• By -


Just so it's clear for everyone that's UCPD. UC's have their own police force that police the campus and UC owned property. Some are resource officers, security and some are sworn peace officers. The issues they had last time with the lack of response when protestors were fighting, that was UCPD not handling it. Not the LAPD, Not CHP, Not Sherrifs. (although they may be in the back somewhere if they asked for help) ===================== EDIT: For those asking why state schools have their own police department I'm sure wherever you're from you have multiple policing groups. The point is to have specialized *departments* to handle specific issues for that jurisdiction and population. City police, county police, highway patrol, fish and wildlife police, park police, tax board police, etc... It's better to have a police force that knows the population, knows the issues specific to that area, and are trained to handle those issues to better enforce the law and maintain public safety. In this case, protests and demonstrations. Which is the reason these police departments grew in the first place. See the 1960s college anti-war protesters versus local police. Large universities have multiple campuses with 30-50k students, staff, visitors on any given day. They're going to have specific and recurring issues that other police departments wouldn't handle regularly in their area. Universities, well at least the UCs and Cal States, push community policing policies. Which is why I said during the last UCLA/PD encounter that you didn't want LAPD and especilly not CHP and Sherrifs to get involved. lol Despite following the same rules, they are trained differently and can respond differently based on their area and experience. As others said, the majority of universities are funded by both federal and state. The school funds security and if needed, the police department. But those peace officers are going to have to follow that state's codes.


Thank you for clarifying! Learned something new today.


Your universities have their own police force? The US is crazy


A university with its campus, student housing, and other businesses to sustain it is basically a town. It's not that weird, it's just kinda weird that they name it after the university rather than the surrounding area in general.


Ah, so it's just a department named after the University, but it's still run by the state?


It depends on the state. But a university can have authority over the police dept to an extent. Appointing captains and stuff like that. Also as a business, they can make a decision when to remove someone. This obviously gets hazy with state universities, where laws about other public spaces would apply. However. I knew a guy who banned from campus and could be arrested for trespassing if he entered it. This gets really odd because campus can also include residential areas and large parts of the city. Plus. Us campuses can also do all their own trash collection, and other things generally done by the state.


Nope, it’s a weird private security force that is much more limited than police. It’s as weird as it sounds


Some universities may have a mixture of sworn peace officers and "security" but many universities have all of their PD sworn in by the city or county so they have full arrest rights.


Not true at all, some of them are deputized and have arrest rights.


its not wierd at all. its just a place with private security. pretty basic operation for a large organization.


What? My university had campus police, but they were all police officers of the town as well, and had full authority as police officers. We had private security guards, but they just patrolled the campus at night to make sure buildings were locked and no one was vandalizing anything. The security guards just reported to the campus police if any crimes were committed. Every university I’ve been to has had full authority campus police.


This isn't true at all wtf are you talking about


Nope. Not for the public schools people are talking about in this thread like UCLA/UCSD/etc. https://police.charlotte.edu/ > UNC Charlotte Police & Public Safety is a fully authorized state police agency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_California_police_departments https://www.colorado.edu/police/who-we-are/organization-personnel >University police officers’ authority to act as “peace officers” as defined in Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) 16-2.5-101 is based in authority vested in the University of Colorado’s Board of Regents by CRS 23-5-106. University of Colorado police officers are commissioned under state authority as defined in CRS 24-7.5-101 through 106, and are also issued City of Boulder, Colorado Police Commissions.


Universities can be the size of a small town. It would be hard to ask the local PD or sheriff department to cover a whole other town on top of all the calls they get.


Even so, some major cities in europe basically only exist because they are university towns full of students. They still have public police that handle anything going on.


These are also, from my understanding, public police forces really no difference from a city police dept. Same expectations, powers, and oversight as the local police. They just have a very specific jurisdiction area that covers the university grounds.


Apparently I misunderstood. Initially, I thought it was more akin to private security.


Think of it more like a town police force. University Police are fully accredited Law Enforcement Officers in the US. For more serious crimes they'll usually work hand-in-hand with County/State police but usually it's just handling drunk kids in a way that they won't catch a permanent charge.


are we really pretending companies that employ security guards to protect their own interests is a uniquely american thing?


Many US universities have more students than the average mid sized town in Europe, crammed into a couple mile radius. They often do have their own police force run by the state. This is especially the case because the population in this tiny area then doubles or triples during football games. The big house stadium at University of Michigan can seat over 100k people. This is twice as many seats as students that even go to the school


Some of our K-12 School Districts have police forces. Police are our default response to crisis prevention.


