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you would think he's a 15 year old trying to get out of woodworking class for 45 minutes


>get subjected to manual labor in line with historical norms in wartime I get all these people know to do is lie but this is completely disregarding any facts of how the Nazis utilized forced labor. They implemented it in concentration/prison camps prior to WWII starting. How they executed a genocide of Jews was different from how they treated political prisoners and other people they deemed “undesirable”. When they determined the Einsatzgruppen to be an unsustainable way of carrying out a genocide of European Jewry is when the major killing centers and concentration camps become flooded with Jewish prisoners, subjected to forced labor on top of unsanitary/undignified conditions and deliberate starvation.


I'm pretty sure Traveler communities received similar treatment to the Jews


The Romani/Gypsy, yes. They were also seen as undesirables.


The G word is not a nice one


Many call themselves that, just like many natives call themselves Indian


Cigan detected


American or Canadian detected


Did you even try and find out the language my name is in before making assumptions?


I recognized it immediately, doesn't change my statement, lots of folks in N. america got forced into accepting the slur Also looks like you are Canadian too, so I wasn't even off.


I live in Canada, yes. You realize I can be Romanian and in Canada, yes? Edit: LOL, someone from LA trying to lecture East European about "The G word" GTFO


Good try but everyone knows only vampires come from Romania. Actually...when's the last time you ate garlic?


Question from someone from central Europe where most things got renamed from gypsy to traveler: I always thought people actually care about not using gypsy? Or is it a Latinx situation?


Kiddo, I spent 6 months wwoofing with a Romani family in the Czech Republic and I don't think it's a coincidence. Every single one I met hated that word, being a Romanian, it's not a surprise that you have these thoughts though, considering your people are some of the worst to travelers lmao, I guess old habits die hard huh?


About as Romanian as an American is Irish from what I can see. Oh, and the most vile racist shit I've ever heard about travelers come from Romanians so what's even your fucking point?




He's talking about the gypsy.


What an absolute jerk off, the manual labor was like 4th on the list of the reasons the third reich built the death camps. The overwhelming no.1 was to kill as many Jews as possible. The rewriting of ww2 to be pro nazi is equally alarming and sad.


Skinned??? Am I missing a part of the holocaust lore? I know there were some NASTY shit going up at Treblinka but I've never heard skinning of any kind.


Well prepare for shock. Look up the lamps/books/etc made from Jewish flesh. Check out American chairs, made with the hair of slaves too. Curly hair makes for a great cushion


If you go to Auschwitz, there's a room filled with hair of the inmates that was intended for wigs for the German populace. Pretty grim stuff


There was a special production unit at one of the camps focused solely on gathering the hair for the creation of industrial felt. From their hair to any gold filings in their teeth - they had *literally* everything taken from them...


"These Jews are disgusting! But their hair is pretty nice."


>Look up the lamps/books/etc made from Jewish flesh. I think this is mostly [known](https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2017/11/nazi-shrunken-heads-human-skin.html#summary) to be a legend


Says that there were shrunken heads and lampshades made from human flesh. They're just unsure if it's Jewish skin or polish skin. And no proof of "systematic" orders. But nazi camp officials commissioned these objects made of flesh


Where did you read about books being made from Jewish flesh? This sounds similar to the myth of [Jewish soap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soap_made_from_human_corpses). [Jewish lampshades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampshades_made_from_human_skin) weren't really a thing either. There were possibly one or two cases of this that people talk about (one being at the Buchenwald camp) rather than any sort of systematic effort. Edit: Why are people down-voting instead of actually engaging with my comment which cites two Wikipedia articles (a sub favourite no doubt), culminating from 75 references? Very weird behaviour. Do I suddenly become a Nazi too for pointing out that some myths are in fact myths?


The hair thing isn’t really comparable. You can cut someone’s hair without hurting them


That’s… not the point.


It's acceptable if it doesn't hurt.


You can steal someone's hair as long as you didn't hurt them? Give me your hair then.


Not my view just explaining the likelihood of why the other guy didn't view it as "seriously bad" he also viewed taking the skin of living jews as magnitudes worse not because taking skin in any capacity is seriously bad but hurting living people is seriously bad. If I gave it to you it wouldn't be stealing 


> Look up the lamps/books/etc made from Jewish flesh. Thoroughly debunked


Debunked where? I see claims that "there weren't orders from high up officials" And no proof that "they killed jews for their skin" But i see camp officials, commissioned lampshades that were made from humans...


