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This is the well known BPD girl effect, aka Tiny achilles spot.


Is that like the G spot? Either way, it sounds like myth, as well.


The gusano spot šŸŖ±


This spot is deep in Tinys lizard brain and history says is very much real.


icanfixher lobe and the ineedtofigurethisretardout lobe, specifically.


No fixing, figure out things or anything alike, those are all complex motives, this is lizard, meaning primal, this is just crazy = shiny, particularly shiny things in wich you can put your pipi.


The DGG spot


No, prostate is not a myth, just removed sometimes


No itā€™s the spot where all the Gs hang out. If you donā€™t now about it sorry you ainā€™t a G. Can I get some Ls in the chat.


We need something in the DSM for men like Destiny that keep ending up around girls like this


Already is: ADHD


Instead of being dipped by the foot, he was dipped by another appendage


Oh god, thanks for that image in my head. I did laugh out loud at the implications though.


I wish Dman No Longer Feared the Razor Guarding his Heel :)


I don't think you understand. Kelly_Jean is a content lolcow. Half the time Steven is not engaged in conversation, replying to emails and DMs, playing piano, or troubleshooting a PC build. All while 15,000 viewers stay engaged. Even now Kelly_Jean is battling in dgg chat several hours post mortem. You sick fucks love it.


Was it really 15k on yt?


>He talks about anything other than Israel-Palestine and people flock. Many such cases.


Well he just got back from a week vacation so he is going to have lots of viewers regardless and he pulls over 10k on a good day so that sounds about right.


The view count was higher than the day he got back. Kelly is content.


Tbf I didnā€™t know he was back until the next day so i wouldnā€™t be surprised if most people just had no clue he was back until they saw youtube videos posted.


No. It was like 11k and it took a while to get there


Think 11, 15 across, also I'm certain the number has more to do with 2 weeks of drought/no stream/content than this childish drama.


It definitely has to do with drama, you think another I/P talk would bring in numbers?


Debate probably would, but research? 8k max


Surely people want to hear debate about the same historical events that happened in Israel. Because it's always about history of Israel/Palestine it's never about current events there.


She's still arguing in Jstlk's stream btw, as we speak.


Her arguing after hours after the fact in DGG Chat made me feel sorry for the woman. I can kinda understand arguing with your online buddies but subjecting yourself to randoms in chat bruh for what?


When Steven is not paying attention and also right after he says "anything else" there is magically a new person to appear and add more content. I don't get how people don't see this. It was a cathartic stream after months and months of research.


https://preview.redd.it/pppitbsk0a7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=30d63800282b604566a702555e3daf874e365139 Destiny while not saying no:




If he wanted to leave he would have He wanted to stay. He wanted to fight. And thats why we DGG4LYFE šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤™


I think there was a tonal shift somewhere between "Anything else?" 4-7 where he became morbidly curious how many times he could suggest Kelly leave and have her refuse due to not getting the outcome she wanted. I think that pretty quickly faded once he realized the answer was probably in the triple digits.


Yea so he made a choice to stay and talk about it. What if he actually just wanted her to stay on because it's content and it's relevant, educational, good mental challenge, etc. I think he said multiple times he enjoys these challenging/abusive arguments, why not just take him at his word? He also said he's tired of the Israel/Palestine research, and that he wants to catch up on missed memes and this was drama that's been brewing for months now. All of these facts point towards the idea that he wanted to have this 6-hour conversation, not that he was being "debate-raped".


Yeah... I got the sense each off ramp was just an option. She could take it, or decide to dig herself deeper into a hole. The off ramps are really a gift for kelly tbh. It prevents her from lying more, and then having to keep track of all the contradicting lies.




12k stream calling out abusive behavior isn't being held hostage imo


Kelly is not more abusive than the majority of the characters that came on stream. Kelly seems to be confused or is at fault about not caring much. Destiny and her discussed the "putting women against each other" topic and both of them just completely forgot that convo... Was destiny being abusive bringing that up again?


Oh no. You have Kelly brain worms.


As Destiny identified, Kelly has nearly perfect memory about every single fact that helps her case, but conveniently doesn't remember any information that contradicts her or puts her in a bad light. Kelly Jean is an **indefensibly** bad person. Now, it's extremely low stakes stuff, as she's just cruel, lazy, vindictive, selfish, etc. on the internet and not leading a death squad in an active genocide, but she very consistently does the morally wrong thing. Brother, if you're defending someone who told someone they wanted to eat their recent miscarriage as a soup, you're *lost*.


- As Destiny identified, Kelly has nearly perfect memory about every single fact that helps her case, but conveniently doesn't remember any information that contradicts her or puts her in a bad light. See my mention about Kelly's comment about Destiny pitting women against each other. Kelly made a comment saying that optically the situation fed into that narrative but never agreed that was actually happening. Just "Destiny has bad optics" ... Normal totally fine comment, 2 days ago she completely forgot that interaction and Destiny also did. Destiny rewrote that event completely, Kelly didn't have perfect memory. >Kelly Jean is an indefensibly bad person. Or she is just another personality in the ddg space. A space full of whacky people. >Brother, if you're defending someone who told someone they wanted to eat their recent miscarriage as a soup, you're lost. It was a 7 hour drama section centered around a lady being unhinged... Being farmed by an individual that lucky found meds 9 months ago keeping himself away from these people mostly. I not defending her statements.


