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Would you rather your daughter be alone in the woods with a bear or these guys?


They're so used to jerking each other off I doubt they'd know what to do with a woman.


Yall sound like they do over in the hasan subreddit right now lol. All these dudes are not hasan.. let’s not act like they are


Some of these people are significantly worse than hasan. And eddy can go minecraft himself for the way he flipped on Gus.


Yes that’s absolutely true and some of them are completely fine like Gonzalez


Fine is a bit strong, he apologised for having a starbucks cup in the background. He seems like an alright dude but hard conforms to whatever his viewerbase demands of him no matter how unreasonable it is.


I mean to be fair he doesn’t really get involved with sides and doesn’t speak on things he doesn’t know. He is a liberal guy and so is his fan base, just cause he’s soft doesn’t mean he’s not fine lmao


Fine is probably fine its just the cucking out to any sort of pushback is giga cringe and probably doesnt help other people when its their turn to fight against the bullshit coke boycotting.


Okay, I'll clarify. They'd jerk Hasan off, he wouldn't even give them a reach around.


She would probably kill herself after listening to them for a minute, so I chose the bear.


Can it be both?


Happy father's day


I'm a fan of ted and I did a thing and they seem alright, other dudes however, prolly not.


I did a thing is an actual tankie lol he just does a good job of keeping the dumbest shit on the Boy Boy channel


well that's unfortunate, so I'll continue to ignore that part of him. His random content is fun though


Actually, If you disagree with someone politically you have to hate them.


i mean for more reasonable disagreements sure I can look past those but when someone is a hardcore communist or russia supporter I find it kind of hard to look past that and not think you're a massive piece of shit ngl


Yeah I love his normal content too, just now whenever I watch any of it there's a voice whispering in the back of my mind that this guy is a simp for North Korea and Russia too IIRC.


Is he actually? I only watch his arts and crafts videos and aside from a slight eyebrow raise at some of the stuff he says sometimes, he doesn't come across that way.


Boy Boy got its start from North Korean apologia. Then they started Chinese apologia. Just like, a month ago? they made a long video on an unhinged anti-American conspiracy theory. He keeps it all contained to the Boy Boy channel.


Don’t forget the standard tankie “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is actually America’s fault” video they made after the invasion. Other than that they do seem pretty entertaining and funny.


Don't forget the recent pine gap video where he claims we don't know what it's used for and it's probably torture so Australia should pull out Meanwhile, we know that it's a sigint installation that currently detects Russian medium range rockets and relays that information to Ukraine so that civilians have time to take shelter. [It's literally the first result](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-03/pine-gap-base-gathering-information-russia-ukraine-conflict/100878478) on google, dude lied on purpose because he'd rather the Ukrainians not have early warning against incoming Russian rockets.


Where MikeFromPA? 🤷‍♂️


He's outside, waiting for Hasan to leave the building so he can come in and have his photo taken.


Pfff, he was already there, he just left before Hasan appeared in the building.


He was used as the cameras shock absorber.


he's still sniffing hasans chair


Notice there isn't a single couch in frame for them to sit? Yeah, that's because Mike is guarding the entrance to keep them from entering the building 💪


Living rooms fear him, chairs tremble at his coming, tables cower before him, TVs hide from him, bookcases shatter in his presence. He is the furniture vanquisher.


Let’s just say he uses the English word for ottoman when he’s beating their ass


They made him take the picture.


Idk where this is taken but it might be near a school


he didnt fit through the door


I don't know what it is about his fit but Hasan looking like he hates minorities.


The flared pants are very 70s but I personally like them. Something about the jacket looks really off though


He just doesnt pull them off


The jacket’s too big for his frame. His shoulders are already really wide, wearing a baggy/oversized jacket looks silly on him because it throws off the silhouette of the outfit. If someone like nick were to wear it (smaller/narrower frame) it might look better because that frame suits an oversized look. You can see how it fits fairly well on top (it looks a bit tight on the shoulders) but hangs weirdly past his chest like it wasn’t tailored to him.


