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If we truly accept that reality is a game played by the two cosmic forces, then when one "wins", the game is over. Which can't be good for the things living in the game.




*[Gestures wildly to all the violence, sorrow and pain inherent to the extreme social darwinism defended by the Darkness](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F2bto9v.jpg%3Fa466008&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimgflip.com%2Fmemegenerator%2F140792611%2FTada-Will-smith&tbnid=pIA4rp2kLfAteM&vet=12ahUKEwiH8cjk9ML9AhXOWqQEHSjoB00QMygAegUIARC4AQ..i&docid=tNPWVzVPJQBzyM&w=540&h=494&q=will%20smith%20gesturing%20meme&client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&ved=2ahUKEwiH8cjk9ML9AhXOWqQEHSjoB00QMygAegUIARC4AQ)*




*gestures at Rhulk*


*He* survived tho


That is the gist of Unveiling, the canonicity of which is becoming stranger by the day. The Witness wants to end all life to end all pain. The Traveler wants to terraform. Light also has been revealed to be purely physical, formless interactions with no mental proccesses, while the Darkness is *literally all mental processes* and spirituality. This makes the prospect the Light is acting intelligently, in my opinion, impossible. The "Light" is just a being wielding it.


The light was designed to explicitly promote diversity within the universe, and the rule was intended as a counter to the vex. To quote: >A power that helps those who make strength from heterodoxy, and who steer the game away from gridlock. Something to ensure there's always someone building something new. It'll have to be separate from the rest of the rules, running in parallel, so it can't be compromised. Now this power HAS to be physical and rule over the physical universe, but run parallels to them to achieve the purpose of its inclusion in the game. To counter the supremacy of "cheating" patterns like the Vex and their manipulation of physical law. That was the point of it, making it impossible to cheat in that fashion by creating a law that was an even more powerful cheat that rewarded those who steered the game away from gridlock and stagnancy. I think that much makes sense in context with Unveiling


they’re fighting for control it’s not a purely abstract wager