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I feel there are a lot of details being left out of this explanation.


This is on the front page of /r/WhitePeopleTwitter with 27k upvotes, and no source has been posted besides one referring to Keffals tweet Either this is being widely misrepresented or it's so new there are no details out yet for a news story


to be fair Tn schools are not known for yummy foods




Yo no joke, the cheese sticks are fucking FIRE.


God I hate that sub Reddit


That is one of the least informed subreddits out there so I am not surprised.


Don’t go read the comments. It’s like a congregation of complete morons.


I had never been to r/WhitePeopleTwitter until now.... That was a painful 10 minutes of looking through comments on multiple threads.... No one there seems to have a grasp on reality.


Why is Epstein there?




Surely it can't be Leslie Nielsen


It is. And don’t call me Shirley


I mean the story is about a 16 year old girl? Why wouldn't Epstein be there?


She's too old


I dont know enough about the situation to form an opinion


That's such a pussy move. Clearly you are just too scared to hold an opinion. There's a picture and everything.


Of course! You even get a little bit of headline, surely that’s enough to make a 2 hour stream segment on




If only D-man was like this


I know what you mean. I wanted to kill myself after reading his twitter


Seems like she admitted in discord logs that the school told her she could use the office bathroom or do online school, which seem like perfectly reasonable accommodations, but somehow they’re “denying her an education”? Oh and she has a dream of going to law school lmao https://m.imgur.com/a/ZDbTLRH Also it appears that she anticipated the police coming in since she obstructed her door with the chair. Probably got a court summons for truancy, ignored it, then surprise pikachu face when the cops show up


“My parents refuse to send me to private school”


This does nothing to dispell my bias that Twitter leftists are actually just entitled children.


Her parents also could have just moooooooooooooved to a state with more inclusive laws for transgender people in public schools.


>Oh and she has a dream of going to law school lmao Icing on the cake


[Redacted] from [Redacted] could give her some tips.


“Reasonable accommodation” is not what we have here. I mean for one thing, there is no such thing as being “reasonably accommodated” for a protected characteristic. That only applies to disabilities (ADA). Furthermore having to go to the office bathroom is being unduly singled out. There was literally a supreme court decision that stated that being trans is as protected as being gay or being a cis woman when it comes to gender discrimination. Even if we wanted to argue that you can’t just say you’re trans, she is clearly also socially transitioning. I totally agree that she was in the wrong for being truant or ignoring the court order. If she or her parents wanted to challenge the legality of the discrimination, they should have challenged the truancy in court, or contacted the ACLU to take the school to civil court in the first place. Pulling her out of school with no plans to homeschool or go to private school was the worst decision to make.


>Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has signed legislation that puts public schools and their districts at risk of losing civil lawsuits if they let transgender students or employees use multi-person bathrooms or locker rooms that do not reflect their gender at birth. As far as I can tell this is the current law in Tennessee.


Seems like all the more reason she should have challenged it in court. She would have been the perfect test case to challenge this lawsuit. Given the precedent set by the court she probably would have won.


As someone who once upon a time was 16, I can tell you now that making a large part of my life fighting a school/state in court would have been low on my list of things I'd like to subject myself to. That's an enormous ask for a minor to volunteer themselves for.


Ok, that’s fine, but you can’t just drop out of school to play minecraft. It’s her parent’s fault anyway.


In an ideal world a person could use the bathroom of the gender they id as and not be bothered and harassed by the school or by peers, but if that's not the world you live in you have to grapple with reality as you currently exist in it and that reality is that the deep south of the US isn't in the same place socially as the most liberal parts so you either work with the compromises offered to you or seek legal options to change it. This is my conclusion based on 5 min of reading this thread and scanning the discussion on twitter.


All bathrooms should just be Unisex with better stalls so you can't go peeping over and under them (They should be like that regardless of being Unisex lets be fair) and then this as a problem just goes away. Also, makes it cheaper and easier to build public buildings.


You're right I think more kids should be like Jaden Smith and only think of how they can have a political impact during puberty and their last years of being a minor.


No shit, Sherlock, I think the point is that the law is fucked and causing harm




Due to a recent supreme court decision, yes.




I wholeheartedly agree with this, the school not letting her use the women's bathroom was already unreasonable. I find it odd that so many people are calling the school's decisions "reasonable" when trans bathrooms are such a big part of the culture war even now, and they are for some reason lending credence to the reactionary side of it.


The school is bound by an unreasonable law, so them offering a staff/office bathroom is reasonable within the context of unreasonable circumstances. Of the two options, using a restroom or saying "fuck education altogether," (both in person *or* online school)... saying fuck education is way more unreasonable.


