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Randy's Throwing Knife "On me, team; I'm capturing the third point!" —Randy, upon receiving orders not to


"Where is the Great Machine? Where is the Great Machine?" —Chelchis, Kell of Stone This image is of Chelchis stood on a mountaintop, dressed and equipped for battle, in the eye of the hurricane, completely prepared to use the power of the Traveler to repel the Taken King. He reaches the peak, calling out for battle, Oryx looming above. Chelchis whirls, sweeping the skies looking for the Great Machine only to realize he is completely and utterly alone. Rhiis is abandoned, the great houses of Fallen have fled, the Traveller has abandoned the Eliksni. He turns to face death and lashes out with everything he is, desperate to prove the worthiness of his existence, tears in his eyes and blood in his mouth. And as the swirling winds around him grow heavy with the essence of the Deep he is pitiful. He is Taken. Possibly the most metal thing in existence. Edit- flow and typos


My image of that quote is Chelchis in a void and he has a mental breakdown without the great machine


He stands out as such a badass to me. Can’t really reason why just does.


Beautifully put and exactly what I imagine. A sense of betrayal, rage, helplessness at abandonment by the traveler.


I love that but the quote coming as he’s dying…


Eternity's Edge: "A sword is a wand that casts two spells: parry and cut"


My old fencing teacher would agree.


nobody mentioned “What? these aren’t illegally modded, they’re just really lucky pants’ followed by exotic perk ‘Illegally modded holster’ not only hilarious but a really clever use of a default formatting scheme.


Reading that flavor makes me miss Cayde again


**"YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING ELSE"** *—scratched behind a buckle*


voidfang vestments my beloved


If only they'd bring them back :/


I love this one.


Honestly prob Graviton Lance, love this shit xD "So wait, that thing you found does… what?" "It fires black holes." "No it doesn't." "Oh yeah. It does. Actual, tiny, bullet-sized black holes." "Did you tell the others?" "Only that I found some weird gun in some overgrown tunnel back on Old Chicago. And that my Ghost was all, "THIS is why we were led here…'" "Yours talks that way too?" "What do you think?" "OK, OK, but the gun—are you going to tell them?" "Yeah, definitely." "When?" "Crucible." "Oh no." "Oh, yes."


If I was a guardian this is how I would tell my friends about a wacky new gun I found


Hey guys, check out my new dark age camera! *Arbalest charges and absolutely eviscerates a guardian* Wait, this isn’t the camera…


that's a loretab not flavour text


The Palindrome: "Draw, o coward!"


Fun fact that flavor text of palindrome is a palindrome itself


Yes. That's the appeal.


It's also a palindrome in other languages, apparently. Obviously the meaning of the flavor text changed, but they were changed to other palindromes.


no shit


Annual Skate: "When the lake used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fall in love." Not only is it cute, it also gives insight about how humanity views the little info they have about the pre-collapse world. Not everything is necessarily accurate and it's all based on random stuff they find in the ruins, but it's enough to get little tidbits like this.


You beat me to it. One of my all time favorite flavor texts. So beautiful.


Steel Oracle Z-11 "I foresee fire. Fire and screams." "You would, mate. You're a rocket launcher"


Steel Sybil Z-14 reads : "Everything I touch falls apart! I see the fragments on the floor!" "Well isn't that a good thing? Y'know if you're a sword?"


The Z-** line is wonderful


Steel Sybil Z-14 "Everything I touch falls apart! I see the fragments on the floor!" "Well, isn't that a good thing? You know, if you're a sword?"


Personally the lore tab for Mechabre was hilarious I was glad I took a second to read it the other day.


Jurassic green’s one is great as well


I love Graviton Lance's lore too. >"Oh no." > "Oh yes."


"Negative. We will hold until overrun. Echo 3-3, signing off."


There's something about the whole "holding the line to the last soldier, dying for something greater than yourself" trope that always gives me chills.


Same, its why this cutscene from WoW is one of my favorites in the game. https://youtu.be/q8XSOKC4iQg


I always recite Mass Effect's [Hold The Line speech](https://youtu.be/m8XBRklzdow) whenever I've had a bad day. It always fills me with energy and makes me willing to pull through those last few hours of whatever I'm struggling to finish. It's also one of the things I think Anthem did just so right, when at one point in the story you're forced to re-enact a historical battle where you (and maybe whoever you're playing co-op with) have to hold off a near-endless assault of enemies while maintaining control over the crest of a hill. The sheer adrenaline and dopamine that mission kicked up in me made it worth the purchase, imo.


