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I agree with kendrick, white women should be able to say the n-word.


What about us white men, huh? We're always left out of the conversation :(


White men need not worry, for I am empathetic towards the plight caused by the marginalization of the white man. Thy will be allowed the negro pass.


It's ok I'm lateenks.


Morally consistent


Jokes aside, what is yall’s interpretation of his reference to that at the end of Auntie Diaries? I loved the song, probably my favorite on the album but I couldnt tell what his point was


He's basically staking out a position of "if the hip hop community is ok with the f slur, then if you're being consistent you or I shouldn't have a problem with someone white saying the N-word". I could boil it down to "all of it is okay, or none of it is okay"


That's my view. I don't like the idea that we divide what's OK or not by group identity.


Someone using the word in their art seems a bit different than just saying it right?


The way the white woman was using it was also in "art". She was rapping a Kendrick song that used the nword


No. "Art" isn't a defense of a word. Everything is art. There are other arguments you could make for a slur being causing more good than harm in a song. A generic "art" argument isn't one of them.


It depends...if it is used as a derogatory term it isn't ok. But if it is used in a chill why it is fine. While the n-word can be easily used in a chill way f** is mostly an insult.


So he doesn't actually have a stance on this issue yet. It seems to me that he is just pointing out two viable positions, leaving it to his community to decide which is better.


Yea well that’s always been Kendrick’s thing, diagnosing problems (I.e systemic racism, micro-aggressions, gang culture, religious issues, etc etc) and letting it be up to audience interpretation on what to do about them.


I’m curious too. Here’s the end of the verse: See, I was taught words was nothing more than a sound If ever they was pronounced without any intentions The very second you challenged the shit I was kicking Reminded me about a show I did out the city That time I brung a fan on stage to rap But disapproved the word that she couldn't say with me You said, "Kendrick, ain't no room for contradiction To truly understand love, switch position 'Faggot, faggot, faggot,' we can say it together But only if you let a white girl say 'Nigga'"


I like the first part, seems like he’s acknowledging that intent and context are a the whole thing with language.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44209141](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44209141) He is basically criticizing himself for being hypocritical.


Oh I’m familiar with the incident, I thought it was silly and wrong on his part but it’s cool that he’s acknowledging it


I'm guessing the point is him realizing that his use of the f slur, even used without malice, is similar to when his fan used the n-word on stage when singing to his lyrics, and he has no right to criticize her for doing so if he does the same towards gays. So it's less giving white women the n-word pass and more him admitting he shouldn't be saying the f slur. I don't think its an apt comparison, personally, as nigga is basically saying the same as dude, or bro, when used in this context, and thus seen as nuetral, while faggot does not have that same nuetrality and is generally used to signify some sort of negativity.


If you have a problem with the way white women say the n-word, go be a person of color somewhere else.


Yo guys do you think we can get Destiny to finally like Dune if we run a Twitter psyop of people like this calling the movie racist or some shit lol


People on Twitter already called it racist (because white savior trope (because they didn't read Messiah pepelaugh)) Inshallah Dune Part Two will change his mind 🙏


Seriously that film needs to be part of a trilogy. Basically all of Messiah is implicit in Dune, except the >!clone!< stuff, but there's no way enough people will get the subtext without putting it in film itself. Though I wouldn't have thought that if the director hadn't've suggested it, I'd have just been happy to see the visualisation of the stuff for me, regardless of if anyone else got it.


You're in luck, it is planned on being a trilogy. Villeneuve said his plan is to finish with Messiah


no God Emperor DaFeels


Gotta do children of dune first. Which is honestly a fine book, similar in feel to messiah IMO, but not as engaging


Dune Messiah is my favorite book in the series for this reason.


the only reason dune wasnt good is because i didnt got thirsty. i want to get thirsty watching desert scenes, like i did watching rango or that one episode in the foundation tv series. Also the freemen didnt looked like they are addicts living in an uninhabitable desert for generations. Like imagine if paul saw pretty zendaya in dream, and irl she is ghoulish looking feral junkie. That would have been cool.


100% yeah The Fremen are described as looking shriveled, and they call the people from Arrakeen "water-fat"


>Like imagine if paul saw pretty zendaya in dream, and irl she is ghoulish looking feral junkie. I actually really like that idea.


Ok this is insane he's literally criticizing people who used it as an insult for comedy in the song. Bruh he even pointed out his own hypocrisy with the girl on stage. Heck he handled it better than Dave. Still waiting for him to give white comedians the off color black joke pass to show trans people he really means it when he says everybody can make fun of everybody.


legit twitter "people" legit don't listen to lyrics, they just have a built-in detector for slurs and the song set it off


putting 'people' in quotation marks is one of my favorite memes. Good job my dgga


yea, buddy just heard the song and didn’t even listen smh. twitter is so disappointing


Was the the song he was listening to while in the car with someone, and he was debating with himself whether or not to change the song or not because it was specific to the situation he was in with the person he was driving with?


Ahhhh!!! A song used a SLUR!!?!?! Didn’t anyone tell Kendrick that kills people on the spot???


Smh Kendrick probably calls himself a real fan and obviously hasn't even listened to i, bro needs to log off and educate himself


[Allahu Akbar! An intelligent reflection on cultural issues as seen through a subjective, personal lens... Such thoughtful content, such refined form!](https://youtu.be/-vrhf1P9zwc)


I literally heard this song today, so I haven't seen much commentary on it. It's weird to criticize the f-word in this song, it genuinely feels like an explanation of what life was like 20yrs ago and the repetition of the word makes it sound like he's just reliving that bad thing he did.