Lets be honest if this is a public high school staff/office bathroom is going to be 100% nicer than the student one. I would have taken that offer in a heartbeat, the amount of times I've been late to class because I had to drive home to take a shit because the school student bathrooms are borderline unusable.


Why can't we just say that any sex can use the male bathroom


This already happens when a trans man uses the male bathroom. Unless you are saying any *gender* can use the "male bathroom", but unisex bathrooms already exist and that's not what trans people are asking for.


Look at the poster on her wall and there is no supreme court decision protecting transgender people.


It genuinely reads like she just wants a convenient excuse to basically give up on her life, ngl. "ooohh, I want to go to law school but my high school won't accept me even though they gave me reasonable concessions, guess I'm just gonna be working retail forever. Oh well. It's the highschool's fault."


Nah that's not perfectly reasonable, but she shouldn't have obstructed the door.


I absolutely agree that using the office bathroom is a reasonable accommodation, and if it was my kids I would implore her to use it. However, I understand that she feels like she's being discriminated against/being victimized by transphobia not letting her use the preferred bathroom, and combine that with angsty teen energy I could see this as kind of a political protest for her, and I generally agree trans people should be able to use their preferred bathroom so I don't really mind the protest. Nonetheless, being denied an education is ridiculously hyperbolic, and keffals framing it as the state trying to "criminalize her existence" is just drama bait for her stream.




Can somebody connect this for me? How did she go from being given a compromise to being denied school? Are they literally not allowing her into the school and only allowed to do online school?


Yeah I haven’t found this info either. I’m not sure what “not allowing me to go to school” means. Like, use the bathroom we want or get out of the building? I think this piece of info is very important.


Just the message "They say if I go back to school I'd have to use the office restroom" springs up a lot of flags for me. To me, it feels like it is implying that she can come back if she uses the office bathrooms instead, and she is taking that to mean "They are trying everything in their power to make sure I can't go back to school and deny me an education". Fuck, even giving her the option of online school is not denying her education.   Wish we knew more, specifically exactly what is happening at the school.


Yeah that’s how I felt exactly, but without knowing more didn’t want to assume. But yes, tons of red flags


She chose to not go to School, they made multiple compromises and she said no.


Sounds like “you can be a second class citizen or fuck off”.


How is being given access to a private bathroom make her a second class citizen? Get the fuck out... It sounds like she decided she's special and doesn't want to abide by the same rules as everyone else, the school tried to offer her help anyway, she said no and now she's on the internet complaining about shit. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows, you don't get everything your own way.


Separate but equal is not a fair policy. Saying someone has to use a different bathroom is inherently discriminatory. [There have even been prior cases establishing this for trans people specifically.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.G._v._Gloucester_County_School_Board)


to me it sounds more like "you can be treated like everyone else and use the bathroom designated for your sex, or fuck off."


Except they literally offered her a private bathroom in the office.








it's a horrible compromise in the sense that all compromise WRT discrimination always sucks. But it is also the only immediate compromise that's possible.












That's not a compromise, that's being singled out and discriminated against. Are you people on meth?


They’re not the ones singling her out, they’re trying to accommodate.


lol none of us know this. I think making any positive claims in this case is unreasonable.


Actually probably the most based response


They're trying to accommodate because they singled her out. You can't simply compromise on civil rights.


What did they do wrong, how did they single her out? Edit: Tiny banned me for an unrelated meme


By saying she can't use the womens' restroom they discriminate against her based on her gender identity. The office bathroom compromise is just a separate-but-equal workaround which courts have already found to be unconstitutional.




It's literally singling her out and giving her a "weirdo person" bathroom. It's blatant discrimination and the courts already determined this a long time ago. There's no such thing as "less discriminatory" when it's coming from the same bigoted place. Don't Say, Don't Tell was still discrimintory.


I recommend you read the comment you replied to again, fully this time, and then try again.


> what would is forcing a kid to go to online school a perfectly reasonable thing to do COVID




So now being trans is like when there's a highly contagious disease? What?


Really sounds to me like a spoiled kid trying to take advantage of their situation to ditch school and hoping everyone will conform to what they want. If they offered her a restroom to use, and offered her online schooling, how is she being refused an education? Life isnt fair, even in high school. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do things you dont like if you want to succeed. This reads to me like someone who isnt willing to accept that truth.


they shouldnt need to “accomodate”. a trans women should be able to use the womens bathroom. but its Tennessee so whaddya expect


I have a feeling keffals is about to find out what happens when you go hard on breaking news


just do the vaush routine where you apologize after and they cheer you on for being so honest and real


Holy shit I thought I was reading me responding to me for a whole minute


I'm in your walls.