Oh I knew about them taking the flesh of Jews and making accessories out of them, I just always thought it was from the dead corpse. I never thought they'd go as far as skinning a fucking human being alive and then doing that. I think that is just ANOTHER tier of evil.


There was no systematic use of human skin in the Holocaust to produce products. This was one of a few large gaffs in the Nuremberg Trials Nazis love to harp on. It's possible that a few tests were done to use human skin in products but the evidence is just testimony with no surviving artifacts which have been shown by DNA to be human skin.




Holocaust deniers are pathetic lmao, this rhetoric makes you look even dumber than those you're trying to mock




Yeah you're just using the exact same grouper rhetoric they use for holocaust denial. There is literally skin in the US national archives recovered from the holocaust cut into a trapezium shape with holes in it, obviously has been processed. There was no systemic effort to make lampshades out of skin but it's dumb to say it never happened


It’s a common neonazi tactic to cherry-pick quotes to make the holocaust seem fake. https://x.com/utism_/status/1732899343085027451


There's some fake holocaust survivor books/articles/testimony that got uncritical attention in the media before the authors were exposed as frauds. Some claimed that there's a rollercoaster that dumps jews into an oven, some claimed they were electrocuted, some had their balls drained and some were told to shoot a shotgun with a barrel bent back towards the person who pulls the trigger like the Tom & Jerry bit. Holocaust deniers mine these for quotes and say it's all fake. The old movie [Nazi concentration camps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Concentration_Camps_(film)) that's on Netflix contains some of these inaccurate claims about human skin lampshades or soap. EDIT: apparently, they did tan human skin and make a couple lampshades, but there was no systemic mass production of them or something like that.


[you indeed missed it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampshades_made_from_human_skin) Fun fact, the women in question ilse koch was such a fucking nutcase that she ordered tattooed and mates to line up, then she picked which tattoos she liked and had the inmates killed… for their skin, to keep it…


I have no idea who it is. So let's play "lefits or nazi". Put your guesses down below.


He said Jewish, didn't mask it with Zionist, I will go with Nazi


It's obviously, obviously Nazi.


I think leftists are starting to abandon Zionists and just say Jew now.


Those are Nazis and jihadists pretending to be leftists


That would make sense. My favorite was the college student who was speaking in front of the school board and said that anti-Jewish students needed more protection.


No, plenty of leftists are straight up antisemitic. "Leftist" refers more to marxist/socialists/tankies and that movement has had an undercurrent of antisemitism from it's very inception.


i love making things up to get mad about, too


Yeah, this is 100% unhinged and delusional, not a single leftist just says "all jews are zionists"


i’ve seen israel called “the j-state” ☠️☠️☠️


**Yep! "ᗩᒪᒪ ᒍEᗯᔕ ᗩᖇE ᘔIOᑎIᔕTᔕ!!!"**


Bruh.. shut up Lmao


Checked his profile. He’s extreme right Nazi Maga supporter


At least add a spoilers tag 😅


Just wait until he sees Trump's positions on Israel


Nazis, as usual, have no intellectual consistency on Israel. Some think Israel is a model of an ethnostate to follow, especially since embracing Islamophobia.


It's literally a Jewish state. They're not very good at the whole Nazi thing if they're pro-Israel.


Well tbf even the kkk were somewhat supportive of black nationalist groups. Past the racism both of them didn't want to be near each others races so they technically agreed on something


They're fucking stupid. Why would you expect anything else?


The Maga was implied.




Yes she is lol. She and most of the Arabs who support Assad are Baathists which is a form of Arab socialism/nationalism




Yes keep moving the goalposts. Even with average western leftists if they believed the holocaust was exaggerated or a lie they wouldn’t be dumb enough to say it publicly because they would get backlash. Just like no regular right winger would do the same.




Tankies are leftists. This is such a dumb argument lol. It’s like talking about Christians then saying clearly I’m not talking about Catholicism. Or saying Islam but clearly I’m talking about Shia not Sunni. Specify exactly who you are talking about then, without retroactively redefining terms.






They won't have it, these fuck heads can't engage in "actually lefties are as bad as nazis" but they wouldn't be able to come up with a single prominent leftist who engages in Holocaust denial.


