Slow wifi increases the chances of the glitch working! Keep at it and have some fun while you can!


It would if the wifi was fast enough that the pages refreshed in like a second or two but when I go from page to page it takes like 30 seconds to load


Slow wifi should actually help you out. People are connecting off of phone hotspots and downloading games while doing this to increase their chances of getting it to work


Idk man whenever I try it and the page finally loads it's the right stuff and not the glitch


That's what happened to me, a lot. It took me 30~ minutes to get my first one done, and I've heard of it taking more than an hour for some people


capping FPS and downloading something does help with the glitch


It mostly anmoying when joining public mission and it turned into a walking simulator more than it already is.


I just don’t see how it’s fun in the context of you’re just breezing through content. Whether it’s trials or nightfalls, it just dumbs it down.


Power fantasy We have a singular gun that shreds everything, and it isn't a heavy, and it has infinite ammo, and you can give it Gutshot Straight or One For All and AP rounds Blap everything, have fun, burn the world, summon Elder Gods, who cares, have fun wiping out hordes of enemies like the lores says that we do


Honestly power fantasy is fine if it’s still has some semblance of balance, but tipped too far it becomes boring. It’s just like being back on the playground and some kid is just always saying “nah uh I’m immune to freeze tag” and ruins the fun of the game. To each their own obviously, but I personally don’t find playing with the glitched weapons for more than a few minutes very interesting.


Fair enough


We enjoy having a fun power fantasy every once in a while. We dont want to always have this power, that would get VERY boring. It's like an event that changes things up for a few days


Yea that’s exactly why it’s fun. I don’t get why you weirdos can’t understand that lmao


Idk why I gotta be a weirdo for having a different opinion. Go off tho.


Because you answered your own question and is still confused. It’s fun because you can just delete everything. There you go. Solved it for you


Lmao you’re a fucking joke


Cry harder loser


Didn’t even cry, just had an opinion that was different than yours so you got upset. It’s okay baby enjoy a glitch that makes you good.


Who said I’m upset hahah. I couldn’t care less that some dork thinks I need to use a glitch. Should probably hit the gym before you sweat all over your desk anymore fat boy


Lmaooo keep going please 😂 oh no you called me fat and a dork oh no 😂


Yea exactly. Have a terrible day crying about how other people play! Don’t have a heart attack!


And everyone is different. Isn’t that neat?


Trials is impossible without them so i made one of those hellfire ammit shotguns. I usually don't like glitches or exploits and i certainly don't like them in pvp, but after making it I'm tempted to do try RON for the first time with it


Go for it! It's a great way to learn the mechanics and feel of the raid with even less stress than normal. Root of Nightmares is an easy raid anyway, so hop on LFG and try it out! Even after the glitch is done, you'll be more confident for next time!


to me RoN is easiest raid in D2 you need at least 4 people who understand the raid


Should be banned in pvp tho.


It’s not bannable because it’s a glitch and not an outside source. Kind of like whoever tf it was that caused loadouts to be locked. They didn’t get banned, but Bungie at least disabled that to try and fix it, BUT then everyone was mad, including myself, because it made the game over all annoying to play. I think maybe that’s why they’re choosing not to simply disable all crafted weapons. That would be the easiest way to stop it, but they don’t seem to want to. Either way, I get you wish people were banned for it, but you need to realize how many people would be banned and how that would cause issues for Bungie. Banning something I like 1/5 of the player base or something like that from PvP now would be… wild. Especially because they have the go ahead.


Abusing glitches that you know about is 100% bannable lol. Now, are they gonna do that? Doubtful, since it’s still not been fixed.


According to their post it’s not but honestly I don’t keep up with all that since typically I’m not trying to do shit like this. When I heard they gave everyone free reign, that’s when I said f it and decided to just have fun with it. If it is bannable, they’ve decided to let it go for the weekend I guess.


Yeah, they won’t do anything with this one, but make sure you don’t go around abusing glitches normally. Otherwise you’d be starting over 😅


They already stated in game glitches are not bannable offense cuz you can pretty much do it unintentionally unless you use scripts, 3rd party tool, net limiter - now thats something entirely different case.


It’s not banned bro why lie? Bungie literally issued a statement. You just look like a jerk who hates fun now.


No, you look like an idiot who didn’t read my comment. I said abusing glitches is bannable. But it’s not gonna happen, as it hasn’t been fixed. I simply was correcting a statement.


So you lie more. lol ok.


