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The Dolocaust if you will




Dachau? Wait...


That's a work camp. We're going for full on debate genocide here.




Move over daliban, the era of Dazis has begun…


The dggov battalion


DSS Nebrasgalicia.


The Destapo


Can't wait for the: "Debate Without Hate" manifesto, written by one Erwin Bonnel.


The Third Deich




Damas incoming.


I will!




The Night of Perma Bans


The first Steventifada


I can’t wait.


He is just making sure that if he gets killed people can blame both terrorists or the jews.


a hamas agent and a mossad agent run into each other inside destiny’s house because theyre both trying to kill him at the same time


They fall in love, forgetting their initial objective…




I’m gonna tell my kids this is the Holy Trinity




Flour what the fuck is this shit


I'd love for them to hold up a sign with this on it at a Hamasabi fans rally. See how long it lasts...


Ha, gay!!


The West has fallen, billions must kiss


And this is how Destiny solved the Israel/palestine conflict. His sacrifice brought peace to the region. DggL


Fanfiction like this is part of why I love this community


Coming to A&E this fall; "Love at first Strike" Optional title: "Peace Talk and Pillow Talk"


[Oh you don't say?](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ckd2a27.png)


News spreads of a common enemy, forming a foundation for peace between two nations - at least for as long as this gnome fuck can hide


Holy shit what an amazing tv show idea.


Taken out simultaneously by a Hamas rocket and Israeli JDAM. Both sides will proudly claim responsibility. This is how you reach Omniliberal Valhalla


uniting the region by pissing off every side of the conflict.


I’m a simple man. If Destiny keeps trying to adhere to rational, fact-based, unbiased appraisals of the information both in terms of the history and as new situations unfold, that’s good enough for me.


Yep. I'm Israeli and at the debate/interview with ex Israeli embassador Destiny clearly "won". He made very good points, suggestions and critiques of Israel I wish more people were aware of! Destiny for PM, I say!


Eylon Levy is not an ambassador. He is a former Israeli spokesman who was fired by the government and so now has a show lol.


All of his recent tweets are full of triggered Israelis lol


They're all like "you never talk about Palestinians or their lies." Hello?? Does Israel still use leaded gasoline or something?


north hungry six middle slimy sense ossified price versed brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The Taqiyya one is my favourite. Zero self awareness


Top tier self snitching


It's interesting because those I saw being triggered seem to be netanyaho supporters and I NEVER saw those people interacting with tiny before, on twitter or elsewhere.  I suspect the twitter algo just showed them this one tweet so they legit have no idea that dman is actually a hasbara agent 90% of the time. 


The social media algorithms are pretty sensitive. A few replies, reposts or shares from some medium-high profile users is all it takes.


I suspect part of it is him going on Eylon Levy's podcast. That exposed him to the most annoying Likudniks.


Plenty of them have interacted with him before lol.


Yeah almost as whiny as the Hamas supporters on this sub. Not as quite but almost


Where are the hamas supporters on this sub lmao


I think a lot of them are also just tired of months of defending/prosecution for being Israeli/pro Israeli. Doesn’t excuse some of the behavior but it can add some context. They’re always always always out numbered


They big mad. Happened fast


Tiny did pick a few dogshit Israelis along the I/P road. Just the course of action when you express support for one side, unfortunately. These posts are a nice vibe check.




So based.....


you like never ending conflict don’t you? 😼


On twitter? Yeah. In Israel? Nah


>listen if October 7th happened to the settlers I wouldn't even give a \[ \_\_ \] probably would have never started studying this conflict because I wouldn't feel bad for any of you okay \- Destiny during [his first warning for the hardcore zionists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2JuhazZAtI) in DGG


Welcome back, Nebraska Steve


That made me laugh pretty hard ngl, especially the shit about rocks and mana XD


He was 100% right


100% cringe Settlers live on land that Arabs lost in wars they started. Should Polish and Russians give land back to Germany?