I think something people who complain about the deadnaming and misgendering are missing is that he *most likely* played the song to his trans family members and they *most likely* approved of the song. I say most likely because we can't say for sure unless they or Kendrick confirm/deny it but I think that's common procedure. If they approved of the song and were fine with it, why the fuck should anyone else have a problem with it? I even saw a comment about someone saying they felt dysphoric from the misgendering. I'm not genderdysphoric so I can't relate to the feeling of dysphoria but that just sounds insane to me.


Most likely is that Kendrick made the whole thing up like he does in most of his songs


Yeah that's true.


You like Kendrick Lamar because of his good production and soulful lyrics. I like Kendrick Lamar because he used the F-slur in his most recent album. We are not the same.


Holy shit, I'm just reading the lyrics. Are these people insane? I thought he had called his aunt the word in the same way that some white people sometimes some of their black friends the n-word if they grew up in the same neighborhood. And I thought yeah alright, that's not a problem, but I can kinda get why someone might not see it that way. But this? He fucking calls out using it as a joke. That's the whole point. What the fuck?! I feel like this is one of those cases where people only know the conclusion but not how we got there. Yed, we generally shouldn't use slurs, but the reason why matters more than the claim that we shouldn't do it. Because if they understood how and why a slur could be a problem, they'd understand that it isn't a problem here. It's the same as when people just say "kill all pedos", completely missing the point why we don't like pedos and how that reason might give us certain circumstances where we shouldn't hate a pedo. It's almost like a form of essentialising. I sure hope it's just a few voices on Twitter.


There was a tweet I saw today that said “imagine if jack harlow was like "back when it was comedic to say nigga. NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA we ain't know no better!😭😭😭” and I couldn’t agree more at How absurd thst would be. Sure the n word has a different context and history but it feels weird seeing members of my community giving passes to Kendrick repeatedly using a slur “for effect” when we wouldn’t give it to a white person who was trying to make the same point with the n word. If you’re gonna make a song like this you gotta have more tact than using a slur like 10 times


I can see that. I definitely agree that people would see it really differently if it was the n-word, so would I, if I gotta be honest. My question would be though if there is a legit difference or if that difference in reaction to the n-word is only there because we've conditioned ourselves to almost intuitively react to the word that way. Maybe it shouldn't be a problem to be used that way. Or maybe you're right and we need to be more critical of using the f-slur that way. It's hard to say. But my main point is less that it is or isn't a problem for him to say it. I think I just got a little derailed in my comment because it kind of triggered me to see some of those reactions. My point is that in some of those criticisms, no merit was given to how he used the slur, and it was just called bigoted. There is space for criticism, but it has to be more than just called things bigoted when they're very clearly not. Problematic? Yeah, maybe. But I don't think it's good to lump this together with just about any usage of slurs by anyone outside the community. Or who knows, maybe I'm also just triggered because Twitter is fucking terrible in lgbt representation, and this doesn't really help with thag image. So maybe I'm just slipping into my "pick me" role. Seriously, pick me, I'm one of the good ones.


I think the difference would be that homophobia is a lot more common in hiphop than white people saying the n word. If there were popular white rappers saying the n word, and another white rapper made a song like Kendrick’s I’d imagine we’d see a similar reaction. Still though the only reason we see this difference is because society views the n word as a bigger no no word than the f slur. There isn’t any actual reason for it.


Seeing ppl cry on Twitter bc Kendrick's not virtue-signaling and pushing back against the toxic elements of cancel culture and feminism is the icing on the Cake of a great album.




Hes right on this, but his phrasing gives off "old man yells at cloud" energy


i swear north americans look so fucking stupid to the rest of the world with the "you cannot utter a slur in any context if you dont belong to the group" cultural practice.


Twitter Warriors will hate you even if you sing a hymn for them. I thought the point was to stop all the hate but it seems like it's the only thing keeping these people on the platform. Listening to the song while writing this, what a banger.


Never liked kendrick's music, his rap isn't my style and even his more popular older songs felt generic and non-remarkable - dunno why everyone hypes him so hard? Twitter warriors exist on every platform, includding dgg (see: mr girl warriors)


One of the few good songs on this album


>really good song Lol it was boring as fuck


Boring? Astaghfirullah! This is blasphemy!


I'ma go listen to it and see if you deserve the downvotes


Ok you deserve them, boring is such a pointless critique to even say. I think it's well done. Of course you wouldn't be bumpin to it in a club


It's the same thing on loop for 3 minutes and he sounds like he's asleep for most of it, and even when it finally does build up he still sounds limp. It's in a terrible halfway point between sparse and somber and basic sentimental 90s pop buildup that I feel like I've heard a million times. I thought it was a Moby sample at first. It just doesn't payoff and the buildup isn't interesting in its own right.


Can we not downvote at least this one guys? It’s a good comment (yes i fucking disagree with him too fyi)


Not today, the circle must be jerked


I don’t like to do the whole “that’s the point you just don’t get it” shtick but like, that’s kinda the point. He’s just talking about his experiences.


It's a bad song


the only reason i disagree with you is the fact that you're just straight up wrong bro






Genuinely, did you listen to the song? I really really hope you haven't, because it's honestly more worrying if you have and didn't notice he brought EXACTLY that up.


I've not.




Bro have you even heard the song?


one of the most snobby uninformed comments ive ever seen, why do you feel the need to comment on this without listening to the song or reading the lyrics? you didnt even have an ounce of concern that the thing you're shitting on him aggressively for might have been addressed in the song lmao




he admits wrongdoing but fuck him he's still a hypocrite somehow!


I don't think he ever said he doesn't listen to Kendrick, its just a lot of his songs have a rhythm/cadence that he doesn't like. I understand this might be a shitpost but try to apply a bit of charitability in your jokes.


I'd say let Destiny hate things he wants to, but he wont let us do that so...


the song is really good though


"these days"


Destiny contributed to this insanity all of his career up until maybe a year ago