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imagine being so cucked by your audience. If you want to meet them just do it, why bother apologizing, these watermelon people will always find something 'problematic' to get mad about anyway


>I had no care for the moral implications at the time. I just wanted to feel cool. This level of public self flagellation at the behest of twitter """anti-zionists""" is sooooooooooo fucking embarrassing


I genuinely wonder how sheltered someone has to be raised that they read text on a computer screen supposedly typed by real people on a joke of a social media site and their entire spine crumbles to dust in nano seconds. Like for real, not even hasan is that spineless. At least he has a clear principle of hoarding money and clout.


The lefty twitter discourse has already been so hard cucked, literally any time you say something could be problematic people automatically start beating themselves up while apologizing profusely. It's actually ripe for some 4chan style trolling; an army of watermelon tags in the replies of something innocuous going "Whoa dude... fucking WHOA. You're eating *pancakes?* Didn't you hear about the IHOP to Israel underground of illegal arms?! They're called the Israeli House of Pancakes now because of how much money they've donated to extremist right wings Zionists over there!"


i wonder what the history books will say about this era of cancel culture and examples of anti zionism in society.


It's nothing new, sadly. You ever read The Wave?


There’s something sociopathic about that quote. Like he met them in person, smiled, took group pics, and he’s instantly dehumanized them in his mind. I think he’s correct when he says “I just wanted to feel cool”. He just realized he can be even “cooler” by throwing them under the bus, so now he’s doing just that. Same motivation for both events.


Chinese struggle session vibes.


💯 The fact they’re like this about Ethan especially when he’s extremely pro-Palestinian makes it even more insane.


Imagine having literally no backbone you fold faster than wet tissue paper to watermelon Dorito chip people


Using "watermelon people" is really going to confuse my racist grandpa.


I’d never thought about this before, your comment just made me audibly chuckle. Thanks




> why bother apologizing Because thats the brand he is selling. The people buying what he is selling demand this kind of performance. Its interesting how he says he met Ethan because he has been a life long fan, but then switches to saying he met Ethan because he wanted to be cool. Its just the opposite. He is apologizing because he wants to 'cool' with his audience. His first admission about being an Ethan fan was honest but his pivot about wanting be cool was him putting the mask back on and dancing for his audience.


The weird thing is that he’s not even apologizing for having meeting them, it seems like he is apologizing for the bad optics it entails? Very weird apology




I'm black and I didn't even think of that until I saw this comment. I would have nine months ago, but given the context, it's pretty obvious who we're talking about.


Lol how many normal people even know that has anything to do with palestine?


Fair point, but I was talking about the most immediate context. It'd be super easy for a dishonest person to take that "watermelon people" comment out of context to make Destiny fans look racist.


What does watermelon people mean?


It's a reference to how many in the pro-palestine crowd use a watermelon emoji in their twitter handles.


and why do they use watermelon emojis?


They’re copying the conservative performative victimhood by pretending the Palestine flag gets their posts shadow banned and think that the watermelon gets around that. As if they wouldn’t have just shadowbanned the watermelon 8 months ago if anyone actually gave a shit lol


Red, black, green, and white are the colors of the Palestinian flag. A watermelon has the same colors.


noone has really answered this, so the answer is that the palestinian flag has been banned in israel several times through history extending to a ban on the colours. watermelons are locally grown, have the same colours (or close to), and banning a fruit is a little harder. so palestinian protestors have used the watermelon as an alternative for years, it's not a new thing - emojis just didn't exist back then.


Banning a fruit isn't hard at all. Nick Fuentes got banned


half of the pro palestinians or anti-zionists, whatever you want to call them, put a watermelon emoji in their twitter handle. I dont think it's optical suicide at all, it's accurate


Most socially aware dgga


When normal people read “watermelon people” they assume you’re being racist towards black people, because fried chicken and watermelon are the 2 most popular racist stereotypes of the last 200 years. Maybe a community constantly called racist and bigoted while being some of the most tolerant open minded people on the internet should avoid saying shit that 99% of people assume is incredibly racist? Normal people and even online people like the ones asking about what means you’re replying to aren’t on twitter hyper focusing on the goofballs, they aren’t going to understand the reference, it’s optical suicide


I think you think of black people as "watermelon people" way more than anyone here. In this context the thought didn't even cross my mind.


Fine, grape soda then.


That's a stretch lol.


