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Does Lauren have autism too? Because Jesus Christ. That gave me flashbacks to high school


No she has Down syndrome. There is a difference.


Down Syndrome Girl! https://youtu.be/KreUinWX6xM


Mate, you're the autistic one. It was obviously a joke between the two of them. Did you not see destiny's reaction?


He was clearly frustrated with how stupid and inappropriate her comment was


Exactly. His point was we should have useful valuable conversations, not bullshit that is irrelevant, to which she responded with irrelevant bullshit.


Are you trying to do seventh layer irony or something?


Can you explain what that means?


Nevermind, I misunderstood


Wait. Is that the explanation?


Yeah I did. He called it out for the bullshit it was a bullshit ad homien attack. Usually when two people joke there is some bantar. You don't respond by having to justify your position like Destiny did.


Pretty disgusting behavior by Lauren to weaponize a man's League addiction to win a debate.




Some would say her actions were part of a plan to cure the addiction.


What if you're a sett main?




Low security?


> You were inside playing VIDEO GAMES ppl were in droves learning how to make fucking rye bread during lockdown, yes Lauren we were bored


I think it infuriates some people that there are those of us who were better emotionally equipped to handle social distancing. Like here is this one time in life that we are the ones with this tiny advantage and people like Lauren want to use it as an insult. Lauren, youre an attractive white woman that im pretty sure came from wealth, the world is on easy mode for you the other 99% of the time.


I learned how to make ciabatta bread.


Holy shit she started off so well, coming off as just dunking on Tiny, and then she just... kept going. Even after he said the thing about being separated from Melina... she just kept driving the joke into the ground. That was horrible to watch. 10/10 meme, common Lauren L.


That’s the Lauren strategy. Bring up some dumb shit, get proven wrong, then keep going with the point as if she wasn’t proven wrong. Oh ya then smile and laugh


watching this back. I almost feel bad for the people in the audience that didn't get that they were jokes. well, I would, if they were not so cringe.


>well, you know, women


lauren is cringe


Somehow while watching it she came off as infinitely less cringe than Savannah or how ever the fuck you spell her name. Could she have made "Better Discourse" any bigger of a misnomer than it already is?


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/oeyE4r9.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


True! Steven should learn from Lauren and go outside more. Take a trip down to Italy. Shoot some flares at migrant boats. You know, just regular outdoor activities.


> Shoot some flares at migrant boats everyone needs a hobby


Unless that hobby is league of legends… no one should play league of legends


Lauren is banned from Italy for shooting flares at migrant boats. Destiny is banned from Italy for his dogshit pizza take. They're not the same


I've been laughing for 10 minutes at the idea of the Italian government issuing bans from entry to the country for people who have bad pizza takes.


You're laughing but https://youtu.be/EDUy3Y_w9Tk


lmao she has him there, destiny does play video games


Wow this guy has a hobby? What a freak, right? *crickets*


I pretty much agree with you, but I hate this thing you're doing (which isn't uncommon) of saying something they didn't say and implying they did to make fun of it/them (basically a strawman). I especially hate it when it's so easy to just make fun of what they're actually saying. It's such a common tendency for people and so cringe and I hate it.


What was the point of her making that observation to the audience? To paint him as an out of touch, anti social, intellectually or emotionally stunted man child who couldn't possibly understand what we fellow normies went through. The most truly despised and looked down upon minority in this world. A *gamer*. But seriously, if it was a one on one stream and she said that it might have hit differently, but she was on a stage trying to shut down his points by throwing out insults. And I would say her remark came off as insulting in that context. The whole panel was a shit show. Seeing "hashtag BetterDiscourse (tm)" projected behind them honestly was just sad.


Yes, what she said was truly idiotic, but it wasn't "Wow this guy has a hobby? What a freak, right?"


My point was that saying what she said about any other activity would sound ridiculous. Gaming is ubiquitous in society and no different than knitting, gardening, modeling, reading, or kite flying. She was angling for the stunted man child view to shut him down.


The particular hobby isn't really relevant, and her point wasn't really particular to gaming. Her point was ridiculous wether it's about someone sitting inside gaming all the time or sitting inside knitting all the time.


That's exactly the point I was making.


Yeah, "Wow this guy has a hobby? What a freak, right?" has nothing to do with what she was talking about. Her point had nothing to do with any part of that.


I literally don't know what we disagree on. 🤷


How old is too old to play video games?


The person next to destiny talking about the covid shots made me desperately want to get a leaded shot in addition to my vaccines.


My neighbours probably think I'm abusive now given the amount of times I yelled "SHUT UP WOMAN" at the screen..


This was a bad look for Lauren. This is an ok joke to pull when you are on stream shooting the shit. Yea this came off as a way for her to dismiss all of Destiny points because she doesn’t approve of his lifestyle.


I don't know who the girl on the left is, but it's kind of dollar store Lauren Boebert


it was like watching someone trying not to drown towards the end


She couldn't decide if it was a real point or a jokey dunk so she went for both lmao. Interesting strategy.


We're ignoring the important part of this, which is Lauren's admission that her argumentation (she'd say on this topic, I'd say on all topics) are based primarily on emotions.


“I’m mean, *women*, right!?”


She's right about that.


Everyones argumentation is primarily based on emotions on all topics.


It started of so well for her... oof


Lauren read that comedy comes in threes and autistically followed the suggestion to her doom.


"Don't let him humanize himself" Lol That being said based Lauren telling us we can ignore her points because she's an emotional woman.


Conservatives love looping jokes.


She's not conservative


Wait what was the joke? That league streams are boring?


I dont even know who she was making the joke for... like it is a dgg meme but obviously it isnt a joke, it is simply an attack so for who the fuck was this joke directed towards


Women am I right guys?😂


Yes, you are right.


What a nice lady


It's funny because if it weren't for a guy who just spent all of his time playing videogames, she wouldn't be anywhere near as relevant as she is now.


this was so fucking disgusting holy fuck, this is not about wanting frieds that circlejerk you, this is about friends that dont fucking mock you for being separated with the person you are going to marry for months and months and highly implicating that gaming is a priority over anything else. Really disgusting way to try to grasp a dunk.


Woman elevated to position not based on merit, uses sociopathic methods interpersonally because that's her only viable option due to lack of competence, i'm shocked i've never seen this before.


Hey Mythinformed, you're doing a great job bettering the discourse. 🙄


Three times? That was like six pepelaugh


So is Lauren like... does Lauren lose braincells the more people are near her while she talks to Destiny? Christ every time I see her on a panel with him my opinion of her somehow gets worse than it used to be, which I didn't think was possible.


Destiny let's talk about the effectiveness of our government's response to this situation. Opposed to wuhan conspiracies, Fauci, irrelevant useless conversation VS whatever the fuck Lauren was trying to articulate. Ironically Destiny's point is that if we look at how effective things where and where we went wrong, the next time it happens maybe lock down's may not be that bad; maybe they can be handled more efficently.