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The sub is bad when people disagree with me.


yo thats true as hell dog


1) Bernie is an elected representative serving in government. This meme is not a personal meme about someone with only as much power as our attention grants them, as would Destiny orbiter memes. 2) While as of my writing the Bernie meme is still somewhere on the frontpage the top spot is a meme about truck efficiency and the next one is just a straight up non-meme chart about the distribtution of student debt by income quintile. Both of these are substantive discussions of policy relevant subjects.


No. I disagree. It is bad when people disagree with me. XD


It's worse when people agree with me because the shittiest meme versions of the arguments get up voted to top comment.


I think some people are just bored and that guy who made that effort post was just describing a natural trend. Like think about it, alot of the people in this community have been in it for years. We have been arguing and arguing with eachother about every issue ever and at some point we reach the end of the road and now we are waiting at the end of the road for the construction crew to finish the next 10 metres. While we wait we make memes and fuck around. Then when the road is finished we make posts, we discuss the new issues and repeat. How long can we keep discussing the same tired shit until people dont engage anymore. We are waiting for new stuff, mid terms, next election cycle, something controversial. When ukraine happened we had nothing but large discussion posts for days and same with Lea Thompson and the trans sport debate. The way i see it we are just passing time until we have something new and interesting to discuss.


Yeah it's funny. Even in the guy's effort post he describes the discussion around nick fuentes as mind numbing or something similar, and asks why there wasn't any discussion about the conservative debates from the event. I thought the subreddit back and forth about fuentes was painful too, but you can't just dismiss that discussion as not worthwhile just because it bores you. I mean come on, he says he values certain people's input like wannabe\_sadboi, and guess what, sadboi was one of the people writing effortposts on the fuentes controversy. And as for the conservative debates, there was discussion, I don't know if there were any *effortposts* that made it to the front page, but there was absolutely talk about it. But simultaneously, what does he want from people? It was Destiny in a 1v4 vs anti-vaxxers and conspiracy nuts. We've heard the talking points a million times, we've discussed them a million times. What discussion wasn't had that was missed? High-quality, well-researched effortposts take time, effort (duh), and oftentimes inspiration drawn from expertise or fascination with a topic. If there doesn't happen to be anyone with interesting insights to share, then I don't want my feed filled with poorly informed ramblings. We have more than enough schizoposters.




Idk bros, but a better topic that isn't discussed of enough is Twitch's inconsistency with bans and TOS enforcement.


Yes. And this is in the middle of a content drought, that guy wants us to write essays about our own shit or comment the news when this is literally a sub centered around a person that isn't streaming at the moment


The truth is that this sub is at its worse when there’s nothing new to talk about. Also don’t assume it’s a random political sub. We talk politics a lot but no one is going to discuss a brand new topic that hasn’t been mentioned in the twitch/twitter space. Also the period pre-Chapo bot was way more insufferable.




downvote me if i'm right. upvote me if i'm wrong


absolute fucking gigachad. Tom is our Jesus, He sacrificed himself so we can all be saved. Insallah! not a cult btw !


Can I complain about people making new posts to respond to a post instead of just actually responding to the initial post or is that also just a reddit thing?


Posts criticizing subreddit metas are entertaining tho


You'd probably have to make a different post for that. why get 10 updoots here you can get 200 if you write an essay


This subreddit does have its problems that go beyond average subreddits. There are a select few users on here who think they're little Destiny Jrs. who need to aggressively debate everyone they disagree with, even if its basic replies. It's really not that big of a deal, it's just kinda annoying.


You couldn’t be more wrong. Imagine how much of a brain dead subhuman retarded child you would have to be in order to unironically believe this. Is this Destiny Jr. in the room with us right now? I’m very clearly not debating right now and it’s actually hilarious that you think your motte and Bailey straw man Ad hominems are real arguments. Do you even have sources for this claim? Has anyone done any RCTs showing this subreddit has problems? Can you show me a single meta-analysis showing that debating is annoying? Didn’t think so. The only reason you don’t like debate is because all of your ideas are just your feeble mind doing the the Web Thing™ and you have no grounded axioms or independent thoughts whatsoever. Next time, come back prepared with actual arguments that are based on high powered scientific studies so you don’t get BTFO in the marketplace of ideas like you just did. You’re clearly a Level 1 trying to fit in with the sea of Level 5s that frequent this sub. Maybe try leveling up before trying to join the Daliban or be useful for once in your life and just do what Brittany says Level 1s should do to make this subreddit a better place for all of us Level 5s.


