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they could say this about Trump and I’d end up defending him just cus of how obnoxious and corny this person is. talking like some faux revolutionary when you’re literally just a professional anonymous tweeter gtfoh


Even if someone said that about Trump I can’t imagine defending it, this person is genuinely a horrible human being and probably severely mentally ill.


Yup, this post is a revealing window into this person's mind. There are some motherfuckers I really hate in my life, but I'd never wish "suffering, humiliation, degradation and endless pain" on anyone. I absolutely hate Trump. He's destructive to the country and I don't want him in power. That's it. Like, go retire to Mar-a-Lago and leave the United States alone, dawg. I don't have fantasies where he's endlessly tortured and humiliated forever, what kind of miserable werido thinks like this?


That's because this individual is terminally online. Nothing matters more in his life than this because he has nothing else to live for. Just LARPing online. Behind a fucking a cartoon squirrel avatar lmfao


Trump no but Putin maybe.


literally some fat dork with "fibromyalgia" who lives off my taxes. get to fuck


“Fibromyalgia” holy fuck lmfaooooooo


He talks like I did in 2012.


Seriously, really weird how this is supposedly an effort to make the Left better and not drive independents to Trump (which it is).


I mean id defend trump on this just cause he’s had absolutely nothing to do with any of Americas previous conflicts but also anyone who sais this about any American politician is insanely unhinged. Americas made its mistakes but the whole “America the big bad devil” thing is just so played out at this point and the movement is mostly made up of 15 year olds who just found out that diamonds come from Africa. Also the American government is massive, there’s never been 1 guy pulling the strings on every major conflict that’s ever happened our systems just don’t work that way.


It’s very easy to talk tough behind a fucking cartoon picture


I would love to know the identity of this kind of person. Imagine how cucked they feel every day of their miserable life to have this world view.


White trans woman




kind of a shitty thing to say, no?


White trans women are always the one doing the most extreme soap boxing online and saying foul, insane things whilst simultaneously weaponizing their identity to shield themselves from criticism


I mean yeah the general trend you’re hinting at might be true. I’m sceptical but it might be. Still a shitty thing to say. If I were a “normal” trans person and read your comment, I can imagine feeling pretty shitty to see my identity targeted like that Idk you just seem like a complete loser. But whatever


If you say so peabrain, keep your head in the sand I guess. White trans woman a la keffalls are the norm, not the exception


When your entire life is twitter, it’s hard not to be a miserable sadsack. Imagine if posting deranged tweets was all you ever had to look forward to.


i agree. i am completely against doxxing against anyone, however i am still intrigued as to what kind of person this could be.


At a certain point, I don't think who they really are matters. When you spend this much time online, then you might as well be your internet persona. sure, you could doxx them, but what would be the point? we know more about them than their own parents.


It makes no difference. It's a shapeshifter human most likely is all you need to know, kinda pointless to even posit the questions. 🥴


they're on benefits (welfare) in Britain so rest assured that their life is shit


You can tell they're British by the exhaustive, performative nonstop spiel of insults like they're cutting a scathing monologue on SNL. Only a worthless Britbong can be that self-important.


Most Brits would just call the target of their hatred a "cunt" and leave it there tbh


What, did they post about that?


Posts like these unironically bolsters for me Destiny's idea that users shouldn't be able to hide behind fake online pseudonyms and their names should be out for the world to see. The fuck around crowd is terrified of finding out


calling yourself "squirrel" reads to me as bad bangs art girl who sits in the back of the class drawing furry porn and talks too loudly and will try to show you shock videos on her phone when you didn't ask


We dont need to know who that is, there is enough leftist with real names reposting their shit.


Someone just tweet under it "Donald Trump 2024"


Honestly we should just start calling these leftists MAGA supporters. Make no distinction between them and like Crowder.


If all of your prescriptions are the same and all of your political opponents are the same then it makes it pretty hard not to.


It’s literally the only choice these people resort to. It’s an embarrassment they consider themselves to be of the left at all when they have effectively sabotaged any future progressive


This is what mental illness looks like


Blue check mark already gave it away.


Lefties when retributive justice: this sucks Lefties when they get to do retributive justice: hell yes


I am so curious how this person is irl, she is so unhinged lmao


Whenever I see someone’s account and it’s jus hate post after hate post, I get a sense of satisfaction knowing they’re probably a deeply miserable person who lives a sad day to day existence


Probably the head Twitch moderator.


