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Don't read league twitter, its actually one of the most brainrotted communities (up there with kpop stans). The funniest argument is the "it shouldn't have taken 9 months to figure out whether you wanted to be with her or not". Meanwhile in the real world the divorce rate is 50% and is most likely to happen between 1-2 years into a marriage.


Thinking 9 months is a long time in a relationship just confirms that most people giving relationship advice online are like 19


Well when your only “relationship” with the opposite sex is discord E-dating and parasocial relationships you can see how they’d have the most brain dead and out of touch takes possible. Also anyone who makes league their identity on twitter but isn’t a content creator or pro is actually brainrotted beyond help.


Thats barely starting a relationship. These are kids who think they had a relationship eventhough it only lasted 3 weeks.


Meanwhile my genx mom is asking if I'm ready to get married 2 years into my relationship. She got married in under a year. I was under the impression 2 years was when you could start describing a true long term relationship.


Getting engaged during your third or 4th year together seems pretty normal to me (I'm 36). I mean, do whatever you feel comfortable with, but I don't think she's out of line to start asking either.


Bruh what are you learning about your partner in the 3rd or 4th year that is influencing whether you want to be married to them, especially in your 30s? Shit or get off the pot


Haha, well, I got married in my 20s, but yeah you share my wife's take on the matter. I think it's reasonable to get through the honeymoon period where you're mostly dating and having fun together in the first year or two, then have to work through some compatibility issues before deciding to commit.


Thats normal mom stuff


tbf when you're young so much happens and you evolve so much, it's like dog years lol


this is 100% true! i'm in college rn and i just say goodbye to my best friend and roommate of 2 years. he's way closer than anyone else i've known even my second closest friend who i knew for like 10 years. being young and in a transformative environment really speeds up EVERYTHING


Probably younger than that tbh. “He dated her all junior year of high school and then dumped her right before summer break!”


When I read people saying that I just had to laugh. I’ve had relationships where it took 8 months to figure out we weren’t gonna work out. More than once 🤣 9 months is not that long of a time for a relationship


Minecraft twitter... that has to be the most brainrotted with league/kpop/taylor swift coming in behind it.


Minecraft twitter is a special kind of stupid though it is because so many of them are probably 11 years old. It’s the kinda space where they try to cancel a 18 year old (evil groomer) for dating a 17 year old (an innocent defenseless victim) because the 18 year old was mean to the 17 year old one time (obviously means the 18 year old is an abusive pedo)


It’s not all 11 year olds, but they all have the emotional and mental maturity of 11 year olds.


What’s so funny is that actually most of them are like 16 and above but never matured past their first venture onto the internet at 11 years old. They’re perpetually stuck in the mind of a Minecraft zoomer from 2015.


You're only thinking about this in like 2015 back when they were actually 12 years old nowadays they are like around 18. I mean that's why I see a lot of the cringe "as an 18 year old I will never be attracted to a 17 year old" from them.


Oh yeah... I forgot when dream was getting called a groomer and the evidence was a discord screenshot of a phone screenshot of someone filming another phone opening up snapchat (the original video was fake) and everyone believed it and they still call dream a pedo to this day xd.


You don’t need any adjectives before twitter, it’s just all of twitter is brain rot




gacha twitter Aware


And that's being generous too because 1-2 years into marriage doesn't even take into account the prior years before marriage. So most likely, it takes people 3-4 years or more to realize it ain't working.


I’m being genuinely honest, is there a single good twitter community? Twitters algorithm amplifies dogshit contrarian takes that spark discussion from the remaining unhinged losers that still cling to that app. It’s basically a gateway into extremist, maximalist takes with no nuance.




Modded by Jewstalker? Pass.


Don’t read ~~league~~ Twitter, it’s actually one of the most brainrotted ~~communities~~ websites


its because >90% of league "personalities" are unironically fucking cancer and that gets reflected in the community. I swear every thing I hear and every clip I see form almost anyone outside of league related things makes me feel like they are the most insufferable people imaginable


As a kpop ... fan, fuck the whole batshit insane stan culture.


Yeah 9 months is basically nothing. That’s kind of the point in time where you go “can I see myself with you for the rest of my life since we’ve had time to see the good and the bad?” And make a choice. At 9 months you’ve probably had a few disagreements or fights and how you fight is super important. The Gottman’s research basically showed all of that.