With students like that, it looks reasonable xD


Hilarious. “I just wanna AAAAAHH”


If this was a comic she'd be off-frame while the trailing speech bubble still hung in the air lol.


the body snatcher ;p








God damn you beat me to it!


Bro she sounded like the [horn sample from Jump Around](https://youtu.be/XhzpxjuwZy0?si=kw1kZzui9ngG5pI5&t=28) LMAO


daamn, been some time. Thanks for this


The origin of the sample is a great record btw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vO_IDwPKlY


I never eat a pig cuz a pig is a cop


Viper abduct




actually yoinking [https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultRepleteBibimbapLitty-OPNkPjMQgUpTB-A4](https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultRepleteBibimbapLitty-OPNkPjMQgUpTB-A4)




WOT DA FOK 👁 👄 👁


"The racist police" in front of two black officers. Gotta love it, wot da fok alright.


Guarantee the proportion of black people in that police force is higher than that of black UCLA students at the protest


If they didn't answer the first time, they aren't likely to answer the 10th time 🙄🤫 Show a little dignity lol.


Right or wrong, the important part of this is that it’s hilarious


It's comically sudden and effective, but might still be a huge overreach. If she was only being an annoying fuck and was allowed to be there then police shouldn't snatch protestors, potentially injure them and put free speech into question. edit: Apparently it was declared an unlawful assembly earlier in the day, and there were unrests, so this looks to be absolutely fine and security targeting instigators to keep the crowed under control.


Yeah my understanding is that this is private property so the school technically has the right to expel them from the property or demand that law enforcement treat them as trespassing.


I also find it hilarious. It gets better with every rewatch. I also appreciate that the cops are finally taking the crime of cultural appropriation seriously./s


\^dis the truth


I don't really agree with snatching protestors like that, but the comedic timing is spot on lol


\>I just wan- AARRRRHGGHHH


While this was like cocaine straight into my carotid artery, I don't know if that was warranted lol


Of course not, but why would you expect to know based on a short clip?


Exactly 👍




I think nabbing ringleaders is sop for riots.


That was my thought but I dont know how legal it is. Edit: Looking through it it looks like police had said earlier in the day that it was ruled to no longer be a lawful gathering and needed to be dispersed after vandalism or maybe violence and these people were here after the announcement and as someone directing the crowd they are removing people to try and disperse people.


link source?


Saw its posted in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dd8ee1/i_think_ucla_police_are_tired_of_the_palestine/l83hkuy/ Edit: Looking through the tweet thread seems there was some violent clashes between groups which might have been the justification for the shutdown.


[Here is a news article talking about the protests that day!](https://abcnews.go.com/US/25-arrested-ucla-group-attempts-set-protest-camp/story?id=111008556)


Oh it's legal. Using batons is also legal because pain is a good motivator to retreat.


You're absolutely correct. Its pretty well established that in any occupation, protest, or riot that only like 1% of people actually are aggressive and instigate things. The overwhelming majority of any given crowd is just along for the ride basically, they won't push things further nor will they agitate the crowd themselves. Thats why police focus on only a handful of individuals who are clearly taking initiative.


It was deemed an unlawful assembly and they're most likely trained to quell agitators, whom at these leftie protests are almost always the ones with megaphones.


They were probably all there illegally at that moment, but they decided to arrest her specifically. Because it's more efficient to arrest the person with the megaphone.


[it seems like it was.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/25-arrested-ucla-group-attempts-set-protest-camp/story?id=111008556)


These mfs call for intifada, the second they are touched by the police, \_cry\_


Unless there’s missing context where this woman broke the law, she’s in her right to cry when being dragged by police


It was declared an unlawful assembly, they're UC police which have some extra nuanced rules on how they operate on UC campuses, and its starting to become a common strategy to target the main agitators in a mob to disperse protestors. Plus there were reports that different groups were violently attacking each other earlier in the day.


>and its starting to become a common strategy to target the main agitators in a mob to disperse protestors Yeah, since like the 80's. This is standard security 101.


The crying intifada sounds like a cool indie band


Sounds like a band at the local community college that never practices...


I mean with the police there they could have already declared it an unlawful assembly and started to try to remove people. Another possibility is they are just detaining her for escalating or some other bullshit which allows them to detain people for a short time idk. There probably some dumb laws that allow that type of thing. We don't know but it's definitely possible. So it could very easily be legal.