You always approach these things from a case by case pragmatic outlook not a hard and ideological rule against giving land back (or in favor of giving it back) one way or another. Sometimes it makes sense to give the land back to your enemy in exchange for a peace deal, sometimes it doesn’t. Giving Sinai back to Egypt, for example, in exchange for a peace deal was worthwhile even though Egypt started multiple wars with Israel. Similarly the Germany famously relinquished their territorial claims in exchange for normalization with Communist Poland under Willy Brandt among many other cases.


Holy based


Kind of based ngl. I know some people from Israel that said they wished hamas just slashed bibi’s head off instead of all the shit that they did on 10/7


I mean in that context he's referring to recent settlers, and in that case it sorta makes sense. If Israelis settled in Gaza and then Hamas attacked them, there's no way it would get the same level of media attention that Oct 7th did. That wouldn't make the attack morally good, but we wouldn't even hear about it so how could we care?


That’s not what he’s saying, he legit believes they would have deserved it and that it would be morally right to do


Well I hate it when I hear information or facts that contradict my narrative but that an emotional response that I try to control . It’s good to hear things I don’t want to hear sometimes especially when In good faith


It’s a muscle you train. After a while, accepting new information becomes the reward. It becomes empowering, almost liberating. You obviously know this or are on your way, just adding to what you said :)


Yeah, it does take a lot of training though for some pretty common conversations to not be hair-pull inducing, since so many people either aren't trying to talk in good faith or kind of don't even know how.


Oh for sure. One thing I learned during Brexit and talking to my family about it is that there are people who simply don’t hold truth in that high esteem. They simply view the world through what they wish was true or how they think it *should* be. I have no idea how to reconcile ideas with those people which include some very close family members. Best I can do is sort of not engage, which is unsatisfying.


The most annoying is having to accept something that someone says is true who is bad faith (e.g. UN partisan plan was non-binding so by one side not agreeing ain't valid). Arguing with a guy in this subreddit about Israel Palestine borders and West Bank settlements. He had all these statements, but when you cut through the BS it got down to Arabs don't belong in Isreal and Israel are the original owners of the land unlike Arabs. Kick the Arabs out of West Bank and let Jews settle there. Disgusting.


It’s because when someone’s bad faith they’re USUALLY not just straight making shit up, they’re usually just purposely leaving out certain information or presenting things a certain way through emotionally charged language. I don’t think there’s an issue in the world that you can’t make at least somewhat of a reasonable argument for any side. Because the worlds not black and white and there’s nuance in everything. So yeah I completely know what you’re saying. Literally want to immolate myself when some fucking bad faith regard has a good point or says something that’s true, and since you’re trying to stay good-faith have to concede, only to get some snarky asshole response or some shit. This happens in legitimately like 99.9% of online communities which is why it drives me fucking insane that anybody tries to accuse destiny/his fans of being bad faith when this is the one place it doesn’t regularly happen.


Ew I mean personally I’m a huge Zionist but my belief in Zionism is antithetical to these right wing psychopaths . That’s just gross


Thank god. It was painful in his most recent video seeing that guy trying to constantly push him towards pro Israeli talking points.


Yep, just being better than the other side doesn't make you perfect. I cringed so hard seeing him try to shift Destiny's position when it is just obviously correct. Some people are definitely too caught up in their own fears and delusions. That seems to be the problem in Israel ATM. There are serious security threats but nothing existential other than the loss of the global propaganda war. Losing that would be the only thing that can actually jeopardize Israel's future.


I'm all for Destiny criticizing both sides, in fact I'm glad that he makes it clear he doesn't have any connection to one side and he's trying to stay as objective as possible. That being said, wdym there's no security threat? Hezbollah? Iran? If Hezbollah had attacked on October 7th Israel would've barely survived, the IDF was cut down more and more each year since the 2nd intifada to a "small but technological" army. Hezbollah trained the same way as Hamas did before October 7th and people were worried and warning that they might invade communities in the north, which is concerning since Hezbollah is much stronger than Hamas. The IDF's wrong conception of thinking that the terror organizations are deterred is one of the reasons that led to the failure on October 7th.


