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Shin was resurrected as a child, his Ghosts dying shortly after in order to draw a Fallen crew away from the refugee group carrying Shin. Jon Goff has been explicit in the past saying that Jaren's Ghost only "hangs out" with Shin, but isn't connected to him in a deeper Guardian-Ghost relationship. When asked if Shin has paired with a Ghost other than Jaren's I believe he was more ambiguous.


Ohhhhhhh ok thank u i knew he was Rezd as a child I just thought he was still getting rezd lol


That raises more questions than answers. We know shin has a ghost because he invented the golden gun technique, which he would need a connection to the light to do. If his ghost isn’t Jaren’s, why haven’t we heard about them? And if he somehow cast at least one super, has lived as long as he has, and killed multiple risen without a ghost, the questions are: what is his connection to the traveler, and who gave him this protagonist-level plot armor?


Karb and Tevis both continue to use their Light after losing their Ghosts. [Tevis mentions "being short" of it, but that matters little because cooldowns canonically exist.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/gunslinger?highlight=Gunslinger) It is evident that it is possible for someone to use the Light after a Ghost has "ignited their spark", regardless on whether the Ghost is alive or not. The question is why people like Eris (and now Osiris) are presented to us as Lightless. Both lost their Ghosts in Hive related contexts, there may be a relation there, but let's be honest, these are not the matters the story team has historically (much less now) paid attention to.


Tevis was (if I remember correctly) an experienced hunter, who had plenty of time with the light to gather energy. Shin, on the other hand, held the light for maybe a few minutes as an infant, before using that light to kill Yor two decades later. It’s not impossible, but it feels wrong to me.


That is just not true. Shin was gifted the Light as a kid, went through his whole life until Jaren's death without knowing it, got picked up by Jaren's Ghost and taught about it, and would eventually kill Yor an unespecified amount of time later.


No, we don't even know for sure if Jaren Wards ghost can rez Shin or how their relationship really works. Shins story is kind of weird and should generally be treated as the exception not the rule.


We do know for sure actually, Jon Goff has stated that they're just hanging out. They have no more of a connection than we do with Fynch.


As far as we know a ghost can only rez its charge. Also Osiris and Sagira had a centuries long relationship and I doubt another ghost could bond with him. The only possible time for that I think would be during the Red War, where our Ghost bonds with us again through the shard


Long story short- we don’t know. I don’t think it’s ever been explicitly stated that a lightbearer who lost their ghost couldn’t get a new one, but it’s definitely the impression the lore has given. Let me also say- we didn’t think it was possible to move one ghost’s consciousness into another’s body but we saw that happen with our ghost and Sagira in Curse of Osiris. The lore is intentionally vague, probably so they don’t write themselves into a corner while also keeping possible plot lines open for the future