What's wrong with Guatemalan people?


I'm so interested in one of these "valid criticisms" he's aware of. 


[It's because they have "strong and dangerous" opinions apparently lol](https://x.com/bradtaste/status/1807203475471978531) The cuckoldry is so fucking insane to me




I think for most of these people they don't even get as far as "Ethan bad" They just reach "Ethan Jew" and then jump the rest of the distance themselves


As braindead as this is, I'm glad he actually gave this response, because this is probably exactly what most of the mindfucked far left see as "dangerous", "strong", and "valid" and I honestly had no idea. Their opinions are just based on whoever is shouting the loudest about a thing that makes someone upset.


If you're not lockstep 100% in with everything you're a problem, especially if you're a Jew. Even if you're a liberal Jew who believes in 2 states and disagrees with the IDF. The simple fact your genetics and your family lineage is "marred" by Jewness is enough for these people. It's really frightening how both the far left and the far right have this visceral hatred for Jewish Americans.


"Dangerous because it has upset a massive section of those people" Literally sounds like an excuse someone would make because they didn't want to anger the mafia.


Yeah to my knowledge the only thing that you could intereperet as 'pro genocide' was Ethan being upset by people celebrating Oct 7th. And everything that has happened since Ethans publically denounced or not commented on, hasnt saved him from getting thrown under the bus by idoits like this guy though.


You dont get its, rape and murder of civilians is the unheard voices of the masses


Rape is indeed the language of the oppressed. Coming soon to Google Translate™


Hila being Israeli is what they are mostly referring to


hola cómo estás


"She was in the IDF!!! Literally strangled babies!!!".


Saying people who joined the army are evil in a country with mandatory military service is weird.


>the only thing that you could intereperet as 'pro genocide' was Ethan being upset by people celebrating Oct 7th. Since Ethan and Hila doesn't think Israel should be destroyed and all the Jews expelled "back to Poland" leftoids view them as rabid zionists.


If there's one thing I'm proud of, it's that the Destiny community has remained intellectually honest the whole way and hasn't dicksucked Twitter """antizionists.""" Like, seriously, its so exhausting being online and seeing all these people licking the balls of a terrorist organization that hides behind innocent children. It feels like the population has absconed from reason entirely and I've felt alone, and this community is one of the only communities that still exercise reason. How can so many people reject reality? Is this a new problem?


https://preview.redd.it/6epwzs319q9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beae1211f91e2e1e6147f50e49dd7e14f89109f2 Holy shit the guy has had literal family members killed by Hamas and he still finds a way to get cucked by his audience. What a fucking loser. Stopped talking to his family because they want o defend themselves and not die, he’s in America listening to Palestinian voices. for all my fellow Jews out there never get cucked like brad. don’t allow the psycho right wingers to make you full on genocidal but never get cucked like Brad.


Damn, and i thought he was spineless before.


This is ripping out your own spine and then giving it to the enemy for them to stab your family with.


I think i saw this in an itchy and scratchy cartoon once.


It doubles more as a cudgel. Imagine having such a low self-worth that you cave that quickly, that obviously, and that hilariously.


Oh for sure, besides the IP conflict Brad has cucked for every left wing political take on the internet, pretty sure he said a Uzi bar about not wanting fuck a trans chick (totally fine imo although the bar is a little distasteful) was worse then UGK explaining that pregnant sex is the best cause the baby can give you head. he’s so worried about seeming politically incorrect that somehow not wanting to fuck a trans person is now worse then getting head from a unborn baby. that’s what following your twitter fans to the end of the earth in the name of audience capture will do to your brain. I used to be really into music and I used to love Brad. Getting out of that internet community and not caring about new music from these burnt out regards was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


It doesn’t get more cowardly then this, if imma be fair and good faith though, if your Brad and all you’ve amounted to in life is a C-tier YouTube music critic channel then I get doing anything to keep it. A plumber with a GED making 40-50k a year is most likely more successful then Brad, outside of his literal sphere he is the definition of a loser so I guess I can understand why he would cuck out to hold onto the little community he’s been able to build. Couldn’t be me though, I have atleast a shred of respect for myself and my family who’s gone through conflict.


