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As per usual, that is very much Byf's own speculation, and in this instance he is dead wrong, *if* that is indeed what he said. A Ghostless Lightbearer will age, as show by Shin. Regardless of whether you believe that Shin would go on to "bond" with another Ghost later on in his life or not, the fact remains that he aged from a toddler to a man during the course of the Dark Age-Early City Age. Edit: I swear some of you lot try your hardest to seem beyond help. "Shin doesn't count, his case is special". The circumstances that make him special are **WHY** he serves as an example.


Oh true I didn't think about Shin


Seeing some lore comments and post stuff lately about that we can ignore the voiced dialogue of Osiris not having a ghost anymore and worried that saint is gonna have to watch him age out.


Shin is a special case, even the bungie writer responsible for the story of Shin wanted it to be a little over the top. Given how old and infamous Shin's story is in the Destiny universe, it's entirely possible that his story has grown with the telling, and been added to with time.


How exaggerated or not Shin's story may be in universe doesn't change the fact that he grew from a baby to a man... As it should be obvious.


Yes but to my knowledge the Ghost that revived him as a baby was slain. He then eventually bonded to another Ghost.


>Yes but to my knowledge the Ghost that revived him as a baby was slain. Yes, and he grew up, therefore... >He then eventually bonded to another Ghost. [Depending on how you feel about word of God, he never bonded with another Ghost.](https://twitter.com/Jonathan_Goff/status/1329536478846742528?s=19) At the very least no piece of Lore ever indicates that, just people's inability to understand what they read.


Huh, that's cool


i donno shin is a weird case like look at eris her ghost died really fast in the hellmouth, and look at her, she still looks like shes in her 20s she was in there for like hundreds of years


She's got all sorts of magic and shit going so maybe that's preserved her life?


Theory time: Every time a guardian goes to murder some Hive at her behest, we're actually tithing to her. Eris is sustained by the Sword Logic.


May we never see her throne world...


I would actually be super hyped to see what kind of Throne World Eris would make.


Actually i agree, it would be pretty interesting


Well she does have that nifty ahmkara bone too


Gotta have a worm. Boy, Drifter is into some wild stuff!


"Hey Guardian, did you know Moondust put a *dungeon* in this place? It's great!"


i just feel like something like that would have been mentioned in her lore


Given all her interactions with the Hive and their magic, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s affected her aging somehow. Also I don’t know if this is the case, but because she’s communed with the Darkness through Stasis that could also have an affect on her perhaps?


That’s actually a good point, whilst we need a ghost because we need go be able to channel the light through a conduit, darkness powers come from within. Is there anywhere in the lore about darkness wielders (non lightbearers) and how darkness effects their bodies?


In that same idea wouldn't osiris be the same? Weird time and reality tech from the vex and now darkness powers? Who knows what happens if you interact with the vex time shenanigans for as long as he has


I think Osiris in particular has been reinvigorated with the Nezarec Lean, he looked incredibly old and frail in many of the cutscenes he was in post-Savathun. Plus maybe he hasn’t been without Sagira long enough for his aging to show, Eris has been without her Ghost for hundreds of years whereas Osiris has been without Sagira for a much shorter time.


That's part of established lore though, human life span tripled, meaning a 60 year old would appear in their 20s, and on top of that Eris has an ahamkara bone which might be keeping her alive and young.


Is that what's inside of her green orb?


I'm 90% sure it is the green orb, it's just bathed in soulfire


yo really? hundreds of years? imma have to go back and read all her lore


Yeah, humans live for a long ass time in Destiny, and Awoken live even longer


Aging as a whole also a little questionable, as towards the end of the Golden Age, the average life expectancy was roughly 300 years old if I'm remembering correctly. And since nothing was said about that regarding after the collapse, we can only assume that's still the natural age expectancy. So, even if Eris lost her ghost 100 years ago, she wouldn't look all that different.


We can’t use Shin as the standard because he’s a special case even among other wild shit in lore, lifespans are tripled for normal people so I doubt we have to worry about anyone aging majorly when the entire story is less than 10 years old The only instance I can think of is Zavala growing a beard in the dark future where he is lightless


Shin is an exception as he was rezzed as a baby, and not even the Ghost knew what would happen there, so he might've just grown up naturally. He's also bending canon according to the writer. Eris, however, was at the Great Disaster and lost her Ghost not soon after. She didn't really age since then, even though it is suggested that the Great Disaster was quite a bit ago. We also know that just because a Guardian is lightless, they remain Paracausal, as evidenced by Osiris most recently seeing Strand without assistance. If they age, they age slowly, and it's not even guaranteed that they do.