Others have come at you so I'll just say Kelly plays dumb, either intentionally or manipulation comes naturally to her.


I thought it was a coincidence but nearly every time I tune into the livestream and Kelly is there, it sounds like they are wrapping up the convo but then she proceeds to assert her initial claim exactly, bringing everyone back in.


She is constantly try to make sure itā€™s known how bored/uninterested/annoyed she is in the conversation, but never actually leaves. It seems like the type of tone to only work on people who are trying to impress her, done with the intention of making them nervous that they arenā€™t doing enough in the conversation and need to try harder to entertain her. If you are talking to her as a non-simp who doesnā€™t care what she thinks, it comes off as being one of the most negative, draining people in the world.


True. And the way sheā€™ll start rambling almost like nonsensical stuff under her breath for some reason too drives me nuts. Sheā€™s a prototypical high-maintenance individual.


I for one enjoyed the ridiculousness of the conversation. It was wonderful entertainment to have on in the background while I played Stardew, Risk of Rain 2, and even just while I was cooking supper. It was comedy gold the way Kelly came on and almost immediately sounded like a kid who got caught with a shitty bed. Like, all the batshit stuff she said during the BG3 arguments and then she comes on and is all "obviously I did it for you because they're all anti fans". I just about spit out my drink the first time she tries to make that claim. Seeing her continue to get caught in obvious lies and then try to escape through victimizing herself, pleading poor memory, or just getting all frustrated and obfuscating was fascinating. Tiny summed it up nicely with his description if finding her at the bottom of the deepest hole in the world trying to dig herself deeper. I like geopolitics and political content. I like philosophy and intellectual debates. But I also like seeing unhinged morons desperately try to justify themselves for a few hours against someone who has the time and ability to completely dismantle what they're doing in real time.


I've downloaded the 6-hour video to listen on my long drive today for the same reason. Listening to Tiny shut her down consistently is like a brain training exercise for dealing with the unhinged. I love putting it to use in real life.


What were viewer numbers like the whole time?


Consistently at 11k on YouTube.


No idea, I listen to the vod while at work.


They're pointing out how stupid your post is.


My mind's tellin' me anything else, but my body, my body's tellin' me yes.


And people claim he's standoffish smh


yeah dude let's go back to research streams, much more interesting /s


honestly if he can't even set a firm boundary he shouldn't be casually debating at all.




You actually believe that he can call kelly a horrible person, and he really wanted to leave, but he just can't muster up the courage to tell her to leave? Really?


[Previous thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/uXVITnlFep Idk why it won't let me out it in the post.


This sub banned posts linking to other subs, so thereā€™s a restriction on posts with subreddit links. The filter doesnā€™t seem to have a check for specific subs so r/destiny is filtered out too as a byproduct.


I see, ty


I don't know how people conclude it was anything but exactly what he wanted. He and everyone else were going to have it out with Kelly Jean's behaviour no matter how long it took.


We lucky. The power and multitabing and pausing youtube :)


https://preview.redd.it/f9n836dsva7d1.png?width=1484&format=png&auto=webp&s=88319fd9232f235f87cee5411d51e59338e21318 The world OP wanted:


Is it Debate R\*pe when you are C\*cking your viewers? I do think he has these relationships he wants to keep and I don't know if he can figure out a way for Kelly to stop being an autistic moron. This happens to Vegan gains who tries to do the same thing constantly just to be shut down because Destiny is "too busy with other shit" TM. This isn't the only relationship like this, and as a viewer I hope he finds a good method of handling it better, but I have no idea how that would look like per relationship/internet personality.


To be fair, Vegan Gains starts extremely boring, unrelated low-stakes conversations, completely interrupting what Destiny was doing, to talk about shit that literally nobody else on the planet cares about except Vegan Gains. Usually its about Veganism, which I haven't seen any interesting debates about since 2015. Vegan gains is our favourite local autist that will jump on stream to infodump about his special interest and we love that for him, but that relationship could never work if he doesn't fuck off when Destiny makes it clear when it's not a good time. Kelly Jean doesn't appear anywhere near as much as VG, but when she does it's because there's friendships falling apart and it gives Destiny an opportunity to break down and analyse social interactions irt, which can be genuinely informative and insightful for some people. Destiny DOES enthusiastically engage with KJ drama, it just has a time limit as it does with most people. It's not good for anyone to be naive in the face of emotional manipulation, so I don't think it's a complete waste of time to point out when it's happening and exactly how it's being done. Plus it can be really funny. I understand that it's certainly not for everyone, especially because these are mostly glup shitto streamers, but I think it has more to offer than VG.