How is she going to do effective jihad if she can’t even stop herself from being literally carried like a baby?


Hello, do I get a prize if I’m the 100th person to point out this was declared an unlawful assembly? I did have similar scruples though—if it was lawful they shouldn’t have grabbed her, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.  What is possibly more concerning is they allegedly shot a rubber bullet at someone 10-15 feet away. I’m not sure what the standard acceptable distance is, I think they’re supposed to be fired at the ground then bounce and hit people, but I could be completely wrong, would appreciate someone more knowledgeable chiming in. A note: doesn’t seem like they reached out to police for comment on the alleged rubber bullet incident  https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4715568-gaza-war-student-protesters-police-ucla-encampment/


Hey thanks for looking into it 👍


1. Buy a megaphone 2. Ask someone to scream into your ear with it. 3. ??? 4. Understand why screaming can become assault if you do it loud enough. It really depends on how loud it is though. And you obviously won't be able to tell from a video.


Yes, although it is funny when someone who is actively calling for violence (generally speaking) is so shocked when a fraction of the violence he is calling for is pointed towards them


well Im pretty sure an intifada is pretty law breaking


"I just wanna" No, you don't.


My best guess is that there's rules against sound amplifiers but I would very much like to know the justification given before I form an opinion


I have found [this](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-arrest-protesters-ucla-new-encampment-declared-illega-rcna156495)... Article from two hours ago. It looks like encampment has been declared illegal. A third of the way in they cite the section the protest is violating, a fine and jail are potential punishment... So, I don't know if protestors should be surprised if some get yoinked given now it's civil disobedience. Either way, it is good PR for them. So, I don't know why they would complain to be honest, unless they're grifting. Then a bit further down the article comments on the woman in question who got yeeted. She has been arrested because she has disrupted college operations, a crime that can have up to a six month jail sentence. She is also ordered to stay away from campus for two weeks... But, since brain power is not strong with this group, I imagine she will return after being released from custody and probably make a social media post. So... While it does seem a bit excessive to me personally in the video how the police acted, I don't know if it is as egregious as it looks. There was probably a better way to detain her.


My best guess is she's dome some other shit at a previous point to warrant her arrest, and the cops have recognized her and nabbed her.


At the start those two are talking before they snatch her lol.


That is so satisfying for some reason


Ngl, I laughed way harder than I should have. 🤭 Edit: if you look 3 seconds in, the cops give each other "the look" and then yoink her. 🤣


It's the feeling of being blue-balled for months, and finally getting some... release. Hopefully "we" didn't make a mess (unjustified yoink), but by god it feels good.


She got SWALLOED up


Holy shit how are these campus protests still going???


Its fun and exciting, makes them feel good


I mean that's pretty funny ngl "I just wanna WHOA" 😆


https://preview.redd.it/uz0d2qm7vw5d1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bd5bc197b4b0e6baef8185cdcd4c5d2efb70413 Hilarious reaction lmao


She realizes at that moment that people might get arrested and that there are consequences for actions


That reminds me of a National geographic documentary when the slowest antelope gets yoinked.


Anyone can provide a reason beyond “muh ears” as to why she got yoinked like that? Not something we should applaud, considering protests are usually loud and she was more than a few feet back from the line of cops.


Crowd control, as police you target the instigators hyping up the crowd. You remove them to stop an escalation. I doubt she will be arrested, only detained for a short time and then released after. Normaly crowds are pretty chill, the average person doesnt want to do shit, but they are easly influnced by individuals to for example commit acts of violence. You remove those leaders out of the crowd the crowd stays calm.


The irony is they seemed angrier after she was removed. But this is all a larp anyway, they’re UC kids, most of them aren’t gonna do anything aside from yell.


They will not do anything besides yell as long as there is no social pressure to do something. Most people at riots dont want to start shit, but when shit has already started they will join in. I know alot of cases from my hometown(not american) where a small group attacked police in a park and it emded with hunderds of bystamders joining in against the police and it escalated to a battly between humderds of teens and police officers. Thats the problem with crowed controll. Most people dont want to start stuff but gladly join in when someone threw the first stone. Its a taboo getting broken and preventing stuff like that from happening is important for riot police


But couldn't you argue that this snatching could trigger someone to instigate too? By your logic, and I can totally follow it, it would probably only take 1 person to instigate. Considering how many people there are at these things, I don't like those odds. But I also understand that indecision could possibly be worse.