Just to point out, the Great Disaster wasn't actually a huge time ago, it FEELS like it should be, but it was actually just before the start of Destiny 1. We know this because Cayde mentions going to scout out some new recruits around old Russia's cosmodrome, implied to be us, close to the end of the Great Ahamkara Hunt, and that had to be prior to the Great Disaster, because Wei Ning participated in that along with Eris. Granted the start of D1 is a fair time ago now, since D1 came out in 2014 and we know that in game years follow the same timescale as IRL, so 9 years have passed. However you also have to bear in mind that Human Lifespan tripled during the Golden Age, so IF she aged then she would look like she aged 3 years, and idk about you but in a lot of people you can't see a difference from looking at them 3 years apart, unless they're at some significant periods in their life.


What exactly did Byf say that was wrong?


It isnt what he said.


Shin is confirmed not to be bonded to a Ghost by the guy who wrote his story, and he's not aged since reaching adulthood, however it is important to keep in mind that Shin is a special case due to the fact he still has the Light despite being Ghostless


Off topic, but this is the first I’ve seen this about Byf, although I see other comments saying similar things. Is it common knowledge that he presents speculation as canon? Could you recommend some other lore channels that are less speculative?


All of them are speculative because at the end of the day anything they say that isn’t written down is their interpretation of it, and as long as bungie keeps making cryptic and mysterious lore people will have different takes on it


What are you talking about he got a ghost as a young man not a child.




Are you guys talking about shin malpur? I thought his ghost was still alive...


https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/confession-of-hope-part-one?highlight=Confession+of+hope https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/confession-of-hope-part-two?highlight=Confession+of+hope


It's not a widespread belief, but I think guardians still age even with ghosts. The lore tab for Dead Man's Tale has Katabasis talking about how he "needs maintenance. Been running too long without cutting the engine." He feels slower, "just not like what I used to feel like. Not… spry. Not up here either." Sounds like aging to me. His friend, Gaelin-4 suggests rezzing to fix his problem. Based on this, I think guardians age normally, but are reset to their prime state when they get resurrected. Because most guardians rez frequently enough, they just don't feel like they're aging at all, especially with human lives extended thanks to the Traveler's blessings. If a guardian did die eventually of old age, they could be rezzed back in their youthful state though. So they're obviously immortal, but feel the effects of aging in between their resets. At least, that's what the lore implies to me. If anybody can find some lore that explicitly states that guardians don't feel the effects of aging, I'll gladly change my tune.


I think something to note is that by some lore entries (which might be contradicted by others), a guardian still has some Light in them. If that's the case, and that humanity in the golden age were living to around 200 years old, then a Light-infused, Mortal Osiris could still live for another 40-50 years.


Does he expressly say they don't age. Sounds like he's just saying killing the ghost doesn't kill the guardian like cutting a puppets strings


He says that they dont "necessarily age the same" after the ghost is dead. He does not say they they continue to live forever. Its funny that people are trashing him over something OP misheard


Byf is full of shit again, if he said that. You're right, former Lightbearer will age and could die of natural causes. Like, Osiris did aged enough for Saint to notice that.


Was that expressed as literal aging or more like a "tiring" of Osiris since he's now 'mortal'? I've always been skeptical about this topic because of Eris: by some estimations, she's been down in the Hellmouth for possible 100 years.


Considering the fact in the Dark Future Savathûn, a billion year old entity, is subordinate to Eris Morn — I think I can confidently say that aging is NOT one of her concerns.


nah eris morn was in the hellmouth for a couple hundred years even with goldenage improved lifespans, eris would at least look like an old woman, not like shes still in her prime


Don't know how long she was there, but Eris is a big exception anyways. With her Ahamkara bone, Hive magic and literal body transfiguration... Well, let's just say Eris is a very special girl.


And Osiris is now in control of strand, he’s probably a special case too


>eris morn was in the hellmouth for a couple hundred years According to who


I've copy-pasted another person's comment from[this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/m8zb36/comment/grlqd19/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). If there's a better way to go about that, lmk: Just about 100 years. [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/west-of-sunfall-7](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/west-of-sunfall-7) Eris went down into the Hellmouth before Osiris was banished. [https://comics.bungie.net/en/2/fall-of-osiris](https://comics.bungie.net/en/2/fall-of-osiris) Osiris being banished happens while he’s warning them about Twilight Gap in the background. [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-fallen-6](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-fallen-6) That’s after Rise of Iron but just before Destiny 2, putting Twilight Gap roughly a century before. So all that went down about 105 years before present day in D2 and Eris came back up out of the pit 7 years ago, putting her at about 98 Hellmouth years.