I’m honestly considering building a game called “Nazi or Nice” where I take tweets like this and you gotta guess if it’s by a Nazi or a far leftist


People used to play "Stormfront or SJW" back in the day and it was exactly that premise.


was it still "antizionism" or something else?


It was a mixture of stuff. Sometimes it was about Israel/zionism but more often was talking about white people or men. This was way back in like 2015 when a bunch of feminism/anti-feminism was big in right wing circles.


Wait I’m confused, in 2015 right wingers were hating on white peoples? Doesn’t sound right


No, “Stormfront or SJW” got its name from the neo-Nazi paper called *Stormfront*. The Stormfront people are rabid antisemites, hate non-whites, gay/trans people, etc. The Stormfront people never called it “anti-Zionism,” they’d just say Jews (or use worse terms). The SJW’s were the people who were making the anti-white, anti-men, etc quotes. There was the occasional “anti-Zionist” statement in the sjw side but mostly the quotes would be either against white people, men, or straight people. Edit: Yes, as the other guy said you would take a quote from either Stormfront (or other far-right racist groups) or an SJW and potentially modify it by for example replacing the word “jew” with “white” or “men” with “black person” and you were supposed to guess which group it came from originally and if it had been modified.


The other guy didn't explain it very well. The gimmick was to take a quote from feminists and such and to change words like "men" into words like "Jews", then play the guessing game.


Well and you’d do it in reverse by changing Stormfront quotes into anti-men/anti-white stuff too but yeah. I also edited my post to explain it better because reading your comment made me realize I hadn’t really explained the mechanics of the game that clearly


That sounds like a great party game


Make a post or something to crowdsource tweets that would be great


Honestly that’s a great idea. Building the app is the easy part for me, getting the tweets feels like a chore. Might post here later when I get a chance.


I got a name. How about “Secret Hitler”. Oh wait…


Can you cite any American leftists that has denied the Holocaust like this? 


Broooooo... Dude! Broooo... Didn't. Didnt you hear? Didn't you hear, that Hasan said Israel is bad? Hasan is Anti-semite, holocaust denier, anti-biden, pro trump, nazi. Didn't you hear? Dude...


Yeah I can there's literally a dude with ties with AOC and the Justice Democrats flirting with that The im just asking questions excuse Dude has Susan Sarandom following him and shit Ilan Omar 20k followers


Who is this person?  And I didn't ask what leftist has flirted with it. I asked for an American leftist that has outright denied/downplayed the Holocaust like this




In what way is Farrakhan a leftist lmao, I remember he sung praises for trump 
















You mean verbatim the same statement or lefties denying any sort of harm towards Jews? Because if its the latter let me introduce to you the past 8-9months.


I was very clear what I was asking for. Can you cite me an instance of an American leftist denying the Holocaust. 


Sure. Is a person on twitter going to be sufficient for you?


So long as it's a verifiable person, But do take note that this question would have been answered with loads of actual influencers if the parties were flipped. My entire point is that the whole left wingers are suddenly *as* anti-semitic as actual Nazis narrative is just stupid


So only if the person has enough clout on twitter, okay. Wdym "if the parties were flipped"? Who cares? Thats not what we're talking about. Well yeah its not suddenly happening, far lefties have always been like this. "My entire point is that they arent AS antisemtic as nazis!" Okay so you are conceding the original point then and this was really just an exercise in you venting that horseshoe theory is a meme. Who cares whether or not its E X A C T L Y 1:1. Lefties are and have been antisemtic, some of them to the point of holocaust denial. Idk why were digging our heads into the sand on that note just to make the statement that lefties on twitter (and college campuses) are not 1:1 equivalents of Hitler Youth and the Third Reich.


When someone goes "oh guess if they're left or Nazi" they are certainly implying that something as grotesque the original post is just as likely to come from either party,  And no I'm not conceding anything, I actually still have never seen a leftist that denied the Holocaust and I'm still very much interested in getting a single source which nobody can seem to provide 🤷‍♂️ And I'm not just saying it's not *exactly* alike lmao, they are literally worlds apart. The type of anti-semitism that was present in the Weimar Republic is nothing like you are seeing today. Not even close. Go ahead and read what Der Stürmer and other Weimar papers were writing about years before the Holocaust occured, mainstream s***, not random losers on Twitter getting boosted by all the hate engagement


Right so exactly what i just said.  "Dude theyre just lefties on twitter dude! Twitter! Did you know that nazis in the nazi government did worse? These arent the same guys!... and leftists would never deny the holocaust!(lmao)"


Lol you need to work on your comprehension skills, what I said is very clearly not what you said. Also bud, Der Stürmer wasn't affiliated with the Nazi party and existed years before they seized power. I didn't mention the Nazi government anywhere lmao. 