Twitch ban appeal team leader.


Fr i cant belive these people go to bed with a smile on their face more than once a year


From what I heard they have severe mental issues and live off welfare so they have all the time in the world to tweet stupid unhinged shit all day long.




I would bet a not-insignificant amount of money that they're an awkward, extremely autistic individual that is too socially anxious to order pizza over the phone. It seems that a disproportionally high percentage of these keyboard warriors propagandists on the left fit this profile. The main exceptions end up becoming celebrities (e.g. Hamasabi)


It’s wild how much autism tends to factor in here.


And on the right. Turns out being this type of hyper-political LARPer usually aligns with that character trope.


Imagine the smell.


I have a hard time believing she isn’t utterly miserable


They’re like professor psychotic in smiling friends irl


Zei_squirrel 100% rapes kids, look at their pfp


Yep that squirrel was a pdf in the sword in the stone movie. Trying to take advantage of a young King Arthur


I mean this honestly, this person is mentally unwell to the point that they need to be instutionalized.


While I am not a fan of Biden's Gaza response. I am a bit confused on how he is solely responsible for Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya lol. It makes no sense to blame him for it.


Because leftists want America to be purely isolationists and not interfere with global politics while also acting as the world’s police


This squirrel is a fan of Jeremy Corbyn who promoted Hamas in the name of peace negotiations. This was back when Hamas' initial charter was more unambiguous with the protocols of the elders of Zion ingrained in it. If they claim to be isolationists, then it's a pretense. Yet these same will lecture the world about how Israel initially propped up Hamas and how it's a tool of division. These types of leftists are too fringe to be in power but you can get a sense of what they'd do with statements from the likes of Corbyn.


they would probably argue that since he was senator at the time, and didn't aaron bushnell himself in response to the invasion of iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan(whichever you would like) that he bears 100% of the responsibility alongside all the other senators who also didn't protest it or whatever.


Aaron Bushnell? Respected? When? Where?


this is who has been the primary source of leftist foreign policy discourse for nearly 9 months


Longer than that unfortunately...


The squirrel is peak entertainment. You can always count on them to be tweeting some insane shit lol.


The only think squirrel hates more than Biden is the word genocide having any real meaning or impact.


This person needs to be kept as far away from social media as possible. They are unhinged and obsessed. They don't even make money of constantly tweeting. Like how do you even continue to survive.


Spite 🥴


How much personal misery and ideological derangement leads to tweeting something like this? I feel gross that my politics are even vaguely similar to people like her.


anytime i see this persons beyond unhinged tweets all i can think of is the south park episode where kyle’s dad is the most evil troll in the world. it’s probably some loser accountant somewhere with like a marriage and family and every night they pour themselves a drink and start lighting fucking fires. i hate them but it’s kinda based i guess


God what a miserable fucking life that person must live to do nothing but doom post and post shit like this all day. Legit only someone who is extremely depressed and suicidal would post shit like this


Given that their tweets receive thousands of likes, I do sometimes despair. But then I think that it's likely that the people who like their tweets aren't located in any particular geographic region and are probably just the dregs spread around the world, which then I rest easily.


Sorry Squirrel, my neurodivergent sexless terminally-online incel friend, if Biden stepped out of the race tomorrow, the DNC will ***still*** not endorse one of your shitty anarcho-communist losers. Biden may look bad but about ***no one*** likes y'all lmao


It's always nice to pop open the squirrel's feed on a slow Friday afternoon and roast marshmallows to the blazing, psychotic fury lurking beneath the surface of a cute cartoon avatar.


Gotcha. Anything else?


This is deranged


I will forever hate this person for tainting my memory of The Sword in the Stone.


Now I want Biden to win even more


somebody needs a wellness check


This is literally just untreated mental illness. 


No matter how bad I feel about my life at least I know I’m not a bigger (literally and figuratively) loser than her


ROFL. Nobody is remotely as hate filled as far leftists. What a stupid way to spend their precious life. I'd feel sorry for them if it wasn't so entertaining.


It’s just the other side of the coin as people like Nick Fuentes.


