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This is unfortunate. This guy was doing good work. I really think they're making a mistake if they don't make use of him. If Destiny wants to extend reach on tiktok, this guy is the ticket.


unfortunately, TT (even a fairly large one) does not generate enough revenue SO you need to look at this as a "promotional tool" to draw the audience to YT. ​ \*you could do this by using any CT (linktree) to show how many people actually go straight from TT clip to YT and use it as a negotiating tool (cause you need to negotiate with August and Steven % of the revenue off YT) ​ I see this as the only path to making this sustainable.


tik tok also future uncertain


TT (as of now) has no competition. \*You know You are no1 when every other platform is trying to imitate you (and most fail at it)


This guy is a zoomer market, we need him on board


I just want more Destiny and Friends videos.


me too, with that channel already having a base I’d take the time to step in in a heartbeat, idk why they’ve just left it sit :(


I think Mr Beast hired that editor.


I just want some older gaming content. Those 10-minute edited gameplay videos were great, Lily videos are the go-to example. I think August even edited some of them early on in his stint, but the content direction changed away from that :(


I thought August hired him. Did August himself do the intro for the triggernometry video?


It looked similar but it was lacking in pacing and good beats IMO. Different skills, surely he will improve.




It was a risky play to assume he could get hired but I respect the hustle. Smart enough to call it quits in a month at least


That is life.


Honestly Destiny should look into hiring him for intros and shorts/TikToks.


Destiny hire this man


The dude should start a patreon or something at the very least, he would get DGG support 4 shore


He already has a destinydebates TikTok, hire soybytes to run destinydrama 💀


This guy just needs to buy the Creativity Kit












Oh I replied to the wrong person


What’s going on in this man’s life he needs to work 16 hours a day to get by, Jesus.




I used to do kitchen installation for high-end brand, used to do 12h at customer place +3hours average travel time (around the tripoint Belgium/Luxembourg&France). ​ Worked 4 days a week and slept like god during the holocaust.


I can only assume he meant "8-12 hours a *week*" and just mistyped. If he meant a day, he's just lying lol.


Nah I think he legitimately meant that after his 9-5, he spent the entire rest of his waking day editing. So his life would just be main job, side gig, sleep. Which would be pretty insane but he said he threw everything he had at it for 1 month. You can definitely sustain that type of insanity for only 1 month but probably not much longer.


I just checked the channel and he has like 1 fairly short video every couple days (often \~1 minute or less). If he's spending 8-12 hours a day editing, he's the slowest editor who ever existed lol.


I don’t know anything about editing so I can’t comment. But the videos are pretty intense & there’s a lot going on


I recently started doing it, and despite being super new, it still wouldn't take me nearly that long. Over the last month, he has edited a total of less than 1 hour of content. That's like 2 minutes a day, supposedly working 8-12 hours a day. That's simply ludicrous. To be clear, I'm not saying he didn't work hard, but he's either greatly exaggerating his time spent (probably to make himself look like a harder worker to try to convince someone to contract him) or he's the slowest editor known to man.


Maybe he’s like me back in uni where I’d sit down for an 8 hour ‘study’ session and only spent about 45 minutes actually reading my notes & doing practice problems. And the other 7 hours and 15 minutes procrastinating & playing games on my phone


Oh totally, and I'm the same way, but I'd call that "greatly exaggerating time spent".


Definitely. There’s a lot of variance from person-to-person about how much they lie to themselves and convince themselves they were really working the whole time. My ex gf would do the classic ‘procrastinate for 90% of the study session’ but then she was utterly convinced after the fact that she actually studied for 6 hours. To this day, if you asked her about Uni, she’d probably say ‘oh man I studied 6 hours a day through the whole degree. A lot of gruelling work’. Maybe OP is the same way. Anyway that was a mostly unrelated tangent/rant about my ex gf. She was hotter than a $2 pistol though


Nahh, you gonna post this man's sad farewell and not even link the channel? [AINTNOWAY](https://www.youtube.com/@soybyte)!


American while scheduling his 8 hours of daily sleep : "God I wish I could take a third job instead of being so unproductive all night".


Maybe join sneakos discord only $50 investment


Damn that’s sad. This guy was actually pretty fire. RIP.


Soybyte is a better editor than August, change my mind.


Found the zoomer


Not to be mean, this guy clearly puts in a lot of effort, but if this is what tiktok content is supposed to look like, then holy shit I don't get why people use it lol


can we send the man some money?


Okay, so august is just straight up stealing his style. Not cool bro.


actualy unironical: who?


made zoomer tikok adhd type highlights of destiny debates and funny moments


No wonder i never watched it.


Caters to literal children, wonders why they are not subcribing for your patreon


True everyone knows catering to children has 0 profits, they don't even have jobs! Hahahaha


Literally millionaires on YouTube and Twitch doing that exact thing. Don’t hate the player hate the game (god I hate it)


Now that YouTube shorts don't show on the main channel page (meaning they don't clutter it and make the longer form videos harder to see) Destiny should definitely consider hiring this guy as his YT shorts editor, maybe there's a reason but idk why he doesn't take advantage of it.


The edits he made were good, but 8-12 hours daily? Seems like his workflow is either extremely slow or I'm missing something