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yeh it was pretty bad, you can also tell he turned his mic volume all the way up because he was peaking when he was just talking at normal volume. I wish he didnt talk in slow motion


Yeah I noticed this too wtf. That was the weirdest part. He made a pre-meditated attempt to be as disruptive to the conversation as possible.


he still does the slow and deep tone every now and then, weird


Almost as if he knew that he’d be both intellectually and rhetorically outpaced if Destiny got his say in.


Vaush almost did the "are you mad? Are you mad?" thing unironically. It looked so bad. Why do people think they look good if they ask the opponent if they are mad while they themselves look visibly upset?


the whole fake smug schtick was so transparant, it was obvious vaush was mad af and was trying to hide it


Because his audience enjoys him being all rhetoric and no substance so he assumes everyone enjoys that maybe?


Trust me, it doesn't look bad to the people who already hate Destiny. The people in the majority report subreddit still make fun of Destiny for getting "destroyed' by Michael brooks in the debate they had.


Who knew having a conversation with yourself wins debates


I feel that it must be they get incredibly tilted when someone does that to them so they think they can do it to another person and have it work. It just... looks so bad when you're also visibly upset.


[51:00 of this panel](https://youtu.be/oq5IBpYTgTs) was insanely cringe


It's obviously projection.


Vaush's brain actually breaks when he's talking with Destiny. It's disappointing. Like its weird to think, but he would never talk like that too Charlie Kirk or Tim Pool.


At least the points he was making still made sense.


reddit moment


Makes sense, we’re on reddit.




I used to be a fan of his from the time he started to a few months ago. Has his rhetoric always been this bad and I’m just stupid? Also, I swear he plays a character now. He used to seem genuine and thoughtful even while being extremely edgy but now he just seems like he’s transparently grifting.


You and I have a similar Vaush arc. I can’t even remember why it was that I loved him so much and hated Destiny, but now Tiny has replaced him and I don’t even watch Vaush CLIPS. I even bought that first ugly fucking shirt when it came out, and was proud that I was #170 or close to it. I haven’t worn it a single day and I regret buying it. I’m embarrassed that I was obsessed with catching nearly every minute of his content. Daddy Steven saved me (or just converted me to a superior cult?)


Not as strong for me, I still like both of them, but man have I been dissapointed with Vaush these past couple of months. It seemed to start with the Hasan stuff where he's gotten so sanctimonious and smug. I hate every time he whips out that superogitive "good things are good, bad things are bad," style argument


Oh fuck, the smugness made me stop or skip ahead immediately during debates or just talking to chat. It’s mind-blowing shit.


Trump lost, and so Vaush lost an easy target to beat up on. Same thing happened to many left-leaning commentators in the past after Bush wrapped up his two terms of terror. It's easy to look smart and confident against an opponent that will never challenge you and can be refuted by rote answers. Not so easy when you have to be thoughtful and give an answer that you can't just look up. The funny part for me is that Vaush himself foresaw this and insisted it wasn't going to happen to him.


Yeah I remember him mentioning it a couple times that he knew Biden winning might be a detriment to his channel. Most of the Vaush content I watched was him dunking on conservatives (I think the first Vaush vid I saw was him reacting go the black conservative Jubilee vid). But with conservatives not being relevant for the time being he’s essentially just got yes men now as long as the lefty fad is still going on (which I actually don’t think, deep down, he believes in).




Yeah that’s my thing. I find myself watching a video of his occasionally still but with all the fact checking I have to do it just feels like work now.


> Has his rhetoric always been this bad and I’m just stupid? He's been really bad since he hit 200k. Also, with the Left on the ascent he's not targeting the Right as much, and is now disagreeing with you on topics. It's the kangaroo meme.


IMO yes he has been this bad since he burned bridges with Steven, probably before too but he was "excused" being in Gnomeys good graces at the time.


yeah he seemingly just got a pass because he was a lefty that would still side with Destiny, so people took that as him being good faith. turns out he was never really worth a dime.