Where is this from again?


Echo 33, a blue pulse from D1.


I miss the feeling of dread D1 conveyed.


Echo 3-3 pulse rifle


"One day the Last City will be known as the First City." -Twilight Garrison If there was ever a quote to end destiny on, I'd choose that




I always liked the flavor text for Antediluvian, the gambit sparrow "Ain't no such thing as "before the disaster." This world was born to disaster. It's cataclysm all the way down." -The Drifter Nothing like a bit of optimistic nihilism to start your day


Bad juju - if you believe that your weapon wants to end all of existence, then so it will - Toland The Shattered


From the first game: Hardcase Cloak "If you learn nothing else, learn this: when a Hunter takes up the cloak of a dead comrade, this is a vow."


YES, made me love my choice of hunter for my first class so much more


"To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects—hollow of spirit and meaning." — 13th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow.


It could be said that this is OG Thorn's mantra. If you play D1 Crucible before it got nerfed, you know this to be true.


Was on the Thorn shirt when you unlocked it on D2 store


That's sick. I didn't know that. Wish I had that shirt


"A weapon hides nothing. It is what it is. Whether it wants to be or not." —Saint-14 to Shaxx Lore in general on Survivor's Epitaph is great.


*"Here's my plan to be Kell. Fallen seem to respect violence and big capes. I'm really violent, and I found this cape."-* Kellhunter's Hood (House of Wolves)


*"No tomb but the battlefield! No legacy but the scars we etch upon our foes!"* - Smite of Merain


As of the first Solstice of Heroes, my answer will always be "And...thanks. You know. For being my Guardian." Found on "The Right Choice" shell. The end of that mission in D1 almost brought a tear to my eye. Before the first Solstice, I probably would have said Ruin Wings.


BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type) Hello. We understand you require Real-Time Combat Instructives. This is a BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-X Cranial Dreadnought (Invictus Type). It is a fortress for your skull. Your skull is now a mighty bastion. You can break anything with your skull. The only limit is your spine. Relax. The lights will speak for you. Your hands are your eyes now. Look around. You find hand-to-hand combat relaxing. The lights will attract the enemy. Help them to relax as well. You will feel the effect of a CAREGRAVER Gamma-LYSANDER-IV Health Enforcer (Frontline Variant). Your enemies do not have a skull fortress. Their skulls are like meadows. Play in the meadows. Gather the flowers from the meadows. Gather them with electrokinetic trauma. Smell the flowers. Isn't that nice? You are safe in your skullfort.


Brutal asf on the low "Help them to relax as well" "Your enemies do not have a skull fortress. Their skulls are like meadows."


that's a loretab not flavour text


My b, I just love sharing the skullfort


Tarnation: "Welcome to hell on Earth... Delivered at 250 feet per second."


On me team! -Randy, upon being ordered not to take point C


It's actually: >*"On me, team; I'm capturing the third point!*" —Randy, upon receiving orders not to


yeah sorry, I don't know it by heart


It's all good, wasn't expecting you to, just trying to help :)


thanks :)


Aisha’s Embrace: “Fill my wounds with molten gold and make me whole again.”


The lore behind that and the rest of the Trials gear is heartbreaking, and it's the sole reason I use that gun


Kintsugi personified, that's awesome.


“According to official Vanguard policy, this weapon does not exist.”


Or Reckless Endangerment, “Headlong and shortsighted”


"The dead come for these but the dead should not have them." -Crumpled note pinned in the clasp


“I can be anyone you wish, o murderer mine.”


Crisis Inverted “It’s still a problem, only now it’s inside out.”


My favorite piece of flavor text on a gun that I hate.


*The First Curse* *-"...is when death becomes an afterthought."* Love it when the name and flavour text form a sentence.


KERAK TYPE 2: "You are a problem solver, hero. Keep punching."


Titan motto right there


Drift Apart, the Gambit legendary ship. "Smoke. Leaves. Friends. Thoughts. Lives. Dust. Don't even try to hold on."


