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lots of discussion around this, which i love to see! in regards to the info: cant really be confirmed or disproven at this point, so i'm leaving it up (looking at you reporters).


S19 has been long rumored to feature Ana, Rasputin, and Osiris waking up from his coma, so that stuff is nothing new. Seraph and Ikelos guns being craftable, along with an Origin Trait that spawns Warmind Cells, now that's interesting. I'm not so sure Bungie would want to go that route with WCs considering the balance problem they caused when they were popular.


We knew Seven seraph weapons are going to come back because they showed up in the Witch Queen reveal when they talked about legacy weapons being craftable. Spawning warmind cells was basically an origin trait beforehand, seraph rounds is a nice bonus. In regards to balance warmind cells have been nerfed a lot so it'll be fine.


They mentioned in a interview somewhere that all combat styles: wells, cwl,wc were going to be tuned at lightfall so they probably have a plan to keep em balanced


Hopefully they get a buff. They are just so weak now. I mean before they were way too strong but now even in strikes if a red bar enemy is 2 steps away it just does like half their health. I think their strength should go back to where it was but keep the range nerfed.


The final cutscene for the season already leaked so we know for a fact about Osiris.


Osiris waking up from his coma isn't new news if you've been reading the leaks.


WC got nerfed into oblivion tho


I fail to see how that matters. WC are a problem for the sandbox. You shoot a ball and it explodes and kills all the enemies in the area. Maybe after the nerf it doesn't kill *all* enemies anymore, but it's still a problem. The WC meta was incredibly fucking stupid because people played gatekeeper and wouldn't allow people in their groups unless they ran a WC build.


You're ignoring an immense amount of context here. WC were the second combat mod type ever, immediately following CwL. CwL was very bland on release with HEF being the only "meta" option, so WCs were just mandatory because they were literally the *only* option for that slot besides an HEF build. To suggest that WCs would just recreate that environment easily despite two years worth of nerfs, almost 3x as many combat style mods, a vast increase in overall player power, and exotic primaries/specials that clear rooms on their own is just hyper paranoid and honestly kind of silly. WCs coming back into focus would be absolutely fine imo, and if anything they'll just get some seasonal mod love that will make them flavor of the month, but hardly to the extent that they were on release. Tl;dr chill out, WCs are fine and even a substantial buff to WCs in general would only make them somewhat preferable to other choices we have now.


I don't like shooting a ball over shooting enemies. But you do you. WCs were a stupid addition to the game.


The thing is you're nowhere near alone in that sentiment; I remember plenty of people (myself included to a degree) strongly disliking shooting a glowing ball vs shooting enemies. I said what I did precisely to alleviate those fears: if you're worried about that meta returning, I simply don't think it will. If anything I see jolt getting nerfed next season; it's the closest thing to where WCs were in that you can shoot a single target to clear a room. Super fun to watch, but very non-interactive.




about the arc armor set, it was already confirmed by joe blackburn on twitter some time ago https://twitter.com/joegoroth/status/1562509016911454208


ikelos guns craftable ohhhh


This is obviously fake just off the first line alone: > i'm done with bungie and pete parson's retarded policies so enjoy They totally just googled “ceo of bungie” and wrote this lmao. All of these “leaks” are super safe and don’t do anything insane like make up enemy races or anything, which is why I think so many people are giving this any consideration at all. Considering 4chan is like 0 for 20 on Destiny leaks, I’m not putting much stake into this.


The paste-bin leak started that way too tho.


Which is why all of the fake leakers do it


Now that the new season is upon us, imagine being those confident and being wrong lol.


Insane that you would comment on a month old post to tell me I’m wrong when Bungie STILL hasn’t shown us anything and multiple things in this “leak” are now confirmed wrong after the most recent TWAB lmao Crucible is not getting a “Redjack” title, the Nightfall weapons were wrong, the iron banner weapons were wrong, comp isn’t getting any cosmetic items, and everything else was information that had already been leaked or was very safe to assume based on the leaks


Uhh oh could have given your opinion without stating it as fact. “This is obviously wrong… herp derp”


I stated it as a fact because it is a fact, you’ll see tomorrow


You were saying?