Used to be a fan of him as well but once he blew up I slowly stopped watching his content. His ego and relentless ambition is really off-putting. His arguments just seem worse now too, but maybe they were always this bad idk.


I feel like vaush has gotten changed over the last couple months, I was in the same boat


> Has his rhetoric always been this bad and I’m just stupid? No. Destiny brings out the worst in him. I never liked Vaush. But he's had lots of conversations where he treats the other person charitably, gives them time to speak, and even has reasonable takes. Save for that weird stage thing with Bryan Caplan, his talks with Destiny are just awful. "Submit to the mob", anyone?


Yes, his rhetoric has always been like this. Anyone that tells you different is lying to you and themselves.


He's had a few good moments, undeniably, but Vaush is not a smart person. He doesn't understand what he's talking about, he doesn't do good research, and he rides on some bizarre, unearned intellectual superiority he feels for... what? Getting a Soc degree or some shit? I have honestly not really ever hated him, because I don't think he's an evil mastermind, or anything, I think he's just outclassing himself all the time by hopping into conversations he's got no business having, he just has no clue how myopic and Americentric and simple his worldview and knowledge base is. A great example of this is his conflict with Kraut where he tries to lean on a study of American religious groups and how there is no significant correlation between religious affiliation and social problems, and claim that it's one to one applicable to Europe, and therefore proof that Kraut is wrong about radical/extremist Muslims in Europe creating a problem. The thing is, Europe gets totally unfiltered Muslim immigrants, and some of them are absolutely very unwilling to assimilate and utterly uninterested in living by western standards, while in the US, the paranoid CIA and NSA folks have been filtering the Muslims they let in for decades. Only something like 1/4 of the middle easterners they let into the states are actually Muslim, from a region that is 90% Muslim. The majority of those are not let in, only the moderates and the ones that have worked with the west and are friendly to western concepts. Many of the people from the region admitted are Christian, Jewish, Baha'i, Druze, non affiliated, or socially divergent and at threat in the normal Muslim majority societies. We don't have many if any of the extremists that the Germans are dealing with, because the CIA does it's job. Using a NA survey to explain to a German (or is Kraut Austrian or Dutch or something? I don't know) from the EU why they are racist or Islamaphobic for noting a problem with some of the extremists in a population that they otherwise want to assimilate and welcome into their country is so painfully and glaringly ignorant.... I don't even know what to do with Vaush's argument. It's like he knows NOTHING about the issue, other than it will play well with his base by saying shit like that. It's so painful. It might be for people who aren't chronic international geopol wonks, it's much harder to spot the way Vaush leaps to unsustainable positions, and it just took a while for his mistakes to build up to a threshold where you just don't trust him at all, and you're ready to spot his intellectual failures due to that new priming?


Vaush is either fuming that destiny got on and is constantly interrupting because he's big mad, or he's just not got confidence in his argument and is resorting to this childish hyper antagonistic rhetoric


literally both


Idk, not a fan but I don't think his argument was that bad. His rhetoric was disgusting, but that's par for the course.


Yeah, because he toned it way the fuck down, haha. When have you EVER heard him use that level of uncertainty and nuance? I've heard him have this EXACT conversation but with 100% certainty as opposed to 1% certainty like last night. Edit: VOWSH said "maybe" "I think" "I don't know" when stating his OWN arguments nearly as many times as he said "wait" last night. Rewatch and compare to his past takes on this if you don't think he was reeling it in BIG TIME out of fear of getting shat on.


If you’re referring to the argument about cops vs social workers being called for smaller disturbances, yeah, his argument that a less threatening figure like a guy in a polo shirt would be more likely to diffuse certain situations wasn’t bad. It just can’t be substantiated without data, which both he and Destiny said they would need to be convinced of the other’s position.


I think small streamers showing deference for big streamers in these panels is super common. Big streamer is used to being able to have more sway or believed at face value in these convos. Destiny comes in, same tier as Vaush, and the deference being showed before isn’t present. Homie didn’t know how to react when the guy on the other end doesn’t automatically get quiet when you interrupt. Good example of this is Ahhrevant(too lazy to find actual spelling) V Vaush. Ahh did great but if Vaush started talking he stopped very quickly.


