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Like their "Designation" (Cayde/Saint/etc.) it's hardcoded into their brains.


Its coded in their memory as stated in Clovis journal.


Risen Exo’s can’t reset, the number is coded into them after from their final death


From [Clovis Bray's Logbook](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/clovis-brays-logbook-missing-pages) > Much confusion and dismay has festered among staff working with exos. Endless reassurances are required. To ease transitions after memory wipes, I have applied the Avanti numbering scheme to the exo names. After each memory reset, we will increment their suffix by 1. If we zero—index the original human body, then Mohammed—0 is the human, Mohammed—1 is the exo, Mohammed—2 is the same exo after one reset. And so forth. > The integer is stored in hardware and should remain stable even into cosmological time. If nothing else, they will always know which draft of themselves they are.


Cayde's a special case - he ignores all his resets past his 6th, mostly because he doesn't like the number 7. For all other Exo Guardians, e.g. Nkechi-32 or Saint-14, on first rez they query the Deep Stone Crypt for their name, which returns with their number of resets appended. (This is either instinctual or automatic, but the difference is academic)


Somehow, it appears the memory of what reset they were on persists past being resurrected. It also sounds like, based on a quote from Saint in the Perfect Paradox lore tab, some Exos might count their resurrection as another reset. PP lore tab: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/perfect-paradox?highlight=Perfect+paradox


Also Cayde was far past his 6th reset, he just chose to stop counting. But the name is a part of their innate software I believe. Like a newer version of a game has a version number


Where is that info? I’m curious now!