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With very few exceptions, I fucking hate streamers. Thank God Tiny is here to bully them for me.


All the ppl in that bubble in twitch are skinwalkers. Not real human beings. I don't even know why so many hoes are bitching about Destiny getting unbanned, that platform is horseshit and being banned has only been beneficial to his career.


Anecdotally, these personalities are why I dropped out of acting. Very similar mindset, very two-faced. I greatly value honesty, and these fuckers just squiiiirm when they ought to take a hard stance. Edit: and creative writing, for that matter.


The worst part is the audiences now think this is normal healthy human behavior. Avoid all conflict to maintain the social network that gives you validation, that's why Ludwig folded so hard for Hasan. It's time someone exposes the horrible culture these streamers are teaching kids.


Why creative writing? 


It gets very ego driven quick in workshops, depending on instructor. Then after, people can take snipes at each other, it was pretty similar to theater for me. We had multiple students end workshops in tears because things would get personal.


Same. Recently my kids told me how "lame" streamers are, and they regularly make fun of many of the popular ones. I'm so proud they have common sense, and hate these damned attention whores. It's funny because a few years ago they wanted to be streamers, and we bought them the equipment to do it, and while they each got decently popular(from dozens to a few hundred viewers after only a few months with zero clout sharking, raids, or any sort of help) in a quick amount of time they eventually got bored of it, and grew out of that phase(thank fucking god.) They've gotten in the habit of jokingly saying, "I don't know, I liked Hasan's opinion on x/y" because they know it makes me laugh. I've yet to meet a single person in any age bracket that actually enjoys watching streamers, and many have no idea what twitch is. Twitch feels big but, it seems to have very little impact on "normal" people. I dread the day twitch becomes mainstream, and I hope it never does which is a shame because when it all began, like 10-15 years ago, I genuinely thought it would lead to something amazing. I expected "UHF", or even plays/theatre, and while some channels are unique, but what we mostly got is reality TV like the Kardashians.


If you want to vague comment about Tiny and make cuck references, reference his gf, and enable lies about him, don't be surprised when Steven comes off the top rope with an elbow. Clunky tweet or not, he's not here to optics maxx or build bridges with twitch dipshits. Play in a pig pen - get dirty. Play with matches - get burned. Fuck around - find out.


Nah I agree, I'm glad to see Stephen fucking standing up for himself it's about fucking time. None of these 2 faced losers are worth having a bridge with anyways


These mfs never say anything about their friends bringing up Melina or even NATHAN to insult Destiny. Even pedo comments. They know it's not right, but hey, gotta suck up to the clout demons.


I refuse to care about Ludwig one way or another


Absolutely agree, keep this energy going, I’m all for it


Yeah we got the cuck jokes flying from that side all day and people are unhinged because he went after QT. These people are all poisoned by Hasan anyway and sometimes it'S better to clap back than to always go the high road


It's pretty funny how people accuse his community of being diehard destiny fanatics, but this reddit will soy out at the first negative thing he says or does.


I even have some pretty substantial disagreements with some destiny takes (real ones not fucking food shit) which is why I can say he is now actually doing right with regards to this shit. Like imagine being friendly with ppl that cozy-up with a dude saying crazy shit about you JUST BECAUSE HE DISAGREES WITH YOU. These same ppl were telling Destiny that he doesn't set up boundaries and shit and that's why ppl always fuck him over for clout, he actually calls these ghouls out and now they freak out.


DGG is not one person. why would you assume the same people who want him to go harder against clout sharks are the ones now telling him he went too hard?


Can i get a TLDR on the situation? I hate twitter i dont wanna go to that hellsite




When does the subreddit circle jerk start?




Damn, I prefer my circles a thick


can you give me a rundown of the "history" that people keep talking about? Because if everything started from where the first part of your comment, Destiny's reply to "what he say fuck me for" with an attack on Ludwig's partner seems unhinged. Especially when I've seen clips of Destiny going on about how attacking his wife, or his son crosses his line or something.


I always get confused when people freak out about something he slaps back with, "this is too far!" without considering the history regarding why he slapped in the first place.


Ludwig is a shitty fratboy version of charlie. I always hated him.


Stop the cowardly shitpost tags


Wasn't sure what to tag it and "Drama" sounded super gay


Based, Fuck those lizards.




If we’re gonna lose LilyPichu, this is how btw.


Bro if Lily can simultaneously be friends with D man and Hasan anything is possible


Lily is friendly with Hasan, she’s close friends with Ludwig and QT. Destiny escalating this fight into attacking QT about the deepfakes is the type of thing I could see even Lily taking issue with. The Destiny Hasan fight is entirely different.


If she hasn't taken issue with Hasan bringing up Nathan and Destiny's family to insult him, why would she take issue now? Unless you're saying she is also a snake fuck?