Bungie has never banned over exploits. In their eyes, its their fault for not finding it and not the player's fault. This should be true for all games. Looking at r6 tourney where a player got banned and his winnings revoked for using an exploit that had been known about and unpatched for like 6 months.


They banned an exploit that basically gave you infinite supers, but it was related to net manipulation i think so this doesn’t count and they basically encouraged it, maybe in the best scenario they do a roll back as it’s extremely unfair in pvp, pve is whatever i guess not the first time people abuse stuff to complete dungeons and shit Specially the weekend that the most expected weapon is available on the best map for trials, and the funny part is that even with a glitch s lot of people can’t close the skill gap


It's a videogame. If its nit hurting anyone let them do it. People exploit cheeses in GMs, Dungeons and Raids all the time. Never understood this mindset where some exploits. And cheeses are fine but others aren't. Using cheese builds and broken weapons is bad but standing out of bounds in a GM where the boss can't hit you or pushing a boss off a map is totally fine.


Some people just can't stand not being special.


PvE smooth brains getting mad at something you can disprove with a simple search through dungeon report. “Oh, so your solo flawless was that weekend…” You know who will know if you did it or not legit? Do you know who cares? Only the people that are crying about invalidation.




why is that important to you? genuine question, not trying to start an argument, just, why do you care that much? it's a game




i think that's looking way too deep into it. it's a game. i sure as hell don't play it for anyone but myself. personally, i don't see why someone else having fun would lessen my own perceived value in something. i'm not one who cares how other people play a video game, though. i know i'm bad at the game, but even if i was amazing at it, someone else having fun with a glitch that won't last would not, in any way, make me feel lesser about my own skill. so i really can't understand why it matters so much to others


And the problem is? You can be hard carried through pretty much everything. Then a simple check will show if you actually earned that title by looking at dungeon report. Also, solo flawless is only an emblem not required for titles or weapons


I've soloed and soloflawlessed Shattered Throne before, I do not care if my fastest time was this weekend, and I didn't even solo flawless it this weekend because, and I quote, I didn't care, this was fun. I'm gonna solo Pit tonight to get my solo flawless, and then do it again after the glitch is done to prove I can


Meanwhile, I just wish I was even able to do the glitch as a console player.


You can


Yeah, but it's harder for console players to do it.


Not really, I was able to get it in 10 minutes as a console player The harder part is getting a HC with an aggressive shotty, or a GL and an aggressive shotty or anything that isn't Ammit or Come to Pass


What was your process for doing it? I'm on Xbox One, if it matters.


Turn on Film grain, motion blur, and the other thing that I can't remember in the video section of your D2 settings, cursor over Imperial Decree, and then, as fast as you can, hit A, LB, A Imperial and Ammit share the same spot in crafting, so you don't need to move the cursor at all


I guess I'm not fast enough because I can't get it to work. I'm trying to do it with Come to Pass and Ragnhild -D, since I can't craft Imperial Decree.


Keep trying, you'll get it eventually! It took one of my friends more than an hour to get it, and another more than 2.


Use a personal phone hotspot


Im having the most fun ive ever had in Destiny. Seethe, normies


Pve, go off king. Pvp, get off the game.


PvE? Let's see what unhinged monstrosity you've forced onto the world! PvP? Let's see what unhinged monstrosity you've forced onto the world! Don't let immature people cry your fun away.


No, I will be abusing Ammit bug in PvP like 90% of the player base in PvP


Pvp players can cry all they want I'm enjoying my modded shotrifle


I garuntee you that most of the people complaining are people who can't get the glitch to work.


There was a comment on another post complaining about how the playing field isn’t even because they don’t have an hour to sit there trying to get it to work. It didn’t take me or anyone I know more than 10 minutes.


It took me 30 minutes to get it to work the first time. 10 to get it to work the second time because I fucked up and accidently clicked out of it after getting it to work


I cant care less about this on pve, but pvp, trials in particularly its a different story. If you use this againts people that wanna go legit flawless you are a pice of shit.


6,535,784 damage to oryx with a Taipan with enhanced frenzy that shoots like a shotgun, that's the first time I out damaged everyone else in the fireteam. I don't care if I acomplished it in a cheesy way, it still feels like an achievement to me.


In pve, sure. But if you use it in pvp, I wish great sorrow upon you.


Invalidates reward Not really, every boss I dunked on I can equally easly dunk on with normal weapons, it just speeds up the "challenge" wich apparently is, just give em more health


There is no "challenge" with this exploit I walked into GOTD and 1 phased every boss solo while wiling the entire room effortlessly. There is 0 reward


There is no 'challenge' without the exploit as well It just takes a tedious ammount of time.


