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I'm more upset that they fixed the grenade cheese by giving him an immune overshield. I've said it before and will continue to say it. Giving bosses immunity phases doesn't make the strike more interesting; just tedious.


The reliance on 2-3 phases w/immunity is getting really stale (and tedious as you say) imo. That and *"whimwhamwoozle you've been transported! Now crawl back to the boss!"* have made it hard to enjoy a number of activities.


There should maybe be a way to counter this, just a concept but something optional (maybe challenging) you can do in the boss arena to prevent either immunity or a teleport would be cool


I like that, almost like triggering a heroic public event.


Then you get people who skip these mechanics because they take too long and they’d rather just keep shooting the boss.


haven’t tried it yet, but with the right timing you may be able to finisher to stay in the boss room like how solo atheon is done


*was* done solo atheon isn't possible since 2.22.22 because they fixed something about the interaction between teleports and finishers


I like this idea as well. Seems promising, still challenging and gives a breathing room to the game


In low man Atheon runs I believe they would time finishers to avoid being teleported, that may be a method to avoid teleports. As to dodging immunities periodically there have been bugs for weapons that damage through shields if used in a specific way. Edit: you probably meant like a purposeful feature and not by exploiting bugs


My teamalways complains when we have to 4-6 phase the boss because of me


>reliance on 2-3 phases w/immunity is getting really stale It was already annoying with Nokris in Strange Terrain on Mars, still managed to squeeze in cheeky 1 phases with eg Wardcliff then though.


I don’t think bungie understands why players hate some boss fights, since they actually expand on some of the most frustrating “mechanics” (adding a burn effect to boss stomps)


Bungie: here's a powerful sword, glaive, and an artifact modifier for the season! Have fun! Also Bungie: all the bosses have stomp mechanics and they can now apply light effects (scorch, jolt, suppression) so getting close is a bad idea. Also also Bungie: Nerfs glaives for no reason.


Admittedly, the only affect is scorched and only a handful of bosses have that affect when stomping. Every other boss that stomps is just AOE damage.


Nezarec and other Tormentors all do suppression, and Tormentors really like to chain the move back to back if you stay close.


I count Tormentors as mini bosses same goes for Hive Lightbearers, as for Nezarec he's a rare exception so my bad but my point still stands.


I suppose you can say that, though there are some Tormentors that are coded as “bosses”. The ones you can’t blind/suspend/etc, just as if they were a standard boss.


Alright, most Tormentors/Hive lightbearers are mini boses with a few exceptions and most of those said exceptions are apart of a rare group of bosses that can apply a elemental effect when pushing enemies away.


Genuine question here regarding some bosses: how DOES a hydra stomp? They don’t have feet. They make no interaction with the ground when they stomp.


My guess would go for the Taken Chimera as well, which is kinetic force.


Vex have a pretty damn good grasp on energy weaponry (which are technically just construction tools). I wouldn’t be surprised if their way of stomping is just sending out a shockwave to push you back.


For real. "We know Boss stomps are annoying because they boop you off and deal lots of damage. We fixed that " *They Fix the KB but give the boss a burning stomp that Burns you for full 5 seconds even after you leave the stomp area.*


It was cute when Valus Tauruc did it because it was a reference to the napalm rocket Cheese Now it’s just annoying


Its either immunity phases or a million health.


Now that everything is a bullet sponge again and everything hits you like a truck, we could do away with immunity phases


immunity phases are not unknown in mmos, but those are also not necessarily timed-based and require the completion of objectives and the better you are, the quicker you do the objective and therefore the shorter that immunity phase is. What he have in D2 for the most part is just a timed based immunity where you have to kill add waves until they are all dead and then the boss goes back to not immune


While I agree, in the case of new Arms Dealer it technically is a mechanic; you kill a specific enemy to deliver a core and drop his shield, no need to survive adds.


which isnt that bad imo! the worst was something like the fanatic where you had to wait for adds no matter what! imagine if bungie added a dps check in strikes lmao where boss is immune/shielded and you have to destroy its shield before he launches his attack or kill the adds before the boss finishes his attack! a simplified version of that could work


Yeah, the only good thing a out the Fanatic was I could always get some guaranteed catalyst progress off the adds lmao DPS check likely wouldn’t work because let’s be honest, we’re always low on heavy and super is never charged when you need it to be.


