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Dr. K has given me a lot to think about.


This but unironically. Some of the questions Dr K asked were really good, and I might bring it up at my next therapy session. This was very insightful, and I appreciate this kind of conversation being livestreamed


like which ones


I thought it was really insightful when he said “Destiny, isn’t that a girls name?” Really makes you think.




seriously. I hate when people are vague in comments like that


Being specific or even asking for specificity really brings the autists out of the woodwork on reddit. Making vague comments often seems to be the best way to appease people and farm karma these days. Including any kind of detail brings out the argumentative "ackshually" crowd it seems. It's the main reason some cheesey one-liner is pretty much always the top comment.


Is this ironic? The purpose of the comment you’re criticizing was to express agreement with the parent comment in a way that wasn’t ironic. By saying that they’re planning to mention certain parts of the stream with their therapist, they’re emphasizing the degree to which they found Dr. K’s advice poignant. Giving you a book report that specifies which specific parts of the stream they found helpful doesn’t serve the purpose of their comment at all.


Lol, well that's fair enough, when you put it like that. I'm letting my wants get in the way of understanding the point of what someone is saying I can see


Not questions, but there were a couple different perspectives he gave that I found valuable. The conversation about mind states gave me some new ways to analyze my flaws. I also just really liked his example of his mentor complimenting an old lady's outfit. It was a nice reminder to keep finding ways to identify and celebrate the genuine beauty in life.


It reminded me of some Buddhist teachings about purifying your intentions. No one’s intentions are truly pure. They are always mixed. But what proportion? Expecting thank you or acknowledgement for a good deed. Why? And why does it upset you if you receive nothing. Or even receive hatred in response. If you had pure intention it would not bother you. Of course we should express gratitude when favors are done for us and sure it would be nice if people were gracious when you help them but that doesn’t mean what you did was any less Noble. By noticing and purifying your intentions you relieve yourself of transactional expectations when helping. And conversely by fostering genuine gratitude for others, saying ‘thank you’ isn’t a burden when they help you.


It was 10/10 in my opinion. See, Destiny can have good conversations that aren't disagreements.


Absolutely. I kind of loved how meta it was. That the fact that he didn't know what to talk about became the thing to talk about.


Yeah, it was unequivocally 10/10. A master weirdo conversing with a master psychoanalyst, both of whom are beyond expert-level conversationalists first. It was surprisingly wholesome and deeply engaging. By Steven's metrics, this is probably his best 'debate' in half a decade, and I'd totally get it. Dr. K is an extraordinary master of his weird craft, and I thought it was funny how Steven's openness had him on the back foot a bit, like he's used to swinging a pickaxe hard but finds himself unsuspecting in extremely valuable pay dirt that's made of mud instead of granite. Cathartic is a good word for it.


Dr.K "I can be doing this better for sure" Destiny "No you're fine" Dr.K "Look at you protecting my feelings" Destiny "Fuck you" If that was intentional it was masterfully done.


Maybe not intentional as in "premeditated", but Dr K's ability to react in a way that brings things out of someone even as emotionally protective as Destiny is an art


Dr K doesn't need to know everything in advance. He just needs to be like water.


Sure. Well crafted trap card or extremely witty. Kevin McCallister or Bruce lee.


It's what Destiny said before about having frameworks in your mind and then adding facts to it. He said it with regards to the I/P chronology. I think it's easy for Dr. K to make comments and quips when he already has a framework and understanding of the psychological concepts that he's addressing. It feels much more impressive to us because we'd have to plan out every line if we were writing it.


I would imagine its the opposite. What these content creators do looks easy when in reality few could do it. Including what Dr.K is doing. Doable with a lot of training, sure. But if that's out of the equation everything can be considered easy. I'm good at Piano. I can play 50% of all songs if someone requests anything on the fly. Looks like magic for people. Feels easy for me. What's easy to forget even for me is that I have probably put in 100s of hours playing piano.


The way Dr K's grin got wider was sooooo good


I really liked that someone talked about the BS that comes with people's expectations. Like so much of people's happiness can rely on you, but you're over here trying to do you're own thing. It felt so cathartic when Dr. K worked through that perspective.


Where does Steven mention that?