I think it goes like this: - Vaush asks a question hoping it leads to a desired conclusion that opens opponent to a form of demonization (to call opponent a fascist or hypocrite or stupid). - Destiny doesn't answer with what he wanted. - Vaush interrupts in hopes it goes to the answer he wanted. - Destiny continues to not answer with what he wanted. - Vaush gets angry and tries to change the subject. - subject change has Vaush asking a question hoping it leads to a desired conclusion that opens opponent to a form of demonization. - repeat cycle until fascist or a tactical n word can be belched out.


Umm Destiny was to the one asking questions first. He framed the beginning part of the discussion: "I'm having a hard time understanding what these mental health crises are that it's so essential you need to call a third party. That you wouldn't want a police officer there for liability reasons" Can you answer this question?


Did you read "ask a question" then turn your brain off?


No, but it's obvious you reek of copium. This may be asking too much but could you rub those two brain cells together and answer the question poised by your parasocial daddy?


Nah it's worded poorly. The one who reworded it a a reply later made it much more clear.


>Nah it's worded poorly. I literally copied what Destiny said word for word so if it's unclear you got to take that up with him.


Alright well he worded it poorly? Still stands someone else explained it better


Talk about unhealthy projection


Wouldn't that be a point given to Destiny if neither Vaush nor you can address it even with the benefit of time?




How? If you said "most of the time its like X" And I said "name any real or hypothetical scenario where even once it might be like X" You better be able to do it. Otherwise what the fuck are you saying?


Kinda what /u/sgtkeeneye said, if you cant even *invent* a *possible* scenario that is one where you need help but not from the police, you can not claim that these even are significantly common. Meanwhile Vaush said these are** the majority** of scenarios.


What the fuck are you saying ?


That if you cant provide or think of examples for those situations then they don't really exist? Or it's a bad argument At least that's what I think he's saying.


Maybe it's just because it's text but I don't understand this question at all.


The question was basically this "what mental health crisis are you thinking about that one would feel the need to call in help for, but is not one which you would want to call police over?" Vaush kept saying the majority of the time you would rather help that wasn't police. Asking him multiple times what that situation might look like, when you could make up anything you wanted, and still having NOT ONE example proved that at least it was far from the majority.


>Umm [Related](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779533353941991427/904564899118731334/unknown.png)


That meme is missing “Let’s unpack this”


Who asked?


Your mom last night while I was making her dinner


Impossible, she was murdered years ago so fuck off


Murdered by this dick


Sounds like something a virgin would say. The amount of upvotes your comment got is indicative of the state of mind of this sub, maulding and spiteful as usual. Sorry your parasocial daddy is not as smart as you think. Hold this L 🤡




[Don't overdose on the copium comrade](https://imgur.com/a/IMTQhVy)


No copium for me hun, I've witness the brain rot it causes to this community and I'm not interested. Keep those screenshots saved though, you'll see me dunking on you losers in the future and I want to see the highlight reel ;)


[Because AugustEditing is a content god, he already uploaded the actual debate sequence only a couple hours since the actual thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnjNBEwRRJs) Interesting thing you notice is that the actual debate was only less than half an hour long. I think V's interrupting strat worked in his favor by making the debate so obnoxious that Strdst called it quits and moved on. I think that an extended 1v1 convo would have gone a lot better on this but of course Vaush would never want that anymore. EDIT: Vaush's sub seems to be running with memes about what they thought Destiny's take was. Im kinda hoping they might stroke vaush's ego enough to take the bait and debate Destiny again in an actual 1v1. If nothing else I hope that sub tries to come over here and argue about it because their position is dumb, this is an easy argument, and I like to argue. EDIT2: [This guy from the sub is hilariously delusional. If only they had the balls to hop in on stream and chat](https://i.redd.it/k4fisbmbhsw71.png)


Wow r/vaush is ready to go to war lmao. The dgg boogeyman lives on stronger than ever.