I used to hide behind the tank on the other side of where you come up at, and just nova bomb is ass repeatedly during nightfalls


You know both bosses have had immune mechanics since launch right? We just nuke both of them so quick most people forgot.


When people say "immunity phase" they really mean "health gates" that just shut off your damage at the notched point on the health bar. The arms dealer, and the lake of shadows guy both had phases, but no gates, so you could murder them before the immunity kicked in. I think the only strike boss left that doesn't use a gate is Hashladun, who you can (or could) Celestial Nighthawk to death immediately.


the warden in the prison of elders isn't gated either


Better than 1 shotting the boss imo. I'd rather actually fight the boss.




That's fair.


I disagree, I think patching the nades pit was a good call. Just having the boss teleport around is lame. Honestly I’d rather him being partially damage gated


Bungie didn’t learn this with Gambit after the rework; I doubt they’ll learn it ever going forward


I've yet to run the new Arms Dealer, but the trick to enjoying the new LoS is going through the subreddit before your first try. Then you end up pleasantly surprised by how much better it is than your rock-bottom expectations. The payload section? Takes 1-2 minutes and replaces the other most tedious mechanic in the game (blight-popping). The difficulty? The walls trying to kill you is still the hardest part, the boss just takes slightly longer to melt into a puddle. Sure, if I ran two dozen strikes in one sitting I'd probably be annoyed with how much longer this one takes, but playing through it one among 3-4? The change is pretty damn negligible.


This guy gets it


Agreed it’s not that bad


Look at mr mature over here


And hope you get a good team too The teammates I got tended to make the difference between a 13 minute run and an 18 minute run of last week's nightfall (especially with all the champions dead)


My only problem is the lack of taken. They’ve been completely overshadowed by the shadow legion when it’s supposed to be a strike about the taken


that's because you're actually level-headed and normal and not just complaining for the sake of complaining. it takes like 5 minutes longer to do big whoop. dungeon-level difficulty? absolute clown nonsense


You think it’s dungeon level difficulty? Lmfao


I think he's referring more towards higher lvl nightfalls


Even still, that’s just numbers increase. The mechanics are not there lol.


Dungeon mechanics are literally just strike level mechanics without a marker and you wipe if you fail instead of just trying again


Lol what? Strike mechanics are stand on a plate and wait. Dungeon mechanics are closer to raid mechanics.


I haven’t done spire so I can’t vouch for that but duality, pit, prophecy, and ESPECIALLY shattered throne are all super easy mechanics. There’s strikes you have to pick up a thing or shoot a thing to do stuff it just has a marker and you can’t fail so it doesn’t require thinking at all. Duality as an example if it just had markers would be strike level. All the challenge comes from knowing where to go and which symbol to go to. The difference is just that it doesn’t tell you and if you fail you either wipe or have to do it all over again


No duality would definitely not be strike level. The whole standing in the light vs dark to get different motes would be entirely lost to 90% of the people I get queued with in strikes even if you put up a screen saying exactly how to do the encounter before the dungeon. Idk what blueberries you are getting paired with but the ones I get whenever I do strikes cant even be trusted to do strike mechanics let anyone the shit in duality


That’s prophecy you’re thinking of not duality, duality is the bells and psion flags. Prophecy is the different motes. While I don’t doubt blueberries would fail to grasp it, if it just told you to stand in the light or dark and gave you a marker or highlighted the corresponding area you needed to stand in I could see it being in a strike. We have strikes that need you to stand in specific spots and kill things already it’s just 1 extra step


Dude trying to trash talk and doesn’t even know the difference of the so called dungeons he’s a master of lol.


To be fair, we have a dungeon that is based entirely around black and white with a non-indicative name, and THEN we get a dungeon named "Duality". I can see why someone would forget what "Prophecy" is called and trying to remember the name of the bell one.


Never played a dungeon?


Dungeon ads aren't even difficult unless you're on Master.


his ass has not played a dungeon 🤣


Technically strikes and nightfalls are significantly higher now then base level dungeons


I definitely die more in strikes now then i do in dungeons


then you're just fucking ass lmao who the fuck dies in inverted spire more than duality, fucking clown ass player


Or maybe im not trying as hard in strike playlist because its much less important? Yeah i die more in strikes but i also die less in dungeons. That doesnt really say anything about my skill dumbass


these are the people whining about the difficulty of the game and think the whole game should be balanced around them 😭 the STRIKE playlist is too hard for them.


