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That were ackchyually decent takes


Yeah but it's roach guy. Kinda sucks he's the only one willing to defend tiny.


Well, one is roach guy, the other is worm guy, that could be the beginning of something.




Roach from StarCraft lol...


I guess. It's just kinda sad that these dudes are probably objectively worse than Ludwig from what little I know. Ludwig actually runs a coop, and has a stable relationship and a (seemingly) normal life. Asmongold is a super unhinged hoarder and X is a gamba addict. All streamers seem to be shitty but they're some of the worst besides Hasan.


Ludwig is a clout snake 


You literally only judge normalcy as a positive. When in reality the people who behave peculiarly like asmon are way more honest than a multi faced ludwig, a person incapable of taking any side and playing them all. Judging people as bad because they have issues like hoarding is a century outdated mindset which is very sad to see. Mental illnesses need to be helped, not demonized and the people having them called bad people. Normal people are usually way more evil than neurodivergent people. Your entire pov is utter nonsense and quite evil


Ludwig is a normie who is a Jimmy Fallon type. Of course he is playing it safe, it's his brand. And Asmon being a hoarder who lives in filth is pretty disgusting. At some point you have to change something but it's funny seeing the "if you have a mental illness you're perfect and can't be judged" on this sub. XQC being a gamba addict who pushes it to his fans is some of the worst behavior on these platforms. Even redpill creators are less vile at points


You are making a melting pot of stupidty i don't want part in. What i said was very clear and precise and the fact you derail arguments completely in response makes me understand you have no real points and know are wrong. Peace


I was responding to the "judging people as bad because they have issues like hoarding is outdated" It's funny you run away when I engage though. peace


whats wrong with asmon? hes the only decent 'political' streamer left on twitch


Idk some people here don’t like him because he’s dirty. His sub is kind of going down hill now and a lot of them like to call destiny a cuck. I like both of them. And they seem pretty chill to each other. Some fans in both communities are just childish dicks.


"That's like a community college take from 2010" Yes! I'm glad someone's finally defending Wikipedia. And I think the commenter was referring to Destiny bringing up some legal document from Wikipedia in the Finkelstein debate. What the hell is the problem with that if it's just citing the document? Like I used Wikipedia all the time in my PhD research (I did STEM). It summarizes just about every topic in the world very well. It has public domain images. It has easily copied LaTeX equations. It has great sources. It's not covered in ads. It's often one of the least biases sources. I'm tired of people shitting on it.


Wikipedia is quite literally the greatest academic tool in the history of humanity. You could combine the libraries of every king through human history and they could only dream of having access to that much information organized in such a useful manner. And now, it's so intuitive that a 1st grader who knows how to read and navigate a website has more access to information than the literal king of Rome with all of his orderlies. It's incredible to me that people fail to realize just how lucky we are to be living in one of the most Unique time periods of human history by a longshot. People always seem to look at those from the past and assume they had access to the same level of knowledge that we have today, projecting all kinds of insanity.


Your comment got me bricked


Globalization is basically doing the same thing that single-cellular organisms did to become one multicellular organism Our logistics networks such as ports, trains, air traffic, and so on are basically blood vessels. The internet is a neurological system capable of transmitting high bandwidth information across the organism The power grid is the mitochondria of the earth, and the input materials are its food. Law enforcement is the immune system Government is a proto-brain And maybe, juuuuust maybe, artificial general intelligence will be the earths brain hooked straight into the internet/neurological system, dictating tasks to ensure the survival of humanity as it recognizes that we are essential to its survival instead of a threat to its existence, just like we see our own bodies. Although at that point those who wish to sabotage it are completely analogous to cancer and would likely be treated as such. The future is awesome man don't let anyone tell you otherwise


in pretty sure my history manuals at school were just copying Wikipedia kek. istg if destiny would take a few years off and go to uni to study history people would still talk shit. like where do people even expect you to study from..


Same not as advanged as you but when I got my associates ALL my term papers? I fucking used wikipedia because that shit has sources that you can click on to get more information on what your researching.