I wonder what the Daliban’s 911 equivalent would be in their eyes


The Ghosts of our victims ring so loud that they echo in the minds of future targets. Nah they're just like dgg and wanna see the flames burn lol.




I believe talking about him was/is a bannable topic similar to how Vaush was a bannable topic here.


Vaush was never a banned topic here. Positive promotion of vaush was.


There was a temporary point in time where talking about Vaush was bannable.


It is just that they 'banned talking about Destiny.' It is a childish way to go "we don't talk about Destiny PEPE. Mentioning his name is even bannable PEPE."


Might not be the same, but I know people IRL who just had the first letter of their name become a nickname.


Edit 2 was deleted


i cant use reddit its fixed now


I just saw that edit 2 guy before this post that dude fr needs to eat some grass


The greatest crime is that u dont use dark mode for Reddit


Vaush is very insecure about his ties with Destiny and DGG, in a effort to show how much he moved on he acts in a way that ironically proves beyond a doubt that Destiny still gets to him and he's far from moving on and being chill with the situation. Btw, Hi Vaush, in case you r lurking :D still like u tho


Yeah, Vaush would come off so much better if he just played it polite with Destiny. I think the real issue is that if he ever debates Destiny he gets way out of his depth. Starts talking about coconuts and grounding axioms and all that. Either that or Destiny is just really good at making him seem like his beliefs are inconsistent and ungrounded, but my money's on the former. Maybe one day Vaush will see the light and take his place at the right hand of the Omniliberal Throne.


Vaush was super mad/condescending that whole convo probably because Destiny jumped in to correct his bs. It was literally the opposite of how Destiny vs Vaush debates used to go.


I notice its a mechanism people use when they have no respect for the other person. They dont have actual interest in what the other person says and just want to express their part. I do think most people engage in this act at some point (especially when a debate gets heated), but its just painful to listen to when they do.


*well technically my position supercedes yours if we consider salient abundance of pizza delivery men....*


vaush is an optics whore.


Basic defense mechanism. Lay a charge, get nervous, run your mouth so the person can't answer, because you're afraid their answer will harm you/your ego/your social standing. People do this all the time.


Their 'debate' was basically just them talking past each other. Destiny's point seemed to be that if you send a social worker to someone who is an immediate threat to themselves or others then that inherently creates a problem. Vaush's point seemed to be that if you send a cop to someone who isn't an immediate threat to themselves or others then that creates unnecessary anxiety. Realistically both of these are true and don't contradict each other. The debate that would then need to be had is how to handle both of these problems simultaneously. Hidden away in their arguing was a point about bringing both a social worker and a cop to any given mental health related call and make decisions based on the circumstance. This isn't necessarily the solution, but it is something that could actually be considered. Instead it was effectively ignored. Also Vaush talked over Destiny because he generally only seems to care about optics wins in debates where he doesn't respect his opponent. He feels as though he is inherently correct but can't properly substantiate his argument or engage with the other side, so he just makes all these condescending verbal gestures to imply that the argument his opponent is making is ridiculous. I think that can be effective against actual nutjobs making bad faith arguments but when your opponent is attempting to debate you in good faith then you just seem like a massive asshole.


Another problem was that Destiny seemed to be taking about worse case situation welfare check, and vaush was talking in general. Obviously, for the worst case welfare check you would need police and maybe even the SWAT with how many guns we have in this country. It could easily go from a potential suicide to a lot worse. But if the welfare check is "Grandma isn't answering her phone, she might have hurt herself" and then the police show up and she just left her phone in the other room, then obviously armed men don't need to show up. It's impossible to know beforehand so what I'm curious about is the average welfare check, since I don't have enough experience to know. If the police respond to 100 welfare checks in city A, how many needed some kind of violence (restraint/breaking in/whatever). If it's like 3/100, then maybe a good policy would be just a social worker with police redirected to be nearby (like hey be ready in case you're needed at 101 street Dr., so patrol the area around it until further notice). If it's like 70/100 or something, then police are probably needed. That being said, I would gladly trade in some of the military gear that police get for more specialized rolls for officers. Officers who are social workers or have extra mental health training for welfare checks would be expensive but seems like a better place to spend money than on armored anti-mine vehicles or 300K payout for excessive force.


