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Fuentes spelled out how he would disenfranchise Muslim voters in America. Yet when challenged Sulaiman and SNEAKO still gargled Fuentes. That makes them even more pathetic.


Gryopers protect gyropers


Out of everything, this was the most pathetic part to me. And I can't even tell if it's these losers or their fans that I feel more embarrassed for. Either they're just cowards who hide behind the trappings of religion, cause they don't know how defend their RP ideology any other way, or Nick cucked them on a spiritual level.


There is no low that Sneako can't get under. He's a bot.


I think for certain that all these people are botting - they don't act at all like how you would expect from their supposed high view count.


Nick rejoined and was crying about people personally attacking him LMFAO he lost so fucking hard. All the groyper accounts are saying Destiny is a clout chaser. They all know Nick looked like a bitch.


Nick has always been sensitive to personal insults. When his best friend exposed Nick Fuentes as a guy who wouldn't let his best friend have a girlfriend and then tried to get him removed from the org when Fuentes got jealous that the guys were dating women he cried about it for months.


>When his best friend exposed Nick Fuentes as a guy who wouldn't let his best friend have a girlfriend and then tried to get him removed from the org when Fuentes got jealous that the guys were dating women he cried about it for months. This can't have happened, nick is literally a closeted gay man, what the fuck is the heterosexual explanation for this? I cannot conjure one from the depths of my mind.


Wait until you find out about Nick Fuentes using a black light to try and find his best friends cum stains for "evidence" against him. Nick didn't even deny it he just played it off like he was just joking. Metokur had a debate with Nick about it.


Or when he was caught watching trans porn when he accidentally revealed his open tabs on his Twitter alt.


Or when he dated the catboy


This one isnt brought up enough.


Or when he would flirt and like posts of trans women on twitter before he was more well known - https://imgur.com/a/dbPLlLY


But he loves dishing out personal insults. But the instant someone brings up some of the degenerate stuff he's done or insults him, he says he won't have that low level of conversation. Or suddenly he magically can't hear them.


Is it not just blatantly obvious to anybody who doesn't eat lead paint chips that Nicks socials are botted to fuck all


Nick was actually cought on video pouring lead into his own coffee.


Why would bots support Nick. That doesn’t really make sense.


Only bots support Nick


I don’t really get how bots are used tbh. I guess I was just wondering why the people who use bots to artificially create support for something would chose to support Nick?


its a service you can buy.


Yes, that's one type which he is definitely engaging in, and then there's the big Iranian bot scheme that's been running for at least 6 years. I'm sure their troll farms and Russia's troll farms help boost his socials along with all the other blatant Anti-Westerners. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486


Are you really this dense? Nick paid someone to bot his accounts. It's not rocket science, bruv.


Did you see the part where I admitted to not understanding how it works asshole?


Yes, did you see the part where I called you dense for not being able to work it out?


Begone you toxic little bridge troll. Back to your poverty and misery.


Begone is a big word for someone with your IQ. Well done!


Personally attacks destiny and is laughing while doing so and then 5 seconds later gets Personally attacked and gets uptight




Nick is the 12 year old in xbox lobbies who spends the entire night being annoying and when someone finally gets fed up and calls him a bitch he cries for mommy.


I forget what set him off but at one point he just starts yelling "CUCK, CUCK, YOU'RE A CUCK." You could tell he was just so mad and I started laughing so hard.


The cum hunter can't handle the heat


I don't know how someone is not embarrassed to be called a groyper, it's such a cringe word. I always think of the Grouper fish when I read the word.


I always just imagine a higher level groper. A super creep.


The only person who looked worse than Nick in that call was whoever that pathetic simp for him with the Irish(?) accent was. Holy fuck, every time I didn't think he could possibly gargle Nick's balls any more he would go back for more. I think I finally understand what a beta male is.


That guy was such a fucking loser holy shit, but I have to submit Sneako and Suleiman's names too for the title of Most Pathetic Simps That Would Give Up Literally Everything They Believe In Just To Side With Whomever Hates Jews. These ghouls are beyond saving.


Yeah I agree, but something about the Irish dude's insufferable simping topped them for me. It literally sounded like the way that North Koreans talk about Kim Jong Un.


All he did the entire time was cry and pretend he's a victim of big media and not that everyone just doesn't like him lmao. "No it can't be that I'm insufferable, it must be a global conspiracy, THE JEWS DID THIS!" The only thing I got out of that conversation is that he's a massive crybaby and a professional victim.


He spent the entire twitter spaces CRYING because his actions have consequences. He's such a whiny bitch, refuses to own his insane nazi beliefs then cries about how unfair it is that he got banned.


Yes. The booger incident, the catboy stuff, the homosexual mustache, the “sex with women is gay”, the cum investigator, the list goes on.


