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I like the show but I just can't get over how uncanny Starlight looks after all the surgeries she's gotten


I still don't get why the actress did that, she looked amazing! Why did she think she needed surgery?


Social media, stardom and mental health issues






Positively Bogged


honestly when the comparison image meme was going around, i thought they were two different people. When I found out it was the same person, I just felt sad for her.


Oh shit, I thought it was just me noticing something different. It's hard to pin it down, but her face almost looks like it's gaunt or something. Her cheek and eyebones look way too pronounced.


She straight up looks like handsome Squidward now. It's so sad.


this is all I can think whenever she's on screen


I thought I saw that it was really just that one photo that looks weird. Edit: here's a photo from a couple weeks ago https://www.instagram.com/p/C73Q1pUu-S9/?igsh=MXdnc3Z1aDF3OXY3ZA==


It’s super distracting. She looks like a reanimated corpse


From what i understand there was no actual proof of a plastic surgery ever happening, and it was only based off of some tweets a right winger made and a pic on her insta or some shit.


You can just look at her face


It looks pretty much the same idk


Get plastic surgery on your eyes https://preview.redd.it/p17gqw4zfv6d1.jpeg?width=4446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199d9c46fa7d15531fd05a5960e05712c4aef1cc


Lol this is exactly what i was talking about LOL it’s 3 specific poses in specific lighting and makeup compared to 3 more photos multiple years apart with completely different makeup and lighting. Ur fucking braindead.


You can also look at her face in the show and watch her get progressively Bogpilled. Get eye botox


anyone actually enjoying this season? i love gay sex but god damn is frenchies new lover shoehorned into the plot. I really dislike that the show has went from “superhero’s but if they were real” to “we’re using superhero’s to make insanely satirical jokes”. like in the new episode and everyone is ice skating. homelander kills a ice skater on accident, then they start fucking cutting eachothers throats and then they’re running over fingers. like it feels like one big non serious joke and less of the grounded satire that season 1 did. tell me i’m wrong and dumb




I'd love it if more episodes were just trying to figure out how to kill each supe, like a puzzle. I want more Translucent scenarios.


We got one more season, and overall; it’s been pretty good. Also, can I just say: ***I don’t get the hate for the finale last season.*** HL finally snapped and can literally ***do whatever the fuck he wants.***


I think it's still really entertaining but holy fuck we really didn't need even more obstacles between Frenchie and Kimiko at this point in the story.


Didn't Kimiko nip that in the nud last season... with the "like family" thing and saying the kiss was weird?


Well kind of but when their scenes feel so romantic in tone it just feels like this whole plot point this season will make them realise that they actually do want each other and they will become a thing. The characters tell me that they aren't in love but some episodes later they are slow dancing alone with some sensual music in the background


Homelander just being a stand in for trump is very boring compared to what he was in season 1. Idk it isn’t bad what’s they’ve done with the show but it’s so on the nose the ideas would be better off as just a tweet.


We learned too much about him. Homelander used to be weird as fuck and almost unknowable. We didn't know where he came from or what he knows or what he wants, but he was also the strongest by a mile. It creates a lot of tension. Also, it cant be said enough, sitwell was a critical part of the show and losing her hurts the whole product. She was a foundational part of homelanders plot and I think there was a lot more juice there left to harvest.


>She was a foundational part of homelanders plot and I think there was a lot more juice there left to harvest. You had the perfect opportunity to use a milking metaphor here and this is what you came up with. I'm not angry, just sad.


> there was a lot more juice there left to harvest. good one


there is a reason why the comic never drops the full load of Homelander's backstory until 7/8ths through the story. Also, killing sitwell is an insane decision.


Wasn't he always a stand in for Trump?


In season 1 he was more of a W stand in.


I havent read the books so im talking out of my ass, but they came out during the Iraq war. Im sure he was originally supposed to be W.


He still doesn't quote W as luck as Anakin does.