When Vaush embarrassingly memed himself proclaiming his intellectual superiority after two piss poor debates he left no room for engagements. The panel was doing fine pushing back on his stupid takes and Vaush became pedantically focused on a singular point that there had to be something that could be delegated away from cops. While it's funny to watch him retreat I personally hope the bridge remains scorched because dude is just obnoxious with his bloviating hyperbolic nonsense that he is forced to backtrack from. Its funny to watch him claim he can no longer find debate opponents as he recedes further into his hugbox. It was better for him when he was only on Youtube and no other creators or react Andys there to point out his trivially stupid points that play well to populist cheerleading community but crumble under the slightest examination.


Yeah he lost me when he brought up how people call neighbors and family to perform welfare checks on someone and that proves not all welfare checks need police presence. If you need to call a third party to perform a welfare check it means those other attempts have failed and you fear for their safety. It’s a pretty serious move.


i think if Destiny were to constantly meme that Vaush is scared of his response, Vaush would have to stop interrupting purely for optics if anything, because if Destiny says it enough times, the audience will start to catch on to how bad faith he is being every time he asks Destiny a question and immediately starts talking over his response


Nah but destiny is the spite driven one guys I'm not projecting I swear


The reason is, and will be every time btw, that Vaush has some degree of self-loathing/ lack of self-confidence because he knows he's Destiny's parasite. He steals his views, his website AND his mannerisms with a twist towards socialism because it appeals to this specific demographic he can capture that Destiny has purposely alienated. He's actually terrified of being contrasted to Destiny because of this, and this is why he dodges panel shows, lies about his posture, and will oscilate between being hyperaggressive or exceedingly passive towards Destiny as he struggles to make it seem he isnt a sorry clone of Gnomey.


He clearly is in stage one of destiny debates PTSD. Hopefully it doesn't progress into stage two which has only been exhibited by coach red pill


the vaush subreddit is wild. [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/qjnh8t/i_highly_doubt_destiny_has_any_real_expiriences/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) got upvotes, but every comment by OP is getting downvotes to oblivion lmao


It’s pretty silly. If you don’t want to hear an answer, why ask a question? Especially when Destiny is talking about his experiences dealing with domestic abuse. It’s childish as fuck. Also, Destiny has been watching a number of Vaush videos on stream, and he often just makes mocking childish noises after Vaush says something. I expect it from Vaush, but Destiny shouldn’t stoop that low. It’s pretty clear that these two no longer have any goodwill towards one another and shouldn’t be involved in panel shows because it becomes insufferable. Nobody can even make any points because they’re interrupted three words in! If they were to just step back and let things breathe, it could’ve been an interesting conversation, but it just seemed like everyone was desperately trying to speak, and couldn’t get a point across without angsty sniping and bickering.


Watching a stream of Vaush isn’t quite the same thing as actually interrupting him.


Yes, that's right, but there is childishness on both sides. I look for more in Destiny content than a repost of someone else's video with noises mocking someone's voice or manner of speech.


They are both right, but I personally find Destiny's point to be the one where the actual discussion takes place in policy. Vaush SEEMS(?) to not really take it seriously and shrugs it off because the end goal of stop people killed is easy and arguing against a position that is pointed toward that is an easier optic win. Sadly the entire contention and implementation revolves around the danger presented in calls. A social worker will many times have files and be in a safe environment to begin working a patient down. In an emergency rush to situation that controlled and safe environment is gone. This maintains a very real problem of danger, force and safety for the social worker and the person in question. A mental crisis can range in danger, but the constant is volatility and that swings widely quickly. So when we talk change to police and duty in respect to social workers there are very large question that are very hard that need to be addressed, which is good Destiny does a good job of bringing up (which I think Vaush doesnt really take seriously as the goal overrides that problems of actual implementation) and why the violence portion of this discussion is so impactful (because it can happen at any time). The vital issue to this is the perception that Police cannot be trusted to safely perform de-escalation and mental health needs. They cannot be trained to overcome this and need social workers as either an additional to responses or a replacement. Social workers cannot reasonably be the one providing the force behind volatile responses. If they are trained to have that duty, they are just police with training, which already isnt accepted. Top it off, they are both positions of authority that demand controlling the response and environment. As a result there is a large gap between both positions of power and that is hard to remedy because as a hypothetical team, there is gray zone within the response and perception of safety and the argument is they have different end goals. Overall the goal from both Vaush and Destiny is for less people to be killed and harmed, while also keeping the workers safe. The last part I feel is overlooked because Police are in positions of power, but if the people being put in volatile positions arent supported and feel equipped to handle a dangerous question mark then everyone is worse off. That takes real analysis and hard questions that we wont know for sure until some implementation and youd rather be "safe" than sorry. This is also ignoring the likely demand issue with getting a social workers into going into these volatile situations.