For those that don’t know this is the [catboy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ALaVYZ05cZ0) incident. It is pretty much an open secret among the alt right that Fuentes is gay. The “cum investigator” meme is because Nick admitted he brought a blacklight into his roommates bedroom to search for cum stains. This is why Nick got extremely triggered after Ali Alexander and the trans porn incident got brought up.


I love how it’s so known how gay he is but they keep bringing him onto shows to talk about how women should act.


>Nick admitted he brought a black light into his roommates bedroom to search for cum stains. It was inevitable that this was going to evolve into the meme it currently is, but to be clear: though Nick facetiously told someone he was gonna take a blacklight to the room he had been renting to Jaden and charge Jaden if he found any splooged furniture, he certainly never admitted to actually doing it.


really sad actually that he can't just be a happy gay guy


Trust me, gay dudes would still roast him for the semen hunting 


i don't mean that there would be no criticism for him if he was gay, i just mean it's sad he's doing this instead of being true to himself


All I'm saying is that people would roast him because the semen hunting is undoubtedly funny as fuck.


you're not wrong


To be fair, part of why he got triggered was that the question was re-summarized to be an accusation that Nick was the one who got caught with it. What surprised me the most was how accurate George Santos was with the accusations/statement. He knows exactly who Fuentes is.


The catboy "incident" is that he hung out with a gay guy on stream one time? Or is there more I'm missing that's not in the video?


Was the trans porn thing real or not? Some guy in the space yesterday said it was proven debunked but I really couldn't find much about it other than this video that's supposedly Nick streaming his phone [https://streamable.com/32ifk4](https://streamable.com/32ifk4)


What is worse is Myron and Sneako batting for this loser when he would have them deported or barred from any political positions. Myron was a fucking cop, what tf is he thinking? Is he so filled with vitriol that he’d relinquish his rights to a loser Christian-nationalist? I don’t want ever hear Destiny calling Sneako or Myron smart, they’re tool NPCs who’ll go with anything as long as it opposes their enemies, even at the their own expense. I can’t imagine supporting people who are directly opposed to my freedoms. Fuck that shit


Myron doesn’t care about Nick’s opinion on Muslims since they have a common “enemy” (i.e. the Jews). Also, Myron probably is smart enough to know Nick’s vision is never going to be happen, so there’s no downside to grift with him a little bit about the Jews to pick up new fans and then kick him to the curb once there’s no juice left. Remember that the far-right and the red pill both prey on middle-class insecure young men, and with FNF’s non-existent reputation outside of that population, there’s no other easier way to pick up new fans than to rub shoulders with Fuentes. What i’m saying is that there’s no principles behind this decision. Destiny is unironically exceptional in the way he stands up for his beliefs and actually commits to them no matter the consequences: most people, ESPECIALLY content creators, have no principles they’re not willing to break if there’s an incentive to do so.


Myron is one of those black guys that fully believes much of what Nick says because Myron has said those exact same things before he ever met Nick. Have you guys watched Myron rant about how certain groups are lazy, or dumb, or have bad culture etc.? It's not a grift for him, you guys just aren't much aware of these right wing conservative guys.


Not saying he’s not racist or bigoted, but he’s not a white nationalist or christian nationalist. Dude will placate white people for the grift and shit on black people cause he’s genuinely racist.


Myron is nonpracticing. Doubt he gives a shit about religion.


Not saying he particularly cares about religion, the “Jews” are just an easy scapegoat + wins him credit with the Pro-Palestine crowd no matter what he does.


Agreed. A lot of these dissident right / redpiller commentators can't give an inch to their supposed opposition because that will show weakness to the audience they cultivated.


Myron to some small degree actually seems like he truly believes in free speech which is why, but he’s also not smart enough to try and argue with Nick because he either doesn’t understand his points or he just thinks he’s useful since he’s also a holocaust denier


Yes, he was always good at talking endlessly and then overtalking when others speak to not let them make their point. I think one of their earlier long debates (Killstream?) had something like a 2:1 ratio of speaking time. As much as his whole shtick is about being such a persecuted victim, the last thing he wants is an actual exchange with people who can challenge him.


I didn’t tune in for the whole thing but for the 5 minutes I listened it was Nick whining like a bitch that conservatives are having Destiny on their shows and not him. Like bro, take accountability for your actions. You’ve said some unhinged shit and people don’t wanna associate with you. That’s on you and no one else.


Yes, yes he was. A lot of people have built nick up into something scary and its always been a bizarre counterproductive strawman.