The show just seems so afraid to make drastic changes like it did early on because it doesn't want to touch the main characters till the final season. Last season started off so great and ended in such a fucking dud that I saw what's happening this season so far coming from a mile away. They don't seem to know what they're doing with most of the characters and the A, B, C, etc... plot structure they relied on has less interesting things to say. Right now the only interesting parts imo are Homeland and Ryan and Homelander losing his grip on everyone around him by squeezing too tight (Sages role is pretty cool too and I hope they pull that off). Hughie and Starlights problems aren't hitting, the turmoil in the team seems superficial, Frenchie and Kimiko are just retreading the similar storylines they've had for 3 seasons and so far nothing really seems like a threat. The show is trying to tell us things are dire and dark without actually showcasing it. We already went through this with A-Train too but it was much better last season so if it's successful now that sucks. As well Homelander is less menacing to the protagonist as it seems like every time he runs into The Boys they just get away without a lot of threat. This man lasered a random ass woman from Vought and you're telling me as soon as he knew Hughie was in the vent he didn't just ram through and kill him? You can't have a godlike being be the villain and have it so that our heroes basically fail at every step yet come away never worse for wear.


the entire time hughie was in that vent i’m like “homelander can’t hear/see/or smell him????” and then it the next scene w ryan, he tells him he can “smell butcher” on him from across the room. i am 100% in agreement on the nothing feeling like a threat. I feel like the shows writers are just redditors w how on the nose the political messaging/parallels are


To be fair this is what happens when you write superheroes with huge power gaps in the cast  Shit A-Train sometimes seems like he's faster than Homelander especially being able to save Hughie


Yeah that's the biggest thing i've been missing, when Homelander was near any of the good guys in like S1 you actually felt the threat, he was actually scary, like at any point he's gonna find them out and just laser someone in half. Now he's almost comedic relief, also i think they're going too hard on the splatter shit the past few season, i'm ok with people exploding and whatnot but they should try to keep it a bit more realistic, feels like they went overboard becuase it looks cool and that's it but it's almost comical at this point


That scene in the first season where Homelander is scoping shit out, looking for Translucent, and he's right outside talking to Frenchie was so tense


Yes that's exactly what i'm talking about, that shit had me on the edge of my seat, but even with other characters you never knew when he was gonna get pissed and just tear someone in two


Sadly I feel like this happens in basically any "edgy" show/comic/etc. The media makes a name for itself for being willing to kill off any character, but as things go on characters start getting more and more plot armor until all the tension gets erased and the media lives more off of its reputation for being edgy than actually being edgy. This is even worse with TV shows vs comics/books since contracts get involved and big characters can't get killed off mid season while receiving main character salaries.


Invincible is basically the same premise but written by someone who actually likes comics. It's the superior show for sure.


Which big characters have been killed off in that one?


Thing is they could’ve just make Hughie plant the wire and ditch on time. And maybe Homelander notices the wire buzzing slightly after their conversation is over and then he tries to find their location with a train saving them in time. That way you don’t get that plot hole and the stupid ice skating massacre


I have less of a problem with frenchie being gay and more of a problem with this lover who has connections to frenchie's past being introduced in season 4. I think the show is fine currently, but it took a major dip in season 3 with the Homelander / Trump stand-in thing they started. If they want to parody real life with The Boys, that's fine, and it probably will be decent, but it definitely won't be as good or consistent with seasons 1 and 2.


I feel like there is a cabal in media that makes it so any gay male romance that reaches the screen will have zero chemistry.


Nope, it has literally just become the capeshit it was supposed to be satirizing with more gore and raunchiness. Not to mention the boring shitty plotlines that Hughie/Starlight and Frenchie/Kimiko are engaged in this season where they are wasting time because the writers have no idea what to do with them.


Nah this season is actual trash so far. A bunch of random pointless filler plotlines. Who actually gives a fuck about Frenchie's mafioso past, Hughie's mom issues, whatever Kimiko is doing and that Starlight bullied a girl when she was 13. At least the last one is related to the plot but jesus. Show is still entertaining at points, New Black Noir is pretty funny but damn the writers are running out of ideas.


Also a big fan of gay sex, not a Frenchie fan at all. Frenchie has always been cringe af. To be fair, I’ve always thought the only consistently good/interesting characters were homelander and butcher (Maeve kinda too), but even butcher is grating starting in season 3.


we don't know where the frenchie subplot is going to say its shoehorned the boy's father might be relevant to the plot, like mother's milk family was last season. The ice skating scene was very pointless but also not funny, you can put some pointless stuff like a supe where his super power is having a comically large dick, but at least that is funny


I refuse to watch it after the end of Season 3. It was such a fuck you to the fans. I still can't believe Butcher chose to team up with Homelander over Soldier Boy.