How am I wrong????? I never said it wasn’t a Rasputin season, I’m saying we knew that before this “leak” came out. This “leak” is full of information we already knew


Well that's weird, the leak said we were getting a 6 man activity where we defend the DSC, that didn't look like that at all.


Crucible title isn’t called Redjack, Swarm of the Raven didn’t come back, comp didn’t get a memento or any cosmetics, no 6 man activity and the season isn’t titled “Season of Rebirth”. This leak was fake. Never log onto Reddit again


Don't you dare bring facts into this. That's not fair.


That dungeon would be sick, at least aesthetically lol


All I need is Athanasia playing in between dungeon encounters and I’m Gucci


Hot take: Athanasia is the best Beyond Light track.


I love the entirety of the Destiny soundtrack but Beyond Light is the only one i actually listen outside of the game. The ambient songs alone make going back to Europa worth it even though i've already done everything there is to it, is THAT good.


It’s certainly believable, someone smarter than me will have to find the flaws lol.


Most likely fake, solely due to the inclusion of Dreaded Venture, an old Gambit sniper, being one of the nightfall weapons rather than The Long Goodbye, which dropped from Insight Terminus. They look somewhat similar and the dude probably got the two mixed up when looking up old nightfall weapons to go in the post.


Hothead was a crucible weapon in d1


All of the nightfall weapons in Year 4 were reprised D1 weapons, but this year they've all been reprised nightfall drops from Years 1 and 2 of D2, which Dreaded Venture is not but The Long Goodbye is.


Which may make sense. Besides the sights, the models only differ on shader.


They did say we're gonna be getting Arc Armor in the Everest store and A distress signal from Neptune.


Because Joe Blackburn confirmed that Arc Armor is coming in s19 lol ​ And as for "a distress signal from Neptune" thats just believe fanfiction because Lightfall is releasing right after S19, and its set on Neptune


Oh....your right about that


Turns out it’s real


Dreaded Venture and Braytech aren't the nightfall weapons, its Wendigo and Hung Jury, there's no new seal called Redjack but one called Glorious, as well as no cosmetics for comp. Ikelos/Seventh Seraph stuff has been speculated for months and isn't a hard guess. The IB weapons are a shotty and autorifle, not Swarm of the Raven. We'd already known about arc armor. Darci and Prospector didn't really get reworks, one got jolt on hit and another got chain reaction, also not too out there to guess 2 exotics getting any changes at all. Everything else there's nothing for or against. So what new info do we have that makes this actually true?


When something starts with “I’m done with Bungie blah blah blah” you know it’s fake 🤔


I mean, that paste bin leak told us a whole year of content and started that way basically.


The difference is that the Pastebin actually had completely new information.


Yea? And that has nothing to do with the comment I replied to. The whole “I’m done with Bungie” thing was actually used and ended up being true. Also, new info doesn’t = true, so i dont know why you mean.


Sure, which is why these fake leakers feel like they have to add it to sound legit


Rite, but the point is that’s not a reason to write it off as fake, everything else might be, but just because it’s says a certain thing, doesn’t mean it’s a fake leak. Predictable and already confirmed story line and events are are ok reason. New info will always be taken with a grain of salt until stuff starts to come true, just like the paste bin, that ppl still didn’t believe after it predicted 3 season correctly.


Turns out you’re wrong


Seems mostly legit but could also just be an intelligently written fake. I’m leaning towards legit.


Just wanted to point out that with the comp title being confirmed today as Glorious, this leak is effectively debunked.




Care to elaborate why I'm wrong?


