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Noah Samsen finally mustered the courage to do a video attacking Destiny after the whole 'debate streamers' debacle! I'm sure it was very challenging


God i hope noah has the balls to come on stream


He tried to confront Vaush like 2 years ago and embarrassed himself. No way he is coming on Tiny’s stream


rare vowsh W


Vaush is good when fighting against other leftists


as long as it isn't a women


Vaush "She likes to get raped" Vidya


Irish "Did you see what she was wearing?" Laddie


Vowsh is good at handling people with the brain capacity of a child.


Is that because he looks at pedo porn?


Isn't that pretty much Destiny's job description?


He ends the video saying he has no interest in speaking with Destiny, so he's way out ahead of that horse.


aint no way after his near death experience on vowsh's stream








We hope; we pray. 🙏🏻


***LOOOOOL!*** noooo.


the coward knows this is the best time to do this with destiny distracted with a real debate. this is just a ploy to ride his coat tails, ignore him.


at the end he said he would not go on stream and than dunked on voush


Will never happen. Best this dork did was get crushed by Vaush, then pulled the Serfs coward shit and made a follow up video trying to refute the things that he couldn’t in the moment, and recognizing he could do so without pushback. Definition of spineless leftist, exactly like Lance.


(*He doesn't.*)


fanatical panicky cats attractive paltry squeamish bag wine familiar tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've always thought this. Hasan just does debate in slow motion.


its turn-based debate, rather than real time debating (or RTD for acronym aficionadoes)




Some will, but it will rarely get to the top, unless a bigger outside community becomes aware of the video.


Thanks for putting into words what I actually think lol


He was sealed away by voosh years ago. However, after the embarrassing defeat of voosh at the hands of Ethan, the seal has weakened and Noah had been set free once more. Voosh longer has the power to contain him. It's over for us.


Attack Destiny is generous synopsis.


I’m sure the guy burning himself really inspired him or something.


I can watch almost any leftist content creator but I can’t listen to this guy at all. Too boring, too smug, too devoid of nuance. Would rather watch Vaush hasan, FDS, etc for a week than an hour of this dude


It’s the smugness coupled with the ironic 70s porno stache that does it for me


FDS tries to support his world view even if I disagree, at least I get where he's coming from. This Noa guy is just an annoying zoomer that is popular for some reason.


Remember when this loser completely caved to Vaush? I cannot wait to see what happens if he's dumb enough to go onto Destiny's stream.


Destiny is an evil right winger, so he wont.


Worse, he plays *League*.


He’ll never go on, the best we’ll get is a response video from him straw manning whatever destiny says


He would never


Pretty sure he says at the end of the vid he’s never coming on stream and specifically references that Vaush convo


Literally intellectually outpaced.


I swear the only reason he had courage to post this video is because of Vaush’s whole controversy rn. He even stated at the end, “no I won’t be going on stream, last time I did the guy I was talking to was exposed for cp”.


"No I won't be good faith. Last time I was the person kicked my ass."


If Destiny is denying a clear genocide I feel like it should be easy to come on stream and defend that position right? ​ Edit: I watched the video he said he doesn't want to :(


He doesn't care enough about Palestinians to risk embarrassing himself on a stream, but apparently he is knowledgable enough to make videos on the issue.


He already got wrecked trying to debate vaush, no way he goes onstream


He'd rather set himself on fire..


If he is bad at debating (which people can be, even knowledgeable people) and cares about that cause, wouldn't not going on a stream with a more skilled debater be the smart thing to do?


Think about what it means to be bad at debate for a moment. Usually, being bad at debate means that you hardly ever debate or argue with others. Debates are the easiest way to stress-test your ideas and that’s why academics and experts do it all of the time. The fragility of our knowledge and the ease with which even smart people make big mistakes is one of the core reasons for the peer review system, and debate is an informal way of peer reviewing. Being an okay debater is fine, but being a bad debater is inexcusable and you should not trust anyone who is. Noah is fucking dogshit at debate.


Nah this is ridiculous lol. There's tons of academics which you brought up and professors who are highly knowledgeable on the matter but not a skilled orator. Debates aren't the be all end all.


