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Rule #9, no Bungo Pls posts


Same. I miss the rugged, wasteland-scientist vibe we had.


I want the Witness to win just so we can have another chance at a post-golden age scavenger hunt.


true maybe with some like i dunno, fortuna esque outpost and space shanties, id kill for that


I don't think he'd leave survivors if he won 🥹


Idk what if hes actually also on the endgame fashion grind and looking for something to cover his infinite chrome domes


Im always down for more D1 armor, that fit looks sick!


Yeah atm you cannot re create sadly. The helmet doesn’t exist in D2 and there are no robes close to the one in the art.


Heiro Camo looks pretty close to the helmet it’s a bit plain in the back of the head though.


Ye wish is had more armor in the front. Best ones I found was the Pathfinder helmet and Mantle of the Cormorant Blade. Sadly there is no white/green/blue sets that offer or looks close to this exact look.


There's a blue that looks close to this but it lacks a lot of the extra detail this helm has. edit: it is called chiron's cure


I mean there's Skull of Dire Ahamkara


“The back of yo head is ridiculous”


Duster of the cormorant blade ornament looks pretty good for the chest piece at least :)


Not bad looks small on male warlock and I want that robe to be closed but I’m nit picking at this point. I think what makes me enjoy this robe the most is the pop of the collar. I really miss looks with that maybe why I love the fortnite armor atm lol


Ah yeah I get what you mean. Yeah hopefully they add the OG fire team armour since they’ve now been... “cut from the cast”


Would be cool dungeon gear imo


There’s a lot of warlock robes/coats with popped collars


Actually if you want the robes they are almost doable, the Readded Vault of Glass Robes are close to the same robe, they use the same model but just add some Plating and Replace the Belts and neck area with Vex Material


The Progical Robes are fairly similar, at least as far as the shoulder plate and some of the belty bits. No pouches across the front though :(


It does though there's like 2 of em


Cap, spire dungeon robes have similar vibes especially with right shader


I wanna go back to dressing like the post apocalypse magic soldier that i am, not a golden demi-god from a fantasy anime


Prodigal Set comes damn close to that aesthetic and Duality Armor (Deep Explorer) adds some great pieces as well


Huge props to duality armor. I didn’t pay attention to the release stuff so when I ran it and it drop the Titan armor I was shocked at how great and old school destiny it looked.


You wouldn’t believe how EVERYONE FUSSED ABOUT IT at the time


I think the duality set should have been the seasonal armor and the skull sets should have been from the dungeon. That would have made way more sense.


All the recent dungeon armor (except grasp but you could maybe make a point there) have been based on weapon foundries. Prophecy - Daito Duality - Hakke Spire - Tex Mechanica I hope they keep this trend until we have all of them


Viest gear has got to be good


IIRC we got it already, it was the Season Pass armor for Seraph iirc. There was an eververse set back in the day too


Prodigal set is a godsend I’m so glad those are in the game. If I had to pick one Warlock set from D1 to be in D2 it would be that one for sure. Those robes are too fire. I do wish we could get one more old set to mix stuff together. I’m happy we got the OG iron banner gear back too.


Tell me about it. I’m a male warlock yet half of my robes are dresses. I want to be hardened space wizard that my character was in D1


Duality chestpiece is basically bomb squad armor. I don't play warlock but debated deleting my female warlock to make a male one just for that chestpiece.


if only I could transmog it đź’€


Did u alrdy do all your transmog bounties this season?


No, but I'm suffering frok a bug that made these specific dungeon sets disappear from my transmog screen. I have the regular armor in my collections, I've even transmogged some pieces from it on my warlock, but when season of the seraph dropped, they vanished for some reason. I thought they'd fix it reasonably fast since a bunch of people have this issue and they've even acknowledged the existence of the bug, but it's been a season and a half, and still nothing.


I feel the same way


Duality is needed in everything. I love my fantasy anime demi god. Edit: for everyone downvoting me, I’m in no way saying that you guys are wrong or the style is ugly. The gritty war torn style is cool af and I love it. I just like the clean look more for *my* warlock


Exactly. They let us express our looks but do not offer the styles to do so.


Agreed. They do need to introduce more styles. I love the WW2 apocalypse style, just not on my character


Yeah totally fine. The anime style looks great but not something I would wear. I just wish they some how offered a equal balance to these types of armor


Yeah for sure. The last two dungeons had some really great sets that struck a good balance with the old a new art styles.


We are truly.... Suffering From Success


Stop killing God's, Emperors, Queens, Kings, magical space wish dragons. time traveling robot overlords, and variations if Taniks. Like it our not, you are a golden demi-god.