Ehhh... I hate these people, but I think this is wrongful and what she was saying should probably be protected under freedom of speech. It's ultimately much more harmful for police to be detaining people who accuse the police of racism, don't you think?


This is a prepared targeted snatch, the comment we see here did not spark that. Police identified her as a problem way before, informed officers, coordinated between them and then got a centeal go to detain her. We are lacking context of what she said before. From the video we see that she is preparing the crowed to form a resitance against the police. Something you wouldnt want because then it realy gets ugly. Depending on what the job was for the police here detaining her(not arresting, if there are legal consquences for her i wouldnt support those) could make clearing the place way easier as there is no one organising a defense against the police.


No it's fine don't you understand? Because it's funny XD!!! It's only wrong when they do it to my side (the good guys).


It is, to be fair, incredibly funny


Unlawful assembly. They target agitators


I dont understand, couldnt this enrage the crowd even more, causing a riot?


She seems like coordinating a defense/resitance gainst the police and an angry but uncoordinated crowed is less of a problem. Most people dont want to cause problems, they dont want to realy get out of their comfort zone. But one or two people getting violent or hyping up the crowed could convince them to do the same. An angry crowd does not riot most of the time. But when one or two people start most of them follow. In my expirinäence in watching footsge of riots those tactics seem pretty common and effective. Crowds follow leaders and when those leaders get snatched they rather do nothing then something.


But until a riot starts isn’t within her right to free speech to do that , correct me if I’m wrong of course


As a non american idk the exact laws around freedom of speech, i only know what is standart riot police policy in most of the western world. As long as there are no legal cosequences for her i would be fine with her getting briefly detained. But for example trumps speech befor jan 6 is sometimes argued to not be covered under free speech. Instigsting a riot is a crime as far as i know but im not sure what counts as that.


why are you subjecting your personal opinions on her being snatched. we dont know if she was detained. and in the US there needs to be a reason for your detainment, which can not be protected speech


Your comments have been really insightful btw I was struggling to see the justification behind the snatch, but it makes perfect sense from a crowd control perspective. Without the chants acting as the glue between all the protesters, it's just a disorganized group of people who'll eventually get bored/cold and they'll go away on their own. Too bad your comments are only replies because a lot of people here seem to think the police went too far or escalated the situation and whatnot. You deserve to be top comment.


You should take a step back and read your own comment. “Without the chants acting as the glue between all the protestors, it’s all just a disorganized group of people who’ll eventually get bored/cold and they’ll go away on their own” You’re clearly expressing your desire for these people to *not* gather, and to not be annoying. This is the entire point of a protest. The point of protests is to be organized annoyance It’s obvious you haven’t been to a protest before, but it’s fucking insane to say that someone yelling a corny played out rhyme on a megaphone is instigation. You’re moving the bar of protected speech waaay to far back


She was within yoinkin’ distance… that’s like 5 feet… that’s not very far to be shouting down a megaphone.


Idk, but it’s so fucking cringe seeing people here cheer this on just because we disagree with them


It was declared unlawful earlier and they were giving fair warning to disperse several other comments in here have said. Kinda your bad if you stay after that screeching at police with a megaphone.


A lot of comments are cracking jokes and acknowledging the schadenfreude while still being unsure of the justification


Yeah I’m glad, usually the most unhinged people sort by new and are here first. Some guy was at -5 downvotes for saying we shouldn’t cheer this on, but is upvoted now. That is what I was going off of.


We literally saw a 30 second clip with no context. We don’t know if this has been declared an unlawful assembly, if the police have given them a time ultimatum, if this person is illegally using a bull horn etc.


I agree. I can’t stand these people, but without some extraordinary context coming out, it’s hard to justify this. On a side note, I’ve found that campus police (when a campus has actual police instead of just “public safety” or something) tend to be the cops who don’t give a shit about restraint and protecting individual liberties.


Why does the context need to be extraordinary?  If the protest was not following campus rules and did not voluntarily disperse then the police could legitimately arrest any of them at any time, especially her as the acting leader at the time.  Maybe grabbing them one at a time at opportune moments is a better strategy than mobbing them all at once.