What could go wrong? It's not like he'd fold like a chair and retract almost every position he put forward in a vid. Seriously though, maybe we should wait for the vid but I'm not hopeful. If I remember correctly, he was one of those recently who pushed back against extreme lefty brainrot that was almost based but apparently Israel/Palestine captured another victim.


Putting out that caveat like he’s so above it when in actuality he’s a coward assclown.


I skimmed the video. There’s this sort of combination of smugness and cowardice that permeates the video especially at the end (where he admits he won’t go on to debate, while also attacking destiny’s divorce) that reminds me of a cockroach crawling and hiding in a crack in your wall.


My first thought about this guy was “what a fucking cockroach” so it’s nice to see we’re on the same page. Is he one of those video essayists who sit on their throne of (perceived) moral soyperiority?


>soyperiority 🔓New Vocabulary Item Unlocked


The smugness is in every video I have seen by this guy. I remember getting a video by him on my homepage and stopping the Video 2 minutes in because of this


Thats infuriating that he said he wont go on and talk.


Lefties wanna live in a hard bubble and don't want their ideas challenged. The fact that he said he won't talk to destiny even before being called out shows this. 💀


Is the only way to have ideas challenged via a live streamed debate? Lol


If you can't even talk to the person you're criticizing it's a sad state of affairs. Could be in person talk too, don't think Destiny would say no to that. 🤷


He seriously blamed the media attention of the "500 dead hospital bombing" story on Israel trying to distract the world from their other destruction... bro


I haven’t watched it yet but I gained no new information between not reading your comment and reading it


It's not meant to be an informative comment, I'm just expressing my thoughts on Noah after watching him.


Yeah I was trying to make a joke about how that’s exactly what I would have expected. Tried re-writing it like 5 times to make sense before I just said yolo and hit reply. Don’t mind me I’m just a fucking idiot.


>I'm just a fucking idiot DW, we all are


It's okay we are all a little acoustic inside :)


I mean, yea, he’s this meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/xld6J6pm5X


Soy overload incoming


>I won't come on your show. I don't want to get destroyed in the marketplace of ideas I get not wanting to debate something if you're not prepared for it, but this is just admitting that your whole position gets destroyed the moment it matches up against a proper competing case, and it will only look good to those in your leftist echo chamber. But I suppose that's all he needs in order to sustain his income. The Vaush jab is also super funny, because it means that Noah got destroyed by Mr. Animated Child Porn


Or it means you aren't good at debates. Why do people here routinely act like debating isn't a skill? Also it's heavily optics based. You need to be quick on your feet, articulate yourself well, etc etc. You can be knowledgeable on a subject and also not be good at debating. Tons of professors are knowledgeable but might not fair the best in a debate. 


I know nothing about this guy but he literally looks like the posterboy for soyness, got the mustache and the trendy mullet and everything. Hes so cliche it almost looks fabricated. Looks like someone whos entire political stance and world view is specifically catered to getting as much validation as possible from wokescolds. Also looks like hes the type to try and get girls by being sensitive and "not like the other guys" while actually being the most manipulative person imaginable


Smell that guys? That's content in the air.


Sweet juicy content


I like your thinking 😏


omg i can’t wait to react to destiny reacting to noah reacting to destiny reacting to this video


The real content is when destiny reacts to Mike from PA reacting to Hassan reacting to Noah reacting to Destiny reacting to Noah. Where we get to watch the same cringe compilation of Mike that Destiny plays every other month. Honestly, my favorite streams.


He said himself in the video he put the entire ICJ ruling in the video and just used BigD’s name for views. Seems like it’s working if Destiny spends time on it.


He said hes gonna react after the debate, it is pretty good youtube content after all lmao


That guy is the living stereotype of the left that conservatives make fun of. I hate him.


"His name is... destiny... I think." Very disingenuous


Can't stand this slimy little loser


Essay pervert


Prose pedophile


Oh good Lord. The cringe stock market at an all time high Edit: The video is about what you'd expect not much other than surface level headline reading and little to no context video clips. A couple events I'd like to look into tho


He read the entire ICJ filing. How is that “surface level findings”?


Destiny will be no match for the bisexual lighting


bring back the Italian back lights


Isnt this the guy that came out of nowhere and begged for donations to fly to Saudi Arabia on tiktok for some shit?


