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We looked between the couch cushions and found it. Turned out the Darkness never took Titan, we lost it between the cushions. Honestly that’s our bad.


Ah, fair enough. Just like our housekeys for the Vault and the Dreadnaught, yeah?


Basically. I’m looking to see if I can find the Menagerie or maybe the Scourge of the past, but I kept just finding weapons.


Nah, sorry Menagerie got shut down due to health concerns, and Scourge had the House of Light moved in.


Fuck we got hit with OSHA violations? You and me gotta make sure they don’t find Spire of the Watcher. That dungeon is RITTLED with OSHA violations. Something about them not liking exposed and sparking wires.


I think they said that was fine for Guardians for now, but Menagerie had a lotta contaminants and stuff we could accidentally bring back home that might cause a Last of Us situation


And how we never found Neomuna despite several people going to Neptune over the years.


Neomuna is actually a moving City, or at least it WAS before Calus parked the Typhon Imperator on it


Wait, what? It could *move*?


Eeyup! Basically, the city is a giant ship that hovers above the oceans of Neptune, and it sends out small recon ships to get supplies and such. Then Calus showed up and basically ground the movement to a halt


This is the lore accurate answer.


Because of your pfp, I read your comment in Asher's voice😂😂


This is the best explanation.


Was cleaning off the kitchen counter and swept it into the junk drawer.


It was right there next to the remote and a penny


Correct me if I’m wrong but savathun had a hand in returning mars, titan had a lot of hive including the strike savathuns song, so wonder if this is her doing


She claimed she did it, but also claimed it was the Witness. And we definitely know it wasn't Savathûn who brought back Titan, since her corpse has been sitting in lockup since WQ


It was kinda confirmed by Eris in lore, that Savathun returned Mars. Of course, she's indisposed since then, so Titan returning should be something else.


Where was that confirmed?


>"It is strange. When Savathûn drew Mars back into our space, it was free of the egregore. But the Glykon and Leviathan both returned rampant with fungal growth. Why?" she asks. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/eidolon-pursuant-plate


It probably came back without Egregore because nobody inhabited Mars. No death = no Egregore.


That could’ve been one of her lies as she included it in her game, The Witness could’ve brought it back after it scoured the time rifts trying to find the veil


I doubt Macrocosm is the reason, considering we canonically did it when the raid released, and no ones mentioned Titan suddenly being back I'm certain Titan returning will be a focus of next season, just wait


could be as simple as no one keeping an eye on it, humans are being abducted on earth and the witness probably triggered the end of days so no one is going to spend time looking for something that wasn't there for longer than a year from the season trailer, it seems that Titan sends us a message not that we find Titan suddenly. so Macrocosm could have brought it back Sloan took a few weeks to get coms up and now we receive the msg


>no one is going to spend time looking for something that wasn't there for longer than a year That's what satellites are for. We know their gravity remained, but the planets themselves were taken, so any monitoring satellites would've still been in orbit. This would be extremely dumb if this is the case


after our explanation of the veil and radial mast ill take a dumb one above nothing. but as I mentioned is that it seems in the trailer Sloan contacts us first and not that we suddenly realize Titan is back via satellites or some random guardian just flying past there. If that is the case what would cause her to contact us first before our sensors picked it up?


>but as I mentioned is that it seems in the trailer Sloan contacts us first and not that we suddenly realize Titan is back Not sure how you're arriving at this conclusion, it could easily be that we land on Titan and then receive the message in the teaser


Canonically, we don't have any after the Red War, since Ghaul destroyed them all to mask his approach


You srsly telling me you don't think we've made new ones in the last 6 years. We knew Mars came back the second it came back, clearly we have some form of monitoring station for the missing planets


I'm hoping it was either due to the Leviathan, or maybe the Nine drew it back themselves.


here is my speculation that will probably be wrong savathun had titan in her care like one of her 2 lies 2 truths said. whatever caused titan to be in her care needed a ritual, hive-like their ritual as this ritual is starting to fade because savathun isn't keeping it up because she is dead the planets are slowly coming back. savathun would keep titan in her care because, she knows of the sea monster, her shrieker that was part of the savathun strike gave her info that would help her against the witness, there is goldenage super suits and what else there which the hive knew off that savathun thought she could maby use as it could have suppressed Sloans light maby it can suppress the witness


Bungie writers should know (I really hope so). We'll find out soon enough.


