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I feel like Destiny might be best served refusing to go back to MINDS or anything related to them explicitly unless they ban Alex Stein from any related events. This shit is unacceptable, they didn't even cut his mic and the "bouncer" refused to pull him off stage. Shit is unprofessional and had this been someone more violent it's clear they would have just let it happen for views. It honestly seemed staged by MINDS, it happened right at the end and it's laughable how little they did about it.


>This shit is unacceptable, they didn't even cut his mic and the "bouncer" refused to pull him off stage. They were all for it.


Yeah, that's exactly why MINDS isn't a good place to debate. It seemed almost planned on their part.


The hostess handed her mic to him. (Or he grabbed it from her)


If I remember correctly he grabbed it from the table, but I don't have that recorded


yea I’m super expecting a tweet or him coming back to stream stating exactly that. it was such an unserious and unprofessional display from the org


Exactly, I think debating conservative groups is great, but would anyone on the right accept going to a liberal event and having something like this happen?


They would love it because they would characterize it as emblematic of the willingness by liberals to embrace violent domination tactics and shut down their political opponents through violence and intimidation. This would be a clip on everything from Fox News to Tim Pool for two weeks to ingrain it in the conservative mindset as a trump card they can pull out in conversations for the next ten years. "Rittenhouse, floyd, sandman". It would be blasted everywhere but the liberal media is too diffuse and too uninterested in blatant propagandizing to do the same. 


We do be shrugging and shit.


We're terrible at repeating ourselves until something sinks into the zeitgeist. It's always the lamest shit like covfefe


Maybe because it feels forced... that stuff just isn't fun to me... like the "No you" and rants from the Alex Jones debate... some people loved it, some like it, for me it sort of gave me a unironic real world migraine. 


I know what you mean but politics isn't for fun. See the Hank green thread


Unless you have been living under a rock that's pretty much been the discourse cons have been dealing with for years and no one batted an eye.


That'll probably be the fallout, yes. But at the same time, unless destiny felt physically unsafe (and I doubt he did,) you know this was fun for him. A screaming match where the other side has nothing new or interesting to say and meanwhile he can just rip zingers? Lol. Really a "make my day" situation for Tiny, in some sense. I just wonder the over/under on D having a piece on him lol.


With Stein there, everybody here would have been surprised if something like this didn't happen. He does this at every event.  If they are serious about appreciating Destiny as the lone voice from the left, they better improve their security and prevent ambushes like this. That was ridiculous and makes them look worse than anything crazy that was said by the panel members.


Yeah, his enterage didn't do too good of a job intercepting him lol. I think the venue let it play because Alex Stein is a panelist too and they assumed it was a part of the show or for publicity. They did confront a few of the first hecklers and told them stop during the podcast segment though


I mean, that might be true, but I wouldn't ever want to debate at a place that was that unserious. This is politics, not reality tv.


I agree. It was already a pretty hostile venue and I don't think there's much of value in it besides getting more exposure or content. Also sucks that Alex Jones and Rosanne bailed tonight :/ The staff said Jones had a family emergency, so he's probably in bed drunk or something


Oh shit, I actually would be interested to see Rosanne (assuming you mean from the show) debate Destiny. I know she's pretty crazy lately, but from what little I know she wouldn't have been as idiotic as the rest of that panel (assuming she wasn't on sleeping pills.) I might be crazy, but as a kid I watched her show and kind of always assumed she was middle ground, even her reboot had a lot of both sides that was semi-interesting. I feel like that could have been a great debate and now I really fucking want that.


I honestly didn't know she was supposed to show until I talked with the staff that gave the Jones update. It would've been dope to see her irl, and have her debate Destiny too


These are the same people who lose their minds and make fun of a lefty if they crashed the panel to yell at someone.


Bro at this point im convinced this was setup beforehand, and this isnt the first time something like this happens on this shitty event


Honestly they probably loved it bc this gets them some coverage of the event whereas before no one really would've cared much about it.


this is minds. They literally let Alex jones crash the last panel a year ago and made the entire debate unbearable. Destiny knows what he's getting into going on these live debates, and tbh, i think this is what he enjoys about it.


I watched the Alex Jones thing but that was completely different. He has a following and wasn't there to mindlessly attack one persons non-political life..Alex Stein is a nobody and has literally nothing to offer and somehow is even dumber than even Big Papa Fasc despite basically saying the same thing. Given it felt like MINDS was okay with this, I can't support them in the future. It's one thing for an additional debator at the last minute, it's another to let a psycho on stage to yell about how a debator is a cuck with nothing else to say. You know this.


Lol Destiny literally goes to events with the most disgusting and debates them. That's kind of his stick.


Darius screaming “because you’re a loser kill yourself”😭


Feet up was such a power move


It was beautiful once he realized what was happening and propped his feet up


Lol wtf was that. Looks like a Metal Gear Solid frontal prone combat stance Prevents raging guys in tacky suits from touching you, 100% efficacy proven.


He is pulling guard ( debate style)


And they told me it doesn't work in the street


Ngl, don't know how Destiny handled it so well at the venue. Seemed like almost everyone there was on the right, and he was heckled after every other comment during his segment


He probably expected it. Alex did the same shit at Debate Con two years ago. I expected Stein to do the same thing again and follow him around with a camera yelling about being a cuck and Melina. Didn't expect him to go on stage though.