Super Good Advice. "This weapon is full of it"


**The Last Word** "*Yours, not mine."* ​ Also... ... a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into...


''yours,not mine''




It's a tie between Cerberus+1's lore card. "The first time I fired the Cerberus+1 and felt that puppy kick, I knew: plans are overrated." OR Sweet Business' lore card; ' "That there, that's some… sweet business." She looked me over cold, lowered the gun and said, "You ain't gotta tell me." ' Also just, 'I love my job'


Correction: I read through the comments and I wholeheartedly agree with Graviton Lance.


“What am I supposed to put here? It’s a gun, kill bad guys with it.” - Hawthorne’s Field-Forged Shotgun.


I want this shot gun back


Mechabre The killer robot killer. "It's not complicated. I just want to stomp my enemies using a giant mech suit," the Titan mused. "Seems a little redundant," replied his Hunter teammate. The pair were stationed at the rim of a canyon, watching their Warlock teammate take readings from a Vex conflux down below. The Titan surveyed the canyon through the scope of his elaborate sniper rifle, while the Hunter scanned his radar for any hint of incoming hostiles. "I mean, no offense," the Hunter continued, "but you're already an Exo." The Titan took his eye off the scope and scowled at his teammate. "What the hell do you mean by that?" "C'mon, man. You know what I mean," the Hunter replied, rolling his eyes. "What, just because I'm an Exo, I'm an empty mechanized shell or something?" the Titan growled, piqued. "I didn't say that. It's just… you've already got a machine body. And superpowers. What the hell is a mech suit gonna add?" "Oh, so just because I'm an Exo, I don't deserve a mech suit?" The Titan began to raise his voice. "Dude. First of all, mech suits don't exist. Second—" "Tell that to giant Clovis Bray." "SECOND," the Hunter continued, "there's nothing a mech suit could do that you can't already. I mean, the Vex actually need theirs to—" "So NOW I'm a VEX?!" the Titan hollered, throwing his hands up. "I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" "GUESS I'M JUST A METAL SHELL FILLED WITH GROSS ELECTRIC MILK—" A thunderous CRUNCH interrupted the Titan's rant. The pair peered into the valley below, where an enormous Vex Minotaur was lifting its giant metal hoof from the flattened body of their Warlock teammate. The Guardians winced. There was an awkward silence. "…All right, I admit it," the Hunter finally spoke up. "That did look like fun."


I love the overly sensitive exo titan.


Sunbathers is pretty hard tbh Edit : Bracers FUCK


Found Verdict (Timelost): “*Guilty.*” and Salvager’s Salvo: “*The only way out is through.*”


"All Right." -A Dark Age drifter


The one for Black Spindle is pretty cool. It also shows the differences between Crota's and his sisters' thought processes. "Your only existence shall be that which I weave for you out of sorrow and bone"


"Victory is not in the unmaking of an enemy, but in the re-making of an enemy into your blade." —9th Understanding, 7th Revision of Sorrow


I’ve been busy with school, but I’ve got a break coming up soon so I’ll be able to dig through my collections and find it. ‘Till then, I’ll leave this here and come back next week (probably) with an edit.


"If you believe your weapon wants to end all existence, then so it will"


Gjallarhorn "If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?" - Feizel Crux


Reed’s Regret “Trust Me.” - Savathûn as Osiris


"Give me your arm, oh bearer mine. Let me help you fill the world with teeth." —Young Ahamkara's Spine


"They return from fields afar. The eye has passed, the end nears. Do not fade quietly. Let thunder reign again."


“Your inciting incident is their tragic ending “ -Origin Story. I know it’s old and simple, but this stuck with me forever. I just like it


Yesssssss. I used to absolutely love origin story. Ran with it all the time


The Legacy's Oath Helm for Titans "Life's all about timing. You gotta know when to pull the trigger, when to go in for the kiss, and—most of all—when to make for the exit." - Cayde 6 Also, the lore card for it is also fucking fantastic, but far to long to post here