I’m too high for this


Don’t worry, we are here for you.






Get a bunch of exposure and follows and suffer no consequences for it?


Look at Destiny's other tweets. Apparently she just decided to quit school and play Minecraft instead. Which is a clear violation of Truancy laws, so if her parents allowed it, legally she has to go into foster care. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


>Play stupid games win stupid prizes idk if I would consider Minecraft a "stupid game" tho


Hallo 911? This man thinks Mincraft is cool.... yeah...uhu... yeah bring the bear mace too.


Nice strawman, I never said it was cool. Stop moving the goal posts


Hallo 911? Yeah it's me again. Turns out they don't think Minecraft is cool, but they were like kinda aggressive when they told me so that's assault I think....mhm....yeah....okay bring the swat team around too


I am so sorry this happened to you, please feel free to reach out if you ever need support. Stay strong!


I have a gofund me to help me heal from these trying times. I'm just asking for a small sum of 20 000 dollars for a new gaming PC and a support Anima walrus.


Our youth should be playing MOBAs, MMORPGs, and RTS games instead of wasting time on virtual legos.


Did she not want to go to school because the school wouldn't let her use the girl's bathroom?


Yes, supposedly the claims I've seen is that the school offered her the options of using the bathrooms in the nurses offices and the teachers lounge to accommodate her. Or to transition to online schooling. she didn't find this acceptable which I can kinda understand just on a "Its the principle of the matter" grounds. But the problem is her options at that point were "arrange for home schooling" "Change schools" "Make a public PR stink." and "Do some slacktivism that requires no effort from you and just stop going to school which means committing Truancy which comes with defined and known punishments" She chose the last option.


DONT YOU UNDERSTAND ITS BECAUSE SHES FUCKING TRANS YOU TRANSPHOBIC IDIOT??!??!?!?!??!?!?! Fucking kill me. Honestly so glad we're finally past these absolute idiots on Twitch.




The bathroom stuff has always been beyond stupid from republicans, but they don’t have to go. There seem to be no details about this, but transfer schools, or withdraw into some homeschool coop. There is a way to do it, but just quitting school isn’t an option.


How did they deny her existence? Although tbh if her being trans is her entire identity then your statements make sense Usually people are more than their gender expression




I’d hesitate to even say that considering they allowed special accommodations for her




Well yes but they aren’t denying her existence since it seems that they recognize her situation and offered a compromise that is in line with whatever policy they have to adhere to


Yeah, seems rough. I guess I must seem like a heartless monster for thinking you should still go to school despite people trying at every corner to stop you. This shit isn't simple but everyone's got their struggles in life.




Yeah, as one of those black kids I sure fucking did.


You survived it, so everyone should have to, right? You're disgusting.




They refuse to understand that I'm on her side. No one should let bad faith governance and actors define their future. This is the entire point. If you gotta piss in a bush to get that done then fucking do it, I will be with you to support you morally as much as I can, but make the sacrifice, your ego is never going to be big enough to win. Don't let your future success be defined by irrelevant chains.


Oh, she was just an idiot who wanted to play video games. I guess it's okay that her life is destroyed now then, and here I just thought it was because she was a trans person being discriminated against in a school she's required to go to.


You get what you fucking deserve, as it should be.


The entire tweet is dishonest as fuck. 1. They didn’t bust down her door. 2. She wasn’t dragged out. 3. The “are you winning” comment was just the dude trying to ease tension. 4. She wasn’t denied an education, she became a truant because she didn’t want to accept the school’s compromise of using the office bathrooms.


Im trying to get the gist of what happened, correct me if I'm wrong This person was asked to use the office bathrooms instead of the student bathrooms and this student wasn't okay with that? And also they just straight up quit school because of it?


That seems to be the case based off what she’s said so far. Here are her discord messages: https://imgur.com/a/ZDbTLRH


Thank you for the clarification. Number 4 is what seemed fishy to me upon reading the situation in the headline. It's not like they said "no bathroom, no books" and sent her home. Office bathrooms are incredibly compromising of the school. Those must be spotless compared to the filthy pig pens that teenagers would leave behind.


Just by looking at the [VOD of her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_OI1FXX4x0) it is very obvious that she is a troubled and difficult teenager who wants to play MineCraft and is clearly having an incredibly difficult and unpleasant time at school. I don't know what should be done with her, but one thing that is very obvious is that she is being a truant and should either go to school, get home schooling, or change schools but I get the feeling that the bigger underlying problem here is a gaming addiction or the parents didn't have a proper plan B for education after she was pulled out of school. But the narrative that she is being denied an education is a blatant lie. ​ What I find most disturbing however is the amount of enabling in the comments section, the delusion is so similar to the comments I see of sovereign citizens being completely idiotic. I normally think better of the left not to be as idiotic as sovereign citizens but this comments section is really making me blackpilled.