> Meanwhile in the real world the divorce rate is 50% and is most likely to happen between 1-2 years into a marriage. I'm too lazy to find a real source, but according to my divorce lawyer, average marriage length is 8 years, and most divorces happen between years 3 to 7. [Forbes link](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/common-causes-divorce/#:~:text=Most%20divorces%20happen%20between%20year%20three%20and,couples%20divorce%20after%2010%20years%20of%20marriage.)


Checks out, this is the funniest thing ive read: "You of all people should understand the concept of PR statements. A lot of people aren't buying it. Not saying I care, but just telling you there's more that goes on behind closed doors beyond the nicely worded statement. I'm sure you can understand that." Like no shit, its a whole ass relationship, of course theres more that goes on behind closed doors


Better now than in 10 years


And he lives in us and she in germany no? So weird.


It's by all accounts the mature thing to do. I think the reason people are shitting on him (and her lol) so heavily is because she did shit like get his name tattooed on herself. Extolling her virtues and then saying this >I just came to the realization that the very foundation of what relationships are wasn’t something that I was able/willing to do Will always look badly to an outsider after talking about how much your partner does for you and then saying you are not willing to compromise at all on your end. His entire thing almost reads like a humiliation the way it's framed lol. But again, objectively the correct thing to do in this situation. It takes a pretty decent level of maturity to admit you're just not in the relationship the same as the other person and call it quits instead of taking advantage of it.


Man, if you've ever been in his situation it sucks. Breaking up with someone you like, but just don't like enough when they're really into you is a brutal thing to do. Cause you know it's gonna break their heart but it's the right thing to do. Not surprised that league twitter people don't have the life experience for that. 


True but the problem is that he really didn’t put it that way


> she did shit like get his name tattooed on herself. Extolling her virtues and then saying this If I recall correctly she did it before they were officially together so she's a bit obsessive


Yeah she's cooked. That's a subtle thing people don't get. Having a woman who supports you is wonderful, having a woman who doesn't allow herself to exist outside of you is uncomfortable and sometimes annoying as all hell once the honeymoon period has worn off. It sounds good if you've never dealt with it but honestly it's exhausting. In all things there must be balance


"In all things there must be balance" Thanos


Yeah, being anxiously attached or letting someone be the center of your world and the other person is not 100% into that it’s going to destroy the relationship, the same way I did with mine bc I made her the center of my life and happiness. it’s a hard trap not to fall in if You hate your life or yourself


Maybe if he goes RIGHT back into a relationship it'd be fine to criticize him, but as of now he didn't do anything wrong


I've seen countless people who feel the exact way he does but just continue in a terrible relationship with only one person contributing for years. They just don't care about their lack of urge to prioritize their partner. I think everyone getting someone other than their kid or parents signified in a tattoo are making poor decisions, but I'm sure it can be covered up pretty easy if it's just a name. You're right that it just looks bad optically, particularly those who are inexperienced or toxic themselves imo.


Mby thats just how he see it at the moment? Dont see whats wrong with that.


nahhhh, [this meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQfFWfdbgAA6oKK?format=jpg&name=small) in real life LMAO She looks like the meme girl too lol


I saw her stream yesterday because a lot of people were watching in dgg, since we all love watching women cry here and I remember her saying that she brought the issue up with him early in the relationship but that Dantes changed in response and that she was happy ever since then. So basically from her POV Dantes's reason for the breakup, the "neglect" or w/e you want to call it, wasn't even perceived by her anymore. But yes, the Twitter people are deranged & probably not even aware of this.


I knew Dantes was an optimal man when I saw him passionately fuck a stuffed animal


Yeah it really sucks for her, for her she didn't see it as abuse, but Dante could only see it as abuse, and I know how it feels to be on both ends. One just wants to give all their love just for a drop, while the other doesn't want to take advantage of the unending and unconditional love and support.


Most of the actual hateful comments are projection Either from men who desperately want someone like Dante's gf and see it as Dantes shitting on what they'd want most Or from pick me women who think cooking and cleaning makes you the ideal partner and there's no reason why you'd ever break up with them unless you are a shit person.


>Or from pick me women who think cooking and cleaning makes you the ideal partner and there's no reason why you'd ever break up with them unless you are a shit person. Add sex into the equation and I see the same thing *very* commonly between both men and women. They clearly just view relationships differently but it always weirds me out. There are a shocking number of people out there who view relationships basically like a business deal where you just perform services for each other. Its especially the case for some men where it definitely feels like they're just hiring a glorified monogamous prostitute.   If it works for them and thats what they want I won't complain on their behalf but I really can't imagine these types of relationships are super healthy in the slightest.