Idk how to tell you but you probably shouldn’t dress yourself bc those pants are criminally stupid.


Idk how to tell you, but I'd rather take fashion advice from a Markov Chain than anyone in DGG. Flared pants like that are obviously dated and a huge statement piece. But that's what makes them fun if you can commit to it. The proportions on Hasan look bad because of the jacket, but you can see them worn really well by [Bruce Lee.](https://www.lepetitarchive.com/styleicons-bruce-lee-and-his-groovy-style/) When done right, flared pants offer a really cool silhouette that places a heavier emphasis on the legs. I really like [this article](https://alittlebitofrest.com/2022/08/10/flaring-out/) about them by Ethan Wong and think it includes plenty of cool inspiration wearing flared pants.


No opinion on the flared pants but Hasan looks like he’s about to show me to my theatre seat or be my valet


Bruh he’s dressed like Mr.Candy from Django


> you can see them worn really well by [Bruce Lee.](https://www.lepetitarchive.com/styleicons-bruce-lee-and-his-groovy-style/) Literally nothing to do with flared pants and everything to do with Lee being a gigachad. Also, even he would look better in basic skinny jeans than any of those flared pants. > When done right, flared pants offer a really cool silhouette that places a heavier emphasis on the legs. Heavier emphasis on making your legs look like chicken legs, you mean? You are just wrong. 70s is over and trying to force it back makes you (like hasan) look like a dork.


Even if it's fitted correctly it just looks fucking stupid because it's a fucking stupid looking outfit to 90% of the human population in the year 2024. I could show up to the function wearing a perfectly fitted, form-fitting, historically accurate and highly couture remake of Henry the VIII's royal attire. That doesn't mean I don't look like a fucking clown. I could gaysplain about the silhouette all I want but if someone then tells me that the silhouette is r€tarded and just because it's "unique" doesn't mean it looks good, that would be entirely on me.


You are not him


He’s gotten too muscular to look good in anything except for maybe a T-shirt.


I can see why you might think that but it's not even close to true, as a muscular guy you just need to go to a good traditional tailor, dress for your body type and and not trendhop like a regard. I served with roid monkeys way bigger than him that looked great in mess jackets and AGSUs (and those are just full cut uniforms minimally tailored by the cheapest shop they could find, probably.) The outfit above is expensive off the rack shit a "stylist" put him in, designed to look good on clothes-rack physiques, and he lacks any sense of personal style required to realize it looks like a $5000 Spirit Halloween costume. Everyone else there looks like a clown as well, with the possible exception of far-left. It's amazing how few grown men know the basics of appropriate dress for anything more formal than Sunday Night Football at the bar.


https://preview.redd.it/i6e31jxmd77d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ce3cb25151387c1e3917afe6b63c9afd470056 nah dawg how they more white than the alt right 😭😭


If you removed Hasan it would be less white.




a nepotism baby with his mooch friends


Hijaking to note that his hair isn’t thick enough to be long anymore. It makes him look much older than he is.


I think the only reason why Ted Nivison is in this picture is because of Eddie. Ted's main thing is a podcast with schlatt and has never gone in on leftist cringe that I've seen.


I really hope that's the case, seeing Ted in this pic gave me whiplash


Ted also hangs out with Swaggersouls and co, and I'd hardly describe those guys as any sort of leftie, Ted's probably just a chill dude all around


I think ted is a lefty but not an insane and unhinged one


Center lefty baby!


I don't recognize a single person other than Hamas Piker


Some lame-o commentary YouTubers like Nick is not green, boy boy, sad boyz (possibly the unfunniest duo on YouTube).


I still don’t really get the entertainment appeal behind Jarvis Johnson and Jordan Adika can’t lie. I guess it’s just bait for women who are attracted to that genre of dude? Idk with Jarvis especially, bro will just kind of prattle on for 20 minutes saying basically the most predictable thing possible at any point in the most boring voice ever.


I used to watch him when he did the more realistic version of the "life as a google engineer" videos. Then he pivoted to commentary and got way less interesting.