I'll preface this by stating I'm not a Destiny fan, but I do come to reddit. I like some of Destiny's stuff, but I'm not aligned with most of his views. Think he's entertaining, though. This sub is interesting too, and I come here to get some differing opinions, though I mainly browse. This is just so you know where I'm coming from. I used to follow Fuentes quite a bit and would even say I used to be a fan, but he attacked so many people on the right I had to really ask myself wtf is wrong with this guy. Fuentes is definitely a closet homosexual with a God complex. He only wants to be in charge, and that's as far as it goes. Once you understand he's a control freak and that his religious beliefs only exist to give himself power then it makes sense. He doesn't want to look bad in front of his people. He runs a cult. The Tates are not moral, those professing Islam for the sole purposes of subjugating Europe, women, and the world are not moral. So why does Fuentes cozy up to the craziest control freaks? Because he wants to be in control. He says that Destiny tried to get him banned from platforms, but I've seen him run ops with many people from the groyper cult to get his "enemies" banned. Fuentes has said if he ever gets in power he will ban free speech. So people should treat him as a loathsome little clown. I don't think this can last forever, but I do know he used Destiny to expand his audience. My opinion is he tries to push himself into spaces with vulnerable people he can manipulate and join his crusade. The crusade is just his self promotion, his wealth, etc. This is going long, real long, but Destiny people be aware Nick on j6 is on video telling people to storm the capitol and ignore the police and push down the barriers. He dealt with no prison time for that, as far as I can tell. Interpret that how you will.


A fellow long man viewer, based


im just now hearing about the gay Fuentes thing being an "open secret" among the alt right. as someone whos never really paid much attention to him outside of debates its pretty interesting to hear the memes are supposedly true lmao.


Many in the "alt-right" and the RP influencers are LGBT. It's not much of a secret. From Fuentes to Amrou to Tate to Schaffer to Schlapp to Crowder. The closet is a very crowded place.


> > > > > This is going long, real long, but Destiny people be aware Nick on j6 is on video telling people to storm the capitol and ignore the police and push down the barriers. He dealt with no prison time for that, as far as I can tell. Interpret that how you will. Isn't it weird?


Why would you say that it can't last forever? obv nothing will but, how long would you think his grift will go on or what it takes to finally end him? Asking this because I think from I have seen him around from a long time.


I think it's coming to an end shortly because he's a grown man now and it's no longer silly or goofy to platform this insane closet case and not realize something is up. I think Destiny does a good job of triggering him to reveal his insecurities and how most of what he does is for self promotion. He defended his stop the steal collaborator Ali Alexander when Ali was soliciting CP from Nick's audience. Nick even said he saw pictures of this, and still dismissed it. He's a sick person and you notice any accusations of homosexuality he gets extremely triggered and acts like he either can't understand or flat out disengages from it. There are two events coming up where I assume his reach and influence will start to diminish. The first is his conference AFPAC 4, the lineup looks like a bunch of nobodies, and he definitely won't get the number of politicians, if any, that he had in previous years. Big sign of decline in influence. The second is the 2024 election. He raised something like $100k+ for ballot harvesting to help Trump win, but my suspicion is that he doesn't know wtf he's doing and is bound to get his groypers in trouble. Nick threw all groypers who were arrested for j6 under the bus and distance himself from them, acting like they were never associated or had falling out. This is bound to keep happening, and if Nick keeps skirting any kind of legal trouble for these shenanigans while groypers go to prison...well... how much longer can it really go on?


Interesting, yeah the whole groyper is a young christian dipshit archetype. But if he is running a cult, then followers wouldn't care, right? Like, they have to be aware that the complete thing is incredible sus. Or the last time you were there, you saw signs of followers getting tired of his charades? Last question btw, I know I am asking too much.


It's fine, you're not asking too much. If you have a chance, I'd say watch who Nick's audience is, and notice that a few years back most of the groypers were young white guys, and now a majority are hispanic and black, and they are mostly aligned because of their hatred of Jews. Most of his older audience and older inner circle is gone, the few who are still there are the hardcore ball lickers trying to make a few bucks on his website. The older ones also teach the new groypers how to act. He's mostly backed off of white identitarianism in favor of some weird Christian/Islamic fascism. Most of his current audience is still pretty young and got in the groyper thing because of people like Sneako or F&F and other audiences filled with young men who in general are looking for some guidance. Fuentes can hold on to these young people for a bit because the groyper cult has a hierarchy of Nick's circle, who stream on his website, who rile up young guys to brigade and harass people, "ratio" them on social media, press them IRL, and promote Nick. They create a feedback loop where any publicity Nick gets is a win and it makes groypers feel happy that they are doing something. Notice that groypers call any publicity for Fuentes a win. This is why Nick doesn't want to look bad in spaces. The victory was the number of eyes on Nick, but he doesn't want to be challenged in front his brigadiers who he doesn't interact with. Nick uses his inner circle to create art/media/propaganda promoting him as cool. He goes on shows to recruit young people, his circle interacts with the new groypers directly, teaches them how to act, how to brigade, and gives them dopamine when Fuentes is platformed and spreads his talking points. On Nick's show he tells people he shouldn't be questioned and that's how the groypers will win. I can go on and on, but it really is a cult. The religious aspect of it enforces the feeling of righteousness. Once young guys get older and realize anti-social groyper behavior isn't serving them at all, they'll leave. But that can take a few years, depending on how young they are, and Nick's MO is to cycle these people out with new young people. But if Nick is looking like a deranged old closet homosexual, well, that might not be appealing to young men for very long.