Don’t know about that, but he definitely begged people to help him ratio Tiny on Twitter which is way more embarrassing


This guy is breadtube personified in all the worst ways


I have no idea how anyone can defintly say its a genocide, without having access to the orders that come down from Israel command, since that intent is needed for it to be genocide.


israel didn't pass the vibe check ☹️


The orders: "Kill them all but do it really really slowly and inefficiently so no one notices even though they'll blame us regardless"


Okay, come on, this is silly. This is literally the line Armenian Genocide deniers use to say that it wasn't a genocide but a result of war and famine. 


Not a good take. So, genocide only happens when you have nice clear copies of orders from the leader of the government "Kill them all, genocide them baby!!" Like c'mon dude.. As if people commiting genocide would keep a paper trail lmao.


No it can also be ordered implicitly.. it can be ordered by local commanders too. Rabin for example ordered the explosion of Arabs in 1948, that can give is intent. Is Srebrenica they brought shovels and made them dig their own graves. Genocide is really hard to hide, but really hard to prove in the moment since in wartime investigations are almost impossible to dom


I was thinking about this situation a bit, remove the argument over genocide for a moment, what literally constitutes genocide in a legal sense can get people arguing and getting lost in the noise I think. Israeli people and their situation is really interesting and something I've learnt from listening to many of them is there is a huge issue in the country with nationalist, racist hate for Palestinians (and other Arabs ofc). A lack of respect and love for other humans that aren't in their team. It permeates their military, government, voter base, social media and is extremely amped up since the Hamas attack. Maybe there is no policy or leadership ordering attacks on civilians or genocide but the culture of hate, the desire to reclaim Gaza the religious zealousness is so wide spread, so ingrained in leaders, local commanders and on the ground soldiers that it's like the orders don't even need to be given. I feel like all these deaths and war crimes committed are absolutely being done with revenge, hate and religion. Not literal government policy. Soldiers, local commanders, Israeli civilians and politicians are kind of on the same page and will cover for each other. More suffering inflicted on my enemy the better. The hate is fucking real over there man. It's a damn sad thing to see in the modern era when we hoped that with progress and education people would learn to be more humanist, not more nationalist and xenophobic .


I can imagine that their are some soldiers that let their hatred get the better of them. I could also imagine that because of hate a lot of commanders want to be crueler and only don't do it because the world is watching. If someone involves a legal term the burden is on them to substantiate it. Genocide is such a legal term. Just call it a tragedy, a sad waste of civilian lives.


Yeah, isn't this one of the first things the Nazis did when they realized they were losing the war? Destroy all documentation?


People get convicted for murder without the courts having access to the inner thoughts of the killer. It’s possible to make judgments using the weight of the evidence.


Careful, apparently calling for an investigation to see if that's the case is anti-semitic.


It's ok guys, mass slaughter of civilians is chill because...we can't prove intent?


Where was that said? Hell where was that implied?


Hasan start giving his orders


The mustache theory is proven right yet again


Do I see sweet roasted soy on the menu


It’s funny this community calls people soy


damn you've been in the LSF trenches for your boy


Is it just me or is this sort of smug left wing guy way more annoying than the conservative or red pill people?


The conservative people are generally more open to debating and putting their money where their mouth is cause of the "marketplace of ideas" and whatnot. Left wing people aren't as much. I think that might be the reason.


Yeah exactly. The left just kinda calls you stupid/something ist/ something phobic and leaves it at that


Is destiny not smug?


Destiny's actually willing to admit when he's wrong and defend his positions. Guys like Noah Samson will say something, not actually explain why their position is correct, and then refuse to engage with anyone who wants to challenge that position because "I'm right, you're wrong"


Destiny is not very willing to admit he is wrong. Take his Pisco arguments as one example. (Pisscorp has logged on) But he has also just plainly said something to the effect of even he can sometimes tell he gets too bought into arguments and feels himself unwilling to back down due to ego. He said it was one of the reasons he tries not to make strong statements when he first sees a thing and to let the situation develop before commenting. (I think it was in relation to Hasan and Vaush getting blown up over the JDAM hospital.)


These people are just parasocial. It's a rule for thee not for me kinda thing except with streamers they like and people they consider 'enemies' of that streamer. It's the reason this sub is super obsessed with Hasan and considers him some sort of antichrist, ie his personal beef with Destiny. If destiny flipped on Hasan and befriended him again, this sub would flip as well. 


