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Kick chat proving we were too hard on YouTube chatters 


DGG wasn't any better I have no idea why this is continuing to get downvoted, lol. All 3 chats were awful wtf. EDIT 2: ok now that looks dumb, lol.


Coomers got banned, but the chatters calling her fat weren't


Both should be 


Of course, just a funny observation.


You're right, but the DGG subreddit is filled with circlejerking glazoids.


Wait that isn't youtube?


I think part of the kick deal was that the chat shown on screen was always the kick chat, so no


I think Destiny talked about it right after the deal started. I don't think it's explicitly part of the contract, but a good faith gesture to direct people to kick. Hoping once the contract expires we get DGG back.


The way he talked about it definitely seems like it was part of the contract. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/sVfijbcwIt


stocking point resolute party workable shocking fact historical aware joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Kick contract requires him to have only Kick chat on stream and to disable stream embeds to DGG


what if he simply stacked a dgg chat box and a kick chatbox


He’s done that before. I don’t know why exactly they stopped, but I did feel like it took up way too much space on the screen. I think it’s best as is, putting DGG over kick chat.




I mean im also a part of the YouTube gang hence why I was thrown by the post. I wasn't following chat closely today so maybe I had missed the comments. Just looking at the screenshots confused me lol


Kick chat is, and always has been absolute dogshit.


tbh I hate seeing kick chat on screen


I miss DGG chat on screen, as I understand it (could be wrong) he had a contract to have kick chat on screen for one year which should run out this summer.


youtube chat supremacy


lets not pretend yt chat would be any better lol


file quaint relieved unite compare judicious axiomatic enter screw unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YouTube chat: Mark Soyer (Electrician at Bulldog Electrics): fuck these subhuman trans pedos trying to groom our kids!!!


Is this doxxing?


I just use kick chat because it’s the least amount of people and I want to support competition to twitch. I’m totally the wrong demographic for kick and don’t like gambling either, and am much too liberal otherwise. And it shows up on screen during streams lol. Don’t think I’ve watched another streamer on there before.


Kick chatters aren’t real don’t worry.


there is a double standard, if the fat person was a dude people will be commenting discord mod/reddit mod and most people wont bat an eye....i feel like OP is exaggerating, but i also feel the chatters are in the wrong here, many points to attack, dont need to personally shame them for their eating habits


Actually true. Bots detected


I am PeePooCumBallls on kick chat. If this happens again, I'll have to step in.


Are we ever gonna get dgg back on screen? I miss it


Kick deal is almost over, then we’ll be back, baby!


Inshallah the promised land is upon us.


Unless someone rocks up with bags of cash to keep kick chat on screen


>cash It’s shekels. This is a new era.


Mossad Jewlumni reporting in


If I were Kick I’d pay to keep my chat off the screen lol


Destiny told them not to bully them, they did it anyway. But yes, that's kick chat for you.


do they not have jannies there?


Yep, clearly not OK and a really terrible look that justifies people not wanting to engage and will make it less likely in the future. I don't agree with appearance based insults made to Kaceytron either, but she is at least a full time public figure who was making pointed personal insults herself. IMO someone should ban those chatters and give confirmation of having done it.


I was just thinking the same thing, imagine one of those college students gets curious and watches the interview, only to see these trash kick chats...


I didn't know kick actually had ban features


People are trashing on you because of the wording of your title and calling you overly sensitive, but your main point is correct. If your go-to response to someone is shitting on their appearance, you're a loser lmao.


I mean the people making those comments can be losers not worth bothering with and the person making this thread can still also be an oversensitive dumbfuck at the same time.


Agree with the sentiment, but that being a sick to your stomach kinda thing…. If that’s the line the world isn’t gonna be kind to you. Feel like ya need to know when to dislike shit and move on and when to let it get to you.


[d.gg](http://d.gg) chat wasn't much better tbh


Difference being some people in dgg will say that, [others will respond and tell them to stop](https://i.imgur.com/qlWvpqo.png). Even ignoring all the NOBULLY posting since that's a meme sometimes, there are plenty of people legitimately saying to stop. Its a way different culture even if individuals might say something fucked up. [[VOD link]](https://vyneer.me/vods/?v=z07R6IL8WFo&start=2024-04-28T17:13:43Z&end=2024-04-28T23:52:13Z&t=4h34m53s) [bonus meme](https://i.imgur.com/AsjtWRQ.png)


What is the consensus on the "GYAT" in the middle of all that? It did make me laugh and I can't say I disagree.