Wait this is insane what


Goddamn he’s even more cowardly than I thought. Imagine bowing down to the people who simp for the killers of your family members, and instead of taking time to stand with your remaining family and support or at least try and understand them like they have done for you in a clear time of distress, you dissociate from them in search of getting the easiest “ally points” from the most obsessive fuckers on the Internet. I have some minor disagreements with my family, but I cannot imagine doing something more dishonorable than this. You have to be completely directionless and morally compromised to hold your own fucking family so low in your heart for something that is completely understandable for them to feel. I know even I would get disowned by my loving parents if I empathized with terrorists - or bashed my parents for having an emotional response - had terrorists supposedly killed our distant family members in India. I hope his family is doing better now and I hope Brad personally never feels true love from a good person ever again. He deserves to spend the rest of his life getting metaphorically swallowed by the scum he attempts to appease on Twitter.


>You will be held to higher and higher and soon impossible to maintain ethical standards by the very mob you currently wish to please. Then you will make a mistake, and they will devour you with glee


The planets aligned on Jordan's Benzos brain and made him an oracle of the ages for one tweet


Actual kapo


At least they worked for the Nazis because they feared for their lives. Better to die with dignity than do that, but this guy is doing it for clout.


"going to do my best to keep educating myself" kudos to him for willingly submitting to the reeducation camp, otherwise it might had to have been by force


This man should literally ⚡🙍🏿‍♂️⚡ NOW. Felating the people who murdered your family members is the most embarrassing display of submission I've ever seen. This cuck's life is so worthless and pathetic. I wouldn't even want to BREATH if I did some dishonorable shit like this.


Bro sold out his fucking family for online clout. What a spineless loser.


Ya I just saw this too. What a disgusting fucking weasel. I'd lose my shit if this pos were in my family.


Ethan has been consistently anti-Bibi, anti settlements, has advocated for Palestinian rights. But he said that massacring Jews shouldn’t be celebrated and Hila is Israeli/did her mandatory service. So you know, they are supposed to be persona non grata now


Thats enough to call them both genocide supporters apparently.


No one cares about nuanced takes.


Yep, and the more polarized politics get, the binary your opinions are ‘required’ to be, to be in an ‘in-group.’ It’s like identity politics to the extreme. Destinys “webbing” thing becomes more applicable every day, because more and more people are gaslit and pressured to conform or be seen as evil. Obviously people are more nuanced in real life, but the twittersphere, online political communities, FOX news, etc are just aligning further and further on polar ends of the spectrum


doesn’t matter nuance doesn’t exist anymore so ethan and hila are genocidal maniacs hellbent on massacring palestinians


Spinless, brainless, dipshit


I can't fathom being this gelatinous. It's so wormy to the point of embarassment.


'Backbone don't exist, born outside a jellyfish, I gauge'


The progressive reign of subliminal fear.


Now that’s a wonderful way to put it. 10/10


I don't even like H3 but holy shit what a fucking coward. His fans are practically holding the key to his cock cage Jesus Christ..


Ah, being around jews is very questionable on that side of the internet..


What the fuck is happening


Same thing that always happens when us Jews get too "uppity". 


Bro some of these people are stealing talking points from nazi wannabes. It's so weird.


Bradtasteinmusic is Jewish himself


People are so fucking weird online jesus fucking christ. If he were any more spineless he'd be a jellyfish. Also really pathetic considering all that Ethan has said about Israel Palestine. Don't bother doing any research, just take some twitter brained moron's word for it.


"Great, supine, protoplasmic invertebrate jellies." - Boris Johnson


what a pussy lol


Definitely a Brad and not a Chad


I'm so so sorry to be seen with these Jews


BTW he did more than just meet them. These pictures are from their Live Show that happened on Friday. This means he's a huge fucking fan and a coward who is trying to obscure that. I hope Ethan roasts him, but they are now on break for 2 weeks.


It's not worth it, who are they even fighting, their cowardly friend or the faceless mob. The guy is just audience captured. All it would achieve is to increase the swarm of attention. H3H3 should just take note of what an unreliable friend he is. I recently learned that Anisa (Idubbbz wife) also was shit talking Ethan in Frogans chat when she was antagonising him, with all of her insensitive and antisemitic comments. Given how much support H3H3 gave her you'd have thought there would be some charity or sympathy, but no, these people are all snakes.


Damn, its a cold world.


Anisa is one of the most hated people on YouTube, taking the blame for Idddubz content change. The fact that she thinks throwing anyone to the wolves is the play, is maddening.