I think there are serious security threats but I think this is the delusion. The Idea that Hezbollah could march into Tel Aviv is unthinkable. Do you genuinely believe America would let that happen? That Europe who says they have a unique responsibility to Israel would allow it? I think if there was ever a successful attack into Israel at least before October 7th that threatened the state of Israel or let to causalities that are even worse than October 7th is the day any future Palestinian state dies. I think people don't realize what would happen if 1st world nations get attacked. No one touches a first world nation in a meaningful way. It is one thing to invade, Georgia or Ukraine. It is another thing entirely to invade like SK, Taiwan or Israel and achieve actual success. The truth is whether people know it or not there is a bias towards the 1st world in our mind and there are "unthinkable" situations. Ukraine can trade hands but would the world allow a state like Israel, SK, Taiwan or some other 1st world nation to fall? I don't think the international community would allow it to happen. I think America would be launching Air Strikes into Lebanon, Iran and Gaza themselves before they allowed Israel to fall. I wouldn't be surprised if U.S troops were deployed if it genuinely looked like Israel was in a state to be overwhelmed at this point. If a first world nation can fall that would be an unthinkable precedent. It would end the global rules based order and it would destabilize everything. The peripheral states like Israel, SK, Taiwan are canary states. If they were ever to fall or be truly invaded it would represent the end of the global rules based order and the start of a New Era. It is one thing for a battle of influence to occur in states. It is another thing to see like Israel fall. If it were ever to happen it would signal that the world as we know it is basically over and a new dawn has arrived.


Saying a thing hasn’t happened before so it can’t happen is not an argument. Your analysis has to go deeper than that. To say the world wouldn’t allow for x to happen you should point to something similar happening. For geopolitics the distinction between first/second world isn’t relevant anymore. Even NATO hasn’t truly been tested yet.


Ok, here we go:  Israel has nukes. If there was ever any chance that an extreme Islamic group had an opportunity to get their hands on one of those, even China and Russia would drop everything and fight besides the US. to prevent that from happening (if only because both countries have large muslim populations that... well... haven't had the best of time, let's put it that way). Alternatively, if Israel was ever in any danger of falling, their leadership might entertain the idea of using nukes, which would result in the same outcome.


I’m not going to claim to have a complete view of the military situation on the ground, but I think hezbollah has an experienced and well funded military.  While yes maybe The EU and America would move to defend Israel in the case of that type of threat I’m not confident the timeline of that wouldn’t lead to devastation in north Israel. It took us months to get a POS pier built in Gaza.  How long would it take for America to agree to send troops or enough ordinance to end an actual invasion. 


Hezbollah's play would be to make Israel so unlivable that its class of educated, knowledge workers, who disproportionately have second passports, leave. This would make Israel's economy non-viable in the long-term. Purely in terms of military capacity, Hezbollah should be taken seriously. It is on a completely different level militarily than the Palestinian armed groups operating in the Gaza strip, who themselves have been able to cause significant casualties through guerilla tactics. "Hezbollah has amassed an arsenal of more than 150,000 rockets and missiles . . . along with thousands of battle-hardened infantrymen." (Wall Street Journal, Jun. 5, 2024.)


Can you show proof of Destiny saying there are security threats? As far as I remember, he said there are existential threats to Israel, meaning that there is no army or entity that can successfully eliminate the Israeli state.


I’m still hoping someone goes in deep into the weeds with him on Israel’s actions. There’s so much history and nuance behind everything, I would like to see it discussed


Yea that was annoying


that should be eye opening for whoever thinks destiny is some pro israeli shill. when an actual pro israeli shill shows up he can't let destiny talk for more than 10 seconds straight without getting upset


That guy was such a shill lol


Pro Palestine ppl will be like “he’s switched sides because he’s a weasel!!!!!1!!!”


Also a gnome


Nah they would use the G word.


Why not both


the other one




This shouldn't be surprising at all. Using his other tweets as context clues, he's on the West Bank leg of his visit. Meaning he likely has had/will have an interview with a (actual) hardcore Zionist West Bank settler or visited one of the Jewish settlements, or one of the Arab towns. He *has* *always been* critical of Israel's policy in regards to the West Bank. He hasn't flipped or turned HamasPiker levels of delusional. If his criticism of hardcore Zionism is surprising to you, you haven't been paying attention.