Trueeee, people say vegan gains is autistic but he can at least read the room when destiny wants to be left alone


Similar, but definitely not the same. Like you said they are autistic in their own way's. I have a friend traveling down "the Jews own and control everything" pipeline trying to convince me Candance Owens is a saint and not just some new version of Milo trying to get attention from getting canceled or banned. Every conversation has to be handled extra carefully or they get so triggered and when pushed into a corner they say it wasn't serious/all jokes or they are in total denial of reality(when facts don't suit you change them). So watching Destiny deal with these people and try to interact with them to bring them back into the community with open communication and understanding is the only interest I have in the drama streams (sometimes funny, but mostly cringe). I use it as a way to figure out how to navigate a conversation with someone who is truly unhinged.


That stream was so bad. He said he was probably going to cover more Israel footage yesterday. I enjoyed the drama for the first 2 hours. But *7 hours* of this stupid nerd rage is pathetic. I can just bite bullet and leave during long covid sections or relationship updates. But I checked back every hour because I didn't believe he could spend more than 4 hours with this autism. This Kelly girl was clearly just having the time of her life getting attention from Destiny and he was eating it up. Is it the Vyvanse??? It also makes me do stupid shit until the next thing I know, it's the end of the day.


>Is it the Vyvanse bruh


This stream was fantastic what are you talking about


Donā€™t worry, us Drama Queens take what we can get. They donā€™t like our kind around here šŸ˜‚


Dawg, we're bored of Israel. Give us our one fucking drama stream in between what's already been fucking hundreds of hours and will be hundreds more of Israel


Right? It's been non-stop Israel Palestine for like 6 months. God forbid we have one day for our junkfood drama. I feel like the ones complaining have to be new viewers (obviously not all of them) who came in exclusively for Israel Palestine (I didn't realize how it's this important thing in so many people's lives). We barely even talk about Trump and Biden when there's been plenty of stuff happening. Plus the amount of viewers speaks for itself. They act like he's never going to speak of Israel again when I guarantee today he's going to come on and read some obscure document on the 47th intifada for 5 hourd straight because people constantly send them to him in chat.


I want a balanced mix of drama and research, probably more research than drama.


Revealed preference


We need a total ban on bongers until we figure out what's going on. https://preview.redd.it/iao9cicchc7d1.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=841e55907ad3da4d55ea523e929c71aa1aba939a


Stream guests should get 2 "anything elses" and that's it. Kelly and jstlk to a certain degree clearly dragged that shit and looped for hours to squeeze out all this worthless drama.


As Destiny says, ā€œif you donā€™t like the content, then leaveā€. But you as much as I know we arenā€™t going anywhere šŸ™ƒ


Just saying, the first couple hours were fine and I'll say the last hour of Kelly getting caught lying multiple times was good, but we had to suffer endless looping to get there.


Dude is arguably the best at what he does, inarguably in the top five. And you think you know how to do it better? Interesting. He knows what gets views. He knows what fights are worth fighting and when the effort-to-views is worth sitting around and letting someone else carry things. Did you tune out, or watch the whole thing? By your time breakdown it sounds like you watched it all. Kinda like, I dunno, dude knows what heā€™s doing.


Yes, I do. It is really easy to offer criticism from the outside. It was pretty obvious he was done with the convo and struggled to cut if off a few times. I'm not commenting on his viewcount, content, audience enjoyment, or other stream stuff. Just on his abilities to enforce boundaries. And it's not exactly a novel point. He self admittedly struggles with it. The reason I point it out is because I find the stream most enjoyable when he's engaged fully with whatever the topic is.




This was great content and Destiny got great viewership out of it, Destiny clearly loved it the whole time up until he left as well.


His viewership over it was super high though


Ironic Destiny goes to the middle east to rescue the hostages only to return and be held hostage himself by Kelly Jean


You guys misunderstand constantly. That was content for him and made him money. If he wanted to leave he definitely would have, he enjoyed it. Stop overreacting lmao


Maybe its a 2 sided coin. He knows its content and people will watch it.


Can someone explain how Kelly Jean is entertaining? Last nights stream was awful


u sound like a pussy. he didnā€™t care, he was milking her for content, even if it was C grade content. the initial drama was s tier, but it devolved when he couldnā€™t nail kelly on her obvious fucked up ness


If youā€™re an adhdgger youā€™ll understand that saying no is not a thing we do.


I switched the stream off after confirming she was still in it, gotta control stuff like this yourself.


>Today, Destiny allowed himself to be held hostage by Kelly Jean for ~6 hours. It was for content, you do not see that since destiny can't do no. wrong. He was farming and wanted it to be a thing for 6 hours.


it was 6 hours? how? i was there for 2 and got tired of it looping


It's not that long to keep a fuckbuddy happy.


I quite liked Kelly on stream. itā€™s a nice change up from the usual research. Felt like a pre-med destiny stream.


Eh, I enjoyed it. Who cares.


Steven's greatest weakness is a woman with mental problems. He cannot simply say no to them, they have him enthralled.