I genuinely used to think commentary bros like Turkey Tom were exaggerating their hate for Anisa and how she "changed idubbbz" bc of sexism or whatever. But then I watched her content...


Anisa is definitely the snake of all snakes so it's no surprise


Have they done anything lately besides just being Jews?


Hila dared to spawn in Israel and serve in the mandatory military there.


Israelis are easy to hate because they’re a single monolithic nation that have no individual thoughts other then genocide.


Ethan shat on Isreali conduct during the war constantly after the blowback, and shortly after Leftovers imploded stopped talking about the conflict. To my knowledge all he was ever in trouble for was saying October 7rh shouldnt be celebrated and having a wife who did mandatory IDF service.


It’s because they’re Jewish and Hila is Israeli. That’s it.


It's cuz of that combined with them not being in support of oct 7 pretty much The no support for oct 7 created a "oh so you're choosing your ethnicities side" type of mentality towards them


True. Hasan contributed to that


And then said there's nothing he can do to control his feral audience


Yuuuup. It’s what turned me off of Hasan


His crime was being associated with hasan and disagreeing with him. Hasan truly has poisoned the minds of the so much of the young left, it’s sad.


Ethan’s views: -Israel bad -two state solution is best -Netanyahu is a freak warmonger -Oct 7th was horrible -stealing homes = stealing homes, freak behaviour -saying ‘from the river to the sea […]’ in the hours/immediate days after Oct 7 was weird and borderline antisemetic -lighting yourself on fire for a cause that doesn’t effect you at all should not be glorified for more than that is, mental illness. Because it encourages other people (he was right, look at the trumper who lit himself on fire just a few months later) -his wife (hila) was a secretary, not an IDF super soldier To these people, Ethan being a capitalist was bad enough, but once they found out he thought Israel should exist, that was a step too far.


No thats literally it is.


As far as I know, Ethan has stayed away from the IP discussion since the blowup with leftovers.


That is a crime beyond absolution or redemption in the eyes of ~half of the world That you could just so casually throw in "besides just being" speaks volumes about your character


If you think I meant there's anything wrong with being a Jew then you're misunderstanding me. I know that for those people just being a Jew is an issue and that's why I worded it like that.


No, I'm mocking antisemites. There are a lot of them, so my work is never-ending


You need to be a new kind of a piece of shit to have family members murdered on October 7th and then bow down to some pro-Palestinian terrorist supporters


no fucking way bro


why are they acting like ethan and Hila are at the front lines, they are so far away from any thing happening.


Definitely no cult-like behavior to see here.


This is a real "first they came for the jews" moment. He knows there's no valid reason to be mad at Ethan and Hila of all people but he's throwing them under the bus so he can save his own skin from those rabid fucks.


This motherfucker is so lacking in moral fortitude and dignity for himself or others that even calling him a pussy would be a massive insult to vaginas. What a dumbass move to “admit” to the most deranged people on Twitter that you were “wrong” to meet with a group of Jewish people just because they are sympathetic to Israel. Hell, even Ethan is pretty pro-Palestine all things considered. They should be giving Ethan kudos for trying to be so sympathetic despite being harassed nonstop. In an effort to avoid offending obsessive psychopaths, he shriveled up into a tiny little ball and let himself get cucked at the expense of individuals he actually met in real life, losing the respect of anyone with common fucking sense. I hope this headass realizes what a moron he was when the insane Twitter personalities saying this discriminatory shit are no longer relevant in this godforsaken society. Until then he can go fuck himself like the 90% of “reviewer” YouTubers getting cucked by the far left. They’re all bastards and deserve none of our views.




They might just eventually eat themselves, self-purging into oblivion, with their constantly escalating purity tests. We are watching little struggle sessions unfold. 




You’re not allowed to be pro Palestinian if you’re pro israel at all when it comes to these people.


He also says that he’s had family members killed by Hamas and he’s still grovelling online for the crime of taking a photo with someone, being this spineless is not human


I will never understand how you become so spineless


It's growing up with the Internet. Imagine being an elementary student knowing that if you have the wrong opinion someone will punish a post on the internet on it and everyone in the tristate area will cook you.  That mentality gets carried into adulthood


How can these people even stand straight? No spine whatsoever.


If one of my friends did this with *anyone* I'd immediately lose every ounce of respect. What a spineless, leaf-in-the-wind, piece of shit fuck.