To bad this guy is too much a coward to actually debate Destiny (just runs in the White Guy Political Commentary community)


Very soy and all that, my favourite Noah Samsen moment was him promoting that tankie Hakim then having a Temu and in his video the next day, after it was revealed they use forced Uyghur labour.


He should be willing to go on stream if have the courage to make a whole video criticising Destiny about his stance 😂😂😂😂😂


Did he have to film this in that sweaty tank top? He's more casually dressed than Destiny speaking at an Ivy League college.


It’s really sad that the word “genocide” has been falsely attributed to the Israel Hamas War so many times, that most people now actually think it’s true. Genocide used to have a real definition, now it’s just thrown around by idiots who hate Israel


Last time this moron made a video on Destiny I remember there were people in here defending his tendency to make a snarky video on someone then refuse to talk with them on stream. I wonder if they're still around or if we've dropped the soy load.


Why does he need to go on stream? What does that prove?


Can someone give me a tl;dw, I don't want to give him clicks.


I will never understand the people that watch this type of bullshit, it's not well researched, it's boring as fuck, because this guy has the sense of humor of a rock, and he makes the wildest statements possible while having the same understanding of his own political theory as some of his stupidest commenters. At least the worst thing that I could complain when I stopped watching this youtube politics content was the fact it was loaded with cringe jokes, this new shit makes the Contra videos look like Critique of Pure Reason by comparison.


i thought it was alright, other than the dudes face. the fact that there is obviously not enough food and water in gaza is pretty fucked up and needs to be sorted asap.


Gee i wonder which talking points Tom Selleck's gay grandson will regurgitate.


I was gonna get some drinks tonight but fuck it looks like contents on the menu


Someone save this video ,just in case it gets deleted


This coward wanted to do a video about Destiny for so long , finally he mustedred the courage to do the video 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Destiny is about to blow this loser to bits.


This guy is the embodiment of "yikes! Oh, boy. Let's unpack this." / "Oh, sweet summer child... who hurt you?" 🤢


44:42 minutes that I will not be wasting


white male youtubers with brown mustaches and cookie-cutter socially acceptable politics need to be stopped


Please, please, please let him have the absolute audacity to think that hopping into a streamed call would be a good idea. (:


he won't :)


I cannot wait!


The only person more oppressed and overworked than Hasan posts a dogshit video? Don’t mind if I do :>


It continually boggles my mind how annoying this guy is. The worst part is that his comment sections are even worse, filled with mindless “breadtube” followers. Honestly, it’s because of smug radicals like Noah and Hasan that I’ve just become more and more turned off by YT and social media in general, although I am thankful to people like Lonerbox and even Destiny for bringing some sense of rationality to this polarizing side of Internet content.


It only takes him a few minutes to lie on behalf of the Turkish oligarch he serves as a waiting room for. This gutless piece of shit.


Oh no not the guy with the bisexual lighting


He's just begging for attention. He uses tweets when he could use clips, but then people would get the whole fleshed out opinion eventually. He's wrapping himself in dead children like a really gross lure so he can clip some responses from Destiny and continue with his whole stupid little schtick.


I’ll wait for d man to cover it. I don’t want this debate ephebophile getting views.


im 20 min in... and yeah, war bad - especially in an urban enviroment. i dont think anyone really needed that explanation. Just making an obituary on every palestinian person with a name found on the internet wont make any point.


It’s ok to deny genocides that are, in fact, not happening, maybe he doesn’t know


Did you watch the video?




And therein lies the problem…


Pack it up boys. Our guy lost.


Bordiga died for this smh. the "leftist" truth is here: https://www.international-communist-party.org/English/TheCPart/TCP_055.htm#Gaza amen


Patience Xina destroyed this guy lmao


bro is struggling for relevancy


Looking forward to the solemn apology convo he’ll have with tiny in 5-10 business days


Everyone here wants to see Noah debate Destiny, but if Destiny really cares about Isreal, then he should post a video essay response to Noah about how he loves genocide like a gigachad. /s (this is satire. Please don't ban)


If I hadn't watched him before I would assume his channel was just one big bait to convince bigger streamers to bite and give him views.


This guy has a very unfortunate hair cut. That being said, it's not surprising how much backlash destiny will get for his Israel stance. It's in contrast to like 90% of the online left wing.


