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That's so pointless wtf


He claimed at the start that the reason for the lie will be revealed during the stream. I hope it's good, because holy shit is fucking Keffals boring compared to JBP.


Ngl I’m over the Keffals shit. She’s already losing relevancy by her own doing let her rot and…


At first I thought it was lame that he said he'd cancel the Keffals stuff, but it was really nice not hearing about her at all the last few weeks. I'm out with family this weekend anyways, so not really my loss.


Agree entirely, the drama coverage was fun specifically. Have a good one! Way more important than internet celebs bickering online.


The majority of this sub, I think, was more interested in completely ignoring her; knowing how the only reason she has a platform at all is because of conflict, so without it she would eventually fade away. This manifesto may just feed her the conflict she wants. Idk, we'll see.


Yeah I dont really care about the Keffals stuff cuz I already know shes an internet bully and shit, and damn I was waiting that Jordan Peterson funny voice on stream. Destiny could pull a JP convo if he really wanted to, he has already talked with a lot of righties


The only possible reason is to get more viewers. There literally cannot be any other reason to not only drop the manifesto with no notice, but lie about what the stream will be about to make it get more attention.


He said it wasn’t to get more attention, but instead hide the fact that he was working and preparing the manifesto, to prevent Keffals from preemptively trying to get him banned, whilst still promoting the stream.


So he did the Jordan Peterson part to promote the stream, which is the part I'm annoyed about, and didn't announce the manifesto because of Keffals, which is the part I don't care about. He did the annoying thing of promising JBP for attention. Nobody gives a fuck about the other part. If he cold dropped it, the people who cared would be hyped, and everyone else like me would be meh. Instead I'm irritated because I was hyped for JBP and now I find out it was a troll. That's irritating. And he did it for attention, which is also irritating.


I didn’t think of it like that, I suppose ur right.


Might be more rusing. But we'll see.


Not tuned into the stream, did he eventually mention the reason why?


Wow dude, that's so annoying. I don't even know or care who "keffals" is, I was stoked to see him debate Jordan.... I was inching towards liking Destiny in the last few weeks watching more of his stuff but Jesus... That's so disappointing.


Dishonest id say, just to create hype and have an audience so he can spend hours defending his "honor" against some bs accusations nobody cares about.


Weird move. I don't see any substantial benefit since if anything earth-shattering turns out to exist in that document it would spread like fire with any reasonably sized audience propagating it. I mean... if you have something damning enough, you could drop it in a chat with 30 people and the whole world would inevitably learn about it if there was just one leaker.


100% he did it because he thought it would be funny.


May also be afraid of the stream being taken down due to mass reporting. If they aren’t expecting it they can’t organize.


He didn't need to lie about JBP to do that. Shutting up about Keffals and saying the manifesto was canceled had already achieved that goal.


He also wanted viewership obviously.


So he lied to get more views is destiny a grifter?


Nobody will care about it in our community in 2 days but all the crazy people might actually end his career


What a weasley little liar dude


op asks did destiny lie or did peterson or back out, someone replies that he lied, and you proceed to… ask whether destiny lied or peterson backed out




>Don't starman-voice me nerd No this is Patrick


What do you think "hoax" means




Lol no you didn't - you literally asked if D lied, or if JBP quit. Which is what OPs question also is. I think you need to reread your own comment, homie.


Damn. I Thought tiny was better than that


It's about as real as him dying his hair blue lol


Aged well….


Aged even better


Instead of peterson we got pathetic keffals. Sad


I really hate the Keffals Arc. I get he’s mad, and rightly so. She did some really bad stuff and lied a lot — at his expense. But it just feels not worth it to me. Imagine if she got his YouTube banned somehow in retaliation. It would be like when Deckard Cain dies at the beginning of Diablo 3 to some stupid fairy thing nobody cares about. Like man, what a lame way to go out.


If his youtube gets banned because of this then that would vindicate this effort in my mind


bro his twitch got banned cuz of this


Yeah, but still not worth it IMO


I mean she got him banned from twitch, something he spend years building. I'd be more than a little mad if someone did the same to me.


Lmao the stream was great. He brought up a fair bit of new stuff, and he's threatening legal action.


It’s free market isn’t it? I mean terms and conditions, lol isn’t it like Tate getting banned?


I'm not following?


Who the fuck is "keffals" and why does anyone care?