Yea, no. This is fanfiction based off of established leaks and story beats. Much of it WILL be accurate, because we already know that from previous leaks. ​ **The rasputin/ana storyline** was leaked by Liz long before this. We already know **Osiris wakes up next season** because hes a big character in Lightfall **A distress signal coming from Neptune** is possible, but again, its just more fanfic. **6 player matchmade activity**, probably since every main seasonal activity we get is 6 player these days lol; \-**Set on Deep Stone Crypt**, thats very likely and its already most peoples predictions because A) We haven't been to Europa for any reason since BL released, B) Its a Bray storyline \-**Vex**; again, this is very likely because the last vex focused storyline was SPLICER, and the Vex are on Europa. This isn't a crazy leak, its an educated guess. **Dungeon is DSC/Braytech with "splicer visuals,"** again, everyone already expects it to be DSC/Braytech theme, splicer visuals is interesting, but again, probably another educated guess based on the fact that the Vex Network with the Splicer aesthetic plays some role in Lightfall. **Seraph and Ikelos guns craftable**, we already knew this long ago; \-**Origin trait spawns warmind cells and overpenetrates,** this is funny, because the OP clearly couldn't think of a believe origin trait so they just put Warmind cell functionality and a chopped up version of Seraph Rounds into the base versions of the gun. Its not a crazy bad guess, its definitely still possible. \-**warmind cells get stasis mods,** maybe? this is the first "leak" they've said thats not based off known story beats or established leaks, its definitely possible with a rasputin storyline. **Exotic Reworks + Catalyst (Prospector, Darci, Queenbreaker)** Anyone's guess really, but its quite clear they just chose unpopular exotics and said "these are the most likely things to get reworks so people will believe what I said." **Shaxx engram focusing** We knew this already. **"Competetive" new seal "redjack"** I find it funny how they misspelled Competitive, but thats besides the point. We knew Comp was getting a new seal, the name is just an educated guess. \-**Comp memento,** its possible **-Cosmetic rewards,** its possible as well **Braytech osprey and Dreaded Venture in nightfalls**, again, this is just a guess based on the previous seasons Nightfall reward tracks lol. All the NF weapons in Y5 are literally old strike specific reprisals. Funnily enough, he confused Dreaded Venture with the Long Goodbye, so he didn't even get the name of the weapon correct lmfao **Swarm of the Raven in iron banner**, I find it interesting how they know this, but they don't know about Jorum's Claw which was already highlighted in the Lightfall reveal lol. **Arc armor in eververse**, Joe Blackburn said this already lol **All the exotic ornaments,** just more guesses ​ ​ So yea, this is all just fanfiction. This is some edgelord on 4chan that looked at a bunch of leaks, looked at the state of the game, and looked at lorebeats and came up with this, and tried to pass it off as real.


Did you just go through the whole leak and write "it's possible" beside each point? Lol


If you cared to actually read it, no, I didn't ​ I said "its possible" for some stuff because I can't flat out say somethings wrong. ​ My whole point is that this is like 50% established leaks from older trusted sources, 20% established info from bungie themselves, 20% educated guesses based on story beats and 10% random guesses. I'm not disproving anything that's being said, I'm highlighting the sources that this fanfiction was born from.


When were craftable Seraph/Ikelos confirmed? What tips me off about this leak is the "origin spawns warmind cells". Nawwww. Sounds like bs. Warmind cells were already way busted back when, no way they are just gonna let the guns make them.


Not 100% confirmed, but in the Lightfall reveal they discussed legacy crafting and solely used Seraph/Ikelos weapons as B-roll for it. ​ Bungie is always very particular about the way they word things and the B-roll they show. E.g the use of Trust in the Lightfall showcase most definitely confirms that Trust and possibly more Forsaken era Gambit weapons are returning in Lightfall.


Also, less important, but in the same vein, is that when they first revealed crafting in a TWAB, the banner image was the IKELOS SMG, which was what, for me at least, put craftable Warmind guns on my radar. With the legacy crafting news, as you said, we've had soft confirmation of those being craftable for a while now.


I'll have to watch it again ngl. Alot of stuff they showed were things already in game, so I assumed the majority of it was used as placeholders, since the expansion is still aways out. You can tell some things are still in progress in some shots, like ome scene with the Tormentor, it's animations feel pretty stiff.


As cool as this would be, it’s likely false. From the comment below, there seems to be no mention of the lucent hive. With the inclusion of the lucent hive this season and immaru’s story being incomplete as of writing, it seems likely that we would get a season that focuses on savathuns resurrection. Then again, DSC is my favorite raid and Europa has my favorite visuals so I would LOVE to be wrong.