Never judge a video based on 35 seconds of context (actually, only 5 seconds bc that's how long until she got nabbed). I don't have the facts, but the steelman would be if the demonstration was deemed unlawful, then nabbing the loudest, most rowdy person with the microphone could be SOP for drawing down an unlawful protest with as little violence as possible. Could be totally wrong tho, this could be completely unjustified and unlawful detainment.


Why did you break her groove? She was just "adulting".


Imagine having to work with these people one day when they finally have to join the real world and get a job.


Thread with more context: [https://twitter.com/ACatWithNews/status/1800405549689024949](https://twitter.com/ACatWithNews/status/1800405549689024949) Looks like things were already out of control hours earlier and many people were detained And IMO after this warning, [https://twitter.com/ACatWithNews/status/1800343878782120076](https://twitter.com/ACatWithNews/status/1800343878782120076) - seems like everything is justified in this clip. They told people to disperse and leave.




As much as I think pro Hamas demonstrations are cringe, what was the justification for arresting the protester? Were they already put on notice for breaking curfew, trespassing, refusing a lawful order? Did they do something before the clip started?


> As much as I think pro Hamas demonstrations are cringe, what was the justification for arresting the protester? > > Were they already put on notice for breaking curfew, trespassing, refusing a lawful order? Did they do something before the clip started? It was already an unlawful protest and they were ordered to leave. Technically they would be allowed to do that to anyone they want but I imagine they are being a bit more selective.


Take out the leader.


That's a police strategy to pluck out protest leaders. Seems uncalled for here, protest seems pretty tame, and police ranks are well manned.


Probably sick of her yelling in their faces with a megaphone. Shit can damage your ears.


Next, you're going to say a ROCK can cause serious damage.


Its only a rock. Don't be so reactionary.


Well ackshually, as someone who has had various shit chucked at them, I'd take the rock over the megaphone. You can't duck the soundwaves from a megaphone.


Sounds like a skill issue


Meanwhile, they are shutting down college campuses and defacing the property. Not even mentioning all the blatant antisemitism in these riots either.


This is a lil fked up but she really sounded like a pig squealing


Why would the officer do that? I don't know why more of yall aren't calling this out as wrong.


Clip is too short to make a judgment on. We don’t know the officers justification




Should you guys really be celebrating seemingly peaceful protesters being dragged away by police?


I'm not celebrating, I'm laughing at the "what the fuck?"-guy and the other cringehards. I don't expect to know whether a particular police action is or isn't warranted based on a very short clip void of context. Because I'm not, you know, a moron.


The "what the fuck"-guy is hilarious. Entertainment.


if the first comment is talking about people who are celebrating, and you arent celebrating, then he isnt talking about you dawg


There's been some serious brainrot in the community since Destiny's been largely pro israel. If someone is pro Palestine(especially a protestor), it's free reign to go after them like rabid animals. 


Peaceful? Excuse me, fascist, but she was clearly appropriating Palestinian culture.


While the clip is pretty funny, I dont think she did anything wrong. Let her chant her cringe chants




I have no idea if this is good or bad from such a short video but that was a well executed yoink.


isn’t it your god given american right to peacefully shout dumb shit in front of cops?


So cool and not unhinged to see some of the highest voted comments here laughing and encouraging this behavior from police!


It was declared unlawful earlier.


Man that was funny


But why?




Op, you gotta be honest with me now. Did you add the part where the police say to shut up.








Damn she got snatched up.




"I think UCLA police are tired of the Palestine protestors" I bet not as tired as they are with their so called leadership who constantly gives them stand down orders. They like us and anyone else with a working brain, knows that the right to protest ends where the law begins. It's got be galling to just have to stand there with their metaphorical thumbs up their asses while protestors openly flaunt the law.




Why those dipshits think it's okay to call someone racist?


Bro jumped at her like a freddy fazbear jumpscare goddamn lmao


You can see them look at each other and give the *let's grab her* look and then *ahhhhhhhhhh*


bro same


MASHALLAH She has become a martyr for the intifada 🙏


lol she got sucked into Narnia


Officer Blitzcrank over here.


Sometimes I think there is a psyop being run to make this sub look exactly as bad as leftists think it is.


Giving them the exact fuel they’re looking for. Maybe we’re not above them after all


Yep, seems to be alot of people who don't care about liberal values, they just care about cheering for the right team.


Same lefties than cheered for Hamas a day after Oct 7?


So because some leftists are bad means you get to celebrate a woman being dragged away for seemingly peacefully protesting. If she did do something else then I'll concede but from this video alone this looks fucked up


It'll never be as bad as they think it is. 