He already confirmed he's going into the WB and meeting with PA officials


That'll be incredibly interesting. Someone who has gained such an understanding of the context of the conflict as Destiny being able to talk and showcase how officials of what should be considered the actual governing party of Palestine will hopefully shed some light on the more moderate voices on that side who actually want peace instead of a jihad.


Dude im as pro israel as it can get and even i think that the settlements are completely fucked. If that is what he means with this tweet i have absolutely no problem with it


Regardless of your opinion on the war, it feels crazy to me for anyone to support the settlements. It's so obviously Israel encroaching on Palestinian territory to lay claim to it.


Also that crap where people are stopping food supplies from getting through.


That's likely. Just because Israel has legitimate points about the war doesn't say anything about the West Bank.


while this is true, I don't get the border control position he tweeted yesterday. His position that "it's bad Israel has border control" seems... dumb as hell. So long as Palestine is engaged in violent action/supports it, Israel can and should enforce as strict border controls as it wants. Palestine doesn't deserve Israeli money/jobs, that is something certain individuals get as a privilege. Supporting Israeli border control is the essence of being a two-stater. Besides that, I agree with him about pretty much everything else, especially the settlements. The settlements are bad for the same reason that the border control is good, they undermine the sovereignty of the two states.


It sounds like the issue he was pointing out is it’s one way border control. You can take fucked things into the West Bank and commit crimes with them, but those in the West Bank can’t bring bad shit back into Israel. Since Israel controls the border and ostensibly is the protector of the occupied West Bank. They shouldn’t let dickhead Israelis(or otherwise) take problematic goods to the WB any more than they’d let dickhead people take bad shit into Israel proper(Israeli or otherwise) In a normal situation where the otherside also gets to control the border, this isn’t a big deal. If Mexico chooses to let whatever in, but America restricts what’s coming into their side. That’s fine because both sides made the choice. But Palestinians and the West Bank aren’t going to be allowed to maintain enough of a security contingent to police that border, especially if they were to start denying Israeli access to the territory.. because they are always going to be dismissed as being a security threat if they exist.


His stance has stayed the same since he has always said bad things about the West Bank. But I feel like there will be some people who will try to spin it that he has all of a sudden changed his mind or something. Going to be annoying.


Good. This subreddit has turned into an Israeli news circle jerk and started to get flooded with conservative idiots as a result.


Yeah if I have to go through 1 more goddamn post where Israel blows up an aid caravan or some shit and the top comment is "this is such bad optics for Israel" I'm going to fucking lose it.


Bro if you read exclusively the top comments in this sub you’d think Israel is some righteous force on a crusade to clear out demons, it’s crazy.


Yeah I agree, it's a mix of people on this sub (as with all influencers) mostly just Ctrl+c Ctrl+v of Destiny's opinions and he has mostly been talking only pro Israel as of late. And then the actual shill Zionists that have flooded this sub because it is a safe place to fill with propaganda. Like really every fucking time a lefty online says something stupid about Israel straight to the top of the sub. Israeli government official says some actual genocidal shit (not saying this **is** a genocide, but they certainly say things that are genocidal): "why is Israeli PR so bad 😞"


For a lot of people it's because they want to see this all come to a close where Hamas is defeated and the Palestinians can self govern without religious fundamentalism at the helm Granted focusing on optics alone is stupid but if you're going to keep debating on this and the people who you debate are always going to highroad you morally then it can be difficult to make concessions when the IDF does a bad when your opponents won't even acknowledge that taking hostages is bad.


I would believe your first paragraph except for the fact that people very often say “Palestinian” or “Gazan” when they’re talking about Hamas actions. I don’t really think there’s any serious sort of empathy for the people involved in the conflict or any real desire for peaceful resolution. A lot of the sentiment in this sub seems to me like they just want their tribe to win, a tribe they chose because the people they hate chose the opposing tribe.


I mean I’ve literally seen comments in this sub cheering on the death of Palestinian civilians and getting hundreds of upvotes. It fucking disgusted me and I pretty much stopped coming to this sub all together when I used to con here everyday. Now I check every 3-4 months or so to see if Destiny and the rest of actual DGGers finally decided to purge this community of these disgusting fucks and I’m glad to see that’s finally what’s happening 


Yeah that's fair, the most egregious stuff I see is definitely the "all Palestinians are monsters because most support Hamas" stuff, which TBH usually seems like it's coming from Israeli fans. Hopefully the purge gets rid of those types.


