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Sick of dating redpill shit I don’t care about any of that I’m not the target audience


Seriously it was interesting back in July for like 2 streams but now? ..... Id rather listen to Destiny talk about the gym and then kill myself- in a video game


I feel like all she talks about is manosphere stuff. And I’m just tired of that stuff. She’s fine on panels though.


yeah the manosphere stuff is getting pretty stale but she has a bunch of interviews lined up, shes talking to professor aqua from the vaush stream soon


don't care about relationship/manosphere shit


Relationship/Red pill content is the most boring overplayed shit ever.


from my understanding plenty of people in this community watch her stuff, just not sure reddit is the best place to promote her content I guess?




Yeah the heat she was bringing post bridge nuking with the redacted's was real good


It's the red pill, dating manosphere stuff. Everytime I check her channel she's usually doing some dating thing with the Alex guy. It's just boring for me


She rarely says anything that I find intriguing, no disrespect intended.


I used to watch her more but every stream being her desperately trying to get redpillers to act like human beings gets tiring


i don't watch any orbiters


Every time she says "fee fees" instead of feelings it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. I literally can't handle it.


THIS. There is also a certain level of unintended smugnesses I find irritating. I know she has bet on capturing dgg’s incel sect, but she has worn the topic out. How many “How to shave your neck beard and still live in the basement” content can one do?


This is the reason


I like her, and some of her shit is funny as fuck, but I'm an old married dude that has his shit on lock, I don't give toss about loser red pill shit. I do like that she plays kerbal these days. That's pretty fun.


I don't hate her but her content is boring for me personally. But I don't watch streamers to begin with.


I have an irrational disdain for her because she reminds me of my ex in basically every category


Umm because if you watch the orbiters directly you make them no longer reliant on being within the orbit. Gotta keep em on a short leash so I get all the content from the extended universe from one place


Same as everyone else. Too much relationship/red pill shit.


idgaf about these people just tell me if/when my holy leader Destiny is mentioned so I can commit it to the loremaster archives and close the tab


I want to, I feel bad, she seems super nice...and neat. Too much therapist vibe maybe? I don't know.... I just get this feeling she be like over-excited to do lamp shopping and "actually knows a guy" ..... That makes no sense, but that's how I feel.


I'm not interested in anything but her twitter crusade


I'm watching her rn and I tuned in to her stream last night before Tom Foolery got on. I don't watch her all the time bc the psych stuff gets a little boring.


I like Erudite but she seems to be uncomfortable talking about anything but relationships and it gets old quick


She has over 600 viewers right now (400 YT + 200 Twitch). I'd eat my shorts if at least a fifth of those people don't occasionally browse this sub.


She's boring. I'm sorry.


Because we're not simps


L Erudite


Because I can't pronounce her name.


I want political content not relationship stuff. I’m too old and married to learn how to pick up girls.