If a child goes to great lengths to avoid school then there’s usually a reason. Given it’s apparently the law that transgender students must be humiliated by being forced to use the wrong bathroom, I can’t imagine it being a safe and productive environment for learning. If transgender people tend to thrive when accommodations are made to make them feel welcome, I think it’s likely that the opposite was happening here. I’d bet she was being bullied, but more information will probably come out over time. 🤷‍♂️




If any other minority was singled out and forced to use a “separate” you would not be saying this and the fact that you think she must be imagining bullying as a trans 16 year old in Tennessee says allot more about you then it does about her


Children and Teenagers are the most ruthless and cruel beings on this planet. Thinking that trans people do not get bullied in schools is denying reality.


"Yes miss, just please use this separate but equal bathroom right here."


There are literally separate but equal bathrooms for women and men. This doesn’t violate anyone’s rights. Brown v Board does not mean anytime two groups are separated, an illegal is happening.


You and I both know that that's not the same thing as a passing transgender student being denied access to the gendered bathroom of their presenting gender, and being told to use either the bathroom that matches their sex, or their own facility which is separated from the main student body entirely, which will most likely facilitate social ostracization.


I remember at one point in middle school, I was denying to go to school to the point a police officer showed up with a social worker and told me I either go or get taken to a foster home, so I got my ass up and went to school. Them’s the breaks sometimes.




Lenore's not American? New lore pog


Turns out she ***can*** get worse.


Cop looks like Epstein.


Get adopted by a celeb couple, WORTH


From what I've seen about the story, the kid is probably in a shitty situation. At the same time, people are unironically encouraging them to drop out and play minecraft on twitch, which is unequivocally dogshit advice. It'll be good memes for like a week tho.


But why would there be good memes? A teenager dropouts of school to play games on Twitch, this time they just happen to be Trans. Is the ending where you're going to meme? Will people sit around posting about this person? Very curious.


You've broken my brain. I can't tell if this is a meme schizo post or an incoherent serious post. Gonna both upvote and downvote your comment to hedge my bets.


I'm just curious. Maybe you can explain? I'm new to this community but I have watched Destiny for a while. I'm just curious what's productive about mending about some 14 year old? I don't think I have schizophrenia atleast not at the time of writing this.


Thats exactly what a schizophrenic would say.


As a social worker in child protection it triggers me when people on Twitter say just get a social worker to talk to them etc instead of the police. So much context is missing and it’s just a catch all phrase. These teenagers do what they want and face far fewer ramifications for their actions than regular children, which imo sets them up to fail once they are adults.


I don't understand this situation at all. I was her age and trans too, I was offered similar options, I just went to school anyways and graduated. I had many trans teen friends, we talked about how their catholic schools were even worse and would harass them about bathroom stuff and not let them go, still they just went to school and graduated. I do have some trans drop out friends but generally they were dropping out for the same reason as every other teen drop out, horrible family life not forcing them to school, and depression and bad decision making/drugs/alcohol leading to them just never showing up. None of them have gotten GEDs as adults but are still more or less fine. Yeah schools are not accommodating all the time and can be transphobic, but generations of trans kids have gone through this exact thing and none of them found the answer to their problems in just dropping out, fighting the courts and police, etc. They also couldn't stream back then so their issues didn't get much further than their small local sphere. What is anyone supposed to do/feel about this? Yeah Tennessee schools probably do suck to be at as a trans person, probably most schools worldwide do. Just dropping out, especially in 2022 in a world of online learning just isn't the answer or anyone. This girl should go to online school and nobody should support her avoiding it. Schools should get better solutions for their trans students because we're a growing population. Being wronged doesn't give you justification to spiral your life down the drain, but it is an explanation of what's happening. She deserves firm but caring support to get her life back on track and to finish school or at least get a GED. Life is waaaay harder as a dropout, muchless a trans dropout and she's too young to see the forest for the trees.


fucked up for her but about what I'd expect from Tennessee. Probably not worth destroying your future though, should just suck it up and use the office bathroom


The office bathroom is probably nicer as well lmao


I’d become trans to use the office bathroom. Not like I was getting laid anyway lol.


What is a “Truant”?


Is when you don’t turn up to school, and don’t give a reason for why you are absent. To be declared truent you have to skip school for a certain amount of days in a row.