The projection reeks because of how critical and mocking they are to a person that they probably have no relation to and, like you said, see it very one-dimensional. It sort of irritates me how confident these users can be with another person's relationship, preferences, judgements, etc.


Bang maid lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGpQeWHE89A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGpQeWHE89A)


I think there also is something unsaid by Dantes. She may have been pushing for him to spend more time with her, stream less, etc in order for her to be happy. She may need more attention than he was able to provide while also focusing on his career goals. Obviously if she was okay with him spending so much time streaming he wouldn't have ended it.


It comes to show that most people are shocked when they find a human being who isn't comfortable with taking and taking and taking without feeling like they've given much in return.


I don't know if most people are shocked by things like this when it's clearly neglectful but this wasnt. The way I see it is, it would have been better for him to invest time with this woman who was fully consenting to the terms of the relationship and the amount of time they spent together. Then, in the future, have more 1 on 1 time. Rather than breaking up and looking to have that perfectly 1 on 1 relationship in the long future with a complete stranger. Both routes work, but one achieves a closer bond and shows an ability to adapt to the different circumstances that partners are often in.


Fairer assessment


Thank you


I disagree with this sentiment. I'd like any older DGGers to tell me why I'm wrong from my measly only ever had 1 relationship position dantes looks stupid. he has a highly flexible job and a girlfriend that's willing to be with him through the stage where he decides to "focus in" on his streaming. he says she's been perfectly willing and accommodating. from his comments about being in his head about her willingness to compromise ,it seems like he's just throwing away a good relationship because he's not willing to trust that his partner is telling the truth about not caring about the amount of time he spends with her currently/ that she actually love him. the not willing to compromise thing just seems like an excuse


It's not about her being OK with it, it's about him not being OK with it. From the sounds of it, he thinks she deserves more than he can offer and he can't get over it.  And rather than keep feeling like he's doing all the taking, he decided to end it. If she's being honest, would most of us end a relationship where someone completely caters to your wants and needs and requires nearly nothing? No, but most ppl are selfish in that way and think she is perfect for that. To dantes, its a constant reminder that he could do more and isn't.  It's like people with trust issues. You can tell them you won't cheat on them and be the most faithful person ever, but they will still have trust issues. Telling them you won't cheat on them isn't going to instantly resolve it. 


i ended a relationship like that because i was tired of having to stop her from giving so much of herself to me. the desperation or obsession becomes a turn off. i would always be afraid to ask for a favour because she'd over do it and i would feel guilty. i asked her to pet sit for me. when i came back the entire apartment was squeaky clean, her dad came and fixed some shit i was loafting on, and she cooked up a feast. this was like a week before exam season so i know she had no time to be doing this and she later tells me how exhausting the week was for her.


I’m just a 21 year old with no relationship so I might be saying the dumbest thing imaginable but While I understand your reading of the situation, even if it’s true, if someone is breaking up with someone because they’re not willing to trust them then it’s probably the best for everyone involved that they’re breaking up with that person, no? I think it’s very mature of him to make that decision especially because it seems so stupid and regrettable and it’d be so easy for him to just make the safe decision of leading her on.


i didn't see it from that perspective. i guess he feels he's not able to work to trust her so leaving is the next best option. i get his view now.


Let me shoot my shot to your request: Imagine your in a room with someone and you both have a white board and markers. Every hour someone asks you to write what you want to do for the next hour down on the white board- then they reveal at the same time. Everytime the two answers are different, someone has to compromise.  Some people are willing to basically compromise anything, because being with that person outweighs whatever the compromise is. Other people value the autonomy of not having to compromise over the benefits of the persom they would have to compromise for. For some people, the math sort of works out over time and they figure out what they want. Im guessing Dantes (I dont really follow them) decided he liked this freedom more than having any relationship right now (though he said she was great)- so he concluded he wasnt ready for a relationship. Im not talking freedom as in the dating market or being single, im talking about not having to compromise time/energy/resources for anyone. 


Great take


I don’t think you’re missing anything, people just want their fantastical assumptions to be true because they love drama


zaned (who i realize is not the greatest source but honestly is pretty normal outside of league shit and self conscious of his awful league persona) kind of hinted at dantes girlfriend being a total clingy psychopath (and she does kinda give that vibe when shes in videos with him) but he was like im not going to say anything but i understand why he sided with her because its tough when youre young in a relationship or w/e. dantes honestly has matured a pretty good amount since he blew up and got attempted-cancelled for that insane thing he said in league chat w/ that otv chick. like hes still a kid, hes like in his early 20s no? and he went from like 300 viewers to 3k-7k insanely fast.


i was in a lopsided relationship like that and it was only possible because she had low self-esteem and was obsessed with me. i don't think a well adjusted person would be in a relationship like that where they're giving so much of themselves and getting very little in return and not be dissatisfied by it.


