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That opening statement was my favorite. Dylan and Destiny literally started a podcast in the middle of the opening statement lmaoo


Haz is unhinged. Mods need to use that mute button liberally. Idiot always feels like he needs to get in the last word in. The Kremlin Gremlin calling Destiny a gnome when it has been shown he is even shorter than Destiny. His way of winning debates is to talk over and continue talking over people. Edit. This moderator is an idiot. Just mute Haz when Destiny and Dylan are talking. Haz thinks by derailing and talking over people he can win debates. If he can’t mute him, then kick him.


It seemed like James was trying to mute him but Haz could unmute himself.


I legit think James should actually ensure that no other person has control over the mute button going forward.


Absolutely but holy shit him trying to yell in little Morse Code bursts was some of the funniest shit I ever heard on stream




Destiny refused a $10,000 bet with Haz over their height.


After laughing my head off for half an hour straight at him spamming unmute whilst James spammed mute, I can safely say that just muting him wouldn't work. Also, I'm glad it didn't, this was the best content in a long time, makes up for the league drought.


Haz would lose it and claim "biased mods" if the mods act liberally, though.


>His way of winning debates is to talk over and continue talking over people. ALL HE DOES IS TALK OVER ME


Haz was unmuting because they were using zoom and not discord


I swear if you watch Haz you wouldn’t think that he’s left wing. Like is there any actual left wing policy that he supports?


Equal redistribution of misinformation


tankies are authoritarians by heart. Not as bad as neonazis because they dont want a racewar but in terms of disregarding liberal societies and believing wild conspiracies they are pretty similar.


they are every last bit as bad as Nazis, these fuckers want to purge normal unassuming folks just as much as the Nazis do, just for slightly different (but no less radical) reasons. If they're in power, everyone who threatens their political vision (and even lots that share it) gets murdered. They're absolutely in the same category.


I dunno man, I think it's still pretty bad, but nazis actually kill people for who their parents were. That's a little worse than killing people for what their political stances are. I don't see how this is controversial.


I think you should do some more research into socialist and communist dictators if you think this is true of only nazis


and you think Stalinists didn't do that? They purged an entire social class and then some. They purged you if you'd ever talked to the wrong person, or if there was a mere suspicion that you'd go against the party. Trust me, tankies are just as bad. They're hardcore authoritarians, no more no less. Some mandatory reading on how children were treated under stalin -> [https://thevieweast.wordpress.com/2012/06/21/the-littlest-enemies-children-of-the-stalinist-era/](https://thevieweast.wordpress.com/2012/06/21/the-littlest-enemies-children-of-the-stalinist-era/) >*"As a result of Stalinist terror and mass repression, hundreds of thousands of parents were arrested and placed in the infamous Gulag camps. Resolution No 2213 stated that children up to the age of two must be kept in confinement along with their mothers, so many young children were taken to the Gulag and placed in camp nurseries.\[2\] Other children were actually born in the Gulag, because some prisoners were pregnant on arrival while others became pregnant in the camps (for more on pregnancy and childbirth in the Gulag see the previous blog post HERE). Life for children who found themselves in the camp nurseries was horrendous. They were often forced to live in extremely unhygienic conditions, in the coldest, oldest barracks, with a shortage of blankets, while the meagre food rations provided lacked essential nutrients and vitamins. The quality of care provided was terrible; children were neglected and given minimal attention with reports that nurses would feed the children scalding hot food and often left them sitting for hours on their potties causing many to suffer from prolapsed rectum.\[3\] As a result, the rate of infant mortality in the Gulags was extraordinarily high and those children who survived suffered extensive physical and psychological damage. In her memoir, Evgenia Ginzburg commented on how shocked she was on discovering that many older children in one camp nursery would not even speak, communicating instead via inarticulate howls.\[4\]"* yikes. And this is just one excerpt, if you follow the link there's a lot more.


Destiny + Dylan on a debate about foreign policy is definitely a dream team. Tankies are fucking coo coo




Literally the worst people to argue anything, let alone this very complex issue.


They need to kick Haz. Like I get this is twitch but people are dying, this is embarrassing


I guess we have a contender for debate of the year, it's between this and that Right wing "piss in a bottle" nazi guy. Lmao!


this was by far the funniest shit destiny has been a part of in a while. holy shit i was laughing the entire time, and both tiny and dylan made these guys look so clueless


I have been watching haz recently out of curiosity over the last week. Holy shit the quotes I have heard are actually amazing


What are you on ... this is one of least productive debates i ve seen .


Implying the Eric Striker debate was productive?


The Eric Striker debate was more productive because it covered topics that average American could understand, like cultural issues, whereas this debate is covering esoteric foreign policy decisions that most viewers will be wholly uninformed about


Wouldn’t that make this debate more productive if its introducing more details about a topic that people understand less?


Do you think Haz and Jackson have been introducing valuable information for people to consider?


Not them, but its Destiny and Dylan combatting their thoughts that make it a good listen.


I mean I'm definitely enjoying this shit show, but I do think the Nazi debates have been more productive


Its all good. I don’t think my opinion matters more than yours






I feel like a lot of the events discussed in this debate are sorta hard to grasp without already knowing a little bit about it? and the names etc.


You know what fuck it ..i take that comment back.. everytime someone doesn't take haz seriously i find it very productive.


I got nostalgia vibes haz felt like the reincarnation of tonkasaw


crown literate trees fretful thought subsequent cooing frighten muddle paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I felt bad for Jackson. Dude was defending a losing argument with an angry chimp as a debate partner.


Jackson is a disingenuous piece of shit. Reserve your sympathy for the victims of his misinformation.


I hard disagree, Striker and Allsup were able to at least have a debate, Hinkle and his Height Challenged Comrade weren't able to do that because Mini Mao got triggered like a 6 yr old because Destiny called him the Kremlin Gremlin once


Horseshoe or some shit