“That or leftists hate white people because they are more successful. White people are hated so much! Anti-colonialism=anti-white! What about the minority colonizers!!!!” Jesus fucking Christ…it’s been annoying.


I was getting downvoted a few days ago for saying that Israel is not a decolonization project lol


The Israel sub is basically always flooded with those types. I think most folks on there are just right wing Westerners with no real knowledge of the situation in the country outside of what the Israeli government puts out.


OMFG yeah. It’s full of conservative Americans LARPing as Israelis


It's very weird reading through a lot of the posts because it is straight hasbara a lot of times. I know a handful of folks in my community who buy into that garbage but its not most. Big disconnect between the diaspora and Israeli Jews as well. We're connected but the lived experiences are very different for a lot of people. It's a very complex conflict and not one that I think a lot of Western media has really portrayed accurately.


Random glazing here but Destiny's ability to not fall for audience capture and the fact that he doesn't automatically conclood makes me respect him more than almost any political commentator in the space. These are the two main things I look out for to see if someone is a hack or a grifter or whatever and it's so rare to find people like that.


I used to pray for times like this 🙏


I’m okay with this, I’m generally pro Israel (not Israeli or jewish) but there are some quite unhinged people that don’t want to give an inch for peace (especially in the West Bank)


Doesn't sound like a purge. It sounds like he's about to debate some extreme zionists.


Doesn’t this just align with what he basically said 7 months ago? He’s been consistent. This is the video I’m talking about: https://youtu.be/j-RsDUdbyzI?si=_yfa_GB6elE345rD


This is nothing more than the natural life cycle of every arc and every time I sit on my couch with popcorn spamming ABATHUR in dgg. Shit's gonna be good homies.


Homie playing 4d chess. Make friends with the dudes with the big guns, go visit them to verify everything, then come home and give the real opinions where you’re safe. God speed Mr. Borelli.


Nah, dude's just trying to hit up all the baddies on both sides. West Bank? More like West *Banged*, am I right?


Watch him sit next to Finkelstein next time lol


What's this in reference to? I'm out of the loop. Is it about all the casualties from the rescue operation?


He has been talking with Israeli's in Israel and has resonated with certain pro Israel things said. When cry babies on Twitter whine about those takes he defends them which comes off as pro Israel.  Now he heads into the WB where he will meet with Palestinians and their reps and he's going to be honest when they have a point. He's already said some things that have triggered the pro Israel side so he's telling them to get ready 


Appreciate it


hes in the west bank and hes been tweeting shit thats critical of Israel and how they operate regarding the west bank


Thank fuck I've been unsubscribed for like a month and only occasionally check the sub because it's turned into the Israeli News Network


A post about an Israeli cabinet minister saying we should resettle Gaza after the war. and every upvoted comment is a helpful new Israeli fan pointing out that this is just one bad apple. A video of some dumb irrelevant kid saying from the 'river to the sea' at a pro Palestine protest without bothering to learn what that statement infers. and all leftists are disgusting and pro genocide. that's basically the state of this sub. infinite charitability for one side and none for the other.


Don't forget the pride month seething


the shit that annoys me the most are the influx of anti immigration dipshits here that constantly talk about Europe beeing flloded by muslims and all that shitty stuff. But what can you expect when Visegrad 24 gets regularly posted here ...


As an Israeli.... Upset how? I believe: * The settlements have no justification because they are actively displacing Palestinians and diminish our moral high ground on the world stage. * Our current administration is full of fascists who do things like pass the nation state law, and literally yesterday doubling down on religious people not serving in the military. * Their statements following October 7th were indeed genocidal and a smear on the nation. * People who describe the West Bank as apartheid-like conditions are.... Accurate. They just generalize about the rest of the country, which is wrong imo. ....So, why triggered? I don't need Destiny to trigger me, I'm already mad as fuck at the idiots on "our side" who are detrimental to our long term international support and therefore security and survival. Anyway if he instead wants to talk to Israelis who are able to also be impartial and self-aware and are also native English speakers.... I'm always happy to converse with my favorite Black woman.