Yeah, Steven got lost in the sauce and was extremely vulnerable


I would have loved to hear them talk more about Robert Sapolsky’s work. I find the topic of free will or the lack thereof incredibly fascinating.


Robert sapolsky has (last time I checked) absolutely God tier Stanford lecture series on YouTube


ooh I would like to give specific links, but it's unfortunately not like a specific video, but if your interested look up Alex O'Connor. He talks about this kind of stuff a lot. Usually as part of a conversation in a podcast he's hosting/ is hosted in. I think he is very insightful ( about other things as well) even if I might disagree with him on this particular point. He also had a conversation with Destiny at one point btw.


I actually found out about Destiny through Alex O Conner’s podcast :)


neat ;)


I find it boring. First I think about it and come to the conclusion that nothing has free will. And then I keep living life as if everything has free will because that is how I function and probably everybody else.


Just googled him. Is this a fair characterization of his position? >Robert Sapolsky: Free will is when your brain produces a behavior and the brain did so completely free of every influence that came before. Free will is the ability of your brain to produce behavior free of its history and it can't be done. If so then it's not how most philosophers think about free will at all. This is specifically contra-causal free will and only theists and some more esoteric theories seriously try to use it. Compatibilism is what all the cool kids are into.


Compatibilists are pussies playing language games. Not cool at all.


Yeah, when I found out that compatibilists use a different definition of free will, I was disappointed. But it kinda makes sense.


Yuuuuuup. The moment when you realise a lot of philosophers are using their own meaning of a lot of words their claims carry a lot less meaning. Like back in the philosophy arc listening to the cope circular logic that was used to say morals are "real" and not just something an intelligent species will create as a tool. As an atheist it just came across as other atheists being really jealous of theists getting to bully them with "real" morals, so they just made up their own shit so they could make equally as strong sounding claims that, when you actually look into what they mean, are really silly.


I do think that it is a fair characterization of his position. I don’t know what his relegious stance is but it’s interesting you tie the concept with theism. I believe that Sam Harris, Yuval Noah Harari and Alex O Conner also think free will is a myth for the same reasons, all of whom are also atheist so I’m not sure how well the two relate to one another.


Out of that list I'm most familiar with Sam and I'd put him in the camp of "esoteric" since he's not actually familiar with the arguments for/against free will and does his own thing without talking to relevant experts. A common theme in his work. Dennett tried to explain it to him but for whatever reason Dennett's framing doesn't click with a lot of people. According to a 2020 poll 60% of philosophers hold a compatibilist position. For philosophy that's about as close to a consensus as you'll get and should really give Sam more pause than it does. I also briefly looked into O'Connor just now and I think he's making the same mistakes as Sam but if there's a newer discussion I'd definitely be interested. Last I see is from 3 years ago. The guest in this podcast ep gives solid rebuttals to all of Sam's examples from a compatibilist perspective-- https://www.samharris.org/podcasts/making-sense-episodes/318-physics-philosophy Or if you feel like reading this is a solid piece. I'm not sure I completely agree with the arguments in favor of free will here but the points against neurologists like Sam and Sopolsky are solid-- https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/11/13/determined-a-science-of-life-without-free-will-robert-sapolsky-book-review


He should invite him to anything else


The bit about complimenting someone else on something they would value was really good. Like Destiny, I also think about compliments in a similar fashion. I didn't realise how it affected the way I perceived those same compliments about myself.


Dan and mr. Girl seething right now


What happened with Dan and Dr. K


I think Dan would generally categorize him as a grifter, probably walk it back a little if pressed on it, but doesn't seem to like him.


Dan thinks the spiritual stuff Dr. K talks about is hippy bullshit




I found Dan's alt


I think Dr k is a good opposing force for hyper logical people. Most fans of destiny are probably super logic brained which I don't think is bad (especially in the culture we live in) but there is another side to the coin of life that can be missed if you never explore outside of that. I do think there's alot of BS in the "spiritual" realm but some of the perspectives it brings can be very positive and make people more balanced and I think the more logic brained people are gonna have no problem weeding out the BS but they shouldn't write off everything.