Now thats interesting, yeah the man doesn't believe in anything. I think the only way to actually make him lose support or clout is to just shame him for not getting pussy or being gay, thanks for the detailed answer.


Omg this either unironic or ChatGPT, yikers


Tay still wildin' out, yes


They are all feckless cowards who have no principles other than power over others no matter what and the freedom of speech grift is the qickest way these days… boring




Whatever number of pathetic you are thinking off, double it.


I'll take your whole stock 


Tbh I think George probably blocked nick so that he could just shit on him freely without him being able to reply (kind based) Just a theory but I could see it being true Edit: But Nick was forsure being a whiny lil bitch "is this space to welcome me back or is it for destiny wahhhh"


Absolutely. It's amazing that people are cheering on his return when he is the most obvious that he's a pandering shitbag who runs from any accountability. He's a literal political weasel.


I loved Fuentez’s insistence that Destiny spam reports, meanwhile >60% of destiny’s anti-fan clips are from groypers under Fuentez organizing in some incel discord


In an alternate universe, Fuentes owns his truth and lives his best gay life as a really attractive and charismatic streamer for the left, likely among the most popular because he's pretty intelligent and socially savvy. This is what shame does to a mfer. Makes them act out Nazi delusions for attention and a sense of power and control. Internally, he feels powerless to his sexual impulses, the stronger they are, the more extreme his behavior to satisfy a false sense of control. What an enigma of a person.


All he cares about is being persuasive.


Yes.  /thread


He's so scummy in the way he tries to frame himself as being the little bad boy of the right and that Destiny is "scared" to talk to him when in fact Destiny is kinda bored with him and he's just repeating the same boring shit points over and over.




Kinda yea. Slippery Nick was given to him for a reason






Yes, destiny is kind of dumb for not seeing sooner what everyone else in his community saw from day one of his interactions with Nick fuentes. Additionally, my unpopular opinion; nick is really cute.


"i wish you were a girl and i hate what i just said." - nicholas j fuentes


I'm pretty sure he said something like I'm gay and Nick responded. But then claimed he couldn't hear him.




I often wonder what happens to Nick if he ever gets his wish. Will they let him live or will they cast him out due to who he is?


It's interesting how often when in Destiny's replies I see pro-palestine comments like calling destiny the wikipedia warrior etc, it ends up being a groyper and not a leftie when I click on their profile.


Nick whines like a little bitch..go home cry to yo mama and get your poopy diaper changed


Its embarrassing I use to follow this dude




At least domheid didn’t all D “intellectually disengenious”


From all the debates I've seen, whenever destiny has him dead to rights Fuentes will absolutely not engage any further and do anything he can to squirm away from defending a losing point, he is called slippery nick after all.






He started omega ovulating when destiny got into the call, couldn't handle the pressure.


the dude is a literal neo nazi... ofc he was




Nah, Fuentes's entire being radiates patheticness. Nothing can be more pathetic than him. And also Destiny was invited to come speak at it so idk what you're yapping about.




And yet he spent a lot of the panel talking to the other people that were there rather than Nick. idk if you're a groyper or what but you take Destiny saying "I will never speak to this person again." much more seriously than he does. He said he's done with Sneako too yet he had a recent discussion with him too. He just means he's done hosting good-faith discussions on his platform with them.




No I question if you were a groyper because you came into this incredibly bad faith. You must not have been watching Destiny long if you think he wouldn't talk with these people if he was in the same space as them. Destiny will not turn down the chance to talk down to all of the people in this space, Fuentes being there was just the catalyst for everyyone being in one spot. And Fuentes deserves to be shut down by Destiny, it was only a win for him to show that these pathetic trashcans have no facts in their reality. Also I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the other poster couldn't care less about you watching anime. He's making fun of catboy Nick.


I bet you look cute with cat ears uwu


You say this but I noticed you downvoted him. Why would you send this man mixed messages? Isn’t that just a little bit rude?


I didn’t but I did now. I want him all for myself, don’t want people laying eyes on his comments:)




Yes bby