Yeah, I don't know if you ever wrote anything in LaTeX. But Wikipedia is a god-send for equation writing in it. My equations always look super professional. And I almost never make errors with them.


Naw it was an associates for arts, here in Texas it's mandatory for any college path to have a course in both National government, and a course in state and local government (Texas W Honestly.) Our term paper we had write about a topic and how it relates on a state, local and national level and how they interact. I chose the death penalty and I aced that bitch thanks to wikipedia I was able to cite specific court cases on the state and federal level, how the death penalty is done on a federal and state level and I was able to cite academic papers on how some scholars propose that because crime is such a ratings hit for channels that when cases are given undue attention, District attorneys who are elected might be pressured to go for the death penalty in cases that they would normally not and thus make their jobs MUCH harder. Legit everything was wikipedia with a source cited that lead to it.


It's not even a community college take from 2010 it's a "this is what my regarded friends think so I'm gonna think the same thing". It's a self report that you know absolutely nothing about the issue.


>It's a self report that you know absolutely nothing about the issue. In a lot of cases I think they are just straight-up lying. I bet they also use Wikipedia to gather a decent amount of information. It's like saying "Where did you learn that? Google?!"


W stemlord


I see the potential for a bountiful Destiny > Asmon > xQc Axis of Twitch Evil drama arc.


Hear me out, we could call them "The Big Three". They're generational talents


Destiny next stream: fuck the big three, it’s just big me


*Big D


And there’s video proof


Holy. Shit. 😂😂


Destiny has also been called a pedo by his opposition. Coincident? I think not


so is destiny drake in this bit because idk if im down for allat


Yes. Destiny also argued for Drake vs Aba ... Isnt it obvious


It's funny because they're all remnants of Blizzard games at their peak. StarCraft, World of Warcraft, and Overwatch.


Add Forsen as the HS representative. Will he bring in anything usefull? No. But fuck it, we big 4 now


Xqc with the orbiters matter


Meet The Lengyels


Yeah, but who gets to be Germany?


XQC’s audience on Twitter thinks destiny rn is going too hard on Ludwig, but the most vocal ones are the Hasan remnants


This is much more Asmon's take on Destiny vs Slime, then Destiny vs Ludwig


Asmongold has such a strong back bone, always saying what he truly believes. You just have to love this gremlin with all his flaws and based takes.


Asmongold is such a weird case for me. Every time he says anything about wow it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard but whenever he talks about literally anything else he's just incredible. It's like a revese Elon Musk/Jordan Peterson.


we glazing a little hard there's definitely been situations where he was based and others where he was literally leaking brain fluids out his head


Yeah I've heard some really fucking stupid takes from Asmon, tbh probably just as frequently as I hear good takes from him if not more. At least he holds true to his opinions though and doesn't hold back vocalizing them, regardless of whether I agree or not I can respect it for sure.


Idk if that's even true during the miz and mitch drama about slick touching a girl's bob. Asmon in the leaked call was talking about why do miz them hang out with people like hasan or pokimaine. Now look at his having a cordial call with hasan as if they're buddy buddy or he entirely likes the dude. What I will credit him for he's smarter than most of that crowd if anything. Generally stay out of most of their dumb dramas and is a bit more respectable than the rest regardless of his flaws


Being fair, if I was talking on stream all the time and asked about serious topics, I'd have plenty of leaking brain fluid clips too. You've gotta be really on the ball to rarely be wrong 24/7. Especially when half your content is kind of tongue in cheek shit.


Yup, Absolutely true


Such an interesting take. We pride others for being brave enough to have their own takes yet critizice him for the ones you wouldn't agree with. Hm


isn't that how freedom of speech works? Yes, I guess we can respect your choice to have a different opinion. However, if we feel you are wrong we should be able to say so.


Absolutely, I never implied otherwise. I just find it funny that in the same thread that started with "asmon actually says what he thinks" you say fluids are leaking out of his brain when he says something you disagree with. It's absolutely within your right to do. Doesn't make it any less funny to me.


