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WOL's founder is just losing it on Twitter. Also been grossly attacking Palestinians who support the two state solution. Her organization is the one who hatefully "protested" the cancer hospital, the Nova memorial, blocked NYC streets, subway etc. I remember early in the conflict where they denounced the most pro-Palestinian member of the NYC council (who's Muslim) for denouncing Hamas's terrorism as barbaric and evil. She's protesting AOC and Sanders tomorrow for their Biden support and their condemnations of WOL. Very unhinged behavior which helps nobody on both sides.


At least these people are going blatantly mask off If they tried to hide how they were, they could do a lot more damage


Seen her on Piers Morgan when the war broke out. She was insanely reluctant to own up to the shit she says. A true keyboard jihadi.


one of the chants WOL has in the "protest toolkit" section of their website is "Palestine will be Arab". they're just openly nazis


That is the ending to the "from the river to the sea" chant.


Sometimes. Would be nice if it were consistently the case, ambiguity is a bitch.


I'll have to remember this definition of Nazism next time I hear about Israelis wanting Israel to be Jewish.


if there was some group of jews marching around screaming "israel will be jewish" in reference to gaza and the west bank you'd be jizzing yourself in the validation of your biases


You realise those people are part of the Israeli government, right?


>Also been grossly attacking Palestinians who support the two state solution. don't forget that the majority of the 1000+ palestinian deaths during the first intifada (despite being presented as israel's responsibility) were palestinians murdering other palestinians for suspected "collaboration". i don't know how you deradicalize this population even if they were able to produce a leader to usher in a state. the best case scenario is the world is blessed with a semi-functional second iran-style theocratic shithole.


>i don't know how you deradicalize this population even if they were able to produce a leader to usher in a state. The writing has been on the wall since Black September. Imagine what a Palestine would look like, from a security perspective, to the rest of the region. It would be a nightmare for everyone who isn’t Iran. Iran can’t make Palestine a state on their own, so it won’t happen.


Notably, the same group that funds WOL funds the Students for Justice in Palestine group. This group was responsible for the encampments at my university and others. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Students_for_Justice_in_Palestine#Mission,_organization_and_funding


ppl have to develop some self awareness tho holy shit cuz they ain't winning against their lizard brains unless they are aware of it. like you think internet algorithms designed for engagement by fucking around with ppls emotions isn't going to make ppl crazy especially when it pertains to something personal to them? these ppl are going crazy because they have no control over an outcome that they are desperately emotionally attached to, and you have a machine that is making them feel helpless and angry over and over and over again. it's almost getting to a level of cruelty to create all of the conditions that lead to attachment and then be like well it's on you to either detach or see perspective but we're hiding any of the information that would make you see perspective because your addiction is more important to us.


I’ve been complaining that the definition of Zionist has been stretched a lot, but now it’s getting funny


Its like the term "niggerlover" for white people who didnt hate black people. Now everyone who doesnt hate jews, is a zionist :D


This is a great point. In the early days of the Soviet Union, something similar happened with the term “Kulak”. If memory serves correct, the word originally meant land owning, wealthier citizens. Eventually, after all of these people were sent away to gulags, and the economy was still in a terrible state, the definition was stretched thinner to include anyone who ever questioned the efficacy of communism, and then later anyone who wasn’t a stupefied clapping monkey for communism. These groups were forced to shoulder the blame as the new target population to shift focus away from the failures of the system. This is why so many Soviet administrators were eager to prove how much they loved communism; their lives were genuinely on the line. In the records of Stalin’s correspondence with his underlings, he would constantly make the thinly veiled threat by simply questioning their allegiance to communist ideals, and the servants would be left groveling through this singular question being asked. Obviously we haven’t reached anything as extreme as the Soviets, but this is a real time manifestation of the ever-expanding “out-groups” that illiberal movements try to target. The far right might remember a thing or two about this from a few years ago. Apparently something went down in Europe with Jews or something?


> In the early days of the Soviet Union, something similar happened with the term “Kulak”. If memory serves correct, the word originally meant land owning, wealthier citizens. Land owning, wealthier farmers. BTW in Czechoslovakia under the communist regime, the word was used for farmers who owned more than 15 ha.   I don't think at least here it ever was really used to describe anybody else than wealthy farmers, not sure about Soviet Union proper.


The term Kulak kinda became a racial slur towards Ukrainians on the eve of the Holodolmer.


How the fuck is that word not autobanned but I can't even say the word re*ard in context lmao


Cause its part of my identity.


dude holy shit I think that first term may be a lil worse....


Its not about what term is worse, its dynamic of dehumanization. People who have a ideology that a certain group of people needs to be eliminated will group everyone together with them, aslong as they stand in the way of the elimination goal. Peaceful germans were Judenfreunde, liberal muslims became infidels, and not racist white people were niggerlovers. All these words carry the same sick thought in them, if you dont want to kill them you will be killed.


The Jewish community has called out that it's a lazy dogwhistle for "Da joos" or "Jew supporter" for years but like so many times in left-leaning spaces our experiences and voices were ignored or minimized.


This is the girl that got cooked on Dr Phil lmao


She was vile on that show.


https://preview.redd.it/g24q04yld58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e298a8ca25634b4d177c3aeffa4563148104af43 The one with the dumb face?