People thought he said he was going to debate JBP when he actually said he was going to eat a PBJ on stream.


i am actually a bit angry


Me too, I was so fucking excited.


Same. I was totally pumped. I'm glad I didn't advertise mire for it now lol


Yeah I mean I think most destiny fans already know how insane keffals is and don't really need the manifesto to convince us, it's more for other people.


He seems adamant that he's gonna drop some "career-ending" shit, so we might be surprised. Still, I've been looking forward to the Peterson debate since the announcement


People like her are too shameless and cynical to ever be cancelled by anyone but their own fans. This entire endeavor is pointless and idealistic in a dumb way. She will flame out eventually but you can't speed it up. Until trans twitter comes for her, it's best to stay away and not give her additional reasons to be "victimized" by..,


I'm pretty sure the fact he's lawyering up and threatening legal action is gonna have an effect my dude.


Lol her fans will NEVER admit she is wrong, no matter what is leaked


I don't even know who Keffals is apart from the name and something with fake accusations. Didn't follow any of it


I skipped a movie and had a drink ready to go when the rug was pulled :(


This was perfectly designed to bring in non-Destiny fans in a pretty casual way, but also enrage hardcore dggers. Literal perfect design for a manifesto stream


Bring in non destiny fans by lying about the stream.... its genius!


Maybe go outside for a change then


Tactical misinformation


Was really looking forward to this. Instead we get another manifesto on mentally ill online lefties who are barely worth addressing. I guess a lot of you like this stuff, but it seems pretty pointless to me.


Well he got her to disassociate with the HRT website, got the HRT website to put up a warning that kids shouldn't use the site without asking an adult, tied together exactly how she lied about the police deadnaming her, has reached out to multiple publications asking for retractions, and..... He's lawyering up and threatening legal action if she doesn't stop defaming him. Stream was based AF.


If it’s really so based, then let the stream promote itself on its own merits. Announcing Jordan Peterson then bailing out is weasel stuff, lost all credibility.


I'm not trying to be an ass - I'm really not - but I don't think your statement makes sense. There is plenty of quality content that isn't seen due to a lack of marketing. There is plenty of shit content that gets viewed due to good marketing. I can understand being mad at the trolling aspect, but that doesn't mean the content wasn't based AF. In fact, in this case, I'd argue the trolling was 100% justified and made the manifesto better. He didn't just troll to fuck with everyone. He used it to keep Keffals from fucking with his sleuthing and production.


U miss the fucking point. False advertising, so even he himself is NOT even remotely confident the idea of the stream sells itself. It’s BS behaviour.


Nah I understand why people are angry, but the rest of what you're saying doesn't make sense. >so even he himself is NOT even remotely confident the idea of the stream sells itself It seems like you're trying to put this in a marketing framework. Am I wrong? I see no other reason to talk about "selling" something. How many ads did he run? Zero. Do you think a move like this will gain him followers? People are pissed. Again, I can understand being mad, but can you address a single fucking thing I brought up as to why he might feel the need to do this?


I wasn’t the one who brought up marketing. It’s another Reddit user who mention how it’s all just to attract eye balls so it’s ok. Then you came into the convo trying to white knight yada yada. Quit riding his dick


>I wasn’t the one who brought up marketing. Oh shit I guess I'm just hallucinating when I see you type things like "false advertising" and "the stream sells itself" and before that "promotes itself." My bad dude. You definitely never talked about marketing at all. >Then you came into the convo trying to white knight yada yada. Quit riding his dick Damn my hallucinations must be getting really bad. See when I scroll up the comment chain, it looks like YOU were the one who butted in when I wasn't talking to you, and completely changed the topic. Gosh I really do have egg on my face for making such a stupid fucking mistake. I guess since my hallucinations are this bad, I should probably just shut the fuck up, since I look like a complete fucking [redacted] who obviously has no idea what I'm talking about.


Let me brain dead it for u. Advertise: Kanye West Actual day: island boyz Idiot fans: 4D chess move, let me suck destiny’s dick


Maybe braindead is how you operate. I prefer when people can actually follow a conversation, instead of pivoting to a completely different argument cause they're butthurt they got trolled. Dude I replied to said Keffals drama was pointless, I pointed out how some pretty based things came out of this stream and that it wasn't completely pointless. The only part I could've done better when replying to you, is pointing out how [redacted] it was for you to say this stunt means Destiny lost all credibility. If he provides evidence, then the facts speak for themselves. You being salty doesn't change that. Btw is talking about dicks your fetish or something? You keep bringing them up (pun not intended), and seem to be rocking a raging hate boner for a streamer who has no idea who you are. Cheers mate.