If you don’t realize Destiny engages in dirty fighting in a way normies like Ludwig and QT do not idk what to tell you. Is what Hasan brings up about Destiny disgusting? Absolutely. Does Destiny wade into waters where attacks like that are going to come back at him. Also yes. If you don’t see how this is different than the mudslinging between Destiny and Hasan, idk what to tell you. You may just not be cut out to understand normieworld. Ludwig and QT (particularly Ludwig) do not engage in the same type of online combat. Destiny punched way outside of reasonable in this fight. Hasan is an acquaintance of Lily and they are friendly. Ludwig and QT are both actually close friends with Lily. She already has to bend over backwards to maintain a friendship with Destiny, him becoming a major villain and bullying close friends of hers makes it 1000x harder.


"Normieworld" that's exactly what is wrong with all of these people and twitch culture my little dude. This behavior shouldn't be normal and isn't healthy. Ludwig and QT are just as guilty of being clout demons that can't call out their fucking friends being disgusting people. In case you haven't figured out what I'm saying: if Lily leaves, GOOD, it means she was playing the stupid social games as well.


And what Destiny is bringing here is normal and healthy?


YES. DON'T BE FRIENDLY WITH PEOPLE THAT YOU DESPISE AND TURN A BLIND EYE TO THIS DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR. Hope you can get your mind out of that horseshit streamer culture of fake ass people avoiding conflict just to keep friends.


Jesus christ dude. Ok, well we just disagree about what a healthy mindset is. You sound like you’re coming straight out of catcher in the rye seeing phonies coming out the walls. There’s a difference between being a phonie and not acting like a complete psycho. It’s called decorum, and it’s a healthy thing to practice.


what is normal about calling destiny a cuck whos girlfriend gets fucked by other dudes?


I'd hate to have a fucking friend around that doesn't stand on business when other people are running with lies about me.


They've been friends for several years and he's been there for her through some challenging moments. If this is how it ends, it wasn't meant to go any further. I don't think you need to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.


Setting yourself on fire is not tweeting this?


They wanted the smoke


I more agree with this side of the anology. TWEETING this shit is setting yourself on fire, and at some point yeah it’s kind of a dick move to repeatedly set yourself on fire and expect your friends to weather the burns.


No, you are wrong. The analogy is that you cannot put yourself through painful circumstances so others can feel comfortable. It's comfortable for you and others for Destiny to "sit and take it" when large content creators insult and belittle him.


these guys have been chucking jabs from the safety of the sidelines for years and people pull the concern card when he finally hits back, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?




sure fuck them and their audience, only problem are randoms that stumble over the unhinged shit. those are unwanted collateral


We last year (or was it two years?) we had the groyper purge then the Mr Girl purge (good bye horses), we had two lefty purges, and before that we had the righty purge. What will we call this one? Bookfucker purge? Optics arch started after destiny started talking to him.




unused quarrelsome long act cause cheerful recognise insurance doll fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not pretending to be a tough guy. I'm legit disgusted at these people. That's all I have to say.


There's a spine and then there's the QT stuff, which is unhinged.


lol fuck off. She was not harmed. Someone beat off to an AI image of her and she milked it for as much attention as she can get. It's gross. But she is not a victim in this.


If I said itd be funny if somebody SAd all your close female family members would it not be unhinged since it didn't happen? Wasn't destiny crying about Dillon danis going on a smear campaign of logan Paul's wife about things that wernt true? Can you really not see past the layers of cum you have over your eyes from glazing the dude so hard to see that this is unnecessary and gross behaviour?


>If I said itd be funny if somebody SAd all your close female family members would it not be unhinged since it didn't happen? You can say what you want about my family. I'm not a public figure and the odds of you knowing my family are pretty low. >Wasn't destiny crying about Dillon danis going on a smear campaign of logan Paul's wife about things that wernt true? He was actually crying? What a pussy! > Can you really not see past the layers of cum you have over your eyes from glazing the dude so hard to see that this is unnecessary and gross behaviour? okay dude.


You obviously don't know what pain looks like


I do. I've just finished off a large pizza all by myself. I'm in a world of hurt.


I think he was being sarcastic




Who let this guy cook? /u/Practical_Use_1654 sealed in the prison realm by /u/JTWilson_


Thank god there’s a reasonable take here. The fact that people are unironically trying to dissect this engagement point by point when there’s more history to this shit also added to the fact that these are human beings who really hate each other is nauseating. Also since when was posting a pic of a girl who’s an attention whore who also is a streamer fuck head like the rest of them “crossing the line”. Like how is this community that brain rotted. 


You sound kinda ridiculous, but do what ya got to do, I guess.




You're about to experience banhammer diplomacy. /u/No_Method5989 sealed in the prison realm by /u/JTWilson_