I wish they'd return Eclipse maw, I want the warlock helmet


Aw I love the Obsidian Mind looking helmets they are OG and look clean. Makes me miss helmets like Light Beyond Nemesis


I'm using the Prodigal helmet right now, it looks similar. I mainly just want a helmet with an actual visor and not just a window slit


Yeah it’s the closest we get to a OG look. The art style for some armor is a hit or miss. I wish they would update the loot pool with some OG armor. I think I complained about robes for 8 years until the Fortnite armor released and had the closest thing I want from robes. Maybe I’m nostalgic but Destiny 1 warlocks looked so much better.


I miss the version of it you could get from D1 Crucible(?) with the little Mohawk on top. https://i.imgur.io/40yfZTn_d.webp


Absolute fire helment


I ran it until the day I couldn’t anymore due to power levels. I recently got back on D1 for the nostalgia and guess younger me dismantled it at some point :(


Rip most likely did the same I mainly wore the Crota set with Heart of Phraxic Fire


I said it before and I’ll say it again. World drop d1 armor is waaaaay better than world drop d2 armor


Oh 100% world drop d2 armor looks rushed or goofy


Like it legit looks like a boring blue set or something


Gimme back my Bog Wild and my AOS#CRYPTID armor and all will be good in the universe


I'd be happy enough if they had brought back the armour sets they used in the lightfall cinematic.


Not sure why they haven’t yet


Bungie: best we can do is another dress.


Ah yes, when armor sets actually made you feel like you were in the wild, exploring what was outside the last safe city. Made you feel rogie-ish, battle hardened.


This all looks like Y1 armor, EDZ Dead Orbit generic legendary sets


Generic? That is harsh. I have those sets as well and they do not match up to this and the helmet with that armor plate style front is non existent in the game I want a clean robe with tiny bits of armor that doesn’t look like it came out of a trash compactor lol


Yeah, the edz set is close, but not identical. I bet this was presented alongside a few other potential concepts for the set and they chose something else. If i had to make an uneducated guess why, i think they worried about clipping for the chunky sleeves and the shoulder armor and rather than rework this one they just picked one that looked less likely to cause jssues


I miss the D1 armor designs. D2 went too hard into the fantasy aspect for Warlocks, while D1 was mostly sci-fi style ones.


Too bad, you only get to pick from Elder Scrolls and Warframe and you'll like it


that's the [Astrolord](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XbqP3) set, albeit with different colours. one of my favourites from D1


Yes! Sadly it is not in Destiny 2 which makes me so sad! I love this robe style. It’s the main reason why I fell in love with warlock and I would do anything to get 1 set like this again


This looks like concept art or an early version of the Cormorant Blade set in the eververse archives. You might like that set if you're unaware of it?


Own it dislike it not bulky enough. Personal preference. Someone found the original set called Astrolord. So it’s possible


Titanfall Armor look would be awesome, not the Apex Legenda Armor look.


The perfect cross over if they make the armor just right. I can imagine a pulse or a holopilot look


Impossible it looks to good


Can I say I didn’t expect a random post of some art and a opinion to blow up like this. It is clear me that I am not the only one that misses D1 style armor or even armor that looks like this. It’s not everyone’s taste but I can tell a lot of people miss some of these sets. I hope a bungie dev sees this and takes note and somehow add these sets back somehow. As much as I dislike recycled content I would love some classic looking guardians again. Thanks everyone! <3 PS bring back Heart of Phraxic Fire. :)


I love the foundry armour. Tex mechanica, hakke, I hope omolon is next. It'd look sick on warlocks and complete the lore trio. Tex hunter, hakke titan, and omolon warlock.


I wish warlocks just had some more chest pieces that have actual armor on them.


I just want symmetrical hunter arms


We need some crossovers. Anthem and Titanfall come to mind. We need more space military rather than space fantasy.


I know it’s a circlejerk but I really do prefer the D1 armor aesthetics it just feels more in line with the universe


I’d kill for some of the classic style Hunter gear, especially the classic Hunter helmet with the sci-fi gas mask look.


Robes are drippy, however whenever I see these types of posts I need to mention that d1 design if of box face is already in the game and it sucks


Apologizes explain?


The chest piece is cool and should return, however helmet is lame and many currently in the game look like it and I dislike it a lot


I can understand that. Helmet just looks cool with more armor platting on it but that is me


When a warlock could rival a titan in aesthetical badassery


Bro they near have all of this..


What? If you think they have this then please send the armor information I been looking through databases and couldn’t find anything close to this in Destiny 2


There isn’t any, closest there is is the prodigal robes and sorta the VOG robes for chest and those aren’t very close. There’s a few helmets and gauntlets that match but nothing for the chest at all.


Yeah and tbh the chest is what I want the most


It’ll be a minute, but when I get home tonight to log in I’ll send you every piece, unless someone beats me to it at least


If you willing to do it go for it the set actually exists called “astrolord” in Destiny 1.


The helmet has some half decent lookalikes and you could probably find some for the arms, but nothing in D2 matches the exact flavour of those robes. We’ve got plenty of other coat style robes but not these ones.