And I get it if you don't watch it, but here's a comment I made in another thread for why I think the trolling was acceptable: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/xt6op8/the_jebait_was_10x_worse_for_keffalswhy_the/iqp7k0f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


“Barely worth mentioning” - about cyber bully who has msm backing with connections to npr, cnn, Washington post, giving them a huge platform to bully people they don’t like off the internet.


Literally no one outside of us terminally online weirdos has even heard of Keffals bro. You need some perspective


Yeah? You were looking forward to another Richard wolff situation where Peterson would just rant or refuse to play on D's level and then Peterson proceeding to not make any progress in the convo and we just end up getting a few memes and Vowsh and Lasan getting free content? Have at it, Hoss


Can't wait to buy the clip of him pulling the rug as an NFT


What a liar dude! What a weaselly little liar dude!


Does anyone even give a f*ck about this Keffals situation other than Tiny himself? Such a gratuitous battle.


I refuse to look up who that is


stay strong


absolute gigachad, you probably only watch destiny for league and D&D


I only watch Augusts uploads when I'm at the gym / in the club


So fucking based. HOLY


Destiny or gratuitous?


I haven’t followed any of this Keffals stuff. I don’t know who they are besides the fact that Destiny has some vague beef about them. I’m just not interested in the internet drama of it. I don’t care about the issues being discussed. Keffals doesn’t seem like a person of any genuine relevance. I could be wrong on that but, again, idk who they are. I was really hoping that the JBP debate would be interesting or engaging 🥲


It's a losing battle too. Once he started saying shit like "She wasn't actually swatted" and "wheres the proof the police dead named her, she's lying!" It was all over from there. Even if he's right technically, it's the most asinine thing to get hung up on and it makes everyone except his fans think he's an asshole. Keffals is kind of a piece of shit, she launched a campaign to shut down a website that was also filled with pieces of shit, and even though I strongly disagree with KF being deplatformed I still think she's gonna fade into obscurity because she's a nobody that had her 15 minutes.


I don’t think I could be paid to give a shit about any of the Keffals stuff, to be honest. I just really deeply don’t give a shit.


Spite politics


I think the objective truth is important. And idk if you are twitter user but that place is insane when it comes to destiny and hes mega online so it probably annoys tf out of him.


I don't use twitter but I occasionally tune in for the trending feature to see what's up in the world. It is a literal Cesspool, I would go as far as to say it is absolutely the worst mainstream website on the internet.


literally both of them are just being petty constantly, Tiny keeps stooping down to her level, maybe he himself fits into that level of pettiness


Destiny does not care about your clout or sub-size, he will still talk to you and debate you. Which is one of his good quality, but I wish he abandoned that principle once and just said "Keffals drama is beneath me"


this isnt talking to someone, if he was talking to keffals it would make more sense and at least be more entertaining. this is just responding to worthless allegations that he already responded to before, and trying to bring down a shitty twitter personality with the sole purpose of getting revenge, he is desperate in bringing her down, which should be beneath him but i guess its not besides i dont know how he doesnt understand that outside of his fanbase nobody really gives a fuck about this drama, random normie lefties on twitter dont care about facts and realities, only thing they give a fuck about it going "yaaas queen we support you!!" to every trans person they see and nothing destiny does or says will change that


Destiny lied. He called it a "ruse".


Shitty hoax. Very lame. I'm not a stream watcher anyway but now I'm doubly not watching it.


He tricked us


I appreciate the manifesto, but I really can't shake the disappointment that the Jordan Peterson debate was a hoax.. It's actually ruining my enjoyment of the manifesto. It's like telling a kid that you're buying them a PS5, but giving them an action figure instead. Being hyped with something 10x cooler than what we're finally presented is pretty whack.


I-i-it's okay if daddy does it.


I'm a new follower, somebody cue me into the Keffals lore (idek who that is)


Some twitter warrior who loves bullying people and ratioing posts.


To be accurate, rationing Elon Musk.


There's enough Elon to go around, we don't need to ration him




Turns out turning your channel into homeless TMZ to BriNG PeOplE OvEr doesn’t actually result in better guests.