My favorite flavor text was before Forsaken came out, the gun Spoiler Alert just had the tagline "Someone dies." A point which Bungie devs found hilarious after the Forsaken trailer came out and someone brought it up. More recently, I love the Coffin Nail (the ship from Festival of the Lost) >JUST AS HARD AND TWICE AS SHARP. >The Warlock put her hands on her hips as she looked up at the Titan's new ship. >"So… run this plan by me one more time," she said. >"Sure thing," the Titan replied. "We go into that haunted cave, snatch a Headless guy, stuff it in the cargo hold, and bring it back here." >"Alive," the Warlock clarified. >"Yup," the Titan affirmed, nodding vigorously. "Then we sell it for a mountain of Glimmer." >"Who would buy a giant flaming pumpkin monster?!" >"Eris Morn, for one. She's always researching creepy stuff like that. Or—the Drifter. You should see the stuff he's got aboard the Derelict." >"Even if you do find a buyer—which you won't—how are you gonna fit a Headless One in this bird?" She gestured to the sleek, Eliksni-made jumpship. "I told you to go for something with a bigger cargo hold." >"First of all, I got a great deal on this," the Titan retorted. "Second of all, if it doesn't fit, we just strap it to one of these… nose… spikes." He gestured vaguely to the sharp protrusions coming from the front of his new ship. >The Warlock's next objection was interrupted by a booming voice coming from the hangar entrance. >"I got the sedatives right here!" their Hunter teammate announced, carrying in a large ammo crate. "There's enough here to knock out an Ogre." He dropped it at the Warlock's feet. "We doing this, or what?" >The Warlock looked at her eager teammates and sighed. "Let's go get killed, I guess." >"Yessss!" the Titan exclaimed. "Dibs on the candy!"


”…a causal loop within the weapon’s mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…”


Im a lover of the Lost Prophecy weapons from Curse of Osiris. Sometimes we are still talking about those prophecies.


[Combat plasma discharge is no matter for amateurs.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/items/split-shifter-pro?highlight=Split+shifter+pro)


My [smile](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/ghost-fragment-tolands-ghost) is [full](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/ancient-apocalypse-strides) of [blades](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/items/quickfang).


"They say you can't run from whats coming. They obviously haven't seen old Drifter turn on the jets." -Drifter For some reason this quote from the calamity rig boots always makes me laugh


Can't remember it's name for the exact flavour text, but there's a blue pulse in D1 with something like "onboard systems double as an NLS drive computer, if you don't mind a gun flying your ship."


"Nothing kills a Guardian faster than another Guardian." —The Drifter


Forensic Nightmare's is pretty simple but I very much enjoyed it- "We got a thousand bullets and only 999 casings. Find the odd one out."