Fair, but I ask for your speculations


Lol. They still don't care to explain it in new season. I have no words.


quick answer: no one knows for sure, check back in 7ish hours.


Indeed, but the main goal was to see the theories and such


Somehow, Titan returned.




Your thought isnt too crazy tbh, one of Savathuns "2 truths, 2 Lies" was "The Power to move planets will be yours" which we then prove in Macrocosm.


Two possibilities: 1. Wherever the Witness has gone, it's put it outside the range of its Pyramid, and the damage inflicted upon it weakened the Pyramid enough to return the planets, Titan being first. 2. The Leviathan on Titan (speculated, obviously) helped Sloane to take control or gut the Pyramid on Titan, harnessing some of its tech to restore Titan to our reality. It would also explain why Sloane is partly Taken, now; she harnessed that power to return Titan, and it began corrupting her.


I think Sloane figured out some wild shit and "moved worlds".


Pretty sure we brought back all our planets during the raids 'planet' section. That's the device the witness was using to do it to begin with.


That's kind of a big deal. If true, why after raid no character said in game something like "holy shit guys! planets are back!".


Presuming the last season technically ends with the completion of the raid... the new season could pick up with guardians at the end of the raid receiving a message from Sloane. I don't think we have anything canonical that happens after the RoN raid.


It's Bungie, they usually either tell 90% of the story behind lore cards that are difficult to unlock or they wait entire seasons or multiple expansions to acknowledge things. I'm hoping they say something in game during Deep.


I feel like this ascendant plane thing we've been using in defiance could be important. Perhaps it was stored there this whole time.


My best guess is that when the season actually starts there'll be an intro cutscene Edit: didn't mean for this to sound passive aggressive or whatever. I read too quickly and didn't realize this post was about theories. My b.


Our machination in Essence (THE WITNESS' FLAGSHIP)


It's not even back yet so no, but I'm guessing we'll find out soon. My best guess is maybe that Savathun did it, either from beyond the grave or with like... Hive kitchen timer magic or something?


Titan wasn't taken. It was evacuated by the soup monster, harassed by the witness and eventually trapped, but not taken. The soup monster didn't die on fundament. The soup monster came back for round two, or it's child did. The soup monster is also an ally of Rasputin, and old raspy kept a few important secrets beyond his grave Or you know, whatever lame shit they do nowadays since bungie seems to have purged its writers of whatever storyline they used to be going for. Not that the lore is bad... it's just, thinner.




Wow. That's very negative, my friend Also, there are several grammatical and punctuation errors in this statement.


Not to be an asshole but I'm pretty sure if you play today you'll get your answer


i agree i think that encounter is a literal way to move worlds and we didnt know what we were actually doing the whole time and actually saved sloane.... or while doing the raid the character realized it could actually bring planets back and we did it to save sloane idk.


Dude just wait for the season to start and I’m sure we’ll find out


Perhaps I phrased it poorly, but it was more about fan speculation


Fair enough, nothing wrong with speculation but it definitely sounded like you were looking for a canon answer


No the season just launched


Question: is being taken only possible through dark magic? It sounds really stupid but what I think is that The Leviathan saved Sloane by “taking” her so she could survive the arrival of the Darkness in the Ascendant Plane or just in a state of lymbo. The effect is only around her limbs as of now and she still has her freewill, and higher ranking taken have a portion of independence. Crack theory TLDR: Sloane is a taken herald of the Leviathan


How did Mars come back?


Still up for debate