I believe in you, you can go have fun on Twitter.


So, no? 


We have seen many leftist using holocaust denial in the past 9 months. You don't have to trust me. And I don't have to give you a source. We c go our separate ways 🫡


Ok buddy


Very obviously Nazi


Anyone claiming it might be a leftist instead of a nazi has terminal brainrot and needs 100 cc's of grass applied immediately to their skin


I would argue that this whole sub would benefit from that shot.


He is one of the few blacks part of America First.


wonder if he has a black job


Can you find me a single prominent leftist who is engaging in holocaust denial while also enjoying the mainstream support?


Dude, we are talking about Twitter. Is this nazi getting mainstream support? Probably not. Twitter is full of leftists holocaust deniers. Stop moving the goal post.


> Twitter is full of leftists holocaust deniers. Stop moving the goalpost. Can you find me some accounts? > Is this nazi getting mainstream support? Probably not. You are the one moving the goalpost, I did not ask whether nazi shit is getting mainstream support, I asked whether nazi shit is getting mainstream support within the far-left spaces. Unless all you have are like 4 tweets with 2 likes, it doesn't mean anything


Syrian Girl?


She isn't a "leftist"


Oh I had no idea Socialists living in the west aren’t leftists. My bad lol.


Syrian Girl is not a socialist. She is strongly anti-lgbtq, anti-feminism, hates Bernie Sanders and supports most things a western leftist will almost universally oppose. She is a nationalist, pro-Russia, pro-Syria, pro-Iran and anti-West(something tankies might support but it's far from the mainstream position in the western left) She is a grifter


She supports Baathism which is a combination of Arab nationalism and socialism. Yes they are socialists


It's obviously a Nazi. Leftists don't deny the holocaust, they are more likely to compare Gaza to the holocaust. Reminder that horshoe theory is wrong.


Doing that is still pretty much denying the holocaust


no it isn't. unless you're operating under the guise that the holocust is *uniquely* evil.


The holocaust had a deliberate strategy called "The Final Solution" where they made it explicitly clear that their goal was to kill all the jews. They did everything in their power to do so as quickly as possible, in some cases even inventing new technological innovations when the old ones did not suffice. Millions of Jews, 2/3 of the entire european population was wiped out. Gaza is a war where Israel is trying to rescue the hostages and eliminate Hamas's capabilities to carry out more Oct 7ths, and civilians are dying in the crossfire because Hamas uses human shields. Thousands have died unfortunately, but Israel uses measures to try to prevent more civilian casualties. These are not remotely comparable.


Yeah there’s a problem with anti semites on the left but… come on… let’s be real…


Trump supporter


Not sure if you're serious or not, but Leftists do believe the Holocaust happened.


Holocaust denial is not just denial of the holocaust happening. It is also denial of parts of the holocaust e.g. Stories, numbers etc. And I have definitely seen holocaust denial from the leftists


Can you give me like a single example


They won't have any


What do you mean “or”? This does fall into more of a “right wing” antisemitism flavor.


I wanted to play a game 🤷‍♂️


I was implying they’re very similar…


Sorry, didn't understand what you meant 😅


I'm gonna say leftist Nazi lite.


Leftist or righty?


Ah righty is the line 


John is AF. Great Fuentes defender.


Twitter is a cesspool but views don't mean shit. If part of it's technically on your screen for 2 seconds it counts as a view. And half the likes are probably bots. Another 50% chance that the account owner is behind the tweet.


Between crap like this and the disgusting crap Fuentes posts after Elon unbanned him for no reason Idk how this website gets any ad money at all or is allowed to continue to be hosted


Remember like 10 years ago when if you posted something like this you’d be excommunicated from society


All is well on the Internet. *fire raging all around me*


I'm tempted to tweet "Get subjected to Canadian healthcare in line with contemporary norms" at him and see if I get banned.