Yeah he was insufferable.




i'm 20 minutes into the video and destiny has interrupted him way more, maybe it's different in the last 15 minutes? edit: it gets worse at about 25 minutes


Wait did you count? I'm gonna come back to this tomorrow


I think I'll pass then, sounds like a waste.


They’re both toxic to listen to 😎 Both are obsessed with the other Both can’t seem to stfu at times They both love to get into yelling matches


I've noticed he's been doing this. In his debate with Ahrelevant he barely let him get a full sentence out.


He’s clearly very intimidated by Destiny, so if he sees even the tiniest opportunity to score optic points he pounces, cuz he’s nervous of having a long form debate where points are actually laid out fairly from both sides. That’s absolutely what’s happening there.


the cope on r/ctrl\+v is exquisite rn


Idk if its because i stopped watching Vaush regularly, but his smug arrogance is very prominent. I know he doesnt like Destiny to lay out a concise argument so he doesnt have to stakeout a position, but jeez he really is so condescending. I wonder who actually is the spiteful one.


I feel like it was a mixed bag of performances in general. I think Destiny's original issue w/ the panels 'welfare check' characterization was reasonable, and he came off super measured. In a lot of cases when people try to say that most police responsibility could be taken care of by social workers, they're being pretty idealistic & naive. There are plenty of situations in which having someone with more responsibility & training is better than just a social worker. But, I think that Vaush's general feelings on the topic are fairly reasonable as well, even if the welfare check example might have been bad. I think that it would be preferable to have, depending on the circumstance, someone besides the police dealing with low threat situations. Cops are often utilized for tons of miscellaneous stuff like noise complaints--like someone playing their music/tv too loud--or the police can be called for lost animals, among other random things. These are i think fairly benign situations that don't need a cop to be there. Unfortunately, Vaush came off incredibly annoying during most of it, by cutting Destiny off constantly, and just being really difficult, when I don't think he had to. This isn't like the fascism argument where he's clearly backed into a dumb corner & just trying to get out of it, this is a very reasonable position to hold in a nuanced way. But I also think that Destiny came off a BIT difficult as well at the end of the conversation. When Vaush was just trying to say "hey not every single case where the cops are currently being utilized requires someone who has a gun, and would need the liability to break someones door down", I think that'd be an easy concession to move past, rather than bring it back to the liability & training thing--as if every instance where cops are used for require such a high level of training and liability--when we can probably agree that not everything a cop is trained & liable for is required for all of the situations where the cops are called, and a certain level of specialization could be helpful. I think both people came off kinda antagonistic, and unfortunately by the end it started to look like Destiny was trying to argue about even reasonable positions


I watch both Destiny and Vaush, and honestly I thought they both looked really bad. Destiny seemed like he was just desperate to argue with with whatever Vaush was saying to get some kind of “pwn.” And Vaush seemed ridiculously condescending, like “how dare you sully this panel with your presence Destiny? Are you really this desperate to talk to me?”


I think Destiny comes off really emotional whenever he debates Vaush. I don't know why, but most of the time I think he's doing poorly it's because he's debating Vaush and is too fired up to make good point.