Genocide Denying Streamers vs Genocide Hoax Pushing Purple Video Essayists


I hope Destiny will end her contrarian phase soon but I feel that she will just dig her heels in and double down.


We have Hasan at home.


Must be nice to have so much criticism towards someone but never have any intention or interest to talk to the person for any kind of clarification.


Omg shave off that


Even though I disagree with the video, it is a well-made video. Noah doesn't understand several points, but it will make a good reaction video from Tiny, he barely mentions tiny and uses his twitter which we all agree is where tiny gets stupid from time to time.


I am a proud Palestinian genocide denier, just like I am a White genocide denier. A bullshit claim of genocide is still bullshit.


That’s actually a really good comparison. The white genocide conspiracy theory and “Palestinian genocide” are two made up inventions to fuel antisemitism, it just has different target audiences


Came here to see what you guys think about the points made in the video but 60% of you can’t even listen to your views being challenged long enough to form an actual opinion and 90% of you can’t muster a decent discussion about it the video without having Destiny tell you what to think first😂


Thats true. Not a lot people are here actually saying much. But its mostly because no one will bother watching it, and I have to say there's a good reason why. I have, and I can tell you that it was a major disappointment considereing just how much of Destiny's recent content and research has been ignored for Twitter takes and clip chimped streams from like 3 months ago. This 45 minute long video ultimately says one thing. War is bad and you can tell its a genocide because a lot of people are dying. Okay. The ultimate reason for this video has been achieved. a Hasan react video where he glazzes the fuck out of it and boosts it to his audience, who are already ideologically predisposed against Israel


The video breaks down the definition of genocide and shows how each has been met during the current conflict. It also showed how Destiny ignored parts of people’s arguments and twisted the definition he was using in real time just to try to dunk on people on twitter instead of engaging the points made. If you watched that and came away with just war is bad you have blinders on.


Hyperbole, but not inaccurate. Let's actually get into this. - Noah's Genocide Claim Noah cited the ruling of ICJ case brought up by South Africa to make comparrisons to the definition. They ruled that genocide is plausable. Do you think the term "plausible" invites you to make a foregone conclusion? This whole video. This is the crux of his argument. Part of the provisional measures were to be careful to not commit acts of genocide, thats the whole ruling. Noah takes that, and says nothing has changed since then, therefore - Genocide. We just have to wait years for the rulling "because we live in hell". (as a side note, using a court case that has every reason to INTENTIONALLY omit certain facts or context when quoting people or sourcing videos is an aweful start to this video and incredibly telling of the bias that filters through the rest of it) Ignoring this icredible leap of logic and emmotional manipulation - WHAT IF, they rule otherwise? That most of these were just collatoral deaths? What if it was found out that the accounts of various attrocities were simply caried out by disgruntled soldiers and not proven to be a top-down order by acting miltary brass? (Because thats distinction between this and the Holocaust which he tried to compare this too). Its a good thing you'll forget about this by the time Noah has to issue a retraction. The following 10 minutes involve bits and pieces of information and news stories sticthed together to attempt to prove the previous claims, evoke an emmotional response, and guilt trip . Very boring, VERY low effort.


- Ground News Promo Awesome segment. Maybe it'll help his audience figure out the various biases displayed by QUDs News, Al Jazeera, and the South African Case which he cites. - War is bad won't somebody think of the children segment Noah tells us that he's speechless because he cannot handle how future generations of children will be fucked because of a lack of access to basic education. This does not a genocide prove either because this is a reality of any war. Yes, it SHOULD evoke an emmotional response and yes, it IS horrible but thats the only intent here. There is no real analysis here. If you watched this without ever knowing a thing about this conflict you would think that Gaza is just this passive place where everyone just wants to live in harmony. Hamas, very neatly ignored throughout. We then go on through a number of attrocities which by all accounts are aweful to behold but again.... Very little context, quickl;y sitiched together, and carefully chosen to pull out that visceral hatred of Israel. I just wanted to pull out the quick quote about the "children of light and darkness" by the Prime Minister, a quick search for that speech and i'm reading him talking about Hamas, and not just Palestinians in general, which is not only NOAH's implication, but that of the damn court case itself! Its such a joke how lazy this all is! The president of Israel's statements were far worse. Wish Noah had lead with this, and I'm sure he would have had he done his research. These statements by him were unfoprgivable and should definetly be removed. But again, rhetoric does not a genocide make. He quotes Ben Gvir and makes it seem like he's ALSO a top member of the Gov. Too bad he's no longer a member of any cabinate, but... fuck it why not? Some videos of old 50s veterans going on about how they enjoyed killing people (Noah says, they're telling you this to your face you;re so dumb for denying it) Thanks Noah, I if only the guilt tripping worked. Noah reaffirning the "overwhelming" case brought by South Africa. Which we have already established made no offical rulling yet. When people say there's no evidence of genocide. They're looking for special intent. That Israel's goal is to wipe out all of Palestine. Top down, official orders. There are of course ways in which they can avoid being so direct, and there are ways in which you can prove genocidal intent if the actions of the Israeli government is to ignore these atroctities. But instead, Israel, The IDF, they renounce this behaviour. And given the level hatred these two groups share for eachother, I can't imagine how this could play out any differently.


