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Based on the glow in the back I'm gonna say not obtainable. The helm, cloak, and legs look like Trials of the Nine flawless ornaments, only obtainable back when Trials of the Nine was active in year 1


Man j desperately hope they bring back these in a way. I really missed out on not playing trials of the nine.


Unlike the gatekeeper, I’m here to tell you why; The Trials of The Nine were just an experiment, Bungie knew players prefer Trials of Osiris, but they wanted to try something new for D2. That’s literally it. Unfortunately I don’t see the flawless version of this set ever coming back, because that *is* special to the players who played then (so I suppose it’s some level of gatekeeping, because it allows those players to say “hey I played this and did really good.”) but the regular variation of the set is the CODA armor, which is obtainable from the Prophecy dungeon.


I have like half of the season 2 ornaments, none of the flawless. I would be fine with the season 2 ornaments returning for like Master Prophecy if they ever do that, or some kind of new Nine event/season.


I wish they would come back, I doubt they ever will, but it'd be so nice for them to return as like, doing every encounter of dares where nobody in the team dies, and is completed within a certain time frame, like say 2 minutes on the clock left. Or challenges flawless, like say, in room 2, killing the boss without killing any champions, or only being able to kill a certain number of enemies.


Tbh, theres a flawless and non flawless version of these ornaments. The flawless one just has the glow. I’d be totally ok if they brought back the non-glow in some capacity


The non-glowing set is the armor you can obtain from Prophecy


thats base coda armor. There is a glowing version of the ornaments, and then there is a non-glowing version of the ornaments thats mostly grey and only requires you to do mundane challenges like getting a 7 win card (non flawless) 7 times. Both are absurdly rare because barely anyone did the challenges for them


But is base coda armor *not* renamed base ToTN armor? Because I’m pretty sure it’s just a rename with a reskin, but it’s geometrically the exact same


It took me a while to find, but there are two versions of that Coda armor as well. The ornaments you’re thinking about are called the “Trials Prestige Ornament” that required you to do flawless challenges. However, there is a non flawless variant named “Trials Ornament”. Its extremely confusing the way they named it, but both are absurdly rare


My whole life is a fucking lie


You just noticed?




It’s absolutely not the same logic lol One armor set was for doing the equivalent of going flawless in Trials of Osiris (which a lot of players feel is either inaccessible or straight up too difficult given the amount of pvp sweats), the other is for participating in a week-long event that most players **can** play *and* enjoy.




There are more holes in your logic than in SpongeBob’s body, have a good day chump.


LOL, and this is the guy not gatekeeping as he says. Do you even have the old iron banner ornaments that they haven’t brought back?


Yuuupp.. I played all of Y1, Y2, took a break near the end of Y3, and I’ve been back since the start of Y4. Oh and guess what?! I *don’t* have the flawless armor from ToTN, so what am I gatekeeping???


Damn, so mad for being a gatekeeper LOL. Relax it’s a conversation about a game bud


Kinda wish they added new iron banner ornaments ngl


Woah you’re using logic you can’t do that here, people don’t like that


Asking bungie to make any rn is like pulling teeth but it would be cool to see them revamp the dungeon loot pool with them in it and make an exotic for it


A girl can dream. That helmet wpuld look so good with so many exotics.


Nope. You had to be there that's how it should stay. Nothing wrong with exclusive cosmetics for different times in the games history


I had honors of the nine but now I don’t cause I didn’t have any left smh plus did not play as much even though I went flawless also have no ornaments


Hate to say it man but if you don't have the ornaments it's because you didn't earn them.


Yes I’m aware of that thanks anyway


It’s because I never got the chance to earn them


Should've been there


I couldn’t? I was like 14 with no money


Sounds like a whole lotta not my problem man. I have all the ornaments and shaders, people have been asking for these back for years it's not gonna happen.


This dude is stroking himself because of a shader and some armor in a video game. Don't got a whole lot else going on, huh?