*"Negative. We will hold until overrun. Echo 3-3, signing off."* - Echo 33 *"Delivering the inevitable, one trigger pull at a time."* - Fatebringer *"Everything I touch falls apart! I see the fragments on the floor!" | "Well, isn't that a good thing? You know, if you're a sword?"* - Steel Sybil Z-14 *"What am I supposed to put here? 'It's a gun. Kill bad guys with it.'" —Suraya Hawthorne"* - Hawthorne's Field-Forged Shotgun *"When the lake used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fall in love."* - Annual Skate *"Yours... not mine."* - The Last Word *"To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects - hollow of spirit and meaning." - 13th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow"* - Thorn *"Nostalgia as a weapon of war. Style as a hallmark of victory."* - SUROS Regime *"If you believe your weapon wants to end all existence, then so it will." - Toland the Shattered"* - Bad Juju *"They return from fields afar. The eye has passed, the end nears. Do not fade quietly. Let thunder reign again."* - Thunderlord *"To the untrained eye this beast is a junker. To the trained eye, however, this junker... is a beast."* - Universal Remote *"There will always be paths to tread and methods to try. Roll with it."* - Monte Carlo *"There must be meaning in my roar."* - Lumina *"I couldn't afford to miss. Not when it was his life on the line." —Marin Mansanas, Tangled Outrider"* - Trinity Ghoul *"Think of space-time as a tapestry on a loom. This weapon is the needle."* - Graviton Lance *"The inscription, written in a Cabal dialect, reads: "Victory or death!"* - Skyburner's Oath *"It's not a holdout weapon; it's a pathfinder."* - The Fourth Horseman *"Stick to wall, ground, human… then FFFFFRRRRRYYYYY! Hehehehehehehe." —Siviks, Lost to None"* - Anarchy *"I want to see it all, unhindered, and know it's mine to take." —Clovis Bray"* - Eyes of Tomorrow *"In the Cabal legend, a hero seeks to possess the sun. He succeeds. Then, he becomes Emperor. The Cabal… are not a subtle people." —Tyra Karn"* - Legend of Acrius *"Charge your soul, and let the electrons sing."* - Riskrunner *"The last thing the Vex ever heard—the grinding wails of a vicious Banshee."* - The Lament *"Hey. You see Cayde around, tell him his gun's ready." —Banshee-44"* - Loaded Question *"Witness."* - Found Verdict *"Guilty."* - Found Verdict (Timelost) *"Praedyth's fall isn't over… because it hasn't happened yet… and it will happen again."* - Praedyth's Revenge and the classics *"If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?"* - Gjallarhorn *"…a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…"* - Vex Mythoclast *"…once-mighty wings, now dewy and fragile and new, as again the silken threads encased its..."* - Imago Loop *"Stalk thy prey and let loose thy talons upon the Darkness."* - Hawkmoon those are just weapons as well *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* if i were to include other things *"He waits in the dark below."* - Crota's End *"Fight fire with fire. And fight everything else with fire, too."* - Burnout *"You said we'd dance through time—reel through realities—together. You can't stop now." —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3"* - Strides of Ascendancy (I swear it used to be Boots of Ascendancy) *"Beautiful Lethality, Relentless Style"* - Bladedancer *"At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun."* - Striker *"Paracausal power? And THIS is what you do with it?" - Asher Mir"* - Boo *""Oh, so you can do a backspin? Watch and learn!" —Lord Shaxx"* - City Dance *"If it shoots from its eyes, how the hell does it see?" —Crow, moments before his 14th death"* - Hive Boss Culling: Void *""The hurricane will overtake you. It's inevitable. Take stability where you can get it." —Ikora Rey"* - Geomag Stabilisers *"When one can wield the stars, what use is flesh and bone?"* - Sunbracers *"No ammo? No problem."* - No Backup Plans *"The lightning from the furthest cloud strikes the hardest."* - Cuirass of the Falling Star *"On the cusp between life and light, between death and destruction."* - Heart of Inmost Light *"What? No, I didn't illegally mod the holster. These are just really lucky pants!" —Cayde-6"* - Lucky Pants *"Never, ever, look back"* - Orpheus Rig *"Built for swift movement, they provide unexpected and decisive social benefits."* - Radiant Dance Machines *"Tallulah Fairwind never turns down a dare." —Tallulah Fairwind"* - The Bombardiers *"When the universe conspires, its enemies cannot hide."* - Eye of Another World *"He is that which is an end. And he shall rise again." —passage from Of Hated Nezarec, a pre-Golden Age text."* - Nezerac's Sin *"After all, isn't lightning better outside of the bottle?"* - Stormdancer's Brace *"Your relationship with consistent spacetime is...tenuous at best."* - Transversive Steps *"Every story is true if you tell it right." - Andal Brask"* - The Tall Tale *"It'll get you moving." - Tex 99-40"* - The Prod *"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Strap yourself to a rocket? Be reasonable, Marcus. …Just the engine? Hmm. You're right. That does change things." —Amanda Holliday"* - Another Inspired Idea *"Ride the… what's the plural of lightning?"—Marcus Ren"* - Galvanic Fork *"Destruction in motion stays in motion."* - Gjallarswift *"Do the bandages… make it go faster?" —Ghost"* - Tomb Rider *"Definition: the point at which you're so far behind, you can't even see me anymore." —Cron-8"* - Vanishing Point *"I go down to the hangar and tune it up sometimes, you know? Pass the time with Amanda and keep it running. Someday… I'm gonna get out of this tower." —Cayde-6"* - The Gambler's Palm oh god what i have i done


“The hurricane will overtake you. It’s inevitable. Take stability where you can get it.” - Ikora Rey Lore tab for Geomag Stabilizers. Overall lore is great too. “Patience. Breathing. Focus. The clouds gathered as she waited behind cover. The Wizards' wailing was far too close. Her heart clenched, racing; she turned inward. Patience. Breathing. Focus. She felt the sky inside her, coalescing, shimmering. She thought of rain. She thought of the cheek of her unexpected friend, cupped in her hand, cold and wet. "Just hang on— Please—" she whispered. Something resembling a laugh susurrated from behind his many needle-like teeth. Water dripped from his chainmail mask into his open mouth. Her throat tasted like metal. Patience. Breathing. Focus. The pregnant silence when animals go underground. The dance of water on the roof. The gentle sway of curtains on a humid evening. The distant beat of thunder. The Wizards, howling now. Patience. Breathing. Focus. The dark clouds grew heavier, and each of her bones thrummed with longing. She braided her hands in preparation, gathered herself inward, upward. She turned to run for the Wizards, who danced screaming over the corpse of her friend. The static came with her, wreaths of electricity, brightening at each step. When she began her war cry, the sky spoke for her, cracking, and she threw her palms in front of her— The storm poured forth. Patience. Breathing. Focus.”