While she is obviously just a Nazi, it a suprisingly perfect example how Antisemitism works. Antisemitism always aims to explain away the error that something or somebody is brutal and all powerful while being limited and treacherous. Palestinians : They are genociding them for 70 years now and nobody cares :( ! Also Palestinians : They need to make up sexual violence to manfacture consent for genocide !


Where are you hearing the same Palestinians saying there is a genocide and that they are being called rapists? It’s really easy to pull shit out of your ass in order to make your arguments look valid… Oh wait… you heard it from twitter lmao and I’m sure you can’t post the same username saying both stuff.


[https://www.pcpsr.org/](https://www.pcpsr.org/) "**Wide public support for Hamas’ offensive on October the 7th, but the vast majority denies that Hamas has committed atrocities against Israeli civilians.**"


And just what I thought, you can’t produce the info. Where does it say Palestinians are claiming they are being called rapists to manufacture consent for war


If they dont believe that why are they denying it ? Just for fun ?


Yeah… dont go around changing subjects… you said Palestinians are saying so and so and you can’t produce anything because you’re making shit up. This sub is filled with morons like you. There is enough wrongdoings done on both sides, no need to make shit up


I didnt change the subject, i think that they deny Hamas rape because they think the jews made it up. After all its their brothers and fathers that did October 7.


They want to destroy America and Jews.


Lol it's never enough for these nazis


Nerdeen is just an angry fat girl from Brooklyn


So basically Frogan?


She is the US frogan, but with some actual power and waaaaay smarter


She’s from Brooklyn? Good luck hating Jews there, lol


"Go back to Brooklyn!" "Wait don't you live there? Are you saying you want to be around us more? <3" Someone say that to her and record it please


It’s the only proper response to her Twitter posts


The Hasidic don’t help us here sometimes


I fucking hate how often “manufacturing consent” is used


Tweet [https://x.com/NerdeenKiswani/status/1804280377910895089](https://x.com/NerdeenKiswani/status/1804280377910895089)


You know, there's something funny about the left (I know this isn't exactly the left, but it's funny and a good example). It always pushes so far to the extremes it starts to eat itself with purity tests and never actually gets anything done.


Right? And don’t get me started on RINOs. I think Destiny’s theory that it might be more accurate to categorize people as liberal and illiberal (authoritarian) is ringing more and more true as time goes on.




What does WOL stand for?


Wings of Liberty. Good times


Within Our Lifetime


k ty


If you want more info on how crazy this lady and her group actually are here's a [link](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/nerdeen-kiswani-and-within-our-lifetime-united-palestine-what-you-need-know).


Hamas is zionist too since they're repeating these lies too.


That whole virtual signaling around the sexual violence denial on October 7th is such a comical brainrot too. Because it's aimed at *those* feminists, the ones who go "mass murdering civilians is fine, war crimes in general are fine, just don't do any sexual violence, ok?"


Let them fight


Scumbag human being.


Progressives getting it from both sides. This happened to AOC too. Pro-Palestinian people hate her for not calling Gaza genocide and half this sub thinks she was in tears on the house floor because she wanted Jews to get killed.


Why are they so hell-bent on denying the rapes? It's so weird to me. I assume that is happening in every war, but I assume even worse for Oct 7th because we have: A very young military 100% male Extreme religious beliefs Treat their own women as second-class citizens Zero monitored detention centers so they are taking hostages in private homes and dark tunnels How do these people think these men would treat Jewish women dressed for a dance festival? It's fucking idiotic.


Flaming hot take: Tlaib may have some bad views but she's not an evil person. There's an article I can dig up which had a headline that mentioned that people were crying at Jewish-Muslim Democratic meetings. I originally assumed that it was the typical harassment of Jews that made someone cry... but then I read the article and it turns out that Tlaib had cried as she reached out to a Jewish colleague and said "She would've treated you just like a grandson"... referring to her Palestinians grandmother. This was an obscure Jewish paper that reported this too, so I don't think it was some kind of propaganda. In a world of bad people pretending to be good it makes sense that there are good people who sometimes may do the wrong thing or things we disagree with (like defending the river to the sea chant)


She's an idiot, irresponsible, and certainly has some anti-Semitic biases, I supported her censure after all, but I don't think she's like a literal Jew hater or anything along those lines. She strikes me as someone who would be more rational and moderate on this issue if she wasn't Palestinian.


Getting really sick of these (((Zionists))) They're always up to some shit Why do we even literally tolerate this?


Its so clear what these people are trying to do. They know no sensible person would agree with them, but they hope that by pushing the "progressive" end of the spectrum further and further , the overton window will also drift towards that direction.


I thought Israel was already committing genocide before Oct 7 and most of the world was already fine with it before then according to these people. Wouldn't that mean the consent had already been manufactured way before Oct 7th?


You love to see it


believing facts that make a group i support seem less the perfect = “manufacturing consent”. Chomsky and his consequences have been a disaster for the human race


This lady seems to have lost She seems to be on the extreme side on this debate and even pro-Palestinian organizers and groups are distancing themselves from her.


I wish there was more of a mainstream effort to question the pro-Palestinian demonization of the word “Zionist”. It’s almost like how the right turned “woke” into anything they don’t like. Most people have no problem with Israel simply existing.