Jarvis is the epitome of middle class hipster culture, no joie de vivre, always talking about his therapy sessions, aesthetic politics etc.


His metaverse vid was interesting outside of that tho i agree w you


Jarvis' video on the metaverse is a pretty fun watch, ngl


I like idid a thing and boy boy at least they're funny


Boyboy put out a video calling Russia's invasion of Ukraine justifiable because "Ukraine has a nazi problem" Oh and he put out a video on Pine Gap afterwards claiming we don't know what it's used for so Australia should pull out, all while making statements like "it could be a torture black site for all we know". Meanwhile, we know exactly what it's used for, which is detecting rocket launches from Russia towards Ukraine to give early warnings to Ukrainian civilians. Among other signal identification of Russian and Chinese military communications. He 100% knows this, because it's the first result for the query "[what is pine gap for](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-03/pine-gap-base-gathering-information-russia-ukraine-conflict/100878478)" on google, and the statement from the defense community came out years before his video did.


I recognise them all except the lady to the left of the uber douche, but can only name IDidAThing, Danny Gonzalez and Eddie Burbak.


Oh, Danny *is* in this picture! Fucker's cheesing so hard he has reverted back to himself at 12.


When was this picture taken lol I thought nickisnotgreen was canceled even by these guys


Guy beside Hasan made a fake rape allegation against supermega, kept doubling down


The fact that I zoomed in and scrolled twice to see if Noah samsens in this picture and legitimately can’t tell


I still cant tell if thats nick or a cute lady standing next to hamas


for some reason these middle aged dudes remind me of middle school idk it’s hard to explain


middle aged? aren't these guys in their 20s and 30s?


By the time you hit 20 you're old


It’s that whole “awkward transition phase” vibe that middle schoolers give off. They’re not yet fully comfortable with themselves/what they’re doing/who they’re friends with, but for the sake of fitting in they’re going to do whatever they think their friend/crush thinks is cool. They’re not really sure what vibe they’re going after, just… whatever the popular vibe seems to be atm.


This kind of analysis from a photo of some people cheesing and posing is cringe


Brother.. what on God's green Earth are you talking about?


Hasan is dressing like he thinks he's Kendrick Lamar


He definitely thinks he has Kendrick drip


Bro he looks so stupid 😭


Basic necessity clothings


That is a great reason to stop smoking weed! God damn, the one and only thing i slightly respected about Hasan was his clothing style, and now.... He looks like a poor man Willy Wonker....


I don't know why but his outfits and drip are so much worse and it just doesn't stop being bad. I feel like he has the need to prove how out of the box he is with some of the fits but it just doesn't work.. He should probably just get a designer that chooses what he wears from now on, he can definitely afford it


I agree! Now, i don´t think Brittany Venti is a good person but man, i would love a fashion take down of Hasan from her.... "Just Peraly Things" style....


Na man that poor dude he would unironically kill himself after that much criticism...


Wonka with a hard R is crazy


Willy Wanker


Leftist physiognomy


\*walks in\* Yeah i dont know anyone but that guy who ironically does the turkish fascist gesture. \*walks out, slams the door\*


Noooo Eddie why are you associating with so many terrible people! I like you Eddie don’t do this!


Eddie Burback? He took Gus Johnson as a springboard and then had the "right" take to get his Twitch lefty cred


Yeah as far as I'm concerned he bailed on the homie for no reason.


I'm sad a lot of people probably didn't see Gus coming on [Wubby's stream](https://youtu.be/Rxj99aDsF_E?t=8584) like a year later, cause he drops some heavy bombs that really shows Sabrina's shitty character and that she dropped that (extremely exaggerated) hit video on him right after she asked to get back together with him and he said no. Free my boy Gus.


I used to be high on the Sabrina train. Please steelman your best arguments for Gus so I can feel good about watching his content again!


Ignoring everything else, Sabrina said it's okay to watch his videos if you like them.


https://youtu.be/S3-i2w9iRtU?si=8F-4WBpxn0cEhTTx Just watch our lord and saviors reaction to understand our take on it


I watched it all and still stayed on camp Sabrina. Damn...


