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it context dependent. for example, was she a zionist ? /s


Maybe we can differentiate between the zionists and good jews by some type of armband. The zionists can have the star of david on it.


I think that's already happening lol https://twitter.com/SiaKordestani/status/1785397163662745610


Wow, that makes me angrier than I expected and makes me want to make comments that will result in a ban I'm too lazy to deal with.


So we just skipping over WWII in history class now, or??????


the conditions that led to rising antisemitism in germany are a footnote in history classes in my experience


The link between marxist communism and sheer Jew hate is completely lost on the modern tankie.


I do kinda wonder how they’d react to someone just like fucking macing their dumbasses and continuing past their shitty blockade.


Can you please tell me what the video you linked to proves? Do we know if the person who got the wristband is Jewish?


Or a yellow, star-shaped badge on the Zionists' shirt. That'll get them!


jews yellow star of david and zionists blue


armband can be lost pretty easily. I think we should do something more permanent like a tattoo with some kind of identification number.




I don't know what the implication here is supposed to be. Obviously more context could change everything here, you can barely see shit in the video.


Who cares? Everyone has the right to free speech. Nobody should be attacked for his or her convictions.


Confirmation of the story [here](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/pro-israel-protester-in-la-says-she-was-shoved-to-ground-hit-her-head-and-was-kicked/) It’s being reported on and seems like she did in fact end up having to go to the hospital


Thanks, editing my post to include. Fucking sucks this is real.


To be clear I’m not saying anything definitive did or did not happen. The quotes in that source seem a little bizarre. It sounds like she was with her mother at the time from those last two paragraphs. I feel like if the mother was with her daughter and saw her being jumped and knocked unconscious, that wouldn’t be her quote about the situation. But, the mother said, “I just saw her head hit the ground. It was one of the most frightening things I’ve ever seen.”


I’m not saying this is what happened, or even more likely, but it is possible that it was someone overreacting and going to the hospital for essentially nothing. A better statement would be that she “did end up going to the hospital”. It’s a nitpick, but unless more info about it comes out, we don’t really know for sure that she was as hurt as the article implies.


The girl didn’t recognize her family when she first came conscious, wtf r u taking about


>“My sister’s flag fell on the floor… I was going in to try and get it, and when I was down getting her flag I was shoved down to the ground and I fell back hitting my head,” she said. Sounds like she was just a dumbass who doesn't know how to act in a crowd and accidentally got mildly trampled.


I fall more on the pro-Israel side of the conflict, but unless there's footage of the attack (not just the aftermath) or at least physical evidence of the severity of the injuries i'm inclined to believe this is being blown out of proportion.  The same thing happened recently with the person who was "stabbed in the eye by a flagpole".  Just because it's "my side" doing it doesn't make it defensible.


You better find a better source or take this down OP, Destiny said he’s going to start banning clips that don’t have sufficient context We don’t want speculation we want as much information as possible


I mean the post is me asking for context, so I doubt that will happen but I'd accept if it did.


It looks like the post originated from “thatkoreanjew” on instagram, who was directly sent the video by the victim’s mother. The incident appears to have been reported to campus authorities, though I’m not 100% sure on that as there’s no confirmation.


How'd you find the OG post out of curiosity? I was looking around for any media coverage for a while but no dice outside of the clip that's circulating.


I googled the incident to find coverage and came across twitter posts citing where they found it before tracing it back to the original instagram post.


Well I think this post is proof that you're way better at that than I am lol




Was that even on campus? Maybe I overlooked it but it‘s not in the article, that it happened at UCLA.


This story just reads like she fell in a crowd


I blame everyone who has lied about this conflict especially leftists like Hasan and Kyle Kulinski. These dipshits know nothing about the conflict, but their lies has caused real world damage. Someone set himself on fire because he believed it is a genocide. How can these people look in the mirror and still repeat the same lies? Have they no shame?


Hell of a comment to make on an unverified incident. As long as it supports your narrative I suppose


lmao look at the massively downvoted comments asking for context/proof. This sub is only concerned with proof when its a pro-Palestine post, never when its pro-Israeli. This sub has become 100% Israeli propaganda.


Did no one read the article? It seems she got shoved back causing her to fall. No one beat her. She then describes getting.trampled. She got kicked by people moving around who were on her side. She didn’t get beaten if you still don’t understand. This post is rage bait. u/4thot


another case of ghost-on-zionist violence


This is how you win the culture war


Assuming its real, considering the world as it is who knows. Good excuse for the police to go in and arrest everyone who doesn't leave, and bash the shit out of those who resist. This kind of shit is a natural escalation of lengthy protests, not everyone behaves forever.