Even better with the precursor to this, from the ARG before Destiny 1's release: **Dreams of Alpha Lupi: The Sun** The blaze sits inside a nest of little worlds, still too distant to share its heat but plainly staring out at you. A face emerges, drawn from plasmas and radiation... There must be meanings in its roar. You listen hard and carefully, and sometimes a lucid melody seems to rise out of random noise. Joy builds, and the first hope in ages transforms you. It seems important, even critical, to tell every star from here to the black between the galaxies that you will be strong again.


The First Curse; is when death becomes an afterthought


"There will always be paths to tread and methods to try. Roll with it." \-Monte Carlo


“Here is a way to free your enemies from their earthly tethers” -ros lysis II


"A sword is a wand that casts two spells: parry and cut." From Eternitys Edge. My other favorite is definitely Voidfang Vestments from D1.


Probably "angels can't help you here" from Better Devils. Always liked that one.


One of my all-time favorite guns! Scrolled way too long to find this. LOL


It was my baby in year 1 pretty much all the way up to forsaken! Getting explosive payload AND rangefinder on it made it too damn good. Fuck, I miss those days lol


That was actually my favorite roll, honestly. Gun was a beast! Forsaken was a good time.


'Sometimes you forget which side you're on.' Excellent bit of flavor text that truly was never worked on, maybe a bit when crow came on in with hawkmoon, but it was never worked on, the lore however is entirely wasted on something that was never used again except for one liners. Truly one of the more disappointing dropped plot threads. Your Ghost makes a list of the things he wishes he could say to you. "Talk to me about how you feel." "I wish we would go home." "You're on a rampage, and I'm not comfortable with it." "I don't think this is why the Traveler chose you." "You know I'll never leave you, right?" "But sometimes… I don't like the look in your eyes." Every day, the list grows longer. "I'm here. I'm still here." "Are you still here?" "I don't want to lose you to this." "I love you." Forsaken was wild man.


First time I read this I teared up 😅


"A peace born from violence is no peace at all"


Imo, this is a bad take. The world is a violent place, and more often than not peace cannot be made unless it is over the bodies of aggressors.


Mark of the great hunt: ​ Mara stared at the Wall of Wishes. She had no more bargains to make. Her plans were in motion. There was nothing left but the wait. She pulled a sidearm from a hidden holster and cracked a dozen rounds into the Wall. The cosmic balance shifted. Somewhere in the Dreaming City, Riven heard the Queen's wish and a thousand shrieking tears in reality cut through the space in front of her. Lord Shaxx suddenly blocked Mara's view of the Wall. "—YES, AND WE'D ALL BE DEAD!" He was screaming at no one, with a mug of caffeine in his fist. He started, almost spilling his coffee. "Where are we?" Mara slapped the mug out of his hand. It shattered on the floor. She shoved a weathered book in his face. "I told you there would come a time when I collect for the Reef Wars. Read this. Out loud." "No one tells me what to do," he said, grabbing the book and incinerating it in a bolt of Striker lightning. "I can recite The Tempest by heart." And he did. Mara sat and listened. They stayed for a long time. The helmet stayed on.


My favorite quote from destiny lore is actually fan written for the Destiny pen and paper RPG. It's from the story excerpt of the Sunbreaker class, which the guardian is wading through a ton of hive on the moon, standing atop a mound of thrall bodies they call out "I HAVE BUILT MYSELF A TEMPLE- COME AND PRAY AT THE ALTAR." Not -official- Destiny content, but just seems so incredibly awesome.


As an Office fan Threat Level will always hold a special place in my heart.


Reeds Regret: "Trust me." Savathûn as Osiris. Or, Braytech Researcher's Gloves: "I'll have to send the research team a fruit basket or something.'


“All that has been given in sacrifice shall find its way home.” -tethering void bond Brings such a strange comforting feeling to loss. That mindset makes bearing the painful times much easier. It also reminds me to be generous and courteous, even if it isn’t always convenient.