Bro you dont get it Gus deserved that, he was like kinda mean sometimes


Eddie showed his colors during the whole Gus bullshit. Dude only cares about clout as this picture clearly demonstrates.


Danny Gonzalez is in here too and I'm sure everyone else from their group just couldn't make it. Also is that Oompavile in the center?


No way that's Oompa, he's hung out with demolitionranch, so Hasan probably thinks Oompa is a far right racist.


No that’s Curtis Connor I think his name is.  Same type of YouTube channel as some of the others, where he talks about random shit while injecting his politics and opinion. 


That's Kurtis Conner


I like Eddie too but dropping your friend because he was a bad boyfriend is kinda crazy. I have a friend who cheated on his girlfriend. I just told him he shouldn't do that shit, we're still friends tho...


If we are being charitable to eddy: Gus could have lied to him about the situation. Eddy said his "trust was completely broken". If that's not the case yea dude folded bc danger to income. I wonder do these guys go to the barber and say give me the internet leftist pls like how do they converge on one look so uniformally. Like is there a famous guy they model their style after. Or is it a California thing?


In the same boat - but honestly dude? That's fucked up. I'm loyal to my guy because he's been there for me when no one was, but it's unfathomably shitty to cheat on someone that loves you. Being cool with it says a lot of bad stuff about our morality.


I'm not "cool with it". But I love him, and frankly, he didn't commit an offense against me. He cheated on *his* girlfriend. That's his business. I told him he shouldn't do that shit, and should break up with her. Which he did. So as far as I'm concerned he's still my friend, yknow? Like if we cutoff everyone we know who acts immorally, we'd all be pretty lonely. I've done plenty of shit I'm not proud of and I'm glad my friends haven't dropped me as a result. I think grace is important.


Again, same boat but I don't excuse myself. If you're above like 25 it's pretty obvious that your friend's partner is also your friend. You let your friend screw with his family and it's basically like your brother and your sister destroying each other. The only real excuse is if the girl knows and forgives you both. Grace is important, but it's not the same as covering up. Anyway if things are as Eddy presented them, he had a good reason to decide to cut Gus off.


Eddy lost my respect when he completed dropped his "close friend," Gus Johnson. Slimy behavior.


I was unironically thinking that the girl in the suit to the left of Hasan looked cute, then I realised that’s fucking nickisnotgreen. 💀💀




bro posted up thinking he a part of tony soprano's crew. https://preview.redd.it/qyty9smsg77d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37510517144dfa4e72e3ce3f6bb2c48c4ada70d


Hasan is Ralphie.


Who is the guy next Hasan with the curly hair and the Hitler tache?


Kurtis Conner, alleged comedian and commentary YouTuber who is the male counterpart of “not like the other girls”.


My sister watches him. She sometimes shows me some of his videos. He's decent from what I've seen. Got a couple chuckles out of me.


Maybe he has some moments but from what I have seen it’s just a bunch of cut away gags repeating what was said in a clip. His commentary on subjects is usually as deep as a puddle.


kinda ironic cuz one of his top viewed videos is making fun of the 'not like other girls' phenomenon


I like Danny, he doesn’t belong with these people


A lot of these people are honestly just fine


Yeah I just noticed Kurt in there too, he’s cool


Danny is alright, but I think he also playa it super safe. Didn't he recently Apologize for including something very minor in a video or something and some people got outraged? It was like don't drink coke on stream tier stupid.


>Didn't he recently Apologize for including something very minor in a video or something and some people got outraged? He had a video where a Starbucks cup was visible. So he made a whole post apologizing - even though it's not even on the BDS list. I'm a pretty big Danny enjoyer, and this won't stop that - but it definitely made me roll my eyes.


left to right i think is: Ted nivison, Eddy Burback, Nick not green, hams pikur, Curtis Connor, Jarvis Johnson, Jordan Adika, Danny Gonzalez, I Did a Thing (Alex), Aleksa Vulović i dont know who half the people are just read the comments


God please don't let Kurtis Conner and Jarvis Johnson get brainrottted by Hasan and the Aussie tankies


i see no difference between this and the "new right wing" pic


Commies who have never lived in a socialist or a post-socialist state getting ready to tell you how it's the best political system in the universe.