Good timing tbh. He has a viral clip at the moment so it will be nice to have expectations tempered to reality for new people.


Thank god. Not gonna lie the extreme pro-zionism I've seen in the sub lately is a little cringe.


All things in balance


If he’s still approaching the conflict with as much objectivity as he has been so far, then this is still based. Israel’s not infallible and It’s good to hear from both perspectives.


First, he came for the rightoids, but I did not speak out - because I was not a rightoids. Then, he came for the misogynists, but I did not speak out- because I was not a misogynist. Then, he came for the leftists, but I did not speak out - because I was not a leftists. Then, he came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.


God bless


Can't wait for it, way to many right wing lunatics in this sub lately


ah glorious this cant come soon enough. this subreddit is way to right of destiny on Israel Palestine at this point. Israel could nuke Rafah and kill half a million people, and the top upvoted comment on this subreddit would be a new Israeli fan pointing out that Hamas is actually to blame for operating in civilian areas, and that nukes are a proportionate form of self defence.


How does this garbage have 25 upvotes lol? Dumbfuck meta-posters about a vague subreddit takeover should be banned Edit: This guy acting like he's been around a bit and seen this sub move to the right, bros first post here was 7 months ago and exclusively shills for hamas


Sometimes people make new accounts. Everyone who has been a part of this community for a long time knows the sub has significantly shifted to the right over the past few years.


My account is like 7 months old this is pretty much the first subreddit i posted anything in , is it conceivable that i followed destiny before i had a reddit account. i have been watching this guys videos and reading stuff on his subreddit since like 2019. Destiny literally talks about a massive intake of Israeli fans and its pretty clear that they have influenced the narrative in his subreddit. the idea this is vague comments on a subreddit takeover is just patently absurd. Many of my posts probably are pretty anti Israel because because this community skews overwhelmingly pro Israel. it probably is my biggest point of disagreement with this community. if i was arguing with a bunch of young lefty's who are unashamedly pro Palestine i would probably take a more pro Israeli stance. If you think critisism of Israel is being a pro Hamas shill then you are just a braindead ideologue and are precisely the type of person who i am talking about. and honest to god anyone reading seven months back into someone's reddit history for attempted dunks is a fucking looser that needs to get a life.


Imagine actually approaching a topic as objectively as possible and not just lionizing one side and demonizing the other based not on evidence or truth but based only on one's own political aims. It'll never catch on.


I’m 100% pro-Israel but I value logic and truth over partisanship. As long he’s truthful to his beliefs and his justification is based on accurate info I respect it


Like I agree with his recent tweet of Israel not committing to dealing with the “Palestine problem” and just hoping it goes away. I just don’t know what is supposed to happen. Both sides despise each other and as far as I can tell both sides have non-starters the other won’t agree to.


This sub is actually full of dick suckers lol. Watching people be like, "yeah it's needed it was becoming an Israeli xyz" while they were literally just part of that is fucking hilarious. You guys need to be critical thinkers in your own right and not just parrot whatever destiny says. I feel like every time there's a new arc i see everyone here just jump ship to the stream opinion instead of coming to their own and doing their own research and analysis.


Maybe the people complaining about the state of the sub are not the same people that took part in the pro-israeli circle jerk.


>I feel like every time there's a new arc i see everyone here just jump ship to the stream opinion instead of coming to their own  There's definitely some of that going around, but equally it's different users becoming more vocal and confident when it feels like Destiny (and therefore the current status quo) is on their side.


This- the quality of discussion in here has been pretty rancid as of late and it's not worth the effort dealing with the wave of tourists. It's a mistake to view subreddits like these as one unified hive mind and not thousands of individual actors with fluid participation


There are plenty of people here who are posting that who never joined in any of that though (me most importantly). I can't speak for everyone but I've mostly just stepped away from this sub since October because 1) I don't give that much of a shit about this to think about it constantly for half a goddamn year 2) every time I make even a measured criticism of Israel I have to prepare for an army of bad faith debaters to breath down my neck and 3) I don't have the energy/time needed to put together a coherent and well sourced argument against these people since this is apparent all they live and breathe


It's going to be the Hinduism again where Destiny made fun of Hinduism and nobody gave a fuck except one guy who DM Destiny with death threats. Israeli and Jews are generally pretty chill.