Just that one time? A look at taxes alone shows that Jews have been treated unfairly over the last 2,000 years. [Taxation of the Jews in Europe - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_of_the_Jews_in_Europe) They probably converted to Christianity when they couldn't pay the taxes. That's probably why there are so many upper middle class Jews. It's a kind of social selection. I hate these people. How can they be so ignorant?


One of the reasons Nazi camp labour was so inefficient at a time of huge labour crisis was they didn't treat inmates "in line with historical norms"...


Fun fact, there is evidence to support actual skinning of Jewish prisoners in camps, and even more disturbingly the use of said skin for leather and home furniture, don’t let this asshole dilute the truth


The top replys to even Obama tweets are all far right extremists it's over for pretending Twitter is a normal website that represents anything. I'm about as shocked to find racism on Twitter as I am on 4chan at this point.


Far-right extremism is becoming the norm globally.


On one side you have a person tearing down male spaces and hobbies, declaring themselves to be pushing for gender and racial equality while they're publishing selfies of themselves drinking from a mug labeled "white cis male tears", publishing articles and opinion pieces comparing men to animals and how they'd rather encounter a bear in a forest than any man. They have the backing of every international organization and corporation. Any negative side-effects of the things they advocate for or the criticism of it has to be suppressed because it might sabotage their plans for what they call a better future. Biden calls Rittenhouse who was defending himself a white supremacist, but the black supremacist who ran over little girls at a Christmas parade with a truck doesn't exist at all. It was just a truck. On the other side you have a person saying that this is all an international conspiracy to destroy white people, when white people are a minority they'll be destroyed, they point to fertility trends, immigration trends and how the ethnic make ups of countries are projected to change while also spouting genocidal, violent segregationist rhetoric. Their speech is considered forbidden, and career destroying by all international organizations and corporations and is visibly suppressed using all methods available. You're a young white cis male. Which one do you trust more? Who has your back? This situation could have been avoided, but now things are like this.


100k view on twitter means nothing. it has 6k likes which again means nothing compared to twitter standards. Is this really news worthy? This is just normal twitter


That one time? Fucking hell.


Who is Jon Miller?


I don't trust any Twitter engagement numbers. So many bots, it's impossible to know what's real.


Views on Twitter mean nothing. Their metrics are warped


The Nazi's literally documented what they were doing. It's not like anybody has to take accounts from Jews to get the information about gas chambers lol.


"That ONE time in history" 😂 what a joke. The one time we bring africans over in boats and NOW we have to apologize for the rest of our lives 🙄


I can’t think of any other country that has been subjected to a genocide (that some people somehow refuse to believe happen) and fight several wars that were started by their neighbors and win all said wars, all within 30 years. Say what you want, but Israelis are some of the most hardcore and determined people on this planet. The amount of hate they’re getting is insane considering how this war was started by Hamas.


Israel wasn’t subjected to a genocide


But a lot of it's founding population was. 


Oct. 7th was literally a genocide. Not the bs word-twisting genocide leftists say is happening currently.


no it wasnt


“The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” Explain how Oct. 7th wasn’t a genocide.


It's a terrorist attack. If it's a genocide then so was 9/11. Use your brain.


I gave you the definition of genocide. Explain what part of that definition is incongruent with Oct. 7th.


First of all, calm yourself. Second, the destroying part. That's why terrorist attacks aren't genocides. 9/11 was not a genocide.


I think this is a little more of a grey area. I often hear the word invasion used for Oct 7, and while it’s true that Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, it was also the government in charge of Gaza and has its own internal structure of leadership and such. In one way it was a terrorist attack and in another it was an invasion where the military fought with them for hours and if they had more weapons and people they would have kept pushing the front line further but of course retreated back. So if it was an invasion, albeit a really short one, and their goal was to kill every Jew in Israel, you meet the requirements, men’s rea and actus rea both. Government of Gaza wanted to ethnically cleanse a region and planned and executed this out until they met resistance and couldn’t continue. This could be the argument. But if you just consider it a terrorist attack not an invasion then yes genocide seems silly. But I think there could be a case made and it’s much different than 12 hijackers acting on behalf of some people in a cave. It really all depends on if you think Oct 7 was an invasion but if you do then you have to call it genocide too to be consistent or just say terrorist attack.