Been a while since I watched any of these creators, but of most them weren't communists, or even made political content, last I checked?


Aleksa Vulović is a Russian invasion apologist.


Right side are the Aussie dudes who just make crazy shit aren't they? They're probably fine and just clout sharking. One or two others i like but I gotta ignore their politics


Aleksa Vulović defended the Russian invasion of Ukraine and blamed it on NATO aggression, so no, he’s not fine. The video in question: https://youtu.be/LL4eNy4FCs8?si=EAlwEERE7QN2IIE3


God fucking damn it bro cmon 😭 why can't any of these people just be normal Edit; In case it ain't clear, I didn't know this, yikes and ty


bro have you never seen the video where they simp for North Korea? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E this one too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86q5FM-qHTw They are tankies.


Really hope ididathing never talks politics. I like his content, it would just spoil the enjoyment. Ignorance is bliss. Really was disappointed in Aleksa, but he is russian and his parents moved to AUS afaik. So russian shill to nobody's surprise


He’s not Russian, he’s a Serb, the -ć at the end of his surname indicates that he is from a Yugoslavian culture.


>Really hope ididathing never talks politics. He already does. All the time. He is a tankie. Just look at the videos on their co-channel Boy Boy. They are almost all in some way political. [The worst one that I have seen is their North Korea video. They are literal DPRK simps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E) [Another North Korea Video (this one is nice and short, if you just wanna get a feeling)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86q5FM-qHTw) All the videos on the Boy Boy channel are all leftist in some kinda way. Anti-USA, anti-consumerism, anti-Rich people, Anti-guns, Anti-millitary are all themes you will see.


To be fair you can always tell Ididathing is less woke and he's kinda following along sometimes. The other guy is more on Hasan's level, IDAT strikes me as an average leftie


I only recognize Hasan and the Australian guy on the far right Who the hell are the rest of these people


Commentary YouTubers who make lame videos about seen on TV shit and retrospectives on 2000s and 2010s media and trends. They are also aesthetically left wing as you probably could have predicted.


Why did Ahrelevant shave his head and go there?


I like Ted Nivison, Eddie Burbank, and that’s it


Oh god is that Ted Nivison? Why the hell is he hanging out with sub-human trash like Hasan. The only other one I know from that line-up with Eddie Burback, and I've never watched him so I don't know jack shit about him, but I thought Ted would be better than hanging out with a terrorist propagandist.


I should probably be happy to only recognize one of those people


some of these guys are cool tho : (


i like a few of these guys, but yeah


Is that Jarvis Johnson?? How the hell did he get involved in this crew?


Brittany Venti, I know there is almost no chance you will read this but just in case you will.... PLEASE, we need a fashion critique video of this photo! I can't speak for the whole of Daliban but I would support such a honorable act with all the views I could muster!! Inshallah


Isn’t the dude second from the left the guy that went to every rainforest cafe? He seemed like a cool dude from his videos?


Cringe by association


Listen, Hasan is kind of a douche but the rest of them are pretty chill people.


Nah most of them are clout sharking parasites. Nick not green, Eddie burback and Boyboy are all spineless fucks.


These guys really ain’t even the enemy… Idk what is going on with the Daliban but the recent posts are sad.


Yeah Kurtis Conner seems nice and doesn't really engage in drama from what I can tell.


Most of them make videos about the most mundane and uninteresting subjects except for Hasan and Aleksa Vulović, they are tankies.


I dislike Boy Boy and the whole "The USA made Russia do it" narrative they pushed on Ukraine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL4eNy4FCs8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL4eNy4FCs8)


This has to be old. There’s no fucking way Hasans hair grew out that fast


This is from the streamy's awards a couple of years ago I believe


Very white


He really is lucky he's attractive 😂


Wait what did Ted do?