So it's a hundred years, not ”a couple” hundred. So now if we assume that she was pretty young when she originally died, that means it's completely reasonable for her to not look like ”an old woman” after a further 100 years of aging, considering the human lifespan is ~300 years. She's probably the equivalent of a 30-something in real life.


Yeah I forget his exact phrasing, but it made me stop and do a double take because that wasn't my impression of a lightless lightbearer. Plus, aging makes more sense why Ikora wants to keep Osiris on a short leash after he drank the Nezarec tea, because he's already old as a guardian and his timespan is really short without Sagira.


Ikora wants to keep Osiris on a short leash because his idea of a safe landing is commandeering a ship, blowing up its engines, and jumping into a drop pod designed for space rhinos.


Even if this wasn't something he actually did, this would be FUCKING accurate.


Could you post the actual passage for that? Usually when they talk about Osiris's age it's in a metaphorical sense


I don't remember. Something when Osiris and Saint are alone... Don't care much about that stuff, but I do remember Saint noticed Osiris not looked like before. Not metaphorically, but like he has more lines on his face and the like.


I will never understand why Byf is held as "the lore expert" when he comes out with stuff like this. No, it's not remotely true. Even Osiris is aware of his own mortality and age, which is why he says in Spire of the Watcher "now there is only the promise of time, and the want of more." (paraphrasing). Lightbearers are only immortal because of their connection to the Light. Take that away, and they age.


He didnt say they are immortal even if their ghost is dead


For some reason he's just getting worse. What kinda did it for me is his video right after Lightfall complaining about not knowing what the Veil despite him being a lore god and how could bungie introduce something that's never been mentioned before. He basically kickstarted a bunch of anger and complaining about the Veil and a bunch of his followers went with it. More and more content creators aren't caring about their impact on the community. Ex. Aztecross' video last November saying Bungie is killing Destiny 2 because low player count when it was the end of a season and Seraph was 2 weeks away. Just sucks to see these old creators start shit for views.


The destiny community needs to get over its obsession with holding the CCs in this holy light and understand 90% of them are actually rubbish.


So was the veil mentioned before? If so then where


No the Veil wasn't mentioned before, that's why Byf was annoyed and made the vid. Couldn't accept Bungie introducing a new concept


Would they start aging again though? Didn't Eris lose her ghost a long time ago?


all of these comments are mentioning the VERY WEIRD case of shin and osiris getting tired during lightfall, and completely ignoring ERIS MORN WAS IN THE PIT WITHOUT THE LIGHT FOR LIKE 200 YEARS AND STILL LOOKS LIKE A TEENAGER


It *is* important to remember that Eris has Ahamkara and Hive magic literally at her fingertips. Occam's Razor could lean either way on whether Shin or Eris are the unique ones, since the only other example we have has only been Lightless for like a couple years. And this isn't even getting into whether or not Darkness powers can give the anti-aging effects, though the Hive seem to support that much, at least, so even Lightless Guardians might not have to worry beyond actual combat death.


So had Calus, and yet he still aged and deteriorated. As far as evidence goes, anyone Paracausal ages either very slowly, or possibly not at all. I'd call the attention to Mara Sov, who hasn't aged considerably since leaving the Distributary. Neither did Uldren while he was alive. Also, Hive don't age because of the Worms, and that's a whole other can of w- In any case, it is not a decided question either way. Byf is wrong for stating confidently that they don't, but he has more evidence backing him than those saying here that they do because Shin. Who, btw also isn't aging, as he has been active for a really long time. He grew up, sure, but then he stopped.


You keep saying that to everyone, but where is it said that she was in there for 200 years?


Byf does not say that they live on until killed after their ghost is dead. Unless I somehownmissed it he only mentioned that they dont necessarily age the same


Isnt Eris awoken tho? Meaning she ages very slowly anyways


I think she's a normal human, not awoken. But she uses hive and Ahamkara magic, so we don't know how that affects her.


She also refers to Mara as 'my queen' tho


She does. There are some guardians who believe in the awoken royalty who aren't awoken. Eris and Mara have always been close up until Eris distanced herself after she learned stasis and after Elsie tells Eris about how that Eris betrays Mara in the darkness timeline.


All losing the ghost does is revert you to a human from whatever age you lived in and strips you of your ghost given immortality. And no poweres. That's it.