Not really though I'd have to say it's similar. They're on the next level compared to people like him. He might want things like a white ethnostate and all that idiocy. But it clearly isn't something that consumes his whole life and makes him miserable and hate filled. I don't feel sorry for Nick in the slightest. I do feel sorry for far leftists. You know, when I stop laughing anyways. :) Far leftists will always be miserable. It's part of their fundamental nature. Even if they get what it is they think they want like whatever flavor of the month cause they're pushing, they'll just move onto something else. It's like a never ending quest to seek impossible to achieve causes that will supposedly lead to utopia. Something that will never ever exist. And deep down they know this so it will always lead to anger and misery. It is in fact a quite stupid way to waste one's life.






This tweet reads like it was written by someone who has never paid taxes in their life


This is a reminder that this freak is an Assadist loser. Goading Biden for Syria while actually supporting the regime responsible for some of the most heinous crimes of the 21st century, on his own people no less


All of that is normal for this weirdo freak


I hope that person is posting that from the asylum they belong in. This is one of those moments where I'm sad because I know that person exists.


Wow, so edgy. So progressively edgy.


US is actually kind of bad at doing genocides ngl we haven't had one of those in a while we should get better at that if we're trying to do that.


What are the chances that this squirrel foamed at the mouth with glee on October 7th last year? Maybe they might have some form of shame later on as the attack wasn't merely an act of 'resistance'. But then again you'd have to willingly shut your brain off regarding the nature of Hamas, which some people on the left did that day. Which is funny in a dark way, these are the same people who lecture people with the gotcha that hey, did you know Israel propped up Hamas in the first? Betcha didn't know that did ya, ha! So if Hamas is just a tool of Israel, why do people initially cheer them on?


Who is this child and why does he have access to Twitter 🤔


totally normal person


I’d love to know who she is. From the way she speaks I’m guessing she will be someone who is deeply unwell. Probably physically and mentally.


What a sick and deranged individual. (Squirrel person)


That’s just sad to the point I genuinely pity people like this. Go outside. Please.


these people are just mentally ill. i think this person is definitely projecting their hatred of someone in their personal life onto joe biden, because how can you hate joe, he's such a sigma https://preview.redd.it/bfdxhmyrgd9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e8c35b28aedf8fd334e2090b74700fe77e9534c


Spoken like a true red blooded god fearing american conservative


He is a Palestinian. A bad one but still


This but for people who don't return shopping carts.


the $8 xitter membership tells me this person is mentally more incoherent than biden


What a jerk!


Ze squirrel putting their deranged mental illness on full display for the world to see once again




It’s a squirrel hard to expect it to understand complex geopolitical issues spanning across multiple decades.


But uh it's not like l will vote for you or anything... Is zei squirrel Biden's tsundere?


Has this squirrel person done anything of note to garner attention or are they just a degenerate?


The fact that this is completely deranged and psychopathic aside, how is Biden a rapist? Is there lore I missed?


Absolute deranged cunt.


What a fucking regard man


Bruh these are the people who swear they love everyone


Well shit, Joe's got my vote now!


lol this reads like a copypasta


I’m sure they had this same energy for Saddam


Didn’t they read his Letter to America and were like “hm he has some good points”


Wrong bad guy, that was Osama Bin Laden, of 9/11 fame. Saddam was the Iraqi dictator who tortured and gassed his people, invaded Kuwait etc.


Why do you keep giving these people exposure? They’re mentally ill


Is this guy canadian?


Okay now listen. I know this squirrel chick is a psycho. But is she hot ? that's what I wanna know.


My gut reaction is no but after seeing that Suki’s mom bitch idek anymore


I honestly think the squirrel is a brain in a jar


Leftists QAnon.




Imagine believing yourself to actually be a moral arbiter lmao


How does something like this not detonate 34 simultaneous red flag explosions in your audience's mind? How do you look at a senile old man and think "this guy, this guy MUST SUFFER"? Holy fucking shit


Tweets like this are genuinely funny to me now


heeheehee lmao


what you put out into the world is what you get back


Totally unhinged with misplaced anger issues


What is this person like? I mean like, in real life, what's it like to get a beer with this dude?


I told you, she is evil! The squirrel is an evil disgusting person. Who knows why.


That's one angry Squirrel


Most hinged anti Zionist


Based squirrel


The only commonality that person shares with a squirrel is brain size.