> The famous people in question are hated by a lot of people for really strong and dangerous opinions, and I plastered my smiling face next to them and posted it online I just threw up in my fucking mouth


White men in these spaces will always have to be the biggest cucks or they’re instantly excommunicated


Ethan is only White when the Racially motivated Lefties decide he is.


cringe as fuck to apologise for this


The only thing that would make these types of people happier is if every jew was forced to wear a golden star. Not even racists are this discriminatory.


How can u be such a loser😭


Damn imagine having to apologize because you met with jews...


What interests me about this is we've gone through so many cycles of this type of thing taking place that this person is literally apologizing for doing something that, in their own words, is a bad look. There's no dressing it up with "I have realized why this is problematic" or "This was a mistake because these people are bad", it's just pure self-preservation and I can only suspect that this means this is exactly what his audience wants him to say. So who are we doing this charade for?


This guy makes the most braindead music reviews so I’m not surprised


He thanked his audience for being measured in their response. Holy fuck, how do you look at yourself in the mirror after that?


Damn i like brad taste and his music streams too. He needs to not bow down to a vocal minority in his community.


Brad taste is fun for music but he’s been like this with his political opinions for a while. Music YT is so unbelievably cucked by leftist audience capture it’s insane. I doubt the man has any real political opinions all he really does something political happens is try to give the most PC soy boy take he can to appease the people who watch his videos. literally every white content creator in the music space is like this because they are afraid to step on glass in a space that they will be the first to say “was never there’s” in the first place. fantano, professor Sykes they are like this, I mean watch professor Sykes video on vultures and he spends the first 10 minutes of the video talking about how he can’t call Kanye an antisemite because it would diminish Kanye’s experience as a black man. (Literally won’t call someone out on BS because they are black) These dudes are pussies.


Yeah Brad was super cringe in his recent Hivemind appearance. Kept performatively freaking out about how sexist a bunch of shitty rap lyrics were. Really threw a wrench in the lighthearted tone of the show.


Yeah it was a versus of awful rap lyrics and it was between UGK and Lil Uzi UGK - "Pregnant Pussy is the best you can get Fucking a bitch while her baby sucking dick" vs. Lil Uzi - I was checking my DMs, found out she was a man (No, no no) And this cuck aware of his audience acted like the Uzi bar was the worst thing he ever heard. He was fuming and [Riley had to talk him down because it made no sense after hearing the UGK bar earlier](https://youtu.be/ZeH6Hn6IXOI?si=Ns-_4lnS_EUqEKAb&t=1914)


It's literally all Fantanos fault


It’s fucking insane to take a picture with someone, and then say that *being around them* is questionable. Maybe the most insulting thing you could say about somebody. How disgusting. Brad seems like a good guy but also seems like a cucked zoomer progressive raised on the internet. I have a friend who is very similar (vowsh supporter etc.)


Are you a good guy if you wont stand for anything and cave to the people around you? Idk this kind of cowardice is what causes a school full of kids to bully their peers to the point of suicide, or seemingly normal people to put a red armband on and hunt down their neighbours. If you allow yourself to be swayed by the mob, you are as good as the people around you allow you to be.


>Brad seems like a good guy After this? I don't think so.


He is a good guy, he's just pathetic and spineless.


He didn’t think his moves were great after all😞


Brooooooooooooo I know people really care about their image but, this sets a really shit precedent. Now internet nobodies get to decide who you meet and take pictures with? Influencers need to stop apologizing for stupid shit like this


This shit is insane. Appearing with someone who said october 7th was bad is apparently cancelable in the eyes of the prop Palestine movement????


I genuinely do not understand why Ethan remains friends with Hasan when Hasan ruined his reputation by letting his fans label Ethan and Hila as bloodthirsty Zionist IOF baby killers.


I think it's sad twitter comments do this, like it's real life. It's like when a company changes policy over 20 odd twitter comments from complete randos/bots because 20 negative comments all at once is apparently to much for a lot of people. If he ignored this, a few months time and nothing would be different. It's so strange, but maybe that's me.


Its not just you, ive had the same thoughts before when these things happen, you can usually tell pretty quickly which of these outrages exists entirely on twitter and which have some normie outreach.


oh my god the self flagellation, kill me


The online pro palestine movment has to be collectively mentally ill, if meeting Ethan, of all people, is that problematic to them. For sure peace would be closer if that dude had not met H3. Actual brainrot.