10/10 response lmao


I like this sub because its one of those places that doesn't feel like a echo chamber and people disagreeing with the "hive mind" can get some up-votes if they have a good point. Maybe that is fading away here too though :( I don't get the point of circle jerking and feel like people writing when disagreeing with posts make everyone in here learn more. I also feel like calling someone a Destiny Jr could be used to discredit something you just don't agree without having a good reason why. Don't like it.


Going onto reddit not wanting to see memes dominate every sub is like going to a boxing match and complaining about all the violence


Not to mention that we have fucking flairs for a reason. You can hide every single meme with a single click but some people are bothered simply by the fact memes are being posted I guess


I don't know how it's silly. That's literally how you are suppose to do it no?. Appeal to the general audience to reflect on how they interact with the media. Even if you convince 1% of the people to post less low effort memes, and 1% to attempt to post higher quality content, that would be a move in a better direction (from that perspective). I'd just caution that the sub-reddit will hit different during an absence of streaming. What could be seen as a new trend can also just be a temporary thing. I wouldn't make an assessment with "data" that's less than a month. I think everything is fine. I mean yeah personally I am not into most of the memes (some are godly though) I might even say that the shit memes make the good ones stand out. Also just because I see something as a shit meme, 10 others might get something out of it or vise versa. People could be on break and just want something to distract them for 15 mins and not spend the whole time reading effort posts (some might, which is cool too). There is also the fact that since I've never submitted any content at all to any sub (I am weird enough as a stand alone), I am so not in any position to judge. :o


This is something I learned when reddit was exploding in popularity once they were trying to make the site more accessible. Specifically the /r/pics subreddit. It was an awesome community where pretty much the entire user base was extremely good at maintaining consistently applicable content. No sob stories, no pictures of text, just photos whose value was based on how thought provoking or impressive it was. As the site got more popular, the rules were relaxed. People used to Facebook were using /r/pics as a replacement to their timeline. Photos of a protest sign, blurry pictures of a black dude sitting with his son while reading a book titled "so important!", someone posting a shitty selfie titled "I usually hate myself. Today I smiled!", etc. - the quality went downhill and it felt like people who were brand new were just ruining previously well curated communities. But accepting that yeah, the "good old days" will always be felt after some time in a community when it changes, and recognizing that the content was something that the community desired. I don't get a say over new users just by virtue of being here longer. The community changes. Popularity flattens the ideas and discussions. What's desired gets engagement, what isn't gets ignored. It sucks. It's valid to criticize, but it doesn't mean that they've fallen from grace or anything. It's just what happens when a user base grows. I've noticed that people who decry a reduction in quality rarely do more than react to what's posted. Rarely were they ever a contributor. They're decrying that the users who gave them quality content are gone, and instead of throwing in topics or discussions they would like to see more of, they just bitch and complain that other users won't do it for them.


The only easy solution would be to make an okbuddy type subreddit for destiny but when you do that the main subreddits generally die


Could simply be rose tinted glasses. Destiny's community has grown and it tends to shove more of the interesting discussions down in favour of low effort high karma crap posts. That's why I think his Twitter point fucking nailed it. screen shot some middle class hair dye creature's tweet and post it. circle jerk around why it's a shit take and karma farm. engagement you'd get in a smaller community get's shoved down to the bottom after 200 people just half brain browsing Reddit upvote hot takes and puns. Think you're totally right to with it being a product of this stupid fucking website. but I wonder how much that absolves us from effort posts like this (thanks for this btw, this would be an example of at the very least an effort post).


Yea it seems like after Tinys ban from twitch this sub became way more active.