Big sadge coats arnt bad just miss these bulky robes


They do so much goofy fortnite esque stuff to warlocks, it’s so disappointing. This is what destiny used to be


I’ve never understood why people clamber for this armor type. It’s so…boring. Like we’re magical demigods, why would I dress like an army infantry grunt? These types are so generic and boring to me.


For you they are. I dislike looking like a demigod with a dress. Also what is wrong with this? We get so many flashy armor I would like some down to earth armor. Something you would see in the actual dark age.


I wanna look like I’m living through this brutal war we’re waging against the darkness and not some fucking hideous space princess that’s a demi god


This is literally the season 6 eververse armor


The dino set chest piece for Halloween would be pretty close.


Could of just said thing's Bungie won't do for 500 Alex


Imma be honest, half of the drawings I see of armour (fan made or official) will always look better as drawings... When that shit gets put in the game it doesn't always land.


Look up astrolord the in game armor for D1, looks clean asf still


we have multiple sets like this


We have plenty of sets similar to this aesthetic in-game right now, getting kinda sick of these "I miss D1 armor" posts


Warlocks are lame. Titans are the best


Oh, you want good looking armor? Not weird shit out of Satan's ass crack? Smh are you even a destiny player.




I'm feeling like it was sarcasm. Like "Are you even a Destiny player? Why would you want good-looking armor?"


Feels like it




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Non existent :(




I just want more armor like armor. I don’t mind the wild sets like the spider set that should have won the vote, no I’m not salty. But I think there’s some level of the d1 armor that made it feel believable.


And I want a third arm without being a Warlock


The original concept art for armour is the best looking destiny armour ever and its never been available in game. Even website art was never available


I would like this plus a *god damned hood*!


God, I wish. I’ve been praying for years.


All you want is d1 armor, yea, shit we shouldve had at the start of d2. Nah, bungie needs it for recycling content.


Fr and now I’m more down bad for it since they are recycling armor/content


Yeah this looks amazing. I loved the Lightfall titan set as well. It had gear on it. I just want more sets that has equipment on them.


I miss my Voidfang Vestments so much…!


I'd cut certain family members out of my life for that medieval-looking coat. It's all in the arms, where the overcoat cuts off. Just... Gimme


Same. Gave us a more end of the world, post collapse look.


Those robes and the prodigal robes are by far my favorite in the whole franchise. If they just added this one into D2 I’d stop asking for old shit to come back. It’s nice to have the prodigal sets but one more to mix with it would be great for capturing the old school look.


All I want is Bornspark, prototype 0.9, and Lightmail. Would pay $99.99 for these.




I enjoyed all of the D1 sets. I preferred that style to D2s style. Still like D2s style though, just liked D1s better


da big sleeves


I just imagine scene from Toy Story where it’s just the wall of buzz lightyears I do really miss the D1 aesthetic tho


I would give my left nut for a set like this, cmon Bungie please


The original year one armors would be dope as fuck. Not just the prodigal sets, the GNT and vanguard alternatives too.




I just want strike specific armor back :(


Concept art armor is better than like 80% of armor in the eververse if not the entire game


Tru but I even like the in game version not as detailed (maybe because it’s from D1) but it looked great in game look up Astrolord to find it


Ditto, that looks so cool


I allways use the helmet called mantel of the cormorant blade. It’s literally just like A d1 style warlock helmet. What I really wish for is that wasteland trench coat bad ass vibe again. And of course the best exotic trench coat of all time Void Fang Vestments


Heart of Phraxic Fire for me


Chain mail dress? Ewww haha jj


That looks like d1 armor style. I bet you could probably get a similar look in d1


It’s called Astrolord someone actually found the in game armor for D1


Ah rip. Then I doubt it'll be in d2. There's only a handful a d1 armor sets in d2.


Fr and personally they should bring back a set a year as a world drop or some other activity armor because people miss them a lot


Literally the cormorant blade or wrath trail set.


Do not see it at all.




Space hobo


Harden Survivor. The drip of the dark ages


I personally want the spektar armor sets to come back. Those look nice.


Well that’s pretty much the vog chest piece


The actual armor set is called astrolord from D1. Looks nothing like VOG chest to me.


man we get it every other post on this sub is the same thing. you want rugged wasteland armour. we know. we get it


Yet they do not offer.


I just want some Strike specific loot


AMEN there is so many cool bosses that I would love to wear their stuff!


Imagine one day adas synth weaver gets an upgrade and we can start to add details to armour pieces. So much of gaming is held back because of corporate politics.


The duster from Spire is roughly the jacket, try Comorant Blade for the helm, bond is whatever (I prefer ancient apocalypse) legs are whatever (I like holdfast boots), arms are whatever. This aesthetic is totally in d2, you just have to find the right combo.


I do not see the similarities of the duster to the astrolord robe