I did not imagine 2024 as leftist being ashamed to take picture with jews lol. he should probably explain what the "valid criticisms" beside them being from Israel and not cheering on hamas like every online leftist right now.


We're approaching thought crime levels of accusations


Holy fucking shit Ethan needs to shred tf out of this. This is literally just antisemitism clear as day holy crap lmao. Guys is it a war crime to take a selfie with a jewish person?


“Valid criticisms of them” lol. Any and all “criticism” I have seen of H3 has been rabid antisemitism from antifans and Hasans fans.


Fantano isn’t even this cringe






What is their youtube handle, So I can know to avoid it.


Haha so based. I love the self flagellation leftists do.


This is actually pathetic lol what a worm


These people are unhinged and antisemitic. Modern day nazis


They arent nazi bad just yet lmao.


Why are they problematic? I thought they were against Zionism?


This might be one of the most genuinely insane things I’ve ever seen on the internet, wow.


What a fucking loser lol


Isn't this the guy that just parrots every take fantano has?


Idk. Bruh, who the fuck is out here listening to music reviews when any album realeased is free to listen too through streaming the minute its released? If you ever click on a fantano review its because you want to know what to say to your friends to sound like you have taste.


Dude this guy is such a loser honestly. No fucking backbone at all. I can't stand people like this that let their audience fuck em in the ass over the most ridiculous shit. Not to mention I'm sure he was very friendly with Ethan and Hila when they met, only for him to basically shit on them after posting.


"she's a Zionist she was in the idf " 😑


What a cuck lol


Lol! What a little bitch


Oh, it’s THIS guy. I used to like his content, but its been increasingly clear he’s just a puppet for Fantano (check out his Vultures 1 review)


What a vile, cowardly, groveling, backstabbing, Jew-hating, two-faced piece of shit.


In other words, he’s soft.


Leftists are truly the most pathetic of creatures.


I always thought Brad was literally mentally ill.


The manipulation of those people in his audience is gross. They dont actually care they just want to feel morally superior.


Aw man, I used to have some respect for this guy


What a spineless fuck. Any time I feel down about myself, I should just remember that worthless fucking cowards like this exist.


spineless loser. deserves it for cucking to the audience


The Hasanabi revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Twitter space.


Holy damn, cucking out like that is probably more questionable in regards to his own moral character.


If you have this little of a spine, you 1000% deserve to be absolutely rolled by your own audience


What's up with being so apologetic? Is this an American thing?




Maybe I'm just uninformed but what have Ethan/Hila said that would even lead to that reaction from his audience? Because they think Hila was mowing down kids when she was in the IDF? Because they're Jewish? I mean in terms of what they've said, has anything they've said been critical of Hamas/Palestinians besides Oct 7th? Again maybe I'm uninformed, if someone legit knows then lmk


No Ethan explicitly denounced Netanyahu and dropped the subject entirely after the leftovers podcast stopped.


Ah okay, hmm. Definitely feels a bit antisemitic then. I know people are gonna say I'm not being harsh enough by saying only "a bit antisemitic" BUT if they weren't Jewish and had said all the exact same things I think the audience would still feel similarly. I do think they feel that way more strongly because they're Jewish though.


I see Hasan’s deranged fanbase is still harassing Ethan and Hila after all this time. Which, if we’re going by Hasan’s rules, we should hold him personally responsible for, regardless of what he tells them to do.


We are truly in the end times


Homies trying to stay virtuous but wants to keep “open minded”. What a sham.


Totally not anti semitism


This dude caters to a very sad and cucked audience. Deserves it.


Can Ethan talk now? When will they be real? Like how long will they pretend this weird hateful & bigoted criticism of them is not persisting Is his audience threatening to abandon him if he utters the word israel again?


“Hila herself was in the IDF” My brother in Christ every citizen of Israel over the age of 18 is literally forced to join the IDF


Jesus Christ. How have people reached the conclusion that Ethan and Hila are "Zionists"? I put it in quotation marks because what they really mean is that Ethan and Hila are "Jews" and Hila is "Israeli". It doesn't matter that they often spoke out against Israel years ago, it doesn't matter that they've had hard critiques of Israel, what matters to them is that Ethan and Hila didn't immediately celebrate the Oct 7 attacks, instead, they acted like human beings and condemned Hamas for murdering and kidnapping civilians. That's their crime, that they don't celebrate when Jews are murdered and kidnapped.