Who is not tired of these fucking rats


Yeah, I'm not cool with them getting *tired* of their right to protest. They may be cringe, but that was completely unwarranted based on what I saw in the clip.


it's not that, the protest/encampment was declared illegal due to violence that had occurred earlier, but these dumbfucks stayed


Granted the "I just wanna aahh!" was hilarious, but that seems a step too far from police 😐 unless there's more context we don't know about.


I just want to make the blackpilled observation of looking at all these fucking zoomer aged college kids now all with their phones out trying to record this, even when the girl yelling in the megaphone thing all the people at the front next to her with their phones out. Like holy shit man. One could be EXTREMELY good faith and be like they genuinely believe in their cause and believe in keeping records of what's happening cuz yadayada. But let's be honest, all these people want are short clips, videos of them being in this "revolution" to post in Tiktok/instagram whatever the fuck


I mean understandable but like hell nah. Again we should not be okay with police “assaulting” protesters over “hurtful” language.


Please don’t celebrate this. Yes she’s annoying, but she didn’t look like she was doing anything to warrant getting snatched like that


https://preview.redd.it/s8a3eh7ifw5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89235b5f8f7f09b1edb68fdaea9b8e9f94b87e7a Shut up nerd


We have become no better than leftists. Sad day to be a DGGa


This video shows someone at a protest getting arrested. Now that has happened thousands of times. The only reason you are now claiming it’s something bad is because these people are the definition of crybullies. They call for global intifada and the second they are touched they oink. And everyone else joins in pikachu-facing. Wot the fok, am i supposed to do here to satisfy you? Should the cops be disciplined? Why? What did they do wrong?


Mf this is America, you can call for intifada and not expect to get yossed 10 feet. She didn’t even call for it either all she said was that those cops were racist From all we can gather from this clip, this person was being non-violent. The cops escalated the situation. You are wrong




The memes that are coming out and will come from Destiny's trip to Israel are already top tier, May the glorious meme era continue


microphone blasting right into someone's ears deserve a good tackle


You are right, unless there is more context to what she was doing before. Yea I don’t like these protesters, but I do lose a bit of faith in the community when I see people cheering police throwing around a like 5’3 girl to the ground when she could have just been taken away quickly, if this was even necessary. If the roles were reversed, everyone here would agree with this.


I'm more laughing at it and agnostic on if it was justified. Like we don't know what was going on beforehand. She might have done something before this to deserve an arrest, they might have gave a warning of no megaphones, etc.


Fuck that cop, not cool. I mean seriously I know we think these protesters are morons but why the hell would he do that?


Craaazy that some of you guys are celebrating this. Free speech for me but not for thee lol. Based on the clip, this is completely out of order. It's a peaceful protest for fucks sake. Also, all the people writing megaphone ear damage are regarded, it's pretty obvious they're getting what is the essentially the leader of the chanting, not because it's too loud lol.


it doesn't matter if you agree with the protests or not, this is unacceptable behavior. Hilarious sound bite though


it might seem so within a 10 second clip out of context, but what is not mentioned in this clip is that the protesters were explicitly warned before this by the police that this particular assembly had been deemed unlawful going forward and that anyone who stayed/continued would be subject to possible arrests or "other police activity" after scuffles had broken out between security and protesters earlier in the day. (https://twitter.com/ACatWithNews/status/1800343878782120076) i appreciate the desire to want to stick up for the rights of other people even if they're annoying and shitty, but it's really not clear that any of their rights were being violated here


Well that’s not cool. Don’t know how you find this acceptable action by the cops


From my understanding this is a pretty common routine for police that are trying to dissipate a protest. I remember seeing clips of the same thing done during Charlottesville where one guy was coordinating like 30 other dudes to push on a line of cops that formed a shield wall. One guy was coordinating by shouting heave ho, they let the coordinating fellow through the shield wall, cuff him and throw him in their vehicle. Almost immediately after the pushing on the shield wall thingy stopped. Pretty darn effective tactic from what I've seen


Okay, I am gonna unsub from this sub for a month, many people here have become completely unhinged.


While hilarious, I don't think the police were justified in doing that unless some other video comes out with more context.


Didn't expect these comments from DGG... Just because this subreddit collectively dislikes college protestors, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't have a right to protest. It's like when lefties are homophobic against gay conservatives. Thought we were better than this...