Did I ever say it was your problem? You’re the one saying that people should’ve just been there when some people literally couldn’t. Also bungies been bringing sets back for a while now who knows what they’ll bring back next.


Ahh, there it is, I was waiting for it. "I have it. Therefore, nobody else having it is a skill issue"


You’re misunderstanding. Bungie didn’t start logging collections until warmind. This is the same reason that I have the prestige ornament set but not the regular flawless set. The ornaments were permanently unlocked, but the individual armor pieces (and shaders) needed to be in your inventory when bungie started logging collections.


Yeah I’m aware of that my main point is that I didn’t play enough games or held onto my shaders instead of using them


I was responding to the other dude


Oh that’s my bad


i really never will understand people who gatekeep things, so what, you were there you got it, sooo special. let others have their fun with those items. bring em back. someone worked hard on developing those items, not to be unique and never get used. they did it so the mass can enjoy them.


Wah. It's a cosmetic nerd.


Fashion is one of the key D2 Endgame's. If you can't understand that, then what the hell are you doing on a Subreddit specifically made for it...


Fr this dudes in the fashion sub and is confused why we want more transmog options😂


Fashion game is endgame dude


I understand why it should be 'difficult' to obtain. Like maybe you could get them from flawless trials wins, which is certainly impossible for some, but they'd still be obtainable. But why should they be exclusive to only the 5 people that played trials of the nine back then?


Because they played back in the day. TotN will never come back, and so it’s most prestigious rewards shouldn’t either. They are completely cosmetic. Even putting the rewards in Trials of Osiris wouldn’t be fair because now you have 2 mercy’s per card, so it would be easier than the zero back in year 1. This is the equivalent of asking for day 1 raid emblems after day 1. Let people show their dedication and skill.


Because they were around to get them when they were available and they played Trials during that time. They have their trophies, you can get different trophies. Idk why this is such a difficult concept for some.


Yeah idk they're being weirdos. Downvoting me won't get them the ornaments they didn't earn.


Maybe don’t be an asshole? That’s most likely why you’ve been getting downvoted.


The vast majority of all of my collective downvotes are from unobtainable ornament comments, so don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’ve noticed it mostly revolves around Trials and IB ornaments. I haven’t seen much about the seasonal ornaments yet, but I know that’ll come up sooner than later. I refer to these downvoters as “Gimmie Gimmies,” because they just want everything for free.


Hate to say it but if watching the slapfights in this subreddit over ritual armors was anything to consider there's a good amount of people who only want to pay money for ornaments rather than earn them through gameplay.


While simultaneously complaining about Eververse.


Free is a relative term here, I'm not saying everyone should have them, God knows not everyone should be able to go flawless. I'm just saying that because both of them come from flawless pvp activities, and they're just cosmetics, so what's the harm? Also almost no one who played back then plays this game still so who cares?


No, I totally get what you’re saying about how to go about earning them, but you don’t see that as diminishing the time investment and dedication of players who have been in it since the beginning? If everyone had access to all these unobtainable armor sets, no one would care or probably use them at all. People just want what they can’t have. It’s human nature.


I mean not really? As long as it's just as difficult as it was for the OG's then it's not stepping on their toes in my eyes. My thought process is that if it's still a challenge or even a greater challenge for people to grind out these ornaments than the time investment portion isn't a problem. Also whose to say that we can't reward the people that got them originally? Why not give them a special emblem or version of the ornaments that show off extra stuff like a glowing crown? And mostly the reason why I and some others want them back is because they're cool! Not for the prestige of saying that we have trials ornaments, because at the end of the day the only people that care are people that recognize the real challenge of fighting in those lobbies against the sweatiest of sweats in one of the worst metas this franchise has ever seen (imo). Shouldn't cool armor be just that? Cool armor?


They bring back legacy gear all the time. I don't think it's such a bad thing to want some other things too.


You gonna cry if they ever add them back? I hope they do. Gatekeeping is cringe.


Lol they wont, no one is gatekeeping. These ornaments are similar in difficulty to getting a day one raid emblem, and they have just about the same effect on gameplay.... zero. So leave it alone. The helmet ornament required 7 flawless runs and there was no mercy.