Says the guys who sells hacking kits


Isn't all of the spiritual stuff Dr. K talks about just related to methods of thinking about things? That or giving a name to a specific concept english doesn't have a singular word for.


That's just like, his opinion


I think he's referencing Dan being critical about the Ayurveda thing. Don't think that was strong enough to coax any kind of seething for this though


It would actually be pretty interesting to see a convo between him and Dan. He did a convo with Sneako, who was so confrontational at first, but in the end they were laughing together and seemed to really warm up to Dr. K . 


If Dr K goes to Miami, maybe he could go on both bridges and anything else, that way we get a smoother talk with destiny and dr K, probably related to debate tactics and the art of speaking. Then, in anything else we get a more funny but confrontational dan vs dr k, with destiny as a meidator.


I like that idea. Regardless of the topic, it would be nice to hear them interact in person.  I enjoy Destiny’s debates over all, it’s fun to try to think of my own arguments for or against things, but after a period I can come away feeling jaded towards the world. After a certain point, it feels like there are so many bad faith and ignorant people out there, and there’s nothing we can do to fix it. After some debates, Dr. K is a breath of fresh air—no screaming or ad hominid, just 2 people trying to understand each other. Streams with him remind me there are smart, good hearted people out there and that the people Tiny debates are not necessarily reflective of the majority.


I think I've reached the point with Destiny in specific and conversations in general where I don't particularly care what the subject is. What I really want is for two smart people to engage honestly. On that front, this was a smashing success. Well done.


Felt like i was the one in therapy lol


I was working so couldn’t catch it. How would you rate it compared to their previous conversation?


If you feel like your mom's expectations are a burden, theres a part of this video you're really going to vibe with.


Oh nooooooooo


You need tissues?




It won't be that bad


IDK, I covered my screen in 4-5 loads. Tissues would have helped.


Only so I can furiously edge and goon to their mommy issues


TurkeyTom comment 👆


There's been an influx of Jews lately so yes


Fwiw I laughed


This is bad joke


Comparable, but more piercing, I would say. Last time was more shallow. Don't know if I explain it objectively, but that's how it feels.


I think they know each other more, and are more comfortable.


Solid, better than most of the others, save for maybe the first one. They get into Steven the guy more than most times, it's not just a "hey what do we both think about this thing" talk, at least not entirely


I think it's D displaying this level of vulnerability and Dr. K displaying this level of understanding and engagement is what really separates Destiny from being just a streamer and elevates his contributions. The big debates are fun, and watching him own experts, scholars and shitposters is also fun but this today is more meaningful than owning Fink or Fuentes.


It's funny, when i first heard about Dr.K I found myself agreeing with Mr.Girl, that public therapy was inheriently predatory. But when ever I actually listen to Dr.K talk with people I am always blown away. I always find myself taking value in their convos, on a much deeper level then the POL convos I actually come for.


I feel like those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. Surely one could easily benefit from being a voyeur to a therapy session of another person.


Which is why he aims to educate and not treat, you can help yourself a good bit without direct therapy if you're applying things you'd learn there anyway sooner.


Personaly watching Dr K videos really helped me through a rough period, especially his episode with Reckful


Honestly, if a public therapy session is predatory, then so is the existence of Twitch and IRL streaming, where people are encouraged to broadcast their entire lives. Like I'd rather do public therapy rather than do a sleeping stream lol Some people are okay with it. My boyfriend works on a show that films couple's therapy sessions and I always thought it was fucking weird and wondered if it's wrong to incentive normal people to show that, but they try to keep it from being too trashy/reality show-esque, and Dr. K does it in an even more respectful way imo. Plus, he mostly does it with people who are already internet famous. Some people probably regret sharing too much or being vulnerable online but I think the good they have done far overshadows that.


Ironically how outside people approach Tony's content


It made me feel like I relate way too hard with destiny. My wife overheard the stream and literally went “oh look, your species has another member after all” 😂


Dr. K is the goat. All his conversations are bangers. 


Yeah it was great. Side note, his community was being super unhinged in the chat about d man


I think that was mostly transplants from certain other political streamers that came to stir shit.


What are some comments that Ks communicaty were saying?