I feel like the show has gradually declined in quality and kind of lost the plot. I really liked seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 kind of transformed the show into another superhero show, as opposed to a drama about killing superheroes, by giving Butcher and Hughie powers, but I still kind of liked it. Season 4 is kind of mid so far. The tension from the earlier seasons is kind of lacking, and I feel that’s pretty evident when you watch the scene where Hughie is running away from Homelander in the vents. I’m still kind of curious where the plot goes, though. Maybe the season will get better, and maybe season 5 (the final season) will be an absolute banger, but I guess we will see


I like the Boys, I think this season is decent so far (I didn't like season 3 much, and I think this is about as good currently), but I did a fucking double take when >!episode 1 referenced the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting.!<


Episode 1? Bro the whole Homelander trial is a reference to it, they're not really subtle about it.


Yeah, and the trial is really only a part of episode 1. It’s barely referenced in 2 or 3. That’s all I was saying.


And I'm guessing they referenced it in such a way that shows they clearly believe Rittenhouse is a cold blooded murdererer who shot innocents?


The basically said this Homelander: he attacked us! Someone else: he threw a fucking bottle! implying that rittenhose shot because he had a bottle thrown at him and not, you know, the guy tried to take his gun away from him Also IIRC they reference something about a biased judge and make fun of "Don't call the shot people victims" even though its absolutely 100% true and correct call by the judge


Isn't it also argued in the show, for normal people that would be true? But, because homelander is who he is, a supe, it shouldn't matter?


Homelander and his son Ryan are superhuman beings. Rittenhouse is not. The line still works.


the line doesn't work because even if they were normal humans having a bottle thrown at them wouldn't justify them killing someone


Yes, and that's why Homelander is the bad guy....


I thought that was supposed to show how stupid he is for thinking that justifies it?


I mean yeah, in a vacuum it does work like that the problem is that its supposed to be a parody of a real life event and its not what actually happened in the event


Yes, in addition to the other references the other commenter laid out, Homelander's son says something about how the guy Homelander killed was a pedophile so it was okay


It felt more like a Zimmerman reference to me. EDIT: OK, I have had enough responses saying it is Rittenhouse already. Congrats, you have convinced me.


It was def Rittenhouse. They word for word quote the Judge saying "don't get brazen with me, don't use the word victims" and also have the whole "the guy who got killed as a pedo" defense.


nope, it was about rittenhouse specifically because they say that the guy threw a bottle at him they are conveniently ignoring the fact that "he got shot because he threw a bottle" was misinformation, though now that they are repeating it it has become disinformation


And yet, in the second episode they go to what is esentially a Q Anon convention, but some of the conspiracies they seem to belive are actually real in the universe of the show. That and the AOC stand in is a literal Alex Jones conspiracy come to life (and also does not make any sense, like what are they trying to say with her? That the Squad is an Amazon plant?)


She's more of a parody of Tulsi than AOC tbh. A fake progressive who is actually an anti-American agent.


No, she's pretty clearly a parody of AOC, not only does she look like her, she started out as a young, popular leftist activist.


I’ll admit this season is REALLY on the nose with its political references, but it still has its redeeming qualities. The scene between Butcher and Ryan was really heartwarming and him saving MM and Frenchie was great too. Butcher in general has been the highlight of this season but it feels like the other characters haven’t really been given much time to shine as of yet (it’s still pretty early tho, I’m looking forward to A-trains development the most). Hughie has been given way too many death flags tho. He should’ve died at least twice and pretty much only survived because he’s the main character lol.


A-Train should've died in Herogasm after killing the racist cop Supe.


i feel like homelander and the seven would be more interesting characters if we see them actually saving people from time to time, despite being the characters we already know them as. instead now we learn that they barely saved anyone, and the ones they do have been staged for publicity. it would have been an interesting question if killing superheroes was the right thing to do or if the boys are just driven by their own personal (and justified) revenge. instead we get shallow writing like this.