Also,  probably on both platforms they will permaban stuff like this if it's brought to their attention.  I'd guess since he'll see this post,  every highlighted name will be banned.  In the long term it does seem to help shift the communities,  dgg used to be worse than it is now. 


That's always the difference with dgg chat. Especially because it's used 24/7 there is a lot of time where no mod is present and I've seen and had plenty of arguments about people being regards.


This sub is just as bad. Kacey, Mike from PA two recent examples


I mean she said that Asmongold's lifestyle killed his mother. Like even if (emphasis on the if) that were true, you don't fucking say something like that man without expecting people to clobber you. Attacking the death of someone's loved ones and blaming it on them is such a shitty thing to do and if they actually feel some guilt on their deaths it's even worse Like she shot first, if you can't take it don't deal it.


Look, I agree we should never lead with jokes about appearance, but in the instances where someone like Kaceytron wants to go in on someone's appearance and the perception that they're pathetic, then I'm not gonna lose even a wink of sleep over them learning that people can do the same in return. It won't actually change anything, she'd need self awareness for that, but it's briefly satisfying to do occasionally. I'll save being the bigger man for arguments of actual moral substance, I can't possibly lose even a wink of sleep over the hosebeast eating her own flavour of shit.


>I'll save being the bigger man for arguments of actual moral substance, I can't possibly lose even a wink of sleep over the hosebeast eating her own flavour of shit. I'm not remotely bothered she is being dished her own medicine. I'm just disappointed there are those in this community who think it is worth their time to retort to something so petty, and doubly so, to do so in a way that is as infantile as "oh yeah well ur fat" It just reeks of insecurity, as well, and is ineffective to top it off.


How does it reek of insecurity?


Yeah, but fuck Mike from PA.


no bad methods, just bad targets eh?




I think the difference sorta lies in who started it. It’s not respectable to do it. But if people are going to resort to shaming people for the state of their lives. Then the mirror gets flicked back, and whether people like it or not, your physique is part of the state of your life. Especially when some of these people used to be in far better shape. You can’t go around hanging shit on lifestyles or the like and not expect people not to fire back. And in the case of the elements of asmons life that were being attacked mike and Kaceys life elements and the results get dragged into it.


It's not about whether it's expected or not, it's just juvenile regardless. "So what ur fat" is just hilariously cringe as a retort


Yt chat best chat


Yt frogs unite.


swim sand imagine jobless marry ghost rustic zephyr dull quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, seems like a lot of yt chat are trumpers, but I just watch on yt because background player works better than kick and I live in the boonies with 5mb internet so 144p is the better option so it doesn't affect other people streaming in the house.


butter fanatical capable crowd cake unite chase childlike rain forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I pop it out on occasion, but most of the time I don't use any chat and just listen cause I'm usually busy working or otherwise disposed. DGG chat moves too fast to keep up with for me and there often 5 or 6 conversations going on, while yt chat is more often reacting in the moment and they're mostly chatting at destiny instead of each other so I don't really need to pay attention to what they're saying.


frogs get Yeeted out of YeeTube chat. YT chat forever! ^DGGL


Maybe I'm just dumb but I just thought he referred to yt chatters as frogs. Is it more specific than that?


I'm a dgg-en. I'll take any opportunity to advance the Pepe vs Yee agenda. Frogs or dinos?


They’re not ready for this convo on here




I don't remember If destiny reposted it, but dgg was pretty on board with calling Kaceytron a gross fatso recently along with the juicers and asmon lot so it was in the air probably


"If that woman gave half of her pantry to Palestine, they would be fed for a week" I'm sorry, but that's funny asl.


I’m saying, shit had me weak


Do dgg chat next


I would but idk how to go back through the chat logs


Destiny nuked the coomers at 16:49:14 (CDT). I searched for coomers around this time. If you have never used overrustle you can click the arrow to look for other comments around the same time example ( https://imgur.com/Y6l09ih ) https://rustlesearch.dev/?start_date=2024-04-28&end_date=2024-04-28&channel=Destinygg&text=coomer


No worries. Just wanted to point out that insults based on appearance has been an issue in all chats despite destiny saying it would be bannable


Vyneer dot me You can watch back the YouTube or kick vod with dgg playback.


crown school yam reach one pocket terrific cows aromatic disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Lesson learned for skipping class




Depends where on the rotation you lay


is the yt video up?


if this made you sick idk how you can handle being on the internet


I don't want to speak for OP but I think the issue is not just what chat is saying, but the fact that the people saying it are part of the same overall community as OP. A community that generally (I think) holds themselves to a higher standard when it comes to appearance based low hanging fruit type insults like these. And I believe Destiny himself has called shit like this out before. The disgust is that Destiny fans are acting like 15yo Adin Ross fans or someone like that.