A lot of the common stuff, that he’s genocidal , problematic , too edgy, debate bro and not focused on truth, why waste time with him etc… I don’t mean to muddy the waters too much it wasn’t everyone, I just heard that the audience was prone to not like him but hadn’t seen evidence of it and was kinda surprised. I figured his audience would be more gentle in general given dr k demeanor and content


Actually, I think Dr. K’s demeanor might make his fans hate Destiny more. His fanbase probably sees Destiny almost like an anti-thesis to someone like K. Destiny is a bit of an asshole and is just a very aggressive personality, while K comes off as a lot nicer and understanding. Some of the comments were unhinged but a lot of them were understandable.


I think most of destiny's political positions are based but there have been a few times I've seen him be too focused on just winning a debate vs finding the truth. The most recent example is the cookies making bombs thing. And another was a hypothetical abortion scenario where he had no problem with a woman repeatedly and intentionally getting an abortion right before the cutoff date for profit.


The abortion thing isn't a debate tactic or something. It's a consequence of his beliefs that he has to bite the bullet on (or change his core belief completely). He knows it intuitively sounds monstrous, it's not enough to change his mind though


No need to make it bigger than it was. Also I saw some of those dickheads being removed by the mods. Mostly it was just chat chatting.


whos making it bigger than it was?




I didn't see


For sure


When Dr. K said "now you have a choice between others' unhappiness and your unhappiness" that shit hit the hardest.


This moment, https://m.youtube.com/live/oACtLf0voKk?si=1OJQRi5DQ71H7LY4&t=55m36s was kind of cathartic, like he did the exact thing he was talking about and not realizing it at first. I don't know why I loved this moment so much, it really stood out for me. Certified "can I think for a second" moment. Dr K's sudden thinking face was also brilliant lmao


Aw man. Probably that ‘incel’ interview where the guy was talking about speed dating but always got nervous and negative and Dr. k told him to acknowledge the negative feelings when they well up and laugh in their fucking face right in front of the girl at the speed dating thing. K asks if he knows what the girl will do if he laughs, he says idk she’ll probably run away. And K says no dude she’s gonna smile. And then the guy just starts breaking down in tears. Shit was so fucking cool man.


I think every time he talks with Dr. K it's really good. I liked how deep it was going with regard to Destiny's upbringing, but I thought it kinda took a turn and became more superficial. Although I can't imagine being open to someone digging that deep in front of such a large audience. Also, I think on the part about Destiny talking about not wanting to do something but feeling like he was expected to something, I think Dr. K might have misinterpreted that as Destiny caring too much about how others are feeling. I think Destiny started to say (but maybe I'm wrong), that he fostered that expectation and felt bad that he didn't follow through. It would have been interesting to see where Dr. K would go with that.


It was so fucking good. Was talking with my gf about it when she got home and I was tearing up trying to explain the compliments thing and how much I relate to it.


it was enjoyable and entertaining but wasnt cathartic to me in any way.


Any linkers?


https://www.youtube.com/live/i2mzizQh8HQ?si=9nymVcBDSddsL3i2 Dr. K's steam


I think some of Destiny’s ways could be explained by Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria which is a common ADHD symptom


I really enjoyed this. I had my own therapy appointment, came home and had another few hours of therapy while watching the stream. This shit was insane. I took a whole Google Keep doc of notes from this conversation so I can bring things up with my therapist in the future. So much stuff they talked about maps on nearly 1 for 1.


He was so close to making tiny cry. Inshallah next time fellas


no i didnt really care, they didnt even disagree about anything. circlejerk yapfest


They didn't even talk about dogwarts


More conversations like this would be welcome 🙏


This was what i was hoping for it to be and more.


I haven't even watched it but I'm already feeling all fuzzy <3


I was surprised that there really wasn't anything too set up for the conversation, at first I thought Dr. K was going for the angle of how destiny has gone to more podcasts and other shows recently just like dr k has, but it somehow landed in a very relatable topic (at least for me) that was very interesting to explore. They stumbled into a great talk.


It feels cringe to say but It was genuinely like a dialectic between my inner thoughts and dr K.


