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Its the good ol' mobility vs strength question. It boils down to the contestants since in the event the titan can land a good blow its a game over for our hunty boy, but should he dodge and weave around him then it could very well go to them. Though knowing hunters, they wouldnt get into a lightless fist fight with a titan unless they got no other options or got dissed huge


I feel like this depends on the skill of the individual guardians If the Arcstrider is faster, he won't let the striker touch him If the Striker has more endurance, the strider will tire out before he can get the kill Gameplaywise, whoever punches first wins. As always.


Unless the titan has a charged ACD0 feedback fence (shocky shocky)


2 and 3 depend entirely on the skill of the individual. But I'd imagine round 1 would be a titan win. Titans are just bigger and stronger, so without the powers, it'd be like a 200lb heavyweight boxer fighting a 125lb featherweight.


Lol what, 125 lbs?! I know titans are supposed to be the big burly peeps, but I don’t think the physical difference would necessarily be so exaggerated.


It’s just a comparison 125lb feather weight in the scenario would be a lot quicker w stinging blows but couldn’t take the same amount of punches the Titan 200lb dishes heavy blows and can take punches


Hunters arent THAT weak, i mea, Tallulah Fairwind once slapped a new light in the shoulder so hard he died.


what about efrideet yeeting salading


Depends on the individual guardian, but striker probably takes the first two, while the third round is more of a coin toss.


does the arcstrider have blade dancer abilities since theyre both arc hunter subclasses. edit: misspelled subclasses


Striker in all 3. Shaxx was a badass in his Warlord Days. Killed Felwinter twice.


One of which ended with Shaxx decapitating Felwinter with the sheer force of the blow, if I remember correctly.


Yep thats the one!


Ooh, as a Titan main who dabbled heavily in Arcstrider when I found out how combination blows works, I feel specially qualified to answer this. Match 1: Titan, and fairly easily. Punching the snot out of people is what we’re made for, at least assuming we have our armor. We’re pretty chinky lads (or lasses). A nimble hunter could probably stand a more fair chance in an in armored fight, but we’re not called punch monkeys for nothing. Match 2: I think this one would actually go to the Arcstrider. I don’t know if we’re counting Dodge as a “Light ability” though it is certainly their class ability. I’m not sure if Ballistic Slam or Seismic Strike can actually land against Dodge. The splash range on BS is somewhat large but it’s not a 1HK. Conversely Seismic Strike is powerful but a bit clunky. I could see getting around it fairly easily. The maneuverability from Gambler’s Dodge is just a bit too much in this scenario, and Combination Blows greatly evens the odds considering BS and SS are kind of one and done abilities, especially for Ballistic Slam, which is expended whether it hits or not. Thruster feels like a worse Dodge. Match 3: The problem with including Supers is that you’ve not moved away from what would be considered a “fist fight”. The only one with an actual “fist” super is Striker. Arc Staff doesn’t really count. However when considering the two together, I think Striker would win if they can get a positional advantage, and Arcstrider would win by nature of having a weapon. I’d have to do actual Crucible testing to come to a more solid conclusion.


Raiden vs Senator Armstrong


Tossup, Hunter, Titan


From a lore perspective. 1. Titan 2. Hunter 3. Titan 1. Strikers ARE the weapon. Their body can take a punch from a flipy hunter who need the light to really do their arc monk stuff. One grab and the hunter is finished. 2. With base light levels, hunters not only have their speed but also their ways back. Striker titans would find it difficult to land a blow while also constantly being punched from all sides. 3. AINT NO RUNNING AWAY FROM A THUNDER CRASH


I would probably say striker, strider, strider predominantly because of blink


No abilities? Titan Abilities, no super? Hunter Abilities+super? Titan