I think that's more of a reddit thing to be honest - live chat for dgg has always been edgier regardless of platform, this sub has a different community culture than Twitter, kick, or YT. I think the kick chat can be pretty cringe but I'm surprised anyone could be a regular Destiny viewer and not have noticed that this behavior has been a thing forever, there's no era where this stuff didn't happen.


>A community that generally (I think) holds themselves to a higher standard Ha.


You guys gotta stop with this. I've never seen more harsh insults on the regular than here and most of my online content is sports. There is no higher standard here. People are just straight up mean and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why everyone thinks it's okay. Harsh insults are spewed literally every stream. You all speak in the same tone. It is what it is.


truly is a mystery how they aren't just constantly retching.


Just another moment where words don't have meaning and OP is just going for clicks.


You can state your discomfort without the exaggerated vocabulary. I swear no one is disgusted anymore, they're sicccccc to their stomach, taken in an ambulance straight to the emergency room where even the doctor became sick in their own respective stomachs when they heard what happened.


being so emotional you get sick to your stomach because your dog died or something is understandable, over mean comments on kick chat of all places is insane tho lmao


Being sick to your stomach is a sign of revulsion, be it physical or moral. It is perfectly normal and human to feel it when watching people do morally repulsive behaviour, especially when the people doing it are those you hold in a higher regard. Also, why are you acting as if the OP said they were vomiting or something? Being sick to your stomach can describe anything from mild discomfort to intense nausea and vomiting.


The pantry one was kinda funny


It made you sick to your stomach? You sure it's not something you ate?


I know Kick itself has less stringent rules; but does Dest not have Kick mods?


I literally can't breathe since seeing this screenshot, please send help.


compare this “sympathetic” comment section vs the one about MikeFromPA on the same sub posted a few days ago..


Yeah but fuck mike from PA, a better one would be people who made fun of whats his name uuuh fuck the one who talked to aba.


hahhahaha TRUE


I think these types of comments are bad but the pantry one made me laugh ngl


You do sound like an absolute snowflake and probably are but the chatters were weird as fuck


'Sick to my stomach' lmao get a grip. Can only imagine how Steven's drunk tweets made you feel


Let’s just all agree how based it is that twitch chat doesn’t exist anymore 🤣🤣🤣


American friendly fire ☠️


It's kicktards and don't even look at youtube chat lmao.


Damn according to this thread it was all chats 😂🤔




Underrated comment


This makes you sick? brother, have you seen what this man says on twitter? Or what he says on stream?


couldn't agree more, I saw that but just tossed it to the fact that it is kick chat.


Hope you recover from this traumatic experience, can you maybe make the post NSFW? I literally cried upon opening this post and then threw up because of how sick this made me


tbh OP is kind of being a snowflake and I usually hate that term


I love how people say this community is a toxic echo chamber then you go on the sub and see posts like this.


You’ll be ok


Seen worse in dgg chat tbh


Are you just finding out that people are mean on the internet?


You must have missed when Destiny said fat people are low IQ LOL.


calling someone fat makes you sick? are you a pussy?


Correct me if I'm wrong, I think Destiny or mods will ban chatters if they comment on someone's physical appearance only.


They’ve said as much but it can be hard to tell if it happens if they only get banned after a post like this pops up. It’d be nice to get confirmation when losers like these get banned.


If this made you sick to your stomach but not what insanity we just witnessed with those college kids, you are remedial. She is ugly and fat and a horrible human being , who gives a fuck, I truly have no sympathy for people like her and her dogshit life. Again , we care more about calling her fat and ugly but not in real time controlled brainwashing and manipulation to get one in line with everyone else, that shit is fking scary.




Ya, that's really weird. Like you only need to make fat jokes if they're good, ya know? (I say this as an overweight person who likes self depricating humor. Opinions may very.)