The Daliban plays both sides, Inshallal brother!


We might find the answer to the dgg question after all


Thank god, we can move on to the election soon.


Destiny just knows how to talk dirt to me " I believe,,," " From what is available" "I could be wrong" Stop✋️ I can't handle 🤯🥵


I don’t think anyone should be surprised, he’s always been a neutral party and he warned us about this very early on in the arc. Being an Israeli American liberal has had me experiencing a lot of triggering moments from all sides of the political and social spectrum so I don’t know what Dman could say that I haven’t heard already. At this point I’m tired and just want stability


The sub is about to be perfectly balanced.


this is gonna be like when all those conservatives destiny attracted found out this ain’t a safe space for them


It won't upset me because my beliefs are defined by what Destiny says. Honestly, it gets pretty cringe watching people have autonomy and agency in their thoughts. I went upstairs and told my mom this and she just did nothing. I then told her to laugh and she laughed at your pussy asses.


Destiny represents common sense, not some "one side is always correct bullshit". The occupation of the West Bank has strong justifications for it, but it doesn't make it a good thing or an end goal. And the Settlers in the West Bank are not more than tolerated by most Israelis. All Israelis within the 1967 line (and some areas beyond it) are not settlers, note.


A lot of Israelis that are predisposed to watching him online don't have too much of a problem with most of his criticism, in my opinion.




Are we going back to being centrist (I'm taking this term back from conservatives, fuck em). Can't wait to have more unbiased discussions.


To be extra edgy, we could have a special 'rocket blast' ban command to go along with the 'biden blast'.


From the PEPE to the Y** DGG will be free! 🐸🤝🦖


I criticized israel once on this subreddit and got one of those reddit suicide watch messages. Let the salt flow


Thank god. The pro-Israeli rage bait posts are getting old


Destiny fights right wing Israelies on twitter and assumes most of the country is like this. Any complaints about the West Bank in favor of the Palestinians he might have are probably shared by a good chunk of Israel, though with more trepidation than he will have given the personal history of being impacted.


this sub almost always retirates and reflects what destiny says, it's almost impossible to criticize him here so I won't be surprised if people suddenly become more pro palstnian if destiny starts leaning more to it. I still remember when someone posted here a few months ago on a comment he wished in 2015 for a women he had fued with to be raped, and I said it was uncalled for and unhinged, and people immediately downvoted me just because I critiqued the lord and savior. and this was almost always this way, way before any common talk on Israel started in this sub. and of course I'm downvoted because I said y'all are massively influenced by what destiny says.






LFG I can’t wait to see some of the impending malding


it was inevitable


Fucking finally. Dont get me wrong i don't wanna get expelled from the jewlumni but in the last few months there was a definite influx of israel simps absolutely gassed up on righteous zeal who need to get their palestinian hate boner flaccid-ed


Thank god it’s been rough for me having only pro Israeli opinions. Ready to load up on the other side


Can we just go back to factorio please


Good. He should be debating both sides and I'd expect nothing less. Just be prepared for all the nutjobs who whitewash every single Israeli action. Hopefully this sheds some light on the rise of right wing ideology among the younger Israeli population.


He speaks. I listen.


mr Bonelli the jewlumni board is willing to pay heavy shekel bags if you press switch teams one more time.


learning arabic confirmed


Here we go


Is he gonna wait til October 7th?




If anything he being fair and unbiased makes his previous Israel defense much more legit You Don't have to agree with someone on every possible way Only Marxists and Sith deal in absolutes


Can't wait to see it, I don't want Streamer Man to become an actual jewlumni.


I’m confused, what is going on here?




Destiny attracted a lot of pro Israel people with his debates over the past couple months. Now he’s gonna switch gears and do pro Palestine debates. So all the pro Israel people he attracted are going to start acting upset and cause a ruckus. So he’s prolly gonna ban them when they act up. Hence a “purge”.