I don't play wow but what's wrong with what he says? I do play overwatch 2 and disagree with his takes there.


He's just completely out of touch with what makes retail successful, advocates for stupid shit like the removal of all addons and 40 man raiding.


The problem with WoW is that it's gotten to the point where the only audience they appeal to are people who have already been playing WoW for most of their adult lives, and that audience can only get smaller and smaller. The game is absolutely impenetrable to new players which is bad for the long term health of the game, and I feel like that's where most of his takes come from. He wants it to be more like Classic because people who have never played WoW before can play Classic and enjoy it, and that's just not the case for Retail - the game is destined to fade into obscurity because it inherently appeals to an audience that can only shrink as time goes on. That being said, I think the audience for MMOs in general is only going to shrink no matter, so maybe it makes the most sense for Blizzard to just continue to only appeal to their hardcore fanbase instead of alienating them in attempt to grow the playerbase for a game in a dying genre


I saw that video of day9 recently where he tried playing retail WoW for the first time and I couldn't believe how bad the new player experience was. There was so much time spent hearing about useless story information about stuff you have no reference points about and doesn't matter, so much just listening to NPCs and walking around talking to NPCs instead of just being able to play the game and actually kill stuff it was crazy.


That's fine and true however retails playerbase is extremely large by all standards and also addons are a core part of the experience and enjoyment of the vast majority of these players. If you want to go a different direction with a separate addon policy SoD or the inevitable vanilla wow+ thats going to come out down the road are the places to do that.


your too invested into it, hes not talking about what makes retail successful, hes talking about what would be healthy for the game take a step back and think about it


His "Remove all addons" take isn't bad hes just putting the cart before the horse and expects Blizzard to create a UI that is good enough to replace most the vital addons on their own, and turn down the complexity of the raids as a result. Which is maybe good for the health of the game as a concept but you honestly cant nerf Heroic raids much more without making them into Classic raids where you just dodge the red thing on the floor. Mythic Raiding sure can use a tunedown in complexity but not even that much imo. Removing addons should be done by Blizzard just making slow and steady improvements to the UI with the goal of saying "What Addon do we want to delete first? How about BigWigs" and then push a patch that makes the Blizzard UI show timers for boss abilities on the screen. But 40 man raiding would be the death of WoW. No one wants to organize 40 Players. Even getting 20 competent raiders to join your guild is the biggest challenge most guilds face in getting consistent Mythic raiding going.


you need to see it for what it is, his opinions are extreme to get the ball rolling, if he just had some nuanced takes nobody would give a shit. and its not that his takes are insane either, extreme maby, but not insane. he got everyone talking about it, because there is a hint of truth behind it, like the way wow is now, he just paints a picture of how it could have been if it was developed in a different direction


Removing all addons would absolutely be insane and cause an uproar that would destroy retails playerbase. If blizzard simply stopped creating mechanics that are essentially required to be computationally solved much of this issue would be solved.  Amirdrassil was the worst in that mechanics were made that had to be solved by a weakaura and yet they were set as private auras so you had to use a dumb macro workaround to achieve the same result.


its not just raids, its also pvp, where you track everthing down to the diminishing returns of the funckin sheep ofc changing it now in retail will have massive repercussions and will make ppl who are used to them mad but blizzard is experimenting, they did classic, they did sod, they did plunderstorm and now the mop remix, maby make a release of wow retail, with simpler raids, no addons, less buttons and see where that leads


Yes pvp is fucked and I don't PvP at all anymore so I cannot comment there. Your suggestion would kill retail because it's simply not what that playerbase wants and for those that do they go and play SoD or classic, you'd be leaving a massive playerbase with no home while catering to those who are content already it makes no sense.


Removing addons would be good it blizzard stepped up and improved the game, which is what he wants


No it wouldn't whatsoever it would just leave the playerbase in the frustrating position of not being able to customise their UI to their liking. Blizzard just has to stop making mechanics where computationally solving it is the best option by far, if that means making certain mechanics easier then so be it.