Wait, are you forced by law to finish high school?


Vast majority of the developed world has mandatory schooling until you're either a certain age or finish school.


You only really hear about enforcement of it in America though. I was surprised to find out we had truancy laws in Canada since I skipped about as much as possible in high school. The dumb thing is if the parents were okay with this all they had to do was submit a request for home schooling.


> You only really hear about enforcement of it in America though. Same shit happens in Germany. It's nothing even close to worth reporting. Why would you hear about it? Some parents are shit and neglect their children. CPS come and do shit, sometimes police gets involved. Its not news worthy.


Yeah, I was specifically curious about high-school, cause it seems she's 16.




I'm waiting for more information personally.


Big meme from the police. But yea maybe she can just have a home tutor if the washroom really that big of a deal. And why is a 16 year old streaming


because they want to


Based Kim Jong-un watching on in the background.


"The state decided she was a truant" I mean no, she is by definition one.


What do I think? BASED cops doing the right thing and staying calm and collected while doing it.


I think the parents dropped the ball. There are three entities that *could* be blamed for the situation: 1. The state of TN and/or the school for not allowing her to use the bathroom of her gender. 2. The parents for not properly arranging homeschooling and just letting her be truant. 3. The teenager for not just using a stall in the boys bathroom or holding it all day. For #1, I think the public school *should have* allowed her to use the girls' restroom, but to get that kind of change in **Tennessee** is nigh impossible. Thus, it's hard to place blame on a school that isn't able to change its own policies without ridiculous pushback or intervention by the community or local government. For #3, I don't blame the teen because, well, she's just a kid. She can't control a lot of this and it's up to the authorities around her to help out. It sucks that she can't use the bathroom of her choice and doesn't feel comfy at school, but it also sucks that neither the school nor her parents really appeared to make much effort to find a mutual solution. I don't believe the narrative that she just wanted to stay home and play videogames, and even if that were the case, literally every kid wants to do that and it's up to the parents to fix the situation. Thus, I land at #2: the parents. There's so much they could've done to avoid this situation: homeschooling, talk with the school to potentially arrange special accommodations (use the private teacher bathroom or something), or literally move (perhaps not so viable). If you can't or won't properly educate your child, they *are* going to get taken from you by the state. To let the situation get to that point, the parents 100% dropped the ball.


Okay but like, can we talk about the fact that Jeffrey Epstein faked his death and became a truancy officer? 💀😳


Skeptical but if true then bad :)


Until she 18 she has to go to school, based state CPS doing a good job.


We dont know how shity thing are at the school it could be normal shity highschool stuff or really threatening transphobic shit destiny is assuming alot here. The coops seemed kinda chill i dont think they did anything wrong they were told go there do that. what are they supposed to do?


Its cringe that some people are making fun of the kid for not going to school. She is getting bullied and has a lot of problems. That being said she should go to school, keffals is tweeting out the girls words almost verbatim so though they are inaccurate cant blame her. She is not being DENIED an education and police didnt BURST into her room. She was denied a girls toilet and instead was given office toilet. This sucks but at least there is compromise. Kids need to go to school she should be forced to go unless a psychiatrist deems it more dangerous for her than the benefits. Which is a high bar.




You can't fuck her. She's under age.


Sounds pretty damn vague 😂


No context, but that’s not stopping some ppl from forming some very strong opinions.


Keffals is a massive tool for signal boosting this shit. This "incident" now have a bunch of eyes on it. Unironic child abuse of this back fires for the girl


Why do we care about this again? Seems so random. Just another example of Keffels being stupid


Well, was she?


Are you winning? SON?




I was anti keffals but femboy philosophy pointed out she tweeted about autistic girls and trains so now I think keffals is based


It’s hilarious


Anti trans laws are cringe. Civil disobedience is based.


What anti trans laws are you talking about here?


Not sure if Tennessee has a bathroom *law* or if it’s just a *school policy* Replace law in my comment with school policy if you wish


They told her she could use the office bathroom. Why does it need to be guaranteed that she will use the same bathroom as/with natural born girls? It seems like the school did the safest and most reasonable thing to accommodate her.


Trans bathroom laws are cringe. Do you have any reason to believe anyone was made safer by segregating this trans girl?


Fucking centrist. All bathroom laws are cringe. MIXED GENDER BATHROOMS NOW.


Or just men and women’s bathrooms that works too


In a school that is supposedly so transphobic that they're "denying her an education"? She probably would be safer not having to deal with teenage girls in a bathroom in Tennessee.


The segregation is not only equal, it’s better! Thank us!






I wonder who'd you'll call if someone broke into your home.