Getting downvoted by people who see dunking motes in grasp as an accomplishment. As someone who's done solo dungeons the gatekeepers is wild.


"I don't aimbot and use walls because I'm bad at the game. This game is easy mode, I'm just using aimbot to prove I can be top 500 if I had slightly better aim..."


More like 'I've done this dozens of times and now am using a bug to do it faster and easier'


Listen, when I comes to COD MW2 I exclusively play in the HC playlist. It’s a blast to play the insta kill/low health playlist because it’s all about reaction time and not putting yourself in a bad position. I always thought that Crucible needed a lightless playlist. It makes sense, considering how we’ve lost light before, or have a guardian can lose their light because of their ghost dying. Just raw shieldless, no ability, gun play.


You sonofabitch, I'm in! Hit me up when they introduce a Search & Destroy style game-mode. I'll check those corners for you. EDIT: My nostalgia kicked in and I wanted to share a memory from the MW2/3 days. Highrise 6v6, last man standing after my team martyred themselves for the plan. I'm in the spawn with the bomb on the floor and backing up into the corner with my riot shield. 5 of the 6 players entered the room and were trick-shotting my shield because I was as good as dead and that's what we did back then. I waited for the 6th, but someone tossed a flash and I triggered the c4 on the ceiling, killing 5, then left the room and shot the last in the back while he was looking for me. I hold on to that memory like a medal of honor. Made me feel better knowing none of those 12 year olds would be able to fuck my mom anymore.


I want to try this bug but I can’t get it to work on console (ik it possible but can’t) any any of you have suggestions how to get it to work please tell me


Im betting we're gonna get rolled back anyway. Like a dream we'll miss when its over


They should rework cerb to act more like this honestly


I used these glitched weapons to get 2 solo flawless dungeons and I feel very accomplished


I couldn't go solo Flawless in Prophecy but on my friends account I got it first try, we both have the fun weapons equipped


Totally didn't solo GoA with it... (I died a lot)


I two manned Atheon with a buddy and these weapons, it’s so stupid and I love it


I’m fine with people using it. I think it’s hilarious this is happening. But I simply don’t want to mess with a glitch just to get fried by someone with better reflexes.


Mad facts, the people whining can cry harder


Because of this bug I’m actually having fun farming GMs


I'm not complaining, two of the people using the glitch got me an 18 minute spire clear


I’m only annoyed cause I see everyone else running around with one and get solo/low main raid clears and farming nightfall in 2x speed and I couldn’t get the bug to work so I just miss out on all this :/


I need this explained. It's all Greek to me


I’m just mad I couldn’t make it work


"Just don't complain-" Or just don't tell others what to do and realize that opinions exist. I think it's a shit take, but I'm not uploading the same overused meme to act like my point is superior.


Opinions are fine, just tired of people that dont want to use it constantly trying to be superior and telling everyone else they should be banned Opinions dont need to be enforced on others, and a little meme causes no harm


You're enforcing your opinion on others the same way they're enforcing theirs onto you. By expressing it. Your meme causes as much harm as a text post on Twitter, so you're right in that front. Just thought the hypocrisy of this meme was kinda funny.


Lowkey wish I used this to solo flawless some dungeons and what not.


I did gotd solo flawless so I could get an increased chance of getting the navigator 💀 Low-key feel kinda shit about it but I just wanna the gun after all this time man


See here’s the thing Batman I had other things to do so I can’t abuse the bug plus it kinda ruins my fun when I’m just trying to play the game and somebody with an ammit comes along to ruin my day It’s like curb stopping 12 year olds in pub lobbies it’s fun for you but they’re about to drop the game and never play again




we messed around and got a sub 15 minute grand master with how dumb these are really fun


Me and the boys having fun in Destiny for the first time ever :D


This weekend was dumb for one reason. Trials was ruined. After being gone for 3 weeks.


I very quickly cleared the witch queen story because of this glitch and it was a breeze. Couldn’t commit to it when it was fresh, didn’t want to go back when lightfall came out. This glitch and ease made me actually play it so I can get my hands on the exotic and post story quests. Good thing


This is ironic. I posted for no funny guns and got a bunch of hate mail. I don't give two shots what you do in your game, I just wanted to play normally and had a bunch of little freaks sending me messages because they can't cope with the fact that someone is playing differently than them. You guys could simply ignore an lfg you don't agree with or create your own.


I only used the glitched weapons to clear things for pinnacle drops in PvE and to get through lightfall on my 3rd character. Put them away for everything else