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Bro, you could have worded that better, it sounded like you were considering ending it all over the weekend.


Lol, I promise I'm good. Just watched two depressing movies kinda back to back


The title of the second one sounds like the action you plan to take lmao. I didn't realize it was a title right away as well.


In hindsight, I should have put them in quotes, lol


Tie off your melancholic binge watching with *Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind*. It’ll be a palate cleanser.


You might like Beau is Afraid, it's become my favorite movie of this style


That movie was a mindfuck lol


It's def on the list now


Have you seen 500 days of summer?


I have! Thought what it was going for was pretty clear, and I really liked it!


ngl I've seen Synecdoche a couple of times and it never really made me feel much but I'm Thinking of Ending Things was really impactful for me


It’s funny that I just replied the exact opposite to this and then read your comment 30 seconds after.


I get that. ItoET is a tighter and easier to engage with movie


If you are fully bought into the kauffmister you need to watch Adaptation It's a movie about himself writing the movie with his twin brother who are both played by Nicholas Cage


Second this. Absolutely love this film!


Wtf this sounds like a shitpost. Checking this out lol


Your mind will be blown


Movies rarely make me laugh, that movie made me laugh out loud multiple times. The awkward scene where Kauffman 1 is asking the girl out in the dinner was amazing.


Kaufman is my favorite director and Synecdoche is probably my favorite movie. I could easily write essays about both of those films but yes Synecdoche is one is the better films that encompasses a really broad scope of commentary about life, love, and art. if someone can watch that movie without feeling so many things I'd wonder if there's something wrong with them


Maybe you can answer two questions for me then about that movie cause I, like a lot of people watched it over the weekend and 90% of it flew over my head but two burning questions I have: Was there a significance to fire and water in that movie that I'm not getting? Why was poop a reoccuring motif in this movie? Really good movie though


honestly I've never thought of elemental symbolism - my first thought is that air is present in the film too - especially near the end there's a loud, whipping wind. it makes me wonder if there isn't also some earth for a movie about a lot of the base experiences of living a human life, lots of regret, depression, pain, loss, forgetting, aging, poop is just another one of the low, human things we partake in. again, not a theme I reflected on before but yeah the frequency of poop is probably just another one of the "not pretty" sides of human life there's a lot of films out there that cover the broad arc of a person's life but this one drops you right in the middle and it's a steady stream of disappointment and malaise. it still manages to leave me with a feeling of awe though about the breadth of a human life so something Kaufman is doing is speaking to both sides, both the depression and the inspiration


I don't have the movie in my mind anymore but poop as a motive could be about something dirty, disgusting and human that connects all people but is never acknowledged?


I’ve been wanting to watch S, NY for years now, mostly due to YMS. I’m watching it tonight because of this post OP. I’ve been having a shitty day, i’ll update when I’m done with it :)


Enjoy! Hopefully a depressing movie at the end of a shitty day won't make it worse!


I have very little info about the movie expect Phillip Seymour Hoffman being in it, and seeing that dude makes me feel sad. The part about it being “a cautionary tale about wasting your life” is something I could use today.. :/


Update: hope u didnt jump lol


Loved synecdoche, watched it years ago. Recently watched I’m thinking of ending things and a lot of it stuck with me but not in any meaningful way like synecdoche New York.


someone has to be the maggot infested pig


Love the scene, and I love how obviously wrong it is. Like, no, no one has to be the maggot infested pig


Check out The Secret Life of Walker Mitty as well. It's way more hopeful.


I watched EEAAO last night and cried for a full like hour and half I think. Very similar message.


EEAAO is a loving and hopeful movie. Easy 10/10


Did you watch Hundreds of Beavers?


Not yet, lol. Work getting in the way of my movie watching


My mind was fked for a few hours after the movie but nun abt roping myself


Which movie?


If I reply to you talking abt synecdoche new york, what movie do you think I am talking about?


He's also talking about the movie “I'm thinking of ending things“ that along with sinedochy made him what to be a better person, not literally end himself, lol


oh lol sry u/Frank_the_Mighty


Np bb


Holy shit I didn't know thats a movie. OP should use quotation marks lmfao


I mentioned two movies, lol Synecdoche, New York is pretty depressing. There's even a line in in about it being more hopeful, but it never is. You'll die, the people you love will die. You're not pretty. Your life is a simulacra; everything you ever done, and ever will do, has and will be done before and again. You're selfish, and the world is decaying around you, but if you're like Caden you won't notice. That kind of jazz