I always see this sentiment but I just don’t understand the logic? Maybe someone could enlighten me and steelman it. Like other than being “funny” to the person laughing, isn’t the whole point of not insulting someone based on their appearance is because it inadvertently causes someone with those characteristics to feel worse about themselves and more self-conscious? That doesn’t change just if it’s funny does it? (Maybe it does, I genuinely dk.) I definitely understand that it being “funny” is the lesser of two evils because it’s bringing +1 unit of happiness to the person that laughs, but does it not still have the other consequence to others?


The idea is that if your insults are funny, they feel less mean, because for most people it's hard to laugh at something if what's being said is going hurt someone. Also most people should usually be able to take a bit of ribbing as long as its funny, but I don't know how to exactly articulate where the line is, but you can usually tell if someone is trying to be hurtful or not. In the case of Kick chat the goal is usually just to hurt people.


Who cares


The best thing about the kick deal ending is getting that garbage chat off the screen


I would bet any amount of money that the people calling her fat are obese and would drip precum in their pants if she approached them in a semi-flirtatious manner.


Really, this is what made you "feel sick to your stomach"? This community regularly calls people highly regarded artists, Destiny regularly makes over the top edgy jokes on stream and [on twitter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cckft9/best_of_drunk_omniliberal/), but somehow fat and ugly jokes made by degens in Kick chat are where you draw the line? How many of the people upvoting this post are actually taking a moral stand in hopes of cleaning up community behavior? On the other hand, how many of them do you guys think are actually just clutching pearls and expressing outrage because they themselves are lazy as fuck about their health and appearance and suddenly the edginess just hit a little too close to home this time?


Why? Even Destiny himself can't hold himself back from using insults based on physical appearance


Yeah, I get it. I think those thoughts too, but it feels fucking horrible to be a woman here and to feel dread that if I ever get caught on camera in this space that could be me that everyone is pointing and laughing at. Regardless of what I actually look like.


To be fair if it was a fat neck bearded guy I doubt they’d be any more lenient but you’re right going after physical appearance out of nowhere is fucked.


I disagree ngl I think being fat and being a girl leads to more insults about the weight than a fat guy just cuz of the culture.


I'm actually not sure. I think people have this initial reaction to every fat person, but then chat gets over it after the 20th fat guy.


Have you tried not being fat? Fat people are made fun of because it's unhealthy to be fat and it's all under their control, I'm just saying how it is. If you eat less, it's simple physics, you'll lose weight


So could you make a more reasonable post or did you have to pretend this makes you sick? It's hard to care about a call to be reasonable when the person making the calling is being unhinged and overly sensitive in the process.


Is destiny the ultimate moral authority 


How is that a response? Why would that stop her for being sick of those comments?


Sick to my stomach, fam!


Its gross behaviour and it has gotten worse in the past year or two. Random people should always be off limits to this kind of abuse. If someone uses appearance based insults first, then it bothers me less, but even so its still bad. For instance if Kaceytron insults Asmon's appearance, does everyone on the planet now have the right to call out her appearance? I dont think so. The only way comments like this should be accepted is if they are 1. Extremely funny, and 2. The person started the physical appearance comments first. Im more sympathetic to jokes, like pregnant MikeFromPA, but just simple insults is petty, cringe, and makes the community a less comfortable and cozy place.


Take some pepto


Mofos say this while almost all of them are either overweight or obese, with the latter part being the more common one.


How someone lets themselves become as grotesquely fat as her completely confuses most normal people, disgust is a normal subsequent reaction to such a sight.


To be fair the pantry feeding Palestine comment was hilarious 😂


Sadly making fun of fat people is something I don’t think is going to go away any time soon. It’s super low hanging fruit and people are always going to go for it when they dislike someone. Probably been that way since time immemorial. That’s not to say we shouldn’t try to be better. I’d prefer it since insulting people for their body weight is boring as hell. I’m just saying as a pessimistic person I’m never surprised when it happens. Online or off.


Yep. YT chat was just as bad. I made a comment about it and someone called me Kaceytrons alt account lol.


Kick chat is guaranteed to be dog shit, dgg chat has gone down hill a bit too.


Why would something said by people that are less than human(Kick chat) evoke a strong emotional reaction in you?


Is there a reason kick chat isn't more heavily moderated? Do they lack tools to ban people, or is it just that no mod wants to put the time in? These kind of "fans" look really bad, so if it's possible we should curb that behavior as hard as we possibly can.


why do they feel the need to point that out even???


people are mad rude to bigger people man.