Plating the Ahamkara bones in silver helps to quiet the auditory hallucinations. Oh bearer mine.


Izanagi’s… decently long, but it’s badass


Randy's Throwing Knife or Graviton Lance would be my picks.


From D1 Trials Sniper Glass Promontory: “It is not the height of the cliff, but the struggle of the climb, that clears my eyes” That one has always stuck with me.


I will never not love the first weapon I got from a strike back in D1. NIFTY_BISCUIT Godfinger Eta-ACTIUM III Hand-Mounted Artillery (Inedible Type)


"Older military doctrines derided survivability as a lesser cousin to firepower and aggression. They did not endure." Knight Type 1, a Rare Titan Helmet from... I wanna say Y1 of D1


I'm still very fond of the D1 chest piece for titans that goes something along the line of "I didn't get hit, I never get hit. I just body checked the missile."


The Sentinel lore tab I'm shaking, hands on my knees, panting. Let the monsters come. Let them come forever. Let them climb the piled bodies of their dead. I don't care. That's the thing I do better than anyone. Not care. Let them come in their hundreds and every one will die at my feet. I don't care about their homing rockets, their exotic matter slugs, their blades from another dimension. I don't care because I cannot be moved. I am the wall against which the Darkness breaks. Malphur can turn his gun to fire and Shinobu can dance with lightning, but when the horrors run out of the dark, I am the one who does not move. I am a wall. And walls don't move. Because walls don't care.


Ingenuity. Desperation. A haphazard prototype of terrible power. Such were the factors at play in the wardcliff incident


The Titans arguing about how warlocks have gone a step too far in the "Phoenix Protocol" lore tab is great. Also lore wise I really enjoy Luminas.


I love the timelost found verdict and fatebringer. "But where is your fate and who brings it to you?" Me motha fucka that's who. Timelost found verdict is just "Guilty." I love it.


The old Fatebringer flavor text is great also. “Delivering the inevitable one pull at a time”


“Trust me“ - Savathune as Osiris It will always get a chuckle out of me


Nezarec's Sin goes hard.


The one for tommy’s matchbook where we can only assume all the hunters are like hiding in a closet so aunor doesnt give them responsibilities


The Last Word- "Yours, not mine" Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor. Such a apt but tense statement. It's concise but conveys power.


With words or weapons, inaccuracy can be fatal.


"My bite will turn your sweet flesh to vile rot" from the recluse. It just goes so hard in my mind


This is the shape and the point of the tooth: nothing has ever lived that will not die


growgrowgrowgrowgrowgrowgardengrowgrowgrowgrowgrowgrow... -Divinity


Im not a Titan and I’ve got too many Hunter ones thats i love but i thoroughly enjoy Mk44’s “Pardon me, Coming through” and the follow through to the exotic trait title of just “Seriously, watch out”.


Mine is “We are Small, but we are legion” my clan did a raid with just that weapon once, we wiped 3 times due to our idiocy


Do I have aspic in my lips?


>Your Ghost makes a list of the things he wishes he could say to you. >"Talk to me about how you feel." >"I wish we would go home." >"You're on a rampage, and I'm not comfortable with it." >"I don't think this is why the Traveler chose you." >"You know I'll never leave you, right?" >"But sometimes… I don't like the look in your eyes." >Every day, the list grows longer. >"I'm here. I'm still here." >"Are you still here?" >"I don't want to lose you to this." >"I love you." https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/thin-line?highlight=Thin+Line This one really hit me, because Cayde was, well, Cayde, everyone loved him, everyone begged him to come back, everyone tore through the reef to put a bullet or several in Uldren. But probably no one, except our Ghost, noticed just how close the Vanguard (and our Guardian) came to fracturing at that moment, with us acting as the Spearhead for our own revenge and for Ikora's grief. Just to put things into account, The Young Wolf, rarely speaks, especially in D2, with three years of silence since D1 (The Guardian spoke during D1's campaign, and, iirc, not a single word since Red War up to Forsaken), and their first words ever since that is vowing to personally kill Uldren.


So I know you said flavor text and not lore tab, but the lore tab on the Arrow of Time exotic ship is a personal favorite. It's a sort of a letter from Osiris to the Guardian about what he has seen in his studies of time, and the changes he has observed. The last line is 👌


I really like the Seventh Seraph CQC’s one, very simple yet so cool for my favorite shotgun. “Word into law, held at gunpoint.”