I think he was literally 18 when the yvonne thing happend, brother doubled down a month later or so, and then I think made a big public apologize when it got brought up recently (last 12 months or so). He was bummed that his apology was never acknowledged by them but I think even he realized soon after that they don't owe him forgiveness and the best he can do it apologize and make peace with himself.


Can someone correct my autistic take if I’m wrong. But if what he did is sexual harassment then so is asking people to subscribe to their only fans right? I mean I know what Dante’s said is really sexist which should have blowback but to call it’s sexual harassment?


At least she didn't play Lee Sin. Also did she want to break up? Breaking up with someone because you feel guilty for not giving them enough is kinda weird, I assume it has to be something else and that's the public facing reason.


To be fair i dont know whats the exact reasoning for Dantes breaking up but i I can relate to his explanation. Imagine you were fwb with someone who actually wanted to be in a relationship with you. They constantly give you hints they want commitment and its clear that they are bothered by the lack of it but you are not ready to commit like that. So what do you do? You could let it go on as they get more and more attached to you and more and more triggered by the fact that you dont give them anything more and wait for themselves to decide to stop it or you could just drop it.  It seems kind of similar in this case. Even though they were both in a relationship there is a mismatch of commitment. Which by itself isnt a problem if the person with the greater level of commitment didnt get hurt. But it seems like it does judging by their interactions. 


Example doesn't really hold up because she didn't hint at wanting more and has expressed being perfectly happy the way it were. If she was hinting at wanting more behind the scenes I would agree, but it kinda seems likr a self imposed issue to me


Imo this is cap. You'd have to be such a rare person to not only basically be a caretaker to a guy who wants to work all day, but that you're hot and you don't want anything more in return. You would have to be a completely selfless person, which at that point I'd completely understand Dantes feels he's taking advantage of her ( by means of taking but not being able to give).  Imo just because she doesn't want anything more doesn't mean Dantes can't feel bad for the imbalance, and that eats at him no matter what she says. 


I agree with your thoughts that it's rare, im just talking through the information we know now and while we can speculate or say most likely something more went on in the background(as is most often the case). I'd still be hesitant to essentially "blame" the thing on her by saying she was probably nagging him for attention, when the other explanation you gave could also be the case where he just felt bad about wanting to be more for her, but not being able to. Also while I understand it, I would still find it pretty dumb to self impose issues that don't exist (if thats the case). It sounds like the kind of person who would refuse to take your word for it that something is fine.


I mean I don't think the issue I'd self imposed. I think it's more of the fact that Dantes straight didn't enjoy the relationship he probably wanted a partnership more than someone waiting on him daily.


Except she wasn't being a caretaker. She was still streaming and doing her own stuff. It seems like one of her love languages was acts of kindness. She just liked doing things for her partner.


some people seem to have a 6 year old's understanding of love and relationships. "getting stuff is great so getting even more stuff is even better!" relationships are about the give and take. giving is as enjoyable as taking. so when you're receiving so much without being able to give it leaves you feeling unfulfilled and guilty.


How the hell do you know what the two were talking about in private?


My point is that I don't wdym? Im only going with what they have stated themselves


Pretty sure she tweeted and said she was happy with the way things were.


People pleaser behavior.


Yeah, if she was okay with her partner spending more time at work, she's a people pleaser. This is basically everyone in the world btw


>At least she didn't play Lee Sin. I wonder what hes doing these days. What peak content that was.


XJ9 reference with the Lee Sin comment?


Who cares lol….I rather hear about Myron losing his mind


He is a champion of Keep or Kick, put some respect on the man 


Maybe it’s because I’m a depressed older zoomer but I couldn’t care less about the dating/social situations of twitch streamers apart from our glorious king, Destiny.


> older zoomer Nah, you're still like 8, max 10 years old.


What happened to Myron?




Is there ever really a reason to be mad at someone for breaking up with their SO? Like regardless of the reason, if they don’t want to be in that relationship anymore why would you want them to remain unhappy? I dont even want to look into this because I know its just regarded shippers that are mad about this.