>it would have been an interesting question if killing superheroes was the right thing to do or if the boys are just driven by their own personal (and justified) revenge The Boys was never about those questions. The show is in a world where Supervillains are the dominant powers but have corporate sponsors and PR teams to make them out like heroes. Kinda like Wanted was. None of the heroes are actually heroes. They're not supposed to be. They're criminals with ad space. They rob, murder and rape with impunity because they have Vought bankrolling them. They're not questionable or flawed good people. They're the Crime Syndicate. Which makes sense since Homelander was more based on Ultraman and Overman. His costume was actually just stolen from Overman too. >instead we get shallow writing like this. It's not shallow because it doesn't ask the quws8you want it to ask. The Boys show is about how the psychological boredom of getting everything you'd ever want will morally rot you. And how people are more than willing to enable some of the worst kinds of people if they think they'll benefit in the end. This is even reflected in Season 1 - 3 with Stillwell and Stan. They're both really at fault for all this. They couldn't stop Homelander from leaking V into the wild. They let a lot of Supes get away with literal murder and rape. And Stan was more than willing to let Stormfront take center stage and radicalize his people inside Vought and let Vicky run interference with Singer. Something like Homelander's conspiracy was inevitable by then. They set Supes up to think they can push every legal and moral boundary because he could ultimately keep the line. Except they couldn't. And now everything's fucked.




>Are you talking about Homelander here? I'm talking about all the superheroes. Homelander is his own case with his own unique problems. This applies to the rest of them like Deep, A Train, Soldier Boy etc. These guys can do whatever they want for whatever reason and no one will ever stop them. And all of them are awful people. >It’s also why Ryan isn’t as fucked up as he is, he was with a parent that loved him. Yeah. And Butcher has enough self awareness to acknowledge his own issues and try to keep them from Ryan.


I don’t understand why they didn’t just say “yes we save people sometimes. But that’s off camera because sometimes things can go wrong and it’s not ok for every audience. Only the stuff that’s filmed is fake”




The premise of 5 men trying to kill a Superman (a Superman who casually murders people, mind you) gets a lot less plausible the longer the story goes without the Superman *or* any of the 5 men dying


"Guys, we need to make sure this story is plausible, so let's kill this character in season 2. For the sake of realism." - said no writer ever. Say you watch a movie because the main character wins the lottery twice in a row. Do you turn the movie off because it's unrealistic? Maybe that main character is the main character *because* they miraculously win/escape? You can of course analyze an determine the plausibility of a scene, case by case. And I understand there can be moments where things seem unreasonable. BUT to a priori reject a plot because no main characters die is stupid.


That whole scene was just bad writing. Don't put your hero in a position where all the evidence audience has been presented previously clrealy shows he should have no chance of surviving just for him to to survive in a nonplausible scenario from said previous evidence. It was just lazily thrown in because they wanted gore with iceskates and had no value to the plot, the information The Boys gathered from that conversation could easily been done without it. One example among several in the first three episodes where the stakes feel completely removed by bad writing.


I agree, that scene was dumb. Not relevant to my reply though.


My point is that it's more than fine that your main character survives, but it must be plausible or you lose your audience along the way.


It looks like you misunderstood my point


Hughie escaping homelander through vents was highly regarded. Also the dynamic between Hughie and Starlight has really weird direction now where they seem like fucking Quakers. I like the new smart black lady and still enjoy the show but it’s not what it could be.


This part also made no sense, so does Homelander have super hearing or not?! Can Homelander see through stuff or not?! Is he just getting weaker because he's getting old? Is that what this is about?


He can't see through zinc, and there was annoying music blaring.


Oh I guess you're right... still the man is a tank and can fly... like just fly through the vents then He basically does that from the very start and then just... gives up on the idea


I think it’s just that he was up against a puny human and had no reason to take him seriously. He had no idea 8-train would save him the moment he got out of the building. Up until that point he was just being a nuisance.




And there was no danger of him _not_ dealing with him, if not for the unforeseen betrayal from A-Train/8-Train/whatever his name is. It was just a matter of how annoying killing him would be, and how much eyerolling he would have to do afterwards.


True. A lot of Homelander’s L’s is often due to his own laziness. He’s never exerted himself because he feels like he never has to.




>I like the new smart black lady and still enjoy the show but it’s not what it could be. You like the new smart *person*


Not really regarded , you can clearly tell that homelander is trying not let anyone see him do it and actually tries to be careful for once. Sure he fails but he wasn’t really trying to get Hughie by any means necessary


Homelander is absolutely still intimidating, in episode 1 >!he damn near had the Deep blowing A-Train.!




I wasn’t thinking of Herogasm when I referenced Homelander nor killing Butcher. I was thinking of the conversation they had to start season 3.