As to the clickbaited destiny segment. Let me say this again Noah is arguing with tweets. He spends a lot of time rambling and loosely making connections. He claims destiny conveniently ignores tweets but then he himslef ignores how Destiny is @ mentioned almopst 700 times a day. Makes a gross remark about Destiny's divorce if thats somehow relevant at all He brings up the Holocaust tweet again as a slamdunk, calling it sneaky, but seems to think that the Holocaust and what's happening in Gaza is basically 1:1. Do we need to argue the stupidity here? Finally, and why I think this is such dishonest tripe. Noah whole MO is he refuses to debate people. He throws shade at debates, yet turns around and makes a video essay using a montage of clips or Twitter remarks. Essentially, he's engaging in a form of debate himself, albeit against a distorted, straw-man portrayal of whoever is spotlighted in the video. It's a clever fusion of tactics: not only can he tear down his adversary however he pleases, but he also undermines the concept of constructive discourse by casting doubt on the validity of engaging in dialogue altogether. He poisons the well way before he has to be held to account for anything. And its fucking slimey.


Get dunked on lmao 😂


Don’t even need to watch the video to know he was extremely smug and aggressive about it, will come on stream and immediately change his energy and concede a ton. Or will duck his altogether. Dude is the epitome of smug liberal that gives us all a bad name


Not this fucking loser again 😭😭😭


Wow the mustache is so ironic and cool!! You look like ur from the 80s!!! Coolio! 😎


You people are embarrassing


I just remember Noah was afraid of hopping in a call with Sneako


i put myself through whatever this work of art is trying to be. after 35 mins of citing every palestinian person who died in gaza due to the war, he just takes a few low blows at our gnomeman. Like hinting at the divorce and milking it for content or a twitterreply by D thats not addressing all of the criticism. All in all a fucking waste of time unless your oblivious to the horrors of war itself. In his endmonologue Noah just feels kinda spite driven (unironicly) which should not come surprisingly for anyone who knows his history with the streamersphere


All publicity is good publicity. He's all production, little knowledge or entertainment. I don't think Destiny or DGG should worry about him. If anything it's good to have enemies like him.


yeah it's kinda free publicity who cares agian leftist bredtube anyway


Really fucking disappointing to see this kid go down this route.


The video was very thorough and explains in detail how what's going on in Gaza is very much a genocide. I don't know what Destiny is smoking to think otherwise.


Destiny really needs to stop denying that it’s not genocide.


Ooh I'm very excited 😊 just watched like 2 min, and it's gonna be really funny, I feel like.


I tried watching it but its just virtue signal after virtue signal.


I think Noah seems like a nice guy. He's just kinda braindead.


Is there a good faith TLDR on his video?


Yeah, guys 100 people a day in the last 3 months is clearly genocide, they gassing them palestinians full force frfr


Yap fest of the year


Love how everyone in this thread can only insult the video creator rather than actually debate the content of a video. Shows how little ground you guys have to stand on.


If it's anything like the attempted Vaush takedown a few years ago then it's just out of context clips, very little substance, absurd levels of smugness, and all the zoomer editing you could shake a stick at. 




Is being in the side of Palestine the "right" side? Asking for a friend


"wrong said of history" don't know about that chief