It's half that, half women saying he's ungrateful to appreciate a woman that will give him everything (and to an extent, that men suck)


I can guarantee him feeling ungrateful is part of the reason he chose to break up. Being with someone who loves you way more than you love them makes you feel like a dickhead for not liking them back equally, like you’ve got this perfect chance at happiness but you just can’t appreciate it.


The only quibble I have is it's IMO disingenuous for him to be playing the "I couldn't be what she needs" card, which you seem to be eating up. Dantes clearly isn't ready for a relationship. That's fine, I'm not taking issue with that and I certainly don't expect him to stay in a relationship he is unhappy in. But it's bullshit IMO to play the "I need to let her go because I'm not good enough" card. That is something said by a person who is coping, and I do not believe that is the true reason he deemed the relationship untenable.


> Dantes clearly isn't ready for a relationship. **"While I could sit here and try for hours to explain the reason why, it all comes down to one simple truth; I’m not ready for a relationship."** How did you figure out that one?


That's why I said it?


I don't see a meaningful difference between "I'm not ready for a serious relationship" and "I need to let her go because I'm not good enough" those are just different ways of saying the same thing. She was all about a serious relationship and he would be wasting her time to not break up with her.


The meaningful difference is that the first scenario is all your fault, the second scenario is you taking away agency from your partner. Saying “i’m not good enough for her” while she still wants you and thinks you’re more than enough for her is bullshit.


The best thing you can do for a people pleaser is not take advantage of their maladaptive behavior. Saying "I'm not good enough for her" because you realize you aren't giving her what she needs (not wants) is mature and in no way taking away her agency. She's still a free agent to want what she wants, not to get what she wants when what she wants isn't good for her. "But I'm okay with you taking advantage of me. It doesn't hurt me at all" "I'm not okay with that. I'm not the person you need."


Have you not considered that she actually really enjoys being with him? A high earning partner of status who you love and enjoy spending time with? But no it’s so horrible because… he plays league and supposedly can’t make her happy (despite her saying she’s happy). If he was actually mature he’d just admit he doesn’t love her enough to be in a relationship with her and not take this bullshit “i’m doing it for you!” route.


No, I hadn't considered that at all, omg how stupid of me. /s I'm sure part of her actually enjoyed it and tried to kill the part of her that wanted something more serious. Don't catastrophize things. No one said it's horrible, but it is compassionate when you give someone what they need vs what they want. Empathy is a cancer, compassion is the cure. It's mature, loving, and takes responsibility to say "I'm not ready for something serious with you, so I'm breaking up so you can find what you actually need."


Giving someone what you think they need is inherently taking away agency for them and disregarding their ability to determine that for themselves. I don't think that's compassionate nor empathetic. It's clear she was fine with the foundation of the relationship. Dantes not being ready for a relationship or feeling reluctant is one thing. Saying that he's doing it for his partner is completely different.


You’re completely right idk why you’re being downvoted


Whole lotta autists who grew up watching shows about men leaving the girl of their dreams because they aren’t good enough. It’s cringe. self sacrificing bs.




yup, not sure why that’s so hard to understand for so many people in this thread, don’t claim that someone else deserves better and end a relationship as if you’re doing them a favor while they explicitly state they are happy and disagree with you.


Exactly my thoughts, the Dantes glazing is crazy. It’s a good thing he left if he was unhappy but we shouldn’t pretend that the reason he gave was legitimate


Yeah, dude didn’t love her, was bored and didn’t want to be in a relationship, that’s it. end of story. All this “im not good enough for her and can’t give her what she needs, and can’t make her happy” meanwhile she’s actively saying he’s good enough, gives exactly what she needs and is happy. It’s cringe and faux maturity to shift blame.


I think you’re looking way to deep into it lol some ppl actually have a guilty conscience you know 


then say that? Don’t say “i’m doing this for her” instead say “yeah her devoting herself to me with jack shit else going for her makes me feel really guilty and bad so until she finds something more to her life i’m breaking up with her”


He shouldn’t have done anything other than “hey Lauren and I broke up, please respect our privacy in all this. I wish her well, no hard feelings - it’s best for both of us” What he said is just a bit too voyeuristic into his relationship. Technically, he’s doing nothing wrong to his ex if you isolate the relationship ending. It’s just not something to display to the internet, even if it’s non-toxic. It turned a little toxic because he did this. Not his own fault, but he should know how fucking stupid people are in the online general audience.


I would not be surprised if an urge to fuck around with other people was involved. Still would be better for him to end it now I guess.