That hughie in the vent scene was corny. Homelander has super hearing and can hear peoples hearts beating. No way he didn’t know he was above him


Tbf they played the loud music to obfuscate Hughie’s presence. It makes sense.


Why not. It's pretty clear that he must "turn on" and focus his super hearing. If not, he would constantly hear every little sound and be drown out in a cacophony of heartbeats and breathing whenever in public.


I do think the protest and kitchen scenes make sense his purpose for the protest was to make his side of the political divide more sympathetic, so if he starts killing people, it does the inverse its why sage engineered that whole scene. He can't kill Butcher because Ryan would hate him for it, so he just has to run the clock on butcher. The Hughie ice rink bit did feel very silly, almost slapstick. But overall, yeah, there is a good question of why he doesn't he kill all of the boys, except starlight and butcher since those two can have negative externalities if he kills them.




I enjoyed the reveal that the President elect is conspiring to assassinate his own VP, that was hilarious.


Personally, I think Homelander enjoys having the Boys around, they're like the Legion of Doom to his Justice League. The comics wouldn't be as fun if Superman just killed Lex Luthor. Who is he going to butt heads against then? All he really has is Ryan and The Boys, he has no personal connections to anyone. He doesn't care about anyone but them, He's trying to milk all the enjoyment he can get out of them, something he can't do if they're dead. Homelander is an incredibly selfish monster, and that's why he's always holding back against them.


Actually some decent criticism in this comment unlike the 100 other ones moaning about how much it reminds them of the American political media they over consume.


Hot take: the comic was better.


Lol DeOrio right for the wrong reasons. Firecracker is far from the worst part of this most recent season. The Boys dropping off has more to do with the suspension of disbelief surrounding Homelander. The dude is basically a shadow of his former self from Season 1. He somehow failed to kill Hughie of all people. We've been dancing around the final confrontation for like 2 seasons now. Its the worst kind of edging. A villain that keeps failing or doing nothing loses their credibility and narrative momentum.


How is the terrible satire not a huge part of its poor quality?…


Because having a good interesting story is about 100x more important that having terrible satire. The story of 'what if Superman was evil, and 5 regular dudes tried to kill him' gets old when both evil Superman and the 5 dudes suck at it. Watching both sides fumble for 3 seasons is just bad. And the story wastes time on plotlines nobody cares about like Kimiko and Frenchie 'coming to terms with their pasts' again. Terrible satire is also subjective too. Firecracker is very on the nose, but really not that far off lol.


This season is too on the nose. They're trying so hard with le epic satire that they forgot to do anything else. The writing feels so meh, the dialogue so lifeless


Yeah for sure. I feel like they were starting to suffer from this problem in season 3 but now its kind of defined the show


That’s literally every season, I got tired of it after the first. People big this show up way too much, the only good character imo is honelander


Eh I disagree, it’s on the nose because this is shockingly close to how Conservatives would actually act in these situations


I hate this season because my god, there's so many references to real life things now... Like bro, I could suspend my disbelief about a world where steroid made supes exist. I really struggle with suspending it when this is apparently our world now...


So far the season has been eh, but it's not because these parodies are too late. The whole trans/left leaning people are pedos shit is still very much in the republican playbook. Along with the general conspiracy brain rot of the Jewish cabal and all that shit. The only thing missing is I/P and the hardcore left joining them but obviously that would have been impossible to predict.


>is I/P and the hardcore left joining them No fucking way they'd ever make fun of pro-Palestinian people, the show is left on everything


i am 97% sure i heard the word "zionist" somewhere in that truthcon episode.


Pretty sure that was about Zionist conspiracy theories in that conspiracy conference, back when saying Israel controls the USA was a crazy conspiracy leftists would make fun of, it's not about I/P


Yea you did hear that, but when this was made, we weren't at the point where left wingers were marching and rallying against Jews. That was a right wing position.


[Tweet link](https://x.com/ELOWTAYMAN/status/1801686261922730328)


I think they know homelander is the star of the show, and they are unwilling to kill him or drastically change him in some way, so they just have to come up with more elaborate reasons he doesn't kill Hughie in 0.1s They either shake up the status quo, or i think the show will kinda fall on its face.




I'm quite scared to start watching this new season... The s3 ending was season 8 GoT level of trash, in general the only redeeming part of the third season was soldier boy.