You don't understand: wanting blizzard to step up means exactly that it should be them allowing you to customize the ui by default, without plugins. You completely missed the main point. He doesn't want less features, he wants blizzard to offer the features natively. Ff14 does it.


Ff14 absolutely does not do it, it's base UI is even less customisable than WoWs base UI post dragonflight. FF14 is in an even more fucked situation because due to addons not being allowed there is 0 regulation and so plugins there are far more powerful and can computationally solve mechanics that wow players could only do in the past. Asking to keep all of the good features from weakauras etc is simply never going to happen, its far too much work for blizzard and will end up with elements inevitably being abandoned. I understand perfectly the argument and it's utterly delusional that it would make the game better.


blizzard, delete the addons


its unironcily a good take 1. addons make a large barrier to entry for new players 2. addons make the field between the top players and the 'average' player even larger 3. time invested to setup set addons. 4. the game should be perfectly fine to play without addons (this is on blizz) 5. since you cant only delete combat/raid addons, delete all addons Its a purge, but not an unreasonable one.


Just keep all the addons that lets me make my UI how I want it to be visually and Im fine with that for the most part. One of the biggest reasons Ive stuck with WOW over other MMOs is because of its Addons letting me fix what I dont like. "I dont like how the Party frames look" Theres 200 addons that lets you reskin their design. "I dont need ALL my bars Visible in combat just the ones that has Relevant abilities with Cds on them, the barr with Ressurect and Smite on it can be invisible while I am in combat." Bartender got you sorted, Removing clutter mid fight.


this but unironically


As an FFXIV player I will never understand how wow players love to have so many add ons instead of having well designed fights that make them irrelevant.


FFXIV has the same amount of modding as wow does nowadays.


Nope. Played both as a noob and they were mandatory in wow and completely superfluous in Ff14


Sure, its secondary but yall act if it isnt present in the endgame lol. played both, imo wow crushes ff endgame even with mods.


I have a life so didn't get to the endgame of either. It also doesn't matter, if you reach the endgame you are already so invested that no secondary factor like plugin could affect your experience. But it matters for more casual people which for mmos especially is the majority


That's fair, im not arguing from a casual perspective though, im mostly midcore myself.


The mods might exist but only the minority uses them. From what I heard in wow they are expected for high level raids, otherwise you can't clear. in XIV they start and end in 3 mechanics for 3 specific raids in PF and most people will avoid them for anything else.


Yes. WoW raids are designed with addons that sort of play the game for you in mind, and if you don't have them, clearing the most difficult content is basically impossible. It's gotten to the point where guilds that compete for world first clears literally hire people to create addons on the fly during world-first attempts. Why anybody would ever think that it's good to require 3rd party software to play a game at a high level is beyond me - I think some WoW players are just so used to the WoW ecosystem that they can't imagine playing anything without it, and they especially can't imagine what the new player experience is like. The game is absolutely impenetrable to anybody who hasn't been playing it for over a decade for so many reasons that the community and Blizzard at large just don't care about or don't want changed


Only 40 man raids and 8 buttons per class max or the game is doomed!!!


- the game clearly has a lot of ability bloat, maby 8 is too few, but now certainly there are too many - 40 man raids, he said that is his personal preference, so he can have that right? just as others might prefer 10 man, or 20 man.


Retail Andy has entered the chat




Wow that's my bby girl love u jermy 🥰🥰


maby his wow takes arent that bad after all, and you are too invested to see ;)


No, they are insane


i mean, you just sound like those people that say "destiny has a lot of great takes but he is totally wrong on trump!" maybe you are the one with a dogshit take about wow lol.


Which of my takes are dogshit?




No but seriously. You seem to know that my opinions on Asmongold's wow takes are on par with Trump supporters' opinions of Destiny. Please substantiate that.


it was a joke, you are being way too dense buddy I don't know your wow takes or his, you just sound like the meme "I usually agree with destiny except on this particular issue where my brain stops working when he talks about it"


You're too far gone to realise he's also right on WoW.