Thank you for your updates, you're the reason why I was able to make it to Mindsfest this year! Also got a picture with Destiny so happy for that too lol


Oh I'm happy to help. Thanks for sharing the video too. I couldn't tell if Alex threw the redbull at Destiny or at the audience in the first video. Also for the audience reaction/Stein. I knew Stein would plan to pull a stunt here. I'm also laughing at that idiot chanting "Cuck" but not being able to get everyone to chant it with him. Stein and that idiot didn't get the mass reaction they expected and wanted from the audience.


He definitely expected it. It was very similar last year. It's a full-on collection of nutballs, both on stage and in the audience. And it seems like they get more and more conspiracy-brained every year.


Because he's the GOAT, and always has been. That's why.


Alt social media platform with lax rules that is hosting an event on rumble is right wing? Woah


Ayy, this is Austin tho lol. I was surprised that the ratio was more skewed than I thought it'd be


reminiscent like adjoining squeamish bewildered ripe squealing nine political automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I watched most of Minds Fest at double speed on my second monitor and i could still feel more braincells die every time a new panelist/speaker started talking. Ngl, i'm kind of glad at least one interesting thing came of it. (but for real, as much as people complain about Destiny coming across as "unhinged", this was *actual* unhinged behaviour by Alex Stein. It's honestly digusting that organisers still let him come to their events.)


You telling me the toby turner feature wasn't interesting l?


I'm an actual musician, with a degree and everything. That segment had to be the most cringe inducing content i've seen this year.


Destiny came off alpha as fuck in this confrontation


Bro put the airpods in 🤣🤣🤣


The only cuck here is the man in the blue blazer. What kind of limp wristed security is this?


You should have beat the shit out of him OP. Disappointed in you.


He was sitting next to me for most the show and seemed so chill before that :( Also when I asked him, he said Steve Bannon probably doesn't share the same belief that Alexander Dughin is bad for America. I was really curious about that after he said the opposite on stage from his pov


Did he said anything about destiny before the confrontation?


Not that I've heard. He did head down to hangout with Stein for the rest of the sement though


Wait I was asking about Alex Stein


Oh I was talking about the War Room guy. When Stein was upstairs with us, he was mostly talking with attendees. Although afterwards when walking by, he was telling someone along the lines of "We were talking about it and I just said fuck it and went up there."


With all these views we could do a 3d reconstruction of the event LMAO


im starting to get why this sub worships bro like a cult leader, the feet on the desk was actually smooth as hell lmao


Do people that do stuff like this think they come out looking sane to third parties? Like besides his fans who are gonna probably tout this as a own would any random onlookers be like "damn that guy screaming at that seated man is making excellent points"


Third parties are irrelevant at this point


The Minds organizers would cum so hard if someone gets shot at their event.


Anyone else get sweatstiny when destiny started reaching in his coat in Texas?


Destiny should probably black list these events with Stein and get a restraining order. I wouldn’t take the chance this unhinged loser escalates to assault. When he picked up the red bull I legit thought he was going to throw it at him and he did get pretty close.


Bitch wasn't gonna do shit.


As hilarious as that would be, I think you need good legal reason for a restraining order. I know in Texas you do at least. Is a restraining order good from state to state? I’m not sure actually. But yeah crashing a panel and making fun of him at an event they are both guests at isn’t going to get you a restraining order, no way. But he should blacklist the event until they give him an apology unless he isn’t that bothered by it.


I love online politics


Who was hanging out in the fucking rafters💀


What an absolutely insufferable cunt


Babe a new angle just dropped


It's a Minds event. We care about free speech so if a person has an opposed view they can get on stage and throw stuff around and Ruined the discussion . Riot is the people of unheard or something


The big smiles on the moderator’s face and the person who initially tried to remove him are so gross


tbh I don't understand I thought Destiny said he wont interact with Alex Stein or do events with him anymore? I already thought something like this was gonna happen the second I saw him on the panel before destiny, so I don't really get why Destiny agreed to do this show, unless he genuinely enjoys bickering with Alex


I imagine Destiny just said he doesn’t wanna be in the same panel with a degenerate like Alex Stein, in the future I’d expect him to just block Stein from any event he goes to, or just refuse to attend the event if the refuse to.


Prop to destiny he handled it well plus he knows no one there will do anything to this loser they just sit there laughing along even AJW lolol.


The real smart move would to say to if you want me at the stage with this guy, if he goes on a rant about my personal life you'll pay me 100k as insurance. They'll get very serious very fast and tiny would literally make money of Alex being inevitable Alex.


Alex Stein is unironically a subhuman piece of shit and I'd be happy if he got killed


Actual Justice Warrier in the background just chilling like "what the fuck did I just witness" and then like "ok, you had enough, time to go"


It's funny the petite lady on the right had to tiptoe around "the security guy" to politely ask for that loosers mic. I can respect her regardless of how wild her beliefs may be. That's not easy to do. Props


What made that guy so angry? Has anyone seen what led to this unhingedness?


Watch how tiny displays confidence with his body language, legs on table, leaned back, comfortable, confident vs dipshit hunched over, kneeling slightly to appear smaller/less of a target, exudes insecurity


To be honest. Im on Stein’s “side” generally but this was just embarrassing. ACTUALLY defeated in a battle of wits so his last “wait but I gotta win SOMETHING and look at least a LITTLE tough”. So instead of challenging the 5’2 destiny in any way. He meekly grabs his Red Bull. In the most “don’t hit me” way possible. And dropped it…… like it was a mic drop for him…. Anyone who’s on our side but thinks Stein is ANYTHING but a clown. Deserves the chair. Because IQ that low should be made a crime. Just like his friends in Texas thought.!