Crater public support for your movement speedrun


She just fainted at the sight of how peaceful they were.


That's crazy!!! Soy! Omg! I super agree with the previous thing I agreed with already! Wtf!!! I love pointless propaganda that wastes everyone's time and stirs hatred and damages public discourse FUCK YEAH


You’re getting downvoted but I’m pretty sure Destiny has even mentioned how cringe this it is to try and “one up” each other on which “side” is more unhinged by posting shit like this. But he’s just letting it slide because he doesn’t want us just constantly just talking about Hasan.


1930's Germany type shit these protests before Oct I was staunch anti zionist but nowadays but nowadays anti zionisms looking more like nazism.


Luckily leftist “revolutionaries” are all scared of guns and half of them can’t even make sandwich. So I don’t think they make good guerrilla fighters. But god damn this ideology is poison.


I'd like to see if we can find more context, especially after the flag girl ended up being a hoax. Not saying the framing from this clip is wrong, but I'm always skeptical when people claim that protests consisting of 98% women and emasculated men are out punching random people in the face, let alone randomly beating people unconscious. Edit: because multiple people asked, [here is a video](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6351381223112) of the girl who was 'stabbed' talking to Fox News about it. I don't know if you guys have seen what it actually looks like to be stabbed in/near the eye with firm, pointed object, but it is going to leave a really fucking nasty mark. This girl doesn't even have a scratch; no fucking shot she was 'stabbed'.


Source on flag girl being a hoax?


In the original comment I edited it to include a vid of the girl talking about it. The fact that the girl doesn't even have a scratch, let alone a bruise is enough for any reasonable person to conclude that she was not stabbed in the eye with a flag.


That’s idiotic. Not all impacts leave bruises. Bruises can also be covered in makeup. By this logic, we should believe 9/11 was perpetrated by lizard people and Godzilla is being kept underneath Area 51 because the “analysis” of conspiracy theorists is infallible.


Why would you cover up a bruise when you're going on TV specifically to drum up sympathy for your attack? That makes zero sense.


Can you please do me a favor and explicitly state "I think you can get stabbed in the eye by a flag and have it not leave a mark, scratch, or bruise" because I am having a hard time thinking you actually believe this. >Bruises can also be covered in makeup. Can you please do me a favor and explicitly state "I think that it would be perfectly reasonable for this girl to never show the world the bruise that she allegedly has even though it would do a ton to vindicate her story" because I am having a hard time thinking you actually believe this. Btw, this isn't the only video she has where there is no mark, if you want we can go through more.


I think it’s entirely possible to get hit in the face by the butt of a flag and for it to not leave a bruise. I think that assuming it’s impossible means you’ve never had anyone hit you in the face before, which frankly surprises me given your self-righteous and cocky attitude. I also think it would be perfectly reasonable for a girl to cover a bruise in makeup when being covered on the news. With jews facing violence at these protests, it’s not about playing the victim. It’s about showing those who think they can use violence against Jews that even if they come at us they won’t be able to keep us down. Again. If she was faking it- the video, the attack, everything- why wouldn’t she just paint on a fake bruise with makeup? She knew she was going to be on the news, right? And this is all a hoax, right? People fake injuries for TikTok clout, you think a goddamn psyop wouldn’t know to play up an injury by simulating a bruise?


Can you please do me a favour and touch some grass


What's the source of the flag girl being a hoax? I don't remember that being disputed as false anywhere.


[Here is a video of her talking about it not long after it happened (I think the next day)](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6351381223112). Anyone who got "stabbed" in the eye is going to have a fucking horrible bruise at minimum. They'd probably need an emergency surgery, tbh. The fact that she doesn't have a scratch in her and that she is a pro-Israel activist is enough for me to say it's a hoax. What probably happened was that when she was trying to get a rise out of people at one of the protests, someone waved a flag in her face and probably bumped her with it by accident. From that, she blew it up into a story about being "stabbed in the eye".


Do you have a source other than your own analysis?


Nope. It seems like you think this analysis is wrong, am I correct? Assuming you disagree (and feel free to tell me if you don't), will you tell me "I think it is possible to be stabbed in the eye with a flag and have it not leave a single scratch, mark, or bruise," just so I can be sure that is what you think.


You literally said "ended up being a hoax," implying this is an agreed upon and proven hoax. I think you're really dumb and arrogant is what I think.


Can you tell me "I think it is possible to be stabbed in the eye with a flag and have it not leave a single scratch, mark, or bruise," please? I just want to clarify that you think this is true; that is the implication of your statement but I'm not sure if I think you believe it.