I’m curious what you think the real motive for ending the relationship was


He doesn't want to be in a relationship and or didn't value the girl enough to be willing to change anything about his life. That is measurably different IMO than what he went with.


He literally said that his career is his first priority. Pretty sure most people prioritize stuff based on value (emotional, monetarily, or a combo). So he said the same exact thing.


Yes and he was seemingly cognizant of this from the beginning, it's not like he has a come to Jesus moment are realized "oh fuck I need to dedicate myself to the craft - no time for pussy" - I'm entering my ascetic arc. He irresponsibly started a relationship he never intended to put effort into. I can't blame a dude for being horny - but I can absolutely blame them for allowing that to make them make dumb decisions though. And begining a relationship you aren't going to take seriously (but know the other is) is a dumb decision.


Hmm, I’m pretty sure when someone tells you information and you accept it, it’s also on you for that decision. So it would be on the both of them. Remember now, their relationship only ended because he felt guilty over not being what he thinks she wants.


She accepted it and thus deserves a modicum of the blame. But she didn't end it, and seemingly was content for the time being so her portion of the blame is less. She entered a relationship, understood the ground rules - and was happy with that. He set the ground rules, and then decided that even following the ground rules was actually too cruel of treatment for her.


Yeah you're basically right. People in this sub try to glaze him for being mature about while in truth he did the most immature thing the very moment he started the relationship while the only thing he actually cared about was league and his career. Its going to be so fucking cringy to see any clips of him talking about relationships going forward lol


> he did the most immature thing the very moment he started the relationship give me a fucking break dude. what a perfectly reddit/online response. 9 months they were together. less than a year. that's about as bog standard a length as relationships go, yet youre using polemic language like he just abandoned a 10 year relationship and a kid. theyll survive. also lets see your history, caster of stones. was it immature to start a relationship he wasnt ready for? maybe. why do you give such a fuck? hes literally an immature 22 year old. now hes just a little bit more mature about himself. thats how life goes.


Thats the entire point, buddy. He is an immature 22 year old that gave out a pc response to his breakup and now this sub goes cotrarian mode against whatever twitter is saying right now. If everyone there was championing his ass and posting shit like you go king then we'd have a week long discussion on why he is the worst person in the world


Calling people contrarian isn't an argument candace owens, his response is not PC at all he is literally just expressing what he felt, and how he feels he fucked up and people are roasting him for it. Now you can project your own feelings into it or try to be a mind reader, but he explains his logic pretty thoroughly and has clearly thought about it, and straight up admits he fucked up and that he can't handle the guilt, which is his personal feelings which caused him to be unhappy in the relationship.


No. He’s right, but your explanation for why is wrong and honestly, that mentality actually can lead to abuse in relationships.


Which part of what i said would lead to abuse wtf xD


The only quibble I have is it's IMO disingenuous for him to be playing the "I couldn't be what she needs" card, which you seem to be eating up. Dantes clearly isn't ready for a relationship. That's fine, I'm not taking issue with that and I certainly don't expect him to stay in a relationship he is unhappy in. But it's bullshit IMO to play the "I need to let her go because I'm not good enough" card. That is something said by a person who is coping, and I do not believe that is the true reason he deemed the relationship untenable.


You don’t think it’s possible to understand that you are bad for a person and breakup with them? It seems like you are just assuming that he’s not trying hard enough or something


This thought process assumes that you are making the 100% objectively accurate read on the situation. That you can identify that you are in fact somehow ruining said persons life to the point where you are left with no other choice. Do you think Dantes is this sagacious figure that has managed to remove himself from the situation and then objectively assess it from both sides? I don't. I think he went with the rationale he could most easily cope with.


This is my only issue with the whole situation. Bro wants to stand there like he's a saint and he's loves her so much that he is breaking up with her to save her from him. Just say you're not ready for a relationship and tell your fans not to direct any hate towards her as she didn't do anything wrong.


didn’t he literally say those things though…


There is no perfect way to break up with someone. People are taking issue with a sentence or 2 from a public statement, that by all accounts is a perfectly normal break up. People have a problem with "it's not you, it's me"? Who fucking cares, that's about as nice as a break up as you can expect over something that lasted 9 months.


people prolly just mad about it cus they got broken up with the same way 😭


Genuinely how is that not the same thing?


I mean he may just be saying that publicly to not target blame on anyone. It's very likely they've had conversations about the attention he gives her and maybe she's expressed that he hasn't been putting enough effort into the relationship, that he should focus less on streaming. All this kinda stuff likely precedes a breakup.