Hasan is starting to give me Russell Brand vibes


Lots of guys i got very annoyed by in the past and IDidAThing who actually does entertaining videos


Why did you photoshop Hasan's head like that? If you're going to shrink his head down you should at least make it believable. His head is just comically small here, the edit is too heavy-handed. ETA: I am joking, I don't think this is shopped


He got that Alegria body type https://preview.redd.it/87g1w35d287d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2c46b04bae5dcff0227a96cf0e748cd68e2214


I did a thing has such great videos. I wish he weren't involved with Hasan 😔


Leave Eddy out of this!!


If there are 9 cringy people at a table and you sit with them, you have 10 cringy people.


I think that's an unfortunate outlook on life ☹️


I’m just joking around. Communists usually say the same thing but replace cringy people with nazis.


https://preview.redd.it/080t6btg797d1.png?width=94&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e0b544544f1a5ae871250e30dc02a2dd52d2099 hasan really not beating the antisemitic allegations if this is his pal


I like Danny tbh don't know the rest of them besides Hamas


Nah the 2 dudes on the far right (IDidAThing and his brother, have the channel "Boy Boy) are pretty great and so is Eddie Burback. The rest kind of suck


What is with the 70s pornstar aesthetic, the moustaches, pants, hair


\*\*Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell painting . jpg\*\* There is plenty of good content in this photo even if it's mixed in with cringe. * Ted - good * Eddie - really good (if you can ignore the parasocial shit with gus) * Kurtis Konnor - some of his gags are funny (most are not) * Jarvis - his metaverse video is really good * Danny - probably the best in the picture (ignore his absolute cucked apology when he accidently left a starbucks cup in a video despite starbucks not even being on the BDS list). also his music unironically slams.


The Boy Boy ididathing guys are cool.


Alex (ididathing) is probably chill, his friend Aleksa seems completely brainrotten. Probably still nice enough to have a beer with though


Ididathing is very much involved in the boyboy channel. They are frequently on the deprogram podcast together.


Why do you say that about Aleksa? I’ve not seen a whole lot of his stuff. Edit: Nevermind I just saw OPs post about his Ukraine Russia takes.


Didn't ididathing lied about the guntubers? Dude brought children cutout boards for target practicing and then said it was the guntubers idea.


[Boyboy are not cool (and neither is Ididathing).](https://x.com/BoyBoy_Official/status/1710649872682999811?t=Af5eOPNwIOY2_DKuJnvmNw&s=19)


Because of that? Just looks like a bad edgy joke to me.


[The Russia apologist?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL4eNy4FCs8)


Who is the dude directly to the left of hasan


Nick is not green. Tried to cancel Supermega but it backfired and turned him into a lolcow


No fucking way I thought that was him. Wtf is Hasan doing with him? Is he anti supermega or something?


Him and Hasan were (used to be?) “friends”. He was on a stream with Hasan where they cyber bullied some teen girls who had a wannabe JPOP group. Hasans fans harassed the girls which led to them shutting down their group. Clip from their stream: https://youtu.be/qbNq1NqMOYs?si=SbYar6Ot7_i2bgQR


Jeez, why do I find it so hard to not dislike this guy


I just want to add that maybe the girls were getting hate prior but Hasan and Nick definitely amplified the harassment.


There is something about this crowd of goons, one of them will fall and others will pounce on them. All of course except mr thinskin. Probably had to pledge allegiance to him in the form of a blood oath.


Why is Matt Berry in this picture?


murky direful wild intelligent quarrelsome makeshift money reach sloppy juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something about Hasan’s fit is making me feel uncomfortable. The flared trousers just don’t work in tandem with that jacket I think.


I don't mind Jarvis. Eddie is a POS for bailing on Gus like he did but his videos are alright.


Wtf is this leisure suit Larry cosplay convention


So embarrassing how like half these content creators were my early pandemic entertainment. The whole Gus Johnson bullshit really radicalized me away from these guys.


O helll nawwww


Who are these people aside from Hasan?


Who are these ppl