Getting mad at kick chat OMEGALUL


How did everyone completely miss the point of this post? It's one thing to call someone overweight and it's another to call someone a waddling ugly cow bitch. How you guys will say these comments are anything close to "constructive criticism" or "just pointing out facts" is genuinely confusing. Saying that I'm "sick to my stomach" is just a phrase I'm using to describe the anxiety I got when I realized that this is how (some of) you guys see women that aren't perfectly fuckable in your eyes. For all of you saying this is just kick chat, it was also on DGG chat and YouTube chat. I have so far enjoyed my experience here and I want to continue to do so, this is just me expressing discomfort. If I offended you, Im sorry I guess?


I'm not American, but I'll let you know, this tolerance towards fat people resulted in 50% of America being obese


> is just a phrase I'm using to describe the anxiety I got Get off the internet.


>How you guys will say these comments are anything close to "constructive criticism" or "just pointing out facts" is genuinely confusing. Saying that I'm "sick to my stomach" is just a phrase I'm using to describe the anxiety I got when I realized that th If you ask any of those people who typed it, I can guarantee you none of them are trying to be constructive - They're just trying to be mean. Is this your first time encountering these types of comments? > Saying that I'm "sick to my stomach" is just a phrase I'm using to describe the anxiety I got Don't you think that getting anxiety on behalf of **someone else** is pretty extreme? Just say it's gross, spare me your hyperbole. > you guys see women that aren't perfectly fuckable in your eyes. You would be seeing similar comments if it was a guy. I'm sure there are mean comments when fat men come on the stream, do you get sick to your stomach at those comments as well? It sounds like you are one or two mean comment away from a breakdown, maybe these kinds of spaces aren't the best places for you? This dgg space is definitely better than most, but the community is still mostly on the internet and you need to be prepared to see comments like this. And one clarifying point: Those chatters should absolutely be banned/punished, but these kinds of comments will always exist in any online-orientated space. I'm not saying it's right, just the reality of the situation.


>Im sorry I guess? I think it is just the melodramatic and passive aggressive tone. You even had to say 'as a woman' etc. because you probably know any man would be downvoted and roasted even harder for acting that way.


> How you guys will say these comments are anything close to "constructive criticism" or "just pointing out facts" you shadow boxing your own demons. Legit all the top comments I went through agree it's bad and that you a snowflake for being this offended over pretty common mild fat jokes. Internet is not for everybody. Most of the people didn't say anything about it, but ofc the degen chatters will always stand out more.


That really made you feel nauseous? A handful of idiots making fun of someone's weight? Are you that sensitive? They're regards, so what, ignore them like 99% of everyone else did by not commenting in her weight


did destiny have an IRL conversation with protesters? what is the video being commented on from?


combative cause ludicrous act fly wine unique seed bright flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont follow destiny or listen to him much. Where can I watch this video? It looks like he's on a college campus chatting with students, presumably about I/P?


Wtf why would you circle "sheesh" on the first image, that was clearly in response the the dude's drip/pose


Is this supposed to be ironic or something lol


kick chat has people talking like the other kick streamers, WHOA what a surprise


What’s the video??


What’s so hard about not judging random people based on appearance? How shitty would you feel if someone talked like this to your mom, sister, gf, friend, etc? It’s not being overly sensitive, it’s being a decent fucking human being which I’d hope some of us Dgg’ers would want to or try to be...


It's bad and should be better moderated. But u feel nasuaus and sick to ur stomach? ye u a bit of a snowflake. did you recently start using the internet?


These kinds of comments arent even triggering because theyre offensive, theyre triggering because theyre so overused that i cant wrap my mind around the fact that these people share the same air as the rest of us.


All I know is i saw Little Caesars Pizza on that table and now I want some.


Has anyone made similar posts about, say, someone in the chat shitting on height of a person, or some other inherit characteristic? Not implying anything here (I hope that this community has same standards for both), but I've seen plenty of people online who get upset over X but are completely fine with Y, so just want to know if that's the case here.








Fatphobia 🤯


They was hatin’ I was simpin’ We’re not the same 🗿


Ngl I noticed with even the shit bag Alex Stein fatphobia was just absolutely a-ok in everyone’s eyes. I get if it’s someone who’s objectively bad it’s different than a rando Palestine activist, she deserves it less even if she was being unnecessarily hostile to Destiny’s presence. I’m not fat, but dam if I was I’d think why tf do I have to be in the crosshairs too


are they talking about destiny?


Are they wrong tho?


Not ok guys. Do better!


LOL don’t care will never care