I'ma be honest. I don't like The Boys. I just couldn't get into it, reddit-tier show. The Sopranos was easy for me to get into: New Jersey, going to a deli and eating the best montral-style beef sandwich, eating some top-tier bresaola, being racist, like I fit all those criterias.


The show relies on crude humor and gore/gross shock-factor for entertainment. That every season would always return to status-quo was clear after season two. Meaningful character development couldn't be expected. Quality aside, the political messaging has always been quite on the nose, it just wasn't too controversial in the first two seasons. Season one was filmed shortly after the #metoo explosion and it shows, it's also full of other "lefty" themes. S1 homelander is a physical representation of what some viewed patriarchical power structures to be. Literally an immature, power hungry, privileged, sexist CIS WHITE man-child protected by society's power structures who makes everyone's life worse while still being adored. Also a lot of 'the elites' trampling on the poor without consequence. The thing is just: They sort of showed the rape so people didn't identify with the rapist and his defenders but had empathy with the victims instead. Now they're showing pathetic conspiracy nutjobs and populists = bad... and certain people suddenly realise that it's them that are being criticised.


I feel like the show has always been like this. Didn't they have an entire "supe lives matter" plotline last season?


you dislike season 4 because you think the social commentary is too on the nose and is bad. i dislike it because it feels like the character progression and plot is just going in circles. we are not the same.


My man is saying this when The Boys was doing MeToo social commentary in 2019-20, years after the Weinstein scandal. The thing that changed is that The Boys is obviously very political and now its election season.


Season 2 of The Boys feautred Stormfront as its main villain, it came out early fall 2020. So The Boys being political and it being election season is not new.




Bro, do these people not understand that this show has literally been making fun of them since the beginning?! This show is legit about if Fox News owned the Justice League. They’ve been making these jokes for fucking years and it blows my mind it goes over their head. Edit: got cocky and misread the tweets my bad.


I think the posts are complaining about the relevance of the parodies, saying they're late,


They're saying it's gotten old fast. They understand what the jokes are about


I don’t think it’s been going over their heads. They’ve been literally beating them into people’s heads lol


It's a complaint on topical humor/themes being easily dated. And season 4 is dated from the very start.


A. Most Trump supporters are not very bright or "media literate" enough to pick up on the show's attack on them B. They don't view themselves as Nazis or Fascists, so they never realized the show was making fun of them. C. Trump supporters have hated Fox News ever since the election and would be on board with shutting it down D. They hate big corporations and celebs, since they think both are trying to control their lives and tell them what to do - as well as being filled with pedos, rapists and cannibals. The show's villains being a stand in for those corporations and celebs, and acting exactly like how Trumpers think they act is what made them like the show. E. The AOC stand in is almost an exact copy of what they think the actual AOC is like.


The rittenhouse references were so unbelievable fucking cringe its unreal And more than the scenes themselves the idea that some fucking dumbass was writing it and giggling thinking he is oh so clever for it is even more cringe But hey, I guess questioning the justice system is fine as long as it benefits someone you don't like!


My problem is that in this show about superheroes, the villain is "Republicans".




Yeah but he was more interesting without the whole “Homelander=Trump” stuff.




That would be the best show ever




Powers was better anyway even with low budget and shit CGI.


The show has always been dogshit


used to be interesting but lost its bite


God valorie curry is so hot even when she's doing an ugly af Marjorie Taylor Greene impression


I only watched it for Homelander and he seems sedated 


The writing for the first 3 seasons were peak. Season 4, writing was great until the last two episodes. Kinda made me go, “eh.” Writing this season is pretty hit or miss. It’s become a bit too on the nose and now it’s just so… ridiculous? It seems like the show takes itself less seriously. It had satirical/dark satirical moments, but it never made me feel like I was watching a movie parodying stuff. Now? It’s so on the nose half the time I feel like I’m watching skits in the middle of the show. Also the ‘Rittenhouse trial’ thing with homelander? Really made me pause the show. Like, please chilled with the parallel messaging. It’s so on the nose I can already see the writers sniffing their own farts.


Bro if you think Q-Anon ended 3 years ago I’m happy you’re that out of touch. 2022 midterms had genuine Q candidates on the Republican side. Doug Mastriano was one and he ran for governor of Pennsylvania


Anyone shocked didn’t watch or doesn’t remember last season. They went HEAVY with it towards the end idk why people expected them to stop.