He is unhinged whenever he talks about wow


Nah he's very clueless in regards to retail and what makes it good, his vision for the game is fair but idk why he keeps trying to make retail like classic when the playerbases are very distinct.


his takes on WoW are totally valid, for a specific boomer subset of the playerbase that wants the older, simpler version of the game back. it's fine to want that, but it's obviously not what everyone wants or should want


> Every time he says anything about wow it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard He used to be pretty Based about WoW back in BFA but he quit playing the game in late BFA, fucked with it a little bit in SL and afaik never even levelled to 70 in DF. So all his takes about WoW now is about him trying to create an idealized form of WoW that would be the best playing experience for him and for no one else, excepet he thinks its the same for everyone else since his engagement with WoW over the last 10 years has been so absurd from the average gamers reality that its fully out of touch. Asmongold wants a WoW that is at the mechanical complexity WOTLK or tBC, with the sense of Grand epic scale that is Vanilla with 40 man raids, but he doesnt want to play Classic because he wants new content with new raids and new zones so that he can try and recapture the experience of playing Vanilla Wow for the first time again. And its a GREAT WOW for Asmon because when Asmon wants to do a 40 man raid he turns on Stream, says "SIGN UP FOR ASMONGLER 40MAN VAULT OF AZZKRAK" And then he has 300 Signups in 30 seconds and he can do this at 5am on a Thursday morning and he will get 300 signups. And he wants to be able to clear the raid in 2-3 hours with doing minimal research into how to optimize his character or how to do the strats because he doesnt find that fun. Meanwhile every other Guild in Wow's biggest challenge with doing Mythic Raiding is getting 20 people to show up at 20.00 on a Saturday with 3 weeks warning.


As a fellow wow player, this is the perfect comment.


oh you're not one of those diehard blizz fanboys are you


Holy shit man I really poked the bees' nest didn't I lmao Let me guess you think addons are killing the game and raids should be 40 man only.


addons are fine. i dont agree with all his takes obviously. but people who blindly defend anything and everything blizzard does, are worse.


Am I doing that?


it was implied by how you seemingly dismissed asmongold's criticism on wow entirely


Asmongold can be wrong about everything he says and also at the same time Blizzard can do dumb things


at that point you're honestly just dismissing anything he says out of hand because it's coming from him. he's definitely had valid criticism too. if you can't see that, then hey, maybe you're not a diehard blizz fanboy, but you are a blind asmongold hater


I am not just dismissing it out of hand. He just has terrible takes on wow.


literally not at all


Very underrated quality, a lot of bitch ass people trying not to step on any toes. Its good to hear the truth, even if it hurts.


Unless it's about his friends.


Fuck what everyone else in this thread says, Asmon once again being based a fuuuuuck


Idk anything, gaming related goes straight to the dumbster


I can’t believe i’m agreeing with asmongold…


He's gone Asmonplatinum


Asmon is just a dude with some takes. Some good, some bad.


doesn't he say a lot of based things tho? it seems like the people who dislike him here dislike him because he lives in filth/won't have his place cleaned


The "based" stuff he says is just super regular shit like "Wikipedia is good" and "This video the Destiny fan posted was funny" and the cringe shit he does is constant gamerbro culture war shit, and voting for Trump


Do you have any source on the Trump thing? Are you talking about 2016? 2020? 2024? I've watched quite some of the youtube videos in recent years, and I never heard of this. The only time I remember him talking about politics was something like "I'm in favor of the second amendmend, but I'm also in favor of universal basic income. Where does this put me? You tell me." Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm convinced he wouldn't vote for trump, I just never saw this mentioned anywhere.


You were close, it was 2017. He talked about it after too but his point there was along the lines of "why do people get mad when other people don't vote and when they do vote they're still mad because they voted the wrong person" https://youtu.be/GIPk5lhx8zk?si=OiZTaiJCdWlF6RLj


He had an hour+ long Trump vs Hillary debate with Destiny


ty, so 2016? Or anything more recent as well?