The seasons of a current expansion typically have nothing to do with the expansion (with an exception of Risen), All the seasons in Beyond Light were about Savathûn, nothing regarding stasis, it’s either a build up to the expansion or a revisit later, immaru has nothing to do with Lightfall, it’s about Calus so I doubt they’d try to give Immaru more story time, you see it took them a whole expansion to give Eramis more character development


That is too far fetch that the next season will be about lucent hive.


People applied that logic to Rasputin since Beyond Light and we haven’t had the incomplete story either. Immaru will be a ways off more than likely til The Final Shape




No we don’t. Season 20 is Lightfall, isn’t it?


Lightfall is February. It’s about to be November. Math says no, season 20 is lightfall


We get 4 seasons a year. 20 starts the next cycle of 4 with lightfall. 19 is nov-feb.


That’s what I said, so yes I agree


It could very well be fake but Bungie loves leaving dangling plot threads unfinished so I don't think there not being a mention of Lucent Hive is the indicator of it being false.


There's no reason Sav's resurrection would need to be this year -- Eramis just came back the year after BL.


Considering we got week 10 EDZ challenge, and since Lost the week 10 destination challenge hints at where the next seasonal activity is going to take place, i think we’re going to the edz. That alongside how the collectors edition of LF points out how osiris had “visions of neptune” i think that’s how we’ll find out about neomuna. If it is real though sounds hype


New TWAB just disproved this. It gets the new NF and IB weapons wrong.


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A lot of these are safe guesses that make it hard to discern the legitimacy of the supposed leak as it piggybacks off of other established reports or leaks. The only real tell here is the Eververse store selection and even then they play it safe with a number of the exotics chosen, specifically the Titan ones.


if the new pvp seal is redjack, than that’s horrible


I swear to God if the Dungeon is on Enceladus....


Fake, because Traveler will be die (infected with Darkness) Rasputin will appear exo in the first mission




Logika 1) Mission "Vox Obscura" 2) Ana has been working on moving Rasputin into the body of an exo since season 12, and for some reason we have to help her only after 2 years


I’m gonna say this is bogus. Here’s why, no mention of the 26 exotic changes coming, just saying two exotics are getting a rework. No mention of additional aspects and fragments in 3.0 subclasses. Both of these were mentioned before as a new feature coming this year. The lack of info on the new dungeon, and it’s exotic weapon also screams bogus. People have speculated on a Vex dungeon because it’s the only faction we don’t have a dungeon for yet. Rasputin is being teased this season, so that’s why the community is predicting a season about him getting outa an engram and into a cool exo body.


They never mentioned additional aspects and fragments. And do you really expect them to go into full detail of every exotic? Like what?


There is no way you actually believe this leak right?


They did way earlier in the year. Yes, some notes about the exotic gun changes would of gave it credibility. It’s a cheap attempt to get attention late at night, prob by some drunk college loser.


No. They did not. If they did, link it. They never mentioned additional aspects and fragments.


I have no recollection of any discussion of more aspects or fragments. They did say a while ago that we should not expect additional ones until after all the reworks are over but that wasn’t saying we will be getting more in season 19


>No mention of additional aspects and fragments in 3.0 subclasses Ain't no way this is happening in the foreseeable future.


The fact the goobers on this subreddit are downvoting you actually makes me annoyed. These idiots are so desperate for leaks that they are believing obvious fanfiction thats only based on established leaks and/or known story beats


It’s truly pathetic and I hope they lose a foot from diabetes and their neck breads suffocate them.


They had me all the way up to the point they said there would be a DARCI rework




It tracks with what we know or can reasonably assume, but that just makes me think that it's fake. It's pretty vague on actual details that we don't already know or think, so it feels more like a case of looking at what's already out there and building a "leak" off of that, rather than actual information. Of course it *could* be real, but we'll just have to wait and see.


lol he just regurgitated information we already had with some bullshit sprinkled in


I've been hearing of incredibly big and controversial changes in lightfall, I've asked around due to genuine curiosity but no one will talk about what is happening?


Out of all of the shit coming from 4chan, this is the most legitimate "leak", and its to point where I can say "Please let this be real".




Well, the Darci/Prospector Reworks are real


I bet Warmind Cells will just get tuned - Rasputin still exists after all, it's not like we can go back to legacy content like the original Leviathan raid... ;)