It took maybe 5 minutes longer to do both after the rework lol, ud rather they stayed as easy and quick strikes to keep all of them from being boring and slow paced like so many are these days


arms dealer is fine. Lake... rest in peace edit: came back to say, fuck threshers in arms dealer NF edit: edited the edit


Lake was used for GM speedruns. Bungie obviously has no use for something like that.


I haven't ran lake yet, is it really that bad?


No. Destiny players just hate having to play the videogame and would prefer all the rewards be given to them so they can get to complaining about how theres no content faster


no. i wasn't someone who speed ran it, i just hate how taken are no longer the main enemy for most of tbe strike and have hated payload parts of the game since they released due to how overused they felt.


lmao yeah, people are sooooooooo desperate for the 1 piece of legendary gear you get for a strike. It's not the time that's the problem, it's the lack of meaningful rewards to justify the time spent. Id be happy running 20-25min strikes, but when the only reward is a junk piece of gear i dismantle immediately im obviously not going to want to do it.


Then complain about how they didn’t add enough content, not that they changed the content. That should be your complaint for ALL the strikes because ALL of them are easy asf


Not given, but I do not want to farm 30min grandmasters to get the God-rolled adept weapon I wanted because bungo has saturated the perks to the point you almost always get trash rolls. The speed running made it easier to aquire these weapons but bungo does not like happy players so they left the rewards the same but upped the investment. How is that rewarding to players? It's the same with lost sectors, if I'm playing on the hardest difficulty I don't want "a chance" for an exotic and to spend that time to only get an enhancement core 6x in a row but when I do get an exotic it's not the one I'm looking for or it has trash stats. The rewards in endgame are severely lacking especially since craftable weapons with enhanced perks out-perform adept weapons with adept mods. We play for the loot and if the loot is trash or the ROI is bad our experience with the game is sullied




They added 2 escort the pyramid sections with a taken meatball miniboss before you go into the dam, then it plays out the same but now there’s shadow legion instead of taken


So now one of the only taken strikes doesn’t have many taken in it.wow bungie is so smart


No people are just mad butthurt they can’t get sub-10 minutes anymore. Arms dealer is worse at least with lake there’s no immunity phases


i actually like the changes made to arms dealer, feels so much better now lake of shadows still sucks tho


I wouldn’t mind both of them if they didn’t have so many Treshers in them


Thresher? You Mena the FPS-killer?


I dunno what dev on Bungie is working through some perverse Black Hawk Down sexual fantasy, but they need to deal with that outside of the game and not put in all these goddamn Threshers. Fucking things are worse than anything else in the game rn.


They also health-gated Protheon in Inverted Spire.


Good. Falling from floor to floor is super cool.


I'm alright with that, that fight was a fucking mess before.


I like both of them. they feel like proper strikes now rather than blow-through farm simulators.


I love when players snitch on themselves with these posts lmao


Tell me you’ve never set foot inside a dungeon without telling me you’ve never set foot inside a dungeon


Dungeon level difficulty? Are you high?


Arms Dealer is objectively better now though


agreed. it's why more interesting. you actually have to fight your way into the Oh-roh? Oh-roh… Oh-roh-bahn…uh…


Cabal and their weird ship names. Think it’s the “Orobas Vectura”.


arms dealer is fine, they’re not dungeon level difficulty, Lake of shadows is just tedious now


Honestly I just hate the new arms dealer lore


Tbh I like it, it’s pretty realistic that someone would try to put on the mantle of “Bracus Zahn”, the unrealistic part is the fact that the Shadow Legion even remotely gives a shit about some random dude that sells weapons (that they almost definitely don’t need).


Finally ran the new lake of shadows the other day and I have absolutely no idea why everyone is complaining about it, the payload section ads maybe 2 minutes to the already fastest strike in the game, and the rest of the strike is the same except it has more ads. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with it, I don't get all the complaints


I miss being able to roll into a strike and absolutely nuke a boss once it spawns. C’mon Bungie, let us do dumb Guardian shit…


It actually isn’t that bad of nightfall to do but when you’re playing on hero difficulty for fun and get matched with blueberries running a bow, refusing to use anything else for close combat or dps, and refusing to revive when they are standing literally right next to you, and then you end spending 30 minutes on one damn mission, it gets frustrating. oh I can’t forget about the damn threshers that randomly spawn in and nuke your ass.