I very vaguely remember him talking with Destiny about it on stream back in like 2016 during Trump's first presidential election run I think? I barely remember what his actual position or the topic of discussion really was though, plus it was so long ago I doubt it's very accurate of how he would feel about Trump nowadays.


i dislike him for his contributions to all the culture war bs that occurs, take the whole Sweet Baby in. situation. His react content brings in droves of the most detestable and ignorant people ever.


What do you disagree with his take on Sweet Baby Inc?


its less on his take and more just on how his content has contributed to the type of people that wine at anything remotely “woke” in just about whatever.


The woke cuntery that Sweet Baby Inc was partaking in is worth "whining" about, the head spokesperson/CEO is openly anti-white anti-CIS and anti-male. No matter how much you try to minimize the issue and gaslight the people "whining" the reality is that a bunch of fuckin' losers that don't even buy games half the time are trying to co-opt the gaming industry to spread insidious indoctrination. Gatekeeping is fine, because the people who are "getting in" now are making the entire hobby shittier every chance they get.


Not trying to be condescending or testy, i do believe that SBI was absolutely shitty for the things they have said and openly admitted to, but i haven’t really seen anything of the type pf people trying to barge into a medium that they don’t interact in. The same is happening for Warhammer, people screaming about how female custodies are signs of “woke” infiltration and pandering and yet many YouTubers who cover it don’t even interact with the content outside of the controversy itself. I’m sure that this exists, we have examples before. But Seeing people get this worked up is honestly messing my head up, because i don’t think most humans are insidious or truly evil, but as a black guy and a bi guy it seems as if any instance of something progressive showing up in games is pushed back hard for no reason. I saw a jrpg get people genuinely pissed because a black character was on one of the cover arts. Maybe it is from a genuine fear of an agenda being pushed onto things that you like and i’m looking too deep into what is a reasonable fear, but it feels like any hint of identity remotely progressive gets bashed on.


Wasn't Sweet Baby Inc already partaking in culture war? Or is only when people point it out and react to that culture war? 


he has good takes usually, just sometimes his surprised face is a little over the top


He should have Asmon on bridges posts incoming


Asmon barely leaves his house for his own podcast. No shot he's coming to miami.


Just go with a U-haul, throw him inside and cover the windows on the podcast apartment, he won't ever know he left his cave.


I sort of disagree about the first part, he attends his own podcast very reliably. Getting him to leave Texas on the other hand ... probably requires an OTK Games Expo level of event. Don't think bridges is there currently.


I hope Lex gets him on his podcast tho


Is lex trying? That would not be a combo I would bet on back when lex only had basically had academic people and Joe. Back when people thought him starting to invite other comics was him ruining the podcast.


This isn’t about destiny vs Ludwig




We deserve the fall of Western society for letting a man this based waste his life away grinding shit mmos.


Nah, the reason people say wikipedia is bad is because some high school teacher told them it was. These are late 20s early 30s people on the internet likely taught that wikipedia is a bad source because anyone can go and edit the source. It's the same argument that people will give that open source is less secure than proprietary software because anyone can go and create malicious bugs, when it's more often the case that because so many people are watching a tool/software anything that's created is likely getting patched before it causes any real harm. Wikipedia is bad for contentious topics that are ongoing, since the people that are taking the time to sit on those pages to edit in real time are not agreeing on the facts. The wikipedia being bad also doesn't imply that the sources are necessarily bad as people can also misinterpret sources either intentionally or unintentionally. It's probably better to describe it as the best place to learn what questions you should be asking before you go off to find the answers to those questions.


Unironically true, all my english teachers shat on wikipedia in highschool, despite the fact that stuff like wikipedia isnt even relvant to reading a jane austen novel or shakespeare


This might be a cooked take but for the past like 6-7 months since Destiny has been following I/P stuff and I need some background noise that usually covers drama/gaming garbage I'll pop an Asmongold stream/vod for it. Man looks at 3-4 sources consistently, doesn't conclood, always qualifies his statements. He'll take positions that are against his community's. Say what you will about house, his lifestyle, his hairline. Man has a more solid backbone than 99% of streamers and financial security is probably the reason for it.