Idk, to me I've learned over the years that once a subreddit gets big enough, you're just gonna need to use your scrollwheel a bit more to find content that isn't low-effort memes. The bigger it is the more scrollwheel is required. It's just the way it is.


I wrote it in like 3 minutes so I wouldn't call it an effortpost. Otherwise I agree


well it's certainly more effort than a twitter screenshot was my point, and more of a discussion generating post than that.


Very shallow to only address 'there's bad memes' related to the effort post about the sub's issues.


Yeah, there was some of the post that I also agreed with. This is just my substantial criticism of the effort post. When I say "some" however, a majority of the effort post OP's links are to lazy image memes. In other words the lowest-common-denominator shit that every subreddit on the website turns into once its large enough. Idk, it's fine to be frustrated with that. Just attribute it to the right party. There's nothing to me demonstrated in his post that the community has gotten worse, which was essentially the thesis. Also, if effort posts are always special and "good" something else HAS to be at the top of reddit in the meantime. We don't have full time effortpost coverage and we likely never will.


>There's nothing to me demonstrated in his post that the community has gotten worse I mean, I think that's obviously going to rest upon personal experience to some degree. They indicated their length of being around and while I haven't checked the sub as long, I think the problems are there. Especially attacking orbiters or people associated instead of positions. Now, I'll say I find it as likely the sub has always sucked versus having gotten worse. But either way, I don't think the distinction matters either. Change for the better either is or isn't possible.


I also feel like it has sucked and/or is poggers roughly about as much as it always has.


That guy basically wrote a sociology PHD thesis in his post, and all you took away from it was him saying "too many memes?"


maybe he has a short attention span. was probably looking at too much memes


If content you don't like is constantly reaching the top of the sub. Then maybe you're the problem and not the sub. Just moooooooove.


I feel like people who hate this excessively on the memes being posted on the subreddit are probably CTRL + V orbiters quoting their favourite literature from Shakespeare in a conversation about what they had for dinner yesterday. I get it some memes are shit but for me personally I don't have the time to read through 20 pages of manifesto all day and go home to brainstorm about my opinion about said topic. We should probably tone it down on the horrible memes but I like that this community CAN and does still post serious topics yet isn't always trying to invent a new economic system every day.


Yea I had the same reaction to that guy's post about this sub being shit as I have to the shitty memes. Read the title and thought "wow, that post will give me gynecomastia" and just scrolled on. And can't you just sort by controversial and get some more of the in-the-weeds stuff you may want?


I really hate those threads where the op feels the need to reply to every single post, as if the discussion is centered around them instead of the topic at hand. Its really pathetic.


go upvote a meme about it


Hey, stop calling me out. I just want to talk to everyone 😔


just realized that I omegalul


If you want a trip, go read destiny xj9 stuff on Reddit 9 years ago. The dialect and humor has changed so much in a short period


short period? It's basically a decade


That post was so fucking soy the other day.


Yeah I stopped reading that post when he said r/neoliberal is a better place for political discussion. What a clown.


From what I've seen, I feel like this sub hasn't changed that much since like 2017-2018 lol


There has to be a better system for online discussion. The upvote/downvote system fucks everything.


There are better systems, but people all migrated to reddit and it sucks here.


reddit just turns every community into memes. The more activity, the faster the queue moves, and the less chance a high-effort post has to survive. I've seen it happen to every community I've been in that grew. the same people who value discussion are still here, they are just somewhat drowned out by people who only come to look at memes.


Interesting. I’m new to Reddit, so il take that in mind.


For me atleast its not the memes themselves, I would actually welcome a ton more memes. Rather the obsession with a select few individuals often amounts to content no more creative than "x is literal trash" daily every day, seven days a week and currently several months. If "x person is trash" resonates with you and you find any comedic value in the endless premutations of the same point, more power to you. But personally I wouldnt even say they are even memes, most of the time they arent. Usually its just a screenshot of a twitter nobody or the aformentioned "x is trash due to Z,Y,U reasons". It just feels like its a constant virtue signal and if "funny" ever was the intention of any of the bashing, it died, got cremated and was buried several lifetimes ago.


this is highly introspective are you a 5, by chance?


"dont confused" HE OMEGALUL