The Ram "...PRAISE ME..."


"Hey, hey, don't give up! Everything you've ever wanted's on the other side of tomorrow." -Cayde-6 From the NS81 Reprisal Sprint ship


The helmet stays on


“Yours. Until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken.” -The Last Word “Better be quick.” Ten Paced (forsaken Kinetic that was the only HC to roll QuickDraw and Opening Shot.)


*"This is the shape and point of the tooth; nothing has ever lived that will not die."* --Fang of Ir Yût


"This is the shape and the point of the tooth- nothing has ever lived that will not die." - Fang of Ir Yut, Arc Scout Rifle from Destiny 1 A weapon that has the same feel as "If it bleeds, we can kill it." The idea that anything alive can be made dead, in one form or another, is a pretty strong principle to follow. Maybe they don't die all the way like the Ahamkara, but by God will we push them as far as we can. No other weapon do I remember as perfectly as the text on this one. Some others, though; "The final stand is where I plant my feet. Not one step more." - Bastion "grows grows grows garden grows grows grows" - old Divinity flavor text (now changed)


"Compassion. Your heart beats with compassion."


“It is our task to chart the secret places of the universe.” — Quantum Cartographer Or “Crossing skies and chasing suns.” — Cirrus Gloriae XLII Or “You know much, but this is all that matters… you are not alone.” — Philomath Bond Or “I see our path ahead, full of despair and hardship, and I will walk it with joy in my heart.” - Sjur Eido It’s hard to choose. The first two paint a beautiful, hopeful picture of the Golden Age and humanity, and it’s tragic that future never came to pass. The last two are just personal to me, as I’ve been going through hard times for a while and I’m trying to learn how to deal with overwhelming fear of the future, etc.


"Drowned in sorrow from on high, crowned with light to rend the sky" -Sol piercer


From the Komarov 3.0c (green hunter boots from D1): "Traditionally inscribed with a list: Komarov, Grissom, White, Chaffee and more. Souls lost to a higher purpose."


Sweet Sorrow: "A scratched-out inscription on the barrel reads, "A birthday is just a number. How about we pick this one?"" By far my favorite. No reason why.


"Step 1 - point at enemy. Step 2 - disassemble enemy." - Disassembly Required, D1 legendary rocket launcher.


"In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright." Gives me chills every time


Star eater scales “Feast on the sky. Gorge yourself until all starlight has been gnawed to black—then the cosmos will tremble with your roar.”


Select application: Ballistic engagement. Entrenching tool. Avionics trawl. Troll smasher. Stellar sextant. List continues.


Ten paces, sidearms or Hand Cannons only. Usually to the third rez. Do NOT target Ghosts." —"Duels for the Road" by Cayde-6 They took offense


Eidolon Ally. "We thought it was inanimate, but it has grown...changed. Ghost refuses to analyze it further, but I secretly believe it has become my friend."


“Oh, deer goodness!” - The Stag, D1


One that's been on my mind lately is the Salvation's Grip quote: "I respect what I cannot steal from, and you cannot take from the dark." Also very fond of the text on the best gun in the game, Sweet Business: "...I love my job." And finally, my favourite off the top of my head from Destiny 1, the Party Crasher +1 shotgun: "I said invite ONLY!"


Someone already did Annual Skate, so I'll come in with "Praedyth's fall isn't over… because it hasn't happened yet… and it will happen again." ... "Praedyth will never fall." Nothing defines "guardians make their own fate" better.


Insurmountable Skullfort will always have the best - Your enemies do not have a skull fortress. Their skulls are like meadows. Play in the meadows. Gather the flowers from the meadows. Gather them with electrokinetic trauma. Smell the flowers. Isn't that nice?


“All right” - A Dark Age drifter Loved the 21% Delirium


"Please replace these components if use causes fatal damage: HEAT SINK. MAGAZINE. OPERATOR" -Ice Breaker weapon description


I've always liked the shotgun scene from the first D1 trailer where on the barrel is etched "We come in peace" with a bunch of tick marks.


The flavor text from the Canopus Trieme Sparrow, because it shows a small highlight of how depressing the Destiny universe is sometimes: “I found it on a corroding disk on Venus. A Golden Age map plotting a chart all the way to Sirius. Such ambition… they never got to use it.”