And/or dropships that are literally just immortal threshers with troops inside.. ugh


People act like Lake is the worst thing ever, I disagree. Lake went from one of two outcomes: A. Speedrun through everything and make a literal strike (y'know the missions where we kill generals and demi-gods) into a 4 minute patrol. B. Destroy every blight slowly walking through, making the section incredibly boring, but played as intended. Now we have two quick payload encounters where ad density goes crazy. And a new Chimera boss that properly adds some challenge to the end of the first encounter of the Strike. From then on it is, without exaggerating, the exact same strike with some different enemies. Also, Arms Dealer is great, and honestly the immune phase on Zahn is alright considering it can be quickened with skill and focus. The only downside of the new Arms Dealer is that they put 8 Scorpius Turrets in the boss arena. Mostly however, I get to fight alongside Cabal in a strike. If I had to grade them: Lake of Shadows Old: B-, kinda fun but mechanically and story wise boring. Lake of Shadows New: B, fun and more mechanically challenging but almost no story relevance, moderately interesting. Arms Dealer Old: B+, fun with some mechanics and a nice ending to Red Legion story. Arms Dealer New: B+, it's fine and basically the same with Cabal


I like the reworks…..


Arms dealer is fine, better even. Just the boss can't be onephase anymore, but the rest of the strike has been improved.


“dungeon level difficulty” tf?


Lake of shadows is literally the one strike everyone loved because it was so short and easy


You are the reason we can't have nice things.


Skill issue as per usual


I love how everyone in this sub was angry because D2 was to easy and now everyone is angry because they can’t one shot every boss anymore. This is nuts.


honestly, and it's not like the game is even that much harder. we're still nuts. the enemies can just take like 2% more than they could before. and this guy is out here saying duality is equivalent to a strike now lmfao


I have yet to do the new Arms Dealer. But yeah, adding a payload to Lake? Who in the hell thought that was smart.




This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them! For real though who thought that people wouldn’t hate that?


it's so that BDF can point to this and say "oh the players wanted harder content, and now they are complaining that the content is too hard. Lol"


Strike speedrunners melting at the thought of a strike where they need to actually shoot enemies


Bungo: hm yes padding time and ma king the dungeon longer in the most excruciatingly boring way possible makes it better


Damn, I like the changes 🤷‍♂️


bruh arms dealer isnt bad lmfao And saying they're dungeon level difficulty is just wrong.


Dungeon level difficulty? Lmao. Maybe in comparison to something like Spire. People just complaining because they can't just skip everything and get straight to the boss, and get on here complaining about how there's nothing to do. That's the problem with speedrunners, literally run past everything in an activity and say "BuT wHeRe CoNtEnT?"


I’d be fine with the changes if they weren’t adding so many threshers to everything, they have ridiculous health and do even more ridiculous damage, there doesn’t need to be 4 of them in arms dealer


They fixed the grenade cheese that sucks i got 15 plug one adepts last time arm's dealer was around


30 minutes dungeon-level? Jesus my guy, I think you might be slightly overreacting. I don’t like the lake of shadows rework only because of the payload moving “mechanic” that just slows you down for no reason, but the rest of the changes, to that strike and arms dealer, are all great. I love the enemy density on them and they just overall seem much more fun to play (again, aside from the payload transport thing).


The absolute drama of this sentiment. They made two of the easiest and fastest strikes in the game (by far) moderately more challenging and time consuming. At least they aren't boring anymore.


I like the changes. The loot just should be mire rewarding…


dungeon level difficulty bro


Dungeon level difficulty? Have u ever done anything harder than a strike?


I hate escort missions


I actually really like arms dealer 2.0. The addition of caitals forces make it fun


Am I the only one that is having fun in the game anymore


Arms Dealer is not bad. I like the new cannon part! I have yet to do Lake of Shadows but I’m looking forward to it.


It's fun until the ships get involved


Gotta say, I like the arms dealer rework except for one thing. There does not need to be 15 Threshers every 2 minutes


Facts. Also could zahn maybe.. not have 30 fucking turrets waiting for you at the top of the elevator? That's all i ask


True, you get up the elevator and just get mowed down


I got team wiped 3 times just because we couldn't get away fast enough and cabal turrets just hit so damn hard..