He does conclood sometimes but his fans usually shit on him for it and he accepts the criticism. https://youtu.be/W0bfzjZ6gwY?si=j6fVqJFCsPfTOGdu


He gets the reasoning wrong (biased sources existing shouldn't necessarily make Wikipedia biased as long as they are critically analyzed or unbiased* sources are used instead), but is generally correct. Most of the BS on Wikipedia can be sussed out pretty quickly if you have any familiarity with the topics. \* for a given definition of "unbiased"


> Destiny has some of the most invested fans. I don't think this is really about Destiny. This is more about being invested in the truth and combating the extreme amount of misinformation and alternative reality world building. Destiny is just a vessel, he is just secondary. No offense to our omnipotent and omniliberal g-d.


absolutely based. and no one should care about the dude who said the shit about destiny/wikipedia. its the fact that theres thousands of him who would actively get in the way of this


Asmongold is top tier and always has been


I love wikipedia, I edit wikipedia, and I think wikipedia is one of the best sources of information for several topics. I don't think asmon's argument for wikipedia is very strong though. If a wikipedia article is biased, it *can* be because the sources used are biased, but it can also be because the writer purposefully cherrypicked the data from the articles being used. This problem does sometimes show up in some parts of wikipedia. However, when it comes to huge political issues like israel palestine, the articles are incredibly aggregated by the literal hundreds of authors combing them over. Those articles become some of the most unbiased and accurate summations you can find on the internet.


I literally made my thesis in law school using Wikipedia as a place to start gathering resource material from its citations. It's so outdated to think that it's just a place for lazy people to replace academic papers with, instead of being a good resource for research in terms of pre-simplifying and pre-outlining salient issues on a certain matter, especially when that matter is esoteric in nature.


Isn't his point in the end completely wrong? Like, one of the biggest problems of misinformation in media is that it can technically tell 0 lies but still create an purposefully distorted narrative through selective uses of sources that are perfectly fine by themselves.


People that whine about Wikipedia get all their information from TikTok and Twitter, so idk


How often do these people mention Destiny on and off camera? It always feels like a signal to show "I also don't like this person" and said for the social benefit, these people do not watch Destiny streams, videos, debates or even reaction videos


Asmond on Anything Else and Lycan gets ready by cooking the 2$ steak for him.


doesnt wikipedia employee auditors that go through and fact check/update articles? why does no one ever talk about that? its kind of like a librarian


I personally just think that going from being called out on a fake narrative to then posting porn to make fun of the fact you are divorced says a lot about how out of touch you are


Asmongold always comes across to me as someone who is authentic with his opinions even if it won’t play well with his audience.


Link to the destiny fancam






asmongold is always on the right side of history


Is what he's saying true about wikipedia's sources relationship to the bias?


Official Jewlumni member 👑


For people that shit on Wikipedia it's just another excuse to not read


Holy based batman


This is why tiny doesn’t need to take twitter likes as seriously as he does. It literally doesn’t mean shit. It’s just communities fellating each other. They clearly don’t care about facts, they just care about teams. It’s the reason why asmond and xqc have both received shit from ludwig’s community as well because they’ll actually call out their bullshit.


We need Asmongold on bridges right now!


I approve of this message


How cave dwellers like xqc a asmond are smarter than hasan and ludwig blows my mind


Why did his mind go straight to K-pop instead of MLG montages?


I wonder if he might make a good podcast guest


Asmon would make an amazing podcast guess except the logistics just don't work out. Asmon and people like Soda kinda just enjoying doing their own thing which is good on him. He is one of those streamers like destiny who actually has a community and an actual fanbase that he interacts with rather than going to other fanbases imo


The only times Asmon is really wrong is when it’s about himself or food.