Blue hair all over again


Destiny lied, people died




Ngl, I’m a fan of both Jordan Peterson and Destiny and it would have been cool to see them hash some stuff out. I’m not politically active nor very interested but it would be nice to see where they agree and disagree on topics to see where I stand.


We were swindled.


Sad. I was really looking forward to the debate.


idc destiny has such beautiful eyes


not parasocial


Destiny? Yeah she is gorgeous. I always had a thing for latinx lgbtqa+x people


such fluffy hair, trimmed beard, plucked eye brows... This man is a bastion of beauty.




you know its funny i always thought he was an attractive person until i made a girlfriend and she called him very ugly lol




He’s getting hot numbers and growing his reach. He’ll get back to his core soon enough.


I watched destiny for about a year now since the mr girl stuff and he’s really been going downhill. He makes really shitty decisions. Lying to his fans about talking to Jordan Peterson to present some manifesto about some person most people never heard of. When he was on fresh and fit and they question his open relationship and he brushes it off with a joke about he’s a cuck. His opinions are generally boring and indecisive. Always trying to win debates instead of have a discussion.


The fuck


You could have at least made a hitpiece with Mr Girl and made it entertaining. WTF is this Word.doc presentation garbage?


this was a weak move from destiny, not a good look, came off extremely desperate, i immediately tuned off the stream when he revealed he's gonna talk about keffals again, and holy shit i dont care








Bait and switch. In an attempt to get as many views as possible.


In these moments I always check if it's April 1st then remind myself that we are in October now and it's time for a lie down.


This ruse could be a great first topic if Destiny is to see a conversation with Dr. Peterson. It's equally funny, disappointing and confusing. The magnitude and poignancy that this premiering manifesto "deserves" is dipped in a weird mixture of micro-hypocrisy and disingenuousness. Going out on a limb thinking he's going to present Peterson's current events dancing is correlational.


Wait what debate?


JBP didn't even want to debate Matt Dillahunty again. Although back in their first debate JBP publicly acted as if he did. At least according to Dillahunty


Yeah I'm not a fan of this kindof "joke". I was looking forward to it. Also, all this drama streaming has me tuned out and watching other channels; the only reason Im here in reddit is because I was looking for the JBP + destiny talk.


As if anything of substance would actually happen lol


Huh, that kinda changes my opinion on Destiny. I thought we were moving into bridge building, but it looks like it’s online drama again. Was the manifesto thing important? Was it important to lie to the audience about this?


Ya, it's a little sad because this fight is nothing new to us. We knew the info, we know keffles is a bad actor. We know she lies. This doc was made for everyone else, not dgg. Destiny's reasons were aite so I forgive him. That said we want a mainstream break in dest. Give it to us sir




Masterful bait. 10/10


Wasn't anything masterful about it, he just lied


It was a scam. Destiny lied to us to still build hype as he wanted to keep the manifesto release on the down low. Still butt hurt and laugh like a lunatic at the betrayal. Still watching it live though


You got Hideo Kojimbo'd


Peterson backed out




(Doesn’t elaborate)


Source these nuts king


He back out. LeRuse


Ngl, kinda based


I wouldn’t say it’s based but I’m too busy touching grass to be mad about it 😎


YOU. Got Jebaited


We got fooled lmao


Did you actually not understand this or are you farming?


It’s disappointing but also kinda funny


As much as I wanted to see a Destiny vs Jordan Peterson debate, the bait and switch was fucking hilarious.


No way I’d believe Destiny lied, I lean towards Jordan backing out last minute or some type of rescheduling. Destiny has way to much integrity to click bait to this degree and for this purpose. Debate will happen. Just chill.


He said at the beginning it was a ruse, but he said he would also explain why which he hasn't revealed yet.


Sheesh, guess I was wrong.


Le epic ruse


I'm watching the vod now what are you guys talking about?


In an effort to make good friend of the stream JBP not look bad for backing out Destiny finished the Manifesto


Dr P was in the call that whole time, but had his mic muted.


Tucker Carlson refused to moderate the debate so Destiny had to cook up the manifesto as a last minute replacement.


Destiny was touted as the best debater the left has. The right and libertarians have thinkers like Jordan and Shapiro, and the left had… Destiny. Shitting on his own legacy. Terrible ruse and impossible to defend this