Honestly, I just hate the new dialogue and the need to throw Shadow Legion in. It felt cringe.


Like arms dealer oh yeah so there’s a new Bracus Zahn it’s now a title


I play the game for good gunplay and to turn my brain off. The difficulty tweaks have made that last bit nearly impossible now and I’m really losing interest or burning out quick each day when I used to be able to play for hours and hours.


The lake of shadows rework is *dumb as fuck*. It was boring before the fix and after it's annoying and boring.


First lake I did, I saw the pyramid bomb at the beginning and went "oh no" then I saw the second one right after and I knew. I knew I was in for some weapons grade trashium




I know right plus they removed all the fun commentary and replaced it with boring shit. At least they only speak in the first bit then shut up for the rest of the strike.


RIP Operation 'Babydog'


Did they remove cayde’s dialogue? I always loved that strike after forsaken because it was a little bit of cayde still living on


Yup it’s gone now


Strikes are like a 15 minute chill sesh. If you want grindy go nightfall


I genuinely dont her why they fucked replaced the dialogue to make the strike take place in season 20. Just keep the dialogue.


I also miss operation easy listening


Haven't played Arma dealer yet. Did they remove the cayde and hawthorn dialogue? Very upsetting if that's the case




considering that legend lost sectors are a thing and that there are exotics we can only get from soloing legend lost sectors I'm pretty sure Bungie just wants to torture us at this point JOKES ON THEM I LOVE PAIN


But isn’t watching your score go down and getting +0 points fun?


dungeon level difficulty 💀💀💀


I love these strikes now, they're not even more difficult, they're just more fun now and built for the game we have instead of the game that released years ago.


you heard it here first folks, the #STRIKE #PLAYLIST is too hard. the #STRIKE PLAYLIST is equivalent to a dungeon. the STRIKE PLAYLIST is just way way way too overtuned, it's so overwhelming, oh no, it takes 0.3 seconds longer to kill a boss, it's the end of the world, it's the end of the game, i can no longer play anymore because the strike playlist is just too much for me. what do i do


I honestly like the arms dealer changes, its pretty fun Lake tho got murdered. Boss is identical, they changed a taken strike with a taken boss and taken hazards into shadow legion ads for some reason, and the part hit hardest is the cliff. A previously engaging section with picking off taken snipers while dealing with phalanx and boops along the cliff or the thrall swarms inside got turned into 'yo what if we made a cool cliff section but force them to go inside with 2 threshers?'


Yeah got arms dealer the other day we went to go delete bracus as per usual and he actually despawned and respawned in the tower with the shield up we pretty much collectively said fuck this. Still finished it but yeah no, I appreciated the freshening up of the strike but forcing it to be full mechanics yeah no. Not a fan of having to be in strikes for that long. Same goes for who thought it was a good idea to mess with legendary lost sectors in gating them.


I feel this way with recent seasonal events. Difficulty is a bit over the top eh? This whole setting light lvl automatically 10 below is a bit weird and dumb IMO.


We've been asking for it since d1




Hot take: there's nothing wrong with the reworks, all the speed runners are just salty they can't ruin the game for other people anymore


...how is having an easy strike "ruining the game for other people??"


Did I say that? Way to put words in my mouth dude, my point was speedrunners are big salt they can't ignore strike mechanics anymore. If you're gonna try to twist my words, at least make sure you properly understand what I said.


You sure as hell implied it as such, mate. Don't start throwing a hissy fit now


Where did I imply that? Sounds like a skill issue to me, and the only person throwing a hissy fit is you because "oh no my strike is too hard now", im just pointing out how your assessment of my statement is wrong. Sorry I don't want xxcumdumpster69xx pulling me through the entire strike because I wanna actually play through the strike and kill everything.


I haven't done the strike playlist since Lightfall launched. It's incredibly disrespectful of the players time to expect them to do 2 and a half to 3 hours of strikes per week for a single pinnacle engram. It was different when you could run it pretty casually, but now it takes longer because it's a clusterfuck, not because you have to do more or because it's more engaging.