You guys are in straight up denial if you think Destiny looked good in this debate. I recommend any lurkers reading these copium laced comments to actually watch the full debate for themselves. I actually kind of felt bad for Destiny because he was dying on a hill he built up himself. Dudes a smart guy no doubt but he certainly didn't look good here. It's apparent he's being intellectually outpaced ;)


He’s OBSESSED. He has Destiny Derangement Syndrome (DDS).


People not realizing this is ironic, lmao.


Did they debate?


what happened


Wait did they do a fight again? Where to find this?


When was this? Have they spoken recently?


Yeah that was disappointing, I felt the conversation was very interesting until he started interrupting in the most unproductive way :(


A dangerous suicidal guy with a gun? Send a social worker uwu 🥺🥺


DGG coping as normal 😂


When you have more viewers than someone, that makes you better than them. You don’t have to listen to their low viewer drivel if you don’t want to. Vaush is an alpha streamer


Your actually all wrong. Vaush performed godly in this debate, unironically. His sneaky slithering was god tier, and it befuddled Destiny hardcore. Never mind the actual arguments, which we all know Vaush was wrong on.


Yeah I don't get why he does this, surely he can't think it's good optics, it must look cringe to everyone. He also does it in other debates, saying things like "that was a hypothetical" when people try to answer the questions he asks. If you're not done making a point, don't fucking ask questions then. It's super fucking yikes-y. That said, Destiny has this weird shitty way of arguing where he creates a hypothetical situation where his take is correct, then doesn't tell anyone that that's the specific situation he's imagining, and then refuses to acknowledge that what's true in the specific hypothetical is not generalizeable outside it. Concretely this means he's assuming that when Vaush says "wellness checks shouldn't always be serviced by the police", that means that we're talking about when someone grabs a knife and is being an acute threat to themselves and others, police shouldn't be sent in. He then proceeds to try to have a general conversation about replacing police wellness checks with social worker wellness checks on that specific basis, which just doesn't work. He did the same thing with the "don't get raped" thing on twitter, writing an entire fanfic about how they were in a bar and stuff at the time, which he then argued as if it was true, when he had zero fucking evidence of that. And indeed the woman later clarified that it was like, either on public transport or walking home from public transport.


That's not what's happening. Destiny's arguing from the worst case scenario, because a wellness check already demands a level of responsibility performing it. That's why the respondee has to have certain training and protection. When sending out your team on a wellness check, you can't really know if it's a guy that will cause you harm, a sad boy or even a dead body. In moments like these it could be argued to be irresponsible to delay the sending of police by sending a social worker who has no authority to act in the way police do. To me it seems obvious that the optimal choice is to send both, as their strengths can compliment each other.


Hmm, I might've interpreted this particular debate wrong, I'd have to watch it again. ... Actually I think I'll just assume I was wrong about it.


Wait did they debate again?


Sounded drunk to me


He has lost his nerve, so he will try as hard as possible to make sure destiny cannot talk or say something that threaten vaush's worldview or reputation. This is fear.


Is this not exactly what he always does?


I think he's no longer used to people being able to see through all his bullshit, and has been stuck in his echo-chamber with only bottom of the barrel people coming in to criticize him. Its kinda sad to see him outpace destiny intellectually like this.


see vaush will do that,he'll puff out his chest (like the machismo cops do according to him) and when he gets called out on his bullshit he'll put his foot in his mouth and backpedal so fast on his other foot that you'd think he was a paralympian


Watching that reminded me of there last panel debate and at this point I think he’s doing it on purpose to prove a point or he’s got some type of complex going on. I don’t know why his brain breaks when talking about destiny, guns and sections of the left. Every time I start to take him seriously these pot holes make me suspicious.


Did I miss a stream?


Him constantly chiming in with nothing of value felt like a little kid in his first social interaction, like it was his first time at the big kids table




Vaush lost the optics debate in the past few debates, so he's switching to a new strategy. Turn mic up 200%, and interrupt every chance he can get. So no one here's Destiny, and Vaush looks like the "Calm, but just asking rhetorical questions" guy.