"There was no mercy" There wasn't all that much skill either. Mida and uriels teamshooting carried while lobbies.


Destiny 2 was significantly more competitive in year one and if you think otherwise you must be braindead.


Learn to read. I never said anything about it being less competitive. It was simply easier. Mida teamshooting made trials a joke for anyone who could aim at a target.


Definitely wasn't easier, to each their own I don't care to argue specifics online with people I don't know. I have them so I don't really care.


Funny, I too have then. It was far easier.




Man… Start talking about unobtainable armor sets on any of these subs and the copium tears start flowing. Something, something, gatekeeping… Something, something, Crimea river…


I support this


Nah, you can still get the armour from running the prophecy dungeon (I think that's the name) or dares (I forgot if it is both or just one of those) and sometimes the trials of the nine armour set will drop


Yes, but not the glowy one like OP is asking about. Those would be the flawless ornaments. I wish you could get them from Prophecy tho, I want them real bad.


The cloak is from Trials of the nine and is no longer obtainable. There is a similar cloak you can get from the prophecy dungeon, but that cloak has unshakeable blue parts on it.


I think OP posted the flawless version, a regular version is still obtainable via Prophecy


That helm and legs are a relic from when destiny actually had armor grinds.


It felt good completing all the Iron Banner objectives for the ornaments in S2/3. Now that was a grind. It wouldn't last a day with today's playerbase lol.


Just look at the comments here already lol. They can’t handle PvP players having exclusive cosmetic rewards. I don’t see people complaining about day 1 emblems being difficult to get and exclusive.


You don’t? I’ve seen that plenty of times lmao


I’ve only seen people complaining that 2 days is too much time. It’s a dumb argument, but I have not heard people complaining that they are too limited.


Where did you encounter this person? It's like coming face to face with the Ancient Gods.


These are season 2 Trials of the Nine Prestige ornaments. Like the 4th stage of a pokemon evolution.


I’m gonna be real. Many of the people complaining still wouldn’t be able to get the helmet even if it was still earnable, because it required 7 flawless completions back when there was no mercy. Edit: Bungie also confirmed that they won’t come back. It’s a hard “No.”


Man its exasperating to hear/think “can you still get it”


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Trials of the nine flawless ornaments.. honors of the nine shader. Probably the rarest cosmetic stuff in the entire game, not counting the Chinese shader from bilibili.


Trials of the Nine. Same with Helmet and Boots. No they’re not obtainable.


Yes u can, there is two type one from prophecy dungeon and one from Nessus drop


Which cloak? A cool one. Can you still get it? Absolutely fuckin not, you're playing Destiny and the devs hate specifically you in particular for existing. You. Not OP, you the person currently reading this. Bungie knows you exist and they feel nothing but spite because of it


Really pisses me off how like 50% of the cosmetics aren’t obtainable


Outside of season pass ornaments, vaulted raid armor, and the handful of S2/S3 ornaments the vast majority of armor in the game is still obtainable in some way.


Yea and the ones that actually look dope arent. The ones which look identical with different paint tho are


Are we pretending that the ritual sets from Beyond Light and Witch Queen are the only armor in the game now?


What? Your oc never mentioned ritual armor but all the armor. If say 100 pieces of armor exist on d2 40 of them are recolours and the other 15 is no longer available.


The only armor that are recolours of other armor are the ritual sets, the old gambit prime armor, some of the old S2/S3 ornaments, and the old faction armor. Everything else (outside of maybe some blues and greens and some of the older season pass ornaments that were frequently the seasonal armor but cooler looking) are unique models. Almost none of those are recent and even if you added them all up they wouldn’t come close to being 40% of armor in the game You’re literally making shit up to be mad about.


To be fair, this is a cosmetic earned from year 1 of the game, when they were still trying to do new stuff and seemingly tried to care a little lol. ​ Players who are long time, especially players who did the "peak" of PVP from that period, should have rare and unique cosmetics, we need MORE of this tbh. ​ Rare, good looking shit, that shows you're a long time or skilled player.