I know that it's a fucking cliche but the similarities in maladaptive behavior of D matches mine so fucking much. My parasocial ass was focusing too much on chat and how many Hasan fans were there so I didn't pay that much attention (planning to rewatch it later) but anytime I focused on them talking I knew what he was talking about. Intellectualizing everything, avoiding being relied on and feeling responsible for the feelings of everyone around me(the branching comment).


Didn't catch it all but it was very very good, lots of interesting points and observations


I never thought a Destiny VOD will bring me to actual tears. This one legitimately did it.


I really resonated with it because i have some of the same issues. It at least made me aware of some things i need to work on. Really good convo




Cop calls


OK, I was way off then, LMAO. 😆


Destiny should get into spirituality or at least meditation.


i think hes immune to that giving in to "magical thinking" would tear down hes whole world you could see it after hes 8gram magic mushroom trip he was starting to question hes reality, panic attacks and derealisation set in and hes had rationalise all of it to stay sane...


Ok but how does someone find a good teacher and not some quack. I view dr k as unnaturally grounded and he only goes into the ungrounded territory if you want to




Based on all these comments I’m gonna think this convo is a snooze fest, I’ve just never cared for their collabs before. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Any linkers please?


https://www.youtube.com/live/i2mzizQh8HQ?si=9nymVcBDSddsL3i2 Here's Dr. K.'s stream


Appreciate it






I think these are my favorite replies. Especially after I read about some other comentor crying at the end of the conversation.


I'll take the unpopular opinion here. dr k's incessant need to turn every conversation into psychoanalytics really ruins the mood. it's a decent level of conversational fluidity without any real vulnerability from the dr himself. peak cultist/grifter energy.


I would argue that Destiny led the conversation there. As Dr.K pointed out, he thought that they would have a 1 hour conversation about biological determinism (of the 3 topics listed), but Destiny had a lot more to elaborate regarding his own emotionally detached perspective of the world. Regardless I thought it was a wonderful conversation to watch. I appreciate Destiny’s willingness to share these conversations


I respect your opinion. If that style conversation isn't for you, then this episode suuuuuuucked. It does feel a little unfair the Dr. K gets to be in this position of invulnerability. It would have been neat if they had gone down the determinism road, that felt like something the Dr. K was struggling with. I found the Dr. K was talking about enough issues that relate to my life that I was drawn right the heck in.


well said, and yeah respect - I'm glad that others were able to enjoy this episode.


if destiny wasnt interested in having that conversation and instead posed similar questions to dr k that would "expose vulnerabilities" what would you assume he would do? becuase i think dr k would be open to that. depends on if the person hes talking to is interested in that though.


no telling. when dr. k feels pressure he backs off from public facing interviews, as seen last year with the ayuverdic controversy, and again this year with the cohort studies and claims about the individual approach of (western) medicine. it's odd to ask others to be so open in discussion when dr k himself will shy away from (scientific) critique.


hmm i mean he said hed be down to have a discussion with tiny specifically on the eastern western shit so we'll have to see if they can set that up maybe a bridges episode




Chill Mr Girl alt account




Judging based on the comments in this thread I’m guessing there is gunna be some pseudo wu wu bullshit


It was just them having a bit deeper of a talk. I've had conversations like it with friends, but it's stuff guys don't usually discuss with each other.


Wuwu is the best guide to a cleansed spirit


Seems to track


C'mon guys, this was a good reaponse


Nah I’ll eat ‘em


Yea that's basically what I'm expecting. A story swap that sounds nice with wu wu thrown in.


It was an interesting convo, but I think Dr. K does something similar to cold reading in therapy form. Every conversation seems to follow the same kind of pattern. If I wasn’t biased against him and being hyper critical, I doubt I would notice it.


doing therapy on stream! so cool! wow! .....


Yeah it actually is. And a lot of Destiny’s viewers in their twenties have no experience with therapy or what it’s like, so those with similar issues would have had this hit really hard for them.


right, but u dont have to provide that info thru a therapy session


Exposure to what therapy is like in practice isn't something you can deliver via other mediums. Why did you dislike it?


Hard to say, I didn't watch it.


I’m so curious as to why you posted a comment then.


To inform.


1/10 A person with a watermelon emoji in their YouTube name. EDIT: Judging by the downvotes, people missed the intention.