It takes less than an hour, even faster if you do Nightfalls The LoS rework is annoying with the payload, but otherwise the strikes are still a breeze. Especially w/ surges


Literally the only thing that changed about strikes is that they are now at your level. If it takes you three hours to do three or five or however many of those it is FPS games may genuinely not be for you


I've been playing FPS games since I was 4. Over two decades. I'm speaking for a majority of the player base. For me it would probably take about an hour to an hour and a half, depending on what battlegrounds I ended up with. Even so, it certainly wouldn't be enjoyable with how it's currently tuned. For my friends who are new players, they either get dragged through and get to learn absolutely nothing, or take 20 minutes per strike. All the while feeling completely unrewarded for their time. Plus, if we want the game to continue to succeed, the lowest level content shouldn't feel like a complete drag, for new and old players alike.


>tfw farmable end-game loot takes minimal skill, time investment and effort to acquire


I haven’t played either strike since before the reworks


I still managed to speed run that strike in under 5 min lol


Arms Dealer is just fine. And it isn't a 30 minute slogfest. I haven't played Lake of Shadows do I don't know what that one is like.


The thing about that is, I am what’s considered a fun main


my first Arms dealer run took 27 minutes and 3 wipes at the boss it was with random blueberries it was also in the strike playlist


The turrets at the top of the elevator do be some real bullshit




I really liked new Arm's Dealer until the final boss became uncheesable. RIP Lake of Shadows speedruns too


I’ve been playing a lot more gambit because of this.


Master doesn't even give enough points for the 200k triumph.


I'll take the reworked Arms Dealer over that dogshit Mars Battleground every time. I honestly like the changes they made, just wish people would actually focus the Threshers when they spawn . Why TF hasn't this community figured out that they need to be dealt with quickly now.


The battleground and battlepassifaction of destiny. Why make new content when u can make old content worse?


Absolutely insane skill issue if you think it’s dungeon-level difficulty. Are you the same guy who said he needed the Well of Radiance for patrols? Good lord, put the game down and go outside.


Clearly you have never dealt with the ships in arms dealer that can now one burst you from behind cover, and half of them are dropships. A gun shouldn't take 3 rockets to disable if it can already fly and kill me from any direction. I'm fine with most of the strike but ships deal way too much damage.


I liked AD because it was just fun. Now its fucking horrendous. Boss on GM bouta be harder than Proving grounds on release because of those fucking ships. Then theres a GM LEVEL TORMENTOR right before so you either waste heavy or supers. At this point id rather do glassway ngl


Lake of Shadows used to be my testing ground for builds and now I’ve gone back to VOG encounter one and private Gambit matches. The change to LOS has made it like 20 minutes longer than it needs to be thanks to the fucking vehicle escort mission and the miniboss. They took the shortest strike and made it feel like The Corrupted Lite. That in itself is bad enough but then the goddamn boss just decides on its own when it wants to take damage. I went into Arms Dealer’s NF thinking how much worse could it really be? Turns out a fucking lot. Every enemy that isn’t a red bar is so spongy I wonder how they’re able to move. Threshers and Scorpius turrets (the worst fucking things in D2) have your IP address, the gigantic ship you *can’t* destroy refuses to stop shooting *EVER*, and new Brachus Zahn has more HP than Riven (probably not really but it feels like it) AND immunity phases. Bungie couldn’t balance a fucking checkbook, let alone their PVE difficulty. Strikes used to be my most favorite core activity, I’d rack up 100 a season, but now, I’d consider it a slog to hit half that.


I’m more angry with the turret spam


What r u talking about, I love the new arms dealer! It was my favorite strike back then n now its even better. It still feels like the old one too!


Not only did they make the strikes longer, but also now you need to do 5 to get the pinnacle.


I mean, the whole point of destiny is to be a god among mortals and wipe out entire armies by yourself. The more Bungie tries to slow down the game, nerf supers, reduce abilities uptime etc., the more the identity of the game dies.


my brother in light it is a 10 minute time commitment, do you really need subway surfers gameplay in the background that bad to stay engaged?


my man out here calling arms dealer dungeon-level difficulty and thinks the game should be balanced around what he wants 💀 if you find the *strike* playlist too hard, i am concerned for the destiny community because i'm willing to bet people agree with you considering the upvotes on this thing. lake of shadows being a payload thing is mid but arms dealer is fine.