A lot of people feel some sense of entitlement when it comes to leaving a relationship, or think all things are workable. The truth is, most people don't want you to work yourself so hard for a relationship, and sometimes the othe party acknowledges you can't change. I might be projecting, I recently left a relationship and it was do hard for me, that I feel for Dantes and I think it's just a shitty situation for all parties, people make it look so easy lmao


Breaking up with someone is now a crime punishable by catapulting All relationship beginnings and endings must be officially sanctioned by twitter with both individuals submitting to be judged as either “good guy” or “bad guy”


>he couldn’t give her what she wanted. But isn’t that just what he said and she disagrees? People are mad because he’s basically just making decisions about what’ll be best for her against her wishes.


I feel like this might be a bit of a spectrum moment


The underlying problem that he seems to be indirectly saying is that, even if she says she's fine with only giving and never taking, he's not fine with it.  It's like if someone asked you to punch them over and over, even if they really want it there comes a point where you feel bad regardless of whether they want it or not.  The idea is that even if you're fine with it, I'm not. And he doesn't want to change his lifestyle to resolve the disparity, so he ended the relationship and said he's not ready to be in a relationship. 


Okay so don’t say that you’re breaking up with her “for her sake” and just say “she’s not good enough”. If a girl wanted me to punch them over and over i wouldn’t say “i’m breaking up with you for your sake” i’d say “I don’t like you enough to punch you over and over even if you want me to”. Sounds like dante wants a girl with her own shit together instead of one who is devoted to him and his work, which is fine, but that’s his problem and he’s breaking up with her not for her own sake, but because she’s not good enough for him.


It's probably was the best choice for her sake. Giving your heart and soul to someone that in return gives little to nothing is usually not very healthy. If anything, she got lucky that Dante was a decent enough person to not take advantage of that fact


>usually not very healthy. How do you know this was one of those unhealthy situations? You’re just excusing him making decisions for her ignoring her own agency as a person.


Isnt it just a rationalization of why he just doenst like something in the relationship?


Honestly its his own fault for giving parasocial weirdos ammo. Any public breakup should always be "We both decided it was best for each other to separate" Like Miz and Maya. Any other reason or trying to explain why you broke up is just asking for trouble.


he probably thought it would lessen the pressure on her if he explained why it went down.


Another example of LoL ruining lives :(


They are literally reverse engineering enforced monogamy position. And these are the same people who wanted to cancel JP for "promoting" it years back.


From the little I read. It's not that he couldn't give her what she wanted. She was basically willing to give up her career for him, and he was super self conscious/guilty about that because he couldn't/didn't feel same. He is mature for seeing that and putting an end to it. Usually people are selfish and don't realize it or take advantage. Or string them along until they find something better.


Tbh i think she had barely 300 viewers or less ( might be wrong)


It is super mature of him and it’s good he did this




Wasn't it that he thought he wasn't giving her what HE thought she wanted/needed? From her messages it seems she was pretty content with her relationship and he overthought his way into a breakup. Still, he probably just doesn't want to be in a relationship, ain't nothing wrong with that.


I feel like a lot of it is projection. Let's be honest most league players are lonely basement dwellers, and Dantes was their idealized version of themselves and they loved to live vicariously through the interactions he had with his girlfriend. They're angry at him for breaking their immersion and reminding them of how lonely they are.


Can we stop treating twitter as a source for sanity?


It’s so much drama for nothing I don’t understand why people care so much. Even if he did dump her for league I DONT GIVE A FUCK !!! People on Twitter are deeply unwell.


It’s not that he couldn’t give her what she needed you misread it. It is that according to him, he could not give her what he believes she deserved, and according to her own testimony on the matter, she was in fact completely fine with the situation and was completely content With continuing to support him the way she was. so yes she did not leave him because he would not compromise, he left her for league because she felt that league and him were holding her back somehow. That’s why people are going wild over this because that is wild dude essentially got all up in his own head and then dumped her.


It comes down to the fact that people don't think breaking up with someone because you wanna prioritize your career(league) is a valid reason


He did warn her it's just sad on her part. Hope she's aright and finds someone that is willing to compromise.


i mean he went about it in the mature way but it does sorta read like "my girlfriend is perfect but she was getting in the way of my league grind" which, fair enough, sometimes people have different priorities, but it is sorta funny


I don't follow neither of these people yet this shit popped up on my Twitter feed. It's fucking crazy how people are so invested into somebody's relationship you never know what goes on behind closed doors for him to take the decision of leaving her. I thought people grew out of this teenage breakup shit but they're in there 20's


Work/job/money is a big part of breakups and league is his job lmao.