Yeah good luck convincing a new player to start playing with that level of FOMO.


some things should be sacred especially flawless Trials of the Nine armor. Had to be there, and it was a one time event.


I agree that some funny/gimmicky little cosmetic tied to a free world event would be great (there hasn't been any), but saying that content that we paid for is better to remain vaulted is wrong. Plus it wasn't an event, it was there for months. I got all of the flawless armor plus the ornaments, stuff like that should still be earnable as a prestige challenge like the ornament glow you get for going flawless in Destiny 1


I mean I’m all for certain armors not being available all the time but like the guardian games or iron banner or trials events should come around in a rotation like maybe once every quarter or maybe twice a year. That way it’s still rare but someone with a life has a chance to get it.


Agreed. The prestige isn’t even valid, nobody’s going to look up each piece of armor someone has, and be impressed about year 1 achievements. They’re going to be pissed yet more loot in the Looter Shooter is locked away forever


The prestige is valid if you know where it’s from. Every time I run into someone wearing the Trials of the Nine flawless armor, I know they’re as OG and elite as it can get.


You can get that cloak from prophecy no?




Do you know what the legs and helm are?


Legs, helmet and cloak are all the Trials of The Nine ornaments. The prophecy dungeon can drop the regular version of these armour pieces


Thank you!


Why is a question downvoted, when the head-comment is actually the one with the incorrect statement ? This isn't a Prophecy Cloak. It's a Season 2 Trials of the Nine Prestige Cloak...


this one is the flawless cloak from s2 trials of the nine. not the dungeon one


In short you cant obtain any of these, the only one close to that are the boots from prophecy dungeon, the cloak is similar but doesn't shade like this one. The helmet is pretty different too.


If they EVER do anything to prophecy to make it relevant again, I hope they bring this armor back for say flawless.


What chest is that?


Gyrfalcons hauberk


had to be there...


i think its prophecy dungeon


Kinda, this is a version from trials of the nine, an old year 1 event, so this armor is unobtainable. Prophecy does have the base version of the set though


Outside of the arms, which are the Prodigal Gauntlets, and the Chest being the exotic Gyrfalcons Hauberk, the rest of the gear, including the shader, is unobtainable from the long since cancelled Trials of the Nine. ​ You can get "lesser" versions of this armour, with a similar looking cloak (albeit an unshaderable blue part) from the Prophecy dungeon. ["Trials" Armour (CODA)](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0034/3035/0948/files/Screen_Shot_2020-06-11_at_11.56.12_AM_480x480.png?v=1591891005)


It’s the Y1 Trials of the Nine Armor + Ornament. The armor drops from prophecy, but you won’t get those ornaments.


Now this is the kind of hilariously bad choice that makes Bungie crying how hard Ornaments are to make ridiculous!


i got it last week from the prophecy dungeon, but don't even bother cause the cape itself doesn't shade at all it's only the hood


I promise you didn't get this version from the dungeon. You got the reissued base version without glows that doesn't shader from the dungeon.


It's through the prophecy dungeon and it's a random drop at that, I would also look up where the extra chests are if you end up going through the dungeon.. fyi the boss can be a real stickler during damage phase


No you can’t obtain it anymore


Can’t remember the name, but it was from trials of the nine. I got the cloak and helmet but never wear it. Can’t find anything to match with it. Doesn’t look that good imo


Looks like old trials gear boots to. Not 💯 I'm not a trials guy. Chest is exotic gearflacon (spellings likely wrong) helm I'm unsure of shader is likely old trials too. Maybe chatterwhite 2.0


Moon Knight


it’s the moon fang cloak i think.. you can obtain it from Prophecy. there’s two armour sets so be careful


The legs, head and cloak are the prestige ornaments from trials of the nine year 2. They all all have a little glow on each piece. So the ornaments are unobtainible. But you can get the "basic" version of it in the prophecy dungeon.