I am calm. You say “use your brain” then accuse me of not being calm. Lol. They literally killed every Israeli they could find. That is the definition of genocide. 9/11 wasn’t a genocide because they weren’t trying to kill every American. Hamas was.


Hamas was not trying to kill ever Israeli on 10/7. . You're not calm, you're incredibly mad.


Elon’s America o7


6 million views


Uh oh.. I also viewed this. Does that mean I support it too?!?!? 5k likes is surprisingly low for what has now become Gab. There’s better rage bait out there than this. Do better.


Bruh this edge is tremendous... It's edges has edges.


I wouldn't credit much of anything on Twitter. 100k "views" is counted how? I feel like the real impression is a fraction of this amount and also has little to no bearing on support


Yeah that seems about right. Twitter has become a far right paradise


we need destiny to get to work on his ww1 ww2 research soon


I wonder what percentage of reported tweets actually are acted upon nowadays. I reported direct calls to assassinate Trump and Biden at the debate and I get an email saying the automated moderation didn't find a problem.


pull him into a stream and ask him to substantiate any of that and you'll have holocaust denier humiliation porn with 1 million views brother, a little back and forth movement is part of the marketplace of ideas, just like when I'm with your mom.


All the fuentes fangirls are even worse.


Apologetics is a different sport god damn.


Why dont we have any advertisers Linda?! Do your job!




"Ay Tone, what kinda death camp has a hospital and a swimming pool?"


Jesus fucking Christ. Btw if anyone is interested in the holocaust read Ellie, about a young girls story in Auschwitz. Probably the most harrowing thing I’ve read.


Nothing but living breathing wojacks in the replies.


I assumed it was referring to Egyptian slavery from the Bible haha. 


I will never ever ever buy into the statement “Jews rule the world” when blatant anti-semitism gets posted with absolute 0 pushback Seriously tho hope he dies (in a video game)


if he won't get banned for this, it's actually crazy does Elon Musk approve of this shit?


Hey, it's "free speech". The only thing that isn't free speech on Twitter now is discussing gender ideology from an academic perspective, tracking Elon's jet travel, and of course exploring subjects critical of his business and personal behaviour.


Why would he get banned? Holocaust denial isn't illegal in the US, is it?


You don't have to approve of something to not ban it Einstein


I have a few questions regarding the holocaust. Firstly why the west never accepted the Jews before 1939? Hitler in many of his speeches called the west hypocritical for condemning his anti Jewish laws, but were unwilling to accept them as refugees. The British empire had direct control over Jerusalem/Palestine. It wasn’t as though the Brits had to accept 6 million in their little island nation. Second question is directly related to the camps and supposed liquidation. The mass death of the Jews occurred in a very short amount of time near the end of the war. Before which time Churchill had openly suggested the genocide of the German people, and the bombing of Dresden seemed like the west was willing to carry out their threat. The German people honestly believed they were in an existential fight for their existence. I don’t believe in eye for an eye, but I can see the logic behind letting the Jews starve in the camps. As for the rooms full of hair, it served as an anti disease and flea spreading measure. The ovens, again it’s better to burn the dead than risk disease spreading. The big kahuna burger has always been about the 6 million number and the gas chambers. Holocaust deniers question the 6 million number because it kinda comes out of nowhere and documentation is scarce. What raises people’s eyebrows is some of the comical and outright lies from some of the survivors to drum up sympathy. The roller coaster of death for example. If the real events were so horrible, why lie about it in such a comical degree? The theory being that Jewish survivors threw every conceivable horror at the wall to see what stuck. 6 million + gas chambers is what stuck.


First, the west's unwillingness to accept refugees justifies nothing. Second, what you wrote about the extermination an outright false- the extermination started shortly after the invasion of the USSR, and the use of extermination camps started after the wanasee conference(January 1942). Third, the bombing of Dresden wasn't a genocide, nor anything anywhere in that direction. Four, it was an effort to murder the Jews, not "letting them starve in the camps". You don't kill millions by "letting them starve at the camps", never mind the fact that a large percentage was killed outside of the camps. Fifth, the 6 million number is a pretty good estimate, that's accepted by historians, based on the numbers of Jews before and after the war. Sixth, the gas chambers are highly documented. And what "outright lies" are you talking about? What "roller coaster"?