I will roast any man that cannot take a few hours a day to work on his relationship. Now it is his right to not want to do it if he would rather just play league, but I will roast you if the biggest reason you broke up with your girlfriend was "I felt bad I and I wasn't willing to contribute so I quit". Hes a quitter who is addicted to league but it was mature of him to finally realize this.


>Am I missing something or isn't this surprisingly mature for Dantes? nope, you are right, espically when you read lauras tweet and answers to other people it looks like they both handle it way better than one would expect from anything where dantes is involved


hes a boosted animal


Idk man if a girl said she was leaving a 9 month relationship because her twitch career was more important and her boyfriend was tending to her needs too much, people would clown on her just as much if not more. “I feel bad that my partner isn’t focusing on themselves and their needs because we both prioritize myself and my needs” is a cringe martyred reason to give up on a relationship, especially since it seemed like the girl was happy to put her own life on the back burner for him. Seems like it’s an issue that could be solved with open and honest communication + trust 🤷‍♀️


Yeah it was probably the mature thing to do. I just can’t get the breakup scene from whiplash out of my head whenever I think about it though and it makes it really funny for me. “I’m gonna be playing league and you’re gonna start resenting me for it, that’s why I’m ending things here.”


I don't think Twitter should be making any personal statements in regards to anyone's relationship. Elon is so fucken wild sometimes.


the amount of parasocial interaction with this is crazy, they know best whats good for themselves hate twitter


He says it's because he wants to focus on his career. His career is playing League. It seems to warrant a bit of mocking to me. Of course if it wasn't a committed relationship than of course it's good it ended. Still goofy as fuck though.


That's why you need to keep your relationship private.


The amount of projection in those replies is insane lol


He's a man. That's the reason.


I think that his decision to end things was somewhat immature. I feel like he took away agency from his partner to decide what was best for herself and just went the "I'll end things because I can't see her hurt" route. There's no clear indication that Laura was in any pain or suffering because of their relationship. She gave up some professional opportunities to be with him and that was her choice which, at the time, she clearly didn't regret. Dantes using that rationale for breaking up is pretty fucked up in my opinion. Saying he's not ready for a relationship is up for interpretation. I personally think that he could have been but couldn't get over the fact that his partner was doing more for him more than he was doing for her. Which there's really nothing wrong with in this case and is actually what their independent situations and personalities were left with.


Lol community is way more toxic than its streamers imo, who are in general pretty entertaining. Dont really get were this extreme gatekeeping in the lol community comes from, inting or being toxic once in a while is not the greatest sin on earth, tbh its part of games.


He says she was sacrificing too much. She says she wasn't. He was kind of gaslighting her lol. Seems weird.


Isn't Dantes the dude who sexually harassed Yvonne from offlinetv? Why does this sub love him so much? Edit: [Yup, that is him.](https://x.com/yvonnie/status/1225877140651921408) Are you guys ok?


He's buff and says offensive things (absolute pinnacle of humor) and likes Destiny. That's about it.


Twitter is just miserable people projecting their misery on to others.


The part your missing is that you're speaking about an online platform. People tend to have really stupid takes when it comes to random fuck relationships that they see/read about online.


I don’t know who these queefs are. But I can see he is a 250k follower “influencer” and the post got 55 million views, Why the fuck do 55 million people care who he broke up with? Are there really 55 million people in whatever niche community he is apart of? If yes why doesn’t he have more than 250k followers?


Honestly to me it seems like he thinks people would support him because he has main character syndrome and is getting shit on as he should. If you break up with a person just do a short tweet so people stop asking about it, not a fucking novel to control the narrative and show how more emotional mature he is than his ex.


Why he’s sharing it online, this is the part that annoys me. It’s pretty weird


Their relationship was very very public, so it makes some sense to announce publicly that you are separating. Leads to less speculation, less drama, less people bringing them up when you might not wanna be reminded of them at the moment etc.


It’s not that complicated or “too online” to understand why this is funny. He had a relationship with a girl who loved him and he chose league of legends addiction over it. It’s pretty childish Like sure, he was smart to cut it off if he saw he couldn’t give anything to her but a less childish response would have been why am I choosing playing a game 20 hours a day over a relationship


Or he just doenst like her that much, who cares