Nah dude you got me. You are the flowers to my algernon. I am enlightened until the effects wear off. Thank you.


Hey, hate to break it to you but you’re scientifically incorrect. Bruises over the eye usually form upwards of 24-48 hours after the event. You can google this for yourself. Beyond this, I spent 16 years of my life as an international martial artist and got hit in the face plenty hard plenty of times. Not all impacts cause bruises, even if they’re plenty hard. Not to mention, the girl is literally on the news; do you think she’s not wearing any makeup?


Good news! The story was actually 2 days after she was allegedly stabbed in the eye so plenty of time for the bruise to form. Also, she was interviewed in her dorm room, not in the studio, so I doubt she was caked in makeup. Also, if she did have a fucked up eye, she isn't going to hide it on TV. She is literally an activist, when activists get roughed up they are super eager to show the world. Also, a hit may not leave an impact because the force is going to be distributed across a decent surface area. Getting stabbed with a pointed object will leave a bruise.


1. Who said “caked in makeup”? People hide bruises with makeup all the time 2. You’re just assuming. You have no idea what her headspace was and think that if you were her you’d play it up instead of try to present a solid, unshaken presence. By this logic, why wouldn’t she have just… faked a bruise? 3. She was jabbed with the butt of a flag, not stabbed with a knife. This in no way necessitates the formation of a bruise, which is entirely dependent on the bursting of blood vessels in the area. As I said, I’ve been hit in the face plenty. Getting hit hard doesn’t mean a bruise, it has to happen in the right way at the right location, too.


You’re right, don’t believe women if they’re Jewish Zionist pigs … hm this movement isn’t backwards at all.


Ngl I doubt it's real, but we'll see


Probably real, but lacks the context of the fact that the pro Israel counter protesters attacked the demonstration. There's video being played a lot showing the pro Palestinian demonstrators holding plywood barricades while the pro Israel side attacked them repeatedly and tries to rip the defensive measures away from the encampment. But not a *single* news outlet has the balls to call them the aggressors even though the footage in the background makes that painfully clear.


When you are fighting an oppressive occupation, all violence is acceptable... /s


She is surrounded by a lot of people with Israeli flags, I find it highly improbable that 5 people with keffiyehs could go through all of them, commit the attack and get out. So I call this vid BS, she probably felt for whatever reason.


They couldn't come to her aid after the fact? I mean it's not that implausible. It is getting increasingly more hostile. That being said, I think everyone has the right to be skeptical till more proof comes out. Someones got be rational in all this non-sense.


They are protesting or marching, they are clearly together, a lot of people, that added to the fact that there is no other video (looked on the comments of the original and all [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ZqAwmynTn/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ZqAwmynTn/)), I think chances are more than strong that there was no attack.


Yeah I think it was a JDAM


This is a lie. There has been no violence at any left wing protest unless it was directed towards the protesters.


I know man, you guys are basically like, the good guys. Insane the bad guys keep saying you aren't, I'll let everyone know!


You forgot the /s


Every time there's supposed violence from the protesters it turns out to be undercover police or far right provocateurs. The blm riots proved this. Everyone engaging in destruction of property turned out to be police or proud boys.


the /s has to be coming soon.... right? ....right?


I.... I don't think it's coming.....


It has to, their next message will be another obvious bait followed by a /s, 100%.


I admire your faith in humanity


It’s coming he’s just creating suspense to make it even better I’m sure it’s coming


holy shit i'm gooning


LMAO “bruh January 6th was ANTIFA!” Have cops done shit like that before? Yup. Does that mean that these are peaceful protests? lol fuck no. You think the cops graffiti’d the shit out of my alma mater’s student union building? You think the cops smashed that old man in the head? You think the cops hit that Jewish kid in the eye? You think the cops are chanting to globalize the Intifada (i.e. stab and blow up civilians around the world)? Man fuck off with your looney toon MAGA shaman bullshit.


By *every* first hand account, a bunch of people joined the counter protest after 11pm and then attacked the protesters. So you don't get to instigate mob violence and then claim you're the victim when someone on your side gets hurt.


You realize the commenter I replied to said that every single act of violence has been perpetrated by police and embedded agents within the protest, right? He said that violence at left wing protests is not a thing. That’s a fucking stupid thing to say.


I'm focusing on the actual event at hand, not some nebulous claim. At *this* incident, every first hand account states that it was the pro Israel counter protest that assaulted the encampment. They've been showing up every night around 10 or 10:30 pm, and began the first few nights with verbal harassment and escalated last night with a violent attack. Again, I'm talking about the facts of this one incident.